The feeling that it’s black in the soul. Inner emptiness - what causes it? “Give me your hand! Here is the chest"

You can achieve heights in various areas of life: business, family, politics, etc. Only this does not make a person happier. Emptiness in the soul, melancholy, sadness, sadness are frequent “visitors” of the human heart. What is missing? What prevents you from living calmly and happily? The answer is banal - there is a lack of basic understanding of one’s existence and the definition of more significant goals.

Some lead a wild lifestyle, trying to “find happiness” at the bottom of a bottle or in countless “love” adventures. But are they happy? The emptiness in my soul is only growing.

Mental emptiness is often felt immediately after waking up. If there is a family that needs to be taken care of and supported, then at least something pushes a person forward, but what if not?! He can speak beautifully, talk about religion, but he is still visited by emptiness, especially when he is left alone with himself. Problems at work, illness or other troubles can break a person, destroy the shaky and again there is emptiness in the soul.

For almost all of us, the primary motivation for choosing a job is money. Although research scientists have not been able to find a relationship between income level and happiness. Between 1957 and 1990, the United States saw income levels double. But survey statistics revealed that the level of happiness remained unchanged, and the number of depressions increased tenfold. We all know how to survive, but not many of us know how to live.

For some time, people are driven by an incentive: I’ll buy a beautiful car, a house, I’ll have the opportunity to relax in the most beautiful corners of the world, and I’ll be happy! A person achieves what he wants, but still does not find happiness. He encounters emptiness again. A person gains greater well-being, but there is no emotional uplift. Someone finds more and more new hobbies, sits all day in front of the TV or plays computer games, thus hoping to escape from depressing thoughts. But it only gets harder. Others begin to think more about religion, but this only calms them down for a while.

Why is everything so complicated? There may be several reasons for this condition. One of them is the lack of priority. Everyone must have a goal. He who knows the “why” to live can withstand any “how”.

Development should occur every day: spiritual, physical, intellectual, and this is more significant than buying new clothes or a car. For example, a believer never has a feeling of emptiness and despair in his soul. At the moment of “spiritual drought” for him, every word is like abundant rain with a multi-colored rainbow. That is, a believer only becomes stronger, wiser, more flexible when faced with difficulties and troubles on the path of life. Generating negativity into positive emotions, he always retains joy and confidence in success in his heart. Almost no life incident can break him.

The ability to control your feelings, yourself, your impressions is the key to happiness.

Emptiness in the soul is a faithful companion of loneliness, which we all sometimes experience. People try in every possible way to avoid this feeling, to be afraid to be alone with themselves, with their thoughts, spiritual questions and tossing. We turn on the TV and radio, trying to distract ourselves and keep ourselves occupied with something, just so as not to hear what is happening inside us.

But is loneliness really that scary? And should it be avoided at all costs?

Loneliness is the best way to understand yourself.

Emptiness in the soul is a state when the soul rushes about in search of the truth about life. We begin to feel emptiness when we do not find answers to the main questions of the soul or when the known ones do not satisfy us.

A person is extremely weak and often follows the lead of people’s opinions and established stereotypes, thus living a life that is not his own, forgetting about the needs of his soul. Carnal pleasures and passions hide simple truths from us. Immersing ourselves in unnecessary fuss, we stop feeling real life. And left alone with ourselves, we willy-nilly think about it.

In moments of loneliness, emptiness and melancholy, it is important not to seek solace in entertainment, not to distract yourself with empty activities, but to try to answer the priority questions of the soul for yourself.

There may be a feeling of emptiness in every person's life. As a rule, this happens after some emotionally charged experiences, illnesses, or disappointments. This is a very difficult experience and it is very important not to get stuck in it, but to try to get rid of it as soon as possible. What causes it and how to get rid of it?

There is no emptiness

Emptiness is, strictly speaking, not a feeling. It is, rather, a reaction of the psyche to some unexpected event, usually painful, and in order to somehow survive it, adapt to an unexpected change, inhibition is activated as a defense mechanism. We can say that emptiness is essentially the absence of something that “rocks” our psyche. First of all, our feelings, emotions and desires.

Apparently, under the feeling of emptiness, manifestations are often perceived. Actually, as part of overcoming apathy, one should consider the feeling of emptiness.

In what cases does emptiness occur?

In general, there are several typical cases accompanied by a feeling of emptiness. Among them:


We have suffered humiliation. As a rule, public. For example, your boss publicly reprimanded you. Or maybe your performance was so unsuccessful that after that you want to hide in the deepest hole, just so as not to meet anyone’s eyes.

We give up

It happens that we are caught up in something, sometimes for a very long time, working, “burning”, trying to achieve a result. But there is still no result. And, at some point, we say to ourselves, “That’s it, this is the end, nothing worked out.” This is very offensive, this is irritation, this is disappointment, this causes enormous damage to self-esteem.

Fatigue and stress

We often work under stress and lack of rest. But our reserves are not endless. Sometimes the body takes a “vacation”, getting sick, and the psyche simply switches off, going into hibernation.


The death of family and friends is inevitable sooner or later, but this does not make it any easier to bear. Especially if it happens unexpectedly. And, if these were also dearly loved people who occupied a lot of space in our lives, then the experiences can captivate us so much that without repressing such emotions, we would literally begin to go crazy.



More often than not, our disappointment is associated with people close to us. For example, when you realize that in your successful marriage everything is not so good. Betrayal, coldness, indifference - all this can disrupt a smooth life. Especially if this relationship is very important to you.


Divorce is almost always a difficult ordeal for partners. Moreover, it does not arise out of nowhere, but after a whole series of not the most pleasant events. Before divorce, people often live with the feeling that the worst may not happen. Divorce puts an end to it and it becomes clear that from that moment everything changes.

Physiological reasons

There can be many of them - these are past illnesses, vitamin deficiencies, head injuries, and some mental illnesses.

Additional sensations

When we feel that our life is empty, we open ourselves up to other unpleasant feelings. Among them:

  • Loneliness
  • Lack of mood
  • Manifestation of old and new fears
  • Increased anxiety
  • Dissipation of attention
  • Feeling weak. Moreover, on a physical level - it seems to you, for example, that you can hardly raise your hand.

What will help?


If the emptiness is felt for too long - more than a couple of weeks, then it makes sense to consult a doctor. And this may not necessarily be a psychiatrist, since the reasons may be different, associated with diseases of different organs.

Have a good rest

Try to rest, and thoroughly. Perhaps you should take a few days off from work and devote yourself entirely to relaxation. Just don’t use your vacation to lie on the couch and immerse yourself in this very emptiness. Let your holiday be active.

Talk to people you trust

In such a situation, it is very important to talk to someone. With someone who will listen to you carefully. You may find it helpful to speak up. Say everything you feel, everything that worries you, talk about this very emptiness that is inside you, how you feel in it, what you can do in this situation.

New people

Many cases of emptiness are associated with a feeling of loneliness, with the fact that we have been abandoned and abandoned. To speed up your recovery from the crisis, new acquaintances and spending time with friends and acquaintances will help you. For example, when visiting a fitness center, you can get to know someone better. And we are not talking about a person of the opposite sex, just make new friends.

Stay Outwardly Focused


Emptiness, like a black hole, has the ability to suck in all the good things that we felt. Try to focus your attention not on your experiences, but on external phenomena. For example, on processes. On people passing by, on the way you make tea, even on cracks in the asphalt. Just don’t look at them with an empty gaze, but concentrate. This way you come out into reality from the world of your pain. And in the real world there is no room for emptiness.

Physical activity

Physical activity almost always helps fill the void. Emptiness implies not only psychological, but also hormonal changes. And physical activity contributes to the production of hormones that are “useful” in such a situation. And, it can be much more useful than drugs.

Remember resource events

Every person has had very pleasant events in their life that left good memories. Try to mentally relive this event over and over again. Relax and remember. Such an event can become the thread that will lead you out of the void and into the light.


If you have a hobby, then devote time to it. Doing your favorite activity is a great way to switch gears.

Read books and listen to music

According to research, listening to sad music, on the one hand, initially intensifies the experience, but at the same time allows you to experience it faster. In books, we can join the main character and walk with him along a path that will change our perception of the world.

Secondary Benefits

Sometimes we ourselves don’t want to come out of the void. Especially if it lasts a long time. It may then be appropriate to look for the secondary benefits we can gain from it. This includes avoiding making decisions and receiving additional attention and care and putting off something important.

I think many people in their lives are faced with a feeling of emptiness, inner emptiness. Some experience it often and are aware of it, for others it is not so obvious, perhaps they were not even aware of it in themselves, but, one way or another, everyone is familiar with this state.

Stay with yourself

This state frightens us, a person tries his best to avoid it, don't be in it. There are people who cannot be alone with themselves, It scares them, although they don’t even admit to themselves that they are afraid. Characteristic signs of fear of being alone with oneself are a person turning on music, TV, or just reading a book. But there is a small but, some do it at will, that is, they want to read, watch, listen. They easily remain alone with themselves if they wish, this is normal. But there is another option, when a person begins to feel restless, tossing, nervousness in silence.

How does a person feel when he is in a state of emptiness? The first and one of the most vivid feelings - this feeling of the meaninglessness of life, it seems to a person that everything that surrounds him is meaningless and brings nothing except disappointment; everything that man has created seems so small and insignificant. At this moment, all the goals that a person had lose their meaning. A person feels empty, useless, and unimportant in this world. Few people like this state and the mind begins to look for evidence that this is not so. A person has an internal conflict, he sees his uselessness and does not agree with it.

Man always strives to fill the void

Struggle, disagreement awakens in a person, and naturally, he begins to look for manifestations of his significance, fill this emptiness with external signs, or by cultivating internal spiritual qualities. Some start fill your world with things and with this they show their significance, value, others try to become spiritual or simply kind people - this is their value. They evaluate themselves this way, no matter whether this happens consciously or whether the person does not even realize that he sets his price himself, through the things that belong to him, the position he holds, or his internal qualities.

Why don’t we want to be what we are? At what point did the person himself, his soul, lose value? Perhaps because somewhere deep down we believe that we cannot lose ourselves, our soul. Our mind understands that the soul can be bright or defiled, but it will not go anywhere, it will still be with us. A person does not feel the fear of losing himself, I now do not mean losing myself in life, I am now talking about myself as an object that really exists in our world. After all Most human fears are related to losses, a person is afraid of death not because he may lose himself, he is afraid because he may lose his life. Or rather, it’s not even like that - we are afraid of losing what we have: a job, a position, a loved one, a car, health, the importance of our knowledge, experience, we can lose a lot of other things and we hide life behind the word.

Fear of loss

It turns out that we are afraid of everything, everything we can lose, and the more we have, the more terrible life becomes. But in life people forever everything is given only for a while. Fear, in turn, causes discontent, disagreement, and conflict. Now imagine how much everything surrounds us, what we can lose, everything, everything that surrounds us, to one degree or another we consider it belongs to us, even the air on the city street to some extent we consider it our property, don’t believe it ?

Don't believe that you consider the air yours? Imagine your indignation when they announce to you that some company has bought all the air on the planet and now everyone who breathes must pay half of their income for the use of air. Now such a turn of events seems absurd and impossible, but that is not the point, the point is the reaction that will occur in us when this fact appears.

The fact is that we are afraid of losing everything we have information about in our memory, all this causes conflicts and discontent in us, we are always filled with them almost every moment of our lives, but we have become accustomed to these states to such an extent that we simply do not notice many of them in ourselves. We are filled with these fears, discontents, and struggles. If a person is filled with these feelings, what can he sow into the world around him? Only what we are filled with, and given that almost every person spends most of his life in this state, it is not surprising that we live in all this every day.

It turns out to be a vicious circle - we ourselves generate fear, conflict, discontent, we sow it into the world, then we stumble upon the same thing, sowed by someone else, and this gives rise to a new conflict, discontent in us, and so on continuously in every event that occurs in life. Even if a person is aware of this situation and does not want to sow negativity into the world, he restrains himself, thereby also generating disagreement with what is. And disagreement with what already exists gives rise to violence - internal violence against oneself, and the result is the same thing, but under a different name.

A person who wants to become spiritually better, kinder, also gives rise to conflict and does the same thing as others, but under a different motto, but the actions themselves are also violence towards someone or oneself. This is how our world works, which people built for themselves and live in it. I have not yet met a single person who would be happy with everything and would rejoice at everything that surrounds him, accepting the world as it is and not trying to change anything in it.

If you are experiencing feeling of emptiness, then know that you are not alone in this.

Feeling empty Many people experience this, but most of them do not correctly understand the reason for this feeling. How do they explain this to themselves?

I feel empty because:

  • I don't get enough love and attention from my loved one
  • I have no one, I'm a lonely person
  • I'm bored because my the person I love is NOT trying to fill my life
  • My job doesn't satisfy me
  • I'm not a successful enough person
  • I don't have enough money
  • I have no one to play with on the weekend
  • I don't care about anything in life, life is boring
  • I don't get enough love, attention and approval from other people
  • I don't get enough sex

None of these statements indicate true the cause of the feeling of inner emptiness.

What do you usually do to fill your inner emptiness and fulfill your life? You may be trying to fill the void in the following ways:

  • Drink alcohol, smoke, take drugs, overeat or eat sweets
  • Watch TV, have sex, play computer games, work, go shopping, spend money, gamble, talk on the phone a lot, chat on the Internet
  • Manipulate other people in various ways: get angry, blame, tell stories, show concern for your own purposes.

There are many ways in which people try to fill their inner emptiness. The feeling of emptiness may subside, but only for a while. Soon, it comes back into your life and you look for new ways to fill your black hole.

The problem with all these methods is that with their help, people try to SUPPRESS feeling of emptiness, instead of influencing the true cause of this feeling.

The true cause of inner emptiness

The only thing that can fill the emptiness in your soul is love. The only thing that can cause you feeling of emptiness is the absence of love.

But it is not the lack of another person’s love for us that can make us feel empty, but the lack of love for ourselves. - this is what is the true reason for this feeling.

Feeling empty arises due to a lack of connection with your spiritual origin. You have closed yourself off from Divine love and, therefore, cannot love yourself through knowledge of the truth and self-care.

A small child experiences a feeling of emptiness if left unattended. Your inner child feels the same way if you don't give him love. You will experience a feeling of emptiness until you stop indulging in self-forgetfulness. Self-forgetfulness can be expressed in different ways. You may engage in self-flagellation, ignore your own feelings, find activities to drown out unpleasant feelings, shift responsibility for your feelings to other people, drink, smoke or take drugs. Thus, you yourself are the cause of your inner emptiness when you choose self-forgetfulness.

Your ego is filled with false beliefs about who you are. It may see you as inferior, unworthy, unattractive, weak, selfish, bad, wrong. Your ego is driven by deep shame that you are inherently inferior.

False beliefs can impact your entire life. If you believe that you are unattractive, you try to attract other people or try to shift your attention to feel good and fill the emptiness that is caused by self-neglect.

To fill your inner emptiness, learn to love yourself!

Who are you really? The truth lies in your higher self, in your spiritual beginning. If you are open to spiritual self-knowledge, to knowing what is positive for you and for other people, then you are open to Divine love, which comes into your heart and fills the inner emptiness.

This happens when you, instead of resisting unpleasant experiences and trying to avoid responsibility for yourself through dependent and controlling behavior, choose spiritual knowledge of what is positive for you and for other people.

Today, choose spiritual self-discovery and self-love (even if you don't believe that "there is something THERE that will answer you") and see what happens. You can feel love filling your heart!

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