Reasons why a girl's nipples hurt. Causes of nipple pain

The female body is a very complex and sensitive organism. Breasts are one of the most sensual organs in women, especially the nipples. Why do nipples hurt, causing a lot of discomfort and discomfort?

Physiological causes of pain

Often nipple pain occurs unexpectedly and also disappears suddenly. It happens:

  1. Before the upcoming menstruation - this is one of the common reasons. In women, 3-5 days before this, the amount of hormones in the blood increases. The mammary glands swell and pinch the nerve endings, the nipples become more sensitive and are painful to touch.
  2. During pregnancy, from the very first days, a woman’s body begins to prepare for motherhood and breastfeeding (lactation). There is an increase in hormonal levels and the milk ducts increase, but the nerve tissue grows less quickly, so they are tense. And this, in turn, leads to painful feelings in the nipples of pregnant women.
  3. When feeding, due to the increase in mammary glands in volume, pain symptoms appear in the nipples.

There are cases when the baby takes the breast incorrectly or the mother herself, by her position, created an uncomfortable position for the baby and thus he was unable to take it correctly. And also the mother tears the baby from the breast with a sharp movement. This can cause your nipples to crack, even before bleeding appears. The pain is severe and burning. It is recommended to use a cream or ointment to heal wounds.

And also at the time of feeding, the skin on the nipples is very thin and dry, and only 4-6 days after the birth of the child, it is naturally covered with lubricant, so at first, feeding causes discomfort. Also, when the nipples have an irregular shape, this also causes painful feelings when feeding.

It is especially worth noting that excess milk should be expressed, otherwise the ducts become blocked, which is accompanied by redness and pain.

Pathological causes or diseases

Nipples hurt not only due to changes in hormone levels during pregnancy and feeding a baby, there are other reasons.

One of them is a breast tumor, which occurs both benign and malignant, but it is not manifested by pain alone, but is accompanied by such symptoms as:

  • discharge;
  • the nipple changes shape, color and size;
  • armpits hurt;
  • It is worth noting that all this is felt in one chest.

Another reason is taking contraceptives. The use of these drugs can cause hormonal imbalance, and this provokes pain and special sensitivity of the nipples. The instructions often indicate this as a side effect, and if these sensations lead to discomfort, you need to change the drug.

In addition, the following diseases can lead to nipple pain:

  1. Mastitis is an infection in the breasts, usually through cracks in the nipples. Sometimes mastitis is caused by extreme cold.
  2. Mastopathy - occurs due to a failure in hormone levels, excess progesterone and lack of estrogen. The mammary glands (its tissue) grow and cysts form. Women over 30 years of age are especially susceptible.
  3. Mastalgia - can be after surgery, from depression and with low immunity.
  4. With improper functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, intercostal neuralgia and poor liver function.


Nervous shock and stress can also lead to nipple pain. Since mental arousal leads to an imbalance of hormones, and they, in turn, are associated with the sensitivity of the mammary glands. Chest pain is also possible when using depressants.

Other causes of pain

In addition to the reasons listed above, there are a number of others:

  1. A long absence of sex is a common cause of pain in the breasts and nipples. With a long absence of sex, we can say that the body seems to fall asleep and hormones weaken. And when sex occurs in such an organism, it is rebuilt. There is a more active production of hormones and this makes the nipples hurt.
  2. If you are bruised, that means there is physical damage to the chest. It is worth noting that this can be dangerous, so it is better to visit a specialist.
  3. If you wash your nipples with soap, it dries out the delicate skin of the nipples; washing with water is enough.
  4. Allergy - possibly to fabric or household chemicals. When wearing synthetic underwear, some women experience allergies, which results in pain. There is so-called contact dermatitis if you use cosmetics (gels, creams) for breast care that do not suit you.
  5. Bra - if it is incorrectly selected and its shape does not suit you.

How to get rid of or reduce pain

As you can see, not every pain should cause serious concern; if it is before the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, feeding, etc., then the pain will go away on its own. To reduce discomfort at these moments, you need to:

  • maintain personal hygiene, just do not use a lot of soap and gel when washing your breasts;
  • wear a bra of the correct shape and size, preferably made from natural materials and without rough seams, so as not to injure the nipples;
  • reduce unnecessary stimulation of the chest at these moments;
  • take proper care of your breasts: after feeding your baby, wash the mammary glands with warm water; if there are cracks or wounds, lubricate them immediately with a special ointment;
  • familiarize yourself with the information on how to properly put your baby to the breast, this will ease the pain at the first stage of feeding, and then it will go away altogether.

For serious reasons, the pain is sharp, more constant and severe, even in the shoulder blade and shoulder. In these cases, you should consult a doctor and get diagnosed. These are events such as:

  • communication with the patient;
  • examination of the mammary glands by palpation;
  • undergo a mammogram;
  • Ultrasound of the sore breast;
  • donate blood to determine hormonal levels.

How to treat

Depending on the cause of pain, they are treated with different remedies. The doctor can prescribe a course of treatment after examination.

For sore nipples, the following remedies are used:

  • Actovegin and Solcoseryl ointments;
  • oral antibiotics;
  • immunomodulator;
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs;
  • analgesics;
  • means for general strengthening.

Traditional methods

Castor oil is good for cracked nipples. It is necessary to wash, wipe and oil them. Leave for 25 minutes until it is absorbed. And if your nipples are bleeding, after applying the oil, apply compress paper on top and put on a bra, only made of natural material.

Another way to heal cracked nipples is to apply a solution of brilliant green to them, and Vaseline on top.

You can make homemade ointment:

  • vegetable oil - 200 ml and natural honeycomb wax - 20 g; bring to a boil over low heat, stirring;
  • add the yolk of 1 boiled egg in small pieces to the mixture and stir;
  • Pass the resulting mass through a strainer;
  • When using, bring to a warm state, apply to a napkin and apply to the nipples.

Another way is to combine grated apple, butter and carrot juice. Place the resulting mixture on a napkin and on the nipples, for 2 - 3 hours, can be done up to 3 times a day.

From all of the above, we can conclude that nipples hurt for various reasons. Therefore, at the first pain symptoms you should not be alarmed, but if they do not go away and get worse, you should see a doctor.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!


Nipple painsymptom which most often worries women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In these cases, the problem is not always associated with any diseases, and is easily solved.

In non-pregnant women, pain in the nipples often indicates some kind of pathology. Pain in the nipples also occurs in men - as a rule, this happens with endocrine disorders.

There are a large number of pathologies that can lead to such pain in women. This symptom can manifest itself in different ways and have certain characteristics in each individual case. The more detailed a woman talks about them at a doctor’s appointment, the more accurately the doctor will be able to identify the cause of the pain, establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment:
1. Pathological pain in the nipples can bother you before, during and after menstruation, or may not be associated with the menstrual cycle at all.
2. The nature of the pain can be sharp, stabbing, pulling, aching, etc.

Pain in the nipples may be the only symptom, or accompanied by discharge, hardening, etc.

Nipple pain during pregnancy

Pain in the nipples during pregnancy is often a normal phenomenon, which, as a rule, does not indicate any pathology. Usually, pain and other unpleasant sensations begin to bother you already when the first delay of menstruation has not yet occurred. This condition is called hypersensitivity of the nipples of pregnant women.

Why does it occur?

Almost immediately after fertilization occurs, hormonal changes begin in a woman’s body. A large amount of the hormone prolactin is released. It causes rapid growth of breast tissue, including the nipple. Its size increases, and milk ducts develop in it. Nerves “do not keep up” with other tissues in their growth. As a result, pain occurs in the nipples and breasts.

In the early stages of pregnancy, many women report pain, burning, itching, and other unpleasant sensations in the nipples. They are especially aggravated if you wear underwear that is not very comfortable, compresses or rubs the skin. When irritated by a bra, the nipples of pregnant women can become very hard and become even more sensitive (a condition commonly referred to as “stiff nipples”).

What to do?

Most often, nipple pain during pregnancy does not require any special help. Over time it goes away on its own. This will not create any problems for breastfeeding the baby in the future. A woman should wear high-quality, comfortable cotton underwear to avoid nipple irritation and increased pain. Of course, you need to carefully observe personal hygiene.

Nipple pain during breastfeeding

Common Causes

Pain in the nipples of the mammary glands during breastfeeding is a very common complaint made by young mothers. There are a fairly large number of causes for this symptom.

When a woman begins to breastfeed, the skin in the nipple area changes slightly: it becomes denser and rougher. This is necessary in order to protect it from constant mechanical stress. At the same time, milk constantly flowing from the nipple can soften the skin and cause irritation. This most often happens if a nursing mother constantly wears a bra or wet breast pads. As a result, nipple pain may occur during feeding.

In some women, the nipple is anatomically not quite the correct shape. The most common situation is the so-called inverted nipple. In this case, the baby cannot latch onto the breast correctly for a long time, does not eat enough during feeding, and the woman experiences pain in the nipple of the mammary gland. The only way out of this situation is for a woman to use special nipple covers during breastfeeding.

During pregnancy, and then during breastfeeding, women are instructed to carefully maintain personal hygiene. But if you wash your nipples with hot water and soap too often, it can cause them to become excessively dry. As a result, during each feeding the woman will experience pain in her nipples.

In general, during breastfeeding, any mechanical irritation and damage to the nipple can lead to pain while feeding the baby. For example, pain in the nipple during feeding can occur when scratching or using a towel that is too hard.

Pain in the nipple during feeding can manifest itself as any injury or surgery on a woman’s breast that occurred in the past, even when she was still a little girl.

If a woman produces a very large amount of milk, then, accumulating in the breasts, it can lead to pain. They can occur during feedings, or in the interval between them. This condition is called lactostasis.

Another factor that can lead to nipple pain during feeding, but which women do not always pay attention to, is the use of uncomfortable breast pumps that do not fit well to the breast.

Incorrect attachment of the baby to the breast

If the baby is not attached to the breast quite correctly, then feeding may be accompanied by pain and other unpleasant sensations in the woman’s chest:
1. When a baby takes the breast, his lips should cover the nipple itself and the areola (the small pigmented area of ​​skin around the nipple). If the baby occupies a smaller area with his mouth, this can cause pain to the woman. It is also incorrect to grasp the nipple when the child draws his lips inward.
2. Poor support for the baby's head during feeding. The correct position involves its position on the mother's elbow. Some mothers support their baby's head in their palm - this is not entirely correct.
3. Sometimes women make a “dimple” on their chest so that the baby’s nose is comfortable during feeding. Because of this “dimple,” the nipple moves to the side. The child does not grasp it quite correctly. As a result, a woman may experience nipple pain during feeding. It would seem a trivial reason, but often it is the source of all problems.
4. While feeding the baby, a woman should support her breasts from below, especially if the latter is large. This can be done with the palm of your hand, or use a special nursing bra. If there is no such support, then the breast puts pressure on the baby’s jaws, he squeezes the nipple more strongly and causes pain to the mother.

Pain in the nipples of the mammary glands during feeding can occur due to the baby’s improper grasping of them as a result of a malocclusion. The most common reason for this is the use of pacifiers, especially if they do not have a completely physiological shape.

Pain in the nipples during feeding due to blockage of the external opening of the mammary duct

Sometimes, after pain appears during feeding, a woman may notice a small formation on the nipple that resembles a pimple. Most likely, in this case we are talking about blockage of the external opening of the mammary duct. This condition is known as milk blister. It can occur for two reasons:
1. Incorrect attachment of the baby to the breast. Most often, the baby simply grasps the nipple incorrectly, and therefore injures it. To cope with this situation, it is enough to simply master the technique of correctly attaching a child to the breast.
2. Clogging of the ducts with “hind” milk from the mammary glands, which is fattier and thicker.

Some women, starting to experience pain in their nipples during feeding, and discovering milk bubbles, mistake them for pimples and squeeze them out. This should not be done under unsterile conditions. It is best to have the milk vesicle pierced by a doctor - this will reduce the risk of infection and the development of an inflammatory process. In principle, this can be done independently at home with a regular syringe needle, if you comply with the following requirements:
1. Before puncture, the area where the milk sac is located must be thoroughly disinfected (for example, using medical alcohol).
2. Hands must be washed thoroughly and also treated with alcohol.
3. After the puncture, the intervention site should be treated with iodine or brilliant green solution.

Cracked nipples

Cracked nipples are a fairly common condition in breastfeeding women. They are defects of the nipple itself and the areola - the pigmented area of ​​skin surrounding it.

Most often, cracked nipples are a consequence of the baby’s improper attachment to the breast, when he injures him with his jaws.

This causes severe pain in the nipples during feeding. Often it is so intense that it forces a woman to give up breastfeeding. Other signs of cracked nipples:

  • If the capillaries located under the skin of the nipple are damaged, the defect bleeds.
  • Sometimes an inflammatory process can develop in cracked nipples: swelling, redness, and increased pain are noted.
  • If an infection penetrates into the crack, this can cause purulent inflammation of the mammary gland - mastitis.
The cause of pain in the nipples due to cracks is very easy to determine - by examination. Treatment consists of properly attaching the baby to the breast, lubricating the nipples with milk, sea buckthorn oil, an oil solution of vitamin E, panthenol, and other creams and ointments.

To prevent pain in the nipples caused by cracks, special pads are used, which are sold in pharmacies.

Wrong selection of underwear

Pain in the nipples can bother a woman if she wears low-quality or incorrectly selected underwear. It can put pressure on the breasts, and the stitches can rub the nipples.

Increased nipple sensitivity

Increased sensitivity of the nipples is a condition that should be attributed not to diseases, but to the individual characteristics of the female body. The skin of the nipples of such women is very rich in nerve endings, so they react painfully to any, even minor, mechanical irritations. For example, this could be wearing underwear that is not very comfortable, using a towel that is too hard, or rubbing your nipples too intensely while washing in the bath or shower.

You can prevent pain in the nipples due to their increased sensitivity by using comfortable and precisely sized underwear made from high-quality materials. The doctor may also recommend using special creams.

Pain in the nipples of the mammary glands can be provoked by the following irritants:

  • Chemicals and dyes for fabrics. Therefore, before putting on new underwear, it is advisable to wash it thoroughly.
  • Chemical detergents, washing powders, bleaches, conditioners (after washing, clothes must be rinsed well.
  • Soaps, gels, body lotions and other personal hygiene products.
  • Cosmetics elements: powders, deodorants, etc.
  • Creams and ointments that are used to treat various diseases of the nipples; they, in turn, can act as irritants.

Nipple pain before menstruation


Some women experience chest pain before menstruation for no apparent reason. Sometimes this symptom is considered a manifestation of PMS.

Pain in the nipples before menstruation during PMS occurs as a result of hormonal changes occurring in the female body. An increase in the level of hormones in the blood leads to the fact that the milk ducts and sinuses in the mammary gland grow and increase in size. In addition, there is a slight swelling of the nipple due to increased blood flow.

Fibrocystic mastopathy

Often, pain in the nipples before menstruation accompanies fibrocystic mastopathy. This is a disease in which there is a pathological proliferation of connective tissue in the mammary gland.

With fibrocystic mastopathy, pain occurs in the nipples and mammary glands before menstruation, as well as other symptoms:
1. The presence of lumps in the breast, the number and size of which can vary greatly.
2. Discharge from the nipples, most often transparent.

It is very characteristic of mastopathy that all the symptoms appear immediately before menstruation, and with their arrival they decrease or disappear completely. However, over time, the pathology progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced and lasting.

Pain in the nipples before menstruation with mastopathy can vary in intensity and nature. At first they are not very pronounced and quickly pass, reminiscent of the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome. In the future, each time they become more and more intensified, they bother not only before menstruation, but also during them.

In order to understand in time that pain in the nipples is caused precisely by mastopathy, every woman should be able to independently examine her mammary glands. This is done very simply. First, an examination is performed in the mirror, and you need to pay attention to the symmetry of the mammary glands, their location, and the presence of deformations. This is followed by palpation in a standing and lying position. The breast is felt by moving from the armpit to the nipple.

The final diagnosis is established after ultrasound and mammography (X-ray examination of the mammary glands). Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy involves the use of hormonal and non-hormonal medications and surgery.

If the first and third treatment options are more likely to be radical methods, then treatment with non-hormonal drugs is characterized by a much lower risk of side effects. At the same time, registered drugs have proven effectiveness.

Nipple pain after menstruation

Sometimes pain in the nipples of women occurs after menstruation. The main causes of this symptom are:
1. Hormonal disorders in the body. At the same time, an increased amount of female sex hormones is produced. During menstruation, this process intensifies, resulting in pain in the nipples of the breast after menstruation.
2. Rare sexual intercourse. At the same time, a large amount of sex hormones accumulates in a woman’s body. Often such manifestations cause big problems for women with low sexual activity.
3. In addition, pain in the nipples after menstruation can be a symptom of fibrocystic mastopathy. Typically, pain initially occurs before menstruation, then continues during and after it.

Young nulliparous girls who are bothered by chest pain after menstruation should pay especially close attention to their health. If this symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Pain in the nipple combined with redness and other signs of the inflammatory process are characteristic signs of mastitis, an infectious and inflammatory disease of the mammary gland. In this case, we are talking about a form of pathology when the inflammatory focus is located in the nipple area, and most often is a consequence of the penetration of infection through its crack. The second common cause of pathology is lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the breast and its infection).

Symptoms of mastitis are characteristic of an inflammatory disease:
1. Acute sharp pain and redness of the nipple.
2. Increased body temperature, general malaise.
3. Swelling of the mammary gland in the nipple area, deformation. Standing in front of the mirror, a woman notices the asymmetry of the right and left mammary glands.
4. Significant increase in pain when pressing on the nipple.

Subsequently, the mammary gland swells even more and increases in size. The skin in the nipple area becomes tense and hot to the touch. The pain intensifies, becomes even sharper, touches are very painful. In the future, if there is no treatment, an abscess (ulcer) may form in the nipple area. With an abscess, pain persists, but the mammary gland becomes softer, and pus may be released from the nipple.

Suspicion of psoriasis should arise if red spots of irregular shape are found at the site of pain.

A dermatologist diagnoses and treats psoriasis. Therapy is selected for each patient individually.


Eczema is a non-infectious skin disease that can affect the nipple area and manifest itself in the form of pain, itching, burning, redness, blisters, weeping, and crusts.
With eczema, pain in the nipples is more like itching or burning. The disease can occur in acute, subacute or chronic form.

If pain or rashes appear in the nipple area, a woman should consult a dermatologist. The diagnosis is easily established after an external examination. Treatment for each woman is selected individually.


Candidiasis is a fungal disease that is caused by fungi of the genus Candida and can affect the skin and mucous membranes. Sometimes the pathological process is localized in the nipple area. In this case, the woman has been bothered by pain in the nipple area for a long time. Other symptoms in the nipple area that occur with breast candidiasis:
  • swelling and inflammation are observed for a long time;
  • cracks;
  • small bubbles.
If a woman develops candidiasis of the nipples while breastfeeding, the baby may eventually develop stomatitis.

With candidiasis of the nipples, signs of candidiasis of the mucous membranes are observed: vagina, digestive tract.

The cause of pain in the nipples due to candidiasis is determined by a dermatologist. Antifungal treatment is prescribed.


Herpes is a viral disease that can affect the skin in different areas of the body. Sometimes the lesions may be located in the nipple area. In this case, itchy pain and other symptoms are noted:
1. Redness of the skin in the nipple area and the appearance of small bubbles on it, inside of which there is a clear liquid.
2. Subsequently, the bubbles burst with the formation of a crust.
3. Then the crusts fall off, and pink spots remain in their place.

Itching and pain in the nipples during herpes virus infection can have varying strength and intensity, depending on what type of virus causes the disease.

If acute pain in the nipples and symptoms resembling a herpes virus infection occur, a woman should consult a gynecologist or dermatologist as soon as possible. The herpes virus poses a particular danger to a child in a pregnant woman.

Treatment consists of prescribing antiviral agents for external use (creams, ointments, solutions).


Impetigo is an inflammatory skin disease in which a large number of pustules form. At their location there is pain, itching, and redness.

The development of nipple impetigo is caused by the penetration of pathogens into the skin during minor injuries. For example, this is facilitated by cracked nipples, rubbing them with uncomfortable underwear, etc. Streptococci and staphylococci are most often the causative agents.

Acute pain in the nipple area with impetigo is combined with the following symptoms:

  • formation of pustules on the skin that have a characteristic appearance;
  • redness, swelling of the skin in the affected area;
  • after the pustules open, they turn into crusts;
  • after the crusts fall off, small ulcers remain in their place;
  • The general condition of the woman may also be disturbed: body temperature rises, general malaise is noted, etc.
The diagnosis of impetigo is easily established during direct examination. Treatment involves the prescription of antibacterial drugs.

Stitching pain in the nipple due to nerve damage

The skin of the nipple area is very rich in nerve endings and is highly sensitive. Nerve damage may be accompanied by stabbing pain in the nipple. Such an injury can occur at the moment of impact, or as a complication during breast surgery. It is characteristic that in this case pain occurs only in the right or left nipple - that is, in the one that was injured.

Stitching pain in the nipple of nervous origin can bother a woman for a short time, and then disappear without a trace. Sometimes, on the contrary, it is very long-lasting and requires long and persistent treatment.

Pain of muscular origin

Sometimes pain in the nipple can be associated with muscle pathologies:
1. Constant excessive tension of the chest muscles as a result of poor posture, prolonged uncomfortable posture at work, wearing an uncomfortable bra;
2. Fibromyalgia is a disease whose characteristic symptom is muscle pain.

In these conditions, pain does not occur in the nipple itself, but is only reflected into it.

Paget's disease

Paget's disease is a special type of breast cancer that mainly affects women over 50 years of age, but can also develop at an earlier age. Pain in the nipples is quite typical for her.

Paget's disease is insidious in that often its symptoms in the early stages are not very pronounced and resemble eczema. Swelling, redness, peeling, and itching may appear in the nipple area. These signs are so weakly expressed that a woman often does not even attach importance to them. Then comes an imaginary improvement. Subsequently, more unpleasant symptoms appear - such as severe itching, burning, tingling, and pain in the nipples. Droplets of blood are released from them.

It is impossible to diagnose Paget's cancer with an external examination alone. If the doctor has such a suspicion, he prescribes a biopsy - an examination of an area of ​​nipple skin under a microscope.

Nipple pain in men

Pain in the nipples can bother not only women, but also men. There are a large number of pathological conditions that can manifest as nipple pain in men:
1. Maturation of the body during adolescence. There is pain in the nipples when touched. This condition is temporary. It is associated with hormonal changes.
2. Nipple injuries. These could be bruises, cuts, etc.
3. Penetration of infection. In this case, the man develops purulent inflammation in the nipple area, which strongly resembles mastitis.
4. Gynecomastia is an endocrine disease in which a man’s breasts enlarge and become similar to a woman’s. This causes pain in the nipples. There are true gynecomastia, caused by the appearance of full-fledged mammary glands, and false, in which adipose tissue simply grows. Pain can be experienced in both cases. An endocrinologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of gynecomastia.
5. Diabetes . This disease is manifested not only by an increase in blood sugar levels. Significant endocrine changes occur in the diabetic body.
6. Pathologies of the testicles, adrenal glands, pituitary gland. These glands are responsible for the normal production of male sex hormones. If their work is disrupted, then estrogens begin to predominate in the body.
7. The phenomenon of rollback during a course of taking anabolic steroids - more precisely, immediately after its completion. The fact is that many steroids, being analogues of testosterone, can undergo aromatization in the blood and be converted into female sex hormones - estrogens. In addition, they suppress the production of their own testosterone. After completing the course, many athletes and bodybuilders experience gynecomastia, nipple pain, and testicles decrease in size.
8. Breast cancer in men. Quite a rare condition. In this case, the man experiences pain in the nipples for a long time, as well as discharge from them. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Painful sensations in the area of ​​the mammary glands and nipple areolas can be evidence of both natural physiological processes in a woman’s body and pathological changes.

Physiological causes of pain in the chest and nipples

Before menstruation

The most common cause of nipple pain is impending menstruation. During this period - from the middle of the cycle or a few days before menstruation - the level of hormones such as progesterone and prolactin increases in women's blood.

An increase in their concentration causes fluid retention in tissues and organs - edema, including in the mammary gland. The ducts of the mammary glands swell and compress the nerve endings, as a result, the nipples become overly sensitive: any touch to them causes discomfort and even pain.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy can also cause pain in the nipples. Starting from its first weeks, the female breast undergoes active structural changes, preparing for future lactation.

The level of hormones again increases and the milk ducts very quickly gain volume. Meanwhile, the nerve fibers do not grow so rapidly; as a result, they are in a state of tension for a long time - this is why the nipples and breasts in general hurt in women at the beginning of pregnancy.

During breastfeeding

Chest pain can also occur while feeding the baby. There are several reasons for this:

  1. First of all, this happens due to the fact that the breasts “fill up”, and from a significant increase in volume, pain appears in the chest area in general, and the nipples in particular.
  2. Nipples may hurt due to the baby’s improper latching on the breast: either the mother is not applying the baby to the breast correctly, or the breast is swollen and the nipples are so rough that the baby cannot latch onto it correctly. A baby may latch on to the breast incorrectly if the mother has taken a position that is uncomfortable for him or has positioned the baby awkwardly. Due to incorrect grip, the nipples become injured and cracked, and this can cause more serious breast diseases.
  3. Pain in the nipples can occur if a nursing mother takes the breast from the baby too abruptly at the end of feeding.
  4. The skin on the nipples is thin and dry. A few days after birth, it will become rougher and covered with grease, and in the first days, feeding a newborn can cause significant discomfort.

  1. Irregularly shaped nipples - inverted, long, with folds or growths. When feeding, they can get injured and get sick.
  2. Incipient mastitis or milk stagnation.

Pathological causes of pain in the nipple area

Painful sensations in the breasts, including nipples, can appear not only due to hormonal changes or with feeding a child, but also for a number of other reasons:

Breast tumor

Painful sensations in the chest area are often accompanied by neoplasms, both benign and malignant. However, in such cases, pain is not the only symptom.

Typically, the development of breast tumors is accompanied by:

  • discharge,
  • changes in color and shape, size of the nipple and areola,
  • pain in the armpit area,
  • as well as the fact that discomfort is usually observed in one breast.

In addition, self-examination of this breast may reveal nodular lumps. If you notice such symptoms, immediately go to see a doctor!

Taking OCs, the action of which is based on the work of hormones

The use of such drugs can cause hormonal imbalance in the body, which is manifested, among other things, by breast tenderness. Pain in the nipples is often indicated as a side effect of the contraceptive in the instructions for use.

However, if such sensations cause severe discomfort, it is better to change the remedy after consultation with a gynecologist.

Psychological background

In some cases, pain in the mammary glands is a consequence of emotional shock, stress, or a strong conflict experienced. The fact is that all these psychological phenomena have an impact on the fragile hormonal balance, with which breast sensitivity is closely related.

Malfunctions of the endocrine or central nervous systems

Nipple pain can also be a symptom of diseases such as intercostal neuralgia and adrenal dysfunction. In addition, it often accompanies reflex and segmental pain, disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and liver.

What to do for pain in the chest and nipples?

Not every time there is pain in the nipples you should sound the alarm. If you have established that painful sensations occur in accordance with certain phases of the menstrual cycle, there is nothing to worry about: with the arrival of your period, there will be no trace of pain when touching your breasts.

The norm is sore nipples in women during pregnancy, as well as at the beginning of the breastfeeding period.

How to reduce nipple soreness?

What to do to reduce discomfort during these periods:

  • practice good hygiene (but don’t overdo it: don’t use soap or gels every time you wash your breasts),
  • wear underwear of the right size, if possible made from natural fabrics and without seams that injure the nipple,
  • Avoid excessive breast stimulation and overstimulation.

If you are a nursing mother or will soon become one, take the time to study the information about how to properly attach your baby to the breast - it will noticeably reduce pain in the mammary gland during feeding. After some time, the pain will disappear completely and, in the future, the feeding period will proceed without problems.

When do you need to urgently visit a doctor?

If you are not pregnant or breastfeeding, your period is over, and you still feel that your nipples are sore, you should be wary and monitor the symptoms associated with pain.

An urgent visit to a mammologist is necessary if the following signs are detected:

  • bloody or purulent discharge from the nipple;
  • noticeable deformation of the mammary gland as a whole, as well as the nipple and areola, a sharp change in color;
  • the appearance on the chest, namely on the skin of the areola and nipple, cracks, ulcers, redness, swelling;
  • continuity of pain, its intensification.

Remember that pain is always a signal from the body. It is important to correctly recognize it and identify the cause of pain. Attention to yourself is the key to health.


This unpleasant phenomenon can occur not only in women, but also in men and children. The discomfort is mostly tolerable, but sometimes it becomes too strong. Why do nipples hurt, how to deal with it? First, it is necessary to establish the cause - to find out whether physiological changes in the body are taking place, or whether a disease is emerging. The favorable outcome depends on how quickly you pay attention to the problem and solve it.


A common cause for both sexes and all ages is hormonal changes. For girls, they are natural, since the level of female sex hormones changes every month. During pregnancy, a lot of transformations occur in the body, the mammary gland is one of the first to be modified. Sore nipples in men are often attributed to hormonal imbalances. In children, this phenomenon occurs less frequently, mainly in adolescence. Why do nipples hurt in different members of the population? The main reasons are described below.

In men

There are a number of diseases that cause pain in the nipple area:

  1. Gynecomastia. It is associated with a decrease in the production of male sex hormones and an increase in the amount of female hormones. The proportion is disrupted, which causes the breasts to enlarge and nipple soreness to occur. The pathology develops during the period of decline of sexual functions, with disturbances in the functioning of the liver, kidneys, testicles, and endocrine system. False gynecomastia is observed with excessive increase in body weight, when the breasts also grow in volume.
  2. Diabetes. This disease occurs due to disruptions in the hormonal system, which affects the condition of the entire body and the sensitivity of the nipples, including.
  3. Infectious inflammation. It has a similar nature to mastitis in women: the breasts harden, purulent discharge from the nipples appears, and acute pain occurs.
  4. Breast or nipple cancer. A very rare disease among the male population, more common after 60 years.

Among women

Why do nipples hurt in the fairer sex? The sensations are so strong that even touching the chest hurts. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Premenstrual syndrome. Before menstruation, a large percentage of women experience pain in their nipples and breasts. 2-3 days before menstruation, the mammary gland becomes more sensitive, and the nipples become swollen and rough. This is due to an increase in the concentration of prolactin and progesterone in the second half of the cycle. If fertilization does not occur, the hormonal levels stabilize and the breasts regain their previous shape.
  2. Pregnancy. Breast enlargement and the appearance of pain in it are one of the signs of an interesting situation. In this case, discomfort may occur in the nipples, but the restructuring often takes place without changes. If you feel nauseous, experience delay, constant drowsiness, fatigue, do not write off your pregnancy.
  3. Lactation. Incorrect attachment of the child to the mammary gland, cracks in the nipples, stagnation of milk - this causes very unpleasant sensations throughout the breast and nipples.
  4. Hormonal disbalance. It is associated with disorders of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, and nervous system. Any imbalance of active substances is indicated by various changes: the breasts become swollen and the nipples are painful. Often the cycle shifts.
  5. Incorrectly selected hormonal drugs. If, while taking contraceptives, you notice a number of the above-described signs, consult a gynecologist. He should prescribe funds only after reviewing your tests.
  6. Tight or narrow bra. This reason is trivial, but after eliminating it, you will forget about the discomfort.

In children

It is extremely rare for little boys and girls to develop such pathologies. If such a change is observed, it is likely that its cause lies in mechanical factors - bruises, cuts, impacts, rubbing of clothing. An allergic reaction, inflammation, dysfunction of the adrenal glands and pituitary gland should not be ruled out. In adolescence, nipple pain in boys and girls is a more common occurrence, as the body undergoes hormonal changes.

What to do

With your own efforts, you can eliminate mechanical factors that provoke pain, fight stress and bad habits, bring sports and more positive emotions into your life. If this does not give results, then you need to consult a specialist. Specific actions depend on the reason. In many cases, a number of examinations are required - tests, biopsy, ultrasound. Men are mainly prescribed hormonal therapy to balance the active substances.

When feeding

Burning nipples are a common problem during lactation. Young mothers need to choose comfortable seamless underwear, use soft pads, and regularly perform hygiene procedures without soap - it dries the skin. After feeding, the milk should dry on the nipples. They must be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil and do not use brilliant green or alcohol.

If your nipples hurt when feeding, it’s likely that your baby is only latching on to them and not the entire areola. Proper latching reduces pressure on the nipple. You need to gently spread the baby’s gums with your little finger, then he will release the breast without any problems.

Do everything you can to speed up the healing of your nipples. Keep your chest open for as long as possible. For deep damage, lubricate the skin with healing creams or ointments (Bepanten, Avent, Lanovit). If cracks appear on one breast, feed the baby with the other. At the same time, be sure to express the remaining milk so that there is no stagnation.

Before your period

In most cases, nipples hurt after ovulation. If the discomfort does not increase and goes away along with menstruation, do not worry. This phenomenon is physiological. However, sometimes pain indicates dysfunction of the ovaries, uterus, and thyroid gland. The following will help relieve discomfort:

  • warm shower;
  • proper nutrition;
  • lack of strong coffee, tea, alcohol in the diet;
  • avoidance of salty, spicy foods;
  • The doctor often prescribes magnesium supplements or advises eating foods rich in this mineral.

Do not rub your breasts and nipples with a hard washcloth, use a soft towel, and wear a comfortable bra. Eliminate every irritant that causes nipple pain. The breasts may still be mildly bothersome in the middle of the cycle, but this is also the norm. If the pain becomes stronger and is accompanied by other ailments, be sure to see a doctor. This in some cases indicates serious problems.

During pregnancy

This is a common occurrence in the early stages. During pregnancy, nipples hurt due to hormonal changes. They become larger and coarser, which is accompanied by increased blood flow and increased sensitivity. Under the influence of prolactin, the breasts grow rapidly and the number of ducts increases. When the breast tissue does not keep up with this process, cracks appear on the delicate skin, then a burning sensation, mucus is released, and crusts form. Over time, sensitivity decreases, and by mid-pregnancy pain in the nipples practically does not bother you.

When taking Duphaston (a progesterone drug), your breasts and nipples may become more sensitive. However, it cannot be abruptly canceled, since this often provokes a miscarriage. Air baths will ease the condition - you need to go topless. This way you will provide the skin with an additional flow of oxygen and strengthen the body (but everything should be in moderation). Do not take hot showers and maintain the room temperature at 18-20°C. Now start lubricating your nipples with sea buckthorn oil or lanolin-based cream.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you have nipple pain, you should make an appointment with a gynecologist. He will conduct a manual examination, collect anamnesis and refer you for tests. Next, the doctor may recommend contacting a mammologist who will do a mammogram to detect benign or malignant formations in the breast. In special cases, a biopsy is performed to make an accurate diagnosis. If a hormonal imbalance occurs, you need to go to an endocrinologist. The doctor examines the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and thyroid gland. Treatment is prescribed after a professional assessment of test results and diagnosis.


Severe discomfort in the chest and nipples never just happens. Behind any disturbing phenomenon lies a certain disorder, and the sooner you identify it, the more successful and faster the recovery process will be. Dr. M. M. Sperling clearly talks about the causes of chest pain and gives advice on how to eliminate them. However, you should not self-diagnose and take these medications without consulting your doctor.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The nipple is the most sensitive area of ​​the breast. If it starts to hurt, then you immediately feel severe discomfort and problems arise. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomy, the nipple in the female breast most often hurts. And there are reasons for this.

Why do my nipples become sore?

1. Sudden hormonal changes in the female body

Hormones cause an abundant rush of blood to the breasts, the nipples swell and hurt. This happens periodically during:



2. Mechanical injury

Damages the delicate skin on the nipples:

Tight underwear - often a beautiful bra turns out to be uncomfortable - it rubs, cuts; in such underwear the nipple hurts after just a few hours of wear;

Hard towel;

Unnoticeable blow;

Pressing the chest, for example, in public transport - the pain is felt the next day or every other day and gradually “increases”.

3. Diseases:

Psoriasis - scaly patches that cause itching and pain;

Fungus - without treatment the situation rapidly worsens, it is better to consult a doctor immediately;

Allergies are her favorite places;



Mastitis - the nipple and the entire breast hurt;

4. Poor hygiene:


Hard, chlorinated water;

Unsuitable soap - it is better to use children's soap, without irritating additives.

5. Other reasons:

Hardening of the skin;

Hypothermia (chapping);


Bad weather;

Sleeping on your stomach.

What to do?

It is a well-known fact that it is better to prevent the onset of pain than to eliminate it. Preventive measures to prevent discomfort are:

1. Proper care during breastfeeding

Often during breastfeeding, the left nipple (or only the right) hurts. In this case, try changing the position of the baby so that the breast has time to recover before the next feeding. You only need to wash your breasts with warm water, use sea buckthorn oil and cosmetic Vaseline for lubrication. Avoid products that dry out the skin (alcohol, brilliant green). Teach your baby to suck the breast together with the areola to reduce the strain on the nipples.

2. Timely consultation with a doctor

If your nipple constantly hurts, aches as a result of hormonal changes, or any visible changes appear on the skin, then you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. The sooner treatment is prescribed, the faster the pain will go away. Delaying treatment leads to unpleasant complications - mastopathy, cysts, blocked ducts and other breast diseases. Here, the help of a surgeon can no longer be avoided.

3. Healthy behavior

Nerves are the cause of all diseases. You need to lead a healthy lifestyle: don’t get too cold, dress appropriately for the weather, eat right, follow a daily routine. Such behavior is not always possible in the modern bustle. Try your best to ensure that the question of why your nipple hurts never arises.


The female nipple is a delicate area of ​​the breast that needs to be protected, cared for, and taken care of. In a word - just love. Love yourself and your body, take care of your nerves, and if necessary, do not be afraid to consult a doctor so that pain never creeps up unexpectedly.

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