Characteristics of attention disorders in children with ADHD. Practical recommendations for parents of children with child attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Regional psychological-medical-pedagogical service

with attention deficit disorder (hyperactivity disorder)

(for parents, educators)

Children with attention deficit disorder


Dear parents! If you have a child with attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity disorder, it is impossible not to notice, since such children stand out sharply from their peers with their behavior. One of the specific features of such children is excessive activity, excessive mobility, fussiness, and the inability to concentrate on anything for a long time.

Behavioral disorders associated with hyperactivity and lack of attention appear in children already in preschool childhood. However, during this period they may not look so problematic, since they are partially compensated by a normal level of intellectual and social development. Entering school creates serious difficulties for children with attention deficits, since educational activities place increased demands on the development of this function. This is why children with signs of attention deficit disorder are unable to cope satisfactorily with the demands of school.

As a rule, in adolescence, attention defects in such children persist, while hyperactivity usually disappears and is sometimes replaced by reduced activity and inertia of mental activity.

The following clinical manifestations of attention deficit disorder in children are identified:

1. Restless movements in the hands and feet. Sitting on a chair, the child writhes and squirms.

2. Inability to sit still calmly when required.

3. Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli.

4. Impatience, inability to wait for one’s turn during games and in various situations that arise in a team (school classes, excursions, etc.).

5. Inability to concentrate: he often answers questions without thinking, without listening to them completely.

6. Difficulties (not related to negative behavior or lack of understanding) in completing the proposed tasks.

7. Difficulty maintaining attention when performing tasks or playing games.

8. Frequent transitions from one unfinished action to another.

9. Inability to play quietly and calmly.

10. Talkativeness.

11. Disturb others, pester others (for example, interfere with other children’s games).

12.Often one gets the impression that the child does not listen to speech addressed to him.

13. Frequent loss of things needed at school and at home (for example, toys, pencils, books, etc.).

14. They can commit dangerous actions without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, the child does not specifically seek adventure or thrills (for example, he runs out into the street without looking around).

The presence of at least eight of the listed symptoms in a child, which have been observed continuously for at least six months, is the basis for a diagnosis of attention deficit disorder.

These primary behavioral problems are accompanied by serious secondary problems, which primarily include poor school performance and difficulty communicating with others.

Poor academic performance is a typical phenomenon for hyperactive children. During the lesson, these children find it difficult to cope with tasks, as they experience difficulties in organizing and completing work, and quickly switch off from the process of completing the task. The reading and writing skills of these children are significantly lower than those of their peers. Their written work appears sloppy and is characterized by errors that are the result of inattention, failure to follow teacher instructions, or guessing. At the same time, children are not inclined to listen to the advice and recommendations of adults.

In most cases, such children experience communication problems: they cannot play with peers for a long time, establish and maintain friendly relationships. Among children, they are a source of constant conflict and quickly become outcasts.

In the family, these children usually suffer from constant comparisons with brothers and sisters, whose behavior and studies are set as an example to them. They are undisciplined, disobedient, and do not respond to comments, which greatly irritates parents, who are forced to resort to frequent but ineffective punishments. Most of these children have low self-esteem. They often exhibit aggressiveness, stubbornness, deceit and other forms of antisocial behavior.

Experts identify the following factors that cause attention deficit disorder in children:

Organic brain damage (traumatic brain injury, neuroinfection, etc.);

Prenatal pathology (complicated during pregnancy of the mother, asphyxia of the newborn;

Genetic factor (some evidence suggests that attention deficit disorder may run in families);

Nutritional factors (high carbohydrate content in food leads to deterioration in attention indicators);

Social factors (consistency and systematicity of educational influences, etc.).

Based on this, it should be taken into account that drug therapy plays an important role in overcoming attention deficit disorder. Therefore, such a child should be under the supervision of a doctor.

You, parents, must feel the child’s problems, understand that his actions are not intentional and that without the help and support of adults, such a child will not be able to cope with the difficulties he has. You need to adhere to certain educational tactics. You must remember that improvement in the child’s condition depends not only on specially prescribed treatment, but to a large extent also on a kind, calm and consistent attitude towards him. In raising such a child, try to avoid two extremes: the manifestation of excessive pity and permissiveness on the one hand, and on the other, placing increased demands on him that he is not able to fulfill, combined with excessive punctuality, cruelty and punishment. Frequent changes in instructions and parental mood swings have a much more profound negative impact on a child with attention deficit disorder than on healthy children.

Parents should also know that the child’s behavioral disorders can be corrected, but this process is long and will require great effort and great patience from you.

1. Praise the child in every case when he deserves it, emphasize his successes. This will help strengthen the child's self-confidence.

2. Avoid repeating the words “no” and “cannot.”

3. Speak with restraint, calmly and softly.

4. Give your child only one task for a certain period of time so that he can complete it.

5. Use visual stimulation to reinforce verbal instructions.

6. Reward your child for all activities that require concentration (for example, working with blocks, coloring, reading).

7. Maintain a clear daily routine at home. Meal times, homework, and sleep times should follow this schedule.

8. Avoid crowds of people whenever possible. Staying in large stores, markets, restaurants, etc. has an overly stimulating effect on the child.

9. When playing, limit your child to only one partner. Avoid restless, noisy friends.

10. Protect your child from fatigue, as it leads to decreased self-control and increased hyperactivity.

11. Give your child the opportunity to expend excess energy. Daily physical activity in the fresh air is beneficial: long walks, running, sports activities.

12. Constantly take into account the shortcomings of the child's behavior. Children with attention deficit disorder are characterized by hyperactivity, which is inevitable, but can be kept under reasonable control.

There is no clear prognosis for the further development of such children. For many, serious problems may persist into adolescence. Therefore, from the first days of such a child’s stay at school, parents and teachers need to establish joint work.

Special behavioral program for the correction of children with attention deficit disorder:

Come up with a flexible reward system for a task well completed and

punishments for bad behavior;

Do not resort to physical punishment! If there is a need to resort to

punishment, it is advisable to use quiet sitting in a certain place after committing an act;

Praise your child often;

Make a list of your child's responsibilities and hang it on the wall;

Develop anger and aggression management skills in children;

Don't try to prevent the consequences of your child's forgetfulness;

Gradually expand responsibilities after discussing them with your child;

Do not allow the task to be postponed until another time.;

Do not give your child assignments that are not appropriate for his level of development, age and abilities;

Help your child begin the task, as this is the most difficult stage;

Do not give multiple instructions at the same time. The task that is given to the child with

impaired attention, should not have a complex structure and consist of several links;

Explain to the hyperactive child about his problems and teach him to cope with them.

Dear parents! Remember that verbal means of persuasion, appeals, and conversations are rarely effective, since a hyperactive child is not yet ready for this form of work. For such a child, the most effective means of persuasion “through the body” will be:

Deprivation of pleasure, delicacy, privileges;

Prohibition on pleasant activities, telephone conversations;

Practical recommendations for parents children with child attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

In a home correction program for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the behavioral aspect should prevail:

1. Changing the behavior of an adult and his attitude towards the child:

show sufficient firmness and consistency in education;

remember that excessive talkativeness, movement and indiscipline are not intentional;

control your child’s behavior without imposing strict rules on him;

do not give your child categorical instructions, avoid the words “no” and “no”;

build relationships with your child on mutual understanding and trust;

avoid, on the one hand, excessive softness, and, on the other, excessive demands on the child;

react to the child’s actions in an unexpected way (make a joke, repeat the child’s actions, take a photo of him, leave him alone in the room, etc.);

repeat your request in the same words many times;

do not insist that the child necessarily apologize for the offense;

listen to what the child has to say;

Use visual stimulation to reinforce verbal instructions.

2. Changing the psychological microclimate in the family:

give your child enough attention;

spend leisure time with the whole family;

do not allow quarrels in the presence of a child.

3. Organization of the daily routine and place for classes:

establish a solid daily routine for the child and all family members;

show your child more often how best to complete a task without distractions;

reduce the influence of distractions while the child is completing a task;

protect hyperactive children from prolonged use of the computer and watching television;

Avoid large crowds of people whenever possible;

remember that overwork contributes to a decrease in self-control and an increase in hyperactivity;

Organize support groups consisting of parents with children with similar problems.

4. Special behavioral program:

come up with a flexible system of rewards for well-done tasks and punishments for bad behavior. You can use a point or sign system, keep a self-control diary;

do not resort to physical punishment! If there is a need to resort to punishment, then it is advisable to use a quiet sitting in a certain place after committing an act;

Praise your child more often. The threshold of sensitivity to negative stimuli is very low, so hyperactive children do not perceive reprimands and punishments, but are sensitive to rewards;

make a list of the child’s responsibilities and hang it on the wall, sign an agreement for certain types of work;

develop anger and aggression management skills in children;

do not try to prevent the consequences of a child’s forgetfulness;

gradually expand responsibilities, having previously discussed them with the child;

do not allow the task to be postponed until another time;

do not give your child assignments that do not correspond to his level of development, age and abilities;

help your child begin the task, as this is the most difficult stage;

Do not give multiple instructions at the same time. The task given to a child with impaired attention should not have a complex structure and consist of several links;

Explain to the hyperactive child about his problems and teach him to cope with them.

Remember that verbal means of persuasion, appeals, and conversations are rarely effective, since a hyperactive child is not yet ready for this form of work.

Remember that for a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the most effective means of persuasion “through the body” are:

deprivation of pleasure, delicacy, privileges;

ban on pleasant activities, telephone conversations;

reception of “off time” (isolation, corner, penalty box, house arrest, early departure to bed);

an ink dot on a child's wrist (“black mark”), which can be exchanged for a 10-minute sit in the “penalty bench”;

holding, or simple holding in an “iron embrace”;

extraordinary duty in the kitchen, etc.

Do not rush to interfere with the actions of a hyperactive child with directive instructions, prohibitions and reprimands. Yu.S. Shevchenko gives the following examples: - if the parents of a primary school student are worried that every morning their child wakes up reluctantly, dresses slowly and is in no hurry to go to kindergarten, then you should not give him endless verbal instructions, rush him and scold him. You can give him the opportunity to learn a “life lesson.” Having been really late for kindergarten, and having gained experience in explaining things to the teacher, the child will be more responsible about getting ready in the morning;

If a child breaks a neighbor's glass with a soccer ball, then there is no need to rush to take responsibility for solving the problem. Let the child explain himself to the neighbor and offer to atone for his guilt, for example, by washing his car every day for a week. Next time, when choosing a place to play football, the child will know that only he himself is responsible for the decision he makes;

If money has disappeared from a family, there is no useless demand for confession of theft. You should remove the money and not leave it as a provocation. And the family will be forced to deprive themselves of delicacies, entertainment and promised purchases; this will certainly have an educational effect;

If a child has abandoned his thing and cannot find it, then you should not rush to his aid. Let him search. Next time he will be more responsible about his things.

Remember that following punishment, positive emotional reinforcement and signs of “acceptance” are necessary. In correcting a child’s behavior, the “positive model” technique plays an important role, which consists in constantly encouraging the child’s desired behavior and ignoring the undesirable. A necessary condition for success is that parents understand their child’s problems.

Remember that it is impossible to make hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention disappear in a few months or even in a few years. Signs of hyperactivity disappear as people get older, but impulsivity and attention deficits may persist into adulthood.

Remember that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a pathology that requires timely diagnosis and comprehensive correction: psychological, medical, pedagogical. Successful rehabilitation is possible if it is carried out between the ages of 5 and 10 years.

Recommendations for parents.
Clinical picture of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
includes 90 factors. With such a large number of violations it is unlikely
find a medicine to cure this disease.
To effectively help these children, experts suggest using
an integrated approach combining medical, psychological and
pedagogical methods.
It is better to solve the problem of hyperactive children “as a whole.” Every
the specialist working with the child can contribute to his
recovery. At school and kindergarten a group of individual
accompanying children at risk: doctor, psychologist, teacher, speech therapist,
social teacher.
Of all the psychological and pedagogical methods, the most important is behavioral
therapy. Its goal is to change the child’s immediate environment, the attitude of teachers
and parents, create a favorable environment for development.
Much attention is paid to counseling parents of hyperactive
children. There are psychological help centers abroad where
Special training for parents is provided.
Success largely depends on their efforts and desire to help their child.
From how they know how to communicate with their child, how they organize it
free time, are the child’s characteristics taken into account when preparing for school?
activities, the success of treatment largely depends.
Behavioral correction program is aimed at changing the environment
child at school and at home. This will create favorable conditions for
overcoming delays in the development of mental functions.
The main place in correctional work is given to counseling
Parents of hyperactive children usually experience many difficulties
when interacting with your children. From the desire to fight with harsh measures
with the child’s “disobedience” until the child is given complete freedom of action,
giving up on everything. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out systematic
explanatory work.
The work is carried out in two directions:
1. Educational conversations.
2. Practical classes (play therapy, trainings).
First, psychologists and social educators inform parents about
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. What are the manifestations, course and

prognosis of the disease. How do children develop, why can’t they
meet general requirements?
In the process of work, it is necessary to convince parents that their understanding and
participation in a child’s life depends on whether he grows up to be a full-fledged person and
what place will it take in adult life?
During practical classes, parents are taught how to communicate correctly with
child, how to organize his life, nutrition, home environment, how
control his activities and direct his activity in a useful direction,
prepare homework, play, etc.
The home correction program includes:
changing the education system: from punishment to support; from
authoritarian control to cooperation;
* changing the behavior of the parents themselves and their attitude towards the child
(demonstrate calm behavior, avoid words “no” and “impossible”,
build relationships with your child on trust and mutual understanding);
* changing the psychological microclimate in the family (adults should
quarrel less, devote more time to the child, spend leisure time with everyone
* a special behavioral program that provides for the predominance of
methods of support and reward;
* organization of the daily routine and place for classes;
* behavioral therapy, with the help of which training takes place
poorly developed mental functions.
Work with parents begins with an analysis of the family education system. IN
in the process of work there is a reorientation of views and a change of priorities
authoritarian control on democratic interaction and cooperation.
A system of influence is being developed: instead of physical punishment and
psychological pressure - joint discussion of actions, flexible system
encouragement and support, freedom of choice and responsibility for one’s actions.
During seminars and trainings, adults learn the correct
democratic communication, ways to resolve conflicts, relaxation methods and
Types of miseducation
1. Rejection. These are those families where the birth of a child was unwanted or,
for example, instead of a long-awaited boy, a girl was born.
Hypersocial education.
The reason is the wrong orientation
parents. These are too “correct” people, they try to raise the ideal
3. Anxious education. This child is the only one in the family.
Parents experience painful anxiety for their child.

4. Egocentric education. The child (often the only one) is forced
self-image as a “super-value”. He is an idol. As a result, he
tends not to take into account the interests of others.
5. Pedagogical neglect. Nobody specially raises a child
is engaged.
There are three "traps"
Raising a hyperactive child:
who lie in wait for parents
1. Lack of emotional attention, often replaced by medical attention
2. Lack of firmness in education and lack of proper control over
child's behavior.
3. Inability to develop skills in children to manage aggression and anger.
Ways to overcome
1. Communicate more with the child, delve into his problems, play with him
in his children's games, to have a heart-to-heart talk.
2. Make a list of prohibitions and strictly follow it.
3. Make a list of what parents should check (today,
tomorrow, in a week).
4. Work with anger (you can use the “Staircase” technique
What to do if there is a hyperactive child in the family? How to communicate with him? What
Should there be a daily routine for him? What clubs can he go to? How
Do your homework? How can his family help his child in general?
These are the questions that parents of hyperactive children face.
children. Let's try to resolve them together.
Daily regime
Chaos reigns in the soul of a hyperactive child. Definitely needs to be organized
his life. Only a strict daily routine will give you the opportunity to control
child. The more violently the elements rage, the stronger the shores should be. Hang
Post a detailed daily routine on the wall and appeal to it as if it were a law.
Strict adherence to the daily routine will allow your child to:
a) learn the structure of activity. This will allow him more
concentrate on your responsibilities, learn self-regulation;
b) do not overwork, eat on time and rest on time. Developing mode
day, consider the basic principles:
- the daily routine should be developed for a long time;
- should be comfortable for you and your child;
- should not interfere with visiting children's educational institutions;
- must take into account the child’s individual biorhythms and interests.

A game
Play is the leading activity of a child.
How does a hyperactive child play?
Due to difficulties with concentrating, such a child rarely
started game to the end. He can jump from one game to another, he
It's hard to wait in line in a group game, it's hard to stick to all the rules.
Pay attention to how your child plays. What does he avoid in games?
it turns out worst of all. Teach him to concentrate using a game
attention and bring the work started to completion. Start with simple games with little
number of rules. If the child is distracted, let him do it, and then again
go back to the previous game.
Play role-playing games with your child. Offer your child different games
make sure that he is in both active and passive positions. For example, if
If you play school, then he should take turns being both a teacher and a student.
Self-esteem in a hyperactive child is usually reduced. Therefore special
When raising such a child, attention should be paid to the formation
adequate self-esteem. To do this, when communicating with him, adhere to the following:
1. Don’t scold your child in front of someone. Clarify all controversial issues in private.
2. Don't resort to physical punishment. When communicating with a child
Avoid judging his personality. If he did something bad, don't tell him that
he is bad. Say it was a bad thing. Don't compare your child with
other children.
3. Know how to admit your mistakes in front of your child. This will show your baby
that every person has the right to make mistakes and there are no ideal people.
4. Such experience will help the child cope with his mistakes more easily, which
will have a beneficial effect on the formation of adequate self-esteem.
The optimal age for ADHD correction is 5–7 years. At this age
the child’s psychomotor sphere is well developed, therefore, using mobile
Games can help develop a child’s concentration and memory.
Task 1: teach the child to finish what he has started.
To do this, during any classes, make sure that in each element
the game had, firstly, a logical conclusion, and secondly, follow it
attention. You must switch according to the child's interests. But
be sure to then return to the previous lesson and finish it.
For example, a child was drawing, and at that time he was attracted to something outside the window.
Come and look with him at what interests him. After
If you lose interest in what is happening, go back and finish the drawing.
At first, this requires the persistence of adults, who sometimes
literally physically hold the child at the table, helping him finish

drawing or modeling. Gradually, perseverance will become habitual, but then in
At school he will be able to sit at his desk for the entire lesson.
When the child himself completes some task, arrange a small
holiday and celebrate this first success.
Task 2: teach on time to switch from one type of activity to
another. Due to his impulsiveness, it is difficult for a child to do this on his own. Like
a car with weak brakes, the “braking distance” of such a child is longer
ordinary. If it's time for him to finish, don't demand it immediately
warn in advance. It would be better if, after the time has elapsed, the end of the lesson
It’s not you who will remind him, but a timer or alarm clock.
Task 3: train only one function at first. For example, if you
you want the child to be attentive while completing the task
try not to notice that he fidgets and jumps up from his seat.
Having received a remark, the child will try to behave for some time
“good”, but will no longer be able to fully concentrate on the task. Next time,
in the right situation, you can train the skill of perseverance and encourage
child only for calm behavior, without requiring him to be active at that moment
Task 4: develop your head. Not in the sense of learning to count, write or read.
This means developing the habit of comprehending what is happening, thinking about
reasons, predict consequences, correctly interpret your feelings
and the feelings of others. The ideal way is puppet theater and role play with
toys. It gives the child the opportunity to evaluate both his own behavior and his behavior.
surrounding people, rehearse the correct model of behavior.
A variety of situations can be played out in puppet scenes,
causing psychological difficulties in the child. Their essence must be
simple and based on the principle “a bad option is a good option.”
For example, a situation is being played out: a child prevents his older brother from cooking
lessons and it ends in a brawl. Then, in a good version, it plays
an ideal model with a peaceful solution to the conflict.
Task 5: organize the workplace correctly. Create the necessary
working conditions. The child should have his own corner in a quiet and peaceful place
place, not near the TV and slamming doors, but where the child can
practice calmly and without interference. There should not be any on the table during classes.
nothing to distract his attention.
Being nearby, an adult will always help and advise.
If correctional work with a hyperactive child is carried out
persistently and consistently from the first years of life, we can expect that by 6 - 7
within a few years, the manifestations of the syndrome will be overcome. Otherwise, upon entering
school, the child will have to face more serious difficulties.
At school, if it is difficult for a child to study, do not demand high standards from him.
grades in all subjects. It is enough to have good grades of 2 - 3

main Pay more attention to the ability to build conflict-free
relationships with peers and teachers.
A hyperactive child due to his hypermobility and increased
distractibility often finds itself in a situation of constant punishment. Doesn't work
and 5 minutes so that he does not do anything illegal. To such a child
most of all are threatened by rejection, since he is capable of enraging himself
calm adult. No one is reproached, punished, or reprimanded so much,
how much is it? They try to approach him with a “general” standard, without thinking that he
not just “doesn’t want”, but “cannot” due to the characteristics of the nervous system
feel calm.
First of all, you need to understand that the child is in no way to blame, that he
such, and that disciplinary measures in the form of permanent punishments,
comments and notations will not lead to an improvement in his behavior. With hyperactive
Children need to communicate gently and calmly.
Try not to yell at the child - his psyche suffers from this.
Explain everything in a calm tone so that your communication takes place on equal terms.
The worst punishment for a child is being placed in a corner. In such
position he is limited physically and spatially, which is negative
affects his mental state. Such a measure of punishment can develop
phobias, complexes, decreased self-esteem and other personality disorders.
Always remember that a hyperactive child is sick and he does not need
punishment, but in your love and care. Such children are more sensitive to punishment,
than other children. Try not to resort to physical punishment at all. Yours
Relationships with a child should be built on trust, not fear.
The best way to interact with a child is cooperation.
Talk to him, try together to determine the reasons for his action, give
an opportunity for the child to realize that he was wrong, ask for forgiveness and
develop an action plan, that is, ways to eliminate the consequences of bad
action (pack your things, clean the room, and then go for a walk together).
A hyperactive child needs recognition of his importance. How can
Show your child your feelings for him more often. Hug him, kiss him, talk to him
about how much you love him and how dear he is to you.
Incentive and support program
The home rewards program includes the following:
1. Every day the child is given a specific goal, which he
must achieve.
2. The child’s efforts in achieving this goal are encouraged in every possible way.

3. At the end of the day, the child’s behavior is assessed in accordance with the achievements
4. Within a week, for each positive result, the child receives
points or scores (the grading system must be posted).
5. When achieving significant results in learning and behavior, the child
receives a large reward.
Parents should make a list of what they expect from their child in terms of
behavior and list of rewards - for what success what reward
This list is explained to the child in an accessible manner and posted on the
wall next to the daily routine. After this, everything written is strictly
is followed and the child is rewarded for success in completing it. From physical
punishment must be abstained.
It must be remembered that negative parenting methods are ineffective in
these children. The peculiarities of their nervous system are such that the threshold of sensitivity
to negative stimuli is very low, so they are not susceptible to reprimand
frames and punishment. The words “no”, “you can’t”, “don’t touch”, “I forbid” are often used for them
empty sound. But they easily respond to the slightest praise.
These children experience so many failures that any positive thing is important to them.
reaction. Praise is never too much: children need it and benefit from it
from her. It is the strongest incentive for development. They crave praise and
“grow” from it. Without it, they “wither” and “dry.” One of the most
The most important aspect of the disorder is not attention deficit, but secondary
damage to their self-esteem. Therefore, pamper your children “from the heart”
encouragement and praise.
The recommended ratio of positive impact to comments should be:
be 5:1.
In conflict situations, the ambulance system helps - techniques that
effective when communicating with hyperactive children. For example, distract a child
from whims you can by putting him in a situation of choice - “What do you want - a peach
or an apple? and changing the activity to something more attractive to the child.
You can also ask an unexpected question that is not related to the situation,
react in a way that is unexpected for the child (make a joke, repeat actions
child), take a photograph of the child or bring him to the mirror at that moment,
when he is capricious; do not insist that the child at all costs
corrected himself and apologized, do not read lectures (the child still does not
A hyperactive child should have the opportunity to emotionally and
physical "release". Such a child simply needs to run, jump,
scream. The adult’s task is to give him the opportunity for such a release without compromising
those around you. Therefore, make sure that your baby has a secretion
place and territory for such “unloading”. This may include frequent walks

fresh air, especially before bedtime or quiet activity, or personal
a place in the apartment equipped with all kinds of ladders and slides or
visiting active clubs (acrobatics, gymnastics, dancing). The main thing that
The child liked the activity you chose and found it interesting.
The child should have his own territory in the apartment, it is best if this
there will be a separate room or at least a table, bedside table, bookshelf, secretary,
where he could place his toys.
The children's room should have a minimum number of items that
can distract and scatter his attention. The color of the wallpaper should be dim,
calming. It is very good to organize a sports corner in his room (with
pull-up bar, dumbbells for the appropriate age,
expanders, mat).
It has been noticed that if a person has his own territory in his house, then he is born in it.
a sense of personal space, which plays an important role in the formation

Thus, distractibility, frequent switching from one activity to another, forgetfulness, etc., caused by hyperexcitability, motor disinhibition, motor clumsiness and restlessness of such children, lead to difficulties in learning and behavior.

1.6 Peculiarities of attention of younger schoolchildren with ADHD

Children with ADHD have significant difficulties in the constancy of volitional efforts or stability of attention (focus on activity). Situations that require sustained attention from children during boring, annoying, repetitive tasks, such as independently completing school and homework, as well as difficult and unpleasant tasks, are complex.

However, when the child performs additional tasks with interest, the indicators of sustained attention of children with ADHD do not differ from those of normal children.

Parents and teachers often describe attention problems as "doesn't listen," "doesn't finish tasks," "daydreaming," "loses things a lot," "can't concentrate," "gets distracted," "can't work independently," "demands." more guidance”, “having not completed one task, he jumps to another”.

Clinically, these children are often characterized as reacting quickly to situations without waiting for directions and instructions to complete a task, and as not adequately assessing task demands. As a result, they are very careless, inattentive, careless and frivolous. These children are often unable to consider the potentially negative, destructive consequences that may be associated with certain situations or their actions.

It is very problematic for them to wait their turn in a game or on a team. In oral speech, they often speak immodestly, unrestrainedly, and carelessly. Answering questions prematurely and interrupting others' conversations is common for them. Therefore, the impressions that such children make on others are very often interpreted as immaturity, irresponsibility, and excessive rudeness.

1.7 Peculiarities of attention of younger schoolchildren

At primary school age, the regulatory influence of higher cortical centers gradually improves, as a result of which significant transformations of the characteristics of attention occur, all its properties are intensively developed: the volume of attention increases especially sharply - 2.1 times, its stability increases, switching and distribution skills develop . By the age of 9-10, children become able to maintain and carry out an arbitrary program of actions for a sufficiently long time.

Age-related characteristics of the attention of younger schoolchildren are the comparative weakness of voluntary attention and its low stability. First-graders and, to some extent, second-graders do not yet know how to concentrate on work for a long time, especially if it is uninteresting and monotonous; their attention is easily distracted. The possibilities of volitional regulation of attention and its management at the beginning of primary school age are very limited.

Involuntary attention is much better developed in younger schoolchildren. Everything new, unexpected, bright, interesting naturally attracts the attention of students. Children may miss important significant points in educational material and pay attention to unimportant ones only because they attract them with their interesting details.

As the child's range of interests expands and he becomes accustomed to systematic educational work, his attention - both involuntary and voluntary - develops intensively. And by the end of the 3rd year of study, schoolchildren, as a rule, increase and improve their ability to distribute and switch attention. 3rd grade students can simultaneously monitor the content of what they write in their notebooks, the accuracy of their writing, their posture, and also what the teacher says. They hear the teacher's instructions without stopping their work.

II . Chapter. Study of attention features in children with ADHD of primary school age

1.1 Description of methods

Toulouse–Pieron test.

One of the psychophysiological methods for studying the properties of attention (concentration, stability, switchability, dynamics of performance) is the Toulouse-Pieron test. It is one of the variants of the “proofreading” test, the general principle of which was developed by Bourdon in 1895. The essence of the task is to differentiate stimuli that are similar in formula and content over a long, precisely defined time. In relation to the problem under consideration in children with ADHD, it is possible to use a test to study attention and determine minimal brain dysfunction.

For elementary school students, a simplified version of the method is used - 10 lines on a test form. The lines consist of various squares. The subject needs to find and cross out squares similar to the samples. Children must work with two types of squares - samples (they are shown in the upper left corner of the form). The remaining squares are simply underlined. Working time with one line is 1 minute.

The examination can be carried out either in a group or individually. During group testing, children first listen to instructions, accompanied by a demonstration of sample squares. During the demonstration, squares are drawn on the chalkboard - samples and part of the training line (at least 10 squares), which must contain all types of squares.

Instructions: "Attention! At the top left of your answer forms there are two squares. All other squares drawn on the form will need to be compared with them. The line located immediately below the samples and does not have a number is a training line (draft). On it you will now try how to complete the task. It is necessary to sequentially compare each square of the training line with the samples. If the square of the training line coincides with any of the samples, it should be crossed out with one vertical line. If there is no such square among the samples, then it should be emphasized (pronunciation of the instructions must be accompanied by a demonstration of the corresponding actions). Now you will have to sequentially process all the squares of the training line in this way, crossing out those that match the patterns and underlining those that do not match. You must work strictly according to the instructions. It is forbidden :

1. First cross out all the squares that match the samples, and then underline the remaining ones;

2. Limit yourself to only crossing out squares;

3. Underline with a solid line if there are squares in a row that do not match the samples;

4. Follow the instructions in reverse: underline the squares that match and cross out the squares that do not match the patterns.”

Only after the children have understood everything can they begin to independently process the training lines on their forms. Those who do not understand must be shown individually on a form how to work. Such children usually include kinesthetic learners, for whom verbal and visual instructions are not enough, as well as children with mild parietal or frontal organicity. To understand, they need to practically try out the work under the supervision of an adult.

When performing the test, it is necessary to ensure that all children, while underlining and crossing out, change the orientation of their movements from horizontal to vertical. To simplify the work, children may unconsciously bring horizontal and vertical lines closer to each other.

Continuation of instructions: “Now we will all work together and on time. Each line will be given 1 minute. On the command “Stop!” you need to move on to processing the next line. No matter where the signal finds you, you must immediately move your hand to the next line and continue working without interruption. We need to work as quickly as possible and as carefully as possible.”

Processing the results testing is carried out by placing a key made of transparent material on the form. On the key, the markers highlight the places within which the crossed out squares should appear. Outside the markers, all squares must be underlined.

For each line the following is calculated:

1) The total number of processed squares (including errors);

2) Number of errors.

The following is considered an error: incorrect processing (when the square inside the marker is underlined and the square outside is crossed out), any corrections and omissions (when the square is not processed at all).

The values ​​are then transferred to the results capture table:

The main calculated indicators of children with ADHD include the accuracy rate of test performance (an indicator of concentration of attention) and the speed of test completion, and the dynamics of children’s performance is also clearly visible.

Speed ​​factor determined by the formula: the sum of all processed icons divided by 10.

Accuracy Factor determined by the formula: subtract the sum of errors from the sum of all processed icons and divide the resulting number by the sum of all processed icons.

The results obtained are compared with age standards for the accuracy and speed of performing the Toulouse-Pieron test (Appendix 1).

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