What is a supermoon? How does a supermoon affect a person? Effect on the human body

Residents of the Earth are observing a unique supermoon: the satellite not only came as close as possible to the planet, but also entered its shadow. This eclipse is often called a Blood Moon.

Since ancient times, humanity has had a great interest in the satellite of our planet - the Moon. Even then, people were attracted by the science of astronomy. But no matter how many discoveries have been made since then, there are still a lot of unknown secrets that fascinate and attract. One such mesmerizing celestial phenomenon is the Supermoon.

The supermoon, or as Perigee scientists also call it, attracts entire councils of scientists from different fields. It is at such consultations that all the pros and cons of this phenomenon are considered. After all, in addition to the beautiful picture in the sky, it also has a huge impact on the human body.

The influence of the Supermoon on well-being: the reasons for the appearance of the Supermoon

In astrology there is another formulation related to this process - this is Syzygy. This is the name of the phenomenon in which the center of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun line up in one line.

If Perigee and Syzygy coincide, then the Moon approaches the earth as close as possible and on such days its amazing size can be seen with the naked eye. Even without knowing what a Supermoon looks like, you can feel it. When a large Moon appears, a person falls under the influence of the satellite and behaves differently.

As many scientists note, the Supermoon phenomenon affects a person physically and morally. And if people are accustomed to denying everything and chalking it up to fatigue, then the animal world fully confirms this hypothesis. For example, as soon as Perigee lines up, all living creatures on the planet begin to behave differently than usual. According to external data, they notice fatigue, drowsiness and lethargy.

The influence of the Supermoon on well-being: the effect on a person’s physical health

According to doctors, the Supermoon has a direct effect on the human body. So, some people are completely invulnerable to the effects of the Supermoon. And some, on the contrary, experience huge health problems during this period.

Practice shows that this problem is most often encountered by people who suffer from sleepwalking. During the Supermoon, they experience drowsiness, apathy, weakness and headaches. In some cases, it can lead to nausea and even vomiting.

Medical professionals say that during the Supermoon, many more people seek help than on ordinary days. But at the same time, they claim that if you prepare for this period in advance, then such symptoms can be avoided. The main thing is to adhere to strict rules.

During the Supermoon period, it is best to relax and protect yourself from stressful situations and conflicts. Also, take more walks in the fresh air and eliminate fatty foods from your diet.

The influence of the Supermoon on well-being: the influence of the Supermoon on the human psyche

Whatever they say, the Supermoon still has a special effect on the human psyche. So it is believed that this particular period is very dangerous for mentally ill people. After all, the Sepermoon and the psyche are very connected with each other. Although this is very difficult to prove.

But research conducted by biologists proves that the human psyche directly depends on the satellite of our planet - the Moon. After all, the periods of the Moon, one way or another, influence all processes on our planet, and therefore they cannot bypass humans.

Even with its influence, the Moon cannot greatly harm a person. People attribute these incomprehensible symptoms to poor health or weather conditions, but people’s mental state remains tense. If a person is unable to control himself and his emotions, then during the periods of the big moon he will have a difficult time.

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Riot of the elements


From the school geography course we know about the influence that the Moon has on the Earth. These are sea tides, and much less known tectonic movements - vibrations of the earth's crust, caused by the same lunar gravity and fraught with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The atmosphere does not remain indifferent either - supermoons are regularly accompanied by strong tsunamis, storms and hurricanes.

For example, the infamous disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in March 2011 occurred precisely at the time of the supermoon and the coincidental tsunami hitting the coast of Japan. The devastation of the Bahamas and Florida by Hurricane Andrew in 1992, the tsunami in Nicaragua, or the earthquake that killed hundreds on the Indonesian island of Flores all occurred during supermoons.

Obviously, the current Supermoon will not be an exception, especially since, according to astronomers, it is the strongest in more than half a century. The Moon has not been this close to Earth since 1948 and will not get closer until 2034. So it is not surprising that the authorities in South Africa, for example, addressed their population in advance with an official warning about the approaching Super Moon and the dangers associated with it.

In particular, the National Maritime Rescue Service (NSRI) has advised South Africans to exercise extra caution between 10 and 18 November due to the increased likelihood of flash flooding and thunderstorms. Which were not slow to happen - the parking lots and building of the Tambo International Airport near Johannesburg were already damaged by flooding, which also caused several serious road accidents with fatalities in the city, which is considered the largest in terms of population in the country.

It will not be possible to hide from the aggressive effects of lunar gravity in Russia either. In some regions of the country, the Ministry of Emergency Situations has already announced a storm warning; residents of other regions are also advised to exercise caution and listen to what weather forecasters and rescuers say. Unless, of course, they have the desire to repeat the experience of those affected by the supermoon-related disaster and ignore the warnings of experts.

“This time the Supermoon will have a much greater effect, since at this full moon the Moon will be much closer to the Earth than usual,” said Craig Lambinon, a spokesman for the South African NSRI.

At the mercy of the moonlight

The most common stigma associated with the supermoon is that it has negative health effects. However, is this really such a prejudice? For centuries, both patients and their doctors have noticed that a variety of ailments, from epileptic seizures to psychiatric problems, worsen during supermoons. True, modern researchers who analyzed the archives of hospitals and clinics were unable to confirm this opinion. And even, it seems, on the contrary - if the maximum of epileptic seizures occurs in the last quarter of the lunar cycle, then during the period of the full moon of the same duration there is an absolute minimum. This data, compiled by Dr. Selim Benbadisof of the University of South Florida, should reassure the most anxious readers. And for everyone else, it’s worth remembering that three-quarters of the human body consists of water, and if the Moon causes ebbs and flows in the ocean, then it certainly also has some effect on people’s health. Just what?

There is no doubt among police officers, psychiatrists and ambulance workers who are forced to work the night shift that the full moon can be to blame for poor health. “It must be because of the full moon,” representatives of these emergency services regularly say. But doctors of higher rank are still trying to answer this question evasively. According to the chief therapist of Miass, Andrei Potapov, the Moon cannot have any influence - neither positive nor negative. However, he interviewed employees of one medical institution, and some of them said that they sleep poorly during the full moon. So, there is probably no clear answer to these questions, but someday, perhaps, they will appear.

And we have no reason to think that this answer will be strictly negative. Indeed, literally this year, scientists were for the first time able to prove that the phases of the Moon influence such a seemingly distant process as the amount of precipitation falling on the earth.

Mechanics Supermoon

So what is a Supermoon and where does it come from? To understand its mechanism, you need to remember that modern humanity lives in a world of abstractions. The Earth, for example, is not at all a perfect sphere, and not even an ellipsoid of revolution, as we all would probably say. In fact, to describe the shape of our planet, scientists at one time even had to invent a special term “geoid”, meaning something round and shapeless like a potato tuber or an unevenly rolled lump of plasticine.

The orbits of celestial bodies, which many of us also imagine as circles, are also not round at all, but in the overwhelming majority are elongated along one of their axes. This is also true for the Moon orbiting the Earth, and therefore, from time to time the Moon will fly farthest from the Earth - this is called apogee - and then come to the shortest possible distance, that is, it will pass perigee. So, the full moon that coincides with the perigee will be a supermoon, in contrast to the full moon that falls at the apogee - it is also called a micromoon.

According to calculations by the American Aerospace Agency NASA, a completely exceptional Supermoon awaits us in November. Thanks to the significant reduction in the distance between the Moon and the Earth, the area of ​​the disk of our planet’s natural satellite observed in the sky will increase by approximately 14%, and the brightness of its glow due to reflected sunlight will increase by a third. Such celestial shows are shown to earthlings no more than once every 70 years, so it’s worth taking advantage of this chance and taking at least one peek at the sky next night.

In conclusion, it remains to be said that the word “Supermoon” owes its appearance not to an astronomer, but to an astrologer, and it entered widespread use quite recently - in the 70s of the last century. But, unfortunately, different schools of astrology view the Supermoon and its impact on the Earth and people so differently that there is no point in citing their forecasts and comments here.

The period of the full moon, when the Moon approaches the Earth at its closest distance, is called the Supermoon by astrologers.

At the moment when the lunar orbit comes closest to the Earth, the Moon in the sky appears slightly larger than on any other days by 10-15%. The Full Moon itself has some aesthetic appeal and fascinates with its grandeur and beauty, and the Super Moon is a particularly beautiful sight. There can be up to 6 supermoons a year, and in 2016 there are three: October 16, November 14 and December 14.

The influence of the Supermoon on people

Astrologers associate many events with the Supermoon period, blaming it for various sins, such as earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and other natural disasters, and even possible insanity of people.

Esotericists claim that during periods of a full moon, and especially a supermoon, it is not recommended to look at the full moon, since it is the full moon that is reflected on emotionally and mentally unbalanced people. During the Supermoon period, you should especially control your behavior, be especially restrained in showing emotions and control yourself. Astrologers advise, if possible, to reduce communication and be alone, since where there are people, there are always emotions, and where there are emotions, there is a chance of having a nervous breakdown. The full moon greatly affects the human psyche due to an excess of energy, hence quarrels and conflicts arise. To avoid possible conflicts, abstain from alcohol. In order for this period to pass harmoniously and evenly, it is necessary to find an application for your accumulated energy. It is useful to engage in physical exercise, as well as meditation: this will calm your nerves and harmonize your state of mind. The influence of the Supermoon can also be observed on sleepwalkers: they wander around at night and become nervous.

From the point of view of human energy and astrology, it will have a special impact on the day as a whole and on each person individually, because a person is subject to lunar influence. During the Supermoon period, lunar energy is unstable: its surge at its peak will then be replaced by decline. These changes will affect your health; there may be problems with sleep, insomnia and nightmares are possible. It is during the full moon that chronic diseases worsen and blood clotting decreases. There is a lack of vitamins, so it is very advisable to eat more fruits and vegetables, preferably raw or with minimal heat treatment.

In order to avoid deterioration of health, doctors and astrologers recommend:

If you are provoked into a conflict, do not succumb to provocations, do not get drawn into disputes and conflicts
.. do not watch TV at night with negative programs, but instead tune in to a positive wave
. be vigilant and aware, watch your behavior
. be active, don't be lazy
. do not give in to harmful excesses
. be restrained, do not give vent to anger, emotions and irritation
. check any information that comes to you from different sources, there is a possibility of fraud
. If possible, do not make important decisions on this day, they may be wrong
. limit all communication, it is better to spend this time in solitude
. Meditations and affirmations are helpful

However, the strong lunar energy, which reaches its maximum during the Supermoon, can and should be used for good. This is a good time to complete things and solve old problems. By removing everything old and unnecessary from our lives, we make room for a new life. This period is great for planning, setting goals and laying the foundation for future endeavors. But do not rush to start new projects; it is recommended to do this from the new moon.

During the full moon, emotions become brighter, creative abilities appear, energy bubbles, which means there is an opportunity to get away from negativity and change your life for the better, feeling your power and strength. During the Supermoon, all our desires can easily come true. It is important to correctly prioritize what is most important to you at the moment.

The supermoon provides an excellent opportunity for everyone to create their own personal talisman of success and good luck.

To do this, you need to take any of your favorite silver jewelry, because silver is the metal of the Moon, and place it on the windowsill so that the moonlight hits and illuminates it. In this case, you need to make your deepest wish and leave it on the windowsill overnight. In the morning, before sunrise, remove it from the windowsill and carry the charged talisman with you and your wish will certainly come true in the near future.

According to astrologers, all astronomical phenomena, including the Supermoon, full moon, eclipses and others, carry the energy of change, and let's hope that all the changes in our lives will be only positive!

On the night of November 14-15, 2016, the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to observe a not too rare, but very beautiful astronomical phenomenon - a supermoon.

What is a supermoon

A supermoon is a phenomenon when the full moon occurs at the moment of the Moon's closest approach to the Earth (in astronomy this is called perigee). Such approaches occur because the orbit in which the Moon revolves around the Earth has an elongated shape, similar to an ellipse.

The supermoon, which falls on November 14, 2016, is already the fourth this year, but the Moon and Earth have not come so close for a very long time - since 1948. An even more spectacular phenomenon concerning our only satellite is the “blood moon” - a blood-red lunar disk that appears in the sky when a supermoon coincides with a total lunar eclipse. The nearest “blood moon” will appear to earthlings not soon - in 2033.

Exact time of the supermoon in November 2016

The full moon occurs at 16.52 Moscow time. The exact time of the last supermoon this year for Moscow and all regions living according to Moscow time: 16 hours 53 minutes on November 14, 2016. At this moment, under clear skies, it will be possible to observe the moon's disk about a quarter larger and much brighter than usual. The distance from the Earth to the Moon at this moment will be about 356,500 km. The supermoon phenomenon can be observed throughout the night from November 14 to 15.

According to NASA, during a supermoon, the moon's disk will appear 14% larger and 30% brighter from Earth than during a "standard" full moon, when the full Moon is at its apogee. The supermoon will look especially impressive when the Moon is just rising above the horizon. This phenomenon can be observed both in the city and in open areas: the main thing is that the sky is cloudless.

It will take 18 years for this phenomenon to happen again. The next equally strong supermoon will not be until November 25, 2034.

What does a supermoon warn about?

In ancient times, when people did not have sufficient astronomical knowledge, and superstitions were widespread, lunar eclipses, the “blood moon,” and the supermoon were usually interpreted as a formidable sign, promising cataclysms, wars and natural disasters, even the global flood and the end of the world.

However, no scientifically proven correlation of natural and social disasters with the moments when the Moon approached the Earth at its maximum distance was recorded, he said Federal News Agency Andrey Vladimirsky, who taught physics and astronomy to schoolchildren before retiring. “Science denies that earthquakes and tsunamis occur more frequently during a supermoon than usual. The same applies to periods of lunar and solar eclipses, and observations carried out for many decades confirm this,” noted the FAN interlocutor.

Although science does not see anything special or terrible in the supermoon, astrologers continue to claim that this phenomenon supposedly quite often coincides with powerful earthquakes and tectonic shifts (for example, now a series of tremors are shaking New Zealand). They say that the terrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011, which resulted in the Fukushima disaster, also coincided with a supermoon.

Be that as it may, neither astronomers who do not believe that the approach of the Moon to the Earth somehow affects earthly cataclysms, nor astrologers who believe that the supermoon brings very real dangers to earthlings, deny that the closer the Moon is to the Earth, the stronger its influence. Thus, it turns out that during supermoons the influence of the Moon on our planet is maximum, and whether good or bad is worth arguing about.

How does a supermoon affect people?

“Magicians”, fortune tellers and fans of esotericism believe that during periods of a full moon, and especially a supermoon, you should not look at the full Moon: this, they say, has too much influence on a person’s inner world. This recommendation especially applies to emotionally unstable, suggestible and superstitious people. On November 14, 2016, the day of the supermoon, such people should more carefully control their behavior, try to spend more time with their families, in a calm environment, and doing household chores.

At the same time, horoscope fans should know that on November 14, 2016, the Moon will be in the constellation Taurus, which means that the time is perfect for planning future important affairs. But, astrologers advise, it’s better to start these things after the new moon.

Photos and videos of the supermoon

Internet users from the eastern regions of Russia have already begun posting photos and videos of the supermoon. The spectacle is real, spectacular.

Although astronomy has been removed from the list of school subjects, most likely know that the planets revolve around the sun in elliptical rather than circular orbits. The same applies to the Moon: it draws around the Earth not a banal circle, but an elegant ellipse.

Consequently, every year twice the Moon moves away from the Earth to its maximum possible distance of 406 thousand km (this is called apogee) and twice approaches its maximum distance of 357 thousand km (it is at perigee). If the Moon's perigee coincides with a full moon, we have a supermoon.

You can see a supermoon with the naked eye. On these nights, the Moon appears 14% larger and 30% brighter from Earth. If only there were no clouds.

Around the Supermoon, some media are organizing dances with tambourines and hysterics: terrible disasters will occur, people will go crazy, and in general the Earth will fall apart. And it seems that there are some reasons for this.

  1. Employees of psychiatric hospitals note that during full moons the number of visits to clinics increases.
  2. Doctors believe that during full moons, exacerbations of chronic diseases become more frequent.
  3. Statistics assure that full moons are characterized by an increase in the number of various types of accidents.

During a supermoon, all these factors appear even more clearly. Suffice it to say that, for example, the 2005 tsunami in Indonesia, which killed thousands of people, occurred precisely on a supermoon.

In fact, the supermoon does not threaten anything very terrible, although the Moon, of course, has a noticeable influence on the Earth.

How the Moon affects the Earth

First of all, the Moon is a rather massive body with noticeable gravity. And this gravity has an obvious effect on the earth’s surface: sea tides are the most obvious result of lunar influence. The water, attracted by the Moon, obediently follows the night luminary in a more or less high wave.

Obviously, during the Supermoon, when the distance between the Earth and the Moon is minimal, the tides should be especially high. And it is very possible that someone, forgetting about this, will make a mistake and get into trouble. Perhaps, without the supermoon, the tsunami in 2005 would have been slightly less destructive. But it would still be there.

The Moon's influence on us is not limited to tides. Biology professor Frank A. Brown argues that the Moon influences metabolic processes: they are more active during the full moon. So, on a full moon, and even more so on a supermoon, you can eat an extra piece of cake? After all, it will be processed in an accelerated manner!

In other words, there is no need to be afraid of the supermoon. On the contrary, it can be a lot of fun. Moreover, from year to year the Moon moves away from the Earth more and more: 3.8 cm per year. Those. With each subsequent supermoon, the Moon will become smaller and smaller.

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