What is trust level? What to do to increase the trust

Concept " trust" characterizes the degree of trust a web resource has on the part of search engines. It affects the position of the indexed page in the top results of a search query. Other things being equal, a search engine will rate higher the site that has better trust.

Site trust is influenced by several factors:
- the time the resource is in the search engine index list. The higher it is, the better the site’s position;
- ownership of domain zones of sites linking to the one in question;
- high level of content uniqueness. Constant gradual updating of the site is preferable to its initial large volume;
- the number of visitors, the time they spend on the site and the number of pages viewed. The higher these indicators are, the higher the trust.
- properly organized outgoing links. It is important to constantly monitor the status of linked sites: their questionable content and low rankings can negatively affect the position of your own site.
- rationally formed external links. It should be noted that a gradual increase in the number and variety of external links has a positive effect on the site’s trust, while a sharp increase in the number of external links does exactly the opposite.
- participation of the site in search engine directories. Some search engines increase the trust of a site if it is integrated into their system in this way.
- page loading time. The smaller it is, the better the attitude towards the site.

Verification service site trust in search engines it checks the trust level of a resource> on a 1000 point scale (from 0.00 to 10.00). The higher site trust, the higher the authority of the resource in search engines, and the easier it is to break into the TOP for most of the necessary queries.

Existing PR, TIC and others give only a partial answer to the level of trust of a site; we believe that our Trust Rank checker most accurately determines site trust, as well as authority in the most popular search engines.

The site has launched a free comprehensive SEO analysis service, which also measures the described site trust.
Therefore, during the determination of the trust, you will be redirected to the page of the results of a comprehensive audit of the resource being audited, which includes, among other things, the obtained resource authority values, i.e. site trust.

Enter the website address below and check it (sb)

Please note that the results are www. and without www. may vary significantly.
Attention, the results of the trust check are saved in the database. You can track changes in site trust indicators over the past period on historical charts (TrustRank).

In the operation of the trust verification service, there are almost no unstable jumps in values, as well as obvious discrepancies in trust between equal (or vice versa) resources (which is the problem with most trust verification services).

You can easily check this by comparing sites that you know well (both your own and others). When you compare them, you will see that a more trusted site will always have a higher TrustRank (sb).

For reference:

  • At trust from 3 we can talk about an initial, not bad, level of trust. You can safely post links, articles, etc. on such sites. This does not mean that resources with a trust level of less than three are not worthy of attention, it only means that such sites are more susceptible to search engine sanctions, and their future stable operation may not always be cloudless and predictable.
  • TrustRank (sb) from four shows a stable good level of trust of search engines in the resource.
  • Site trust from five indicates a very high authority of the site being checked.

Trust and authority of the site

Why even define site trust, who needs it? The fact is that all the main existing belly gauges provide only a partial answer to the question of the level of trust of a site in search engines. Each search engine has its own Trust [and we (sb) ], with the help of which resources on similar topics are ranked.

What is it made of? I will give the main parameters to take into account the trustworthiness of the site:

  • Site age. The older he is, the better.
  • Uniqueness of content. Search engines love original content, and almost no one needs copies.
  • Resource update frequency. Fresh pages always attract more user attention.
  • Number of pages indexed. Size matters.
  • Site traffic. A very important indicator of site trust.
  • Number of backlinks. Not only the quantity but also the quality of incoming links is important.
  • Outgoing links. This refers to links to low-quality resources. These are usually selling SEO links.
  • Availability of the resource in authoritative directories. I don’t think that this is a very important indicator now, but it is probably still taken into account a little.

  • And there are many more factors.....

I recommend reading it chapter “Pusomers: Trust, TIC, PageRank, etc. Raising the site’s ranking”, the third book (Advanced level) of our SEO textbook. There are several detailed articles on site trust.

You can discuss the operation of the trust verification service on our SEO Forum in the topic Website Trust Verification Service.
Your comments and suggestions will definitely be taken into account.

Well, in general, a trust site is such a spherical horse in a vacuum, which is talked about a lot, but no one knows the criteria for its definition, and therefore, it is impossible to determine the trust status of a site. Possible only hypothetically and approximately remotely. Now let's first give definitions, and then begin to understand in more detail.

What is a site trust?

Trust is the trust in a site on the part of search engines (less often, users). Accordingly, a trust site is a site that search engines consider “good” (that is, better than most others) and theoretically, pages from such a site “fly to the top faster” (quotes from great webmasters).

Sometimes the concept of “trust” of a site includes the degree of trust in it from users. Such a trust helps to better sell the service. That is, on the Yulmart website, other things being equal, the user is more likely to buy a product than on the nedorogie-ayfony-moskva.ru website. In fact, this is the same as recognition, so for trust with trust, let’s continue to use the term “recognition” and not “trust.”

But there is another well-established definition of the concept of “trust”. These are the so-called “checktrust trust” and “xtool trust”. We are talking about indicators from the checktrust.ru and xtool.ru services, respectively. Therefore, if you hear the expression “sites with good trust,” then most likely we are talking about sites with high performance for some service.

What does trust depend on?

Yes, a lot of things. We cannot name the calculation formula, if one exists at all, but if there is one, then it is definitely influenced by:

  • Site age. Well, everything is simple and logical here - the older the site, the longer it goes without “jambs”, the more reliable it seems.
  • Lack of jambs, as I already said. If your site had a redirect to porn, if the domain previously had a doorway, all this is bad for the trust.
  • If authoritative sites link to yours. Like Wikipedia, government portals, respected media, and so on.
  • Domain zone. On any free domain zones, on subdomains, and so on, the trust is reduced.
  • They say that the longer the domain renewal period, the better. I don't know, the correlation is difficult to make with precision.
  • If a site is looking for a lot of real people, makes direct visits, visits based on recommendations from social networks and instant messengers, then this is a good signal for the trust.
  • Behavioral factors. In general, if the site’s PF is good and there are no jambs, then sooner or later it will become a trust site.

How to increase site trust?

In order to increase trust, you need to work through each of the blocks mentioned above. There will be no result if you only wind up a few of them. Collective work is important. To raise a trust, you need to monitor:

  • Availability of the resource. If the site is regularly down, then there can be no talk of any trust on the part of search engines. To avoid this, choose high-quality hosting with a good reputation for your resource;
  • Content. By posting stolen texts or articles of poor quality, you will not be able to earn a positive reputation. Before posting an article, check it for uniqueness. Exclusive and useful information on the resource helps to increase trust. Information should be “tailored” for real people, and not for search engines;
  • Links. Do not place low-quality links on your resource; you should not send users to sites excluded from the search engine index or to projects of dubious quality;
  • Reference mass. Buy normal links, not crap;
  • By design. A unique, well-designed design will greatly increase the credibility of the resource. Constantly improve the appearance of the site, adapt it to the needs of people.

But the most important ally for increasing resource trust is time. The more natural a website behaves, the better. It is important that the resource shows smooth but stable growth, then the trust will constantly increase. You should not try to artificially increase trust, this will only give a short-term effect, and in the end you risk getting banned instead of trust, or falling under filters.

Trust verification services

All these services check the trust using their own formula, so their indicators have nothing to do with Yandex or Google. And trusts are often defined incorrectly. Moreover, I will say that often their indicators are simply meaningless shit. However, there is demand - there is also supply.

Probably the most famous service for checking trusts is Xtool. The assessment is carried out on a 10-point scale. The system analyzes traffic, link mass, sanctions in Yandex, the likelihood of falling under search engine filters, resource promotion in Yandex and Google, site age, indexing in Yandex, update speed, TIC. A rating of type 7 or higher should mean that the resource is good and trustworthy.

CheckTrust/FastTrust - another option for defining a trust. In the first case, we are talking about an online service, in the second, about a desktop program. The analysis is carried out according to 30 parameters, including: TIC, PR, indexing in search engines, resource availability in directories, domain analytics, link data, social activity and much more. After running the site through FastTrust, the system will rate it on a 100-point scale. A score from 0 to 40 is unsatisfactory, from 40 to 60 is satisfactory (average), and from 60 to 100 is excellent, indicating a high level of trust.

In fact, some of my sites, from which there are no links at all, which have good traffic and which are generally SDL, are marked by the checktrust as “spam”. So I think this tool is more funny than effective.

Yandex XML limits and trust

Many webmasters note that the site trust calculated by Yandex is directly proportional to the number of limits that are displayed in the Yandex XML panel. And in general I think this is not far from the truth.

>> What is a site trust. How to check site trust

What is a site trust and why is it needed?

In this article you will learn what is a site trust, what privileges do search engines give to those sites whose site trust is higher than that of competitors. You will find out by what criteria search engines take into account the trust of a site and what is needed to improve it. You will also find out how to check site trust using the example of one service.

Trust comes from the English word Trust, which translated into Russian means TRUST. In other words trust- this is the quality level of any resource on the Internet. And the higher the quality level of sites (blogs), the higher their trustworthiness. Accordingly, those sites and blogs that have good trust indicators in the eyes of search engines, the higher they rank in search results.

For example, let's take the site Wikipedia(Wikipedia). If you take a closer look at the search results, Wikipedia has its own answer to almost every query. But that's not the point. Just look at what positions the Wikipedia site is in. That's right, in very high positions, and almost every Wikipedia article is included in the TOP 10 in any search engine. You may ask: why is this site so high in search results? The answer lies in a good site trust score.

That is, the search engine has a high level of trust in this site, because Wikipedia provides high-quality material on any topic. The search engine knows that before any article is published on this site, it undergoes a strict selection process. Therefore, Wikipedia does not have a low-quality and unverified article. Search engines know this and give this site an excellent trust, which is equal to the maximum value = 10. Here is a screenshot confirming my words.

We figured this out. Now I think you have a question. How can I get the same trust for my website? I will now try to answer this question briefly and concisely.

The first thing I want to say about how to get good site trust from search engines is that you won’t get it right away in any case. This takes time for search engines to do a full analysis of your site. For six months from the start of registration on hosting, purchase of a domain and its appearance on the Internet, do not expect good trust from search engines, in particular from Yandex.

The site must mature and be filled with high-quality, sought-after and unique content. If you write all sorts of blizzards on your website and carry out illegal actions to promote your website, then in this case your website will not even receive a trust equal to 1. This means you can forget about high positions. Of course, there are exceptions to the rules, but this happens extremely rarely and in special situations and moments. Therefore, it is better to maintain your website correctly and usefully. There is no need to put pressure on search engines, but rather everything should happen naturally.

But what affects the site's trust?

— The trust of a site is influenced, first of all, by the quality of the content, which can solve people’s problems. You need to write articles on interesting and popular topics, but in such a way that the articles provide a complete, accurate and, most importantly, truthful answer to the question posed by people on the Internet.

— Site trust is affected by link promotion and link juice. Here, it is very important that the incoming links to your site are of high quality, trustworthy and with good indicators of belly size. If low-quality resources link to your site, then search engines will understand that your site is useless for people, which means why give it good trust. I think this is logical and correct. Previously, search engines were not yet ideal and sites were mainly promoted by links. At the same time, the quality of those sites left much to be desired. Now such a feature will not work and the content must be of high quality. Another thing I want to include here is natural link growth. Search engines can now determine this well. This method is of course long, but it is worth it. For quality links, I recommend going to SeoPult: there are many tools for obtaining trust links from thematic sites, from social networks, from article publications.

— Also, the trustworthiness of a site is influenced by the number of people who visited your site not only from search engines, but most importantly from other sources, for example, from social networks Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, etc. Therefore, if possible, make announcements of your articles on other platforms. A very good platform for announcing articles is Subscribe.ru. You can get a good influx of visitors from it.

— The next thing search engines pay attention to is the behavioral factors of all visitors to your site. This includes: time spent on the site, the number of pages viewed, the number of failures and exits... Accordingly, the better these indicators your site has, the more useful it will be in the eyes of search engines. And this is a step towards receiving site trust from search engines.

— The next factor influencing the trustworthiness of a site is the age of the site. Let’s say one site is only a month old, and the other is a year old, then in this case the privilege will be given to the second site. There are cases when one site is six months old and another is a year old, but in this case the trust in this case is greater for the site that is only six months old. Therefore, the age of the site matters, but it is not decisive, since other factors are more significant.

— Another thing that search engines pay attention to is the indicators Titz, PR, Alexa Traffic Rang, as well as the presence of the site in directories such as Dmoz, Yandex Catalog, Yandex Bar and other similar white directories.

I will give an example on my website of the impact of trust on positions in search results. Not long ago my site had trust = 2 and slowly increased to 3. My attendance at that time was approximately 80 people per day. This was before the new year 2013. After the new year, my trust increased sharply and became = 6. And, most importantly, my positions have grown, as has the traffic to my site, which has doubled and is now about 170 people per day.

Now let's talk about how to check the site's trust. You can do this procedure using one service. To check the trustworthiness of any site, follow this link. There you will see a field like the one in the screenshot.

Here you need to enter the website address and click check. After this, the service will display all the information that directly relates to the site trust, as well as the site trust itself. But this service has restrictions on the number of attempts. You can buy more attempts. 100 attempts cost only 15 rubles. But if you want to check only your site, then the attempts that the service provides you will be quite enough. You just check your site once and then bookmark this page in your browser. After this, the next time you want to check the trust of your site, you simply load this page from your bookmarks. In this case, the result will always be new at that moment, and the number of attempts will not change. I was convinced of this myself.

That's all I wanted to tell you about what is a site trust, which affects the trust of the site, as well as how to check the trustworthiness of a site. I hope you find this information useful and valuable. As always, I look forward to your comments on this topic.

Thank you for spending time on my site. I hope it was not wasted and you received the information you were looking for.

Hello, dear readers of my blog. Today I want to talk about the following topics: what is site trust and how to increase (increase) site trust?

Also, I will share trust sites free of charge to increase your level of trust. I'll show you how to calculate the trust value of your resource.

What is a site trust and how to check the trust of your site, what do trust sites look like?

If translated from English, then trust translated as "trust". Otherwise it sounds like “TrustRank” - level of trust. Nowadays, the level of trust plays a very important role in the ranking of sites.

When browsing the Internet, you can find a huge number of high-quality resources that have great trust (high trust) with search engines. Popularly, such resources are called “ trust sites" These include: the social network VKontakte, Wikipedia, Twitter and many others. If such resources provide links to your blog, then that’s very cool!

Search engines see that quality resources link to you, they recommend you, and therefore, they increase confidence in your site, you gain authority in the eyes of search engines.

To explain in simple words, links from trusted sites increase the trust of your resource. Of course, links alone will not be enough, since the trustworthiness of a site depends on many factors. To understand what else affects the trust level, read below.

The trust status of your resource can be determined using this link. Here is a screenshot of my resource.

As you can see, social networks are very popular and have a trust level of 10, the maximum rating. The ages of these examples also fluctuate. My site is 1 year and 8 months old. Twitter 5 years and 11 months. VKontakte takes the top spot, the domain age is 13 years. You can determine the age of any webconfs site.

Why did I mention age, everything is very simple, trust comes with age;).

And what does it all affect the site’s trust?

— quantity and quality of internal and external links;
— resource attendance (traffic);
— presence of sanctions from search engines;
— TIC and PR indicators.

Let's take a closer look at what affects the level of trust of search engines in our site.

1. Age of the site. Please note that it is not the age of the domain that plays a role here, but the age of the site itself; the report begins after the first indexed page. The older the site, the more trust it has.

2. Attendance. Everything here is elementary and understandable. More traffic means more trust.

5. Site quality. Quality includes many factors: unique content, usability, high-quality internal optimization, hosting quality, code quality and a number of other factors.

6. Availability of the site in popular directories. Popular ones include: Yandex catalog and DMOZ

How to increase (increase) the trust of a site?

In order to increase site trust, you need to constantly work on it at the initial stage. Age plays a role, but every day it fades into the background. Nowadays, in order to increase the trust of your resource, you need to fill it with high-quality and unique content.

After a certain amount of interesting content has been collected, it is necessary to closely address the issue of increasing traffic and promotion in general.

Create an attractive atmosphere on your blog. Work with the audience, communicate with them!

The main thing in this matter is not to rush. Everything comes gradually! Work on your resource, fill it with quality content and you will be truly happy;).

That's all for me guys. Now you know what site trust is, how to check site trust, and you know how to increase it. As promised, here is the “database of trust sites”.

Best regards, Mikhed Alexander.

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