Substances that help our products be better: food additives E951, E950, E952, E954, E955. What is sodium cyclamate E952 and its effect on the human body E 952 food additive harm

In an attempt to find a replacement for high-calorie fast carbohydrates, dieters are increasingly turning their attention to chemically synthesized sweeteners.

Additive E 952 is one of these products. Behind the European code, manufacturers hide a sugar substitute that is far from safe in terms of safety.

Cyclamic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts (Cyclamic Acid and its Na and Ca Salts) - the name of the substance in SanPiN, documents of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and other official sources.

The index in the European codification of additives is E 952 (another spelling is E–952).

GOST R 53904 “Food Sweeteners,” adopted in 2010, considers each of the constituent substances separately. The document gives the following definitions:

  • cyclamic acid, code E 952(l);
  • sodium cyclamate, E 952(II);
  • calcium cyclamate (calcium cyclamate), E 952(III).

Potassium cyclamate is excluded from GOST as prohibited for use.

Type of substance

Additive E 952 is included in the group. The substance is of artificial origin. Cyclamic acid is synthesized from cyclohexylamine (an organic compound used as an insecticide) and monosulfuric acid, a popular cleaner and disinfectant.

Cyclamates are salts of cyclamic acid. Additives are obtained by neutralizing the main substance with appropriate hydroxides or carbonates.


Index Standard values
Color white
Compound cyclohexylsulfamic acid, cyclamates, impurities: free cyclohexylamine (no more than 25 mg/kg), selenium, heavy metals (no more than 10 mg/kg). Empirical formulas: C 6 H 13 NO 3 S (cyclamic acid), C 12 H 24 CaN 2 O 6 S 2 (calcium cyclamate), C 6 H 12 NNaO 3 S (sodium cyclamate)
Appearance crystalline powder
Smell without smell
Taste intense sweet
Main substance content 98–102%
Solubility good in water, medium in ethyl alcohol. Does not dissolve in fats
Density of matter not determined
Other high temperature resistance; retains properties after freezing; resistant to hydrolysis; the sweetness factor is 40 units for cyclamic acid and 30 units for cyclamates


Additive E 952 is packaged in standard containers for bulk products:

  • multilayer kraft bags;
  • cardboard drums or boxes;
  • polypropylene bags.

An additional plastic bag-liner is required to protect the product from moisture.

The sweetener is available for retail sale in foil plastic bags with a reusable zipper or in the form of tablets in plastic containers of various sizes.


Additive E 952 is approved for use as a sweetener for food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical products.

In fact, manufacturers prefer the sodium salt of cyclamic acid as the least hazardous to health.

The permissible daily intake is 11 mg/kg of human weight.

The main advantages of the E 952 additive are thermal stability and the ability to enhance the effect of other sweeteners. Sodium cyclamate is almost never used individually, only in complexes with less stable substances. It is part of well-known brands of sugar substitutes: Cologran, Milford, Rio Gold.

The largest amount of synthetic additive is found in menthol candies (up to 2.5 g/kg) and chewing gum (1.5 g/kg).

Mixtures including cyclamic acid and its salts are used to improve taste:

  • flavored carbonated, milk and fruit drinks;
  • pastry products;
  • dairy, grain, vegetable desserts;
  • jam, marmalade;
  • instant coffee category “3 in 1”;
  • canned fruits and many other products with reduced calorie content or no sugar in the recipe.

The amount of sweetener corresponds to the specifications for the production of different types of products, usually it ranges from 250 to 500 mg.

Additive E 952 is used in the production of medicines. Popular drugs Antigrippin, Faringomed, Novo-Passit contain an artificial sweetener.

Sodium cyclamate can be found in lipsticks, balms, and toothpastes.

Benefits and harms

Additive E 952 is not a source of nutrients and has no biological value.

Cyclamic acid and cyclamates are not absorbed by the body and are eliminated naturally within 24 hours. From this point of view, we can talk about the safety of the product: the substance simply does not have time to cause significant harm to health.

The synthetic sweetener does not affect blood glucose levels and has zero calories. It can be taken by people suffering from diabetes and varying degrees of obesity.

And yet, many doctors are wary of the E 952 supplement. Once in the large intestine, cyclamic acid, under the influence of natural microflora, can in some cases decompose to cyclohexylamine. The organic compound is considered conditionally teratogenic: it easily overcomes the placental barrier and negatively affects the fetus.

Doctors categorically prohibit pregnant women from consuming products containing the E 952 sweetener. This is especially true during the first trimester. The supplement is not recommended for nursing mothers: the substance penetrates into milk.

Experiments on white rats, conducted since 1950, revealed the carcinogenic properties of the sweetener: the animals developed bladder cancer in a short time. In 1969, by order of the FDA, the additive was banned in the USA and Canada, later they were joined by the USSR, Sweden, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, France and a number of other countries.

10 years later, the World Health Organization made a statement about the safety of sweetener E 952 for humans. Today the additive is approved in 55 countries, including Russia and EU states. Banned in the USA, but the issue of lifting restrictions is under consideration.

In case of excessive consumption or individual intolerance to cyclamates, symptoms of acute poisoning are observed:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • incoherent speech;
  • lethargy;
  • dilated pupils, temporary blindness.

It is advisable for people with kidney disease to avoid taking the E 952 supplement.

Main manufacturers

The world's leading producer (and main consumer!) of cyclamates is China. The sweetener is supplied by the following companies:

  • Hangzhou Yeastar Biotech Co., Ltd.;
  • Foodchem International Corporation;
  • Qingdao Terio Corporation.

In Russia, thermostable sweetening mixtures based on imported raw materials are manufactured by the Aspasvit company. The products are released under the company's own brand. In addition to the E 952 additive, the complexes include isomaltitol, sucralose, and other sugar substitutes.

Additive E 952 is a conditionally safe sweetener. It is easy to exceed the permissible intake limit by drinking more than 3 liters of Pepsi-Cola and similar drinks during the day. The World Health Organization, when making a statement about the safety of the substance, did not mention one detail: the experiments were carried out on animals. The effect of the chemical product on human health has been poorly studied.

Food additives are a common and already familiar component in modern industrial products. The sweetener is especially widely used - it is even added to bread and dairy products.

The primacy among sugar substitutes has long been retained by sodium cyclamate, also indicated on labels as e952. Today the situation is changing - the harm of this substance has been scientifically proven and confirmed by facts.

Sodium cyclamate - properties

This sweetener belongs to the group of cyclamic acids and looks like a white powder consisting of small crystals.

It may be noted that:

  1. Sodium cyclamate is practically odorless, but has an intense sweet taste.
  2. If we compare the substance’s effect on taste buds with sugar, then cyclamate will be 50 times sweeter.
  3. And this figure only increases if you combine e952 with other additives.
  4. This substance, which often replaces saccharin, dissolves perfectly in water, slightly more slowly in alcohol solutions and does not dissolve in fats.
  5. If you exceed the permissible dose, a pronounced metallic taste will remain in your mouth.

Types of food additives labeled E

Store product labels confuse the uninitiated with an abundance of abbreviations, indexes, letters and numbers.

Without delving into it, the average consumer simply puts everything that seems suitable to him into the cart and goes to the checkout. Meanwhile, knowing the decoding, you can easily determine what the benefits or harms of the selected products are.

In total there are about 2000 different nutritional supplements. The letter “E” before the numbers means that the substance was manufactured in Europe - the number of such substances reached almost three hundred. The table below shows the main groups.

Food additives E, table 1

Prohibited and permitted additives

Technologists claim that one cannot do without them - and the consumer believes, without considering it necessary to check what the real benefits and harms of such a food supplement are.

Discussions about the true effects of E supplements on the body are still ongoing, despite the fact that they are widely used in the food industry. Sodium cyclamate is no exception.

The problem affects not only Russia - a controversial situation has also arisen in the USA and European countries. To resolve this, lists of different categories of food additives have been compiled. Thus, in Russia the following were published:

  1. Allowed additives.
  2. Prohibited additives.
  3. Neutral additives that are not allowed, but are not prohibited for use.

These lists are given in tables below

Food additives E prohibited in the Russian Federation, table 2

At the moment, the food industry cannot completely do without the use of various additives; they are really necessary. But often not in the quantity that the manufacturer adds to the recipe.

Exactly what harm was caused to the body and whether it was done at all can only be determined several decades after consuming the harmful additive cyclamate. Although it is no secret that many of them can actually become an impetus for the development of serious pathologies.

Readers may find it useful to know what kind of sweetener exists, regardless of the type and chemical composition.

There are also benefits from flavor enhancers and preservatives. Many products are additionally enriched with minerals and vitamins due to the content of one or another additive.

If we consider the e952 supplement in particular, what is its real effect on internal organs, benefits and harm to human well-being?

Sodium cyclamate - history of implementation

Initially, this chemical compound was used not in the food industry, but in the pharmaceutical industry. An American laboratory decided to use artificial saccharin to mask the bitter taste of antibiotics.

But after the probable harm of the substance cyclamate was refuted in 1958, it began to be used to sweeten foods.

In Russia, saccharin was excluded from the list of permitted additives back in 2010 due to its unclear impact on living cells.

Where is cyclamate used?

Initially, the substance was used in pharmaceuticals; this saccharin could be bought at the pharmacy in the form of sweetener tablets for diabetics.

The main advantage of the additive is its stability even at high temperatures, which is why it is readily included in confectionery products, baked goods, and carbonated drinks.

Saccharin with this label can be found in low-alcohol drinks, ready-made desserts and ice cream, and semi-finished vegetable and fruit products with a reduced calorie content.

Marmalade, chewing gum, candies, marshmallows, marshmallows - all these sweets are also produced with the addition of a sweetener.

Important: despite the possible harm, the substance is also used in the manufacture of cosmetics - saccharin E952 is added to lipsticks and lip glosses. It is included in vitamin capsules and cough lozenges.

Why is saccharin considered relatively safe?

The harm of this supplement has not been fully confirmed - just as there is no direct evidence of its undeniable benefits. Since the substance is not absorbed by the human body and is excreted in the urine, it is recognized as conditionally safe - at a daily dose not exceeding 10 mg per kilogram of total body weight.

The presence of food additives in modern food products is a common occurrence and not surprising. Sweeteners are found in carbonated drinks, confectionery, chewing gum, sauces, dairy products, baked goods and more.

For a long time, sodium cyclamate, an additive known to many as E952, occupied the leading position among all sugar substitutes. But today the situation has changed, since the harm of this substance has been scientifically proven and confirmed by numerous clinical studies.

Sodium cyclamate is a sugar substitute of synthetic origin. It is 30 times sweeter than its beet “brother”, and even fifty times sweeter when combined with other artificial substances.

The component does not contain calories, therefore, does not affect glucose levels in a person’s blood, and does not lead to extra pounds. The substance dissolves well in liquids and has no odor. Let's look at the benefits and harms of a food additive, what effect it has on human health, and what safe analogues it has?

History of the creation of sodium cyclamate

Additive E952 is widely used in the food industry, since it is ten times sweeter than regular granulated sugar. From a chemical point of view, sodium cyclamate is cyclamic acid and its calcium, potassium and sodium salts.

The substance was discovered in 1937. A graduate student, working in a laboratory at a university in Illinois, was developing an antipyretic drug. I accidentally dipped a cigarette into the solution, and when I put it back in my mouth, I felt a sweet taste.

Initially, they wanted to use the component to hide bitterness in medications, in particular antibiotics. But in 1958, in the United States of America, E952 was recognized as an additive that is completely safe for health. It was sold in tablet form for diabetics as an alternative to granulated sugar.

Research in 1966 showed that some types of opportunistic microorganisms in the human intestine can process the additive to form cyclohexylamine, which is toxic to the body. Subsequent studies (1969) concluded that cyclamate consumption is dangerous because it provokes the development of bladder cancer. After this, E952 was banned in the USA.

At the moment, it is believed that the additive is not capable of directly provoking the oncological process, but may enhance the negative effects of some carcinogenic components. E952 is not absorbed in the human body and is excreted through urine.

A number of people have microbes in their intestines that are capable of processing the additive to form teratogenic metabolites.

Harm and benefits of additive E952

Sugar level

The sweetener resembles ordinary white powder in appearance. It does not have a specific odor, but has a distinct sweet taste. If we compare the sweetness in relation to sugar, then the additive is 30 times sweeter.

The component, which often replaces saccharin, dissolves well in any liquid, somewhat more slowly in a solution with alcohol and fat. It has no caloric content, which makes it possible for diabetics and people who monitor their health to consume it.

Reviews from some patients note that the additive tastes unpleasant, and if you consume a little more than normal, a metallic taste is present in the oral cavity for a long time. Sodium cyclamate has both benefits and harms, let's try to figure out which is more.

The incomparable advantages of the supplement include the following:

  • Much sweeter than granulated sugar;
  • No calories;
  • Relatively low price;
  • Easily dissolves in water;
  • Pleasant taste.

However, it is not for nothing that this substance is banned in many countries, since long-term consumption can lead to serious side effects. Of course, the supplement does not directly lead to their development, but it does participate indirectly.

Consequences of cyclamate consumption:

  1. Disturbance of metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Allergy.
  3. Negative effects on the heart and blood vessels.
  4. Kidney problems, up to.
  5. E952 can lead to the formation and growth of kidney and bladder stones.

It is incorrect to say that cyclamate causes cancer. Indeed, studies were carried out, they proved that the rats developed an oncological process. However, experiments were not carried out on humans for obvious reasons.

Not for consumption by children under 12 years of age.

Alternative to sodium cyclamate

E952 is harmful to the body. Of course, scientific research only indirectly confirms this information, but it is better not to overload the body with unnecessary chemicals, because an allergic reaction is the “smallest” side effect; problems can be more serious.

If you really want sweets, then it is better to choose another sweetener that does not have dangerous consequences for the human condition. Sugar substitutes are divided into organic (natural) and synthetic (artificially created).

In the first case we are talking about sorbitol, fructose, xylitol, stevia. Synthetic products include saccharin and aspartame, as well as cyclamate.

It is believed that the safest sugar replacement is to consume the supplement stevia. The plant contains low-calorie glycosides with a sweet taste. That is why the product is recommended for diabetics, regardless of the type of disease, because it does not affect human blood sugar levels.

One gram of stevia is equivalent to 300 g of granulated sugar. Having a sweet taste, stevia has no energy value and does not affect metabolic processes in the body.

Other sugar substitutes:

  • Fructose (another name is fruit sugar). The monosaccharide is found in fruits, vegetables, honey, and nectar. The powder dissolves well in water; heat treatment changes its properties slightly. It is not recommended, since the breakdown produces glucose, the utilization of which requires insulin;
  • Sorbitol (sorbitol) is found naturally in fruits and berries. On an industrial scale it is produced through the oxidation of glucose. The energy value is 3.5 kcal per gram. Not suitable for people who want to lose excess weight.

In conclusion, we note that the harm of sodium cyclamate has not been fully confirmed, but there is also no conclusive evidence of the benefits of the dietary supplement. At the same time, you need to understand that it is not for nothing that E952 is banned in some countries. Since the component is not absorbed and is excreted through urine, it is called conditionally safe at a daily rate of no more than 11 mg per kilogram of human body weight.

The benefits and harms of sodium cyclamate are described in the video in this article.

Sugar level

Latest discussions.

The synthetic sweetener sodium cyclamate, more than half a century ago, once and for all changed the landscape of the global food industry. Thanks to him, sweet foods became available to millions of people in need of a special diet. But the debate about its proven benefits and probable harm does not subside, and therefore, before allowing this substance onto your table, you need to find out the most important thing about it.

Sodium cyclamate - benefit resulting from a safety violation

It is known that many things would not exist in the world if some discoveries and inventions had not been preceded by an accident or coincidence. Mayonnaise and processed cheese, smallpox vaccination and penicillin, and even unbreakable glass and the discovery of America.

In 1937, in Illinois, graduate student Michael Sweda stayed in the laboratory of American University. While working on the formula for a new antipyretic drug, he took advantage of the fact that he was alone and flagrantly violated safety precautions by lighting a cigarette. At some point the cigarette was put down on the table.

And when Michael continued to enjoy his bad habit, he clearly discerned an extraordinary sweetness on the cigarette.

This was the beginning of one of the most important inventions of the 20th century, which became known under the generally accepted name sodium cyclamate. The pharmaceutical company Abbott Laboratories was the first to appreciate its benefits - the new substance was supposed to be added to medicines to reduce their bitter taste. But in the end, the use of sodium cyclamate turned out to be much wider.

Sodium cyclamate - the benefits and importance of the substance for dietetics and the food industry

In 1950, after a series of theoretical and practical studies, the sweetener began to be sold in pharmacies (mainly in tablet form), since it could perfectly replace all known sugars for people with diabetes.

The fact is that sodium cyclamate does not have a glycemic index, and therefore it cannot affect blood glucose levels in any way.

Sodium cyclamate is a fine-crystalline white powder, it is a little similar in appearance to sugar, but its sweetness is tens of times greater.

There are no extraneous flavors and no smell at all - pure sweetness, which, by the way, is enhanced when mixed with other substances, for example, sodium saccharin.

It is not surprising that the food industry soon became interested in it, on whose products today it is customary to label it as E952.

In addition, it can be found in its pure form in pharmacies.

The melting point of sodium cyclamate is 265 degrees Celsius, which allows it to be used in the preparation of various baked goods and desserts.

It is also very soluble in non-oily liquids, including water, dairy products, juices and everyday beverages such as tea and coffee.

Due to the already mentioned amazing sweetness, to make anything you want, this substance requires an order of magnitude less than beet sugar, fructose, honey - any of the natural sweeteners.

Sodium cyclamate is inexpensive, which means it is possible to dramatically reduce production costs. And simplify production, because, as already mentioned, it is easily soluble and will not form sugary lumps in the same baking.

The scope of what it is added to is extremely wide:

· cakes and baked goods;

· yoghurts;

· chocolate buttercreams;

· breakfast cereals;

· ice cream;

· chocolate and candies;

· carbonated drinks.

The advantage that popularizes sodium cyclamate in the food industry is that it is simply impossible to add any calories to the body in the minimum amount required to achieve the desired level of sweetness, which means that this sweetener is also indispensable for overweight people.

Modest benefits and theoretical harms of sodium cyclamate

In 1969, sodium cyclamate was banned for sale in the United States, and only in the 70s, in the wake of extensive research on this substance, did it begin to appear for sale in pharmacies in some states, while still remaining unresolved in the food industry (a ban may be coming soon will be removed).

But over fifty countries, including the European Union and Russia, allow the use of E952. The fact is that scientists have not yet come to a consensus about the benefits and harms of sodium cyclamate.

It is known for certain that in addition to the above properties (no calories and glycemic index), E952 does not have any more positive effect on the human body.

It is simply not absorbed by it, is not broken down and is excreted in its original, pure form, through the urinary system and increased kidney function.

If you can feel a surge of vitality and a tonic effect from fructose from peach jam or sugars in honey, they are useful for metabolism and mental activity - then sodium cyclamate is a “dummy” in this sense.

Even the classic way to improve your mood by eating sweets will work with it, but not as fully and deeply as when consuming natural sugars; in fact, it will only be a reflex to the sweet taste, and not a full-fledged positive reaction of the body.

Proven harm of sodium cyclamate

The use of sodium cyclamate should be limited to the maximum permissible dosage per day - no more than 0.8 g, which can be calculated as approximately 10 mg per 1 kg of human weight (for a person weighing 80 kg).

The minimum that an overdose leads to is allergic reactions and a general deterioration in well-being, nausea and poor digestion.

But even using it within normal limits, as recent studies have shown, is not without consequences.

It has been clearly proven that the harm from sodium cyclamate manifests itself in increased stress on the cardiovascular system and kidneys, especially with symptoms of urolithiasis.

Also, through clinical trials on rodents, it was proven that an excess of the substance leads to the appearance of malignant tumors in the bladder.

But whether this applies equally to humans is a very vague question.

In addition, the preference for this artificial sweetener is fraught with:

· slowing down the metabolic process;

decreased immunity;

· allergic reactions, expressed in redness of the eyes and skin rashes, accompanied by burning and itching.

Sodium cyclamate is definitely harmful for pregnant women, especially in the first 2-3 weeks of expecting a baby. The fact is that the mutual reaction of E952 and bacteria inhabiting the healthy microflora of the gastrointestinal tract forms teratogenic metabolites, which are likely to affect the development of the fetus, causing, among other things, serious disorders.

To summarize, the use of sodium cyclamate can be recommended for health conditions that truly require a sugar substitute with the inherent characteristics of this substance.

However, if the glucose level is normal, if there is no obesity, and fast carbohydrates are not contraindicated, it is wiser to refuse food and drinks containing E952, no matter how attractive and appetizing they are. Or, at least, don’t treat yourself to them often.

Greetings! The chemical industry has been offering us many different types of sugar substitutes for a long time.

Today I will talk about sodium cyclamate (e952), which is often found in sweeteners, you will find out what it is, what its benefits and harms are.

Since it can be found both in toothpaste and in 3-in-1 instant coffee, we will find out whether it poses a threat to our body.

Sodium cyclamate E952: technical characteristics

Sodium cyclamate is designated E 952 on the food label and represents cyclamic acid and two variants of its salts - potassium and sodium.

The sweetener cyclamate is 30 times sweeter than sugar, however, due to the synergistic effect in combination with other sweeteners, it is used in a “duet” with aspartame, sodium saccharin or acesulfame.

Calorie content and GI

This sweetener is considered calorie-free, since it is added in such small quantities to achieve a sweet taste that it does not affect the energy value of the product.

It does not have a glycemic index and does not increase blood glucose levels, therefore it is recognized as an alternative to sugar for people suffering from both types of diabetes.

Sodium cyclamate is heat stable and will not lose its sweet flavor in baked goods or other cooked desserts. The sweetener is excreted unchanged from the body by the kidneys.

History of the creation of a sweetener

Like a number of other drugs (for example, sodium saccharinate), sodium cyclamate owes its appearance to a gross violation of safety precautions. In 1937, at the American University of Illinois, an unknown student at that time, Michael Sweda, worked on the creation of an antipyretic drug.

Having lit a cigarette in the laboratory (!), he put the cigarette on the table, and when he picked it up again, he felt a sweet taste. Thus began the journey of a new sweetener into the consumer market.

A few years later, the patent was sold to the pharmaceutical company Abbott Laboratories, which intended to use it to improve the taste of a number of drugs.

For this, the necessary research was carried out, and in 1950 the sweetener appeared on the market. At the same time, cyclamate began to be sold in tablet form for use by diabetics.

Already in 1952, it began the industrial production of calorie-free soda No-Cal.

Sodium cyclomate: harm to the body and side effects

However, simultaneously with the launch of production in the United States, additional research is being conducted on the effect of the sweetener cyclamate on a living organism and it turns out that it is quite harmful.

Carcinogenicity of the sweetener

After research, it turns out that in large doses this substance can provoke the appearance of cancerous tumors in albino rats.

In 1969, sodium cyclomate was banned in the United States.

Since a lot of research has been carried out since the early 70s, which partially rehabilitated the sweetener, cyclomate is now approved for use not only in the Russian Federation, but also in 55 countries around the world, including EU states.

However, the very fact that cyclamate can cause cancer makes it an unwelcome ingredient on food labels and remains a cause for concern. In the United States, the issue of lifting the ban on its use is only now being considered.

Cyclomat during pregnancy

In addition, there are bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract that, when reacting with this sweetener, form teratogenic metabolites (substances that can affect the development of the embryo).

This is why sodium cyclomate is prohibited for pregnant women, especially in the first 2-3 weeks.

Daily dose

The permissible daily dose is 11 mg/kg of adult weight, and since cyclamate is only 30 times sweeter than sugar, it is still possible to exceed it. For example, drinking 3 liters of soda with this sweetener.

Therefore, you should not abuse chemical sweeteners!

Like any inorganic sweetener, sodium cyclamate, especially in combination with sodium saccharin, affects the condition of the kidneys. There is no point in putting additional stress on these organs.

To date, there are no official studies confirming the harm of sodium cyclamate, but “extra chemicals” in the human body, already overloaded with a not very favorable ecology, in any case will not have the best effect.

This substance is included in such brands as: and some

Even for people with diabetes, today there are many other ways to usefully replace sugar. For example, sweeteners without cyclamates based on stevia.

So, friends, only you and your nutritionist decide whether to include sodium cyclamate in your diet, but remember that taking care of your health is not on the list of interests of soda or chewing gum manufacturers.

Be wise in your choices and healthy!

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Dilyara Lebedeva

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