Why are your feet cold and how to deal with it. What can you do to prevent your feet from freezing in the cold? To keep your feet from freezing

Greetings to all readers of my blog! Why do my feet get cold? Today I won’t talk about why this happens in winter. If your shoes are tight and wet, then this phenomenon is quite natural in the cold season. But there is another side to the issue. It is very unpleasant when such discomfort is constantly experienced, and not only in winter, but in the warm season and even in a warm room. Let's look at the reasons, perhaps later we will find a solution to this issue.

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Why do my feet always get cold?

You've probably noticed that when it's cold, your extremities are the first to freeze. This is explained simply. The fact is that the palms and feet have a small number of muscle fibers that are capable of generating heat, and there is practically no fatty tissue on them that should retain this heat. The only source of heat is our blood.

Under the influence of low temperatures, blood vessels narrow and the amount of blood flowing to the limbs decreases. If this is a healthy person, then to warm them it is enough to warm your hands in warm water or massage them, blood circulation in the limbs will be restored and they will warm up.

If this method of warming the feet and hands does not help, this condition should not be ignored, as this may be the initial symptom of a serious pathology.

Feet are cold - reasons

The main reason for cold feet and freezing even in summer and in a warm room is poor circulation in the lower extremities (we won’t talk about the hands). This can occur with the following diseases:

  • Unstable blood pressure - with high pressure, the blood vessels are spasmed and it is more difficult for blood to reach the smallest capillaries; with low blood pressure, the blood pressure weakens and there is simply not enough blood pressure to reach the small capillaries of the foot.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia - characterized primarily by low blood pressure, the mechanism of blood supply at low pressure has just been explained.
  • Varicose veins - muscle tone of blood vessels is reduced, the structure of the walls of blood vessels is changed.
  • Hormonal disorders - often occur in older people if they have diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, or menopausal syndrome in women.
  • Anemia - a reduced amount of hemoglobin does not provide a normal amount of oxygen - the source of vital energy.
  • Obliterating endartharitis, which often occurs in heavy smokers, whose blood vessels spasm under the influence of nicotine.
  • Stroke – the passage of nerve impulses is disrupted, resulting in paresis and paralysis, loss of sensitivity is observed.
  • History of frostbite.
  • Violation of water balance, when with insufficient water intake into the body, the blood becomes thick and the blood vessels spasm as a protective reaction of the body.
  • Advanced stage of osteochondrosis.

What to do if your feet and hands are cold

If the list of reasons includes your pathology, then the feeling of cold feet is one of the symptoms of the disease; only qualified medical help will help you here. But if your feet remain constantly cold and all your efforts to warm them remain ineffective, this is another reason to immediately seek help from a doctor.

Simple folk remedies that can be done at home will help you get rid of the feeling of cold feet. What can be done?

  1. Walk barefoot more often, if possible, on small stones, in the summer - on morning dew, and at home - on a massage mat.
  2. Sit less - move more: on a bicycle - in summer, in winter - on skis or skates.
  3. A contrast shower will help improve blood circulation throughout the body and strengthen blood vessels, including those in the legs. If it is not possible to do a contrast shower, then at least do contrast foot baths. I have already written in this article how to do it correctly.
  4. Every morning, massage your feet with your hands, rubbing your feet first and then each toe. For massage you can use special massagers. And in the evening before going to bed, take pine foot baths or with sea salt.

And some more useful tips.

  • Never sit with your legs crossed – it is this position that causes poor circulation in the lower extremities for 10-15 minutes.
  • Get rid of bad habits, especially smoking, drink less strong coffee and tea. Spicy seasonings are not prohibited.
  • Do not wear tight and narrow shoes in the cold season, wear dry and warm socks.
  • Strengthen your immune system: in addition to strengthening it, when you eat foods rich in vitamin C (rose hips, currants, citrus fruits, cranberries, etc.), the walls of blood vessels will also be strengthened, and ginger and red hot pepper will help “disperse” the blood.
  • Don't forget about water, drink at least 2 liters a day. Remember that with a lack of water, the blood becomes thick and the blood vessels spasm.

What to do if the feet of older people are cold?

Older people's feet often get cold. This occurs as a result of a slowdown in their physiological processes, metabolic and circulatory disorders. With age, their muscle mass decreases and the subcutaneous fat layer decreases.

Impaired heat exchange in their lower extremities occurs quite often; even in a warm home, their feet get cold, thereby worsening their quality of life.

For older people, in addition to the treatment prescribed by a doctor, you can also use traditional methods of treatment. These are harmless methods that can be used at home in parallel with drug treatment.

To improve blood flow in the lower extremities, do exercises that have absolutely no contraindications and are easy to do. Watch these exercises in this video.

Cold feet - treatment with folk remedies

I remember how my grandmother, when I was a very small child, constantly warmed my feet over boiled potatoes to warm my feet. She placed a small board on top of the pot with potatoes, and wrapped a blanket over her legs and the pot with potatoes. She sat like that for about 30 minutes or until the potatoes cooled down. After that she always put on warm woolen socks.

Something similar can be done with mustard. I found this recipe on the Internet: as I understand it, add mustard to moderately hot water, so as not to burn your feet, and warm your feet for 20-30 minutes until the water cools down. After which the feet are wiped dry and warm woolen socks are put on.

Do rubbing – massage for the feet. Do stroking, kneading, patting movements 7-10 times on each leg. After this, apply apple cider vinegar to your legs and feet, preferably 6% (you don’t need to dilute it), rub the vinegar into the skin with light movements. After 5-10 minutes, after the vinegar has been well absorbed, put warm socks on your feet and lie there for another 15 minutes.

The most important property in this case is that it has a vasodilating effect and thins the blood, resolves blood clots and clots in the blood vessels.

Similar rubbings can be done with warm vodka, and some even do rubbings “the old fashioned way” with triple cologne. Judging by the reviews, such manipulations help.

Tincture with red pepper. For 200 grams of vodka, take 2 teaspoons of red pepper and place in a dark, warm place for 10 days to infuse. Strain the finished tincture and rub it into your feet before bed every day.

Warming cream. Add red pepper extract, rosemary essential oil, camphor oil to baby cream or Vaseline. The cream should be applied to dry, clean feet, after it has absorbed a little, put on warm socks. Be careful with red pepper: it can cause an allergic reaction or cause irritation.

Take hot foot baths. To 1 liter of hot water, add 10-15 drops of rosemary, clove or cinnamon essential oil and 2 tablespoons of milk to dissolve the essential oil. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, after which wipe your feet dry and put on warm socks.

To improve the general condition and restore blood circulation in general, it is recommended to carry out preventive courses every 3 months by drinking a honey-vegetable mixture. To prepare it, take:

  • a glass of carrot, beet, horseradish juice;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • 1 glass of honey.

Mix everything, take 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach before meals every day. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

Constantly cold feet are a very unpleasant phenomenon, which may also be accompanied by cold sweating.

Some believe that it all comes down to the peculiarities of blood circulation, but this condition can be associated with a number of dangerous diseases.

What to do if your feet are cold, is it possible to get rid of this pathology with the help of folk remedies?

Of course, but only after establishing the reasons that became the basis for this condition.

Causes of cold feet

Feet can get cold due to a violation of heat exchange, but there may be several reasons for its change:

  • specificity of the organism– congenital weakness, abnormal vascular structure or excessively low weight;
  • blood pressure problems– at high pressure, vascular spasms lead to deterioration of blood flow, and at low pressure it simply flows much more slowly and reaches the extremities worse;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia– vascular tone and blood supply deteriorate;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia– with a lack of hemoglobin, the blood vessels contain little oxygen, and as a result, the legs almost always remain cold;
  • lack of mass– in people who are too thin, their legs get cold more often and faster, a lack of fat has a bad effect on heat retention, and the lower extremities cool down first;
  • frostbite– if you have frozen your feet at least once in your life, then for the rest of your life your limbs will freeze more severely;
  • high stress levels– the vessels narrow, blood does not reach the legs well, as a result of which they become cold;
  • too many warm clothes– some people constantly wrap themselves in sweaters and other warm clothes, even in the summer, and wear socks, so their feet get used to it and begin to freeze without such clothing;
  • varicose veins– problems with the veins, which can cause pain and cold feet;
  • smoking– in heavy smokers, the blood vessels are under the influence of spasms, which impair blood supply;
  • in the elderly due to decreased activity of all processes and depletion of fatty and muscle tissue, the legs begin to freeze more;
  • severe dehydration– leads to cooling not only of the legs, but also of the whole body.

There are also specific diseases in which the feet are constantly cold..

These include: hypothyroidism, which affects the thyroid gland, Raynaud's syndrome, which causes vasospasm, fungal infections not only of the legs, but also of internal organs. as well as heart failure.

My feet are cold

Cold feet in children

Young children often do not like to wear socks and take them off at the first opportunity.. And parents try to wrap them up warmer so that the child does not develop a cold.

However, excessive heat only harms the little person. Their blood vessels work better, blood flow is not disturbed, so children are much warmer.

If a newborn baby has cold feet, then this may be normal, because their heat exchange has not yet developed as it should.

But if at 5-7 years old a child’s feet often become cold, then this may be a sign of several diseases:

  • VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia)– a common disorder leading to vasospasm and poor blood flow;
  • anemia or weak immunity– modern ecology greatly influences these factors, as a result weakness develops and the limbs become cold;
  • elevated body temperature– often leads to cooling of the extremities, may cause teeth to appear, or a reaction to vaccinations.

If the temperature rises above 39 degrees, you should sound the alarm, this could be a fever. In this case, it is important to reduce the temperature using natural methods and be sure to consult a doctor.

Pregnancy and cold feet

In women during pregnancy, the legs may also become cold in the early stages due to changes in hormonal levels and temporary disruptions in the thyroid gland.

An increase in estrogen levels during pregnancy can lead to temperature disturbances.

If your feet are constantly cold, this may be a consequence of VSD, which develops against the background of low resistance to stress during pregnancy. Changes in blood pressure in later stages may also be the cause.

Sweaty and cold feet

Constant sweating and cold feet occur with diabetes and other thyroid diseases.

A similar symptom is also characteristic of blood diseases, as well as multiple sclerosis, flat feet, some infections and kidney diseases.

Sometimes your feet become cold due to sweating due to synthetic socks..

With regular use of low-quality underwear, the pathology can become chronic, and then it will have to be treated with antiperspirants and changes in diet.

Treatment and prevention of cold feet

If you have been able to identify the reason why your feet are cold when warm, then you should eliminate it first. If no visible diseases are detected, then a comprehensive approach to eliminating the pathology should be taken:

  1. Strengthening blood vessels. A contrast shower of the whole body or contrast foot baths 3-4 times a week will help with this.
  2. Physical exercise. To improve blood circulation, you should moderately load the body - swimming, running, cycling, or replace full-fledged sports with light exercises at home for 5 minutes 3-4 times a day.
  3. Hot baths. Before going to bed, you should take hot baths with sea salt for your feet - an excellent folk method for prevention.
  4. Regular massage. From toes to knees, you can massage your legs, improving blood circulation. Effective cinnamon and ginger oils are also used for this.
  5. Alcohol, coffee and strong tea – to a minimum.
  6. It is advisable to avoid overly stressful situations.
  7. Spicy food. Seasonings and spices in the form of ginger and pepper will help improve blood circulation.
  8. Warm socks made of natural wool will help improve the situation.

There are several folk methods that can be used to treat excessive freezing of the feet in men and women.

Folk remedies for cold feet

Massage is the best answer to the question of how to treat constantly cold feet. Unless, of course, there are concomitant diseases. Some products are also used in the fight against pathologies:

  • Apple vinegar– rub the feet and legs up to the knees with vinegar, which has a good effect on blood circulation, relieves spasms, and promotes the resorption of blood clots and blood clots. Use pure vinegar, treating the entire surface of the legs and feet. Then after 5 minutes the legs are wrapped for 15 minutes;
  • alcohol compress- can be done both to prevent your feet from freezing outside in winter, and to eliminate the feeling of cold in any other situation. Socks are soaked in vodka, feet are warmed in warm water and socks are put on. On top is woolen underwear. After 5 minutes your feet will be warm;
  • hot pepper– ground spice is applied to the feet, socks are put on, and the feet are first lubricated with a rich cream;
  • Sophora tincture– 50 g of Sophora fruits or flowers are infused in 0.5 liters of vodka, drunk 3 times a day, 1 tsp. 4 months;
  • mistletoe leaves– 1 tsp. crushed leaves are mixed with 1 tbsp. boiling water overnight. Infuse in a thermos, 2 tbsp. l. drink 20 minutes before meals for 3-4 months. The recipe is effective for blood pressure disorders.

Physical exercise

Special gymnastics are great for cold feet when used regularly.. If in winter your feet get cold in any shoes, then you need to improve blood circulation and eliminate the causes of its disturbance (or other factors affecting heat transfer).

To do this, you can reinforce complex measures with special exercises:

  1. Shaking legs. Lie on your back on a flat surface, raise your legs and arms at an angle of 90 degrees relative to your body and start shaking your limbs for 1 minute.
  2. Reed in the wind. An effective exercise that is performed like this: lie on your stomach and relax, bend your knees, start swinging your legs carefully and smoothly so that they reach your buttocks.
  3. Nut massage. Use walnuts by pressing them firmly between your palms and rolling them for 2-3 minutes. Then repeat with your feet. Repeat 2-3 times a day.

Sometimes your feet get cold because you choose the wrong shoes. Also in case of poor circulation, special attention should be paid to this issue.

My feet are cold. Exercises

Winter and shoes for cold feet

In winter, feet get colder in tight shoes than in spacious shoes, since in tight shoes there are no conditions for circulation and heat generation. Spacious shoes will better retain the heat emitted by the body itself.

If your feet get very cold in winter in any shoes, you should take a certain set of measures:

  • choose loose shoes so that your feet and toes are not pinched;
  • use socks only made of natural wool;
  • give up bad habits, especially smoking;
  • use special foot massagers;
  • Don't sit cross-legged.

And remember to choose the right shoes. Feet will be less cold in a pair made of genuine leather or nubuck. There must be high-quality fur or wool inside. Additionally, you can choose a thermal insole with fur and foil.

Also, in particularly cold weather, mustard plasters can be placed between the insole and the sock; they will improve heat transfer and create additional warmth.

When choosing shoes, pay attention to the sole. For a winter pair, it should be thick enough for high-quality protection from the cold coming from the ground.

Constantly freezing feet is not only a feature of the body, but also a possible manifestation of various diseases. If the pathology causes significant discomfort, you need not only to apply traditional methods and rules for choosing shoes, but also to visit doctors to identify the cause of this condition.

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The cardiovascular system in men and women is structured the same, but it functions differently. This is due to the predominance of different hormones: estrogen - female, androgen - male. The nature of blood flow is also affected by the level of metabolism, the amount of fat and muscle tissue. It is these factors that lead to women getting cold more often than men. Most often, it is the feet that suffer from the cold. Constantly freezing feet can be easily treated with folk remedies. What to do about this problem can be said for sure after the cause has been established, and there are several of them. However, most often these are problems with the vascular system.

Constantly freezing feet bothers women more than men. Why do your feet get cold? Because the legs have the least muscle mass and subcutaneous fatty tissue, which help conserve heat. In addition, women have a different hormonal composition and a different distribution of energy in the body, which is more used to maintain the functions of internal organs. In this case, peripheral vessels and capillaries remain neglected.

What to do if your feet are constantly cold?

Change your diet. Increase the amount of foods rich in iron and vitamin C in your diet, which helps improve capillary permeability and vascular elasticity. To do this, eat kiwi, sauerkraut, citrus fruits, and drink rosehip infusion. Eat foods with vitamin P, which prevents the vitamin from oxidizing and improves blood circulation: nuts, pumpkin seeds.

People whose feet are constantly cold should always dress appropriately for the weather. If the body is well protected from the cold, then the internal organs do not become overcooled, which means they will not have to take heat from the legs. Also, freezing feet can be easily treated with folk remedies, which must be used regularly.

Heat-resistant socks are available for purchase and are available for winter outdoor activities.

Move more. Even when you just have to stand at a bus stop, walk, stamp your feet, jump.

The smaller mass of muscle tissue in women does not allow the production of the required amount of heat. Even with a slight change in air temperature, blood from the skin rushes to the internal organs to maintain reproductive function. Often, such disorders are eliminated by proper nutrition, light self-massage, physical exercise and yoga, and are eliminated by folk remedies. Cold feet can also be caused by diseases: diabetes, hormonal disorders, thyroid gland.

Freezing feet can be easily treated with folk remedies, such as valerian root, motherwort, mint and lemon balm - decoctions of these herbs will help relieve stress. Give your body time to recover, sleep and rest more, at least 8-9 hours a day.

Ginger can normalize blood circulation. Add it to tea, when preparing soups, stews or fish. Don’t forget about physical activity; if your feet often get cold, walk more.

Folk recipes

Warming cream. Mix the ingredients: red pepper extract, cocoa butter, camphor, rosemary and sesame. Apply warming cream to washed and dried feet.

Warming tincture. Take 2 tsp. ground red pepper and add a glass of vodka. Leave for 10 days, strain. Lubricate your feet with the tincture before going to bed. However, compositions with red pepper should be used with caution, as it can lead to allergic reactions and irritation.

If your feet are already frozen:

Apply an alcohol compress to the area of ​​your feet. Such a compress will not harm the body. You can also make an unusual compress by soaking the soles of thin socks in alcohol or vodka and putting them on your feet, heated in hot water, and putting warm woolen socks on top.

Massage your entire feet and legs using your hands, a massage roller or a dry brush. When massaging, make movements from bottom to top.

Warm yourself up from the inside by drinking hot milk, a cup of hot tea with honey and lemon, a drink with ginger or cinnamon.

Make a warming herbal tea that will improve blood circulation. Take 1 tsp. sage, chamomile, mint, valerian root, bay leaf, 2 cloves, a piece of ginger, a pinch of coriander, a little ground pepper and pour a liter of boiling water in a thermos. Leave for an hour and drink like tea.

Tags: legs, treatment, cold


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If your feet are cold, these effective methods will help, they are simple and easy to apply at home. But you should contact a vascular surgeon if cold feet interfere with your life.


Take sesame, coconut or olive oil and heat slightly. Gently massage the oil onto your feet for 10 minutes and then put on your socks. Perform the procedure every day before going to bed.

Ginger can increase blood circulation and also support the fight against cold extremities. Substances contained in it such as gingerol and zingerone provide a warming effect for the body. In addition, ginger reduces the risk of blood clots.

Place a tablespoon of chopped ginger in a small amount of water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Once cool, add a little honey. Drink 2-3 times a day.

Place chopped ginger in boiling water and cook for a few minutes. Then let it cool and soak your feet in this solution for 15 minutes. Perform the procedure 2 times a day every day.

Epsom salt, which has a warming effect, is another powerful folk remedy. It contains magnesium, a deficiency of which can cause cold feet.

Dissolve ½ cup of salt in warm water and soak your feet for 15 minutes. Repeat 2 times a week.

Iron deficiency causes coldness in the extremities. Due to low levels of hemoglobin in the blood, organs and tissues do not receive the required amount of oxygen.

Eat more foods that are rich in iron, such as spinach, lentils, watercress, asparagus, dates, almonds, apples, dried apricots, red meat, liver, oysters and tofu.

Cold feet also indicate a lack of magnesium. This mineral is essential for blood circulation as well as the absorption of vitamin D. Magnesium is not retained in the body for long, so it must be included in your daily diet.

Foods rich in magnesium include mustard, turnips, chard, spinach, cucumbers, avocados, seaweed, broccoli, green beans, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, almonds and baked potatoes.

If your feet are cold: folk remedies

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Remember if this is your case: in the summer everything is just fine, but with the onset of cold days, every foray outside turns into hellish torment, since your feet almost instantly become like ice, and warming them is something out of the realm of fantasy. Neither a warm blanket, nor foot baths in hot water, nor rubbing, nor even strong drinks help.

What can I say: if your feet are constantly freezing, you must first find the cause of this phenomenon, and only then be puzzled by the question of what to do about such a problem. This publication will be devoted to all this.

First, observe your body and understand whether your feet become cold constantly or periodically, and what circumstances contribute to this. After that, all that remains is to adapt.

So, for example, the answer to why your feet are cold and what to do may be as follows:

  • Most often, the lower limbs get cold due to too small or too narrow shoes, which a person uses with enviable regularity. In this case, a violation of blood circulation occurs, and the latter is not able to reach the feet in sufficient quantities;
  • Feet often get cold due to the natural nuances of the human body structure. For example, in the absence of a sufficient amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue, a large surface of the skin will constantly give off heat rather than accumulate it;
  • Impaired blood circulation in the capillaries is another reason why the feet get cold. The problems may be of a different nature, but they all provoke a constant feeling of coldness in the lower extremities;
  • In the event that your feet are very cold, and for no apparent reason, it makes sense to undergo a medical examination to establish a diagnosis such as: abnormal structure of blood vessels, varicose veins, local circulatory disorders, reduced functionality of the thyroid gland, etc.;
  • Fingers and feet may freeze continuously or periodically after previously experiencing frostbite;
  • A feeling of cold in the lower extremities is often observed with advanced osteochondrosis;
  • Feet often freeze due to dysfunction of the water balance, thick blood, vascular spasms, etc.

If you notice shortness of breath, swelling of the feet, arrhythmia, decreased body temperature, brittle nails and greasy hair on the head, while simultaneously feeling constant coldness in the feet, it makes sense to seek medical advice.

Among the global causes of cold feet are:

  • chronic and prolonged stress;
  • excess body weight;
  • alcoholism and tobacco addiction.

In general, there are a great many reasons why feet get cold, but it is not always possible to immediately figure out what exactly to do about this problem. It would seem that the source has been found, and all that remains is to eliminate it.

But, as reality shows, in a person whose lower limbs are always or periodically cold, a whole “bouquet” of concomitant or provoking diseases is discovered, and the treatment process is significantly delayed.

According to statistical studies, women are much more likely than men to face the problem of why their feet are very cold, and what needs to be done in such cases. This state of affairs is entirely based on the intricacies of the hormonal background of the female body, and on the fact that women endure much less physical activity than men.

“My feet are cold, what should I do?”

If this particular question has been troubling you for the last few years, then, in addition to having to endure treatment for the main provoking disease, you will need to follow a whole list of recommendations:

  • Give up alcohol and tobacco, which negatively affect the health and condition of blood vessels;
  • Take a contrast shower every day, which will provide a kind of training and hardening of the vascular system. Such water procedures, consisting of alternating cold and hot water, should be taken at least a couple of times a day;
  • It is useful to massage your feet, both with your own hands and with special massagers or regular brushes. It’s good if this happens with the use of some kind of warming agent: ointment, alcohol or cologne. You should rub the entire surface of the foot and even the ankle, after which it is recommended to wear cotton socks, over which you can also pull woolen ones;
  • In order not to be faced with the question of what to do if your toes are cold in winter, in the summer, walk barefoot more often, even on the grass, even on asphalt or bare ground;
  • A bath of milk, sea salt, rosemary essential oil and hot water helps to warm the limbs;
  • You can put mustard or red pepper powder in your socks;
  • Before going outside, it is recommended to lubricate your feet with nutria, mink or badger fat, which is sold in pharmacies.

If one of your blood relatives always has cold feet, this person does not know what to do in a similar situation, then the risk of developing a similar problem for you becomes incredibly high.

In this case, it is very important to promptly prevent the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases, which is especially important if pathologies of the blood circulation system are already present.

Among the traditional methods, we can recommend the following:

  • alternating various physical exercises;
  • giving up the habit of sitting with your legs crossed;
  • do not wear tightly laced or narrow shoes;
  • use massage gels and warming foot creams;
  • Massage your lower extremities regularly.

Faced with the problem that your feet are very cold in winter even in warm shoes, you should decide what to do and how, not alone, but with your doctor. This is the only way to get rid of the unpleasant feeling once and for a long time.

Video: My feet are cold, what should I do?

With the onset of winter, many people face the problem of frozen feet. And it seemed that the shoes were warm, with thick soles, and the socks were good, but there was no effect. Of course, cold feet do not bring much pleasure, and besides, this condition provokes inflammatory processes. What is the reason for this phenomenon? Bad shoes, and you should buy women's ugg boots, or the reason is something else.

Why do my feet get cold in winter?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, but we will give possible factors that prevent your feet from warming up in the winter. For example:

Low or high blood pressure: blood does not reach the legs well, causing them to get cold;
uncomfortable, tight shoes, synthetic socks;
tight compressive tights or pants.

In the last two cases, compression of the blood vessels occurs, which ultimately leads to impaired blood circulation. Therefore, when choosing boots for the winter, first of all you should pay attention not to their beauty, but to convenience and comfort. Winter boots should have good soles, not thin ones, if they have a heel, then small ones, warm inside, and not waterproof. In addition, it is best to choose boots a little larger than your size so that you can wear a warm sock. Of course, the ideal winter boots that will keep your feet warm at any temperature are UGG boots. These boots are very warm, do not put pressure on the foot and ankle, do not get wet or slip. The only point when choosing Ugg boots: they must be original, with real sheepskin wool, and have a branded label inside and on the back. Only such ugg boots meet all the stated parameters. Therefore, if you have already decided to purchase ugg boots, then only in a store where they can provide you with a certificate of conformity.

Strengthening your health

We have already indicated the best shoes for the winter, it’s time to talk about how to strengthen your health so that your feet do not freeze and do not suffer from the cold in winter. First of all this:

Daily walks in the fresh air;
proper nutrition;
regular exercise, which will help strengthen blood vessels and the immune system;
increasing your hemoglobin level if it is very low. This task is best accomplished by: raisins, dried apricots, pomegranate, red caviar, almonds, pumpkin, beef liver, multivitamins;
use of herbal decoctions.

As a preventive measure, you can also do contrasting foot baths: you need to alternately keep your feet in cold and then in hot water. It is also recommended to add a few drops of clove oil or red pepper tincture into the bath. Such products have a positive effect on blood circulation in the legs.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle, properly selected shoes with thick soles, warm socks and your feet will not be afraid of the cold in winter.

Based on materials from http://australia-ugg.com.ua/zhenskie_uggi.

Remember if this is your case: in the summer everything is just fine, but with the onset of cold days, every foray outside turns into hellish torment, since your feet almost instantly become like ice, and warming them is something out of the realm of fantasy. Neither a warm blanket, nor foot baths in hot water, nor rubbing, nor even strong drinks help.

What can I say: if your feet are constantly freezing, you must first find the cause of this phenomenon, and only then be puzzled by the question of what to do about such a problem. This publication will be devoted to all this.

What causes discomfort?

First, observe your body and understand whether your feet become cold constantly or periodically, and what circumstances contribute to this. After that, all that remains is to adapt.

So, for example, the answer to why your feet are cold and what to do may be as follows:

  • Most often, the lower limbs get cold due to too small or too narrow shoes, which a person uses with enviable regularity. In this case, a violation of blood circulation occurs, and the latter is not able to reach the feet in sufficient quantities;
  • Feet often get cold due to the natural nuances of the human body structure. For example, in the absence of a sufficient amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue, a large surface of the skin will constantly give off heat rather than accumulate it;
  • Impaired blood circulation in the capillaries is another reason why the feet get cold. The problems may be of a different nature, but they all provoke a constant feeling of coldness in the lower extremities;
  • In the event that your feet are very cold, and for no apparent reason, it makes sense to undergo a medical examination to establish a diagnosis such as: abnormal structure of blood vessels, varicose veins, local circulatory disorders, reduced functionality of the thyroid gland, etc.;
  • Fingers and feet may freeze continuously or periodically after previously experiencing frostbite;
  • A feeling of cold in the lower extremities is often observed with advanced osteochondrosis;
  • Feet often freeze due to dysfunction of the water balance, thick blood, vascular spasms, etc.

If you notice shortness of breath, swelling of the feet, arrhythmia, decreased body temperature, brittle nails and greasy hair on the head, while simultaneously feeling constant coldness in the feet, it makes sense to seek medical advice.

What can cause poor blood circulation?

Among the global causes of cold feet are:

  • chronic and prolonged stress;
  • excess body weight;
  • alcoholism and tobacco addiction.

In general, there are a great many reasons why feet get cold, but it is not always possible to immediately figure out what exactly to do about this problem. It would seem that the source has been found, and all that remains is to eliminate it.

But, as reality shows, in a person whose lower limbs are always or periodically cold, a whole “bouquet” of concomitant or provoking diseases is discovered, and the treatment process is significantly delayed.

According to statistical studies, women are much more likely than men to face the problem of why their feet are very cold, and what needs to be done in such cases. This state of affairs is entirely based on the intricacies of the hormonal background of the female body, and on the fact that women endure much less physical activity than men.

How to get rid of discomfort

« My feet are cold, what should I do?».

If this particular question has been troubling you for the last few years, then, in addition to having to endure treatment for the main provoking disease, you will need to follow a whole list of recommendations:

  • Give up alcohol and tobacco, which negatively affect the health and condition of blood vessels;
  • Take a contrast shower every day, which will provide a kind of training and hardening of the vascular system. Such water procedures, consisting of alternating cold and hot water, should be taken at least a couple of times a day;
  • It is useful to massage your feet, both with your own hands and with special massagers or regular brushes. It’s good if this happens with the use of some kind of warming agent: ointment, alcohol or cologne. You should rub the entire surface of the foot and even the ankle, after which it is recommended to wear cotton socks, over which you can also pull woolen ones;
  • In order not to be faced with the question of what to do if your toes are cold in winter, in the summer, walk barefoot more often, even on the grass, even on asphalt or bare ground;
  • A bath of milk, sea salt, rosemary essential oil and hot water helps to warm the limbs;
  • You can put mustard or red pepper powder in your socks;
  • Before going outside, it is recommended to lubricate your feet with nutria, mink or badger fat, which is sold in pharmacies.

Preventive actions

If one of your blood relatives always has cold feet, this person does not know what to do in a similar situation, then the risk of developing a similar problem for you becomes incredibly high.

In this case, it is very important to promptly prevent the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases, which is especially important if pathologies of the blood circulation system are already present.

Among the traditional methods, we can recommend the following:

  • alternating various physical exercises;
  • giving up the habit of sitting with your legs crossed;
  • do not wear tightly laced or narrow shoes;
  • use massage gels and warming foot creams;
  • Massage your lower extremities regularly.

Faced with the problem that your feet are very cold in winter even in warm shoes, you should decide what to do and how, not alone, but with your doctor. This is the only way to get rid of the unpleasant feeling once and for a long time.

You've probably noticed that in frosty weather, your feet freeze first. Due to slow blood circulation, the feet quickly become cold, which leads to unpleasant consequences.

But how can you protect yourself from colds, cystitis, kidney disease and everything else? How to warm your feet if even warm winter boots and socks don’t help? There is one simple and effective way that will help you warm up in just 5 minutes!

For this you will need scissors, a pen (marker) and a heat reflector (you can purchase a foil heat reflector that is installed behind the batteries at any hardware store).


  1. Take the insole out of your winter shoes and place it on the heat reflector sheet.
  2. Using a pen or marker, trace the edges of the insole.
  3. Use scissors to cut out the resulting insole from the heat reflector and place it under the regular one in your boots.

In this video you can see the above procedure:

And one more important point: to make your feet “breathe” better, punch several holes with a diameter of 3-4 mm in the insole.

Now your feet will not get cold, because the heat reflector will return warmth to them and prevent cold from entering from the ground. We wish you warmth even in the coldest weather!

And tell your friends about this wonderful method! They will be grateful to you.

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The cold season is coming, and everyone is rushing to get warm clothes - sweaters, cardigans, socks, tights. When our hands and feet are warm, we feel especially comfortable. But sometimes, despite all the measures taken, a person still complains that his feet are cold. This is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, and in order to forget about the problem, you need to figure out why it arose. After all, constantly cold feet can be evidence of internal diseases. Do you want to understand why your feet are cold and what to do about it? “EasyUseful” will help you figure it out!

Why do my feet get cold in winter?

The feet are the furthest part of the body from the heart. When problems with blood circulation arise - it becomes difficult for the heart to supply blood - they suffer first, and a feeling of constant chilliness appears.

Here is a list of internal diseases that can cause cold feet:

  • Diabetes. With this disease, the walls of blood vessels become fragile, and blood clots easily form in them.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia. Lack of iron in the blood inhibits metabolic processes.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland. In this case, not only your feet, but also your hands will freeze.
  • Venous congestion in the lower extremities. Accompanied by swelling at the end of the day, heaviness and tingling in the legs, cramps in the calves.
  • Blood pressure is too high or too low. Both can provoke vasospasm.

There are also reasons not related to internal diseases and vascular pathologies. Among them:

  • Too narrow, uncomfortable shoes. It compresses the foot, resulting in impaired blood microcirculation. To get rid of the problem, just change into a comfortable pair of shoes.
  • Excess body weight. The idea that fat people are always warm is a common myth. Excess weight puts pressure on your legs and interferes with free blood flow.
  • If a person has previously experienced frostbite, his limbs freeze much faster in cold weather.
  • Pregnant women, elderly people, as well as those who have bad habits - smoking or drinking alcohol - often complain about the feeling of cold.

What to do if your feet are cold in winter

First of all, you need to exclude the most serious causes, and for this you need to consult your doctor. If health problems are indeed confirmed, you need to work to eliminate them. It is important to understand that freezing feet in this case is not an independent problem, but only a consequence of the disease.

As soon as effective therapy is applied, not only the chilliness in the legs, but also other unpleasant symptoms will go away. The situation cannot be left to chance. Diabetes mellitus and heart failure require careful medical monitoring. Blood pressure must also always be kept normal, otherwise it may result in a hypertensive crisis. If cold feet are not associated with a health condition, you can regain a sense of comfort at home by using the following methods:

At the end of the day, you can take warming foot baths. Water temperature is 38-40°C, you can add 2-3 tbsp to the water. l. sea ​​salt. Important note: hot foot baths are contraindicated for pregnant women, children, the elderly, and those who suffer from certain chronic diseases.

An effective way to “get the blood flowing” is foot massage. Feet should be washed with warm water, wiped dry, and then thoroughly massage your toes and rub your feet. After the procedure, wear warm socks.

Drinking plenty of warm drinks - fruit compotes, herbal infusions - helps to warm up.

It is important to always wear comfortable shoes that make your feet feel comfortable. If the foot is constantly compressed, other problems may arise - swelling of the legs, a feeling of heaviness after a working day.

Shoes should be chosen according to the season; if it’s frosty outside, you should use warm insoles. The sole of the shoes should be thick if we are talking about high boots - it is important that their tops do not put too much pressure on the calves.

Proper nutrition plays a big role. To prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Pumpkin seeds, pomegranate, blueberries, and dried apricots are especially useful.

Preventive actions

It is easier to prevent any disease than to cure it. This is why preventative measures are so important. The following exercises will help improve the general condition of the body and strengthen the immune system.

  1. To strengthen blood vessels, you need to completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It is generally accepted that a person practically does not drink if he allows himself to drink strong drinks only on holidays. But alcohol harms the body even in small quantities.
  2. It is useful to take a contrast shower in the morning, alternating cool and hot water. The duration of the procedure is several minutes.
  3. In the summer, you should walk barefoot as much as possible - on the beach, on the ground and grass at your dacha.
  4. Blood circulation will improve if you do light exercises on a regular basis - spend 5-10 minutes doing exercises every day.

To keep your feet always warm, you need to take care of your health, especially if you have other complaints. A simple examination by a doctor can identify and solve many problems. And if you don’t forget about simple rules of self-care and the basics of a healthy lifestyle, the problem will no longer remind you of itself. The main associations with the winter season will not be constant colds and freezing feet, but New Year's holidays, invigorating frost and sparkling snow!

The cardiovascular system in men and women is structured the same, but it functions differently. This is due to the predominance of different hormones: estrogen - female, androgen - male. The nature of blood flow is also affected by the level of metabolism, the amount of fat and muscle tissue. It is these factors that lead to women getting cold more often than men. Most often, it is the feet that suffer from the cold. Constantly freezing feet can be easily treated with folk remedies. What to do about this problem can be said for sure after the cause has been established, and there are several of them. However, most often these are problems with the vascular system.

Constantly freezing feet bothers women more than men. Why do your feet get cold? Because the legs have the least muscle mass and subcutaneous fatty tissue, which help conserve heat. In addition, women have a different hormonal composition and a different distribution of energy in the body, which is more used to maintain the functions of internal organs. In this case, peripheral vessels and capillaries remain neglected.

What to do if your feet are constantly cold?

Change your diet. Increase the amount of foods rich in iron and vitamin C in your diet, which helps improve capillary permeability and vascular elasticity. To do this, eat kiwi, sauerkraut, citrus fruits, and drink rosehip infusion. Eat foods with vitamin P, which prevents the vitamin from oxidizing and improves blood circulation: nuts, pumpkin seeds.

People whose feet are constantly cold should always dress appropriately for the weather. If the body is well protected from the cold, then the internal organs do not become overcooled, which means they will not have to take heat from the legs. Also, freezing feet can be easily treated with folk remedies, which must be used regularly.

Heat-resistant socks are available for purchase and are available for winter outdoor activities.

Move more. Even when you just have to stand at a bus stop, walk, stamp your feet, jump.

The smaller mass of muscle tissue in women does not allow the production of the required amount of heat. Even with a slight change in air temperature, blood from the skin rushes to the internal organs to maintain reproductive function. Often, such disorders are eliminated by proper nutrition, light self-massage, physical exercise and yoga, and are eliminated by folk remedies. Cold feet can also be caused by diseases: diabetes, hormonal disorders, thyroid gland.

Freezing feet can be easily treated with folk remedies, such as valerian root, motherwort, mint and lemon balm - decoctions of these herbs will help relieve stress. Give your body time to recover, sleep and rest more, at least 8-9 hours a day.

Ginger can normalize blood circulation. Add it to tea, when preparing soups, stews or fish. Don’t forget about physical activity; if your feet often get cold, walk more.

Folk recipes

Warming cream. Mix the ingredients: red pepper extract, cocoa butter, camphor, rosemary and sesame. Apply warming cream to washed and dried feet.

Warming tincture. Take 2 tsp. ground red pepper and add a glass of vodka. Leave for 10 days, strain. Lubricate your feet with the tincture before going to bed. However, compositions with red pepper should be used with caution, as it can lead to allergic reactions and irritation.

If your feet are already frozen:

Apply an alcohol compress to the area of ​​your feet. Such a compress will not harm the body. You can also make an unusual compress by soaking the soles of thin socks in alcohol or vodka and putting them on your feet, heated in hot water, and putting warm woolen socks on top.

Massage your entire feet and legs using your hands, a massage roller or a dry brush. When massaging, make movements from bottom to top.

Warm yourself up from the inside by drinking hot milk, a cup of hot tea with honey and lemon, a drink with ginger or cinnamon.

Make a warming herbal tea that will improve blood circulation. Take 1 tsp. sage, chamomile, mint, valerian root, bay leaf, 2 cloves, a piece of ginger, a pinch of coriander, a little ground pepper and pour a liter of boiling water in a thermos. Leave for an hour and drink like tea.

Tags: legs, treatment, cold

Constantly cold feet are a very unpleasant phenomenon, which may also be accompanied by cold sweating.

Some believe that it all comes down to the peculiarities of blood circulation, but this condition can be associated with a number of dangerous diseases.

What to do if your feet are cold, is it possible to get rid of this pathology with the help of folk remedies?

Of course, but only after establishing the reasons that became the basis for this condition.

Causes of cold feet

Feet can get cold due to a violation of heat exchange, but there may be several reasons for its change:

There are also specific diseases in which the feet are constantly cold..

These include: hypothyroidism, which affects the thyroid gland, Raynaud's syndrome, which causes vasospasm, fungal infections not only of the legs, but also of internal organs. as well as heart failure.

My feet are cold

Cold feet in children

Young children often do not like to wear socks and take them off at the first opportunity.. And parents try to wrap them up warmer so that the child does not develop a cold.

However, excessive heat only harms the little person. Their blood vessels work better, blood flow is not disturbed, so children are much warmer.

If a newborn baby has cold feet, then this may be normal, because their heat exchange has not yet developed as it should.

But if at 5-7 years old a child’s feet often become cold, then this may be a sign of several diseases:

  • VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia)– a common disorder leading to vasospasm and poor blood flow;
  • anemia or weak immunity– modern ecology greatly influences these factors, as a result weakness develops and the limbs become cold;
  • elevated body temperature– often leads to cooling of the extremities, may cause teeth to appear, or a reaction to vaccinations.

If the temperature rises above 39 degrees, you should sound the alarm, this could be a fever. In this case, it is important to reduce the temperature using natural methods and be sure to consult a doctor.

Pregnancy and cold feet

In women during pregnancy, the legs may also become cold in the early stages due to changes in hormonal levels and temporary disruptions in the thyroid gland.

An increase in estrogen levels during pregnancy can lead to temperature disturbances.

If your feet are constantly cold, this may be a consequence of VSD, which develops against the background of low resistance to stress during pregnancy. Changes in blood pressure in later stages may also be the cause.

Sweaty and cold feet

Constant sweating and cold feet occur with diabetes and other thyroid diseases.

A similar symptom is also characteristic of blood diseases, as well as multiple sclerosis, flat feet, some infections and kidney diseases.

Sometimes your feet become cold due to sweating due to synthetic socks..

With regular use of low-quality underwear, the pathology can become chronic, and then it will have to be treated with antiperspirants and changes in diet.

Treatment and prevention of cold feet

If you have been able to identify the reason why your feet are cold when warm, then you should eliminate it first. If no visible diseases are detected, then a comprehensive approach to eliminating the pathology should be taken:

  1. Strengthening blood vessels. A contrast shower of the whole body or contrast foot baths 3-4 times a week will help with this.
  2. Physical exercise. To improve blood circulation, you should moderately load the body - swimming, running, cycling, or replace full-fledged sports with light exercises at home for 5 minutes 3-4 times a day.
  3. Hot baths. Before going to bed, you should take hot baths with sea salt for your feet - an excellent folk method for prevention.
  4. Regular massage. From toes to knees, you can massage your legs, improving blood circulation. Effective cinnamon and ginger oils are also used for this.
  5. Alcohol, coffee and strong tea – to a minimum.
  6. It is advisable to avoid overly stressful situations.
  7. Spicy food. Seasonings and spices in the form of ginger and pepper will help improve blood circulation.
  8. Warm socks made of natural wool will help improve the situation.

There are several folk methods that can be used to treat excessive freezing of the feet in men and women.

Folk remedies for cold feet

Massage is the best answer to the question of how to treat constantly cold feet. Unless, of course, there are concomitant diseases. Some products are also used in the fight against pathologies:

  • Apple vinegar– rub the feet and legs up to the knees with vinegar, which has a good effect on blood circulation, relieves spasms, and promotes the resorption of blood clots and blood clots. Use pure vinegar, treating the entire surface of the legs and feet. Then after 5 minutes the legs are wrapped for 15 minutes;
  • alcohol compress- can be done both to prevent your feet from freezing outside in winter, and to eliminate the feeling of cold in any other situation. Socks are soaked in vodka, feet are warmed in warm water and socks are put on. On top is woolen underwear. After 5 minutes your feet will be warm;
  • hot pepper– ground spice is applied to the feet, socks are put on, and the feet are first lubricated with a rich cream;
  • Sophora tincture– 50 g of Sophora fruits or flowers are infused in 0.5 liters of vodka, drunk 3 times a day, 1 tsp. 4 months;
  • mistletoe leaves– 1 tsp. crushed leaves are mixed with 1 tbsp. boiling water overnight. Infuse in a thermos, 2 tbsp. l. drink 20 minutes before meals for 3-4 months. The recipe is effective for blood pressure disorders.

Physical exercise

Special gymnastics are great for cold feet when used regularly.. If in winter your feet get cold in any shoes, then you need to improve blood circulation and eliminate the causes of its disturbance (or other factors affecting heat transfer).

To do this, you can reinforce complex measures with special exercises:

  1. Shaking legs. Lie on your back on a flat surface, raise your legs and arms at an angle of 90 degrees relative to your body and start shaking your limbs for 1 minute.
  2. Reed in the wind. An effective exercise that is performed like this: lie on your stomach and relax, bend your knees, start swinging your legs carefully and smoothly so that they reach your buttocks.
  3. Nut massage. Use walnuts by pressing them firmly between your palms and rolling them for 2-3 minutes. Then repeat with your feet. Repeat 2-3 times a day.

Sometimes your feet get cold because you choose the wrong shoes. Also in case of poor circulation, special attention should be paid to this issue.

My feet are cold. Exercises

Winter and shoes for cold feet

In winter, feet get colder in tight shoes than in spacious shoes, since in tight shoes there are no conditions for circulation and heat generation. Spacious shoes will better retain the heat emitted by the body itself.

If your feet get very cold in winter in any shoes, you should take a certain set of measures:

  • choose loose shoes so that your feet and toes are not pinched;
  • use socks only made of natural wool;
  • give up bad habits, especially smoking;
  • use special foot massagers;
  • Don't sit cross-legged.

And remember to choose the right shoes. Feet will be less cold in a pair made of genuine leather or nubuck. There must be high-quality fur or wool inside. Additionally, you can choose a thermal insole with fur and foil.

Also, in particularly cold weather, mustard plasters can be placed between the insole and the sock; they will improve heat transfer and create additional warmth.

When choosing shoes, pay attention to the sole. For a winter pair, it should be thick enough for high-quality protection from the cold coming from the ground.

Constantly freezing feet is not only a feature of the body, but also a possible manifestation of various diseases. If the pathology causes significant discomfort, you need not only to apply traditional methods and rules for choosing shoes, but also to visit doctors to identify the cause of this condition.

In frosty weather, the first thing to freeze is your feet. Due to slow blood circulation, the feet quickly become cold, which leads to various unpleasant consequences.

But how can you protect yourself from colds, cystitis, kidney disease and everything else? How to warm your feet if even warm winter boots and socks don’t help? There is one simple and effective way that will help you warm up in just 5 minutes!

To do this, you will need scissors, a pen (marker) and a heat reflector (you can purchase a foil heat reflector that is installed behind the batteries at any hardware store).

How to do

  1. Take the insole out of your winter shoes and place it on the heat reflector sheet.
  2. Using a pen or marker, trace the edges of the insole.
  3. Use scissors to cut out the resulting insole from the heat reflector and place it under the regular one in your boots.

And one more important point: to make your feet “breathe” better, punch several holes with a diameter of 3-4 mm in the insole. Now your feet will not get cold, because the heat reflector will return warmth to them and prevent cold from entering from the ground. We wish you warmth even in the coldest weather!

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