How nasvay affects the body. Nasvay: what is it and what are the consequences of its use

Nasvay is a unique substance native to Central Asia. Some believe that this substance has a narcotic effect, others talk about it as an analogue of tobacco, and others do not even know about the existence of this product. This substance is one of the types of tobacco products where nicotine enters the human body with the help of saliva. This fairly popular type of drug has gained particular popularity among young people. Its intoxicating effect and mild euphoria have given the product a certain reputation as a harmless mixture. Let's look at what this substance is and the effect of nasvay on the body.

Nasvay came to the domestic market from Central Asia, where it was traditionally consumed

The appearance of nasvay resembles small greenish balls, the size of a pea. The color of the substance depends on the ingredients used to prepare it. Nasvay is very often found in an earthy and gray color. In addition, the form of the drug can be either spherical or in the form of small sticks.

In European countries, as well as in Russia, this drug appeared thanks to immigrants from Central Asia. In these countries, the substance is sold on every corner absolutely legally. It is made from tobacco leaves and a special alkali. Various spices and oils can be used to improve the taste of the product.

The role of alkali in the drug is played by slaked lime, but there are often cases when ash and chicken droppings are added to the substance. According to local legends, nasvay was originally made from camel dung.

It would seem that such a composition should scare away potential buyers, but the drug is extremely popular. The popularity of the product is due to its low price and the absence of the need for additional means for use. In Russia, the price of a small package of nasvay is about one hundred rubles. One package is enough for several days of use.

Let's figure out what nasvay affects. At first, this product was presented to the public as the only remedy that had the ability to get rid of the addiction to smoking cigarettes. There is a small grain of truth in these words. Regular use of the drug helps to get rid of addiction. But the coin, as you know, has two sides. The negative point associated with the use of nasvay is that the dependence on this product is several times stronger than on the use of nicotine.

Distributors of nasvay promise relief from tobacco addiction and dental problems

Intoxicating effect

The effect of nasvay on the body is the appearance of a slight intoxicating effect, which is accompanied by strong salivation, attacks of dizziness and blurred vision. People who use this mixture report that in the first minutes after using it, tingling and numbness are felt in their fingertips.

The duration of the intoxicating effect is influenced by factors such as the amount of mixture, the age of the person and the duration of his addiction.

Since the product is extremely popular among young people, schoolchildren are guilty of using it. In order to get a “high” they only need five peas. The older generation uses drugs in clubs or at parties. In such cases, the amount of substance consumed in such situations already reaches several handfuls.

According to people who use the drug, they use this substance to reduce the need for cigarettes. In addition, the drug is much easier to use than its more popular counterpart.

Methods of use

At its core, nasvay is a type of chewing tobacco, but it is used in a completely different way. To obtain euphoria, the balls are placed under the tongue or lip. In youth slang, this method of use is called “bookmarking.” The drug itself is called “nose”, “pea” and “foundling”.

Once on the mucous membrane, alkali triggers certain processes. As a result of changes in acidity in the oral cavity, nicotine enters the body at an accelerated pace. The saliva that comes out must be spat out, as swallowing it can cause poisoning. In most types of nasvay, there are surrogates among the components.

Harm to the body

The harm of nasvay to the human body lies in the fact that this product is several times more harmful than ordinary cigarettes. Its distributors are silent about this feature of the substance. The danger of use can be judged by the first signs of the substance’s action. When consuming nasvay, a person feels a strong burning sensation at the site of the “bookmark” and the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

This is followed by a short-term effect of euphoria, which is replaced by attacks of apathy, dizziness and severe irritability. In order to reduce the severity of such withdrawal, a person must use the drug again.

There is a common myth that nasvay reduces the need to smoke

Consequences of addiction

According to statistics, only every fifth person who used this product was able to stop using it in the future. The remaining percentage of people become dependent on drug use. The harmful effect on the body extends to such organs as:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart;
  • reproductive system;
  • central nervous system;
  • mucous membrane.

We will look at how each organ suffers separately.

Mucous membrane

Just a single use of these peas is enough to feel a burning sensation in the places where the buds are present. Regular use of the mixture leads to damage to the membrane and the appearance of small ulcers. A regular “smoker” is distinguished by the presence of severe inflammation in the oral cavity and bad breath.

According to experts, the use of such products can cause oncology of the oral cavity and larynx.

Gastrointestinal organs

Even when the “smoker” spits out the accumulated saliva, some of the substances still enter the body. In addition to severe attacks of nausea and vomiting, a person receives such an unpleasant pathology as severe diarrhea. The use of tobacco pellets can cause the formation of diseases such as gastritis and ulcers.

Regular consumption leads to the development of abdominal cancer. A low-quality product can cause an intestinal infection that enters the body if the drug contains animal excrement.


Any substance that a person uses during his life has a certain effect on the central nervous system. Some products have a low-profile effect, while others are more pronounced.

The use of nasvay leads to the fact that a person becomes more apathetic and tired. He constantly needs a new dose of the substance in order to feel a surge of vitality. The younger generation who consume “peas” become more forgetful, absent-minded and aggressive.

Heart muscle

When a substance is used over several years, the risk of developing heart failure and blood diseases increases. The risk of heart attack or stroke increases at a young age.

Reproductive organs

Nasvay has a strong influence on the male body, and in particular reproductive functions. Eating “peas” leads to a decrease in the quality of sperm, although the potency itself remains at the same level. Such problems can lead to infertility.

Nasvay is also dangerous during pregnancy. Since the substance enters the bloodstream very quickly, all harmful toxins are transferred to the fetus. This can cause the appearance of various pathologies in the development of the fetus and mental problems in the future.

We should also not forget that there is no civilized and controlled production of nasvay.

Is it possible to quit

The question of what happens from nasvay is asked to specialists not by the addicts themselves, but by their immediate circle. People who use nasvay are firmly confident that using the substance will not result in tragic consequences for them.

It is very important to protect young people from consuming such products, since it has a particularly strong effect on fragile bodies. In order to encourage cessation of use, certain conditions must be created for the teenager.

First you need to find the reason that triggered the processes associated with eating “peas”. Most often, teenagers use such products to keep up with their peers, on the advice of friends, trying to quit smoking or get a euphoric effect. If you can’t identify a teenager on your own, you can try to involve specialists.

It is very important to begin to control the child and prevent excess money from falling into his hands, which could be spent on drugs. Constant monitoring can lead to abstinence from using such substances. But remember that the drug changes the child’s behavior and he can respond to all your measures with aggression.

In order to help a child, you need to find an activity that he likes. Each of his actions must be properly assessed and encouraged. It is very important for a child to feel the support and care of his loved ones.

Try to spend as much time with him as possible, sharing his hobbies. You can play computer games together, watch a movie, or go on a hike.

In contrast to these methods, a categorical prohibition and aggression on the part of parents can have the opposite effect. The child begins to deliberately harm himself in order to defy his parents. A commanding tone in a conversation will lead to the fact that he will continue to take the “nose” approach.

You can use certain tricks, show your child photographs of the consequences of using nasvay or talk about what its use leads to. In addition, it is best to entrust the conversation to someone who is in authority with the teenager. Most often, grandfathers or uncles act as this person.

Nasvay is a substance containing nicotine. It has an unpleasant odor, taste, and looks like small green balls. Nasvay is a drug. Due to the fact that it is a non-smoking tobacco, it is often used as a substitute for cigarettes when trying to quit smoking. This is explained by the fact that the smoke does not enter the lungs, and the effect is similar to that of conventional cigarettes.

In fact, this substance is not nearly as harmless as it seems, and its use can result in very negative health consequences. Modern doctors are also alarmed by the fact that the drug is widely available today; it is not difficult even for schoolchildren to acquire it.

Other names for nasvay: nat, nasybay, ice, snus, nasyr, nose.

What is nasvay made from?

Nasyr is not produced in factories. It is usually done at home using:

  • Tobacco;
  • Oils;
  • Seasonings;
  • Slaked lime;
  • Plant ash;
  • Chicken droppings.

Nasvay sometimes contains glue needed to form balls, as well as marijuana. Manufacturers add the last component to make cheese addictive, thereby ensuring the prosperity of their “business”.

By the way, chicken manure, which is used in agriculture, is diluted with water to avoid damage to crops. For nasvay, this component is used in dry form. Some snus manufacturers do not bother giving it any form and sell the product in powder form.

As a rule, even after learning what nasvay is made from, consumers cannot refuse to use the substance.

Nat is used as follows. The balls (or powder) are placed under the tongue and held for 5-7 minutes, being careful not to swallow saliva. If you hold the substance longer or swallow it, vomiting may begin, accompanied by headache, stomach upset, and general malaise.

Properties and effects on the body

Nasvay produces the following effect:

  • Slight dizziness, blurred vision;
  • Feeling of relaxation, weightlessness;
  • Muscle relaxation;
  • Tingling in legs, arms.

This state does not last long - for 7-10 minutes. The state of euphoria is accompanied by increased salivation, and in some cases sweating is observed.

Today, the main consumers of nasvay are schoolchildren. They consider “pampering” a harmless, non-addictive substance. In addition, they are attracted by the absence of any odor that would indicate the use of a substance, due to which their dangerous hobby may go unnoticed by parents and teachers.

Teenagers believe that the drug is not addictive, which is a serious misconception. Its cost allows you to purchase the substance without any problems - for an amount that is almost equivalent to the cost of a full meal, you can buy a bag of cheese, which will be enough for 20-30 doses.

Detecting addiction to this drug is really difficult. The person who uses it does not have any distinct signs - changes in the pupils, speech, marks from injections, etc. The disastrous consequences of using nasvay appear only over time in the form of various diseases, mental disorders, the emergence of addiction, which can be eliminated It's hard enough.

Consequences of using nasvay

  • Infections, ulcers and other stomach diseases. The development of these diseases is most facilitated by the presence of animal droppings in the product, with which the sticks enter the body. It is he who has a destructive effect on tissue, leading to the appearance of ulcers. The substance in powder form is especially dangerous - in a state of euphoria it is difficult to ensure that it does not enter the stomach.
  • Manufacturers of the drug deliberately spread the myth that nasyr can whiten teeth. In fact, the consequences of its use are the opposite. Teeth not only darken from exposure to the substance, but are also destroyed in the shortest possible time.
  • Like any other drug, nasyr causes mental changes - a person becomes nervous, irritable, confused, and communication abilities are impaired. This is especially dangerous in adolescence, when the child’s emotional sphere is already vulnerable. Drug users experience deterioration in memory, perception, and thought processes.
  • Nasvay has a destructive effect on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and esophagus. In the first few doses, the consumer feels a burning sensation in the mouth; over time, it dulls, so it becomes even more difficult to notice pathological processes.
  • People who consume nasvay are susceptible to cancer of the mouth, lip, tongue, and larynx. Research by oncologists has shown that these diseases in 80% of cases are associated with addiction to cheese. It is important to understand that this is a huge risk and the likelihood of developing the disease does not depend in this case on age, gender, or genetic predisposition to cancer.
  • Snus causes infertility. This process is irreversible, so it is practically impossible to restore reproductive function after being damaged by a drug.

It is worth remembering that the harm of nasvay manifests itself regardless of the duration of use - there are cases when pathological changes in the body began even after several doses of the substance.

Even more dangerous is consuming cheese in combination with alcohol.

An overdose of the drug can result in darkening of the eyes, fainting, and a sharp deterioration in general condition.

nasvay will not help you quit smoking!

In an effort to attract consumers, nasyr producers resort to tricks, attributing various characteristics to it.
It is easy to tempt curious young people by claiming that in life you need to try everything, and such an easy and harmless remedy as nasvay will certainly not cause harm and will not cause addiction. Of course, this is a lie, and instead of drugs, it is better to try various sports, discover new genres in literature, music, cinema, etc.

Do not believe that thanks to nasvay you will be able to get rid of tobacco addiction. The drug will not stop you from smoking, but you will acquire a new dangerous habit.

Residents of our latitudes rarely think about the fact that their loved ones or children may become dependent on this drug. It is widespread in the countries of Central Asia, where today this problem is considered one of the most acute. Currently, doctors together with the authorities are developing programs to help eradicate it. Unfortunately, at the moment the problem remains urgent.

Residents of other countries should not lose their vigilance either - the spread of the drug today goes far beyond the borders of Central Asia. Its main suppliers are residents of the East. In addition, today information on how to make nasvay yourself at home is not secret.

How to overcome addiction?

Be prepared right away that quitting nasvay will not be easy, but it is quite possible. It will take about 2 weeks for your condition to improve and for your body to not require the use of the substance. It will take at least a month to completely get rid of addiction.

During the healing period, ailments associated with the restructuring of the body and its return to a normal lifestyle are possible.

Immediately throw away absolutely all of your supplies. Having decided to get rid of a destructive habit, know that the thought of using the drug at least once more should not even arise.

Sellers position nasvay as a harmless means to combat smoking, but this is a simple advertising gimmick. In fact, this substance is many times more dangerous than tobacco: it is highly addictive and leads to such serious consequences as cancer. Why is nasvay so dangerous and what effect does it have on the body?

Harm to nasvay

Since the main ingredient of nasvay is tobacco, the substance has a destructive effect on the body. However, if the lungs suffer more from cigarettes, then after consuming nasvay the main blow falls on the gastrointestinal tract and oral mucosa.

Just one dose of the mixture contains the same amount of tobacco as several cigarettes at once, which is why nasvay has a more devastating effect on the human body. Not only does it not help cope with nicotine addiction, as sellers claim, but it also causes many side effects. At the same time, schoolchildren, not realizing the severity of the consequences, use nasvay during breaks just to relax and get a “quick fix.”

Slaked lime burns the delicate mucous membrane of the oral cavity, and when it enters the stomach, it begins to corrode its lining. With long-term use of nasvay, peptic ulcers develop.

As with smoking cigarettes, when consuming nasvay, nicotine negatively affects the gums and teeth. The risk of developing cancer of the larynx and oral cavity increases. Only when smoking do all these negative processes occur more slowly. Considering all this, the benefits of nasvay, supposedly a means of helping to quit smoking, are very doubtful.

Short term impact

People who have tried nasvay describe their short-term sensations as follows:

  • Severe burning of the oral mucosa.
  • Heaviness in the head and throughout the body.
  • Muscle relaxation.
  • Apathy.
  • Heavy salivation.
  • Unpleasant taste and smell.

Some argue that the effects are less pronounced in those who have previously smoked tobacco. This can be explained by a decrease in sensitivity to nicotine, which develops as it is consumed.

With long-term use of nasvay, a person ceases to feel the unpleasant taste and smell of the mixture. In addition, the burning sensation in the mouth disappears. However, by that time the bad breath becomes noticeable to others.

Short-term effects on the body of nasvay

Effect on the body

Depending on the composition and volume of the dose, nasvay can stay in the blood for different times. However, in all cases the substance has a strong negative effect on the functioning of the body.

Nicotine causes a constriction of all blood vessels, which impairs blood supply to the brain, heart and other vital organs. They do not receive enough oxygen, so they cannot perform their functions normally. Moreover, the walls of blood vessels begin to thin out, so the risk of stroke increases, which is another answer to the question of what harm such a substance causes to the body.

The heart rate increases sharply under the influence of nicotine, which causes myocardial wear and tear and heart attack. Lead, cadmium and mercury cause severe damage to the liver and kidneys.

The photo shows the consequences of using nasvay

Psychological dependence

One of the common myths about nasvay is that this mixture is not addictive, and you can stop using it at any time. This is what dealers say about any type of drug, but it is always a lie.

Tobacco is the main component of nasvay, so its use results in a strong nicotine addiction. As a result of the addition of hashish and marijuana, drug addiction is formed. In addition, adolescents who use nasvay develop psychological dependence on the substance, which poses an equally serious problem.

Nasvay causes especially significant harm to children's bodies. Children are especially susceptible to suggestion, which is actively used by nasvay traders, praising the effects of the substance and concealing its consequences. In addition, teenagers are put under pressure by the authority of older friends who use the mixture.

As a result of long-term use, a persistent psychological dependence on nasvay is formed as a safe and effective means of elevating mood. After some time, the teenager develops a desire for more vivid sensations, which pushes him to use alcoholic beverages and hard drugs.

Nasvay often becomes bait with which drug dealers catch their victims. At first, teenagers get hooked on a safe substance. Then marijuana or hashish is mixed into it, after which many switch to heroin and cocaine.


With prolonged use of nasvay, such serious consequences develop as:

  • Cancer of the tongue, lips, larynx.
  • Tooth decay.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Diseases of internal organs.
  • Infertility.

According to statistics from oncologists in Uzbekistan, where the use of nasvay takes on catastrophic proportions, this substance in 8 out of 10 cases leads to oncological processes in the oral cavity.

Due to the high concentration of tobacco in nasvay, during long-term use, the condition of a person’s teeth significantly worsens, and a strong nicotine addiction occurs. Adding psychotropic substances to nasvay leads to mental disorders and personality changes. A person’s memory deteriorates, he is constantly at a loss. Therefore it should start as soon as possible.

Under the influence of nicotine, blood vessels become thinner, blood supply deteriorates, resulting in damage to the heart, brain and other organs. Heavy metals in nasvay cause liver and kidney damage.

In addition, nasvay causes infertility - this fact has been confirmed by scientists from the National Academy of Sciences in Kyrgyzstan. A study of 50 men found that this substance blocks sperm production. Reproductive dysfunction in such cases is irreversible, and they can appear after the first dose of nasvay.

The video shows a lecture about the harm nasvay causes to the body and what its consequences are:

ATTENTION: on the territory of the Russian Federation, from June 1, 2013, in accordance with the Federal Law “On protecting public health from the consequences of tobacco consumption,” wholesale and retail trade in nasvay is prohibited.

Nasvay (nasybay, us, nose, ice)

a mixture of tobacco or “us” plant, alkali (slaked lime), plant ash, oil, seasonings. Can be added chicken droppings, camel dung and marijuana. Nasvay is described in different ways by its appearance. In some cases, nasvay is green balls, in others it is a grayish-brown powder. Fresh nasvay looks like large, soaked, green grains, while stale nasvay looks more like powder and is almost black in color. Some manufacturers are too lazy to granulate “us” (nasvay) and sell it in powder.
Previously, nasvay was made in the form of small peas, and then they switched to sticks, which are formed after passing the mass through a meat grinder. There are signs of a transition to larger-scale production throughout. Nasvay is becoming a popular and accessible drug.
Nasvay is not manufactured in a factory. Its production is organized at home (where else can you find such an abundance of camel dung or chicken droppings).. In the Asian region, nasvay is freely sold on trays.

Nasvay is placed behind the cheek or lip. The lime contained in the potion changes the acidity of the medium and enhances absorption nicotine through the oral cavity. This produces a large amount of saliva, which must be spat out. If such saliva enters the stomach, it can cause nausea and diarrhea. The effect achieved when consuming nasvay is mild relaxation, dizziness, blurred vision, tingling in the arms and legs. The effect lasts about 7 minutes.

Recently, this potion has become very popular among schoolchildren, which is very alarming..
The use of nasvay has a very strong impact on physical health and is accompanied by memory deterioration, deviations in mental development, diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx, stomach, increased risk of cancer, autonomic disorders, and periodontal disease. Determined that Cancers are 80% more common among nasvay users than that of an ordinary person. In addition, in such people, reproductive function is completely disrupted, due to the fact that sperm production stops. The Institute of Medical Problems of the National Academy of Sciences (Osh, Kyrgyzstan) conducted a study of the effect of using nasvay on the reproductive function of men. “Doctors knew theoretically that nasvay causes great harm to the body,” says the director of the institute, candidate of medical sciences Rakmanbek Toychuev. “For the first time, we conducted a systemic toxicological examination of 50 men of reproductive age - residents of Osh and the Kara-Suu district, who consulted doctors about infertility.” The harm that nasvay causes does not depend on the duration of its use. Nasvay can strike immediately, it depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The biggest danger is that by consuming nasvay, sperm production stops, reproductive function is disrupted, and there is practically no chance of its restoration.

And of course, we must not forget about addiction and nicotine dependence on nasvay. Nasvay is actually not a substitute, but rather tobacco that harms the body. And do not be deceived that reducing the nicotine content to some extent solves the problem. “Nasvayshchiki” compensate for the loss by increasing the quantity and changing the quality of the mixture. The only difference is that tobacco smoke hits the lungs first, while nasvay hits the oral mucosa and gastrointestinal tract.
Lastly, look at the report about nasvay:


  • Nasvay causes nicotine addiction, which means that the human body will constantly require nasvay or the person will become a smoker.
  • Nicotine causes a constriction of all blood vessels, which is why the brain, heart and other organs begin to experience oxygen starvation. Under the influence of nicotine, the wall of blood vessels becomes thinner and a stroke may develop. The heart of a user of nasvay works like that of an athlete, only due to narrowed blood vessels it does not receive enough oxygen, and this leads to gradual wear and tear of the heart muscle and the development of a heart attack.
  • Nasvay causes cancer!
  • Nasvay causes dental diseases such as periodontal disease, caries, etc.
  • Nasvay causes gastritis and can lead to stomach ulcers. In addition, the artisanal method of making nasvay does not guarantee the purity of the product, so infectious diseases (for example, hepatitis) companions of those who use nasvay.
  • Often other psychoactive substances are added to nasvay, so dependence on other substances may develop.
  • Teenagers who use nasvay are not able to properly assimilate educational material; they have serious memory problems and constant confusion.
  • Adolescents who use nasvay experience personality changes and mental disorders.
  • Teenagers who begin to regularly use nasvay may soon switch to harder drugs.
  • Consumers of nasvay suffer from oral diseases (periodontal disease, caries, etc.), intestinal infections, and viral diseases.
  • People who use nasvay experience disturbances in reproductive function (sperm production is impaired, sperm are inactive). According to the Institute of Medical Problems of the Academy of Sciences: Nasvay leads to infertility, and it is almost impossible to restore impaired reproductive functions.
  • Manufacturers of nasvay often add ephedrine, ephedrone, etc. to further “bind” customers, and this leads to even greater dependence. In addition to nicotine addiction, another chemical addiction develops, which, according to narcologists, is very difficult to treat.
  • Nasvay often contains heavy metals (cadmium, lead), and this leads to toxic damage

According to Russian legislation, nasvay is not a narcotic substance. However, in fact, it provokes irreversible changes in the body, leading to serious illnesses and causing addiction. What does nasvay consist of? What are the dangers of using it?


Nasvay is a substance native to Central Asia. There it is considered a regular tobacco product, distributed absolutely legally and without age restrictions.

The name of the substance appears to be based on the word “us,” which refers to the plant from which it was previously prepared. Currently, shag or tobacco is used as the main ingredient, which is often replaced with cheaper tobacco dust. Some manufacturers replace the main components with stronger substances.

There are many varieties of nasvay; depending on the region of production, they distinguish Tashkent, Fergana and others. It is impossible to say for sure what nasvay looks like, since the appearance of the mixture can differ significantly: from green balls soaked in water or oil, to grayish-brown powder or even dust. There is an opinion that fresh nasvay should look like large green grains, and spoiled nasvay should look like very dark dust.

Nasvay is produced exclusively using artisanal methods. It is sometimes called chewing tobacco, but the mixture is not chewed, but simply held behind the lip or cheek. From the oral cavity, active substances are absorbed into the blood.

What are they made of?

The main ingredient of nasvay is tobacco or shag, but the following is also added to its composition:

  • slaked lime;
  • camel dung;
  • chicken droppings;
  • plant ash;
  • oil;
  • dried fruits;
  • seasonings

To reduce the cost, nasvay can be made from tobacco dust, glue, lime and oil or water, from which they are formed into balls. In the countries of Central Asia, where this substance is especially popular, there are many recipes. In some of them, tobacco dust is replaced with more active substances.

Most of the ingredients of the mixture perform the function of shaping when granulating dusty tobacco waste. Due to lime, the reaction of the environment changes, as a result of which the absorption of nicotine through the oral cavity improves. Instead of this component, chicken droppings or camel manure can be used.

The resulting mixture has an unpleasant odor and taste, which is not felt only because various seasonings and dried fruits are used to mask them. When examining the composition of nasvay, arsenic, cadmium and mercury are also found in it, which are poisons and pose a danger to the body. A person who wants to try this mixture only needs to know its composition to experience a persistent aversion to the ingredients.

The video explains what nasvay is:


Nasvay use is common among teenagers in schools. They believe the promises of wicked sellers who claim that this mixture helps cure nicotine addiction. Nasvay costs less than cigarettes, and is sold even to minors.

As a result of the general availability of the mixture, adolescents fall under psychological and nicotine addiction. The danger of the substance is that the concentration of nicotine in it is much higher than in cigarettes. For this reason, it can confidently be called a drug.

Nasvay is placed behind the cheek or lip: due to lime, the acidity in the oral cavity changes, and then nicotine is quickly absorbed into the blood through the mucous membrane.

A number of effects develop:

  • Slight relaxation.
  • Tingling in arms and legs.
  • Dizziness.
  • Blurred vision.

These effects last 5-7 minutes, no longer. However, for a short-term state of euphoria you have to pay with many complications and side effects, including damage to internal organs and cancer.


Contact with nasvay causes ulcers to appear on the oral mucosa, which is accompanied by a painful burning sensation. At the same time, the gums suffer, as a result of which the teeth begin to turn yellow, crumble and fall out. Often those addicted to nasvay develop cancer of the larynx and oral cavity.

The active substances of the mixture are quickly absorbed into the blood and spread throughout the body, causing irreversible damage to internal organs. Reaching the stomach, they cause chronic diarrhea and indigestion, which leads to gastritis and peptic ulcers.

However, nasvay undermines not only physical health. Psychotropic substances, which are often added to the mixture, negatively affect the psyche: memory deteriorates, nervous excitability increases, and perception decreases. With prolonged use, serious personality changes occur.

Ultimately, it reduces the functions of the immune system. As a result, the risk of developing serious diseases, including cancer, increases.


Nasvay differs from other drugs in its low price and difficulty in recognizing addiction. At first glance, a teenager who uses this substance is not much different from others. Therefore, parents need to show increased attention to their children.

The first sign of frequent use of nasvay is frequent spitting, which is green in color. This happens because the mixture increases salivation.

With close observation, you can identify other symptoms of addiction to nasvay:

  • orthostatic collapse;
  • weakened muscles;
  • increased fatigue;
  • increased sweating;
  • a sharp deterioration in academic performance;
  • changes in the psyche;
  • bad breath.

Orthostatic collapse is one of the initial signs that appears with infrequent use of the substance. It consists of blurred vision and fainting when changing position from horizontal to vertical. If at the same time the child begins to study worse, and his behavior changes sharply, it is necessary to have a conversation with him.

Nasvay often contains animal feces, which is why after consuming the substance a pungent odor from the mouth appears. It is so strong that it is difficult to drown it out even with cigarettes.
Photo of nasvay

Side effects

When consuming nasvay, many side effects develop, as a result of which the general condition of a person worsens, performance decreases, and appearance defects appear.

Euphoria lasts no more than 7 minutes, but this state is accompanied by unpleasant and even painful sensations:

  • heaviness in the head, spreading to the whole body;
  • increased salivation;
  • dizziness;
  • apathy;
  • severe burning of the oral mucosa;
  • increased sweating.

With long-term use, the side effects of nasvay extend to many internal organs and systems.

Disturbances occur in the functioning of the entire body, resulting in the development of:

  • fainting;
  • dental diseases;
  • autonomic disorders;
  • diseases of the oral mucosa;
  • lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver disorders;
  • oncological diseases.

Is it addictive?

Contrary to popular myth, nasvay does not help you quit smoking. On the contrary, it contains much more nicotine than cigarettes, as a result of which dependence on the harmful substance only grows.

Mental dependence on nasvay develops very quickly due to the relaxation effect, but the state of euphoria lasts only a few minutes. Soon a person begins to want stronger and longer-lasting sensations, which pushes him to take substances with a stronger effect.

Psychoactive substances, marijuana, hashish are often mixed into nasvay, as a result of which drug addiction quickly develops. If it is not done in a timely manner, the help of not only narcologists, but also other doctors may be required to eliminate the serious consequences for the body.

In Russia, nasvay is not included in the list of narcotic substances, so any teenager can purchase it. Sellers claim that this mixture has a mild intoxicating effect and is not addictive. Children willingly believe this lie and get hooked on the mixture.

Formally, nasvay is not a drug, but in fact it is still not registered in the state register. This means that this substance does not have a quality and safety certificate.

According to the results of laboratory tests, neutoroxic substances were identified in nasvay. In particular, a significant excess of the permissible norm of lead, cadmium and mercury in its composition has been repeatedly recorded. Any operations with such substances are punishable by imprisonment under Art. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for a period of 1 year, this is the answer to the question of whether nasvay is prohibited.
Video about addiction and harm from nasvay:

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