De-Nol: instructions for use. "De-Nol": course of treatment, doctor's prescription, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications Do de Nol make you lose weight

Various pathologies of the digestive system are now becoming more common. People consult a doctor with complaints of pain or a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence, nausea or intestinal upset. Depending on the symptoms and diagnosis, doctors prescribe different medications. Often, complex treatment includes the drug "De-Nol". Reviews of this remedy note that treatment with it quickly helps improve the functioning of the digestive system and relieve pain.

general characteristics

One of the drugs that most often form the basis for the treatment of stomach ulcers and gastritis in acute or chronic form is De-Nol. Reviews note that this remedy effectively relieves pain and protects the mucous membrane from the effects of aggressive acids in the digestive juice. The drug is available in tablets. They are round, biconvex, covered with a film shell. The tablet is engraved with gbr 152. This is necessary to protect the drug from counterfeiting.

De-Nol is produced by the famous pharmaceutical company Astellas from the Netherlands. On sale you can find packages of 56 or 112 tablets. Reviews of the price of "De-Nola" note that it is quite expensive for some patients. A small package can be bought for 500-600 rubles, but it is usually not enough for a course of treatment. The drug is an over-the-counter drug and is freely sold in any pharmacy.

This medicine is characterized by the fact that when it enters the digestive tract, it interacts with water and turns into a colloidal solution that protects the mucous membrane. Its effect is manifested not only in the stomach, but throughout the intestines. Its components are not absorbed into the blood, but are excreted in the feces.

What's included

The main component of the medicine is bismuth tripotassium dicitrate. Each tablet contains 120 mcg. The drug in the stomach interacts with water and creates a colloidal solution that penetrates deeply into the mucus that envelops the walls of the stomach. The substances contained in this solution protect the mucous membrane. Their maximum concentration is observed on the surface of ulcers and erosions. By binding to proteins, the substances of the colloidal solution create a protective film.

To bind and uniformly distribute bismuth tripotassium dicitrate, auxiliary components have been added to the tablet. These are magnesium stearate, corn starch, povidone and polacriline potassium. The film shell consists of macrogol and hypromellose.

What effect does the drug have?

"De-Nol" is a product from the group of antacids and adsorbents. But it also has anti-inflammatory, gastroprotective and antibacterial properties. The drug is especially effective against Helicobacter pylori. It has been proven that the presence of this microorganism in the digestive tract causes many stomach pathologies. The active substance of the drug penetrates the cell membrane of bacteria, making it permeable. This leads to a decrease in the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and to their rapid death. Helicobacter pylori is especially often found in patients with gastritis and ulcers. The drug in question is effective against any of its strains. But it is best to use it in conjunction with antibacterial drugs. Basically, a combination of De-Nol, Metronidazole and Amoxicillin is prescribed.

Bismuth preparations are effective at any stage of peptic ulcer disease. The main effect of the medication is that it creates a protective film on the surface of the gastric mucosa. This stops the progression of the ulcer and promotes its healing. This film hardly forms on areas of healthy mucous membrane, so it does not interfere with the digestion process at all.

Doctors in reviews of "De-Nol" note its gastroprotective effect. Even in the absence of ulcers and erosions, the drug is effective. After all, it helps to inactivate pepsin and reduce the activity of hydrochloric acid, which irritates the inflamed mucosa. This drug also improves blood supply to the walls of the stomach and intestines and accelerates cell regeneration processes. When taking De-Nol, the gastrointestinal mucosa becomes more resistant to the action of gastric juice, bile acids, pepsin and aggressive enzymes.

When to use

"De-Nol" is often prescribed for various diseases of the digestive system. It can be used both as part of complex treatment and independently. Even to prevent exacerbations, De-Nol is prescribed. In reviews of the use of this drug, patients note that it is effective in the following cases:

  • Chronic gastritis or gastroduodenitis.
  • Atrophic gastritis.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the stomach during exacerbation.
  • Pathologies caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.
  • Exacerbation of stomach or duodenal ulcers.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Gastrophageal reflux disease.
  • Dyspepsia not caused by organic diseases.

In addition, there are some conditions that are not listed in the instructions for De-Nol. Reviews from doctors and patients note that the drug can be used for abdominal pain caused by long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs or alcohol intoxication. Taking "De-Nol" turned out to be effective in the complex treatment of biliary-dependent pancreatitis and flatulence. The drug is also used after gastric surgery to prevent relapses.


Despite the fact that bismuth is not absorbed into the blood, but, after passing through the intestines, is excreted from the body, this medicine cannot be taken by everyone. There are certain contraindications for it, which should definitely be taken into account when choosing treatment methods. This product should not be used if you are hypersensitive or have allergic reactions after taking it. In addition, this medicine is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, since bismuth is a heavy metal, it can have a negative effect on the child’s nervous system, penetrating the placenta and into breast milk,

It is not recommended for children under 14 years of age to take it due to the imperfections of their gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes it is possible to use "De-Nol" from 4 years of age, but under the supervision of a doctor and with strict adherence to a special dosage. Contraindications to taking the drug are also impaired renal or liver function. You cannot take De-Nol if you have been treated with other bismuth-based medications within 2 months before. In this case, a serious overdose is possible, as noted by doctors.

"De-Nol": side effects

In most cases, this remedy is well tolerated. If you use it as prescribed by a doctor, and taking into account all contraindications, the treatment will bring relief. However, there are reviews from doctors about the side effects of De-Nol. The most common unwanted reactions of the body are:

  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Frequent urge to defecate, followed by constipation.
  • Flatulence.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • The appearance of a metallic taste, darkening of the tongue.
  • Allergic reactions, expressed in the appearance of rashes and skin itching.

These reactions are not dangerous and disappear quickly after discontinuation of the drug.

In addition, darkening of the stool and urine is possible during treatment, which is due to the nature of the drug. Patients mention this reaction of the body to these tablets in reviews, adding that it does not cause much discomfort.

Reviews of De-Nol note that serious side effects can only occur with an overdose or long-term use of the drug. This is due to the accumulation of bismuth in the body and poisoning with it. Most of all, this substance accumulates in nerve cells, which threatens the development of encephalopathy. But an overdose can also lead to the development of arthralgia, gingivitis, and impaired renal function.

"De-Nol": instructions for use

Reviews about the price of the drug note that treatment with it is quite expensive for some. After all, a full course of “De-Nola” will cost at least a thousand rubles. And it is usually used as part of complex therapy. The dosage and duration of use are selected in accordance with the severity of the pathology and the patient’s health characteristics. In general, opinions about the high effectiveness of the drug outweigh the number of unfavorable reviews about the price.

Instructions for use of "De-Nol" recommend taking 4 tablets per day. This amount is divided into 2 or 4 doses at approximately equal intervals. It is usually recommended to drink the drug 30 minutes before meals three times a day. The fourth dose is best taken before bed, 2 hours after dinner. When taking twice a day, you need to maintain a 12-hour break, that is, take 2 tablets in the morning and in the evening.

The De-Nola tablet must be swallowed whole, without breaking or chewing. You need to drink a sufficient amount of clean water - at least a glass. Food and other medications should be taken within 30 minutes of taking this medication.

The duration of therapy with De-Nol depends on the severity of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient, and the therapeutic effect provided. It is usually recommended to take the drug for 1 to 2 months. If it is necessary to repeat the course of therapy, it can be carried out only after 2-3 months to avoid an overdose of bismuth.

The dosage for children under 14 years of age is calculated differently. If, according to doctor's indications, a child aged 8-14 years needs to take the drug, the dosage is reduced by half. Give 1 tablet twice a day. Sometimes the drug is used to treat younger children. In this case, the dosage is calculated based on body weight. It is allowed to use "De-Nol" only after 4 years (4 mg for each kg of the child's weight). This is about half a tablet 1-2 times a day. Children need to grind the drug into powder and dissolve it in water.

Special instructions for taking the drug

The most effective treatment will be if De-Nol is used together with other drugs. Reviews note that it works better against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in combination with antibiotics. In addition, it is recommended to take other medications prescribed by your doctor. Most often, antibiotics are prescribed together with this drug: Metronidazole, Furazolidone, Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin. For complex treatment, doctors prescribe Phosphalugel, Ranitidine, Kvamatel or Omeprazole.

But "De-Nol" is not combined with all drugs when taken simultaneously. It is especially not recommended to combine it with antacids, as these drugs reduce its effectiveness. "De-Nol" slows down the absorption of tetracycline antibiotics. This drug is often prescribed with proton pump inhibitors, which reduce acidity. The interval between taking them should be at least 30 minutes.

It is prohibited to take any analogues of “De-Nol” at the same time. Reviews from doctors note that in this case there is an overdose of bismuth and its accumulation in the nervous tissue and blood. It is advisable to take the drug separately from meals, preferably half an hour before meals. Otherwise, the main active ingredient will not be able to have a protective effect on the mucous membrane, as it will be mixed with food. You can only drink it with water; it is forbidden to use juices or dairy products for this. In addition, during treatment it is forbidden to drink alcohol, which reduces the effectiveness of the drug.


This product is produced by a famous Dutch pharmaceutical company. Despite the fact that packaging has been taking place in Russia in recent years, the cost of the drug is high for many patients. There are analogues of De-Nol on the pharmaceutical market. Reviews of the price of these drugs note that they are more accessible to a wide range of consumers. The composition of these drugs is completely similar, the main active ingredient is the same, so the effect is the same. The following analogues of "De-Nola" are most often used:

  • "Ulkavis" - a package of 112 tablets costs 600-700 rubles;
  • "Novobimol" - tablets for an entire course of treatment can be purchased for 600 rubles;
  • "Escape" is a Russian-made drug, but also quite expensive (about 800 rubles for 112 tablets).

There is another remedy that is prescribed in the same cases as De-Nol. This is Venter. Its composition is slightly different. The main active ingredient in it is sucraphalt, a substance made from aluminum salts. It also effectively protects the mucous membrane and binds fatty acids. But this remedy does not destroy Helicobacter pylori.

De-Nol refers to drugs with bactericidal properties. Doctors prescribe it to patients with gastroduodenitis, gastritis, ulcerative and erosive damage to the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. Treatment of these diseases is quite lengthy and can last several months. During therapy, a person is invited to guests, birthdays and parties. As a rule, during events there is always a wide assortment of alcoholic drinks on the table. Before you pour yourself some wine or cognac, you should remember that De-Nol is completely incompatible with alcohol.

Features of the antiulcer agent

Ethyl alcohol and De-Nol have directly opposite effects on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. The pharmacological drug enters into chemical reactions, the products of which are inorganic bismuth salts. After they deposit proteins, a dense film is formed on the inner wall of the stomach. It reliably protects damaged areas from caustic hydrochloric acid.

And drinking alcoholic beverages causes irritation and ulceration of the mucous membranes. Small wounds and cracks can be affected by a secondary bacterial infection, including that caused by spiral-shaped microorganisms Helicobacter pylori. Under the negative influence of ethanol:

  • digestion is disrupted;
  • peristalsis is disrupted.

Taking even small doses of low-alcohol drinks can dramatically reduce the therapeutic effect of using De-Nol. This nullifies all the treatment that lasted 1-2 months. Also, do not forget that De-Nol is a drug for complex therapy, used in combination with other drugs.

Proton pump inhibitors

De-Nol is always prescribed by gastroenterologists along with drugs that reduce the production of gastric juice, regardless of its acidity. Simultaneous intake of alcoholic beverages will not only provoke, but also increase the severity of the side effects of all medications used in treatment. And these are, first of all, dyspeptic manifestations:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • rumbling and seething in the stomach, sour belching, painful heartburn.

De-Nol and proton pump inhibitors (Omeprazole, Nolpaza, Pariet) are pathogenetic chemical compounds. This means that with long-term use they can damage hepatocytes, or liver cells. If drugs are taken against the background of abuse of beer, wine, vodka, then even a single use of drugs can cause destruction of liver tissue.


If pathogenic microorganisms were found in biological samples, the patient is prescribed antibiotic therapy using Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Levofloxacin. Once in the body, ethanol quickly penetrates the bloodstream and distorts biological processes in cells and tissues. It enters into chemical reactions with the active ingredients of De-Nol and antibiotics, suppressing their therapeutic effectiveness.

Warning: “Antibacterial drugs destroy not only the infectious pathogens of ulcers and gastritis, the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, but also the beneficial intestinal microflora. The simultaneous use of De-Nol, antibiotics and alcoholic beverages will provoke the development of dysbacteriosis and excessive gas formation. Instead of improving well-being, a person’s condition will worsen due to disruption of the functioning of all digestive organs.”

Gradually, along with the blood flow, ethyl alcohol reaches hepatocytes, where its metabolism occurs. The liver begins to break down the toxic compound into intermediate and then final breakdown products. While hepatocytes are busy processing alcohol, drugs accumulate in the human body. This can cause serious overdose and general intoxication.

Possible negative consequences

Drinking alcoholic beverages together with De-Nol is unacceptable in case of relapses of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This will lead to even more severe damage to the mucous membrane than what was detected during diagnosis. De-Nol and alcohol can be taken together only in one case - if the pharmacological drug is used as a prophylactic agent. The result will be only a complete lack of therapeutic effect.

Warning: “Some patients resort to cunning and interrupt the course of treatment before the upcoming celebration. This will avoid side effects, but will significantly delay recovery, since the action of ethyl alcohol will damage the gastric mucosa.”

If a patient quite often neglects medical recommendations and drinks alcohol during treatment, then negative consequences develop:

  • the main substance of De-Nol (bismuth tripotassium dicitrate) ceases to have a therapeutic effect, so taking the drug loses its meaning;
  • ethyl alcohol in combination with an antiulcer agent begins to damage liver cells, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes;
  • as a result of the death of hepatocytes, liver pathologies develop - hepatitis, fatty degeneration;
  • the active ingredients of drugs used together with De-Nol begin to accumulate in the human body, which may cause the daily and single dosage to be exceeded;
  • The severity of the side effects of the antiulcer drug gradually increases - dizziness, headaches, nausea, flatulence.

Side effects of De-Nol often appear that were previously absent in this patient. Under the influence of alcoholic drinks, small rashes appear on the skin, surrounded by reddened areas of the upper layer of the epidermis. In this way, the immune system reacts to a toxic compound, which is expressed in an acute allergic reaction. Patients who abuse alcohol during treatment with De-Nol often suffer from emotional instability and increased anxiety.

Correct lifestyle during therapy

During a course of taking De-Nol, you should completely stop drinking even low-alcohol drinks. Gastroenterologists also advise excluding black tea and coffee from the daily menu. Proper nutrition will speed up recovery and increase the effectiveness of pharmacological drugs. What foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • fatty meats and fish;
  • rich soups;
  • baked goods made from puff pastry and butter dough;
  • whole milk;
  • white cabbage, radish, radish;
  • lentils, peas, beans;
  • chocolate.

The consumption of these products complicates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, since as a result of their breakdown processes of rotting and fermentation occur. They affect the absorption of the active substance by the mucous membranes of the digestive system.

A gentle diet when taking De-Nol is necessary throughout the entire treatment. The daily menu should consist of the following foods:

  • low-fat sea and river fish;
  • chicken breast, rabbit meat;
  • puree soups;
  • cereal porridge;
  • non-acidic fruits and berries;
  • white bread croutons.
  • cracker.

It is not forbidden to slightly sweeten porridge with sugar or honey, add dried fruits and a small amount of vegetable oil and butter.

The use of De-Nol should be accompanied by daily consumption of 2-2.5 liters of liquid. This helps reduce the acidity of gastric juice and flush out pathogenic bacteria from the body. As a generous drink, you can use chamomile tea, table mineral water, or rosehip infusion.

Advice: “During a course of treatment with De-Nol, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fermented milk products, which increase the acidity of gastric juice and create a favorable environment for the proliferation of harmful bacteria.”

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause?

Is it possible to have black stools after treatment with De-Nol?

De-nol and black stools are a common occurrence for people treated with this drug. This reaction from the body causes anxiety in a person. Most often, a change in stool color during treatment with De-Nol is considered normal, but it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Briefly about the drug

De-Nol contains tripotassium bismuth dicitrate, an astringent substance that coats the affected gastric mucosa with a thin layer. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and enveloping properties.

The drug is prohibited in childhood and is used to treat gastric ulcers, chronic gastritis, and inflammatory bowel pathologies.

Darkening of stool during treatment with De-Nol

Most patients treated with De-Nol experience black stool color, which is a cause for concern. This symptom occurs in almost every second person.

The color can become not only black, but also dark brown or green, it all depends on the body’s reaction to the drug. The reason for the change in shade lies in the composition: when the product enters the body, a specific compound is formed - bismuth sulfide - a substance that gives a dark color to feces. Thus, we can say with confidence that De-Nol colors human feces.

Features of this side effect:

  • feces acquire a dark color during therapy, after the end of the course it returns to normal;
  • the occurrence of such a reaction is not a reason to discontinue the medication;
  • A change in the shade of stool to dark green is possible when taking De-Nol with Pilobact at the same time.

Often darkening of the stool is combined with darkening of the tongue. Breastfeeding women who, despite the ban, use the medicine, experience dark discharge from the breasts and darkening of the child's stool.

Fact! There are many effective medications that have the side effect of darkening the stool. And this is a normal phenomenon, which is often observed after treatment with products containing iron (Ferrum Lek, Aktiferrin).

One of the contraindications for De-Nol is breastfeeding, so lactation should be stopped for a while.

Bleeding and feces

During exacerbations of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, internal bleeding may develop. This is an important point for differential diagnosis, since bleeding from the upper parts of the digestive tube is accompanied by the appearance of tarry stools (melena).

Consequently, treatment with De-Nol may make it difficult to diagnose the complication in a timely manner due to the same symptom – black stool. The patient must listen to his condition. Vomiting “coffee grounds”, pale skin, increased heart rate and severe weakness are sure symptoms of blood loss. When they appear, you must call an ambulance team.

How to distinguish exacerbation of gastritis from other pathologies read here...

Information! Even if the bleeding has been stopped, the dark color may persist for several more days!

Other side effects of the medication

De-Nol, like any other drug, may have side effects. Some of them are completely harmless to humans, for example, darkening of the stool or tongue. And there are those that cause the patient a lot of discomfort (vomiting, nausea, dizziness).

Other side effects of the antiulcer drug:

  • allergic reactions in the form of rash, skin itching;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, heartburn;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • constipation;
  • encephalopathy.

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If you suspect any disease of the stomach or duodenum, you need to consult a doctor to conduct an examination and make sure that everything is in order.

De-Nol is a colloidal bismuth drug that is used to treat functional diseases caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the abdominal area:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • ulcerative intestinal lesions.

The country of origin of the drug De-Nol is the Netherlands, the pharmaceutical company is Astellas Pharma. Release form: tablets.

On one half of the tablet there is an inscription - gbr 152, on the other - a graphic design in the form of a square. The tablets have a barely noticeable odor of ammonia.

The tablets have a biconvex shape, are coated in a beige color and sealed in a blister. They produce 2 types of packages - 56 and 112 tablets per package.

The colloidal bismuth molecule is the main active ingredient of the drug.

Advantages of De-Nola:

  1. Does not cause Helicobacter pylori resistance to bismuth.
  2. It has the most powerful antimicrobial effect than similar bismuth preparations.
  3. Has a wide spectrum of action.
  4. Quick effect.
  5. Combination treatment with the drug helps to avoid Helicobacter resistance to Metronidazole.
  6. More purified, it has a minimal set of side effects compared to analogues.
  7. Accessible.

Disadvantages of De-Nol:

  • undemocratic pricing policy;
  • prescription dispensing;
  • toxic effect on the fetus - not allowed during pregnancy and lactation.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics The antiulcer effect is characterized in three ways:

Under the influence of bismuth, the production of gastric enzymes decreases and stimulates the production of EGF, thereby restoring the mucous membrane. De-Nol acts locally on the area of ​​ulcerative lesions.

  1. Anti-Helicobacter (antimicrobial) action.

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium whose pathological reproduction causes peptic ulcers. Bismuth salt has a detrimental effect on this bacterium.

Due to the fact that bismuth subcitrate has a colloidal form, it changes the structure of Helicobacter and destroys it.

  1. Antioxidant action. De-Nol components reduce the effect of toxic enzymes of Helicobacter pylori. This increases the body’s resistance to bacteria. The fact that bismuth is present in the preparation in colloidal form makes it possible to exhibit a therapeutic effect in minimal quantities.

De-Nol is practically not absorbed into the general bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract. It is eliminated from the body through feces and urine.

Indications for use of De-Nol

The drug is prescribed for the following diseases caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori:

  • chronic erosive gastritis in the acute phase;
  • stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • acute gastroduodenitis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome with symptoms of diarrhea.


The use of the drug is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • with severe renal dysfunction;
  • liver failure;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation.

De-Nol: side effects

De-Nol's annotation states that the following side effects may sometimes occur:

  • dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, intestinal upset);
  • allergic manifestations in case of bismuth intolerance (urticaria and itching);
  • darkening of stool (dark color);
  • darkening of the tongue;
  • in isolated cases - an anaphylactic reaction.


An overdose of the drug may occur in cases of long-term use of tablets that exceed the recommended amount. This can affect kidney function - the level of bismuth in the blood increases. Symptoms go away after you stop taking the drug. If symptoms persist, hemodialysis is recommended.

Signs of poisoning are relieved:

  • gastric lavage;
  • use of saline laxatives;
  • use of activated carbon.

Subsequent treatment is symptomatic.

De-Nol: instructions for use

The drug is basic in the treatment of ulcers and gastroduodenitis caused by X. pylori.

There are various schemes for complex treatment of these diseases. Often, experts prescribe De-Nol in combination with antimicrobial drugs:

  • Clarithromycin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Furazolidone.

The first stage of treatment lasts from a week to 10 days in combination with antimicrobial drugs to remove bacteria from the body. To reduce the likelihood of relapse, the course of therapy is extended to 1 month.

After completing the course, it is not recommended to take bismuth-containing drugs for another 2 months. The tablets should be taken with plenty of water. The gastroenterologist prescribes the frequency and duration of treatment individually, depending on the severity of the disease.

How to take De-Nol for children

Tablets are not prescribed to children under 4 years of age.

The frequency of administration differs depending on the age of the child and is regulated by a specialist on an individual basis.

Drug interactions

In order not to affect the effectiveness of the drug De-Nol, it is not recommended to take antacids earlier than 30 minutes before/after taking the medication.

It is not advisable to take the tablets with milk and fruit juices.

Alcohol compatibility

Additional studies regarding the compatibility of De-Nol with alcohol have not been conducted. Therefore, there is no exact data on the consequences of their simultaneous use.

Based on logical reasoning, De-Nol is used for ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane, therefore alcohol consumption is not allowed during drug therapy.

Alcoholism can worsen the patient's condition or negatively affect the bioavailability of the drug.

special instructions

The course of drug therapy should not exceed more than 2 months. The simultaneous use of drugs that contain bismuth is not recommended.

The number of tablets consumed should not be exceeded as indicated in the instructions for use of De-Nol.

The components of De-Nol react with hydrogen sulfide, causing the stool to turn dark. With long-term use, you may notice a short-term darkening of the tongue.

Use during pregnancy

Colloidal bismuth penetrates the fetal central nervous system (negatively affects the development of the neural tube) and causes a mutation process. At the genetic level, this leads to congenital defects and disorders of intrauterine development.

During the period of therapy with De-Nol, you should stop feeding.

Analogues of De-Nol

Russia, Germany and Ukraine produce pharmacological drugs identical in composition, differing in cost and bioavailability:

  1. Pills Escape No. 40 and No. 112 tablets in packaging, domestic manufacturer – Pharmstandard, Russia. The average price of a package is from 260 to 750 rubles.
  2. Pills Ulcavis No. 28, 56, 112 tablets per package. Manufacturer – KRKA, Germany. The average cost of a package, depending on the number of tablets, is from 210 to 590 rubles.
  3. Pills Novobismol No. 56, 112 tablets per package. Manufacturer – Pharmproekt, Russia. The average price per package is from 370 to 540 rubles.
  4. Pills Vis-Nol No. 100 per pack. Manufacturer: Farmak, Ukraine.
  5. Pills Deli No. 100. Manufacturer – Galichfarm, Ukraine.

De-Nola price

You can buy De-Nol at any pharmacy in Russia. The drug is dispensed as prescribed by a doctor.

The cost of the drug per package varies from 490 to 910 rubles, depending on the number of tablets.

De-Nol belongs to the group of gastroprotector drugs, drugs for the gastrointestinal tract with an antiseptic and astringent effect. Antibacterial activity is complemented by antiulcer and anti-inflammatory effects in the gastric cavity. Indications for use of De-Nol, dosage, frequency of administration and duration of courses of therapy are determined by the attending physician according to the instructions for use.

For what diseases is De-Nol prescribed?

The use of De-Nol is justified for the following diseases and pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum with various stages of damage to the internal walls of organs during exacerbations of diseases;
  • acute and chronic stages of gastritis, gastroduodenitis, including Helicobacter pylori-associated forms of diseases;
  • with irritable bowel syndrome, accompanied by diarrhea as a symptom of the disease;
  • with functional dyspepsia without organic etiology;
  • with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • damage to the gastric mucosa caused by taking NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, etc.).

Dosage form and packaging of De-Nol

De-Nol is produced in dosage form in the form of round, biconvex, light cream, film-coated tablets. To protect against counterfeiting, each tablet has a graphic double-sided embossing “gbr 152” and a graphic design: a square with smoothed corners and breaks in the lines of the sides. A slight odor of ammonia is acceptable.
De-Nol tablets are packed in blisters of 8 pcs. There are 7 or 14 blisters in a cardboard package of the drug.

Composition of the drug

The active ingredient De-Nol is a bismuth preparation: each tablet contains 304.6 mg of tripotassium bismuth decitrate, which corresponds to 120 mg of bismuth oxide. Among the auxiliary forming substances are corn starch, magnesium stearate, potassium polyacrylate, hypromellose and others in small quantities.

Contraindications for taking De-Nol

De-Nol is not prescribed for certain diseases, pathologies (with severe impairment of renal function of various etiologies), allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as for physiological conditions that are not diseases (pregnancy, lactation) due to the possible effect on the fetus and the possibility of penetration of the active substance into breast milk. Considering the effect of bismuth as a heavy metal salt on the central nervous system, if there is a need to take De-Nol during lactation, breastfeeding must be stopped for the period of therapy.

Do not prescribe De-Nol if there are other medications containing bismuth in the current or recent course of therapy or other diseases. Contraindication to therapy with this medication is childhood (under 14 years). In rare cases, it is possible to use it from 4 years of age according to a special scheme with individual calculation of the daily dose of the drug. As a rule, De-Nol is used at an early age as an element of complex treatment for anti-Helicobacter therapy according to the “classical triple” scheme in combination with two antibiotics.

De-Nol: possible side effects

Among the most common side effects of taking the drug De-Nol are reactions from the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract: nausea, dyspeptic symptoms (constipation, flatulence, increased bowel movements, less often diarrhea), decreased appetite, metallic taste in the mouth, vomiting. It is also possible for the tongue to darken and the color of stool to change to dark brown or black. These effects, as a rule, accompany the period of adaptation of the body to the drug, go away on their own and do not require interruption of the course of treatment.

Allergic reactions in the vast majority of reported cases are expressed by itching and rashes (“urticaria”) on the skin. The decision on the advisability of continuing therapy or stopping it is made by the attending physician. In extremely rare cases, anaphylactic shock has been reported as a reaction to De-Nol.
Long-term treatment with high dosages is dangerous due to the development of the following conditions: nephropathy, gingivitis, arthralgia, pseudomembranous colitis, as well as encephalopathy due to the ability of bismuth preparations to accumulate in the central nervous system. Such courses are conducted only by appointment and under the supervision of a specialist. According to the instructions for use, De-Nol is used continuously for no more than 2 months with any treatment regimen precisely because of the effect of accumulation in the tissues of the central nervous system.
All side effects that accompany taking the drug, if prescribed, occur with a fairly low frequency and go away on their own when the course of treatment is stopped.

Consequences of a drug overdose

With long-term use, which has caused the accumulation of bismuth in the tissues of the central nervous system, the course of treatment is canceled. Symptomatic therapy is indicated. In acute poisoning caused by taking a dose 10 or more times higher than the average for an adult, the symptoms manifest themselves in impaired filtration function of the kidneys (renal failure).

Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of anamnesis; a laboratory blood test shows an excess of the reference values ​​for the amount of bismuth in the blood.
Therapy for acute poisoning is nonspecific; there is no antidote to bismuth preparations. Gastric lavage, saline laxatives, adsorbents, supportive treatment to restore renal function, and in severe cases, hemodialysis are indicated.

De-Nol: compatibility with other medicines and food products

De-Nol is taken separately from food, liquid and other medications, especially those with antacid action. Recommended temporary pauses: 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after taking the drug.

De-Nol should not be taken with milk, liquid dairy products, fruit, vegetable juices, etc. due to the effect on the effectiveness of the drug. Take the tablets with still water.

The general course of therapy should not contain other medications with bismuth preparations due to the high total bismuth content, which can significantly increase the risk of side effects from both the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system.

De-Nol: how to use the medicine correctly?

De-Nol is prescribed as part of complex therapy for diseases of the digestive tract in adults and children over 14 years of age. The duration of the course of treatment, dosage, and frequency of administration are determined by a specialist based on the medical history, diagnosis, stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient for each specific case.
The average daily dose of De-Nol is 4 tablets per day. Depending on the prescription of the attending physician, the dose is divided into 2 or 4 doses with conditionally equal time intervals.
In the standard treatment regimen with three meals a day, it is recommended to take 1 dose of the drug (1 tablet) half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the last dose at night. An alternative treatment regimen, preferable for some diseases and pathologies, is based on taking 2 tablets twice before breakfast and dinner, observing a 12-hour time interval.
De-Nol is taken orally by swallowing the tablet whole. Crushing, breaking, chewing the dosage form is not permissible. When taking it, it is necessary to ensure that a sufficient amount of liquid enters the stomach at the same time, preferably clean water. The simultaneous intake of milk, fruit, vegetable juices and nectars is strictly prohibited.
The duration of therapy depends on the diagnosis, stage of the disease and the therapeutic effect of the drug for a given patient. The course of treatment can be 30-60 days continuously, but not longer than 2 months.
Upon completion of treatment, it must be remembered that the next course of therapy, including De-Nol or other bismuth-containing drugs, can be started no earlier than 2 months after the previous one due to the risk of increased accumulation of bismuth in the tissues of the central nervous system.

De-Nol: conditions for dispensing in pharmacies and storage rules

De-Nol is an over-the-counter medicine and is freely sold in pharmacies. The rules for storing the drug include ambient temperature (room temperature, close to 20 ° C with minor fluctuations), absence of high humidity and exposure to direct sunlight. Subject to these storage conditions and the integrity of the packaging, the guaranteed shelf life of the De-Nol drug is 4 years.

The drug De-Nol is considered one of the most powerful medications for destroying the Helicobacter pylori bacterium.

It is able to heal damaged walls and reduce the inflammatory process.

De-Nol helps strengthen local immunity and form a protective shell on the damaged wall. It is thanks to this film that protection against hydrochloric acid, enzymes and bile salts occurs.

When used correctly, it is not absorbed into the inner lining of the gastrointestinal tract.

But if an overdose of De-Nol occurs and side effects appear, then you need to know how to deal with it.

The instructions for use of the drug indicate quite difficultly how to take the drug and what it is made of.

The main active ingredient is called bismuth, but its overdose and side effects can lead to negative consequences; if you take a large dosage per day or at a time, or increase the course of treatment yourself, then intoxication of the body may occur.

Find out also about De-nol, doctors' reviews and side effects.

How does this happen

Taking more of the drug than necessary may lead to symptoms of poisoning.

For example, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract may occur.

Additionally, rashes appear on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and on the body. An inflammatory process also appears in the gastric mucosa.

But bismuth poisoning can be determined by signs such as the fact that the gums will turn black rather than red.

With prolonged overdose, renal dysfunction may occur, and these consequences may be irreparable.

Effect on micro and macroorganisms

The effect of the drug is manifested in the form of the formation of a protective membrane on the inner wall of the stomach and helps eliminate the Helicobacter pylori bacterium.

What effects occur when De-Nol enters the stomach:

  1. The acid-base balance is normalized.
  2. Bismuth, getting into the stomach or duodenum, contributes to the appearance of a protective film. It is this that prevents further destruction and damage.
  3. The activity of pepsin, which contributes to the destruction of the gastric mucosa, decreases.
  4. Metabolic processes and cell regeneration are accelerated. Additionally, blood circulation in the stomach area improves.
  5. Strengthening immunity. The main cause of this disease is the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. If the body's protective properties are weakened, they penetrate even into the deep parts and tissues of the stomach.

Bacterial gastritis develops first, and then erosions and ulcers appear. Gradually, serious complications can arise. The most dangerous thing that can happen is the appearance of cancer.

It is necessary to take De-Nol for the following diseases:

  1. Duodenitis. Chronic or acute.
  2. Acute or chronic gastritis.
  3. Acute erosive damage.
  4. Chronic or acute gastritis.
  5. Irritable bowel syndrome. The stool alternates: either diarrhea or constipation.

Features of use

You must take the tablets for 2 months. You should not take more than 4 tablets per day per day. For children, no more than 2 tablets should be taken.

Additionally, it is advisable to stop taking other medications that contain bismuth.

The medicine works cumulatively in the body, so it is advisable that at the end of therapy there should be no more than 58 mg of bismuth per liter of blood in the blood.

An overdose is considered to be 100 milligrams per 1 liter of blood.

Antibacterial action

  1. The cell wall of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium is destroyed.
  2. The processes in the cytoplasm of the bacterium are disrupted, which gradually leads to its gradual death.

De-Nol is able to penetrate and restore the deep layers of the stomach. The drug does not lead to addiction.

What contraindications does De-Nol have?

Every medicine cures something, and at the same time cripples something. There are contraindications for taking De-Nol.

  1. Individual negative reaction to the components of the drug.
  2. Acute or chronic renal failure. Disorders of the urinary system.
  3. Lactation. A negative effect occurs on the nervous system and urinary system of the child’s internal organs and is transmitted through milk.
  4. Use of other drugs that contain bismuth.
  5. During pregnancy. The child may be born with serious pathologies.
  6. Little children.

Use with other drugs

It is necessary to stop using other drugs if possible. As a last resort, at least 2 hours should pass between taking medications.

It is also necessary to avoid taking milk or fruit while using De-Nol.


If De-Nol is used together with tetracycline, the latter is absorbed much less. If it is taken together with Vikalin, Roter and Vikair, the amount of bismuth in the blood increases sharply.

Side effects and contraindications:

  • Central nervous system – insomnia, toxic encelophopathy or vegetative-vascular dystonia. These disorders occur with chronic overdose.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - the tongue becomes black, as do the gums. Vomiting and nausea, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract appear. Black feces
  • Allergic reaction – dermatitis and urticaria. Rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.

Side symptoms of overdose

Side effects from the drug lead to chronic disorders:

  1. Kidney failure – acute symptoms of failure. Additionally, there is an increase in blood waste, hypertension, and skin itching.
  2. Brain dysfunction - at first it may be insomnia, weakness, intoxication.
  3. Chronic disorders in the gastrointestinal tract - black gums, pain, vomiting, which occurs once or is repeated over a certain period of time.

What to do before an overdose of De-Nol

It all depends on the degree of poisoning. In severe cases of intoxication, it is necessary to cleanse the body, restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and normalize the functioning of the kidneys and central nervous system.

In case of urgent need, you need to connect an “artificial kidney” device.

For acute emergency care, the following steps must be followed. First of all, you should call an ambulance. Next, you should rinse your stomach to remove bismuth from the body.

Take sorbents such as activated carbon and saline laxatives. In order to completely remove all bismuth from the body, it takes at least two months.

During this time, taking De-Nol or other similar drugs is prohibited. These are contraindications for use.

Despite the fact that the drug can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription, it should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. It is also important to ensure that the drug is out of the reach of children.

If symptoms of overdose occur, it is necessary to help the body remove bismuth from the body quickly.

If you have the following symptoms, take immediate action:

  1. Allergic reaction. Rash or itching on the skin. Attacks of suffocation.
  2. Circulatory problems in the head, dizziness, headaches. Problems with memory and attention. Increased nervousness.
  3. The chair is accompanied by problems. Some people experience constipation, others have diarrhea. The color of the stool changes and becomes black, as do the tongue and gums. You may feel nauseous.

Using De-Nol with alcohol

When drinking alcoholic beverages, the protective properties of the stomach are reduced. The secretion of hydrochloric acid increases and the release of mucin and hydrochloric acid is blocked.

You should not drink alcohol while treating the gastrointestinal tract and taking De-nol.

It leads to a decrease in the therapeutic effect of De-Nol, but also increases the risk of bismuth accumulation in the body and intoxication.

Dosage of the drug

Depending on the age of the patient, a certain dosage is prescribed. Children are prescribed 2 tablets per day.

One tablet in the morning, second in the evening. It must be taken 30 minutes before meals.

Teenagers and adults should take no more than 4 tablets per day. At the pharmacy, De-Nol is sold in the form of blisters containing 8 tablets.

When eliminating the symptoms of gastritis, you must stop taking the drug. For some people this happens after 4 weeks, for others - after two months.

Afterwards you need to take a break for 8 weeks. During this time, you should avoid not only De-Nol, but also other drugs containing bismuth.

Nuances when using

There are some rules and nuances that are worth paying attention to. For example, Bismuth, which is the main ingredient in DeNol, causes stool to turn black.

In this case, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Within half an hour you must stop drinking milk and other medications. The problem is that De-Nol requires copious amounts of gastric juice.

In the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is necessary to limit the time of use of the drug. If you follow the rules for using medications, the likelihood of an overdose is very minimal.

Analogues of De-Nol

Taking the drug for two months is necessary to complete the course of treatment. But this drug is considered expensive, and it can be replaced with cheaper analogues.

For example, Novobismol, Ventrisol, Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate.


If you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should consult a gastroenterologist. An excellent option would be to take De-Nol.

But you must take it following the instructions. You should not take more than 4 tablets per day for adults and 2 tablets for children.

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