Diarrhea (diarrhea) due to nervousness. Can a person have diarrhea due to nervous experiences? Diarrhea from nerves, what to do?


This is functional (nervous, cortico-visceral), which usually occurs during periods of severe emotional stress, for example, during college exams, before defending a dissertation, when moving from one job to another, when making important decisions about marriage or divorce.


In mild cases, stool has a pasty or liquid consistency, and its frequency usually does not exceed 3-5 times a day. In severe cases, the stool becomes liquid, and its frequency sometimes reaches 6-8 times a day. Stool volume is inversely related to stool frequency. With very frequent bowel movements, symptoms appear, usually mildly expressed. When examining the stool, no fat, blood, or pus is found in it. An admixture of mucus is quite common, sometimes it is evenly mixed with feces, sometimes it is located on its surface.
The abdomen is often swollen, the abdominal wall is moderately painful. Sometimes there is pain on palpation of the sigmoid colon. Sharp, cramping pain in the abdomen occurs in cases of functional diarrhea, which occurs with the release of mucus.
The urge to defecate, often imperative, appears immediately after eating, which makes it possible to associate them with an increase in the normal activity of the gastrointestinal reflex mechanisms. A detailed questioning of the patient often makes it possible to verify the validity of this assumption. The urge to defecate with functional diarrhea occurs in the morning immediately after breakfast, in the afternoon - after each meal. At night the patient sleeps peacefully. It is necessary to ask each patient about this very important differential diagnostic sign, trying not to instill in him one answer or another. Sometimes the urge to defecate occurs only before eating, and sometimes both before eating and after eating.
Diarrhea may last for several days or several weeks. Although the frequency of stool with functional diarrhea often exceeds its frequency with organic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the general condition of patients remains quite satisfactory, they do not develop any signs of malabsorption syndrome of nutrients and vitamins.
A preliminary diagnosis of functional (nervous, cortico-visceral in origin) diarrhea is relatively easy if it is possible to trace its connection over time with periods of emotional stress and if, upon examination of the stool and laboratory tests, no signs of inflammation can be detected in it. A final diagnosis can be made only after excluding diseases that occur with diarrhea or that can be complicated by diarrhea.

If the anemnesis is unknown or insufficiently convincing, then functional diarrhea with an acute onset must be distinguished from bacillary and amoebic dysentery, from ulcerative and Crohn's disease, from the colon. Functional diarrhea with a less acute course may be initially mistaken for disaccharidase deficiency or for diarrhea complicating the course of certain endocrine diseases.
A simple examination of excreted stool provides very valuable information for distinguishing functional diarrhea from bacillary dysentery, protozoal and ulcerative colitis. The content of blood and pus in the stool is often observed in the listed diseases and does not occur in functional diarrhea. The urge to defecate in these diseases is felt by the patient both during the day and at night. Night sleep with functional diarrhea is usually not disturbed. Fever, accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation and signs of more or less severe symptoms are often found in these diseases. In functional diarrhea they are absent.


For people suffering from this syndrome, stress has a specific effect - it “turns off” the regulation of proper bowel function. As a result, the brain, through hormonal and nervous influences, appears to be directly connected to the intestines, and each stress attack affects the activity of the intestines, leading to an attack of diarrhea. This, in turn, increases stress, completing a vicious cycle.
Scientists believe that people suffering from “nervous diarrhea” (another name for bear disease) have a hereditary predisposition to its occurrence.


For treatment the following is prescribed:

First of all, nutrition is the most important factor in the normal functioning of the intestines. It is best if you can predict a stressful situation - exams, a crucial period at work, etc. In this case, already a few weeks before the expected stress, you need to start monitoring your diet - it should be regular and nutritious. A few days before the onset of the “dangerous period,” include more foods that have a fixing effect in your diet. This is strong coffee and tea, cocoa, cottage cheese, rice, pomegranates, pears, quince, astringent products, chocolate, flour. And remember - any sudden change in diet can lead to intestinal dysfunction!
It is important to eat foods that will help normalize the intestinal microflora. These are, first of all, bifid-containing food products - from ordinary bifidokefir and bifidoyogurt, which have a mild preventive effect, to medicinal products with a high content of beneficial microorganisms, such as Koltsovo Bifidokefir, Bifacil. In situations where there are serious advanced microflora disorders, you can resort to the help of probiotics, for example, a course of microflora correction with a liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria lasting 3-4 weeks.
Herbal medicine will also help - taking herbs that have an astringent effect - bird cherry, cinquefoil, blueberry.
During periods of stress, people suffering from nervous diarrhea are advised to take sorbents - from simple activated carbon to more modern ones - Smecta, Ecoflor. Sorbent particles cover the intestinal mucosa, restoring its integrity and normalizing intestinal activity.
Thus, although we are not able to influence our heredity, we can do a lot so that even during periods of stress our body can work harmoniously and harmoniously. So that even in moments of serious trials we do not experience health problems and can fully concentrate on solving the problem that has arisen.

Nervous diarrhea in children and adults occurs as a result of stress, disrupting the functioning of the intestinal muscles. With improper nutrition, the frequency of contraction of muscle fibers increases. The patient feels fullness in the intestines. Pain is often detected in patients prone to psychosomatic illnesses.

Diarrhea from nerves is neurogenic - it develops when the nervous regulation of intestinal motor activity is disrupted. It arises on the basis of anxiety, excitement and fear.

Strong emotional stress causes an increased release of adrenaline in the patient. Hormones enter the blood: cortisol and norepinephrine. The substances block the absorption of fluid in the intestines, causing loose, watery stools during bowel movements. During an exacerbation, mucus is present in the stool.

Frequency of bowel movements:

  • during the normal course of the process - 2-4 times per day;
  • during exacerbation - 7-9 times per day.

The acute stage lasts several days and even weeks. The urge to defecate becomes more frequent after eating. The patient cannot move calmly, which affects the psyche. Becomes irritable and aggressive.

Worry and lack of sleep lead to nervous breakdowns and depression. It is important to consult a psychologist in time.

Nerves negatively affect the work of the abdominal muscles, causing irritable bowel symptoms.

The connection between the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system

Emotional anxiety affects the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of the intestines, causing diarrhea from stress. There is a violation of contractions and relaxations of muscles in the intestines. Alcohol, fatty, spicy foods aggravate the situation.

Emotional diarrhea is accompanied by pain and an overcrowded intestinal condition. Such phenomena are accompanied by patients who are prone to hereditary diseases of the psychosomatic system.

The relationship between the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system:

  1. When the patient becomes nervous, the nerve center is activated.
  2. Blood pressure increases.
  3. The stress hormone is released in large quantities.
  4. There is a strong blood flow to the heart, muscles, and brain.
  5. An irregular heartbeat occurs and the pulse quickens.
  6. Manifestation of lack of oxygen.
  7. Lack of oxygen leads to intestinal spasms.

Stress leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, causing diarrhea syndrome.

Symptoms and causes

Medicine identifies several symptoms of neurogenic diarrhea:

  • abdominal pain;
  • cramps in the intestines;
  • colic;
  • flatulence;
  • the presence of mucus in the stool.

The patient may experience signs characteristic of a violation of the water-alkaline balance:

  • drowsiness;
  • decreased performance;
  • dry mouth;
  • thirst is always present;
  • clouding of consciousness.

With such symptoms, the patient is accompanied by fainting.

Mental causes that provoke diarrhea:

  1. Psychosis, neurosis, depression.
  2. Mental and panic attacks.
  3. Psychopathy.
  4. Fear, inexplicable fear.
  5. Overexcitement.
  6. Manic-depressive states.

Due to nervousness in the process of work and study, the patient encounters tension, which is caused by the following factors:

  1. Solid food.
  2. Menstruation in women.
  3. Taking events to heart.
  4. Containing negativity.
  5. Suffered severe stress at work.
  6. Snacking with fast food, overeating.
  7. Nervous tension before exams.
  8. Hereditary diseases.
  9. Speaking at a meeting in front of a large audience.
  10. During the day a person does not have a lunch break.

Similar reasons provoke diarrhea against the background of nervous disorders.

Diarrhea can happen at the wrong time. It is important to reduce the level of anxiety and increase stress resistance in the patient.

  1. If necessary, change jobs.
  2. Sports activities.
  3. Meditations.
  4. Doing what you love.
  5. Working with a psychologist.
  6. Taking sedative pills.

Supportive therapy includes medications:

  1. Sedatives. Calms the nervous system and reduces irritability. Popular drugs: Tincture of valerian, motherwort, Afobazol, Novopassit, Tenoten, Persen.
  2. Antidepressants. They help get rid of stress, stop worrying and being nervous. They help relax the intestinal muscles and slow down the frequency of going to the toilet. Tricyclic drugs: “Fluoroacyzin”, “Imizin”, “Amitriptyline”. Take the tablets before going to bed.
  3. Antidiarrheal drugs. “Imodium”, “Enterodes”, “Loperamide” are prescribed by a doctor when diagnosing severe diarrhea. The drugs affect the intestines and slow down peristalsis.
  4. Antispasmodics. The products help relax the intestinal muscles and normalize gastrointestinal motility. The substances relieve pain, relieve abdominal cramps and flatulence.
  5. For irritable bowel syndrome, the drugs “No-shpa”, “Halidor”, “Duspatalin” and “Papaverine” are taken.
  6. It will be necessary to restore the immune system through the use of probiotics and vitamin complexes to restore intestinal microflora and improve immunity.

Medications to relieve psychological diarrhea should be taken under the guidance of a doctor. If diarrhea is caused not by a stressful situation, but by organ diseases or poisoning, such therapy is dangerous to the patient’s health.

Diarrhea caused by strong nerves in an infant should not be treated without consulting a pediatrician.

Various reasons can cause fear in a child at the psychosomatic level. The nervous system is not yet stable; mild sedatives and antidiarrheal medications will be required. A decoction of rice and jelly will help eliminate the defect.

For older children, treatment of diarrhea is based on the use of soothing teas with lemon balm and mint. An additional drug to eliminate the symptomatic syndrome will be Enterofuril. The product effectively fights microbes that have entered the intestines and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

It is important to restore emotional balance for the child, provide him with attention, warmth and care. You can talk and try to find out the reason that provoked the stressful situation.

Eating a balanced diet will help eliminate frequent visits to the toilet.

Avoid consuming low-quality, stale, canned foods that cause bloating, fermentation of food in the stomach, and diarrhea.

Divide meals into small portions 5-6 times a day. Products should be boiled in a double boiler. Eat food at room temperature.

Folk recipes for eliminating diarrhea due to nervousness:

  1. Bird cherry fruits have healing properties in the treatment of non-infectious diarrhea. You will need to pour 1 tbsp. berries 200 ml boiling water, boil for 20 minutes. Cool the broth and strain. The dose includes 100 ml 3 times a day.
  2. Chronic diarrhea can be eliminated with the help of cinquefoil, plantain, and knotweed leaves. Put 2 tbsp. herbs into a bowl and pour 400 ml of hot water, cover with a lid, leave for half an hour. Cool the infusion, strain, take 100 ml 4 times a day.
  3. A decoction of St. John's wort and yarrow is absolutely safe for health. 1 tbsp. Brew a mixture of herbs with 200 ml of water. Drink 3-4 times a day before meals.
  4. Finely chop the sea buckthorn leaves and add 200 ml of cold water. Cook the solution for 5 minutes over low heat. Cover the dish with a lid and leave for 30 minutes.

Comprehensive treatment of diarrhea due to stress, together with light physical activity and hobbies, will give positive results within a few days.

Possible complications and prevention

Diarrhea from severe stress is dangerous if you experience the following symptoms:

  • temperature rises;
  • nausea, vomiting occurs;
  • diarrhea lasts more than 7 days.

Symptoms indicate a complication in the body - dehydration. The situation is dangerous; the patient cannot absorb vitamins and minerals. If you are pregnant or have symptoms in children, immediately contact an ambulance.

The body loses the necessary fluid, and a sharp weight loss occurs. If the necessary measures are not taken, death is possible.

To avoid such situations, prevention of nervous diarrhea is necessary:

  1. Avoid conflicts.
  2. Eat properly.
  3. Drink more than 2-2.5 liters of purified water per day.
  4. Wash fruits, vegetables, hands before eating.
  5. Sleep 8 hours a day.
  6. Do exercises in the morning.
  7. Walk at least 2 hours a day in the fresh air.

To prevent nervous diarrhea, the patient needs rest and isolation from psychological pressure. Adhering to the recommendations will help restore the patient’s emotional state and eliminate the cause of the disorder.

If the problem arises due to infection of the body, it can be solved by using drugs aimed at normalizing the microflora in the intestines. If the body is affected by any disease that provokes problems in the gastrointestinal tract, it is enough to cure the disease. But there is another type of diarrhea. It's called nervous diarrhea. It is not always possible to stop it in the traditional way.

How emotions affect the body

It is not easy for everyone to understand the influence of the internal mental state on the functioning of internal organs. To some, it seems like a fairy tale that others make up so as not to have to deal with an unpleasant task. But everyone feels how a happy person’s heart beats faster and a sea of ​​energy appears, which he can direct to solving various issues. Everyone knows that in a frightened person, adrenaline can play an incredible trick when a huge amount of strength comes, while it seems that time stops, and everything around becomes easy. And then a person succumbing to fear can rush at great speed towards a falling child or lift a huge car with one hand so that a baby stroller does not fall under his wheel. But few people think about changes in the gastrointestinal tract during stress.

In fact, nervous diarrhea is not a rare occurrence. More than once or twice you have met people who end up in the toilet when the appearance of a formidable boss is approaching. Many people consider this a whim, but it’s not that simple.

Stress doesn't just affect the brain. The entire nervous system, which is responsible for absolutely all processes in the body, comes under attack. It turns out that fear or nervousness is reflected not only in the mind, but also actively affects the circulatory system, the musculoskeletal system and other internal organs. Redness of the cheeks, rashes on the skin, raising of hairs on the surface of the body, causing a sensation of goosebumps - all these are lines from one work. Symptoms of a stressful condition can be found in a variety of ways. And diarrhea is just one of them.

Most body functions are controlled by the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems simultaneously. The predominance of one of them at a particular moment affects the functioning of organs. So, when the parasympathetic intestinal control system comes to the fore, the rhythm of peristalsis is disrupted, which leads to diarrhea.

The occurrence of diarrhea from stress depends not only on the state of the nervous system, but also on the foods consumed before it was affected. In this regard, diarrhea is guaranteed if a person eats the following food:

  • fried foods;
  • excessively fatty foods;
  • drinks containing alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • sweets;
  • dishes richly seasoned with hot spices.

Attacks of diarrhea due to nervousness are not limited to frequent loose stools, but complicate the situation with abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms.

The mechanics of the development of diarrhea from nerves is almost the same in all cases:

  • stimulation of activation of nerve centers by stress;
  • enrichment of the blood with special hormones, among which there is adrenaline;
  • increase in pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increasing the body's need for oxygen;
  • the rhythm of the heart is lost;
  • the main influx of nutrition is redirected to the heart and brain;
  • oxygen starvation stimulates intestinal spasm, which causes diarrhea.

Knowing the psychosomatics of diarrhea in adults, you can prevent the development of unpleasant situations. It must be remembered that:

  • Usually, such a strong intestinal reaction to stress occurs in those who inherited it along the genetic line;
  • gender and the state of the body also influence susceptibility to the symptom: the problem most often occurs in pregnant women and among the fair sex during the period of PMS.

In addition, the psychosomatics of nervous diarrhea is based on the interaction of the nervous system and the general condition of the body. The problem occurs in those who have been affected by the following diseases:

  • psychoses of various origins;
  • neuroses of all types;
  • vulnerability to panic attacks;
  • depression;
  • manic-depressive states.

This happens especially often to those who, even without additional stimuli, are subject to constant fear, and at the same time have difficulty controlling their own emotions, which leads to a strong state of overexcitation. The psychosomatics of diarrhea is based precisely on such characteristics of the body.

Symptoms of nervous diarrhea

The symptoms of stress-related diarrhea are very similar to those of IBS, which is why they are sometimes confused:

  • false attacks;
  • pain in the umbilical region;
  • discomfort in the intestines;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • loss of sensation in the limbs;
  • pain in the head.

Almost everyone can recognize nervous diarrhea. The psychosomatics of diarrhea also lies in the fact that after getting rid of stress, all other symptoms simply disappear. At the same time, you should not take risks; perhaps during this period the body was subjected to a viral attack. There are also cases with similar symptoms caused by other dangerous diseases. Contact your doctor for a quality examination and treatment, if necessary.

Treatment of nervous diarrhea

You can get rid of diarrhea caused by stress using a few tips:

  • change your environment, relax in an unfamiliar place;
  • normalize your internal state;
  • restore harmony between your inner world and the environment.

With children, the treatment process should take place under the full supervision of doctors who will help to carefully remove the child from a dangerous state. If this is not done, the baby's diarrhea can become chronic. You can use folk, mild substitutes instead of chemical products, but before doing this, consult a specialist.

The treatment itself is complex and includes:

  1. Antidepressants. They help normalize the nervous system and allow the intestinal muscles to relax. This changes the rhythm of peristalsis, weakening it and making it softer. They should be taken before bed, taking into account the advice in the instructions, as well as some characteristics of the body, for example, individual intolerance.
  2. Medicines to stop diarrhea. They are used exclusively for acute forms of the disease. They stop the intestines and slow down the excretion of feces from the body. If the patient is prone to constipation, drugs in this group should not be used. They are taken only once. The effect of the medicine is felt within half an hour.
  3. Antispasmodic drugs. They help relax the intestinal muscles compressed into a tourniquet and relieve painful spasms. This reduces the frequency of bowel movements. Thanks to them, the treatment process becomes less painful. Dosage should be based on the instructions and the state of the circulatory system.


Medicines are great for eliminating diarrhea. However, if you do not limit yourself in food, the effect will be minimal. In this regard, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of the diet.

What products are shown

When nervous diarrhea strikes, it is useful to consume the following foods:

  • rice or oatmeal in various forms and dishes made from them;
  • lean meats;
  • currant or lingonberry jelly, you can also take blueberry;
  • fortifying fruits such as quince, banana, pomegranate;

What products are contraindicated

Foods that negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract can complicate recovery. These include:

  • chips;
  • legumes;
  • salted nuts;
  • sweet confectionery;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • fresh fruits from gardens and vegetable gardens.


Nervous diarrhea is a very common disease, which is unlikely to be eliminated forever. This is most likely a genetically inherent reflex that manifests itself in a stressful situation. You can avoid it if you know about this property of your body. To do this, you need to avoid various stressful situations (which is very difficult to achieve in the modern world) and monitor your diet. If the body receives too heavy food, then even a slight nervous tension caused by communicating with higher-ups on the career ladder or simply traveling on public transport will contribute to the formation of diarrhea.

To avoid the need to subject your body to additional drug interventions, you should take care of your environment. Don't forget about moments of peace at work. The psychosomatics of diarrhea requires careful care of your own nervous system. Self-confidence in a calm attitude towards others can slightly reduce the level of threat of the disease.

Take small trips regularly. Spend your vacation not in the country, but somewhere by the sea or in the mountains. This will help strengthen the nervous system and relax, and relieve the stress accumulated over the whole year.

Don't forget to relax with your family this weekend. Hug your children, sit with them in front of the fireplace or TV, play board games with them. Perhaps stress will not be completely erased from consciousness, but your condition will become more stable.

Create a little relaxation corner for yourself at home. A small aquarium with fish or a couple of birdies in a cage will give you moments of calm. Spend at least half an hour there every day, and it will become an excellent barrier from the troubles of the outside world.

One more thing. Make sure you get proper rest every day. Eight hours of restful sleep helps relieve stress and gather energy for the next day. Don't forget about the most basic, but very necessary. A comfortable bed, favorite pillow and soft blanket will help much better than pharmaceuticals.

Modern man is increasingly faced with various situations that cause him to experience nervous tension.

Almost all people know what nervous diarrhea is. Although the problem is more pressing for women, it also affects men.

The main cause of this type of diarrhea can be called a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, which manifests itself due to a somatic disease or infection entering the body.

Today it has been scientifically proven that nervous diarrhea can also develop against the background of psychosomatic pathologies.

What causes diarrhea

Severe stress can cause an increase in adrenaline production in a person. Such discomfort provokes redistribution of fluid in the body, slower digestion and diarrhea.

Regular nervous tension negatively affects the functioning of the muscular system and is reflected in the patient’s abdominal muscles, causing the appearance of irritable bowel symptoms.

Unrest often finds a person at work. If nervous diarrhea bothers you too often, this indicates excessive stress, which can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Working day without lunch break.
  2. Constantly holding back the negative emotions that a person experiences.
  3. Taking some events to heart.
  4. Eating dry food, which negatively affects the process of digesting food.
  5. Eating fast food every day causes chronic diarrhea.
  6. Excessive nervous tension before exams.
  7. Diarrhea due to nervousness often precedes various kinds of negotiations and meetings.
  8. Diarrhea often occurs at the beginning of menstrual syndrome in the fair sex.
  9. Depressive states.
  10. Various types of neurosis and psychosis. The problem is especially relevant for patients with manic-depressive mental disorder.
  11. Excessive emotional arousal.
  12. Bad heredity is a very important factor. Often, diarrhea from nerves can be explained by a genetic predisposition.

All these factors can provoke digestive disorders due to nervousness. But the list of such “provocateurs” can be continued for a long time.

Psychosomatics of diarrhea

Due to the fact that the experience of stress can affect the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of the intestines, a person often experiences diarrhea due to nerves.

In this case, there is a violation of contractions and relaxations of muscles in the intestines. This situation is aggravated by a passion for alcohol, fatty and spicy foods.

In addition to the fact that the body suffers from impaired intestinal motility, a person is faced with pain in the abdomen and a feeling of fullness.

Diarrhea that develops due to nervousness is more common in people whose family has a history of illnesses of the psychosomatic system. This is explained by the strong dependence of the situation on human genes.

There is a list of mental disorders that can cause diarrhea. They are:

  1. Depression.
  2. Psychosis.
  3. Neurosis.
  4. Panic attack.
  5. Manic-depressive disorder.
  6. Unreasonable fear.
  7. Overstimulation of an emotional nature.
  8. Psychopathy.

Stress can lead to problems with bowel function, resulting in diarrhea. A large number of people experience this phenomenon, so it has been well studied by doctors.

Signs of nervous diarrhea

When a person experiences irritable bowel syndrome, they notice a change in the frequency and nature of bowel movements.

Patients claim that they have rare bowel movements, occurring up to 3 times a week, or diarrhea, occurring more than 3 times in 7 days.

In addition, people often experience false urges to have a bowel movement, find mucus in their stool, and experience flatulence and hard or loose stools.

Doctors identify several main symptoms that may accompany nervous diarrhea. They are:

  1. Severe fatigue of a chronic nature.
  2. Head pain, frequent migraine attacks.
  3. Feeling of pain in the spine.
  4. Coldness in hands.
  5. Bladder irritation.
  6. Unconfirmed anxiety.
  7. Periodic panic attacks.
  8. Hysteria.
  9. Depressive situations.
  10. Hypochondria.

The symptoms in question appear during or after eating. The main sign of a symptom of an irritated intestine is the phenomenon when diarrhea disappears as soon as the person calms down.

Diagnosing the situation in question is quite simple. But in order not to be mistaken and to be confident in the diagnosis, doctors can prescribe a bacteriological analysis and several specific studies.

How to treat nervous diarrhea

Medicine does not provide for any specific treatment system for the pathology in question.

The doctor, taking into account the degree of neglect of the disease, the duration of symptoms and the general health of the patient, may prescribe the following medications:

  1. Antidepressants are medications that can help a person get rid of increased anxiety and stress. Such drugs relax the intestinal muscles and make it possible to slow down the frequency of bowel movements. Irritable bowel syndrome is usually treated with tricyclic antidepressants: Amitriptyline, Imizin, Fluoroacyzin. The tablets should be taken just before bedtime, and the doses should be calculated individually for each individual patient.
  2. Anti-diarrhea medications prescribed only when the patient has major problems with bowel movements. It is worth remembering that such substances should not be used in cases where diarrhea alternates with constipation. Among such drugs, Imodium, the active ingredient of which is loperamide, is very popular. The drug in question has an immediate effect on the intestines and slows down its peristalsis.
  3. Antispasmodics are substances that relax the intestinal muscles and improve gastrointestinal motility. The drugs relieve pain, eliminate spasms and discomfort in the abdominal area.

For irritable bowel syndrome, doctors recommend that their patients take No-shpu, Papaverine or Halidor. But Duspatalin is considered to be the most effective and efficient drug.

Along with taking medications, a person should restore the immune system and improve the microflora in the intestines.

Here experts advise taking complex vitamins and undergoing treatment with probiotics.

Diet for nervous diarrhea

If the patient does not adhere to the diet, then he cannot improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

For the entire period of treatment, a person must exclude alcoholic beverages and coffee from the diet, reduce the consumption of cabbage, legumes, milk, grapes, potatoes, and other vegetables and fruits.

In addition, baked goods and carbonated drinks may be contraindicated at this time.

If diarrhea has developed due to nervousness, then people should eat fruit and vegetable jellies, wheat crackers, rice porridge, lean soups, lean meat and fish. It is allowed to drink black tea and compotes.

It is better to eat food in small doses, but often - 5-6 times a day.

You should adhere to a certain temperature of the food you eat: it should be neither cold nor hot. Food can be cooked in a double boiler or simply boiled.

How to cope with diarrhea with folk remedies

Traditional healers claim that traditional medicine recipes help fight the problem in question no worse than medications.

It is worth considering the most popular recipes:

  1. Bird cherry. The healing fruits of bird cherry help to quickly cope with diarrhea that develops due to nervousness. To prepare the infusion, add 250 milliliters of boiling water to a tablespoon of fruit, boil and simmer for about 25 minutes.
    Next, the product should be cooled and strained. I drink the infusion 0.5 cups several times a day.
  2. A medicinal mixture of plantain, knotweed and cinquefoil. You need to take the raw materials in equal proportions, mix well and separate 2 tablespoons. Pour 2 cups of boiling water into this mixture and cover tightly with a lid. Infuse the decoction for half an hour, then filter and take 0.5 cups before each meal.
  3. A decoction of St. John's wort and yarrow herbs. This remedy helps a person get rid of prolonged diarrhea. You need to make a decoction as follows: take a spoonful of the mixture purchased at the pharmacy and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water. The product can be used instead of regular tea.
  4. Sea ​​buckthorn. The crushed leaves of the plant in question should be poured with 200 milliliters of cold water and boiled for 5 minutes over low heat. Then the broth should be covered and left for half an hour.

Before treating diarrhea due to nervousness with traditional medicine, you should know that decoctions and infusions cannot completely replace medications, so they should be part of complex therapy for constipation.

Why is diarrhea dangerous?

The development of stress can be observed in various situations: troubles in the family or at work, exams at school or college, meetings or meetings.

Nervous diarrhea can last for several days or several weeks. If diarrhea persists for a long time, it is dangerous to health.

The most dangerous consequence of diarrhea is dehydration, which occurs when symptoms of diarrhea do not go away for more than 7 days.

Dehydration is characterized by the fact that the patient's body does not fully absorb all vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is very important to eat right and avoid stressful situations in every possible way.

How to prevent dehydration

Water is the component that dissolves and transports beneficial substances. But not every drink can be used to provide the body with the required amount of fluid.

During diarrhea, it is forbidden to drink coffee and carbonated drinks, as they contain substances that lead to worsening of the condition.

There are several symptoms that indicate the presence of dehydration in the body. They are:

  1. Loss of strength.
  2. Constant sleepiness.
  3. Dry mouth.
  4. Constant desire to drink water.
  5. Decreased volume of urine excreted.
  6. Fainting conditions.
  7. Confused consciousness.

Not all people know what to do if dehydration has already developed. You can compensate for the lack of fluid using solutions such as Regidron or Hydrolyte.

In addition, patients are often prescribed salt-free solutions: teas, rice decoctions, compotes and mineral waters.

If you promptly seek the help of specialists, undergo diagnostics and begin adequate treatment, then you can get rid of the symptoms of diarrhea quite quickly.

But remission should not be ruled out in subsequent stressful situations.

Useful video

Stressful situations often arise not only at work, but also at home. Diarrhea due to nervousness may appear before an important event. Students experience indigestion before an exam. Fear of losing your job can trigger nervous tension.

Mechanism of development of diarrhea

Stress leads to disruption of the intestinal muscles. Poor nutrition only increases the frequency of muscle fiber contractions.

The patient experiences a feeling of intestinal fullness. Increased pain is detected in people prone to psychosomatic diseases.

During times of stress, a person begins to produce increased adrenaline. An uncomfortable situation leads to a redistribution of fluid in the body. Digestion of food slows down and diarrhea occurs.

Prolonged experiences affect the functioning of the muscular system. Additional physical activity on the abdominal muscles only worsens the patient's condition. A nervous breakdown can cause irritable bowel symptoms.

Stressful situations often arise at work. If you have diarrhea due to nervousness, this indicates nervous tension. The following situations can provoke nervous tension:

  1. Lack of work and rest schedule.
  2. Containing negative emotions.
  3. The habit of eating dry food.
  4. Excessive consumption of fast foods can cause chronic diarrhea.
  5. Strong feelings before an exam cause a person to have an irresistible desire to empty his bowels.
  6. Diarrhea due to nervousness may appear before an important meeting, as it causes strong emotional stress.
  7. Nervous diarrhea is considered one of the main symptoms.

What causes diarrhea?

There are several other causes of diarrhea:

  1. Depression can cause indigestion in the patient.
  2. Neuroses and psychoses disrupt the functioning of the intestines.
  3. People with manic-depressive mental disorders are at risk.
  4. Hereditary factors should not be discounted. Irritable bowel syndrome occurs in patients due to a genetic predisposition.


The frequency of bowel movements with nervous diarrhea can reach 9 times a day. There is no blood or pus in the stool of a sick person. However, it often contains mucus, which is evenly mixed with feces.

With nervous diarrhea, the abdomen becomes noticeably swollen. The patient complains of pain in the abdominal wall.

Usually the urge to defecate appears immediately after eating food. The patient's night sleep is not disturbed. Emotional stress can trigger the development of nervous diarrhea.

The patient suffers not only from indigestion. Stress causes a loss of nerve connections, which affects the functioning of muscle tissue. The patient experiences abdominal pain.

Water serves to dissolve and transport useful substances. However, not all drinks are suitable for eliminating fluid deficiency. If you have diarrhea, you should not drink coffee or soda. In addition to water, they contain substances that contribute to dehydration.

For example, coffee contains caffeine, which causes a lack of fluid in the body. With regular consumption of such drinks, the body loses water.

Signs indicating fluid deficiency include:

  • loss of strength, drowsiness;
  • the patient's oral cavity becomes dry;
  • the person is constantly thirsty;
  • the amount of urine decreases sharply.

Medicine for dehydration

Attacks of emotional diarrhea deprive a person of a large amount of fluid and microelements. To compensate for the loss of water, you need to drink special solutions (Hydrolyte). They need to be taken in small sips. Otherwise, the patient may experience vomiting. And this will only increase fluid loss.

You can replenish the missing fluid using salt-free solutions. For this purpose, it is allowed to use weak tea, compote and still mineral water. You can eliminate the symptoms of diarrhea with the help of herbal infusions. A decoction of bird cherry, chamomile or cinquefoil has astringent properties.

Often, nervous diarrhea appears in a patient more than once. This can lead to the development of a pathological reflex. Treatment of indigestion should be comprehensive. First, it is necessary to correct the person’s emotional state.

To relieve symptoms of severe overexcitation, doctors prescribe sedatives (Persen, Novo-passit). Stressful situations must be avoided. Elimination of nervous diarrhea requires adjustment of the human psyche. Patients take failures in their lives too seriously.

Treatment of diarrhea due to nervousness

Diarrhea caused by nervous tension can be treated with antidiarrheals (,). Before starting to take these drugs, the patient must undergo a diagnosis. Infectious diarrhea cannot be treated with such drugs. Imodium only slows down the movement of feces in the intestines. This slows down the elimination of toxins in case of infection by harmful bacteria.

To reduce the likelihood of emotional diarrhea, it is necessary to normalize the microflora. Be sure to include fermented milk products with bifidobacteria in your diet.

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