Inositol for hair. Vitamin B8 (Inositol, inositol, inositdroretinol)

Without vitamin B8, full functioning of the cardiovascular system is impossible. At the same time, it is very important for the liver, muscles, and energy metabolism. It is characteristic that in almost all cases, vitamin B8 is “helped” by other substances in performing one or another function. However, it is impossible to replace it with anything, and it is necessary that it enters the body with food every day.

Vitamin B8 content in products (per 100g)

Cereal sprouts 770 mg
Rice bran 460 mg
Oat flakes 300 mg
Oranges 210 mg
Raisins 120 mg
Peach 96 mg
Cabbage 95 mg
Potatoes 65 mg

What is vitamin B8?

Vitamin B8 is also called inositol, or inositol. Its chemical formula is reminiscent of sugar, and if you try it in its pure form, it has a slightly sweet taste. But the structure of the vitamin does not allow it to be classified as a carbohydrate. In addition, it is not a true vitamin; it is defined as a vitamin-like substance.

Biological role of vitamin B8

The main functions of vitamin B8 are:

Participates in the conduction of impulses through the nervous system, is responsible for preserving memory, thinking processes, etc.
. Improves heart activity, prevents the development of rhythm disturbances
. Participates in the functioning of the liver, protects it from negative factors, promotes better production of its enzymes
. It is an important part of fat metabolism, its use is necessary for the complete breakdown of fats and weight maintenance
. Helps maintain healthy and youthful skin and hair
. By helping to normalize fat metabolism, it reduces the rate of development of atherosclerosis - the deposition of fatty plaques in the walls of blood vessels
. Strengthens blood vessels
. Plays an important role in the implementation of the vision mechanism
. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, which is why previously medium dosages of vitamin B8 were used as a sedative and hypnotic
. Helps improve digestive motility
. Supports reproductive health
. Helps restore nerve fibers when they are damaged.

The beneficial effects of inositol are very numerous and multidirectional. The substance is very valuable, although its effect is enhanced by other compounds. Thus, choline “helps” vitamin B8 in influencing the heart and liver. Together they form lecithin.

Signs of vitamin B8 deficiency

With prolonged poor nutrition and a low content of vitamin B8 in food, numerous unpleasant symptoms may appear. A person experiences stool disorders (mainly constipation), deterioration of skin condition, hair loss, decreased mood, increased irritability, sleep disturbances, and a predisposition to liver and cardiovascular diseases.

In children and adolescents, when too small dosages of vitamin B8 are taken into the body, the processes of growth, physical and mental development are inhibited.
An important fact: since the vitamin interacts with other substances in the body, its deficiency can be detrimental to overall health. So, with a significant lack of it, the work of other B vitamins is disrupted.

Signs of excess vitamin B8

Even with intensive use of vitamin B8, it is unlikely to overdose. It does not accumulate in the body and does not cause toxic effects. All this does not create prerequisites for the formation of hypervitaminosis.

Factors influencing the content of vitamin B8 in foods

Why does vitamin B8 deficiency occur?

A lack of vitamin can be caused by a poor diet (if it remains so for a long time), diseases of the digestive system, which are accompanied by a deterioration in the absorption of the substance. Hypovitaminosis is also possible in people who are overly enthusiastic about coffee, chocolate, and alcoholic beverages: caffeine and alcohol do not allow the functions of inositol to fully manifest themselves.

Vitamin B8: price and sale

Buying vitamin B8 and starting to take it is a great idea for those who want to prevent inositol deficiency and see its health benefits. Our website presents a wide range of items that include vitamin B8. The price depends on many factors and may vary.

Among our products you will definitely find something that suits you! The order is placed through the website or by phone.

Vitamins are an essential element for maintaining health. Poor health often indicates a lack of some substance in the body. Vitamin deficiency is especially acute in late autumn and early winter. Today we will look at the B vitamin, inositol, commonly known as B8. What it contains, how much it should be consumed per day, how to determine the lack of this vitamin in the body and why it is so beneficial for health, we will look into this article.

Description and general characteristics

The full name of the substance is inositdroretinol, Abbreviations to inositol or inositol are possible. All this is known to us

This substance is powder substance, which has a crystalline structure and has a pleasant, slightly sweet taste. Inositol can be easily dissolved in water, but alkaline solutions and acids will not have a dissolving effect. Heating can destroy the structure of a substance.

Did you know? The discovery of inositdroretinol belongs to the German chemist Liebig. This event happened in the middle of the 19th century, but only eighty years later inositol entered the group of B vitamins, where it is listed to this day, despite the fact that inositol is a vitamin-like substance.

In the human body, high levels of inositdroretinol are characterized by the brain, tissues of the central nervous system, as well as the lens of the eye and blood. In addition, biological fluids such as lacrimal and seminal fluids contain inositol.

For the production of vitamin B8 In the body, organs such as the heart, intestines, liver, and kidneys are responsible. It is important to understand that if a person has problems with the functioning of the listed organs or even their diseases, inositol will be synthesized in smaller quantities and you will have to replenish the level of the substance with the help of proper nutrition or pharmaceutical preparations, such as vitamin complexes.

Precisely because the substance is produced by the body itself, Inositdroretinol is not a vitamin. However, its role in maintaining health is important enough to warrant including inositol in the group of vitamins. A sufficient supply of glucose in the blood plays an important role in the production of inositol in the body.

Main functions and benefits for the body

Like all microelements, inositol has a positive effect on the functioning of the body. Thanks to the normal level of inositol in the body, you can protect yourself from diseases of internal organs and simply strengthen the immune system. Let's take a closer look at why it is so important to take inositdroretinol and what its role is in maintaining our health.

For good health

A few years after the discovery of inositdroretinol, it turned out that How is it useful: Inositol contributed to the normal course of metabolic processes in the body, was part of many enzymes, and activated the so-called lipid metabolism, due to which fat is burned in the body.

Inositol is an essential element of its group of vitamins. Deficiency of a vitamin-like substance leads to that the normal course of many processes in the body is disrupted. Its presence stimulates mental activity and brain function, allows for better concentration, increases the threshold for brain fatigue and the ability to remember information.

The use of vitamin B8 is necessary in the treatment of disorders of the sensitivity of nerve endings, since inositol is a substance that ensures the transmission of impulses from cell to cell. In addition, the effect of toxins, alcohol, antibiotics and hormonal substances on the liver, as well as the growth of fatty tissue around it, is blocked or reduced precisely due to the presence of B8 in the body, and its antioxidant effect allows harmful free radicals to be removed from the body.

Inositol is also involved in maintaining reproductive functions in both men, stimulating sperm reproduction, and in women, stimulating egg division. One of the causes of infertility may be a deficiency of this vitamin.

Blood is a “transport” for B8 and delivers it to those parts of the body where it is needed. As a rule, most often it is the retina and lens of the eye.

Due to the effect of inositol on metabolism in the body, liver performance and the condition of skin and hair, it is called the “beauty vitamin”.

For skin

Inositdroretinol has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin. If the level of this vitamin in your body is normal, you don’t have to worry - all kinds of diseases associated with the skin will not threaten you. If you notice that your skin color has become dull or that networks of blood vessels are visible, you can safely resort to the help of inositol. It will strengthen the health of the skin.

In addition, vitamin-like powder- a good antioxidant, which makes it possible to remove toxins, including from the skin.

For hair

Vitamin B8, or inositol, is essential for your body. Thanks to it, the hair follicles become stronger, stopping hair loss, and the hair itself stops being dry and brittle. That is why B8, otherwise called the “beauty vitamin,” is found in products intended for hair and skin care.

If you have a deficiency of inositol, your hair will be dull, brittle, and hair loss may begin. To prevent hair problems, it is recommended to regularly take vitamin complexes that include B8. Restoring the vitamin balance in your body will allow you to get rid of many problems, including hair problems, but it is worth remembering that consuming inositdroretinol will not bring an immediate effect.

If you want to see the result “here and now”, then you can apply vitamin B8 externally- There are many cosmetic products containing this vitamin-like substance, which begin to act when applied to the hair. It is best to buy the “beauty vitamin” in powder form, which is added to shampoos, conditioners and other hair care products. As a result of using such products, your hair will no longer be brittle and dull, it will become easier to comb and hair loss will stop.

Inositol can be obtained not only from vitamin complexes, but also from ordinary food that we eat every day. If you show signs of B8 deficiency, you should start eating foods that contain this vitamin in the required quantity.

Did you know? A serving of chili peppers contains 400 times more vitamin C than a serving of oranges.

Inositdroretinol, in addition to the qualities already mentioned, able to eliminate stress, which always negatively affects the condition of your skin and hair. Inositol accumulates in cell membranes located in the spinal cord and brain, and if there is enough of it, your body's nervous system will be quickly restored, and your hair will not be at risk of hair loss or other problems.

The recommended course of use of vitamin B8 if you have problems with hair is: 2 weeks or more if necessary, the course is repeated every 4-6 months. External use of the “beauty vitamin” does not require special permission or consultation with a doctor and is completely harmless.

Sources of vitamin

A considerable part of inositol is produced by organs zm - more than 70%, but this does not mean that you should neglect foods that are rich in vitamin B8. Including this food in your diet will help replenish inositdroretinol reserves, and will also help fight vitamin deficiency if you have symptoms of its deficiency in your body.

Important! Do not forget that at high temperatures the vitamin-like substance will begin to degrade, so when cooking it is best to use a method such as steaming or baking if the product is not eaten raw. These methods will help minimize the loss of nutrients.

To keep your inositol levels normal, it is enough to consume a small amount of any of the following foods once a day. This will be an excellent preventive measure to help avoid hypovitaminosis.


To obtain inositdroretinol from plant products, you must have in your diet:

  • sesame oils;
  • raisins;
  • barley groats;
  • wheat bran or germ;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • peaches;
  • rice bran.


Vitamin B8 is found to a greater extent in plant foods, but this does not exclude its content in meat products and products of animal origin. The presence of inositol is typical for the following products:

  • beef heart;
  • beef brains;
  • kidney;
  • veal;
  • calf liver;
  • pork;
  • breast milk;
  • chicken meat;

Daily requirement and norm

People who have already taken vitamins know Why can’t you exceed the specified amount of the substance? Despite all the benefits that microelements bring to your health, exceeding the norm can lead to tissue intoxication, since some beneficial substances are toxic in large quantities.

Important! The need for inositol increases if your diet frequently contains caffeinated foods or alcoholic beverages. Also, a reason for increasing the dose of the vitamin may be a weakened immune system due to taking antibiotics. Another reason is a heavy load, both physical and related to brain function.

Inositdroretinol cannot be classified as a toxic substance, but you need to know the required minimum, which must be present in your diet. This will help prevent deficiency of the substance in time or even help you understand the cause of the symptoms of vitamin B8 deficiency, and therefore cope with it by increasing the substance in your daily diet.

For adults

In just one day for a healthy person no more than 2 g of inositdroretinol is needed. Let's not forget that this substance is produced by the body, so it is enough to get about 0.5-1 g from food or by taking medications. You can increase the norm if your health is not in excellent condition.

For children

The child's body has enough receive 0.5 g of vitamin B8 per day to meet the need for inositol. Like adults, children’s bodies are also capable of synthesizing this substance, so large amounts of the vitamin are not required. It is advisable for teenagers to eat more foods containing inositdroretinol, since the substance promotes the development of the body, and its deficiency can inhibit this process.

Deficiency and excess

A lack of a vitamin-like substance can often be guessed by external factors. After all, inositdroretinol is involved in many vital processes, and its deficiency can cause decreased physical and mental activity, fatigue, insomnia, absent-mindedness, and cases of deterioration in the ability to remember information are not excluded.

At the physical level, there may be constipation, liver problems, poor circulation, increased blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

In addition, a lack of inositdroretinol contributes to the deterioration of the body’s ability to obtain nutrients from foods. That is, all the microelements and vitamins contained in food will not be absorbed, which means they will not be able to positively affect your health.

Important! Specifically, inositdroretinol is also responsible for metabolism, and an insufficient amount of the substance will contribute to rapid weight gain up to obesity.

For a child’s body, isositol deficiency is fraught with stopping the development of the body, including cessation of growth, as well as muscle dystrophy.

Inositdroretinol also affects a person’s mental state. With a lack of vitamin, inexplicable fears may appear, the person will be irritated more often than usual, and may even become depressed.

As for the excess of inositdroretinol, then B8 is characterized by low toxicity, due to which the consumption of many vitamins must be controlled in order to avoid the spread of toxic substances to tissues and internal organs. Consuming more inositol than needed will not lead to such consequences. The most you can get is- this is the appearance of an allergic reaction to an excess of a substance. Most often it is expressed in the form of rashes or redness on the skin.

Interaction with other substances

Before including vitamin B8 in your diet, you need to find out which substances in combination will bring the greatest benefit to the body, and what is best to exclude so as not to impair the absorption of this vitamin-like substance.

Products most often- drinks that contain caffeine help destroy inositol. This leads to the fact that even when you eat foods containing B8, you do not replenish your supply of this substance. Over time, a vitamin deficiency may occur - we have already talked about the consequences this leads to.

Important! The sulfanilamide group of medications can also destroy the structure of the vitamin-like substance, so we recommend consulting with your doctor about taking inositol - you may need to increase its amount in your diet after a course of treatment with medications.

The presence of caffeine is characteristic of various varieties (especially green), energy drinks and some carbonated drinks, like Coca-Cola. We are not asking you to give them up completely, but it is better not to exceed the daily allowance of 300-350 mg (that’s three small cups of coffee or five cups of tea).

To enhance the effects of inositol, you can simultaneously take other vitamins related to or E. Then B8 will be better absorbed by the body, which means your health will be in order.

Pharmacy forms

Sometimes a person cannot include foods rich in inositol in his diet, That’s why jars from the pharmacy come to the rescue. Most often you can find inositdroretinol in powder form (it can also be used for external use), as well as tablets and gelatin capsules.

Are there any contraindications?

Inositol is versatile. This substance, as a rule, does not cause allergies and also does not have a negative effect on human health. For this reason, B8 can be used by everyone without exception - both adults and children.

Hello, my dear readers! Did you know that there is a substance that helps you lose weight? At the same time, it improves mood and helps cope with depression. Today we will talk about a substance that is part of most enzymes in our body. It's called inositol.

Inositol was discovered in the middle of the 19th century, when it was classified as a B vitamin. Since then, its outdated name has stuck - vitamin B8. Modern science classifies it as a vitamin-like substance.

Our body is normally capable of producing three quarters of its daily requirement on its own. But the remaining quarter must come from outside

Inositol is found in high concentrations in our brain. Here it provides communication between billions of brain cells. It is, as it were, a communicator of all the main neurotransmitters - dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine and GABA. Without inositol, they simply cannot perform their functions. And our mood, work productivity, learning ability, good sleep and appetite and other important functions depend on the work of neurotransmitters.

Inositol is also prescribed for obesity, diabetes, absent-mindedness, alcoholism and a variety of other diseases and conditions.

Benefits of vitamin for our body

Inositol is recommended primarily for women as a natural supplement for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of mental disorders. This also includes eating disorders, anxiety, and PMS syndromes. For men, this remedy also brings great benefits.

I will list its main advantages:

  1. A remedy for anxiety. Medicines prescribed for anxiety are not always effective. They often have many side effects. Inositol, unlike them, has practically no side effects and acts gently. One study found that it reduced panic faster and more easily than the popular drug fluvoxamine (fevarin) ( 1 ).
  2. Relieving depression. This is a rather serious and, alas, very common mental state these days. The choline-inositol combination is often prescribed as part of complex treatment for depression. Studies have shown that it works more effectively for women than for men. Even when patients stop taking antidepressants. ( 2 )
  3. Eliminating the symptoms of bulimia. Patients with this eating disorder systematically overeat and artificially induce vomiting after eating. High doses of inositol (18 grams) reduce depression, anxiety, and overeating associated with bulimia. ( 3 )
  4. Reduction of PMS symptoms. As mentioned earlier, inositol works better for women than for men. When taken, mood swings, depression and anxiety of premenstrual syndrome are reduced. ( 4 )
  5. Improving metabolism and lipid metabolism. Inositol is involved in fat metabolism. That is why it is useful as part of complex therapy for weight loss.

What products contain

This substance is present in our diet in plant and animal sources. With a nutritious diet, an adult receives about 1 gram per day. This element can be found in all major food groups - dairy, meat, fruits, vegetables and grains. It is also added to some energy drinks.

Most of it is found in wheat bran and sprouted wheat. In addition, brewer's yeast, bread and other baked goods made from wheat flour, fish, and unprocessed wild rice are rich in vitamin B8. And also oranges, cabbage, carrots, melon, beef heart and liver, gooseberries, green peas. It is also useful to eat dried fruits, nuts and legumes.

It would seem that the list is quite large. But there are also pitfalls here. Thus, the highest content of inositol is in melon, grapefruit juice and white beans. But to get 1 gram of the product, you would have to eat almost a whole melon or 1½ cups of cooked beans!

Imagine how much you will have to eat to get a therapeutic dose of 6-8 grams. If there is a deficiency, it is easier to take special supplements with inositol. In addition, it is a water-soluble substance, so it is easily excreted from the body with fluid. That is why we need constant replenishment of it in the body.

Deficiency Symptoms

With insufficient consumption of microelements. As well as the abuse of alcohol, caffeine, energy drinks, and taking certain medications, a deficiency may occur.

Main symptoms of deficiency:

  • alopecia (baldness), severe hair loss
  • skin irritations
  • digestive problems, constipation
  • increased irritability, depression
  • insomnia and other sleep disorders
  • decreased visual acuity
  • disruptions in the cardiovascular system.

I note that if there is a lack of vitamin B8, other vitamins are also poorly absorbed, so hypovitaminosis may occur in them too. If symptoms of deficiency occur, it is necessary to increase your daily intake of this substance through food or nutritional supplements.

Treatment of PCOS before IVF

Did you know that one in ten women suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome? With this disease, caused by hormonal imbalance, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, weight gain and even infertility are possible ( 6 ).

Studies dating back to the 90s showed the effectiveness of using myo-inositol for the treatment of PCOS. Additional components of the complex are melatonin. Often this treatment is prescribed before IVF. More recent studies of the issue have not been conducted or their results have not yet been published.

Instructions for use

The daily requirement for inositol depends on the age of the person.

  • For children under 12 years of age, 0.5 grams of this substance daily is sufficient.
  • for adults - from 1.5 grams per day (a hard upper limit has not been established).
  • for inositol deficiency, dosages of up to 8 grams daily are prescribed.

Increased dosages of inositol may be indicated for high visual loads. And this applies to all of us office workers who sit at the computer all day! Other indications for high dosages are physical activity, injury, stress, hormonal imbalances and taking certain medications.

No contraindications or side effects have been identified for inositol. In case of overdose, nausea, dizziness, digestive and sleep disorders are possible. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should refrain from taking any medications not prescribed by your doctor.

No negative interactions with drugs were also identified. At the same time, inositol improves the absorption of B vitamins. In combination with choline, it becomes the basis for the formation of lecithin.

One more thing. Let me remind you that all B vitamins are water soluble and are excreted in urine. On the one hand, this is wonderful and means that it is almost impossible to overdo it with insitol. On the other hand, you need to receive it daily.

Please remember that the information in this blog is for informational purposes only. Before starting to take any dietary supplements or medications purchased at a pharmacy, you should consult your doctor.

What drugs to buy

Inofert– This is pure inositol without additives. sold in pharmacies in powder form. Contains 1 g of inositol and 0.1 g of folic acid. Cost 800 - 1300 rubles for 30 bags. According to most consumers, it is cheaper to purchase inositol and folic acid separately.

While figuring out for myself where to buy medicine cheaper, I discovered that iHerb has clean from Solgar. The dosage is 500 milligrams per capsule. There are 100 capsules in total. It is recommended to take one to three capsules per day. So the jar will last for at least a month, and maximum for 100 days. The price in comparison with Inofert is much more favorable on iHerb, and the reviews about the drug are mostly high.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

RUB 1,073
805 rub.

To the store

Lecithin(lecithin)– can also be found in a wide range both on iHerb and in our pharmacies. The main components of lecithin are inositol, phosphatidyl choline and natural fatty acids. Choline, creative and intellectual activity and muscle coordination.

On iHerb there is a drug called Lecithin from Now Foods, with a dosage of lecithin of 1200 mg in one capsule. On the packaging you can find detailed information on how to take the supplement. In general, 3 capsules per day is recommended.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

585 rub.
351 rub.

To the store

Choline & Inositolfrom Now Foods– this dietary supplement includes choline and inositol in their pure form. 1 capsule contains 250 mg of each substance. This is the most profitable drug from Now Foods on iHerb.


Vitamin B8

The sleep vitamin has been discovered! This is how we can characterize the latest scientific research concerning another B vitamin - inositol. The famous American physiologist Robert Atkins is full of enthusiasm: “The first thing I prescribe to my patients as a sleeping pill is inositol.” He is echoed by Karl Pfeiffer, who heads the world-famous Center for Brain Biology in Princeton (USA): “We give patients inositol, and thereby relieve them of fear, tension and even high blood pressure.” According to Dr. Pfeiffer, the action of this vitamin is similar to that of Valiuad, and it can even replace this tranquilizer.

So, vitamin B8 (also known as inositol, inositol, inositdroretinol). It was discovered in 1848 by the German chemist Liebig, and in 1928 this substance was included in the classification of vitamins as B8. In its pure form, vitamin B8 is a water-soluble powder with a crystalline structure that has a sweetish taste. Vitamin B8 is found in large quantities and used in the tissues of the nervous system, the lens of the eye, tear and seminal fluid. It can be synthesized in the body from glucose. It is resistant to acids and alkalis, but when heated, inositol is quickly destroyed.

Properties of inositol

  • Vitamin B8 normalizes cholesterol levels, participates in the body's metabolic processes, and promotes changes in various acids (for example: lactic, grape).
  • Inositol is able to regulate blood pressure, regulate intestinal motility and neuromuscular excitability.
  • Vitamin B8 is able to increase blood fluidity, which leads to a reduction in blood clots, and is also involved in the balance of zinc and copper.
  • Inositol plays an important role in the reproductive system, as it is able to activate the reproduction of sperm and trigger the processes of egg division. As a result, male and female infertility can be caused by a lack of vitamin B8 in the body.
  • Vitamin B8 can also improve sleep, stimulate hair growth, fight insomnia, lower blood pressure, fight obesity, stimulate brain processes, improve vision by relieving stress, and is also a good remedy for the prevention of atherosclerosis. At the same time, it stimulates teenage growth processes well.

With the exception of niacin (vitamin B3), our body does not need any vitamin as much as inositol. In the spinal cord and brain, as well as in the pericerebral fluid, this bioactive substance is stored in a very high concentration - four times higher than in the blood. Thus, nature will create reserve reserves in case we need a large amount of this valuable substance as a result of stress.

The most important property of vitamin B8 is that, like choline, it is an exclusively natural product, but it acts as reliably as chemically synthesized sleeping pills and sedatives, which do more harm than good.

Inositol is an excellent sleep aid. It relieves tension and even reduces high blood pressure. Some researchers believe that this vitamin can successfully replace chemically synthesized drugs.

Inositol is an effective remedy for atherosclerosis.

Along with choline, inositol is the most important component of lecithin, which is found in all cells of the body. If you mix lecithin and cholesterol in equal proportions, the latter dissolves and loses its danger, while simultaneously bringing great benefits to the body. Thus, inositol, along with choline, is a natural remedy for atherosclerosis. It is not necessary to buy ready-made lecithin at the pharmacy. It is found in high concentrations in peanuts, soybeans, peas, lentils, nuts and in general in all seeds, shoots and sprouts. Diabetics have high blood sugar, which prevents inositol from reaching brain and nerve cells. This is also accompanied by a deficiency of vitamin B8 in the muscles, which manifests itself in movement disorders typical for diabetics. They are caused by the accumulation of sorbitol in the muscles, an intermediate product during the decomposition of glucose. A lack of muscle inositol can also occur from poor nutrition.

This B vitamin is also necessary for sperm production. 100 grams of semen contains 53 mlg of inositol. A deficiency of this substance can lead to infertility. Inositol is also absolutely essential for the development and maintenance of spinal cord cell viability. It also stimulates hair growth and can prevent hair loss.

Inositol's ability to prevent and relieve constipation is due to the stimulating effect it has on the muscles of the digestive tract. This vitamin normalizes slightly elevated blood pressure caused by stress. According to the latest data, it regulates the balance of copper and zinc in the body. Too high a concentration of copper in patches of the brain leads to constant nervousness, aggressiveness, irritability, even mental breakdowns. Kissel made from ground grains, which contains zinc, corrects this imbalance and calms excited nerves within 4 hours. Vitamin B8 is actively involved in this process. Since European soils contain almost no zinc, inositol is especially important for our health.

One of the latest discoveries by biochemists is of great interest. We all know that the first spring tan is especially effective. It seems that all the cells of the body are filled with life-giving, vital force. The reason for this is the staining of the skin of the body by the copper-containing enzyme tyrosinase. Within a few hours, copper, which torments our nerves, is removed from the cells under the influence of sunlight and concentrated in the skin. That's why we feel so good after our first tan.

Vitamin B8 regulates the balance of copper and zinc in brain cells. Too high a concentration of copper in the body leads to nervousness, aggressiveness, irritability, and nervous breakdowns.

For many years, biochemists and physiologists considered inositol an uninteresting object for study. Today, when it has become possible to examine blood and tissue samples weighing only quadrillionths of a gram, this B vitamin is demonstrating its unique capabilities as one of the most important substances for the functioning of nerve cells. Recently, it has become one of the most popular medications that doctors prescribe to their patients without a shadow of a doubt.

According to the latest research, vitamin B8 is extremely important for the functioning and growth of nerve cells.

Lack of inositol

A deficiency of vitamin B8 in the body is extremely rare.

Signs of a deficiency of this substance in the body may include the following problems:

  • insomnia;
  • increased irritability;
  • frequent constipation;
  • hair loss;
  • eye diseases;
  • skin diseases, development of eczema;
  • the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • growth stop.

Without inositol, the brain, liver, pancreas, kidneys, thyroid and thymus glands cannot function.

For what reasons could there be a lack of inositol in the body, since it is present in a considerable number of foods?

Inositol is destroyed by excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol, as well as estrogens and sulfonamide drugs. And, of course, excessive heat treatment.

If you are a coffee lover, or due to your occupation or inactivity, you have to drink large amounts of alcohol, then you need to prevent inositol deficiency - take vitamin B8 in combination with other B vitamins. Combining it with vitamin B4 (choline) is especially effective.

Need for inositol

For inositol, as well as for its “twin” choline, there are no recommended doses (yet). As already mentioned, the daily requirement, depending on the impact of stress, is 4-8 grams.

Approximately 3/4 of this amount is produced by the body, but only if the mucous membranes of the stomach, kidneys, liver, nerve and brain cells are healthy and sufficiently supplied with nutrients.

If there is a lack of vitamins, microelements, protein or high-quality fatty acids in the body, then the synthesis of vitamin B8 stops. Inositol's worst enemy is caffeine. These substances absolutely do not get along with each other. Unfortunately, inositol is less stable than caffeine. The first cup of strong coffee in the morning or afternoon is still neutralized by the immune systems of the gastrointestinal tract or cells. The second cup is more dangerous, not to mention the third or fourth. It can destroy a quarter of the daily intake of this vitamin. Those who drink excessive amounts of water (more than two and a half liters per day) also lose inositol, which is excreted in the urine. Inositol and medications, especially sulfonamides, destroy them. Due to their effects, the normal concentration of vitamin B8 in the blood (0.7 mg per 100 ml) can be halved. They have a particularly negative effect on the inositol content in the cerebral fluid (2.7 mg per 100 ml). From this fluid, brain cells receive important nutrients during metabolism.

Vitamin inositol in food

Inositol, unlike choline, is found in both animal and plant tissues. In animal tissues it is an integral part of compounds containing phosphorus, fatty acids and nitrogen. In plant cells, it activates phytic acid, which is capable of converting calcium, magnesium, iron or zinc into indigestible salts, thus removing them from metabolism. Vitamin B8 is found mainly in meat, milk, fruits, nuts, cereal seeds and vegetables. However, this vitamin can also be synthesized in the brain, partly in the liver, and probably in other tissues. Each person needs three to five grams of this vitamin per day, and in case of stress - double the amount. But only a perfectly functioning intestine has the ability to absorb inositol from food. This requires a large amount of the enzyme phytase, contained in gastric juice and in the folds of the intestines. Improper nutrition leads in most cases to disruption of the microflora in the intestines and thereby to inositol deficiency.

This is even more true if preference is given to pre-prepared meals in canteens and food heated in microwave ovens. In this case, pitiful crumbs remain from the vitamins. The body's supply of vitamin B8 is cut off, and irritated nerves and brain cells cry out in vain for help.

Inositol is found mainly in meat, milk, fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables.

Sources of vitamin B8:

sprouted wheat – 770 mg%

rice bran - 460 mg%

cereals (rice, barley (390 mg%), oatmeal (270 mg%))

peas - 240 mg%

oranges - 210 mg%

peanuts - 180 mg%

grapefruit - 150 mg%

lentils - 130 mg%

raisins, melon - 120 mg%

peach – 96 mg%

white cabbage – 95 mg%

potatoes - 66 mg%

watermelon - 64 mg%

Harm of inositol

Water-soluble vitamin B8 is one of the few substances that is practically incapable of harming the body. As numerous experiments have shown, an overdose of inositol is almost impossible. Of course, if we are not talking about an injection of a dose hundreds of times higher than the permissible norm.

B8, being a non-toxic element, even in fairly large portions does not cause pathological changes in the body or poisoning. The maximum possible harm from inositol is an allergic reaction, manifested by urticaria.

Signs of allergies disappear along with the removal of excess B8 from the body. However, inositol belongs to those substances that do not accumulate for a long time in cells and tissues - it lingers only for a while, and after fulfilling its function, it is excreted.

Cis-1,2,3,5-trans-4,6-cyclohexanehexaol or (1R,2R,3S,4S,5R,6S)-cyclohexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexol

Chemical properties

Inositol, what is it? This chemical compound is cyclohexane hexahydric alcohol having 9 stereoisomers . Most often this is called myo-inositol . The substance is similar to saccharides formula, but in its structure and nature it has nothing in common with them. The product is classified as a vitamin-like substance and is called vitamin B8 . However, studies have shown that ¾ of this component is produced naturally in the body. Information that a lack of a substance can lead to various diseases has not been experimentally proven.

Inositol is a white, slightly sweet powder. Melts at 225 degrees Celsius. Molecular weight of the compound = 180.2 grams per mole. There are 9 stereoisomers of the drug: Myo- , Cis- , Muco- , Neo- , D-Hiro- , Epi- , Hello- , Scyllo- And L-Chiro-inositol . In low concentrations lek. the product is found in food: citrus fruits, red and green beans, rutabaga, artichoke, grains, dairy products, prunes, melon and some types of meat.

Normally, this chemical compound is synthesized from molecules glucose in the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs and tissues. In large quantities, the substance can be found in the lens of the eye, tear fluid and the back wall of the eye.

pharmachologic effect

Vitamin-like .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

After taking tablets, capsules or powder, Inositol enters the tissues through Na-dependent inositol co-transporter , according to a competitive mechanism. The substance is distributed throughout the body in the blood. Its highest concentration was found in brain cells, where vitamin B8 accumulates in the protective membrane. The product is well distributed throughout all tissues and organs.

Indications for use

Inositol is prescribed as part of complex therapy:

  • for treatment;
  • at and ;
  • to increase in women;
  • with insufficient or unbalanced nutrition;
  • for chronic and liver diseases;
  • for prevention hypovitaminosis and lack of minerals.


The drug is contraindicated for use with an artificially synthesized substance.

Side effects

On my own vitamin B8 does not cause any unwanted reactions. Rarely, when using high dosages, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract may occur.

Inositol, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Depending on the dosage form and the disease, different treatment regimens are used.

Instructions for Inositol

For polycystic ovary syndrome, the substance is prescribed in a dosage of 0.2 to 4 grams, once a day, before meals. For the treatment of neurological disorders, the medicine is used in combination with other drugs, the daily dosage is selected individually (from 14 to 18 grams).

The duration of treatment depends on many factors and is determined by the attending physician.


The likelihood of overdose is low. According to clinical studies, taking 30 grams of the drug per day can cause discomfort in the stomach and.

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