The benefits of silicon. Beneficial properties of silicon for a woman’s body

It is assumed that silicon takes part in the process of bone tissue growth, in the formation of cartilage and other connective tissues, and also helps maintain the elasticity of vessel walls at the cellular level. Silicon plays a major role in the following connective tissue components: elastin, collagen, mucosaccharides. A decrease in silicon levels in the aorta with age indicates the importance of the microelement in the development of atherosclerosis.

The body absorbs only 4% of silicon.

Silicon norm per day - 5 - 20 mg. There is a point of view that the optimal amount of silicon consumption is 50 -100 mg.

Silicon in food

Foods with the highest silicon content:

  • unrefined grains, cereal products;
  • cereals (brown rice);
  • root vegetables (jerusalem artichoke, potatoes with skin, beets, radishes, turnips, radishes);
  • seaweed;
  • bran;
  • greenery;
  • berries;
  • mineral water.

The regular composition contains 21-46 mg of trace elements.

Silicon deficiency

Silicon deficiency develops in the body if the amount of intake is 5 mg per day or less.

Silicon levels are reduced by excess aluminum and consumption of refined foods. A diet rich in dietary fiber helps normalize the microelement content.

Causes of silicon deficiency in the body:

  • Unsatisfactory amount of incoming microelement with food.
  • Excessive consumption of silicon as a result of rapid growth and physical overload.
  • Violation of silicon metabolism.

Symptoms lack of silicon:

  • Weakening of connective tissue in the bronchopulmonary system, ligaments, cartilage.
  • Weakness of bone tissue leads to the development of osteoporosis and fractures.
  • Hair fragility and loss.
  • Increased likelihood of developing inflammatory bowel and stomach diseases.
  • Increased cholesterol levels, early development of atherosclerosis.

Excess silicon

Toxicity is caused by silicon doses of 500 mg per day.

Professional activities related to the mining industry, contact with cement, asbestos, glass, aerosols, and quartz may be accompanied by high levels of silicon in the body.

There is a risk of acquiring a serious disease - silicosis, which destroys lung tissue, through inhalation of highly dispersed silicon particles that are formed during blasting, chiseling in mines, etc. A respirator is used for protection.

Causes excess silicon:

  • Increased intake of microelements into the body.
  • Violation of silicon metabolism.

Symptoms excess silicon:

  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Malignant neoplasms in the abdominal cavity and pleura.

In Russia, the question of the importance of silicon for the human body was studied by an entire institute. Domestic scientists have established the positive effect of this microelement on the condition of internal organs, connective tissue, blood vessels, bones, teeth and hair, muscles, tendons and even the eye lens.

Based on the results of the experiments, experts developed certain recommendations. To maintain health, they advise including foods rich in silicon in your daily diet. In their opinion, this will help avoid a whole bunch of serious diseases, such as:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;


    destruction of bone structure and predisposition to fractures - osteoporosis;


  • rheumatism;

    excess weight (it turns out that not only a sedentary lifestyle affects waist size);

    atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease. Briefly, the scheme for the occurrence of the preconditions for these serious ailments is approximately as follows. When the concentration of silicon in the blood decreases in the walls of blood vessels, it is replaced by calcium. The hard “shoots” that appear attract cholesterol with the subsequent formation of “plaques.” Blood circulation becomes difficult with the development of subsequent pathology.

    cataract. The lens of the eye contains a high concentration of this element. As it decreases, it becomes cloudy and vision deteriorates.

  • capillary fragility - hemorrhagic vasculitis;


    disruption of transcapillary exchange of microvessels (increased their permeability and, as a consequence, the occurrence of bruises);


    cosmetic defects.

The list, you see, is impressive. To put a barrier to the development of these sores, silicon in the body carries out a kind of cleaning measures. By combining with their pathogenic microflora, it promotes their natural evacuation.

At the same time, beneficial components do not react to it in any way. Such sanitation only benefits people.

The article “What does silicon affect in the body?” discussed the interaction of this microelement with calcium and the influence of this process on the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

Symptoms of silicon deficiency in the body

It would be good to prevent the development of the above diseases in the early stages. To do this, you need to know and monitor the appearance of the first signs of an emerging silica deficiency. The pathological process begins when the daily intake dose decreases to less than five milligrams.

We ourselves contribute to this when we eat refined foods. Let us list the main symptoms of silicon deficiency in the body.

For example, depression is characterized by frequent, long-term, causeless deterioration of mental state. You can read more about this illness in the articles “Depression - what is it” and “Depression - emotional manifestations and first aid”.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis and disruption of transcapillary exchange in microvessels are indicated by large bruises that appear after minor contusions, or simply hemorrhages.

Frequent bronchopulmonary diseases, sprains and muscles, arthritic phenomena, fragility and hair loss, prolonged wound healing with various complications, disruption of normal intestinal function can also be considered alarm bells that are worth listening to.

How to saturate the body with silicon

If the unpleasant symptoms described above are already occurring or the person has set himself a purely preventative task for now, what can be advised to him? How to saturate your body with silicon to feel healthy?

There is only one way - changing your diet. Inclusion of products containing this microelement. During meals, both young and elderly bodies absorb silica well.

Its main sources are listed in the article that has already been mentioned here - “What does silicon affect in the body?” You can only add some of the products, also publicly available: Jerusalem artichoke and horsetail (this herb is brewed and drunk as tea; you can read more about it if you follow the link).

For many organisms on earth, silicon is very important as a biogenic factor, since it is a catalyst for many life processes. It is part of human skin tissues, such as connective and bone. It also affects the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Our body contains approximately one or two kilograms of silicon, mainly concentrated in the skin, our hair, thyroid gland and lymph nodes. About four percent of the silicon received from the total amount is absorbed by the small and duodenal intestines.

The role of silicon in the human body:
One of the main functions of the microelement silicon is to stimulate bone growth and strengthen them. If you do not start consuming it in time, it can lead to osteoporosis, namely, partial resorption of bone matter.
Since it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, it accordingly reduces the chance of developing certain diseases, such as atherosclerosis.
Silicon, which is a catalyst for certain redox processes, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of metabolism, the brain and the nervous system.
Able to stimulate the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to various viruses or infections.
Helps strengthen connective tissue and the walls of blood vessels, that is, cartilage and tendons.
By saturating your body with silicon, you will help reduce blood pressure, and also improve the body’s absorption of elements such as phosphorus, fluorine, sulfur, sodium and others.
It has a beneficial effect on your body, preventing the occurrence of such terrible diseases as cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes and many other pathological processes.
Helps improve the condition of hair, nails and skin, as well as slow down the aging process.

Daily requirement for silicon:
The bodies of adults and children have different daily requirements for silicon. Adults need between five and fifty milligrams, but children have not yet been clearly established. A balanced diet fully satisfies your daily requirement for silicon. But people suffering from diseases such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease need to increase the amount of silicon in their diet.

Symptoms of excess silicon:
Excessive silicon content in the human body can lead to bad consequences, for example, the formation of kidney stones, the development of fibrosis of the lungs or abdominal organs. Urolithiasis is no exception. It may arise due to the increased activity of processes that focus on the crystallization of salts in human urine. By inhaling silicon, you contribute to its accumulation in the lungs, which will lead to such a terrible disease as silicosis, which means difficulty breathing.
The main diseases with excess silicon are: deterioration and hair loss, weakening of connective tissue, development of atherosclerosis at an early age, osteoporosis.

With excess, you may experience some ailments that occur much less frequently:
You will become more irritable
You will be constantly tired
Your body temperature may decrease or increase
It also leads to the development of depression.

For treatment, you need to consult a doctor and exclude all possible products that contain a high concentration of silicon.

What foods contain silicon:
Silicon is found in cauliflower or white cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, onions, radishes, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, turnips, strawberries, bananas, cherries, raisins, oatmeal and much more.

Interesting Facts:
It is known that the hair of brunettes contains twice as much silicon as the hair of blondes.
When silicon is used in the body as a catalyst, it is used eight times, after which it is excreted from the body.

On earth, silicon is very important as a catalyst for many life processes. There is approximately one kilogram of silicon in our body, mainly found in the skin, hair, thyroid gland and lymph nodes. It is also part of connective and bone tissues. It also affects the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

About 4% of silicon received from the total amount is absorbed by the small and duodenal intestines.

Bone Growth Stimulator

One of the main functions of the microelement silicon is to stimulate bone growth and strengthen them. If you do not start consuming it in time, it can lead to osteoporosis, namely, partial resorption of bone matter.

Since it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, it accordingly reduces the chance of developing certain diseases, such as atherosclerosis.

Silicon, which is involved in certain redox processes, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of metabolism, the brain and the nervous system.

Able to stimulate the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to various viruses or infections.

Helps strengthen connective tissue and the walls of blood vessels, that is, cartilage and tendons.

By saturating your body with silicon, you will help reduce blood pressure, and also improve the body’s absorption of elements such as phosphorus, fluorine, sulfur, sodium and others.

Having a beneficial effect on your body, prevents the occurrence of such terrible diseases as cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes and many other pathological processes.

Helps improve the condition of hair, nails and skin, as well as slow down the aging process.

Daily requirement for silicon

The bodies of adults and children have different daily requirements for silicon. Adults need between five and fifty milligrams, but children have not yet been clearly established. A balanced diet fully satisfies your daily requirement for silicon. But people suffering from diseases such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, etc. need to increase the amount of silicon in their diet.

lack of silicon

A lack of silicon in your body can lead to cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumors, and diabetes. In addition, if your body does not receive the daily requirement of this microelement, this will lead to disruption of the nervous system, which will manifest itself in poor coordination of movements, staggering, weakness and irritability. Feelings of fear may appear.

The development of inflammatory diseases such as gastritis or enteritis is possible.

The microelement is perfectly absorbed when leading an active lifestyle and during intense physical activity. So play more sports and don't be lazy.

If you put a lot of carbohydrates into your body, you interfere with the absorption of silicon.

You should carefully monitor your diet.

Signs of excess silicon

Excessive silicon content in the human body can lead to bad consequences, for example, the formation of kidney stones, the development of fibrosis of the lungs or abdominal organs. Urolithiasis is no exception. It may arise due to the increased activity of processes that focus on the crystallization of salts in human urine. By inhaling silicon, you contribute to its accumulation in the lungs, which will lead to a disease such as silicosis, that is, difficulty breathing.

The main diseases associated with silicon deficiency are: deterioration and hair loss, weakening of connective tissue, development of atherosclerosis at an early age, osteoporosis.

With excess silicon, you may experience some ailments:

- you will become more irritable;

- you will be constantly tired;

- your body temperature may decrease or increase;

- also, this entails the development of depression.

For treatment, you need to consult a doctor and exclude all possible products that contain a high concentration of silicon.

What foods contain silicon?

Silicon is found in cauliflower or cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, onions, radishes, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, turnips, strawberries, bananas, cherries, raisins, oatmeal and much more.

Silicon- the second most important element after oxygen. No living organism can do without silicon.

Silicon in the body

The role of silicon in the human body:

  • Silicon is involved in the body's absorption of more than 70 mineral salts and vitamins.
  • Silicon promotes calcium absorption and bone growth and prevents osteoporosis.
  • Silicon stimulates the immune system.
  • Silicon is essential for healthy hair.
  • Silicon improves the condition of nails.
  • Silicon improves skin condition and strengthens connective tissue.
  • Silicon strengthens blood vessels.
  • Silicon reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Silicon strengthens joints - cartilage and tendons.

Silicon, due to its chemical properties, creates electrically charged systems. They have the property of “sticking” viruses and pathogenic microorganisms that are not symbiotic with the human body. Influenza virus, hepatitis, polyarthritis, rheumatism, dysbiosis, candida, conidia, yeast and other microorganisms that cause pathological situations in the body are sucked into colloidal silicon formations by the force of electrical attraction, both in the blood and in the intestines. All the diseases, the causative agents of which we could list endlessly, could not manifest themselves if people had enough silicon in their bodies!

Here are some examples of diseases that result from a lack of silicon in the body:

  • Strokes and heart attacks affect humans with a silicon content of 1.2% versus 4.7%.
  • Diabetes mellitus can occur only if silicon is 1.4% or less.
  • The hepatitis virus can germinate if the silicon content drops to 1.6%.
  • Cancer occurs at 1.3% silicon.
  • For the adsorption of waste coming from the intestines, silicon colloids are also needed, which are formed only at a fairly certain concentration of silicon in the blood and intestines.
  • A decrease in silicon concentration in connective tissue leads to vascular damage, atherosclerosis, and impaired bone tissue strength.
  • With a lack of silicon, the absorption of calcium, iron, cobalt, manganese, fluorine and other substances decreases, and the body's metabolism is disrupted.

Silicon is present in all plant foods, including grape juice, wine and beer. There is especially a lot of it in the husks of grains such as oats, millet and rice. In this respect, wheat grains are much poorer than them.

Cereals contain relatively a lot of silicon, while legumes contain insignificant amounts of this element. But refined products contain practically no silicon. There is especially a lot of it in the husks of grains such as oats, millet and rice. When grinding grain and making semolina, flour of the highest quality grains is carefully cleaned from the shell, which contains silicon.

Also, silicon is contained, for the most part, in the peel of fruits, and there is little of it in peeled vegetables and fruits. Here we are faced with a dilemma - nitrates and other harmful substances used in growing and storing fruits often accumulate in the peel. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right vegetables and fruits.

Good sources of silicon include the following:

  • Wholemeal flour.
  • Black bread.
  • Oats.
  • Barley.
  • Bran.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Potatoes cooked with their skins on ("jacket potatoes").
  • Bell pepper.
  • Beet.
  • Greens (parsley, dill, etc.).
  • Celery.
  • Onions (especially leeks).
  • Turnip, radish, radish.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Rhubarb.
  • Jerusalem artichoke.
  • Some mineral waters (mineral waters containing silicon are very rare).
  • Marine plants, algae.

Absorption of silicon from food:

  • To improve the digestibility of silicon, calcium, potassium, magnesium and manganese are needed.
  • Meat foods interfere with the absorption of silicon. Therefore, despite the high silicon content in the body of marine animals, they are not a good source of this silicon, since animal proteins interfere with its absorption.
  • Plant foods, fiber contained in vegetables and fruits, promote the absorption of silicon in the body.

To compensate for the lack of silicon in food, you can cook. You can also drink infusions of herbs rich in silicon:

  • horsetail,
  • lungwort,
  • nettle,
  • piculnik,
  • bird's knotweed,
  • wheatgrass,
  • coltsfoot.

It is also good to wipe your face and whole body with infusions of these herbs. Regular use of infusions rich in silicon rejuvenates and cleanses the skin.

Silicon structures water molecules, which as a result acquire the ability to displace pathogenic microorganisms, protozoa, fungi, toxins and foreign chemical elements from the formed liquid crystal lattices. During the preparation of silicon water, they precipitate in the lower layer of water.

Silicon water has a special taste and freshness. It has all the properties of melted, bactericidal silver water. In many respects it is similar to intercellular fluid and human blood plasma.

How to purify and enrich water with silicon at home:

  • You need to select or purchase flint pebbles (it is advisable to choose small pebbles to increase the contact surface of the flint with water.
  • Place flint pebbles in water. One package weighing 50 g is designed for 3 liters of water.
  • Infuse water in a glass container at room temperature in a shaded place for 3-4 days.
  • To get water with pronounced medicinal properties, you need to infuse it a little longer - 7 days.
  • The finished water is poured into another container, but not completely. The bottom layer with a residue 3–4 cm thick is unsuitable for use.
  • After draining the remainder, the pieces of flint are cleaned with a soft brush and thereby free them from deposits and mucus.
  • After this, the process of preparing water can be repeated. Black silicon does not require replacement.
  • The resulting silicon water retains its healing properties in an airtight container for up to one and a half years.

Drink silicon-enriched water in unlimited quantities. Its use is an excellent prevention of many ailments: atherosclerosis, hypertension and urolithiasis, skin pathologies and diabetes, infectious and oncological diseases, varicose veins and even neuropsychiatric diseases. In addition to blood purifying, wound healing, choleretic and bactericidal properties, flint also has a pronounced immunostimulating effect.

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