Conclave of immortals is a test of strength. Conclave of the Immortals

It is difficult to survive in the world of victorious Darkness. On the streets of Sosnovsk blood is shed and evil magic is happening; anyone can become a victim of the monster. However, there is still no unity among the townspeople. Some fight for the right to remain human, while others are ready to do anything for power. But if there are no heroes in white robes, knights without fear or reproach, ordinary people come instead. Those who are tired of shaking with fear, who are not frightened by the labyrinth of ancient riddles and secrets. And now it’s time for them to take the first step and try their hand at fighting the enemy.

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The Aiel leaders recognized Rand al "Thor as He-Who-Come-with-the-Dawn, whose appearance was predicted in the Prophecies. But there is no unity in the ranks of the Aiel, and those who rejected the Dragon Reborn go through the Dragon Wall to conquer the world. Rand tries to prevent the invasion, not knowing that the Forsaken are preparing a new trap for him...

Part of the Aiel - those who rejected the Reborn Dragon - fell upon the world in an all-crushing wave. Rand al "Thor overtakes them near the capital of Cairhien.

His friends, Nynaeve and Elayne, enter into a battle with the Forsaken Moghedien in the Dream World. There is a schism in the White Tower. Rebellious Aes Sedai gather a Council in exile...

A bloody battle takes place at the walls of Cairhien, but Rand al "Thor does not know that his most bitter loss is yet to come. And in Caemlyn, Ravin, one of the Forsaken, awaits him in ambush...

The new novel of Robert Jordan's epic "The Wheel of Time" continues the fascinating story of Rand al "Thor, his comrades and rivals, who came face to face in a great battle against the Darkness approaching the world.

Vitaly Zykov

Conclave of the Immortals. Test of strength

Dedicated to Robert Heinlein and his “Tunnel to Heaven”. Only a strong spirit opens new horizons.

...Terrible disasters and shocks produce a certain shift in the minds of people. They turn social animals into simply animals. Stupid and immensely cruel, ready to burn, rape, kill just like that, to quench their thirst for power. They live not even for one day, but for one hour. They don’t care about the future, because as long as other people’s blood is shed, there is food and drink, they are immortal. I don’t care if they’re dying nearby, they’re alive!

And if a person does not appear who can stop the bacchanalia of death and heal the mass of people from madness, then the people will die. It will degenerate into naked savages and is unlikely to ever rise again. Therefore, the leader has a colossal responsibility. It is extremely important that he achieves his goal in any way, even through force or fear. That's right, by force or fear...

From the speech of a participant of the First Conclave

Karaganda looked at the setting sun from under his palm and spat viscously. What kind of life is there: there is no peace either day or night. Death lurks on all sides. Just gape, when - hop, and you are no longer there. Well, he’s lived his life, but the young people still have everything ahead of them.

Petka, it’s getting dark already! Where are you and your crocodile?! - Sergei Sergeevich began to get angry. Where did the boy go?! I told him not to go far from home. The hour is uncertain, what stranger will sneak past the posts. Okay, if an ordinary bandit, the lizard will protect, but what if the Marked One? Or, not by night, be remembered, a mutant? No chance for the boy. And in general, are there a lot of dangers in Sosnovsk - well-known and not so well-known?

I had an unbearable urge to smoke again. At least the same vigorous neighbor’s squatter. So that from the first puff it gets right to your liver...


Yes, here I am, here! - The neighbor’s raspberry thickets rustled, and the foster child climbed onto the fence. His face is all smeared with dirt, his shirt is torn, there is a fresh scratch on his cheek, and a black eye under his eye. Noticing the attentive look of the headman, he smiled contentedly.

Got into a fight, or what?

Yeah. With Volodka and Uncle Kolin. “He called me a mutant and said that I was hiding my tail in my pants,” Petka said. - Well, I hit him on the nose a couple of times.

And he to me. - The joy has diminished a little, but not much. - And Thorn also obeyed the order and did not interfere. He sat on the sidelines and hardly even growled.

The bushes rustled again, and the tamed lizard jumped over the fence in one leap. Sergei Sergeevich shuddered in surprise.

What a devil!

Ignoring the swearing, Thorn noisily sniffed the air and touched the elder with his paw. He shied away to the side.

You'll knock it down, your stupid head! Petka, calm down the beast!!!

The boy jumped to the ground and called the naughty “monkey” to him. However, it was Karaganda who decided that he called. There was no whistle, no command, just Thorn suddenly left him alone and approached the owner.

Sergei Sergeevich was as usual amazed at his foster child’s talent. Unlike some, he did not scream about witchcraft and dark forces, did not demand that all Marked Ones be beaten to death. Life must be perceived as it is. Without hysterics and mutual insults. Well, people have become a little different, so what? No harm is done and that’s okay. But how much use are they... Karaganda snorted. Why lie to yourself? He didn't care about all this supernatural nonsense. Even if Petrukha were the devil himself, he wouldn’t let anyone offend him. I became attached to the boy with my soul; there is no one in the world more dear to him.

Sergei Sergeevich grinned widely, watching the foster child scold his beast in a low voice. He listened attentively, his mouth open and his tail enthusiastically pounding the asphalt. For some reason the lizard imagined himself to be a dog.

Finishing raising Thorn, Petka shook his finger and for some reason stuck his palm into his mouth. Karaganda tensed against his will. He knows that the “monkey” will not offend the boy, but he is still afraid. He even takes evil. Just like a mother hen, all that’s left to do is start clucking.

The boy, without fear, began to scratch the predator’s gums, causing him to rumble loudly. Streams of saliva began to fall to the ground, and a whole puddle had already formed in front of the lizard. Karaganda winced in disgust: ugh, disgusting!

Petka, look, if he spoils everything at home again, Valentina will kill you both. And me too.

Petka was not frightened by the threat. Grunting, he pushed the beast's head away and began wiping his hand on his jeans. But, catching Sergei Sergeevich’s disapproving glance, he became noticeably embarrassed, grabbed his scaly friend by the scruff of the neck and dragged him into the house.

The headman did not stay long. Suddenly there was a desire to relax, to be alone for a couple of minutes, watching the play of shadows and remembering.

How things have changed. Someone else's house, someone else's clothes, someone else's grandson. Many curse the Transference, which took away their loved ones and destroyed their usual life. Probably Karaganda alone has nothing to complain about. The cataclysm that happened only gave him, without taking anything in return.

Once upon a time he was married, worked as a history teacher at school, and made plans for the future. Then his country suddenly disappeared, his wife left for someone else, and clever swindlers took away his apartment. Fate. The modest intellectual disappeared, and his place was taken by the homeless man Sergei Sergeich. Like everyone else, he drinks, smells bad and constantly swears. Scourge, tramp, scum of society. And there was no force capable of stopping him on the edge of the slope of life, preventing him from falling into the abyss.

But the Transfer happened.

For Sergei Sergeevich, this event of cosmic proportions became a sign from above, a divine revelation that turned his soul inside out. He will not forget that terrible day until his death.

...It was an ordinary morning. Early in the morning, Karaganda crawled out of his “home” - a well in a small park not far from the center - and began to walk around the territory. Whoever gets up early, God gives him, so you had to try to get it to you, and not to Kolka the Plasterer or Dashka the Ulcer. Bottles and aluminum cans are trash for everyone else, but for scourges like Karaganda they are real wealth. I even had to fight for him.

He walked heavily along Lenin Street, looking around the bushes and looking into trash cans. I really wanted to drink. At night, he dreamed of something completely surreal, and Sergei Sergeevich wondered with lazy doom whether he had developed a fever...

When houses and cars began to explode around him, and streams of fire poured from the sky, he took it for granted. Like, here it is, it has begun. There was even some pride. Everyone has devils running around or flies the size of a bathtub buzzing, but this is what he has. It stood there like a pillar until a woman running past was killed by something like a huge green icicle. The unfortunate woman didn’t even have time to gasp.

A strange projectile flew from somewhere above, where there was howling and terrible screaming, where black shadows flashed and lightning flashed. Splashes of blood hit Karaganda's face, bringing him to his senses. Feeling the taste of someone else's blood on his lips, he seemed to see the light. Somewhere the alcoholic intoxication went away, thoughts became clear and understandable. Death has come to the city. Why and how is not important. An abyss simply opened up under their feet, into which they all safely fell. Who will live and who will die will be decided by God, the devil or fate itself. If death threatens from everywhere, you can only wait for your fate. Just wait.

Sergei Sergeevich remembered how he knelt down and began to pray, barely remembering the half-forgotten words. Making a vow: if he survives, he will definitely change, forget the past and start life anew. He had nothing to do with the horrors happening around him. Come what may.

This is how I met Transference.

Karaganda turned out to be true to its word. I quit drinking, smoking, and started taking care of myself. Then fate brought him together with Petka, and he again remembered what it was like to be responsible for someone. Before I had time to get used to it, fate gave me a new gift. We came to Dikoe and met Valentina. The woman, sharp and understanding, quickly realized that she couldn’t survive alone. A month before the disaster, her husband and his son went to Vladivostok to visit relatives, so she was left alone. She sheltered them and the boy in the house, helped them gather their thoughts, and soon Karaganda found something to do. He and his neighbors started gutting shops together and came up with the idea of ​​defending against bandits and looters together. Further more, somehow it happened, but people were drawn to them. Ten, twenty, thirty people... And help everyone with advice, tell them what to do. The former homeless man Sergei Sergeevich himself did not notice how either a commune or a rural community had formed around him, and he himself became its headman.

Karaganda had no experienced fighters behind him, and he did not have supernatural talents, but for some reason others saw in him the person who would lead them through all the troubles. Why this happened, he did not know. It's just some kind of obsession. And the problems, like a snowball, are growing. How to fight off predatory creatures, what to plant in your gardens, who to be friends with, who to fight with... There’s too much of everything, and you can’t put it on anyone else. You have to pull it yourself. I hoped that over time people would choose someone else to take his place, but whatever. He copes with his affairs, does not complain about his health - after the Transfer he has become much stronger, he even seems to have become younger - so why change? They don’t look for good from goodness, so why fool your head? True, there were those who were dissatisfied, but the majority quieted down when Petka’s talent for taming animals was revealed.

In general, Karaganda is spinning like a squirrel in a wheel. And I would be glad to stop, but somehow it doesn’t work out...

His thoughts were interrupted by Valentina looking out onto the street.

Why did you stand up like a sheep in front of the gate? - she asked sternly. - Everything has cooled down already.

I’m coming, I’m coming... Don’t yell,” Karaganda answered grumpily.

Eh, life is a tin, when I was young I believed in love, and look how it turned out. Adults are already people and have agreed “on the same mind,” so how much easier it immediately became. The house became not just a box of four walls and a roof, but something more. A place where you want to return, where those who need to be taken care of and protected are waiting for you. But okay, for some reason he really was delayed...

Petka had already had dinner and was now sitting in the corner of the kitchen, hugging Thorn. It seems the boy was practicing his gift again. Sergei Sergeevich mentally praised him, but did not say anything out loud: there was no point in spoiling a child. He sat down at the table and resolutely pushed the plate towards him.

Karaganda ate quickly, but without greed, half-listening to Valentina’s chatter. During the day, while he was busy in the yard, patching the roof of the barn, she went to her neighbor and now shared the latest news.

- ...They say that Dashka Egorova left Volodka. To his friend, to Deniska. You know, they're hot guys. They wouldn't kill each other.

There was no sadness. Because of some Karaganda girl, the squabbling will begin again. - Sergei Sergeevich’s news unexpectedly touched a nerve. He even stopped chewing and dropped his fork in irritation. - And there Sorokin is still muddying the waters. As the Cardinal's fosterlings were carried out, the bays continued without ceasing. He says it’s my fault that Leonid left then. Everyone agreed, or what?!

Well, calm down... Why are you so upset? Eat bye. The time will come, you will deal with everyone: both Sorokin and Leonid. The main thing is don’t forget about the guys. They will do stupid things, and then they will regret it all their lives.

I'll do it to them, Karaganda! Tomorrow I’ll straighten out both of them, and then talk to the girl. Motherfucker!.. And you, Petka, close your ears!

Come on, Uncle Seryozh. I've already heard...

“Talk to me here,” Karaganda reprimanded him. - He heard. Still too young for such words.

Sergei Sergeevich stopped mid-sentence, lost in his thoughts. Valentina, Petka and his hellish creature were forgotten. He suddenly realized what had been weighing on him all day, putting him in a thoughtful mood. This sometimes happens: you suffer for a long time, you freak out, and then something seems to click in your head, the whole mosaic comes together at once, and you see your problem in all its glory. It remains to be solved.

Karaganda managed to get used to being something more than just an inhabitant of the Wild. He was oppressed by the duties of the headman, and at the same time he could not imagine that he would again become an ordinary community member. And it wasn’t even a matter of fear of losing power. Now he is like an old leader at the head of a tattered pack. They follow unknown paths, and it is not yet clear what awaits them at the end of the road. Every wrong step can destroy all initiatives and turn the Community into a bunch of humanoid animals that hate each other. So Karaganda has to settle disputes, trick, deceive, and sometimes intimidate. Sergei Sergeevich was sincerely convinced that he was not the best candidate, but there was no one to take his place. Few people are willing to spend their last effort just to finish what they started. He's ready now. And jackals like Sorokin are hovering around, ready to take away what has been collected piece by piece. And it’s not easy to come to terms with this.

What should we do with this Sorokin? Karaganda fuck him! - Sergei Sergeevich said in his hearts, not wanting to calm down.

He’s talking about business again,” Valentina grumbled. - The whole Community is behind you, but you can’t forget about the screaming fool.

I can’t, I just can’t... Loyalty is a fickle thing. Today people are with me, tomorrow with someone else. The marked ones and those... Karaganda... are fighting for power and will not subside. But they have real power in their hands, and what do I have? You and Petka. If he were four or five years older and had better knowledge, then yes... And so, they will devour me, Valentina. If I give you any slack, they will immediately eat you up.

So don't give up! “You’ve done well so far,” the woman said harshly. - After all, we are not on Earth, and the laws here are different. It is not customary to leave enemies behind your back. Remind me what the Father of Nations liked to say?

Valentina! - Karaganda was taken aback by the harshness sounding in the head of his cohabitant. He glanced sideways at Petka.

What - Valentina?! Sometimes you have to be angry. And don’t look at the boy, let him shake his mustache. It will come in handy.

Suddenly Thorn growled menacingly, and almost immediately the creaking of the gate was heard from the yard. Without hesitation, Sergei Sergeevich fumbled for a short sawed-off shotgun and rose from the table. The momentary weakness passed. He was again collected, determined and angry. This is exactly how those around him are used to seeing him.

They banged on the door with fists.

Headman! Sergey Sergeevich, trouble!!!

Remember the devil, he and... - Valentina smiled palely. - Whatever you say, for now you are the head of the Community. And if this continues, you will remain so.

“Flint, not a woman!” - Karaganda mentally admired. With an elastic, not at all senile step, he walked up to the door and clicked the lock.

What's happened?

Three community members stood in the courtyard with torches.

T-trouble! “Aliens attacked,” the young guy began, stuttering with excitement. The headman did not remember his name.

Stop. What other strangers?! Calm down and speak clearly.

I'll tell you better. And you, Styopa, better shut up...

Karaganda knew this guy well - Alexander Sinitsyn from the next street. A smart fighter, he knows how to command, but he doesn’t climb to the very top. One problem, he can’t stand Marked people. Give him free rein, he’ll mess up such things, you’ll never be able to sort them out.

Some detachment appeared near a vacant lot on Industrialnaya. Stepan was on patrol and says there were only five fighters. True, these are not people and not... Marked, although I didn’t really see them clearly. As soon as they saw ours, they attacked immediately. - Sinitsyn hesitated. - He was struck by lightning.

They popped into the gun...

Yes, yes... It really hurt you,” Alexander looked at Karaganda doubtfully. - I don’t know, it sounds kind of wild. I believe the guys, but... some kind of miracles.

The headman swore.

Have people started gathering?

What else?

Sorokin with two fighters is already there. He says he wants to see for himself.

Dedicated to Robert Heinlein and his “Tunnel to Heaven”. Only a strong spirit opens new horizons.

...Terrible disasters and shocks produce a certain shift in the minds of people. They turn social animals into simply animals. Stupid and immensely cruel, ready to burn, rape, kill just like that, to quench their thirst for power. They live not even for one day, but for one hour. They don’t care about the future, because as long as other people’s blood is shed, there is food and drink, they are immortal. I don’t care if they’re dying nearby, they’re alive!

And if a person does not appear who can stop the orgy of death and heal the mass of people from madness, then the people will die. It will degenerate into naked savages and is unlikely to ever rise again. Therefore, the leader has a colossal responsibility. It is extremely important that he achieves his goal in any way, even through force or fear. That's right, by force or fear...

From the speech of a participant of the First Conclave

Karaganda looked at the setting sun from under his palm and spat viscously. What kind of life is there: there is no peace either day or night. Death lurks on all sides. Just gape, when - hop, and you are no longer there. Well, he has lived his life, but the young people still have everything ahead of them.

- Petka, it’s getting dark already! Where are you and your crocodile?! – Sergei Sergeevich began to get angry. Where did the boy go?! I told him not to go far from home. The hour is uncertain, what stranger will sneak past the posts. Okay, if an ordinary bandit, the lizard will protect, but what if the Marked One? Or, not by night, be remembered, a mutant? No chance for the boy. And in general, are there a lot of dangers in Sosnovsk - well-known and not so well-known?

I had an unbearable urge to smoke again. At least the same vigorous neighbor’s squatter. So that from the first puff it gets right to the liver...

- Petka!!!

- Yes, here I am, here! “The neighbor’s raspberry bushes rustled, and the little boy climbed onto the fence. His face is all smeared with dirt, his shirt is torn, there is a fresh scratch on his cheek, and a black eye under his eye. Noticing the attentive look of the headman, he smiled contentedly.

- Got into a fight, or what?

- Yeah. With Volodka and Uncle Kolin. “He called me a mutant and said that I was hiding my tail in my pants,” Petka said. - Well, I hit him on the nose a couple of times.

- And he is for me. – The joy has diminished a little, but not much. - And Thorn listened to the order and did not interfere. He sat on the sidelines and hardly even growled.

The bushes rustled again, and the tamed lizard jumped over the fence in one leap. Sergei Sergeevich shuddered in surprise.

- What a devil!

Ignoring the swearing, Thorn noisily sniffed the air and touched the elder with his paw. He shied away to the side.

- You'll knock it down, your stupid head! Petka, calm down the beast!!!

The boy jumped to the ground and called the naughty “monkey” to him. However, it was Karaganda who decided that he called. There was no whistle, no command, just Thorn suddenly left him alone and approached the owner.

Sergei Sergeevich was as usual amazed at his adopted son’s talent. Unlike some, he did not scream about witchcraft and dark forces, did not demand to beat all Marked Ones to death. Life must be perceived as it is. Without hysterics and mutual insults. Well, people have become a little different, so what? No harm is done and that’s okay. But how much use are they... Karaganda snorted. Why lie to yourself? He didn't care about all this supernatural nonsense. Even if Petrukha was the devil himself, he wouldn’t let anyone offend him. I became attached to the boy with my soul; there is no one in the world more dear to him.

Sergei Sergeevich grinned widely, watching the foster child scold his beast in a low voice. He listened attentively, his mouth open and his tail enthusiastically pounding the asphalt. For some reason the lizard imagined himself to be a dog.

Finishing raising Thorn, Petka shook his finger and for some reason stuck his palm into his mouth. Karaganda tensed against his will. He knows that the “monkey” will not offend the boy, but he is still afraid. Even evil takes. Just like a mother hen, all that’s left to do is start clucking.

The boy, without fear, began to scratch the predator’s gums, causing him to rumble loudly. Streams of saliva began to fall to the ground, and a whole puddle had already formed in front of the lizard. Karaganda winced in disgust: ugh, disgusting!

- Petka, look, if he spoils everything at home again, Valentina will kill you both. And me too.

Petka was not frightened by the threat. Grunting, he pushed the beast's head away and began wiping his hand on his jeans. But, catching Sergei Sergeevich’s disapproving glance, he became noticeably embarrassed, grabbed his scaly friend by the scruff of the neck and dragged him into the house.

The headman did not stay long. Suddenly there was a desire to relax, to be alone for a couple of minutes, watching the play of shadows and remembering.

How things have changed. Someone else's house, someone else's clothes, someone else's grandson. Many curse the Transference, which took away their loved ones and destroyed their usual life. Probably Karaganda alone has nothing to complain about. The cataclysm that happened only gave him, without taking anything in return.

Once upon a time he was married, worked as a history teacher at school, and made plans for the future. Then his country suddenly disappeared, his wife left for someone else, and clever swindlers took away his apartment. Fate. The modest intellectual disappeared, and his place was taken by the homeless man Sergei Sergeich. Like everyone else, he drinks, smells bad and constantly swears. Scourge, tramp, scum of society. And there was no force capable of stopping him on the edge of the slope of life, preventing him from falling into the abyss.

But the Transfer happened.

For Sergei Sergeevich, this event of cosmic proportions became a sign from above, a divine revelation that turned his soul inside out. He will not forget that terrible day until his death.

...It was an ordinary morning. Early in the morning, Karaganda crawled out of his “home” - a well in a small park not far from the center - and began to walk around the territory. Whoever gets up early, God gives him, so you had to try to get it to you, and not to Kolka the Plasterer or Dashka the Ulcer. Bottles and aluminum cans are trash for everyone else, but for scourges like Karaganda they are real wealth. I even had to fight for him.

He walked heavily along Lenin Street, looking around the bushes and looking into trash cans. I really wanted to drink. At night, he dreamed of something completely surreal, and Sergei Sergeevich wondered with lazy doom whether he had developed a fever...

When houses and cars began to explode around him, and streams of fire poured from the sky, he took it for granted. Like, here it is, it has begun. There was even some pride. Everyone has devils running around or flies the size of a bathtub buzzing, but this is what he has. It stood there like a pillar until a woman running past was killed by something like a huge green icicle. The unfortunate woman didn’t even have time to gasp.

A strange projectile flew from somewhere above, where there was howling and terrible screaming, where black shadows flashed and lightning flashed. Splashes of blood hit Karaganda's face, bringing him to his senses. Feeling the taste of someone else's blood on his lips, he seemed to see the light. The alcoholic stupor disappeared somewhere, thoughts became clear and understandable. Death has come to the city. Why and how is not important. An abyss simply opened up under their feet, into which they all safely fell. Who will live and who will die will be decided by God, the devil or fate itself. If death threatens from everywhere, you can only wait for your fate. Just wait.

Sergei Sergeevich remembered how he knelt down and began to pray, barely remembering the half-forgotten words. Making a vow: if he survives, he will definitely change, forget the past and start life anew. He had nothing to do with the horrors happening around him. Come what may.

This is how I met Transference.

Karaganda turned out to be true to its word. I quit drinking, smoking, and started taking care of myself. Then fate brought him together with Petka, and he again remembered what it was like to be responsible for someone. Before I had time to get used to it, fate gave me a new gift. We came to Dikoe and met Valentina. The woman, sharp and understanding, quickly realized that she couldn’t survive alone. A month before the disaster, her husband and his son went to Vladivostok to visit relatives, so she was left alone. She sheltered them and the boy in the house, helped them collect their thoughts, and soon Karaganda found a job for himself. He and his neighbors started gutting shops together and came up with the idea of ​​defending against bandits and looters together. Further more, somehow it happened, but people were drawn to them. Ten, twenty, thirty people... And help everyone with advice, tell them what to do. The former homeless man Sergei Sergeevich himself did not notice how either a commune or a rural community had formed around him, and he himself became its headman.

Karaganda had no experienced fighters behind him, and he did not have supernatural talents, but for some reason the others saw in him the person who would lead them through all the troubles. Why this happened, he did not know. It's just some kind of obsession. And the problems, like a snowball, are growing. How to fight off predatory creatures, what to plant in your gardens, who to be friends with, who to fight with... There’s too much of everything, and you can’t pin it on anyone else. You have to pull it yourself. I hoped that over time people would choose someone else to take his place, but whatever. He copes with his affairs, does not complain about his health - after the Transfer he has become much stronger, he even seems to have become younger - so why change? They don’t look for good from goodness, so why fool your head? True, there were those who were dissatisfied, but the majority quieted down when Petka’s talent for taming animals was revealed.

War for Survival - 2

Dedicated to Robert Heinlein and his “Tunnel to Heaven”. Only a strong spirit opens new horizons.

...Terrible disasters and shocks produce a certain shift in the minds of people. They turn social animals into simply animals. Stupid and immensely cruel, ready to burn, rape, kill just like that, to quench their thirst for power. They live not even for one day, but for one hour. They don’t care about the future, because as long as other people’s blood is shed, there is food and drink, they are immortal. I don’t care if they’re dying nearby, they’re alive!

And if a person does not appear who can stop the orgy of death and heal the mass of people from madness, then the people will die. It will degenerate into naked savages and is unlikely to ever rise again. Therefore, the leader has a colossal responsibility. It is extremely important that he achieves his goal in any way, even through force or fear. That's right, by force or fear...

From the speech of a participant of the First Conclave

Karaganda looked at the setting sun from under his palm and spat viscously. What kind of life is there: there is no peace either day or night. Death lurks on all sides. Just gape, when - hop, and you are no longer there. Well, he has lived his life, but the young people still have everything ahead of them.

Petka, it’s getting dark already! Where are you and your crocodile?! - Sergei Sergeevich began to get angry. Where did the boy go?! I told him not to go far from home. The hour is uncertain, what stranger will sneak past the posts. Okay, if an ordinary bandit, the lizard will protect, but what if the Marked One? Or, not by night, be remembered, a mutant? No chance for the boy. And in general, are there a lot of dangers in Sosnovsk - well-known and not so well-known?

I had an unbearable urge to smoke again. At least the same vigorous neighbor’s squatter. So that from the first puff it gets right to the liver...


Yes, here I am, here! “The neighbor’s raspberry bushes rustled, and the little boy climbed onto the fence. His face is all smeared with dirt, his shirt is torn, there is a fresh scratch on his cheek, and a black eye under his eye. Noticing the attentive look of the headman, he smiled contentedly.

Got into a fight, or what?

Yeah. With Volodka and Uncle Kolin. “He called me a mutant and said that I was hiding my tail in my pants,” Petka said. - Well, I hit him on the nose a couple of times.

And he to me. - The joy has diminished a little, but not much. - And Thorn listened to the order and did not interfere. He sat on the sidelines and hardly even growled.

The bushes rustled again, and the tamed lizard jumped over the fence in one leap. Sergei Sergeevich shuddered in surprise.

What a devil!

Ignoring the swearing, Thorn noisily sniffed the air and touched the elder with his paw. He shied away to the side.

You'll knock it down, your stupid head! Petka, calm down the beast!!!

The boy jumped to the ground and called the naughty “monkey” to him. However, it was Karaganda who decided that he called. There was no whistle, no command, just Thorn suddenly left him alone and approached the owner.

Sergei Sergeevich was as usual amazed at his adopted son’s talent. Unlike some, he did not scream about witchcraft and dark forces, did not demand to beat all Marked Ones to death. Life must be perceived as it is. Without hysterics and mutual insults.

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