How do dentists do it? How a tooth crown is made

How to make a crown on a tooth, what stages does this method of prosthetics involve? Why is a tooth ground down, what to expect after nerve removal, and what is a temporary crown?

During the first visit to the clinic, the doctor examines the oral cavity, visually assesses the condition of the teeth and gums, and identifies areas of inflammation and caries. Listens to the patient's complaints and wishes. Based on the information received, the dentist suggests possible prosthetic options in order to settle on one specific one.

If necessary, the patient is sent for an image (sight, panoramic, CT, MRI - it depends on the situation), on the basis of which the doctor can assess the condition of the bone tissue, roots and other important indicators. It is mandatory to study the patient’s outpatient record; this is necessary to exclude contraindications to specific types of prosthetics.

The doctor then draws up a prosthetic/treatment plan. In most cases it looks like this:

  1. Treatment of caries, relief of inflammation.
  2. Removing hard and soft plaque (the first and second points are the procedure for sanitizing the oral cavity).
  3. Preparing the tooth for prosthetics (depulpation, turning).
  4. Taking impressions.
  5. Temporary prosthetics.
  6. Making a prosthesis.
  7. Fixation of the prosthesis.

Let us tell you more about the stages of crown production.


The nerve is removed from the tooth and ground down to the thickness of the crown.

The outcome of prosthetics largely depends on how well and correctly the tooth is prepared for installation of the prosthesis. Features of preparation:

  • the nerve is removed (dentists have different opinions about the advisability of depulping in this case, but most doctors still remove the pulp before installing the prosthesis),
  • on the thickness of the crown (using a bur, the dentist removes a layer of hard tissue to make it convenient for fixing the product).

After the nerve is removed, the root canals are filled, and the resulting cavity is also closed with filling material. All manipulations take place under local anesthesia.

Restoration of damaged teeth

In case of serious damage to the coronal part, its integrity is restored using one of two methods:

  1. , which is placed in the tooth canal and fixed with filling materials. Based on it, the doctor recreates the damaged tooth. Modern materials make it possible to create reliable pins that act as a durable support for crowns.
  2. , which act as a support for single crowns and. The product consists of two parts and can be installed if the root is healthy and strong.

Laboratory stage and temporary prosthetics

Based on the impressions, a crown is made in the laboratory.

When the tooth is prepared, impressions are taken from the jaw. The dental specialist needs them in the laboratory; a crown will be made on their basis. Using impressions, a plaster model of the patient's jaws is cast. With its help, a dental technician makes a prosthesis.

The production of the structure is a lengthy process, and the ground stump does not look particularly aesthetically pleasing. To relieve the patient from discomfort, the ground stump is covered with plastic during the production of the permanent structure. Provisional crowns not only hide smile defects, but also fulfill a number of important functions:

  • temporarily restore chewing function (partially, cannot withstand high loads),
  • protect the gums from injury,
  • help the patient get used to the prosthesis,
  • if the front teeth are replaced, they relieve the patient of complexes,
  • help to avoid discomfort while eating (since the ground tooth is very sensitive to irritants).

Temporary crowns are made of medical plastic and do not cause allergies.

Fitting and installation

When the prosthesis is ready, it is first tried on. It should fit snugly on the stump. In case of errors, the product is refined in the laboratory. Then the structure is placed on temporary cement. This is a necessary measure that allows you to observe how the patient will feel with the product: whether the bite will be disturbed, whether it will be comfortable to chew, talk, how the crown will come into contact with the antagonist tooth (the one located on the opposite jaw).

If the doctor notices any inaccuracies, the prosthesis will be sent back to the laboratory for revision. It is recommended to stay with the crown temporarily fixed for several weeks. If no problems arise during this time, the structure is fixed with permanent cement.

From this article you will learn:

  • does it hurt to put a crown,
  • stages of prosthetics,
  • how much does it cost to put crowns on teeth – prices 2020.

Making and installing a crown on a tooth is a complex procedure consisting of many stages. In this article we will talk about many subtle points that affect the aesthetics and service life of your crowns. These points relate to both mistakes when choosing the type of crowns by the patient himself, and mistakes made en masse by dentists at the stages of their manufacture.

For example, most of the complaints from patients about the quality of prosthetics relate mainly to 2 things. Firstly, poor aesthetics, and the fact that the crowns stand out against the background of neighboring teeth. Secondly, the quality of therapeutic preparation of teeth for crowns. The latter leads to complications - pain, suppuration, the need for re-treatment and even tooth extraction.

Does it hurt to insert teeth?

Typically, patients are interested not only in how a crown is placed on a tooth, but also how painful it is. The most unpleasant stages here, of course, are preparing teeth for prosthetics (i.e. treating them, filling root canals), and sometimes also the process of taking impressions. If already dead teeth are used for crowns, then turning them is completely painless and does not even require anesthesia. If live teeth are ground, an injection is given first.

The only painful moment that I myself (being a dentist) have personally experienced is when, when taking an impression, the doctor performs gum retraction. Retraction refers to the widening and deepening of the gingival sulcus, which is accompanied by a small degree of separation of the soft gum tissue from the tooth. This is done in order to make a more accurate impression of the neck of the tooth, and it is better to do this immediately under anesthesia.

How is a crown installed on a tooth?

If you decide to put a crown on a tooth, then it will be useful for you to know what stages of this process you will have to deal with. In the process of placing a crown on a tooth in dental clinics, the following stages can be distinguished...

1. Initial consultation with an orthopedist (prosthetist) −

During the initial consultation, the doctor, assessing the condition of the teeth externally and using x-rays, must offer possible prosthetic options, and the patient, accordingly, must approve one of the options. Based on this, a treatment plan is drawn up, which may take into account -

Important : At this stage, the patient must choose one of the types of artificial crowns offered to him. Choosing the type of crown is not easy for the average patient, and there are a lot of pitfalls that the dentist will never tell you about. Articles to help you choose -

2. Preparing teeth for prosthetics −

In some cases, crowns can be placed on living teeth. This is preferable because dead teeth are more fragile, and therefore, if the teeth are left alive, this has a positive effect on the service life of the crowns. In what cases can teeth be left alive? As a rule, we are talking about large chewing teeth. This is due to the fact that large teeth have a greater distance from the surface of the enamel to the pulp of the tooth (than single-rooted teeth) and, therefore, the risk of thermal burn of the pulp when grinding the tooth for a crown will be much lower.

Moreover, under crowns made of metal-free ceramics, even the majority of single-rooted teeth can be left alive. This is due to the fact that under ceramics the tooth is ground down by 1.0 from the side surfaces, and under metal-ceramics – on the same surfaces by 2.0 mm. Therefore, metal-free ceramics also allows you to increase the service life of the tooth itself under the crown.

When using metal-ceramic prosthetics for single-rooted teeth, the nerve is almost always removed. If this is not done, then turning such a tooth can lead to a thermal burn of the dental pulp, i.e. neurovascular bundle. In this case, after some time, its inflammation will develop, and the crown will then have to be removed and the tooth re-treated. If the tooth under the crown is destroyed by a carious process (there is pulpitis or periodontitis), then planned depulpation of the tooth and treatment of inflammation at the apex of the root are required.

When depulping a tooth, it is carried out –

  • removal of a nerve from a tooth,
  • instrumental treatment and expansion of root canals (Fig. 2),
  • the canals are filled with gutta-percha (Fig. 3),
  • after which a filling is placed on the crown part of the tooth (Fig. 4).

Important : if the crown part of the tooth is destroyed by 1/2 or more, the tooth must be strengthened with a pin fixed in the root canal (otherwise the crown can easily fall out along with the filling). There are 2 main methods for restoring severely damaged teeth.

What is the best way to restore a badly damaged tooth?

3. Preparation of teeth for crowns −

In common parlance - grinding teeth. The preparation process is carried out by an orthopedic surgeon, who (using a drill and a set of diamond burs) gives the tooth a certain shape. Preparation is a painful process if living teeth are ground down. In this case, local anesthesia is required. When dead teeth are ground down, anesthesia is given only if the doctor needs to strongly press the gum away from the tooth during preparation.

The tooth tissue is ground down by the doctor to the thickness of the future crown (Fig. 9-11). Crowns made of metal-free ceramics (for example, or) require less grinding of tooth tissue - approximately from 1.0 to 1.5 mm on different tooth surfaces. But under metal-ceramics, the teeth are ground down on all sides by 1.5-2.5 mm - as a result of which almost nothing remains of the tooth. As a result of preparation, the tooth crown takes on the appearance of a “stump”.

Tooth preparation for metal ceramics –

Important : High-quality tooth preparation for a crown is a very complex and time-consuming process. The most difficult thing here is to create a ledge in the gingival part of the tooth crown. The reliability and service life of your crown largely depends on the correct formation of the ledge. It must be admitted that most doctors make a lot of mistakes at this stage. How the ledge is formed is clearly shown in the video below.

Grinding front teeth for crowns: video

4. Taking impressions, making plaster models of teeth –

Impressions are taken from the ground teeth using special impression compounds (Fig. 12). Subsequently, based on these casts, plaster copies of your teeth are created in a dental laboratory (Fig. 13). Such plaster models depict the patient’s teeth with very high accuracy, including those ground for crowns, and it is from such models that they are manufactured.

A very important question here is what kind of impression material you will use to take impressions. Good impression compounds are “A-silicone” or, better yet, “polyester compound”. But usually, in order to save money, alginate masses or C-silicone can be used, which will affect the quality/accuracy of crowns for the worse. As a result, crowns may not fit the ground teeth, may not fit well around the neck of the tooth, and the latter will inevitably lead to rotting of the tooth under the crown.

Taking an impression of your teeth is usually a tolerable procedure that is not accompanied by pain. However, sometimes the doctor needs to insert a retraction thread deep into the gingival sulcus in order to move the gum away from the ground tooth and thereby obtain a better impression of the teeth at the gingival margin. Gum retraction is quite painful and is best performed under anesthesia. Gum retraction also has a disadvantage - very often gum avulsion can lead to the appearance of a periodontal pocket.

But there is also a group of patients for whom taking impressions is a very big problem. For example, if you have an increased gag reflex. Of course, before the actual impression is taken, you may be sprayed on the root of your tongue with Lidocaine spray (an anesthetic), but this still does not help much. In this group of patients, it is advisable to additionally use sedatives before the procedure itself.

How dental impressions are taken in dentistry: video

5. Making crowns in a dental laboratory –

So the casts were taken, plaster models were made. The dental technician begins to make your future crowns based on these models. Because While the manufacture of metal-ceramics and porcelain may take several weeks, permanent crowns are usually made while they are being made. They will not only restore aesthetics, but also protect sharpened teeth from destruction by the aggressive environment of the oral cavity.

The most important thing at this stage –
We recommend getting dentures only in those clinics that have their own dental laboratory (located directly in the clinic itself). This is necessary so that the orthopedic dentist has direct contact with the dental technician at the stages of making crowns, and the dental technician can always come to the office when trying on crowns.

The latter is very important if you want to get good aesthetics of the crowns, well-formed contact points with neighboring teeth, etc. Of course, none of this will help if your prosthetist's hands are growing out of a bad place, but at least it will improve your chances of receiving quality service.

6. Trying on crowns –

Before the dental technician finishes his work, it will be necessary to try on the unfinished work. For the first time, the frame of the crowns is usually tried on, which can be either metal or made of metal-free ceramics. The second time they try on an almost finished crown, on the surface of the frame of which (after the first fitting) layers of ceramic mass, as well as dyes, were applied.

It is at this stage that you can still say that you don’t like something (color, shape), and it can be corrected. Those. It is at this stage that the color is finally agreed upon, and if you have agreed on it and, moreover, signed the medical record that everything suits you, then it will be too late to make a claim. Therefore, our advice: if you are not satisfied with anything and you are ashamed to point it out to the doctor, be sure to say so, and do not sign anything until you are really satisfied with the results of the work.

After the final fitting, your crown is sent back to the laboratory where it goes through the glazing process to achieve its final look and shine. At your next visit, you will have ready-made crowns fixed with permanent or temporary “cement.”

Video of fitting of E.max ceramic crowns –

7. Temporary / permanent fixation of crowns –

In principle, there is no need for temporary fixation as such. It is necessary, and you should insist on it only if for some reason you are not sure of the quality of the work or something confuses you (the color/shape of the crowns, their visibility against the background of neighboring teeth). If the crowns are placed on permanent cement, they can only be removed by sawing.

If you insist on temporary fixation, and the dentist refuses you, this is also a signal to think about the quality of the work. Such cases and conflicts on this matter between the doctor and the patient are not uncommon, and here you must remember that it is you who pay the money and decide how everything should be - you too. Usually 1-2 days is enough to get used to the new crowns, determine how well the color matches the desired one, and after that come back to the clinic and have the crowns placed on permanent cement.

Put crowns on teeth: prices in Moscow

How much does it cost to put a crown on a tooth - the price in Moscow for 2020 (in economy-class and mid-price clinics) can have a very wide range. For example, you can easily see that in one clinic you can install a dental crown made of metal ceramics for 5,500 rubles, while in another the price can be 10,000 rubles. And it’s not just a matter of pricing...

The fact is that the same crowns (for example, metal-ceramic) can be made of materials of completely different quality. For example, if a cheap ceramic mass is used, then we can immediately say that the aesthetics of such a crown will be very poor. In addition, in addition to standard metal-ceramics, there is also “metal-ceramics with shoulder mass”, which is much more aesthetically pleasing than the standard version, but at the same time costs 2-2.5 times more.

Installing a crown on a tooth: price 2020

Important : if you are planning to install a crown on a tooth, the cost above does not yet include all possible expense items. Additionally, therapeutic preparation of teeth (if necessary) is paid, as well as the cost of making temporary crowns made of plastic. The latter are necessary to protect the ground teeth while your permanent crowns are being made.

How to remove dental crowns -

Unfortunately, we must also note the fact that sometimes situations arise when the crown needs to be removed. For crown removal, the price for 2020 will be about 1000 rubles per unit. The need to remove the crown may be due to the following reasons...

  • Poorly prepared tooth for a crown
    According to statistics, in 60-70% of cases, the root canals of teeth are filled poorly, which leads to the development of inflammation and the need for retreatment or tooth extraction. You can find out more about poor-quality preparation of teeth for prosthetics, what this leads to, and what to do about it.
  • With manufacturing errors
    for example, the crown did not tightly wrap around the neck of the tooth, and therefore, within days, the destruction of the tooth tissue began. Metal-ceramics or metal-free ceramics may have chipped a large fragment of the ceramic mass, which may not be repairable and require replacement of the crown (site).
  • Scheduled replacement of crowns required
    All crowns have their own service life and will have to be replaced periodically. It should be noted that high-quality modern crowns can last 8-10 years, or even more.

Removing crowns: video

And here the question always arises: does it hurt to remove the crown... It can indeed be a little painful, and therefore the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Removing cermets, for example, is very difficult. The crown is sawed using special discs and burs, and cases of damage to the gums next to the tooth are not uncommon. We hope that the article on the topic: How to put crowns on teeth was useful to you!


1. Personal experience as a dentist,
2. “Orthopedic dentistry. Textbook" (Trezubov V.N.),
3. National Library of Medicine (USA),
4. “Orthopedic treatment with fixed prostheses” (Rozenstiel S.F.),
5. “Crowns and bridges in prosthetic dentistry” (Smith B.).

How dentures are made - video, photos and description of this process can be seen in this article. This type of work requires perseverance and diligence. Improper manufacturing of the structure can harm the patient and lead to unpleasant consequences.

The work is carried out by a specialist, using high-quality materials and modern technologies in this process.

What are dentures made of, and how does this process occur? The fabrication of the structure is carried out by an experienced dental technician. This process is quite specific, because much of it depends on the patient himself and the structure of his oral cavity.

There is no such thing as a “standard prosthesis.” Each artificial model is created according to the physiological and anatomical characteristics of a person.

Taking impressions

In total, there are several main stages in prosthetics:

  • planning;
  • taking impressions;
  • first fitting;
  • strengthening the working model;
  • second fitting;
  • modeling of wax structure;
  • finishing with special materials;
  • delivery of work.

The manufacturing process of the structure does not require haste. First, a person must visit a specialist. At the first consultation, the condition of the oral cavity is assessed. The specialist must evaluate aesthetic parameters and take into account facial features. The shape of the implant and its shade are selected according to the color of the patient’s teeth and smile.

An important step in the design of a prosthesis is taking impressions. To do this, the doctor assesses the condition of the person’s dental system and selects the necessary structure.

The impression is taken using a special impression mass. What are removable dentures made of at this stage? In most cases it is used impression clay. On working models they work exclusively with a wax base.

Special rollers help determine the relative position of the jaws. After the first fitting, the design is adjusted. If all elements match, a wax base is used.

After the second fitting, another adjustment is made, then the implant is made of a special material. Polymerization is carried out using acrylic plastic. Next, the prosthesis is ground and polished.

The finished design is tried on again by the patient, and if necessary, it is returned for revision. At the end of all procedures, the prosthesis is installed.

What materials are used in the work

Metal-ceramic dentures

What material are dentures made of and how important is this parameter? Modern technologies make it possible to produce various implants that suit the anatomical characteristics of each person.

The most popular designs are made from the following materials:

  • metal;
  • metal ceramics;
  • ceramics;
  • plastics;
  • metal-plastics.

Metal bridges are used extremely rarely. They were popular several decades ago. The decline in popularity is due to the rapid development of modern technologies and the inconvenience of the design in terms of aesthetic characteristics.

Metal implants are the most durable, but they cause a lot of inconvenience to their owner.

Metal-ceramic prostheses have replaced outdated designs. In terms of their strength, they are not inferior to metal implants, but in terms of their aesthetic properties they are significantly superior to them.

Special veneer imitates a real tooth, making it almost impossible to determine its authenticity. The most profitable lot are ceramic structures. They do not have a metal frame, they are entirely made of high-quality ceramics. In terms of aesthetic characteristics, they have no equal.

The most affordable option is a standard plastic bridge. This is a budget purchase that is of value only from an aesthetic point of view.

Plastic imposes considerable restrictions on the consumption of certain foods. It can easily break under the weight of hard and heavy food. Plastic bridges are used exclusively as temporary implants.

Metal-plastic prostheses

More durable and stable structures are prostheses made of metal-plastic. In terms of their characteristics and service life, they are not inferior to metal-ceramic and ceramic implants.

The type of prosthesis is selected according to the individual characteristics of the person. If the loss of teeth occurred due to the presence of tumors in the oral cavity, for 3 years the patient can only walk with a plastic prosthesis.

After a specified period, ceramics or metal-ceramics are used. In other cases, there are no restrictions. It all depends on the patient’s financial capabilities and the doctor’s recommendations.

What to do if you need a prosthesis

Where can dentures be made quickly and inexpensively, and what is needed for this? A specialist can create an implant that is suitable for all the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the patient’s oral cavity.

This issue is dealt with exclusively by a professional. It is necessary to entrust the manufacture of the bridge to a specialist in a dental clinic. You can contact any medical institution near your place of residence.

If you do not want to go to public service, a private clinic is a worthy replacement. Where to go, each person decides independently.

The pricing policy of the implant depends on the selected material. The variety of bridges allows you to choose the best option that suits each person’s budget.

The cheapest type of prosthesis is plastic, the most expensive is metal-ceramics. The pricing policy of an implant depends entirely on its properties.. To install a simple plastic bridge you will need to spend a low price.

Saving on material quality will affect human life. Plastic breaks easily and cannot withstand exposure to solid foods.

Plastic products can last about two years

Ceramics and cermets are considered more durable and expensive materials. This type of prosthesis is characterized by high performance properties. Its main difference from plastic is its long service life.

Many designs can be worn throughout life. At the same time, there are no special dietary restrictions. Plastic is a temporary structure and must be replaced every 2-3 years. The patient decides which type of material to choose; this issue takes into account not only the financial side, but also the quality characteristics.

How to make dentures yourself at home and is it possible? It all depends on what is meant by this question. If a person breaks his prosthesis, he can fix it himself.

It is impossible to make a structure without special skills. This question requires painstakingness, perseverance and certain skills.

Self-repair of prosthesis

Various situations happen in life, including force majeure. Unpleasant moments affect a person’s general mood and sometimes can radically change their plans.

A common problem for modern people is damage to the prosthesis. This is an unpleasant phenomenon that requires an immediate solution. What can a person do in such a situation?

You can deal with the problem yourself, but first you need to identify the cause of the breakdown. There is a lot of information on how to make dentures at home - videos and photos are proof of this, but such actions can be extremely dangerous and are strictly not recommended.

Many prostheses are made from high-quality, high-strength materials, but even this fact does not protect them from breakage or damage. The most common reasons for the development of force majeure are:

Experts identify another group of specific reasons. The above factors are associated with human inattention and failure to comply with the basic rules of wearing a bridge. The second group of reasons includes doctors' mistakes.

According to confirmed data, damage to the implant occurs due to saliva residue during the impression taking process, when the prosthesis is formed incorrectly and the structure does not match the gums.

Miscalculations during the manufacture of the bridge lead to its rapid damage.

The situation can be corrected after the true cause of the breakdown is identified. If a plastic crown has deteriorated, only a new implant can fix the problem. In this case, it is impossible to repair the structure. Force majeure can only be dealt with quickly by decementing the crown. In this case, it simply falls off the tooth.

Trying to install an artificial structure yourself is not recommended.. Resorption of the filling material creates ideal conditions for tooth decay. Therefore, the process of eliminating carious lesions and reinstalling the prosthesis must be entrusted to an experienced specialist.

It is impossible to make or repair a prosthesis on your own. This process requires careful preparation and the use of quality materials.

The work is carried out by experienced specialists using modern technologies. All the patient can do is go to the hospital.

The installation will help save even very neglected teeth and restore the former attractiveness of your smile. dental crowns. Today, there are materials and technologies that make it possible to make the appearance of a tooth with a crown absolutely similar to the real one.

Dental crown: types and indications for use

Before the material is processed, it looks like regular metal cap. The manufacturing process is carried out in a dental laboratory. The dentist, in turn, takes impressions in order to make a working model, and also further installs a crown on the tooth for the purpose of fitting.

Crowns can also be an integral part of a larger prosthesis. For example, if several teeth are missing, they are replaced with artificial ones. In this case, the crowns play the role of supporting the adjacent elements, which are ground in advance to ensure the necessary conditions for fixing the entire structure.

In this case, crown surrounds the tooth the same as ground enamel. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the differences in the anatomical structure of each group of teeth in order to ensure not only the protection of hard tissues, but also the normal chewing process.

The use of such an orthopedic design is possible when natural crowns have already been destroyed by 70 percent or more. Damage of this kind cannot be eliminated with filling materials or inlays, as this can lead to tooth splitting and its further removal.

Types of crowns

To date, designs differ in types of material, from which are executed:


Such elements are used to restore teeth when a significant amount of their hard tissue has been lost. The reason for this situation can be caries, injuries, as well as changes in the color of the enamel. There are cases of failure in the development of enamel, which entails the appearance of a large number of pits on a surface. Less commonly you can find the following indications:

  • anomalies in location;
  • closed gap between teeth;
  • abutment crowns installed for bridge prosthesis or as holding elements.

How to place crowns

There are several stages of manufacturing such structures and installing them directly on previously prepared sites.

Consultation and determination of treatment plan

During the preliminary consultation, the dentist draws up a treatment plan, and also discusses with the patient all possible prosthetic options. When offering specific materials, the doctor is guided by the results of the x-ray and the clinical situation in the oral cavity.

The treatment plan may include the following steps:

  • removal of non-viable teeth;
  • carrying out preparation of all elements of the jaw for crowns, such as treatment of pulpitis, caries, periodontitis, as well as canal filling;
  • determination of the deadlines for prosthetics and the preliminary cost of all treatment and manufacturing.

Preparing teeth for prosthetics

When preparing multi-rooted chewing teeth for prosthetics, doctors trying to preserve the pulp, since crowns are best placed on living teeth. In addition, the enamel of such teeth is denser, which significantly reduces the risk of pulp burns during the grinding process. For single-rooted teeth, the nerve is removed and the root canals are filled.

Mandatory before prosthetics is treatment of carious processes, pulpitis and periodontitis. This is done as follows:

  1. If indicated, the nerves are removed.
  2. The root canals are processed and expanded.
  3. The prepared canals are filled with gutta-percha.
  4. A filling is placed on the coronal area.

In case of significant destruction of an important part of the tooth, before starting prosthetics, it must be not just cure, but also restore. The process is carried out in two ways:

  1. Installation of pins. The method involves screwing a special pin into a pre-filled root canal, which is the basis for restoring the crown part of the tooth. After the restoration is completed, the tooth is ground for the future crown.
  2. Using stump inlays. With this method, a special stump insert cast from metal is used, installed in the tooth. This design includes a root tab in the shape of a tooth, ground into a crown, which is quite tightly fixed in the coronal part and the dental canal.

After this, preparation is carried out, which is the process of grinding the teeth in order to give them the desired shape for fixing the structure. The procedure is performed by an orthopedic surgeon using a drill. Based on the type of crown, he removes 1.5 to 2.5 mm of hard tissue from each side of the tooth. When grinding living teeth, it is recommended to use local anesthesia, as the process is quite painful.

Manufacturing and installation of crowns

The next step will be formation of impressions from pre-ground teeth, using a special impression mass. Subsequently, from the obtained casts, the laboratory creates plaster models that are an exact copy of the patient’s jaw.

Such a model should reflect all elements of the jaw, including ground ones. It is on plaster copies that the technician makes the crowns.

Until permanent crowns are made, as a rule, temporary plastic elements are installed, which perform not only an aesthetic function, but also protect the ground teeth from the effects of the aggressive environment of the oral cavity.

Before finishing the work, the technician it is necessary to try on the prepared elements to evaluate the quality of the cast metal frame. If the fitting is positive, the doctor veneers the frame with ceramic mass.

Before the crowns are fixed with permanent cement, it is recommended to wait a while and monitor the behavior of the tooth. To do this, the crown or bridge is installed on temporary cement, which is characterized by the ability to easily dismantle the crown without compromising the integrity of the tooth, as well as the crown itself. If the structure is fixed with permanent cement immediately, it will be possible to remove it only after sawing.

After 2-4 weeks and if there are no complaints from the patient, the structures are removed, the temporary cement is cleaned and they are fixed permanently.

Removing dental crowns

Sometimes there may be situations in which the need to remove installed elements, regardless of the level of dental treatment. The reasons may be:

The process of removing the structure is done using special discs and burs, sawing it under anesthesia. The procedure is quite unpleasant, even for a dead tooth.

Of course, the final choice of material for dental crowns and the location of their installation is made directly by the patient. However, he should definitely listen to the opinion of the dentist, and also strictly follow his recommendations to obtain the best result.

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