What tests to take before cataract surgery. Preparation for laser vision correction: necessary tests, general recommendations

Surgery is always a difficult procedure for both the patient and the doctor. Advance preparation helps confirm the feasibility of the operation and prevent the development of unpleasant consequences. For this purpose, doctors require standard checks and consultation with certain specialists. The list of tests for cataract surgery is no different from the lists for other surgical interventions.

What tests should I take?

For cataracts:

  1. Clinical analysis of urine and blood.
  2. Blood chemistry.
  3. Study of blood group and Rh factor.
  4. Testing for HIV and hepatitis.
  5. Electrocardiogram.
  6. Fluorography of the chest organs.

The listed points will help identify the presence of acute or chronic diseases that the patient may have carelessly overlooked. At the discretion of the ophthalmologist, appointments are made with a therapist, cardiologist, otolaryngologist, dentist and others. Since the operation is performed under local anesthesia, the patient must have a conversation with an anesthesiologist.

If a woman of fertile age decides to undergo surgery, it is recommended to play it safe and take a pregnancy test.

The Eye Surgery Center provides patients with safe and effective treatment for cataracts and other eye diseases. During a consultation with an ophthalmologist, all stages and details of the operation are discussed individually. You can make an appointment with a specialist by calling the number listed on the website.

Cataract surgery is quick, but you need to prepare for it.

This reduces the risk of complications for the patient on the operating table and during the rehabilitation period.

Before the procedure, doctors prescribe instrumental and laboratory research methods. They identify the composition of the patient’s blood and urine and the presence of diseases. If, during their implementation, contraindications to the operation are identified, it is postponed to a period when the patient’s health condition is normal.

Preparing for surgery

To perform eye surgery, all patients should prepare:

  • 1 week before the procedure, all medications that affect blood composition are discontinued. It is especially important to eliminate drugs that thicken or irritate it.
  • 1 week before the procedure you should not drink alcoholic beverages. The same applies to time during the rehabilitation period.
  • If the patient used contact lenses before the procedure, they are removed 1 week before treatment. Use only glasses to eliminate injuries to the mucous membrane.
  • The last meal should be at least 8 hours before the procedure. Usually the operation is scheduled for the morning, since food and liquids should not be consumed before the operation.
  • Before surgery, you can shower using germicidal soap. There should be no foreign particles, dirt or grease on your hair and face. They may get into your eyes.
  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove hair if it reaches the eyes.
  • On the day of surgery, a woman should not wear makeup. Any makeup carries an increased risk of bacterial infection.
  • On the day of surgery, the patient is given a sterile suit to change into.

Following these rules will prevent bacterial infection and unwanted reactions for the body.

Taking tests

A few weeks before the procedure, it is necessary to identify the condition of the internal organs and systems. For this purpose, instrumental and laboratory tests are performed:

  • General blood analysis. It indicates the state of the circulatory system, the presence of hypoxia (oxygen starvation). An increased number of ESR and leukocytes means that the inflammatory process has spread in the body. If the data in the analysis is overestimated or underestimated, this is a reason for additional testing of the body and treatment before surgery.
  • General urine analysis. The condition of the urinary system and kidneys is revealed. For some diseases, general anesthesia is not permitted because it affects the kidneys.
  • Blood chemistry. Indicates an enzymatic composition. For example, the enzymes ALT and AST are determined, which indicate the condition of the liver tissue.
  • Rh factor, blood group. The analysis is necessary if an emergency blood transfusion is needed.
  • Test for hepatitis B and C, HIV infection. If an exacerbation of hepatitis is detected, treatment is carried out, only then surgery is prescribed. The doctor should be alerted to the presence of these infections in order to be especially careful. It is important to sterilize all instruments after the patient to prevent the spread of hepatitis or HIV.
  • Fluorography. The condition of the pulmonary system is determined; if an inflammatory disease is detected, the operation is postponed. During its implementation, the patient's condition will worsen.
  • Electrocardiography. Since the operation uses anesthesia, it may be contraindicated for people with serious cardiovascular disorders.

Based on laboratory and instrumental research methods, the doctor judges the patient’s health status. There are contraindications for which the procedure is not performed.

Which doctor should I contact?

If a patient has cataracts, he consults an ophthalmologist. He prescribes laboratory tests, instrumental research methods, and conducts his own diagnostic tests. Before surgery, it is necessary to determine visual acuity. Most often, in a patient with cataracts it is sharply reduced. Additionally, the doctor determines the condition of the fundus, the extent of cataracts, and other complications. For example, glaucoma, retinal detachment. During cataract surgery, the doctor will be able to perform additional therapeutic procedures that will improve the condition of the eyeballs.

If any indicator deviates from the norm, an additional consultation with a cardiologist, infectious disease specialist, pulmonologist, or neurologist is scheduled. If an exacerbation of the disease, infectious and inflammatory processes in organs is detected, the operation is postponed. During the procedure, the patient's condition may worsen.

If there are no contraindications to the operation, the ophthalmologist determines the date and time.

Since general anesthesia is used during surgery, it is necessary to consult with an anesthesiologist. It determines whether the patient has allergies. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace one type of anesthesia with another, since the patient may have a drug allergy.

Useful video

Vision is restored up to 90%

Poor vision significantly worsens the quality of life and makes it impossible to see the world as it is. Not to mention the progression of pathologies and complete blindness.

One of the most important stages before microsurgical intervention is a thorough diagnosis of the visual system to obtain an objective and complete picture of the patient’s visual condition. It is carried out in the clinic using a complex of diagnostic devices that perform all the necessary studies.

Consultation with specialists

At the Excimer Clinic, vision diagnostics includes a consultation with an ophthalmologist. Consultations with an anesthesiologist and cardiologist are also provided. This allows you to study in detail the general condition of the patient to select anesthesiological support and exclude any complications from the cardiovascular system.

Complete preoperative preparation*

Before the operation, some examinations by medical specialists and tests will be required, which can be taken both at various medical institutions (at your place of residence) and at the Excimer clinic itself in Moscow.

List of tests required for the operation:

  • Clinical (general) blood test.
  • Blood test for hepatitis B (HBs-Ag).
  • Blood test for hepatitis C.
  • Blood test for RW (syphilis).
  • Blood test for HIV.
  • ECG study.

It is necessary to provide original test results (test expiration date is 1 month).

*You can also undergo preoperative preparation at the Excimer clinic.

On the day of surgery

The patient must come to the clinic at the appointed time ( with passport, test certificates), enter into a contract. Then it is placed at the disposal of specialists in the operating room for intervention. On the day of the operation, you need to spend about three hours in total in the clinic. This time includes preparation for the operation, anesthesiological support, the operation itself and postoperative examination.

  • take a shower;
  • wash your hair;
  • wear clean underwear (preferably cotton);
  • take sunglasses with you;
  • refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • do not experience increased physical activity.


Cataract surgery at the Excimer clinic is performed in one day, meaning you do not need to be in the hospital. The intervention itself lasts on average 10 - 15 minutes.

After operation

The operation requires pupil dilation. Therefore, to ensure that the light does not cause discomfort during the first time after the intervention, it is recommended to wear sunglasses. The operated patient will be examined by the attending physician, will give the necessary recommendations - and you can go home. Then, according to an individual schedule of postoperative examinations, you must come to the clinic and be observed by your attending physician.

  • protect your eyes from excessive strain;
  • avoid sudden bending and heavy lifting;
  • do not expose your eyes to sudden temperature changes;
  • do not rub your operated eyes;
  • try not to abuse alcohol for 2-4 weeks after surgery.

For a faster recovery period, the attending physician will determine the order of use of eye drops and draw up a schedule for subsequent preventive examinations. Typically, patients are examined the next day after surgery, then after a week, one month, three months, and more often if necessary. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the visual system.

Mandatory requirements before eye surgery to treat lens opacity include examination of blood, urine and the condition of internal organs. The exact list of tests and interpretation of the results should be checked with your doctor. Diagnostics is necessary to select an anesthetic drug and reduce the risk of complications on the cardiovascular system. Failure to follow the rules of the preparatory stage will lead to inaccurate test results, which can reduce the effectiveness of surgery and negatively affect visual abilities.

Indications for the procedure and preparation

Replacing a cloudy lens with an artificial one is the most effective method of treatment, as it is painless, does not leave scars, and quickly improves visual acuity within 3-4 days after the procedure.

Surgical manipulation is recommended for all stages of lens opacification. Surgery is most effective when the first symptoms appear, since visual abilities are restored within 1-2 days and the risk of side effects is reduced. However, in the penultimate stages of lens opacification, surgery is also recommended, which can completely restore visual acuity. Overmature cataracts are the most difficult to treat. In this case, surgery is possible, but there is no guarantee of a cure for blindness. The operation is performed to save the eyeball. For the procedure you need to take a document confirming your identity, a list of tests with results and house slippers.

What tests need to be taken during the preparation process?

Necessary examinations

Before the operation, the patient will have to undergo hardware diagnostics.

Before surgery, the patient undergoes a comprehensive examination, including examination of the fundus using a biomicroscope, and determination of the following indicators:

  • manifested negative symptoms;
  • intraocular pressure;
  • visual abilities;
  • accommodative abilities of the eye;
  • width of the visible spectrum.

Before cataract surgery, patients undergo the following tests approved by the Ministry of Health, presented in the table:

Type of analysisExpiration date, daysActions in case of bad resultsThe danger of surgery without analysis
Blood for hepatitis C and B30 Increased level of sterilizationPossibility of infection of staff and other patients
Serological analysisTreatment of an infectious diseaseSpread of infection throughout the body
Sugar contentAdditional preparationHigh risk of hypotension
Possibility of cerebral edema
Administration of medications before surgery to normalize sugar levels
Analysis of urineTreatment of acute inflammatory processesComplications after surgery
General blood analysis
ECG12-14 Strengthening the cardiovascular systemHigh chance of heart attack
X-ray of the sternum360 Tuberculosis therapySlow regeneration
High risk of complications
Coagulogram10 Administration of drugs that increase blood clottingOpening bleeding in the eye
Certificate from a therapist about the general condition of the body30 General assessment of the body's conditionDelayed eye healing
Risk of infection

Since the results are valid for a short period of time, doctors advise undergoing the examination 1 month before the exact date of the operation. Previously, collecting information does not make sense, because you need up-to-date data.

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