Dark urine in men: causes and diagnosis. Brown urine - when is it normal, when is it not? Main causes of brown urine in men, women and children Dark urine after exercise

Let's imagine the following picture: You lift the toilet lid and for the next few seconds enjoy the sounds of nature, reminiscent of a mountain stream. And to be more specific, the sounds of urine hitting the walls of the toilet. There is a pleasant relief and some warming in the lower abdomen. But all this grace is disrupted by the fact that you suddenly discovered that your urine is brown. Both are on something wrong. And is there some strange smell? And then you are overcome with confusion and anxiety. Know that you are not alone, Kakasic is rushing to your aid and in this article we will talk about such an abnormal phenomenon as brown urine. You will find out why this could happen and how dangerous it is. So, let's dive into the depths of brown urine.

What causes urine to turn brown?

Urine is a kind of indicator. All the changes that occur in our body are almost instantly reflected in the products of our vital activity: piss and poop. Therefore, you need to be careful about all changes in your biological waste. Our organs are interconnected and a malfunction of one of them can cause failure of all the others. The result is a complex tangled tangle, in which you still need to try to find the true reason that provoked the change in urine color, in our case to brown. Moreover, the intensity of the color, from light brown to dark, may indicate completely different diseases. Therefore, this fact also needs to be taken into account.

If we carry out a general classification of factors influencing the fact that urine turns brown, we can distinguish 3 main types:

  • Brown urine due to some disease;
  • The brown color appeared as a result of some features of your life. It has a physiological origin and does not relate to pathology;
  • In some places, men and women have different body structures, and of course, therefore, each of them has their own specific reasons for coffee-colored urine.

Below we will talk about everything in order.

Brown urine due to physiological reasons

Let's start, perhaps, with natural factors that can influence changes in the color of urine. In these cases there is no cause for concern. The most active component in the coloring of urine is urobilin. This substance appears as a result of many metabolic processes taking place in our digestive chain. With its increased concentration in urine, the color becomes darker, including brown.

If you go to the gym or are often exposed to increased physical activity, then you should not be surprised that your urine is brown after training. This is due to the fact that the body is dehydrated. During physical activity, fluid is lost through sweat and when you want to pee, you will see that the urine has turned brown. As the water balance in the body is replenished, the color of urine should normalize. If this does not happen, and you are sure that you are drinking enough fluid, then the cause may be an illness.

Urine can also turn brown from food; some foods contribute to the brown color. If you use any medications or nutritional supplements, read the instructions; among the side symptoms, you may notice changes in the color of your urine to brown.

It is also normal for you to piss with brown urine in the morning, since the concentration of urobilin increases during the night. Also, if you do not have the opportunity to go to the toilet, and you endure it for a long time, then do not be alarmed by the coffee-colored urine.


Tolerating and not pissing for a long time is highly discouraged. Because the end result is the formation of bladder stones and kidney disease.

It should be noted that if the reason lies precisely in natural causes associated with your activity, then as soon as you eliminate possible influencing factors, the color will immediately return to normal. There should also be no additional symptoms in the form of deterioration in health, nausea, changes in skin color, eyeballs, or the appearance of a strange smell of urine.

Brown urine as a sign of disease

If you were poisoned the day before and for the second day in a row you don’t get off the kick, then brown urine is most likely just a consequence of dehydration caused by the drug. True, if the poisoning is severe, then this color could also be affected by dysfunction of the internal organs.

Of course, diarrhea does not end the range of reasons that can affect the change in urine color to brown. A clear sign that these changes are occurring due to pathology are additional symptoms; they can be different, from a banal increase in temperature to pain in the liver and kidneys, nausea and other ailments characteristic of a number of diseases.


In people over 50 years of age, brown urine is not uncommon. The cause at this age is often prostate adenoma, kidney stones and bladder stones.

As we have already stated above, sometimes it is quite difficult to establish the true cause of brown urine, since a disruption in the functioning of internal organs could follow a chain. Therefore, do not self-medicate and identify diseases, but go to the doctor at the first ailment. Because this is not something to joke about, and diagnosis requires a comprehensive examination.

Now let's talk about the ailments themselves, the symptoms of which are brown urine.

  • Infectious diseases of the urinary tract. In this case, the urine becomes light brown, and additional symptoms include: frequent visits to the toilet and the urge to urinate, unpleasant and painful sensations in the lower abdomen, increased sweating.
  • Liver dysfunction. If the brown color of urine is caused by a violation of the liver, then the most common accompanying symptoms are: yellowing of the skin and eyes. In addition, stool may change color.
  • Kidney disease. The most common manifestations are urolithiasis and kidney tumors. The stones injure the organ, resulting in bleeding, blood entering the urine giving it a brownish tint.

We have listed only the most common diseases. But in fact, the list is much longer, and in practice, one disease complements the other.

Brown urine in men

Men and women have a number of certain diseases that relate only to them due to the structural features of the body. They are usually associated with diseases of the genital organs. If we talk about men, then specific diseases related to them are:

  • Prostatitis. In addition to the appearance of brown urine, symptoms such as chills, fever, and increased temperature are observed. It is worth noting the fact that the temperature in different parts of the body may differ. Therefore, if, when measured under the armpit, the body temperature is normal, but the person feels chills, then you need to measure it in the mouth or butt. Also, a man usually complains of pain in the lower back, lower back, lower abdomen, perineum, groin, scrotum and even in the ass. Basically it hurts everywhere. I often want to pee at night, remember the ad on TV about a guy who couldn’t take a piss in the middle of the night? They showed exactly this symptom. To all this add headache, general weakness, pain in muscles, joints and bones. And brown urine against the background of all these ailments seems like just dust.
  • Disease of the testicles and vas deferens. This disease is called Deferentitis. In many ways, the symptoms are similar to prostatitis - ailments and weakness, high fever, aching pain in the lower back, severe pain, redness and swelling of the scrotum. The disease can become chronic. In this case, the symptoms will be mild.
  • Scrotal injuries. Well, here, most likely, you will not be surprised by the appearance of brown urine, since it is simply impossible to injure the scrotum unnoticed and accidentally find out about it. It’s the same as if someone hits you in the balls with a brick, and you only suspect something is wrong a couple of days later, and then only after your companion tells you that something is wrong with the balls.

Brown urine in women

Now it's the lovely ladies' turn. The most common diseases, one of the symptoms of which is brown, bear-like urine, are:

  • Tumors of the cervix. Brown urine in this case is a consequence of a number of other symptoms, which include: the appearance of smelly discharge, bleeding not related to the menstrual cycle, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, in the rectal area, frequent urination.


A tumor of the cervix can occur with frequent changes of sexual partners. Therefore, if you are one of those who give left and right, then most likely sooner or later this illness will befall you.

  • Disintegration of uterine fibroids. Markers of this fact are signs such as: irregularities in the menstrual cycle or its increase, spotting, periodic long-term constipation, pressure in the lower abdomen, abdominal enlargement without weight gain.

There is also a carriage and a small cart of specific female diseases, a common symptom of which is brown urine.

Brown urine during pregnancy

Changes in urine color during pregnancy are not uncommon. During this difficult time for women, and men too, many things are unstable in the female body. The body works for two and requires a lot of nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, the color of urine during pregnancy can often change precisely because of the foods consumed. At the same time, organs work under load and may periodically act up. Therefore, it is recommended to see a doctor and periodically take a urine test to be sure that everything is in order and the pregnancy is going well. The health of your baby largely depends on how you carry him.

Causes of brown urine in children

In children, the causes of brown urine are the same as in adults. This is a natural reaction to the foods you eat and lifestyle habits. Do not forget that the child should feel good and when adjusting the diet, the piss should take on its natural color.

If your child’s health has worsened, then stop looking for the reason on the Internet and go to the doctor!

As you can see, urine can take on brownish shades from light to dark brown for many reasons, both natural and pathological. Remember that our pissing is not just unnecessary waste. With their help, our body tells us a lot of important information about what is happening inside it. Therefore, carefully monitor all changes in your waste products coming out of your pussy and butt. A timely reaction can significantly simplify treatment and save your health.

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Urine is a catalyst for the functioning of the kidneys and liver. It is used to determine the health of these organs, identify deviations and possible malfunctions.

Yellow urine and its various shades indicate that everything is fine with the kidneys. If the urine darkens, becomes colorless, or changes color from yellow to another, it means that there are problems with the functioning of the internal organs. Dark urine in men can be due to the following reasons not related to disease:

  • taking medications of a certain group;
  • eating large amounts of beef;
  • frequent consumption of strong tea;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • hot weather.
  • When the body becomes significantly dehydrated, a substance called urochrome is released, which turns the urine dark.

    Dark urine may indicate that a man has some serious medical conditions. Namely:

    1. Hepatitis. The urine becomes darker, the urobilin content increases, and bilirubin is excreted in urine. Urine does not become cloudy. All these are clear signs of illness.
    2. Cirrhosis. The urine turns dark brown. The skin color becomes yellow. This occurs against the background of general exhaustion of the body and a constantly elevated temperature.
    3. Malignant neoplasm in liver tissue. Urine turns brown. The amount of water consumed by the patient per day increases.

    What does brown urine mean in men?

    Dark urine in men occurs due to pathological changes in the prostate or other organs of the genitourinary system.

    This is due to the fact that seminal fluid and prostate secretions can get into the urine. During prostatitis, blood stagnation is observed, and red blood cells are released during urination.

    With inflammation of the testicles and injury in the groin area, urine in men sometimes becomes dark. Why is this happening? The reasons may be different, and the attending urologist will tell you about them in detail. Most often in such cases, pain occurs when urinating, the patient reports a certain discomfort in the groin area.

    Factors that lead to dark urine may be related to bladder stones. Kidney problems such as sand and stones cause urine to turn brown.

    With all of the above symptoms, you should urgently seek medical help.

    Natural Causes of Dark Urine

    Dark urine in men often appears in the morning. During night sleep, pigments accumulate in the urine, which significantly darken it. We must not forget about this and take this factor into account all the time.

    During intense physical activity indoors or outdoors in a hot or stuffy environment, the body becomes dehydrated and the person sweats profusely.

    When urinating in this case, the urine is darker in color. If during high physical activity a man drinks little water, and before that he consumed foods with a high salt content, then dehydration occurs more intensely.

    As for foods whose consumption contributes to the darkening of urine, beans, carrot juice, blackberries, rhubarb and aloe are highlighted. With excessive consumption of these products, the urine becomes amber in color. However, this is not something to be afraid of. It’s enough to remember what you ate before.

    Drinking alcohol, especially dark beer, can cause your urine to turn from yellow to brown. When using medications - activated carbon, naphthol, salol and Lysol - the urine usually darkens.

    Pathological causes

    There are clear criteria for when darkening of urine is caused by pathology. One of the most common causes is hepatitis, which produces the bile pigment bilirubin. When a man is healthy, bilirubin leaves along with bile. The urine remains yellow.

    When the liver does not work properly, bilirubin is not released by the liver, but through the kidneys. For this reason, dark urine is observed in all men with jaundice. In case of blockage of the bile ducts, surgery is recommended for patients.

    Brown urine in men with kidney disease has its own characteristics. One of the effective methods for determining kidney diseases is shaking a test tube with urine.

    If after this, abundant yellow foam is released, then there is a high probability of jaundice or hemoglobinuria. The very dark color of urine in men can confirm assumptions about the development of these ailments.

    Even darker urine color, even black, may indicate other health problems. Most often this indicates severe poisoning.

    Too dark urine occurs after bites of poisonous insects or snakes. But this is not the only reason. This happens with lupus erythematosus, malaria, infectious diseases, and after severe hypothermia.

    Diseases of the bladder, during which bleeding occurs, lead to brown urine. Impurities of pus appear in the urine, which indicates the seriousness of the disease.

    Often the patient complains of lower back pain. The number of visits to the toilet increases, and painful sensations occur during urination. All this is accompanied by increased blood pressure, the face swells, and sweating increases.

    With prostate pathology (prostatitis) and epididymitis in men, urine often stagnates and darkens. If this condition is aggravated by several mugs of beer, we will get brown urine.

    When to see a doctor

    You should see a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

    • dark colored urine for 3-5 days;
    • the process of urination is painful;
    • there is a change in the color and smell of urine;
    • there was pain in the lower back
    • When urinating, blood is released.

    Frequent urge to urinate may indicate problems with the kidneys or genitourinary system. In such cases, the urine does not always become dark in color. However, this does not eliminate the need to visit a doctor.


    To make a diagnosis, the presence of blood in the urine, bilirubin pigment and other indicators are determined. The main diagnostic methods for changes in urine color are as follows:

    1. Determination of blood clotting rate.
    2. Blood and urine tests.
    3. Analysis for tumor markers.
    4. Ultrasound of the kidneys and abdominal area.
    5. Cystoscopy.

    If a tumor is suspected in the liver, a tissue biopsy of this organ is performed. Based on the research results, the doctor determines what tests need to be done in the future.


    If the urine darkens, the patient is sent for examination, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed. If it is hepatitis, treatment is carried out in a hospital and the necessary drugs and medicines are prescribed. If prostate diseases are detected, then treatment is chosen that relieves diseases of the genitourinary system.

    If the cause of the changes is cirrhosis or a malignant neoplasm, the issue of the possibility of prompt hospitalization of the patient is decided.


    Representatives of the stronger sex need to take more care of their health. If there is the slightest change in the color of your urine, you should consult your doctor.

    Don't forget about exercise and reduce the number of bad habits. Taking care of the condition of the body and the organs of the genitourinary system will reduce the risk of many diseases.

    Performing physical activity also leads to significant changes in the chemical composition of urine and significantly affects its physicochemical properties.

    After completion of muscular work, the most characteristic is the appearance in the urine of chemicals that are practically absent at rest. These compounds are often called pathological components, since they appear in the urine not only after physical exertion, but also in a number of diseases. In athletes, after performing training or competitive loads, the following pathological components are found in the urine:

    1. Protein. A healthy person who does not exercise excretes no more than 100 mg of protein per day. Therefore, in urine samples taken for analysis before training, protein is not detected by conventional methods. After performing muscular work, there is a significant excretion of protein in the urine. This phenomenon is called proteinuria. Particularly pronounced proteinuria is observed after excessive loads that do not correspond to the functional state of the athlete. The probable causes of proteinuria are damage to the renal membranes that occurs under the influence of muscle stress, as well as the appearance in the blood during physical activity of tissue protein degradation products - various polypeptides that easily pass through the renal filter from the bloodstream into the urine.

    2. Glucose. In portions of urine obtained before performing physical activity, there is practically no glucose. After completion of training, a significant content of glucose is often detected in the urine of athletes using generally accepted methods, which may be due to two main reasons. Firstly, as already noted, when performing physical exercise, the level of glucose in the blood increases and it can exceed the renal threshold, as a result of which part of the glucose will not be reabsorbed in the convoluted tubules of the nephron and will remain in the urine. Secondly, due to damage to the renal membranes, the process of reabsorption of glucose in the kidneys is directly disrupted, which also leads to the development of glucosuria.

    3. Ketone bodies. Before work, ketone bodies are not detected in the urine. After competitive or training loads, ketone bodies - aceto-acetic and P-hydroxybutyric acids, as well as their breakdown product - acetone, can be excreted in the urine in large quantities. This phenomenon is called ketonuria, or acetonuria. The causes of ketonuria are similar to the causes of glucosuria. This is an increase in the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood and a decrease in the reabsorption function of the kidneys during muscle work.

    4. Lactate. The appearance of lactic acid in the urine is usually observed after exercise involving submaximal power exercises. Each such exercise leads to a sharp increase in the concentration of lactate in the blood and its subsequent transition from the bloodstream to the urine. Thus, lactic acid accumulates in the urine. In this regard, by the excretion of lactate in the urine, one can judge the overall contribution of the glycolytic pathway of ATP resynthesis to the energy supply of all the work performed by the athlete during training.

    Along with the effect on the chemical composition, physical activity leads to changes in the physicochemical properties of urine. The most significant changes are as follows:

    Density. Due to the increased role of extrarenal pathways for excreting water from the body, the volume of urine after training or competition usually decreases. This, in turn, affects the density. This indicator most often increases after work. On average, the density of urine before exercise ranges from 1.010-1.025 g/ml. After training, this figure can be 1.030-1.035 g/ml and even higher. One of the reasons for the increase in urine density is, as noted above, an increase in extrarenal water loss, which leads to an increase in the concentration of substances dissolved in the urine. Another reason for increased urine density after physical work may be the appearance in the urine of substances that are not present in it at rest.

    Dry residue = a 2.6,

    where a is a quantity numerically equal to thousandths of density.

    This makes it possible to evaluate the excretion of individual components of urine per 1 g of dry residue, which eliminates the influence of urine density on these indicators.

    Acidity. Due to the release of lactic acid in the urine after exercise, as well as ketone bodies, which are also acids, the pH of the urine decreases. Before work, with a normal diet, the urine pH is 5-6. After work, especially with intense exercise, urine pH can be in the range of 4-5, which corresponds to approximately a tenfold increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions in the urine.

    In conclusion, it must be emphasized that the depth of biochemical changes that occur in muscles, internal organs, blood and urine depends on the power and duration of physical work. The higher the intensity of the work and the longer it lasts, the more profound and significant the biochemical changes in the athlete’s body. Having reached a certain depth, biochemical changes have a negative impact on the ability to perform this work and lead to a decrease in the athlete’s performance, i.e., they cause fatigue.


    I fully support those who try to be 100% committed to CrossFit. When I first signed up for a 3 month membership, I spent as much time in the gym as possible. These first weeks/months are a bit of a honeymoon for newbies, but seasoned veterans with years of experience can keep it up. But if you spend every day in the gym for weeks, then there is a certain risk. You can get mentally burned out on CrossFit. And there are a number of physical signs that indicate it's time for you to take a break from the barbell.

    1. You feel sick a lot more often.

    Are you bothered by a cough, headache, or sore throat? This can all be the result of various factors, which include poor diet, lack of sleep and stress from training. But if this is not a reason for you to stop exercising as often as you are used to, then think about the fact that it is quite difficult for your body to get rid of the infection with constant physical overload.

    2. Insomnia or sleep that relieves fatigue

    Sleep is the most important time for your health, since it is during these hours that your body rests and, in the truest sense of the word, recovers after a busy day. And if you didn’t know, it helps produce more growth hormone, which is so important for the restoration of muscle fibers. But if you exercise too much and too often, your body may remain in an agitated state for too long, which can lead to insomnia or disruption of your normal sleep rhythm.

    3. Increased resting heart rate

    It's important that you know what your resting heart rate is, because if it suddenly goes up, it's a sign that you're stressed. A higher resting heart rate results from a faster metabolism, which speeds up your heart to deliver more oxygen to your muscles and brain. This is a response to the level of stress you are exposed to during training.

    Moreover, people who suffer from overtraining will find that it takes them longer to return to a “normal”, calm state after training. Your body doesn't know the difference between physical and psychological stress, so it's important to let it recover from both types of stress.

    4. Unquenchable Thirst

    It's normal when you're just craving a sip of water after a hard WOD or after you've been out in the sun all day. But when such thirst attacks you due to a long stay in the gym, then, most likely, this is a consequence of overtraining, your body goes into a catabolic state.

    And yes, you guessed it, a catabolic state leads to dehydration, and thirst is one of the signs that indicate this. So make sure that you get enough during the day, and, of course, get plenty of rest.

    5. Your urine is dark yellow.

    This is another unpleasant symptom of dehydration - unless, of course, you ate some strange food or nutritional supplement the day before. Dark colored urine indicates that your body is suffering from fluid retention due to a lack of water to circulate throughout the body.

    6. Troubling muscle pain, joint pain and increased number of injuries

    It's not surprising that you start to feel more soreness if you lift heavy weights every day and push your body to the limit. Sometimes this may be due to simple muscle congestion, but if it continues for more than 72 hours in a row, then the problem is more serious.

    7. Low performance in training

    If you have difficulty conquering time, WODs and weights that you easily lifted before, then this is perhaps one of the most obvious signals that you have simply overtrained your body.

    8. You feel depressed and irritable during and after class.

    We've all felt that CrossFit rush after finishing a WOD, where the hard work releases endorphins in your bloodstream and leaves you with a big smile on your face for the rest of the day. This is exactly how you should feel. Exercise should improve your mood, not lower it!

    When your body experiences overload from training, it begins to produce the hormone cartisol, which can lead to anxiety. In addition, overtraining interferes with the production of a chemical called dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter in the brain, and its depletion leads to a serious decline in mood. And all because of the lack of time that is left for your body to recover.

    9. Loss of appetite

    Have you heard of epinephrine and norepinephrine? Probably no. I remembered them because these two little bastards are exactly the hormones that are responsible for curbing your appetite, and over-thrimination leads to an increase in their number. On top of this, the physical exhaustion and stress that comes with overtraining can also have a similar effect.

    Urine or urine is a waste product of the human body, which is formed in the kidneys from the blood through the processes of filtration and reabsorption. Urinalysis is of great value in the initial diagnosis of renal diseases. One of its indicators, determined in the laboratory, is color.

    Normally, urine should be transparent and have a straw-yellow color, while its shade changes throughout the day depending on the amount of fluid consumed. This color of urine is due to the presence of various yellow pigments in its composition, mainly urochrome.

    Dark urine or other changes in its color, unless they are associated with the use of certain medications or foods, are considered a sign of problems with the urinary system.

    Causes of dark urine

    A person who discovers changes in the usual color of urine begins to seriously worry about the state of his health and tries to find out why the urine has become dark in color. Darkening of urine may be temporary or may persist for a long period. In the latter case, there is indeed cause for concern, since most often this is associated with certain pathologies of the kidneys and other organs. The reasons for the dark color change in urine are divided into natural and pathological.

    Natural factors

    Natural factors for darkening the color of urine include the following:

    • drinking small amounts of fluid;
    • increased physical activity;
    • heat;
    • taking certain medications;
    • eating certain foods.

    In addition to the reasons given above, it should be taken into account that the color of urine changes throughout the day. Urine is usually darkest in the morning. The reason for this is its concentration during the night, when a person sleeps and does not drink liquid. The same thing occurs when consuming small amounts of fluid during the day or excessive sweating during sports training or in hot weather. All these changes are associated with an increase in the concentration of urochrome in excreted urine.

    Foods that affect the color of urine include legumes, rhubarb, beets, beef, blueberries, carrots, etc. Changes in the color of urine to the dark side are often observed in people who constantly drink concentrated black tea and coffee. For these reasons, some time after dark urine appears, its color returns to normal if you stop consuming such foods.

    Medicines that lead to darkening of urine include those that contain:

    • acetylsalicylic acid;
    • cephalosporins;
    • sulfonamides;
    • rifamycins;
    • riboflavin;
    • metronidazole;
    • nitrofuran derivatives;
    • ascorbic acid.

    Important: After collecting a general urine analysis, it must be taken to the laboratory as soon as possible or placed in a dark place, since standing for a long time causes dark urine to form. The reason for such changes is the oxidation of bilirubinoids under the influence of light and atmospheric oxygen.

    Pathological conditions

    A change in the color of urine may indicate pathological processes occurring in the body. These include:

    • liver pathologies – hepatitis and cirrhosis;
    • diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts – cholelithiasis, cholestasis;
    • tumor processes in the liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc.;
    • hemolytic anemia;
    • kidney diseases –,;
    • urinary tract infections;
    • intoxication with copper salts;
    • metabolic disorders – porphyria, tyrosinemia, hemochromatosis;
    • dehydration.

    When urine is dark yellow in color, the cause is most often urolithiasis, which results in an increased concentration of salts in the excreted fluid. If a green tint is observed, this indicates hepatitis. The dark yellow color of urine is also characteristic of a state of dehydration, infectious processes and congestion in the kidneys.

    With urolithiasis, the urine may be cloudy and contain blood.

    The cause of which lies in pathologies of the liver or gall bladder, due to the high content of bile pigments in it - bilirubin and biliverdin. Such changes are associated primarily with disturbances in the outflow of bile.

    Or the color of meat slop is observed when red blood cells enter it, which is typical for inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, hematuria and hemoglobinuria.

    Important: If you detect changes in the normal color of urine that are not associated with natural factors, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Urine color during pregnancy

    Change occurs for the same reasons as for ordinary people. However, in addition to this, there are other factors that are characteristic only of this condition. One of them is early toxicosis, in which pregnant women develop dehydration due to the loss of large amounts of fluid and nutrients through vomiting. If severe toxicosis occurs, a woman needs to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist.

    Vitamins taken by the expectant mother may affect the color of urine

    Advice: To avoid or minimize dark changes in urine color during pregnancy due to toxicosis, a woman needs to consume at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day.

    Pregnant women greatly increase the load on the entire body, including the liver and kidneys. In the later stages, when the uterus reaches a large size and begins to exert significant pressure on surrounding organs, women may experience stagnation of bile due to a violation of its outflow. This is accompanied by an increase in the content of the bile pigment bilirubin in the blood and urine, which gives the urine a dark yellow color. After childbirth, the condition usually normalizes on its own.

    Also, during pregnancy, various kidney pathologies often occur, for example, gestational pyelonephritis. Its sign is an admixture of pus, mucus and the appearance of turbidity in the urine. In this case, the urine takes on a greenish tint. This condition requires immediate medical attention.
    In general, if during pregnancy, a change in urine color is observed only for some time and is not accompanied by other symptoms, then there is no cause for concern.

    What to do if dark colored urine is detected?

    Dark urine is not always a reason to visit a doctor. Its color may be due to the physiological characteristics of the body, the intake of certain medications and foods. In this case, the color of the urine returns to normal over time on its own. If the urine is dark in color, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, the presence of turbidity in it, as well as other pathological symptoms, then you need to contact a specialist. These symptoms include:

    • yellowness of the skin, mucous membranes and sclera;
    • increased body temperature;
    • headache;
    • skin itching;
    • general weakness;
    • pain in the lumbar region;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • painful frequent urination.

    If any of these signs are detected, the doctor will prescribe tests and examination to determine the cause of dark urine and choose methods to eliminate it. You should not ignore these symptoms or self-medicate. It can lead to the progression of the disease and the development of serious consequences for the body.

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