Gymnema sylvestre growing at home. Diabetes is receding - gymnema helps! Gymnema Sylvester: beneficial properties, use in treatment and prevention

The evergreen gymnema vine could have become a property of medicine if not for the opposition of pharmaceutical companies. Everyone can refuse “chemistry” and entrust their health to nature. It is enough to buy the herb Gymnema sylvestre and introduce it into your daily diet to say goodbye to “sugar” diseases or prevent their development. Nature can do a lot. But only you decide which path to take to health.

About the plant

Gymnema sylvestra - tropical liana against “sugar” diseases

The love for sweets is part of human nature. Not the best part of it, since excessive consumption of carbohydrates is the path to excess weight, diabetes, metabolic disorders, and heart disease.

It’s unfortunate to admit, but sugar ruins your health. What motivates us smart adults to engage in self-destruction? An insidious mechanism for the release of endorphins into the blood. I ate a piece of cake and enjoyed it. And the burden is illness.

It is difficult to give up sweets or reduce the amount of sweets through a volitional effort. Gymnema sylvestre will help out - an Ayurvedic herb that reduces cravings for sweets and more. Let's talk about the healing properties of gymnema, the “sugar destroyer,” which has joined the assortment of our online herbal store.

Beneficial features

Running from “sugar” diseases

For a long time, the tropical vine gymnema sylvestre was of interest only to Ayurvedic medicine. The ability of the herb to reduce the need for sweets, excessive consumption of which upsets the energy balance (metabolism), was noticed by the ancestors of the Hindus. That’s why the plant was named gurmar, which translated from Hindi means “destroyer of sugar.”

In the mid-20th century, Indian scientists began researching gymnema and confirmed some of the unusual capabilities of the tropical plant. In particular, it was possible to establish and prove a connection between the consumption of gymnema and a decrease in sugar in diabetics. Today, much more is known about this amazing liana, and its extracts are included in many dietary supplements used in the treatment of diabetes and obesity.

According to the latest data, Gymnema sylvestre does not just discourage the desire for sweets. She is capable of many things:

  • lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • blocks the absorption of sugars in the digestive tract;
  • stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas;
  • restores impaired carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

Practice has confirmed the effectiveness of gymnema sylvestra in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, obesity, digestive disorders, edema, as well as gout, arthritis and cataracts. It is curious that no side effects were found during the study of this amazing plant, and the list contraindications includes only pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance.

Gymnema phytonutrients for health

The medicinal properties of gymnema are not mystical, but chemical in nature. The plant contains 23 phytonutrients, including saponins, flavonoids, gurmarin, amino acids, quercitol, stigmasterol, minerals (calcium, potassium, selenium, iron), vitamins (ascorbic acid, beta-carotene). The work of this “factory” determines the range of gymnema capabilities. But the role of the “main violin” is gymnemic acid, which regulates the balance of sugar in the blood and does everything possible to prevent its surges.


How to use?

You can take gymnema in the form of herbal tea, infusing 1 tsp. in a glass of boiling water. Drink up to three cups per day between meals. Another option for use is to grind a teaspoon of gymnema into powder and dissolve it in water or milk. Drink similarly to tea.

Gymnema forest nicknamed "sugar destroyer" due to its effects on sugar metabolism. It helps in the fight against diabetes and promotes weight loss, since its most unique property is the ability to temporarily suppress the taste of sugar on the tongue.

Gymnema sylvestris extract is typically made from the leaves. The roots of this plant are also used in traditional medicine. ()

One of the most important components in the leaves of Gymnema sylvestris are saponins.

Saponins are molecules that help dissolve oily substances and are used in the production of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements. They help lower cholesterol and fight cancer. However, these substances can also cause the death of red blood cells. ()

Gurmarin is a peptide found in the leaves that also blocks the sensation of sweetness in rats, but has very little effect on humans. ()

Other biologically active components of this plant include: ()

  • Anthraquinones
  • Steroids and cardiac glycosides
  • Alkaloids
  • Terpenoids
  • Flavonoids are molecules that determine the attractive colors of foods
  • Essential oils

Helps improve diabetes symptoms

Gymnema extract helps relieve diabetes through a combination of actions: it slows the absorption of glucose in the intestines, stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas, helping to regenerate insulin-producing cells (beta cells) that are damaged in diabetes, and also promotes proper use and storage in glucose in the body.

Taking a 400 mg Gymnema supplement (GS4) in combination with prescribed antidiabetic medications during an 18-20 month clinical study resulted in a reduction in required medication dosage in 22 patients with type 2 diabetes. 5 patients were able to completely stop conventional treatment during the study period. ()

In 27 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes, taking 400 mg of Gymnema supplement (GS4) per day for 30 months resulted in a nearly halving of the required insulin dose. ()

In a clinical study of 11 patients with type 2 diabetes, taking 1 gram of Gymnema supplement (OSA) per day for 60 days resulted in a decrease in glucose levels due to an increase in blood insulin levels. ()

In another study, 8 patients with type 2 diabetes took 500 mg of ground Gymnema leaves for 40 days. As a result, glucose levels decreased, but there were no changes in fat levels (cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, or LDL). ()

Helps with weight loss

Gymnema extract promotes weight loss by controlling sugar cravings and reducing the absorption of glucose and fat from the intestines.

However, in a clinical study of 11 patients with type 2 diabetes, taking 1 gram of Gymnema supplement (OSA) per day for two months did not result in any weight loss. ()

Gymnema extract did not promote weight loss in normal rats, but it did stop weight gain in congenitally obese rats and rats whose diets contained excessive amounts of fat or carbohydrates. ( , , , )

Helps prevent heart disease

A high-fat diet can lead to elevated triglycerides and cholesterol levels—both total cholesterol and bad cholesterol. It is a risk factor for narrowing and hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which can develop into coronary heart disease.

Gymnema's ability to reduce blood fat levels, particularly bad cholesterol, protects obese rats on a high-fat diet from heart disease and hardening of the arteries. ( , )

Has an antioxidant effect

Some components present in this plant (phenolic compounds) act as antioxidants. They slow down fat oxidation and reduce oxidative stress in diabetic rats, and also protect mice from radiation-induced oxidative damage. ( , )

Protects against ulcers

Gymnema extract protects mice from developing aspirin-induced ulcers. ()

Helps with arthritis

Gymnema extract has also been shown to have other effects, such as relieving drug-induced arthritis in rats. ()

Has an antimicrobial effect

Gymnema extract helps destroy pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella enterica, Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus pyogenes and the fungus Candida albicans. ( , , )

Affects immunity

Gymnema extract helps stimulate the immune system and triggers a protective cell response. ( , )

May be a useful adjunct in the treatment of oncology

Some tests have found that, due to the way Gymnema extract affects the immune system, it promotes the death of cancer cells. However, in other cases it was found that this extract does not have a toxic effect or even reduces cell death. ( , , )

Side effects and risks

A very high dose (more than 1 gram per day) can cause blood sugar levels to drop dangerously low, causing weakness, confusion, dizziness, and loss of muscle control. ()

In people with special sensitivity (idiosyncratic reaction) to the components, this supplement may cause liver toxicity. ()

An allergic reaction is also possible, especially in people with allergies to plants in the swallow family. ()

When taken on an empty stomach, Gymnema may cause stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. ()


In clinical studies for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, researchers used a dosage of 400-500 mg of GS4 per day, while necessary adjustments were made to the dosage of insulin and other medications. ( , )

During human clinical trials, volunteers took 1 gram of OSA per day. ()

Impressions of use

Typically, Gymnema extract is used to control diabetes. There are also reports that it helps reduce sugar cravings.

In addition, Gymnema extract is used to control cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Most users are satisfied with the results. Some did not notice any changes in their blood sugar levels. And only a few note an increase in blood sugar levels after starting to take Gymnema.

Anna Streltsova

08.11.2018 08.11.2018
Good afternoon I am a nutritionist and editor-in-chief of the site. My practice is located in Riga, and the lecture can be heard in the city of Jelgava. An excellent team of professionals works on our articles.

The dietary supplement, created from the evergreen vine Gymnema sylvace, is an excellent immunomodulator necessary for activating the vital forces of the body. The herbal remedy stimulates the pancreas to produce a new portion of insulin, which normalizes blood sugar levels.

Gymnema Sylvester (hymnema) is a medicinal plant native to India.

Gymnema Sylvester (hymnema) is a medicinal plant native to India. It has long been known for its healing qualities; traditional healers in India have been using it for hundreds of years as a drug that destroys sugar in human blood. A useful extract is prepared from any part of the plant, most often from the leaves.

The medicinal component of a tropical vine can make life easier for people with type 2 diabetes. In addition, the Indian plant is used for losing excess weight; it normalizes metabolism. It promotes better absorption of glucose, thereby saving the human liver from obesity. Liana extract restores pancreatic cells, stimulating the released enzyme to active activity.

The main substance of gymnema is a viscous liquid of a brown hue, experts call it gymnemic acid. Healers are confident that this plant can help people not only during illness, it can be used as a prophylactic agent.

The active component effectively affects the taste buds, that is, it allows you to lose the feeling of sweetness.

It is especially important to maintain proper functioning of the pancreas in old age. You need to know that gymnema does not have pronounced effects that can harm a person; it reduces blood sugar only in those who have diabetes. In 1981, doctors conducted special studies and suggested using liana extract not only for sick people, but also for completely healthy patients. Experts obtained an interesting result: in healthy people, after taking the drug, the amount of sugar in the blood did not change.

The medicinal component of a tropical liana can make life easier for people with type 2 diabetes.

It is worth noting that in patients with type 1 diabetes who used the described extract of the Gymnema Sylvester plant to normalize sugar, a steady decrease in sugar was observed. Such patients could afford to inject insulin into the blood in a smaller dose.

Special studies were also carried out on patients with type 2 diabetes. They were asked to take Gymnema together with foods that have a low glycemic index. This combination helped reduce the intake of special medications that have a number of side effects.

New properties of the Indian plant are currently being studied. The antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties of the vine are tested.

Gymnema Sylvester (video)

Directions for use and contraindications

The drug with gymnema is prepared by different manufacturers, each of them offers its own dosage of the medicinal component. Therefore, the use of dietary supplements must be coordinated with a medical specialist. Most manufacturers recommend taking 400 mg of the drug per day.

Often, medicinal capsules with gymnema extract are used for weight loss. Do not assume that the proposed capsules will get rid of excess fat without additional effort. Along with taking the drug, it is necessary to maintain proper nutrition and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Gymnema helps reduce a person's appetite and lowers sugar levels, but only in those people who have diabetes.

The drug with gymnema is prepared by different manufacturers, each of them offers its own dosage of the medicinal component

The taming of the feeling of hunger is explained by the fact that when the drug is used in the human or animal body, complex carbohydrates are broken down more slowly, while sugar enters the body gradually, in small portions.

In addition to the main active ingredient, the capsules also contain other ingredients, for example, ascorbic acid, chromium, selenium, zinc, saponins, etc. You should not take the product during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Experts do not recommend taking this drug to children.

The medicinal composition is also contraindicated for those who cannot tolerate certain components included in the dietary supplement. Gymnema may cause allergic reactions.

Ayurveda (video)

Gymnema Sylvestre, 90 tablets, 400 mg.

Description, Gymnema Sylvester, 90 tablets, 400 mg.
A powerful herbal formula for seasonal and year-round immune support. To support blood sugar metabolism in people with type II diabetes.

Gymnema Sylvester, Indications for use:
- In spring and autumn to prevent colds.
- Frequent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.
- Dysbacteriosis and candidiasis.
- Allergies.
- Prolonged stress, unfavorable environmental conditions.
- Bad addictions, regular use of medications.

Gymnema Sylvester, Properties:
Functional action:
- regulates blood sugar levels;
- supports the formation of insulin in the body;
- normalizes carbohydrate metabolism;
- prevents the development of diabetes mellitus.

Gymnema Sylvester, native to the rainforests of India, has been used by Indians for centuries to normalize blood sugar levels. Substances that make up Gymnema Sylvestra, such as gymnemic acid, when placed on the tongue, block the sensation of sweetness. Applying potassium gymnemate (a substance isolated from this plant) to the tongue leads to a loss of perception of sweets - sugar causes a gritty sensation in the mouth.

The traditional use of Gymnema Sylvestra as a remedy for diabetes was scientifically confirmed almost 70 years ago when the leaves of this plant were shown to reduce sugar in the urine of diabetics. Scientific evidence of the effect of Gymnema Sylvestra on diabetic patients was not made until 1981, when it was again demonstrated that taking dried leaves of Gymnema Sylvestra lowers blood sugar and increases serum insulin levels. Gymnema's active ingredient, gymnemic acid, is believed to support insulin production. It is possible that in addition to supporting the body's ability to control blood sugar, gymnemic acid helps restore insulin-producing pancreatic cells. It is also believed that Gymnema Sylvestra can block the absorption of sugar in the gastrointestinal tract.

Since diabetes usually does not manifest itself until the pancreatic cells responsible for producing insulin are seriously damaged, gymnema extract is recommended not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of diabetes (especially in old age).
It is interesting to note that Gymnema Sylvestra extract has no side effects and has an effect on lowering blood sugar only in diabetic patients. In healthy people, no effect of lowering blood sugar was found when taking Gymnema Sylvestra extract.

Gymnema Sylvester, Recommendations for use:

1 tablet 3-6 times a day before meals.

Gymnema Sylvester, Ingredients:
One capsule contains:
Gymnema Sylvester - 400 mg
Patients with diabetes mellitus should consult a doctor if they experience hypoglycemia.

Gymnema sylvestre (forest, common) has been popular in Indian medicine for thousands of years. An evergreen vine, similar to a grapevine, is a powerful homeopathic immunomodulator that allows a person to maintain an active lifestyle all year round.

Botanical description of Gymnema sylvestris (Sylvestre)

Gymnema (synonyms gymnema, gymnema, goodmar, lat. Gymnema sylvestris). A strongly branched liana that belongs to tropical plants. It grows in the regions of Southeast Asia and southern India.

Climbing vines can grow up to 500 m. Under natural conditions, the plant settles in dry forest thickets and groves. The long stems are dotted with leaves, the plates of which are characterized by an elliptical shape and slight pubescence on both sides. The tiny flowers have a soft yellow tint and form umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The spindle-shaped paired fruits are up to 75 mm long.

Chemical composition of Gymnema sylvestris

The primary active substances of the medicinal plant are gymnemic acids (glycosides), which stimulate the pancreas and block the taste buds that recognize sweet taste. Besides, The composition contains the following active compounds:

  • vitamin C;
  • choline;
  • inositol;
  • resins;
  • hydroxycitric and formic acids;
  • microelements;
  • stigmasterol;
  • d-quercetin;
  • lupeol.

The healing properties of gymnema Sylvestre (video)

Beneficial and medicinal properties of Gymnema Silvestre

The main medicinal raw materials are leaves, but all parts of gymnema are often used in the manufacture of medicines. Due to the presence of valuable chemical compounds, the plant and preparations based on it affect the body in such a way that the following changes occur in it:

  • contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, maintaining and increasing insulin;
  • hypoglycemic effect: saponins included in the composition prevent the absorption of glucose and oleic acid in the gastrointestinal tract, improve its penetration into tissue cells;
  • activate insulin activity and reduce insulin resistance of cells;
  • trigger the work of enzymes involved in the processing of glucose;
  • have a stimulating effect on the digestive process;
  • reduce the likelihood of vascular plaques;
  • restore insulin-secreting cells, which is necessary for those suffering from type 1 diabetes;
  • used for diuretic and mild laxative purposes.

According to modern research, the healthy product helps absorb glucose, which is a problem with type 2 diabetes. As a result, patients do not need additional stimulation of the body with flour and sweet products to obtain energy. The components included in the medicinal products reduce appetite and discourage cravings for sweets, eliminating the consequences of high sugar levels in the body.

The use of gymnema in folk medicine and homeopathy

For a long period, the tropical liana was used only in Ayurvedic medicine. Its action, aimed at reducing the need for sweets, the excessive consumption of which harms metabolism, was noticed by the ancient Hindus. It is for this reason that the plant received the name gurmar, which means “destroyer of sugar” in Hindi.

Since the middle of the last century, experts studying this plant have agreed with the unusual abilities of this amazing plant. Namely, scientists have proven the connection between the intake of gymnema-based drugs into the body and a decrease in blood sugar levels.

Currently, even more possibilities of the tropical liana have been identified, and extracts from it are used in the production of many dietary supplements, which are prescribed for the treatment of diabetes and for the purpose of losing excess weight. Gymnema leaves are an excellent substitute for sweets.

Gymnema helps normalize blood sugar levels. People who cannot tolerate sugar can take it in reasonable quantities after 2 to 6 months. Children who abuse sweets, thanks to a remedy from a perennial plant, solve the problem of unstable blood sugar levels.

Young foliage and shoots are used for medicinal purposes, although raw materials can be collected from one plant for 10 years. Fresh green mass is used as an antiseptic and wound-healing agent that can heal skin inflammation and damage in a short time. In addition, the leaves are used in the following cases:

  • decoctions relieve swelling by removing excess fluid from the body and cleansing the liver;
  • help cure the stomach from various diseases;
  • relieve constipation.

In folk medicine, the use of a natural product is possible in two ways:

  • Brew in boiling water (1 teaspoon of raw material per 230 ml of water). It is recommended to consume herbal tea up to 3 cups per day between meals;
  • The raw material, ground into powder, must be mixed in milk or water.

Since carbohydrate metabolism disorders do not appear until the pancreas is seriously damaged, the plant extract should be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for preventive purposes, especially for older people.

A bioactive supplement based on leaves can be purchased in Russian pharmacies. The capsules may contain either one component - only gymnema, or many substances. The choice of dietary supplements depends on the expected effect. It is important to consult your doctor before using any medications.

Gymnema Silvestre in the fight against diabetes (video)

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

To obtain medicinal products based on perennial vines, leaves and young shoots of cultivated plants are harvested. The leaves of the tropical plant are collected manually.

The collected raw materials are laid out in a thin layer in rooms with good ventilation or under a canopy that protects from direct sunlight. The finished product must be stored in paper packaging. The shelf life is 2 years.

Contraindications and harms of Gymnema Silvestre

Gymnema, like any herbal medicine, has a number of limitations in use due to the following factors:

  • individual intolerance;
  • preparation for surgery;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Diabetics taking insulin injections or other medications should use Gymnea under the supervision of a physician. If necessary, the dosage of the drug can be changed.

If a person does not fall into the category of people who are not recommended to use gymnea, then they can use products containing it to combat diabetes and obesity. The drugs eliminate addiction to sweets and, as a result, prevent excess weight.

Treatment of diabetes with herbs and aromatherapy (video)

Many people eat more sugary foods when they are depressed. If you do not exceed the permitted amount of sugar, then sweets will not harm the body. If you eat a lot of sweet foods, in addition to losing your figure, health problems will arise. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to use ordinary gymnema, which destroys sugar in a person’s blood and suppresses cravings for sweets.

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