Do they take you into the army with prostatitis? Is military service compatible with a diagnosis of prostatitis? If prostatitis is taken into the army

The age threshold for many diseases has decreased significantly, and today young people are at risk of developing diseases that were previously traditionally considered only characteristic of middle-aged and older people. We will not try to determine the reasons for such dramatic changes over the last decade, but we simply must state this fact, if only because conscripts are increasingly asking questions regarding the formulation of these diagnoses.

Prostatitis is considered among such “rejuvenated” diseases. Due to the fact that the cause of its occurrence can be of a different nature, more and more young people are complaining of inflammation of the prostate gland. It is quite reasonable that they have a question: “Do they take you into the army with prostatitis?” We have repeatedly indicated how you can independently search for answers to such questions, but this does not clarify the situation in any way. As before, according to data from various sources, analysis of the activities of the draft commission is the most pressing topic concerning the army.

Clinical picture of prostate disease

If a conscript is wondering about serving in the army with a disease such as prostatitis, then, for sure, he already has an idea of ​​​​the regulations of the draft commission. The Schedule of the Disease contains an article that describes the symptoms of prostatitis, but obtaining the coveted exemption from the army is not so easy. We will return to this issue later, but now we will consider the key concepts characteristic of this disease in order to subsequently operate with them competently.

Prostatitis is, first of all, an inflammatory process that develops in the prostate gland. This disease refers to diseases of the genitourinary system and manifests itself in middle-aged men. But we have already noted that age limits have changed today, as the nature of the causes of the disease has expanded.

In order to determine the patient’s attitude towards the army according to, it is necessary to divide the current into three types:

  1. spicy;
  2. asymptomatic;
  3. chronic.

Find out: Are obese conscripts allowed to serve in the army?

Acute prostatitis is characterized by clearly expressed symptoms and occurs in the form of an attack with sharp pain. It usually does not last long and is isolated in nature. Asymptomatic prostatitis develops gradually, so the patient often cannot determine exactly what is bothering him. The hard-to-treat form is chronic. It is characteristic of long-term development and insufficient treatment of the disease.

The most striking symptoms by which you can independently recognize prostatitis include problems with urination. The patient experiences urges, but that’s where it all ends. The deceptive sensation of a full bladder causes discomfort. The reason for this is the inflamed prostate gland, which, increasing in size, puts pressure on the urethra. A secondary problem of a psychological nature develops. Since prostatitis is considered a purely male disease, leading to erectile dysfunction, some complexes develop on this basis.

Without urgent medical intervention, the disease continues to develop. Discomfort is replaced by real pain. In especially severe cases, discharge and fever are observed. In most cases, an advanced disease leads to the development of an adenoma, but it is possible that the development will follow a negative scenario with the formation of an oncogenic tumor.

Classification of the disease

We have already presented the simplest division of the disease by type, but due to the fact that the root causes are different, we can present another classification.

  • Infectious prostatitis is caused by infection and subsequent inflammation of the prostate gland and ureter. Symptoms appear sharply and consist mainly of pain. Depending on where the source of infection is localized, it is divided into follicular prostatitis, catarrhal or parenchymal.
  • Bacterial prostatitis develops when various bacteria enter and multiply. It can occur as a complication after chlamydia, caused by Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or gonococci.

  • Congestive prostatitis is considered one of the popular types, as it develops in men who ignore mobility as a way of life. It must be emphasized that in this manifestation the disease will recede before qualified treatment.
  • Calculous prostatitis is a rather complex form of the disease. It is characterized by the formation of concretions or stones. Diagnosis of this type requires mandatory surgical intervention, since it is impossible to get rid of the formations with medication. Lack of treatment other than pain will lead to the development of irreversible pathological changes.

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Military service with this disease

Whatever the provisions in legislative documents regarding military service for conscripts who have been diagnosed with diseases, first of all, the requirements for the health status of young men are drawn up from the point of view of logic and common sense. Thus, a young man cannot serve if military life will harm his health, if he must follow a special daily routine or diet, and also if he is required to undergo treatment in a hospital.

Article 73 of the Schedule of Diseases is based on these principles, which describes in detail cases when someone diagnosed with prostatitis can be taken into the army. A conscript will be released from service only if periodic hospital treatment is required. Moreover, the number of sessions should not be less than three in one year. The article provides for one more case. It is associated with a disease leading to the formation of stones localized in the prostate gland. With such a disease there is always a risk of exacerbations, and, as we have already mentioned, it is impossible to help the patient with medication. When conducting an individual examination, the military commission may decide to assign the young man fitness category “B” even when the overall picture does not fit any description, but the disease has led to serious pathological changes in the body.

Statistics show that Article 73 is not the most favorable in terms of providing exemption from military service. In fact, the vast majority of guys who complain about this disease cannot prove the development in a form that allows them to receive the coveted category. As a rule, the doctor will write down in the medical record: “chronic prostatitis”, and without the specified additions, such an entry in the medical documents will contribute to being sent to the army.

To achieve your goal, you must first undergo a number of independent diagnostic procedures, such as prostate examination, ultrasound, general blood test, secretion analysis, urinalysis, biopsy. The attending physician will advise you on a complete list. If it is impossible to prove the presence of stones or the need for inpatient treatment over a period of four months, then it is better to try to obtain release for another disease, which an experienced specialist will probably find.

Do they take you into the army with prostatitis? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Indeed, in one situation, inflammation of the prostate gland is a death sentence for a conscript, and in another it is only a delay until complete recovery. Where can one clarify this information, which worries men of military age who have encountered a similar diagnosis in their lives?

The army is a place where men who have passed a full medical examination are drafted. The fitness category of conscripts with prostatitis is regulated in a special register for military (army) doctors, which they use when examining conscripts for service.

This register is called the “Schedule of Diseases”. The chapter “diseases of the male genital organs,” listed as number 73, describes in detail all possible forms, conditions, place of treatment for prostatitis and whether it is compatible with military service.

Conscripts who have a diagnosis in their anamnesis are not allowed to serve:

  1. Prostatitis that occurs in a chronic form and requires treatment in a hospital at least three times a year.
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    This non-referral case is characterized by the fact that long-term, chronic inflammation is very difficult to treat. Short-term remissions are accompanied by constant sensations of pain in the groin area and difficulty urinating. Outbreaks of exacerbation occur three times a year, sometimes more often. An acute inflammatory process in the prostate gland can only be localized in a urology department.

  3. Chronic calculous prostatitis.

The army does not conscript men with prostate stones. This is explained by the fact that this form of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland is considered by doctors to be advanced and recurrent. The glandular tissues of the organ are modified, the physiology is disrupted.

The formation of stones (calcifications) is a clear confirmation of an advanced form of prostatitis. Chronic inflammation impairs blood flow both in the prostate itself and in the pelvic organs. This pathology leads to the retention of waste and toxins, thereby provoking the formation of stones.

The mechanism of stone formation is associated with the formation of compacted structures around inflammatory foci, which is typical for the chronic form. They become frameworks for the deposition of calcium salts and the formation of calcifications.

When treating an exacerbation of chronic calculous prostatitis, which can begin at any time, surgical intervention is necessary. Removing stones does not guarantee the absence of new formations in the future.

If the above-mentioned diseases are present and documented, requiring constant treatment in a hospital setting, the conscript is declared unfit for military service and is enlisted in the reserves, receiving a military ID in hand.

But not every form of inflammation is an obstacle to service. Doctors of the draft commission will answer a conscript asking the question: “Are they being drafted into the army with acute prostatitis?” affirmatively. But in this case, the sick person is given a deferment until his complete recovery, and only after that he is called up for service.

12 Feb 2015, 15:12

What are the signs of chronic prostatitis?
If a patient is diagnosed with chronic prostatitis, the symptoms are divided into complexes: pain, dysuria, sexual. The main subjective feature...

The answers to these and other questions will be provided by the material in this article.

Army doctors, when inviting conscripts for military service, always focus on the “schedule of illnesses.”

They indicate prostate diseases and inform in what cases a call is possible, and when a deferment or refusal is necessary.

Prostatitis is called inflammation within the prostate gland, provoked by infectious bacteria or purulent processes occurring in the body. To answer the question of whether people with prostatitis are accepted into the army, you need to understand.

Medical practice identifies four types of prostatitis:

  1. . Manifests itself in the groin with fever. The advanced form is accompanied by purulent;
  2. . The symptoms are not clearly expressed and make themselves felt periodically;
  3. infectious form. The symptoms are similar to the previous conditions, but this variant of the disease is manifested by the presence of mucus in the urine;
  4. . It is stated when they are discovered;
  5. stagnant state of the disease. The symptoms are similar to the chronic and acute stages, but the cause of the problem is caused by difficulties with the outflow of seminal fluid.


Young people with an old form of the described disease are not allowed to serve in the army. The condition will be the proven fact that the disease requires treatment in a hospital at least 3 times within 12 months.

Usually, with such a severe chronic form of prostatitis, although improvements do occur, they are short-lived. A young man suffering from the illness described above (its advanced stage) almost constantly feels pain in the groin area, notes problems with urinating, and notes weakening.

Healthy and inflamed prostate

A chronic condition develops if a man does not take proper measures during acute inflammation. As a result, the process continued its development and acquired an old form. It can be caused by both stagnation and the penetration of harmful microorganisms (chlamydia, gonococci, Klebsiella, E. coli) into the urethra.

Doctors warn that chronic prostatitis is a consequence of the fact that at the first signs of the disease the patient did not consult a doctor. Therefore, it did not eliminate the inflammation.

People with congestive prostatitis are not accepted into the army either. When this form of the disease is mentioned, they mean a disease that arose due to long-term problems with the outflow of seminal fluid.

Men with this disease feel aching.

This pathology can occur due to improper sexual activity of a young man.

The disease is difficult to cure and often occurs with pathologies. Conscripts with calculous prostatitis are exempt from military service. Since they require treatment up to 3 times a year in a hospital.

If you have been diagnosed with calculous chronic prostatitis, take care of your health, because under favorable conditions for the disease, the disease often manifests itself in an acute form. And then urgent help from a surgeon may be required.

When can you take a deferment from military service?

Temporary exemption from being in the army is allowed only if there are compelling reasons.

If we mean a deferment from military service due to health (and there is also an exemption for family and other reasons), then in this case the arguments will be emergency health conditions that have arisen.

Typically, such manifestations require surgical intervention. After the operation, a deferment from service is given for a period of 6 to 12 months (depending on the amount of time required for complete recovery).

In addition to severe emergency conditions, exemption can be given for such ailments that appeared during service as enuresis, dystrophy, and speech disorders.

To take a deferment, the young man must appear for a medical examination with the relevant medical documents. In some cases, further examination may be ordered. After this, doctors will voice their verdict on deferment if they see good reasons for such a decision.

What diseases of the prostate gland are exempt from the army?

The reason for release from service can be chronic and calculous prostatitis, the severe course of which always becomes an obstacle to service.

There is another dangerous disease of the prostate gland, the discovery of which will result in a conscript being released from the army.

This is accompanied by a moderate disturbance in urine separation.

What to do if prostatitis appeared during military service?

It happens that due to hypothermia or stress, a young man develops prostate problems during his service.

If a conscript begins to notice pain in the groin area, discomfort during defecation, or problems with urination, he should report this to the medical staff.

The young man will be sent to the hospital in order to clarify the diagnosis and decide on a subsequent treatment regimen.

If the examination reveals chronic prostatitis or its calculous form, then the soldier ends his service early.

The acute course of the disease will force doctors to keep the young man in the hospital. There he will be treated, after which he will be returned to the army. Subject to service in the special forces, transfer to another unit will be possible.

Video on the topic

Lawyer on what to do for conscripts suffering from prostatitis:

Prostatitis is one of the serious diseases, many forms of which are a contraindication to the army. Therefore, if you notice yourself, do not ignore the examination. Timely identification of a serious pathology will allow you to receive exemption from service and will be a signal for immediate treatment.

Among potential conscripts, there is a fairly widespread, somewhat erroneous opinion that inflammation of the prostate gland, called “prostatitis,” is a direct indication for receiving a white ticket, or at least some deferment from military service. In reality, everything is not like that.

For certain forms of prostatitis, you can receive a deferment and exemption from military service

A person who has been diagnosed with prostatitis in a chronic or calculous form is completely exempt from serving, while other forms of the disease do not provide such a privilege. However, these issues should be considered in more detail and detail.

When is a deferral due?

Prostatitis is a disease that affects exclusively the male population of the planet. Just a few years ago, the majority of people affected were predominantly older men. Currently, the trend has changed somewhat in a negative direction: the disease is increasingly being diagnosed in young people aged about 20–25 years. Negative changes of this kind are associated both with the deterioration of the environmental situation in general and with the predisposition of most young people to lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

In connection with the above circumstances, the selection criteria for young people suitable for service in various types of troops have changed somewhat. For example, prostatitis in some cases is a direct indication for obtaining a deferment from service. The duration of this period of time is fully equal to the duration of the required course of treatment.

A deferment can be obtained if a long course of treatment for prostatitis is necessary.

Also, if the patient needs an additional period of rehabilitation after undergoing the main course of treatment, for example, for regular examinations or taking any medications, he should also not join the army. However, as the person recovers completely rather than partially, the deferment loses its effect, after which the person is fully suitable for service.

Receiving a white ticket

Prostatitis is a rather serious and unpleasant disease, which is associated with the appearance of many negative symptoms. Complete recovery is possible only if the disease is not expressed in an acute or calculous form. In the presence of these diseases, the person is observed in a medical institution almost throughout his life. This is due to the fact that the disease can become acute even when exposed to minor negative factors.

Chronic prostatitis has a very unpleasant feature - the disease is practically untreatable, only relief of symptoms during periods of exacerbation is possible. During the stages of remission, disturbing signs and discomfort are almost completely absent, but still a person cannot be considered completely healthy due to the presence of a focus of inflammation in the body.

Conscripts with chronic prostatitis are unsuitable for military service

In connection with this circumstance, in order to avoid a significant deterioration in physical well-being and exacerbation of the disease, the patient must undergo a full course of treatment with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs at least two to three times a year. In the army, such medical care is not possible.

Thus, due to the obligation to visit a specialist, as well as to receive treatment for which a person may have a systematic need, the young man is considered unsuitable for service and is completely exempted from it, receiving a white ticket.

Indications for obtaining a white ticket and deferment

It is necessary to summarize the available information. Are they recruited into the army with chronic prostatitis or a disease that occurs in another form? In accordance with currently accepted rules, a person who has been identified and diagnosed with prostatitis in a medical institution needs complex treatment aimed at eliminating all symptoms of the disease.

Since prostatitis requires regular examination and treatment, conscripts with prostatitis receive a deferment or a white ticket

In accordance with this need, during the period of drug or other therapy, the citizen is completely exempt from serving until complete recovery, confirmed by a specialist. Thus, prostatitis provides an opportunity for deferment, but not complete exemption from service.

However, its chronic, as well as calculous forms require not only regular and periodic treatment, the need for which may arise at least three times during the year, but also constant monitoring by the attending physician. In connection with this circumstance, a person who has been diagnosed with “chronic” or “calculous prostatitis” is completely exempt from serving, regardless of recovery.

It is also necessary to emphasize that a potential conscript’s history of prostatitis is a direct indication for a refusal to serve on a contract basis or in special forces.

The video will talk about prostatitis and deferment from the army:

With the onset of conscription age, young people are interested in a number of issues relating to their health and suitability for military service. Some are eager to serve, while others are trying in every way to evade their duty. But for both of them, it will be important to find out whether they are recruited into the army with prostatitis, since this disease is getting younger with each generation.

Before joining the armed forces, the conscript will undergo a medical examination. After passing the medical examination, the decision on the suitability of the young man will be made by the draft committee. If he exhibits symptoms of prostatitis, the conscript will be sent for examination, based on the results of which a fitness category will be assigned. If the illness made itself known before conscription, and the young man went to see a doctor, he must take with him supporting documents from the clinic signed and stamped by the doctor. This is an extract from the medical history, test results, photographs and other important indicators.

Forms of prostatitis that exempt you from military service

The Government of Russia has approved the “Schedule of Diseases for 2017”. The document spells out all the illnesses for which a deferment or exemption from the army is given. It all depends on the disease and its stage, which will be detected by the commission or whether the young person already has it. The diagnosis of interest to the conscript is in the section “Diseases of the male genital organs”. Article No. 73 describes diseases of the male reproductive system.

Exemption from the army is possible if a patient is diagnosed with:

  • Chronic prostatitis requiring hospital treatment 3 times a year.
  • Chronic, calculous prostatitis and stones in the prostate gland.

Chronic prostatitis is difficult to cure and at times the disease worsens. This form should be treated only in a hospital, under the supervision of a specialist. Therefore, in the “Schedule of Diseases” there is a specific clarification: “prostatitis requiring inpatient treatment of the patient.” If a conscript is diagnosed with prostatitis of one of these forms, then he most likely will not go into the army. As for calculous prostatitis, the answer is clear. It doesn’t matter at what stage the disease is, and what a person’s chances of recovery are, serving is strictly prohibited.

However, chronic prostatitis and the army are not always mutually exclusive. It happens that a young man develops prostatitis while already a soldier, or he experiences a relapse of the chronic form. The doctor will determine the further place of service.

Prevention to prevent relapse can also be carried out in the army. The military way of life includes physical activity, proper nutrition, and a daily routine. But in the conditions of the unit there are no special opportunities to observe the patient for a whole year. And this disease is accompanied by severe pain and other unpleasant symptoms, so the army will not be able to fully take care of the young man’s health. Therefore, such patients are discharged.

Sometimes a young man finds out that he has prostatitis already during a medical examination. Symptoms may be silent. In this case, the conscript is sent for treatment, but is not exempt from military service.

In what cases of chronic prostatitis are sent to serve?

If, in accordance with accepted standards, chronic prostatitis is problematic in treatment, then why are there cases of conscription of citizens with this diagnosis?

People with chronic prostatitis are sent to serve in the following cases:

  • Exacerbations of the disease occur less frequently than 3 times a year.
  • If the disease has been in remission for a long time and the treatment was outpatient.
  • No complications of the disease (stones in glandular tissue, hyperplasia).

In what cases is a deferment given?

In addition to chronic, other forms of manifestation of prostatitis are possible. Are they recruited into the army with chronic prostatitis that has developed an acute form and what are the stages of the disease?

Stages of prostatitis and their symptoms

Symptoms of the acute form appear sharply and consist of severe pain, pulsating in nature, radiating in the back and anus. The process of defecation (both defecation and urination) is also accompanied by pain. At the same time, appetite decreases, performance decreases, temperature rises and other signs of intoxication appear, and potency decreases. In advanced cases, pus is released from the urethra. If the acute form is not treated, it will become a chronic disease. Health is not something to joke about, but reproductive function is very important for a man.

In addition to the acute form, bacterial or infectious forms are diagnosed, in which there is blood and mucous discharge in the urine. Symptoms depend on the degree of development (chronic or acute) of the disease.

During the stagnant stage, the symptoms are the same, but are caused by stagnation of blood in the groin area. This is the result of a sedentary lifestyle, reluctance to engage in sports and adequate physical activity.

The most dangerous form is purulent prostatitis. In this case, purulent processes spread to neighboring organs. This phase of the disease threatens with a serious complication - death of prostate tissue.

With all these forms of illness, a person is given a delay to restore health. This period includes the need for an additional period for rehabilitation after treatment, for observations and examinations, and for taking medications. But after undergoing treatment and rehabilitation, the conscript will be required to report to the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination.

Those wishing to serve under a contract or in special forces, if they have such a diagnosis, will be denied admission.

In the same “Schedule of Diseases” everyone interested will find the correspondence of the forms of prostatitis to the fitness categories.

According to paragraph 73 of the above document, category “D” is assigned to a disease with significant dysfunction (stage 3 prostate disease, the treatment result remains unsatisfactory). Category “B” is assigned for a disease with moderate dysfunction (chronic prostatitis requiring hospital treatment, stones in the prostate gland). All other forms of prostatitis are assigned category “G”.

What do the letters in the fitness categories mean?

Still in the same schedule of diseases, 5 categories are prescribed that allow or prohibit military service:

  • A – fit (subject to conscription);
  • B – fit with minor restrictions (subject to conscription);
  • B – limited fit for military service (exempt from conscription, enlisted in the reserve);
  • G – temporarily unsuitable (delay up to 1 year);
  • D – not suitable.

With category “A” everything is simple and clear. Category “B” is assigned if the medical board has found minor diseases, but there are no contraindications to service. Then you need to look at the number next to the letter “B”, which will indicate in which branches of the military a person can serve. Category “B” means that the conscript is unfit for military service in peacetime, but will be called up in case of martial law. The letter “G” means that same deferment for a maximum of a year, but does not exempt you from conscription. “D” means that the conscript is completely unfit, even in the event of war.

Better the army than prostatitis

For those who believe that it is better to let the disease progress than to go to serve, it is useful to ask older men what prostatitis is. The army is not so scary compared to this disease. And life in civilian life, with such neglected health, will not seem like paradise. After all, the very stages at which they are given exemption from combat duty only lead to a hospital bed.

In a young body, the disease is easier and faster to cure. The main thing is to consult a doctor at the first discovery of symptoms so that he can identify the cause of the inflammation and prescribe the correct treatment. A urologist deals with diseases related to the genitourinary system.

Not all conscripts try to take time off due to illness, especially risking their health.

Many are embarrassed to go to the hospital for such a sensitive issue and cause even greater damage to their health. Someone is trying to be treated with folk remedies. Medicinal tinctures and ointments can certainly relieve inflammation, but do not guarantee complete destruction of the source of the disease. The pain goes away, the person feels quite well, but prostatitis does not go away. And the longer the trip to the doctor drags on, the more difficult it will be to save men’s health later. And folk remedies are very good in combination with medications. They will remove excess toxins, provide the body with vitamins, and ensure good health.

Being healthy and serving a year in the army is much better than introducing a disease into your body that can ruin your health and all your plans for life. To avoid sad consequences, every man should be examined by a urologist 1-2 times a year.

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