Discomfort on the left side of the chest. What does pain on the left side of the chest indicate when inhaling? Diagnostic and treatment methods

The causes of left sternum pain can arise from a number of distinct medical problems. Almost eighty percent of all cases are due to pathologies and heart diseases. The causes of the serious condition may also include diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory system, diseases of the bones, muscles and skin. Only a qualified physician can determine pain in the left sternum after a detailed examination and diagnosis.

Problems related to the functioning of the heart are classified into coronary and non-coronary types. Coronary abnormalities are ischemia and infarction. This type of disease poses the greatest threat to human health and even life. If you experience symptoms indicating a heart attack or ischemia, you should urgently seek the help of a doctor.

Attacks of ischemia and heart attack

The coronary arteries supply blood to the heart muscle. Changes in its functioning (thrombus, severe obstruction of a vessel) lead to a sharp deterioration in the functioning of the body. The cells of the organ cannot be enriched with oxygen, so the muscles can atrophy. The best outcome of events may be pathological changes in the structure of the heart muscle.

Acute attacks of heart failure occur due to a number of heart conditions. The causes of the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system may lie in the excessive accumulation of cholesterol inside the coronary arteries. Blood clots can impair the patency of blood vessels, leading to an attack.

Risk factors for a heart attack include:

  • diabetes;
  • bad habits;
  • genetic predisposition to diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • elevated blood cholesterol levels.

Women during menopause are at risk. Greater chances of surviving a heart attack occur due to changes in hormonal balance, which is characteristic of menopause. A decrease in hormones increases the risk of disease, so older women need to take special medications, which are prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis.

Symptoms of an attack

Typically, pain during a heart attack is located in the center and left side of the sternum. Pain may spread to the following parts of the body:

  • left hand;
  • left shoulder;
  • jaw;
  • abdominal region;
  • back.

The danger of an attack also lies in the fact that the symptoms for each person in this case are individual. Symptoms common to all may include:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • sweating;
  • shortness of breath.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that symptoms may differ in women and men. The reasons for this lie in the difference in hormonal levels.

The following symptoms are typical for women:

  • heartburn;
  • feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • apathetic state;
  • dizziness.

The list of diagnostic measures includes:

  • palpation and examination of the sternum;
  • study using an electrocardiogram;
  • analysis for the number of enzymes that take part in the formation of heart muscle.

An ECG allows you to determine what type of vessels the patient has problems with and what are the reasons for this.

Non-coronary heart disease

A characteristic feature of non-coronary diseases is the difficulty of diagnosis. Diseases are especially difficult to diagnose in the early stages. The difficulty of research and prevention lies in the fact that modern medicine has not yet studied the nature of the problem and its causes. The group of diseases includes:

  • pericarditis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • myocarditis;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • heart defects (congenital and acquired);
  • mitral valve prolapse;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia (including 4 types of cardialgia);
  • angina pectoris.

The pericardium is a specific cardiac sac that envelops the heart, performing a number of protective functions. The pericardium limits the heart muscle from other internal organs that are located in the sternum. This organ prevents overstrain of the heart and also promotes normal blood filling.

The causes of pericardium are as follows:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • incorrect approach to taking certain medications;
  • viruses and infections;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • radiation therapy.

The attack occurs due to acute inflammation of this organ. Inactivity during an attack can lead to cardiac tamponade, a condition in which fluid accumulates around the heart, leading to poor cardiac performance. Symptoms of the condition are:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • sharp pain in the chest area;
  • labored breathing.

The main symptom of acute pericarditis is a stabbing, sharp pain that may increase with each breath. A dangerous feature is that the symptoms of pericarditis often overlap with the manifestation of a heart attack. The pain may subside when bending the body. There may be a sore throat when swallowing. The temperature changes quickly, moving from upper to lower boundaries.

Causes of mitral valve prolapse

Prolapse is a disease caused by a pathology of the mitral valve structure. The valve is located between the ventricle and the left atrium, so the causes of the disease can threaten a person’s life.

Complications of the disease can be:

  • disturbance of the general heart rhythm;
  • heart valve infection;
  • disturbance in the regulation of the mitral valve.

In some cases, this condition can lead to unexpected death. Any signs of disease development is a reason to immediately contact qualified specialists.

Angina of the heart

Angina is a condition in which the heart muscle receives a limited amount of oxygen. This is due to pathological narrowing of blood vessels. Such changes in the blood supply reduce the amount of oxygen.

The acute form of angina is characterized by constant sharp pain that does not go away even with a normal rhythm of the heart muscle. Sudden episodic angina may occur during intense physical exertion. At rest, the pain subsides and the heartbeat returns to normal.

Angina occurs when the main artery of the heart is partially blocked, narrowed, or goes into spasm. The most common cause of angina is coronary heart disease, in which blood clots due to atherosclerosis interfere with the free passage of blood vessels. The disease only partially blocks blood flow, but does not completely eliminate it. Arrhythmia, stress and heavy physical activity can worsen the condition.

The symptoms of angina can often be compared to a heart attack, but the consequences of angina are not as dangerous. A person’s condition returns to normal after rest; in the event of a heart attack, the structure of the heart muscle is not restored, which can lead to death.

Symptoms of the development of the disease are expressed in the appearance of severe pain in a state of calm. Not only the frequency but also the intensity of heart contractions increases. You can reduce the manifestation of symptoms with the help of three nitroglycerin tablets, which must be taken at equal intervals.

Diagnosis of angina pectoris can be carried out with complete calm. Only after the condition improves can a blood enzyme test be performed. An electrocardiogram may show certain changes in the functioning of the heart muscle, but such symptoms can be treated in a simple way in the future.


The aorta is the main link between the lungs and internal organs of a person. Aneurysms are situations in which the lining of a given vessel ruptures. The disease inevitably leads to serious bleeding; in this case, the heart and abdominal cavity take the brunt. About thirty percent of patients survive such a serious rupture of an internal organ.

Aortic dissection can be caused by the following reasons:

  • excessively high chronic blood pressure;
  • heart defects;
  • pregnancy;
  • ruptures of internal connective tissue;
  • taking medications without a prescription from a qualified physician;
  • elderly age;
  • genetic predisposition to heart disease.

Symptoms of the disease appear quickly and cause severe chest pain. The pain may be felt in the back or in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. The aorta is the main artery that delivers oxygen through the blood to all vital organs, so symptoms may include:

  • intermittent pain characteristic of angina pectoris;
  • fainting conditions;
  • abdominal pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • loss of motor functions on one side of the body;
  • numbness of the tongue and limbs.

Digestive tract ailments that can cause chest pain

Often, changes in the functioning of the digestive tract can lead to pain in the left chest. The most common cause is heartburn; in some cases, the symptoms may resemble a heart attack, but this possibility is in fact excluded.

Acid reflux (heartburn) occurs for a number of reasons:

  • increased acidity;
  • excessive consumption of food;
  • ailments of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • changes in the functionality of the sphincter, which is located inside the stomach;
  • scleroderma;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Symptoms of heartburn are:

  • persistent dry cough;
  • hoarseness;
  • sharp pain in the left chest;
  • pain in the neck, back and sternum;
  • pain during the process of swallowing food;
  • active secretion of saliva;
  • blood loss in the esophagus;
  • chest pressure;
  • discomfort in the chest area;
  • pale skin;
  • excessive sweating;
  • sore throat;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • sour or bitter taste in the mouth.

Pain in the left side of the chest, which is caused by diseases of the respiratory system

Diseases in this group include:

  • pulmonary embolism (artery thrombosis);
  • spontaneous pneumothorax;
  • pneumonia.

Pulmonary embolism is characterized by the presence of a blood clot in one of the main arteries of the heart. The vessel provides the lungs with oxygen, so the appearance of a blood clot can be fatal. Risk factors include:

  • cancerous tumors;
  • excessive obesity, obesity of internal organs;
  • fractures of the tibia;
  • minimal body activity;
  • pregnancy;
  • genetic predisposition to the development of the disease;
  • development of arrhythmia;
  • previous heart attacks;
  • persistent heart failure.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that this disease is not associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Women who smoke and use hormonal contraceptives are the first to be at risk. This combination is especially dangerous for women over thirty-five years of age.

Symptoms of the disease are considered:

  • rapid breathing;
  • severe difficulty in breathing;
  • sharp pain in the center of the sternum, which increases with each breath.

Diagnostic procedures include:

  • conducting an electrocardiogram;
  • detailed description of symptoms and their comparison;
  • checking the condition of the chest using an x-ray;
  • conducting a blood test to determine the amount of oxygen;
  • CT scan.

Pneumonia as a cause of chest pain

Pneumonia is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract that is caused by inflammation of the lining of the lungs. The causes of the disease may be:

  • viral infection;
  • bacterial infection;
  • fungal infection.

Severe pain with pneumonia occurs with prolonged intermittent coughing, as well as deep inhalation. Most often, unilateral chest pain is observed.

Side symptoms are:

  • mucus discharge from the lungs;
  • decreased respiratory function;
  • increase in body temperature.

The disease can be diagnosed using a statoscope, chest x-ray and physical examination of the patient. Timely detection of the disease can protect a person from serious consequences and constant pain in the sternum area.

Even a patient taking medications needs constant medical supervision. Modern antibiotics help to quickly get rid of inflammation and symptoms of the disease. The acute form of pneumonia is always accompanied by pain in the chest area. In severe cases, doctors prescribe painkillers that can significantly alleviate suffering during the disease.

Often, people with pneumonia are hospitalized in a medical facility, where they are constantly under the supervision of specialists. Complications after pneumonia can be very diverse.


Pain in the left side of the chest

Pain in the left chest can occur with various heart diseases. The severity and duration of pain will vary for each disease. With coronary artery disease, the pain is compressive, pressing, and lasts about 5–15 minutes. The pain spreads to the left shoulder or arm, sometimes reaching the little finger. In this case, the pain is caused by vasospasm.

Severe mental or physical overstimulation can cause an attack of angina, which will also radiate pain to the left chest. If angina is ignored and left untreated, over time it can lead to a myocardial infarction, in which the pain is longer and more severe. A nitroglycerin tablet will help relieve attacks of angina.

Cardioneurosis is another disease that causes pain in the left side of the chest. As a rule, the pain is aching and prolonged in the upper chest.

Painful sensations in the left side of the chest can be caused by inflammation of the cardiac lining - endocardium (internal), pericardium (external), myocardium (middle). Inflammation can develop as a result of an infectious disease (sore throat, rheumatism), poisoning. Heart pain usually appears a few weeks after recovery.

Pain in the left side of the chest

Pain in the left breast is sometimes difficult to diagnose, even for a good doctor, so if there is pain in the left side of the chest, additional examinations and tests are prescribed.

Pain on the left side of the chest can be caused by heart disease, diseases of the respiratory system, digestive system, spine, and central nervous system. All internal organs in the human body are connected to nerve endings, the basis of which is located in the spinal cord. The nerve trunk near the chest branches to individual organs, so quite often stomach diseases radiate pain to the heart area.

Also, pain in the left chest can be provoked by the central nervous system - regular stress and mental stress lead to disruptions in the functioning of the heart. Neuroses that often arise against this background can manifest as pain in the left side of the chest.

Some pain in the left side of the chest is not life-threatening, although it is unpleasant. But in other cases, a person’s life depends on a timely diagnosis and treatment, so if pain appears in the left side of the chest, you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor.

Left chest pain

Pain in the left chest can occur as a result of a heart attack, however, as practice shows, this happens only in 20% of cases. Cardiovascular diseases are the most dangerous. Malfunctions of the heart lead to various diseases, there are quite a large number of them, but there are main types: coronarogenic and non-coronarogenic diseases. The greatest danger is posed by coronary heart diseases, these include ischemic disease and acute myocardial infarction. Such severe diseases without appropriate treatment can lead to death.

Non-coronary diseases include various heart defects, both congenital and acquired, as well as tumors, amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, etc.

How does pain in the left breast manifest?

Pain in the left chest, which manifests itself quite sharply, is accompanied by a feeling of suffocation, indicates quite severe heart disease, in this case you cannot delay visiting a doctor.

The pain caused by an attack of angina pectoris begins suddenly (most often occurs after physical activity), has a pressing or burning character, the painful sensations can radiate to the left arm, neck, jaw. With osteochondrosis, pain radiating into the arm may also occur.

Shooting pains indicate mainly nervous diseases.

Pain that radiates to the back or shoulder blades, sharp, severe, can be caused by a rupture of the esophagus, aorta, etc. In this case, the person feels as if there is a “tear” inside the chest.

Aching pain in left chest

Aching pain in the left breast can be felt during hormonal changes in adolescence or menopause, as well as with disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands (thyroid gland).

In adolescence, changes in hormonal levels are caused by increased production of sex hormones, which shape the child into an adult (secondary sexual characteristics, distribution of fatty tissue, hair growth, etc.). Rapid changes in the body affect the condition of internal organs, especially the heart. During this period, even minor disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle or nervous system can manifest as aching pain in the heart area. They can manifest themselves in different ways: constantly, periodically, strongly or moderately. There is a close connection with the nervous system: heavy psychological stress and stress increase pain in the left breast. In most cases, the pain goes away on its own once adolescence ends. In such conditions, the child is recommended to take sedatives, a healthy diet, moderate physical activity, and vitamin complexes.

During menopause, there is a decrease in the production of sex hormones, which naturally affects the functioning of internal organs. During this period, the central nervous system experiences increased stress, which leads to insomnia, stress, flushing, sweating, high blood pressure, etc. Many women during menopause begin to experience aching pain on the left side of the chest, which can intensify with psycho-emotional or physical stress . As a rule, after hormonal levels are established, the pain goes away, but consultation with a doctor is necessary to rule out severe heart disease.

Impaired thyroid function also affects the functioning of all internal organs, the heart especially suffers when the thyroid gland is overactive. Hormones produced by the thyroid gland cause the heart to beat faster. With increased activity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), a person may experience aching pain on the left side of the chest, and there may also be rhythm disturbances and tachycardia.

Aching pain can also indicate a number of other serious diseases, for example, inflammation of the heart muscle after a sore throat. In any case, if pain appears on the left side of the chest, you should consult a doctor.

Sharp pain in left chest

Sharp pain in the left chest, which cannot be relieved with pills (validol, nitroglycerin), it lasts more than half an hour, usually indicates myocardial infarction. A heart attack is a consequence of advanced angina, increased load on the heart, and arrhythmia. Sharp pain also occurs with angina pectoris, but in this case the attack can be relieved by taking medications. However, in some cases, during a heart attack there may be moderate pain, in which a person can suffer a heart attack “on his feet”.

Sharp pain can also occur due to pinched nerves, rupture of internal organs, neuralgic diseases, etc.

Sudden pain in the left chest prevents a person from moving; any attempts to raise or lower his arms, turn, or take a step lead to sharp pain; the person often finds it difficult to breathe, and shortness of breath appears. The pain can shoot through the arm, neck, and radiate to the back (to the area between the shoulder blades).

If sharp pain occurs in the left side of the chest, you need to lie down, take a pill (valerian, validol, nitroglycerin) and call an ambulance.

Sharp chest pain may occur in women. In this case, you need to urgently consult a mammologist and undergo additional examination. This is how mastopathy can manifest itself at a late stage, when nodules and cysts appear (fibrocystic mastopathy). Mastopathy is a good background for the development of malignant tumors, but, usually, cancerous tumors are painless, severe pain appears in the later stages.

Stitching pain in left chest

Stitching pain in the left chest can be caused by changes in the heart or other organs. Angiotic pain indicates a violation of the blood flow of the myocardium, the nature of the pain is paroxysmal, intensifies after emotional or physical stress, may be accompanied by breathing problems (shortness of breath), and may radiate to the shoulder or arm. To reduce pain, you must first calm down and take medicine. If the pain is too severe and medications do not help reduce it, you should urgently call an ambulance.

With rheumatic heart disease, inflammation of the heart muscle, the pain has a prolonged stabbing nature, which intensifies when coughing or trying to take a deep breath. In this case, painkillers will help improve the condition slightly.

Stitching pain in the left side of the chest can be caused by non-heart problems. Diseases of the digestive system and intestines can also provoke stabbing pain in the heart area. Severe depressive states and neuroses can provoke pain in the left chest of this nature. Osteochondrosis and scoliosis of the thoracic region causes a tingling sensation in the left side of the chest.

Quite often, panic is caused by stabbing pain when inhaling, but most often the cause of this is intercostal neuralgia, and not heart problems. With this disease, painful sensations intensify with hand movements, bending, etc. Short shooting pains can develop against the background of pneumonia, pleurisy, rib fractures, etc.

When complaining of stabbing pain, the doctor usually suggests cardiac neurosis - one of the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia. With such a diagnosis, you must first of all pay attention to your nervous system.

Dull pain in left chest

Dull pain in the left chest may be related to pericarditis. The pain is usually constant; in rare cases, the pain can be severe and sharp. Pericarditis is an inflammation of the “heart sac,” a special membrane that keeps the heart in the correct position.

A very strong dull pain along the spine, accompanied by weakness, occurs with a dissecting aneurysm of the thoracic aorta. A dull pain in the depths of the chest develops when the pulmonary artery is blocked.

Chronic disease of the pancreas is accompanied by dull pain on the left side.

Cancerous tumors that develop on the left side of the chest (lung, stomach, etc.) can cause severe pain in the later stages.

If a dull pain appears, you should immediately stop any activity, in particular walking. If possible, you need to lie down, or in extreme cases, sit down, take a nitroglycerin tablet and call an ambulance. There is no need to get to the clinic on your own or put off visiting a doctor indefinitely, since we are talking about life.

Nagging pain in left chest

Nagging pain in the left breast in women can occur for several reasons. First of all, this is a manifestation of mastopathy, directly related to the menstrual cycle. But, as a rule, painful sensations should be present in both breasts, and, in addition to pain, engorgement and slight swelling of the mammary glands are observed.

Unilateral nagging pain can appear with osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. With thoracic osteochondrosis, changes in the intervertebral discs occur. The cause of such pathological changes may be improper exercise or metabolic disorders. Typically, thoracic osteochondrosis develops from sitting in an uncomfortable position for too long, for example in the office, while driving, as well as with scoliosis, when the load on the spine is uneven.

Aching pain under left breast

Aching pain under the left breast occurs with an enlarged spleen, gastritis, stomach cancer, peptic ulcer, diaphragmatic hernia, myocardial ischemia, acute infarction. Neurological diseases (intercostal neuralgia) and intervertebral hernia also provoke pain under the breasts.

With some diseases of the stomach, aching pain appears in the left side of the chest - gastritis, peptic ulcer of a tumor in the stomach. Such pain on the left side may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process in the pancreas - pancreatitis.

Antacid medications, which are usually prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases, slightly reduce pain.

Tingling, aching pain in the left chest, which lasts for quite a long time, appears at rest or after excitement, can be the cause of dysfunction of the autonomic system, nervous breakdowns.

Severe pain in left chest

Severe pain in the left chest that appears suddenly, accompanied by a feeling of suffocation, shortness of breath may indicate serious heart disease that requires immediate medical attention.

Severe, shooting pain can accompany neuralgic diseases (herpes zoster, neuralgic diseases, etc.).

A rupture of the esophagus is accompanied by very severe pain in the chest, usually this happens with severe vomiting, and the pain can radiate to the back.

Also, sharp, severe pain occurs when an aortic aneurysm ruptures; a person feels pain in the abdomen, between the shoulder blades, and severe weakness (often the person loses consciousness).

Pain on the left side of the chest can be caused by vegetative-vascular dystonia. With this disease, the pain can be of a different nature, usually the pain is very similar to serious heart diseases, for example, heart attack, angina pectoris, with the only difference that attacks of pain with VSD do not develop from physical activity, but from taking medications for the heart (validol, nitroglycerin ) does not bring the desired effect.

Stitching pain under left breast

Pain under the left breast, stabbing, which occurs periodically or is constant, may indicate a pinched nerve, with intercostal neuralgia. The causes of neuralgia are varied; it can develop as a result of injuries, diseases of the nervous system, exposure to heavy metals, toxins, certain medications, allergies, weakened immunity, and pathologies of the spine (congenital or acquired). Also, intercostal neuralgia develops against the background of cardiovascular diseases (anemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis), due to which insufficient oxygen reaches the nerves.

The cause of neuralgic diseases can be excessive alcohol consumption, diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcers, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis (from diseases in which metabolism in the nerve tissues is disrupted). As a rule, older people are susceptible to intercostal neuralgia when physiological age-related changes occur in the vessels.

Since nerve endings are located throughout the body, intercostal neuralgia manifests itself exactly like some diseases of the heart, lungs and other internal organs. Therefore, pain in the left chest with neuralgia can be mistaken for a manifestation of more serious diseases, and vice versa, some doctors inadvertently diagnose intercostal neuralgia with more serious pathologies.

Sharp pain in left chest

Acute pain in the left chest that occurs suddenly indicates serious illness in the chest. People often consult a doctor with such pain; in most cases, a person needs urgent medical care. An attack of acute pain may be the first and early symptom to which the doctor should pay priority attention. Patients with acute pain need to be examined more thoroughly in order to make the correct diagnosis and provide timely assistance.

The main cause of acute pain in the left chest can be:

  • heart diseases (pericarditis, angina, heart attack, etc.),
  • vascular diseases (dissection of aortic aneurysm, pulmonary embolism),
  • diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, spontaneous pneumothorax, pleurisy),
  • gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, diaphragmatic diaphragm, esophagitis),
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (chest injuries, osteochondrosis, thoracic radiculitis),
  • diseases of a neuralgic nature (neuroses, herpes zoster).

Burning pain in left chest

Burning pain in the left chest, which compresses and tears the chest, is the first sign of a heart attack. Pain can occur after heavy exertion or at rest, manifesting itself as an attack that can be repeated over time. Painful sensations are concentrated behind the chest, can spread to the entire chest, radiate to the shoulder blade (scapula), left arm (both arms), back, neck. The duration of pain during a heart attack can range from 20 minutes to several days. Usually pain is the only symptom of the disease; ECG changes develop much later. Often, burning pain in the left chest is accompanied by shortness of breath, vomiting or nausea, weakness, heavy sweating, rapid heartbeat, and fear of death. In case of a heart attack, repeated administration of nitroglycerin does not bring a positive result; narcotic analgesics are needed to relieve pain.

Diseases of the endocrine system can manifest as burning pain in the left side of the chest. Typically, vegetative crises develop in women aged 20 to 40 years.

Burning pain in the chest can appear in the later stages of inflammatory cancer, along with the pain, redness, swelling, and sagging of the skin appear.

Sharp pain under left breast

A sharp pain under the left breast occurs unexpectedly, usually the person takes his breath away, and it is extremely difficult for him to make even the slightest movement. When there is a sharp pain, a person usually freezes and tries not to breathe deeply.

Below the left breast is the spleen, which is located very close to the surface. Some diseases can cause this organ to become enlarged, which can cause severe pain in this area. Excessively large sizes of the spleen can provoke its rupture, in this case, in addition to severe sharp pain, a person develops cyanosis in the navel area due to accumulations of blood. The spleen can also rupture due to abdominal injuries, from an inflammatory process in it, or as a result of a heart attack.

Some stomach diseases can cause sharp pain in the left side, sometimes nausea or vomiting occurs. Sharp pain in the left chest can signal an attack of acute pancreatitis, which is also characterized by nausea, vomiting, and fever.

Sharp pain under left breast

A fairly rare disease, dissection of an aortic aneurysm, can cause acute pain below the left breast. This disease develops against the background of severe physical or emotional stress; pain from the lower chest spreads along the spine, abdomen, and can radiate to the legs. The painful sensation during aneurysm dissection is very strong, tearing the chest, the duration can range from several minutes to several days. As a rule, pain is reduced with narcotic analgesics.

If acute pain in the left chest appears when breathing, it may be a lung disease - pleuropneumonia, pulmonary infarction. With these diseases, the pleura is highly irritated, which leads to pain when breathing and coughing. As a rule, with such diseases, pain is the only symptom that matters to the patient; all other manifestations of the disease recede into the background. With pneumonia, which has an abscessing nature, very strong sharp pain appears in the chest area.

Some diseases of the esophagus - damage to the mucosa, cancer, ulcerative esophagitis - cause pain when swallowing, which can intensify when food passes. Esophageal spasm in this case can be relieved with antispasmodic drugs. Acute pain in the left breast after eating can occur with a diaphragmatic hernia. With this disease, a characteristic feature is that the pain goes away in a standing position, and the pain is more pronounced while sitting or lying down. As a rule, with a diaphragmatic hernia, increased salivation and heartburn are observed. Often pain in the left chest due to esophageal disease or hernia resembles angina attacks.

Acute pain under the left breast when moving (turning, bending) may be a manifestation of thoracic radiculitis. Taking heart medications does not improve the condition, but painkillers are quite effective in this case.

An attack of acute pain is caused by a disease of a neuralgic nature - herpes zoster or lichen. The pain in some cases is so severe that the person cannot sleep normally; repeated doses of analgesics do not bring relief. Acute pain with shingles is the first symptom, which appears somewhat earlier than the characteristic rash on the body.

Severe pain under left breast

A severe attack of pain under the left breast occurs with a diaphragmatic hernia. The diaphragm muscle is located on top of the abdominal cavity and separates the peritoneum from the thoracic region. The hole in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes may widen due to a weakening of the diaphragm, which leads to the thoracic esophagus and parts of the stomach.

Weakening of the diaphragmatic muscle can occur from heavy physical exertion, obesity, age-related changes, and sometimes develops during pregnancy.

Severe pain in or under the left breast may be associated with diseases of the nervous system. With damage to the nervous system, symptoms can be unexpected - pain in the left side of the chest, under the rib, in the middle of the abdomen can accompany a rather rare disease - abdominal migraine. Children and adolescents are most susceptible to this disease, and in rare cases, adults under forty years of age. The pain is paroxysmal in nature; nausea, vomiting, pale skin, and abdominal cramps often begin. Severe pain can also be a sign of some form of epilepsy.

Dull pain under left breast

A dull pain under the left breast is very often ignored by the person himself. A dull pain is somewhat distributed over a specific area of ​​the body, for example on the left side, in the chest area. No matter how severe the dull pain manifests itself, you can endure it, but wait until you visit a doctor. Usually this attitude leads to an unfavorable outcome.

If a dull pain appears, you must immediately stop any movements, you need to take a comfortable position (it is best to lie down), take nitroglycerin or validol. If a dull pain in the left breast (under it) bothers people with coronary artery disease, it is important to control the level of cholesterol in the blood and adhere to a diet.

A dull, nagging pain may be a sign of an enlarged spleen or diseases of the digestive system. Typically, dull pain occurs in acute or chronic diseases of internal organs, injuries, and postoperative complications. With stomach cancer, there can be both an aching dull pain and a sharp one, which manifests itself quite strongly.

Pain on the side of the left chest

Pain on the side of the left chest should suggest heart disease. Pain in the left chest can be caused by an acute heart attack, an attack of angina, pericarditis, left-sided pneumonia, etc. Various pathological processes develop in the heart due to infectious diseases (rheumatism, purulent tonsillitis, etc.).

A fairly common cause of pain in the left side of the chest is vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease is characterized by pain of a very different nature, which is most often similar to serious heart disease. For example, with VSD, the pain can be exactly the same as with an acute heart attack. But with VSD, pain in the chest is not associated with physical or emotional stress, and there is no effect from taking heart medications.

Pain on the left side of the chest is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical help. But based on the nature of the pain (dull, aching, sharp, etc.) it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. A more thorough examination and additional tests will be required, as well as a study of the patient’s medical history (previous diseases, lifestyle, injuries, etc.).

Pain on the left side of the chest is not always associated with the heart. Very often, the feeling of pain in the heart area has nothing to do with the latter. Pain in the left chest can be caused by a variety of diseases of internal organs and systems - diseases of the pancreas, spleen, stomach, etc.


Cardiovascular diseases

The absolute leaders in the number of deaths worldwide are diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system. They are divided into two large categories:

  • coronary;
  • non-coronary.

Heart attack and ischemia. The arteries, which are called coronary arteries, are designed to supply blood to the heart muscle. Malfunctions caused by various factors lead to the fact that the muscles of the main human organ cease to be fully enriched with oxygen.

Sometimes blood vessels become clogged due to a strong accumulation of cholesterol in them, which leads to disruption of their patency. People at risk are:

  • people suffering from diabetes mellitus of various forms;
  • suffering from arterial hypertension;
  • having problems with excess weight;
  • those with congenital predispositions to diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as smokers.

A heart attack can provoke pain that radiates to the left arm, left shoulder, back, and abdominal cavity. In addition, these conditions may be aggravated by the presence of:

  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • increased sweating;
  • shortness of breath;
  • heartburn;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • discomfort in the abdominal area.

Often women during menopause become victims of such conditions. The hormonal balance changes, and a decrease in hormones provokes the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Women over forty should regularly take special medications, which are prescribed by a specialist in each specific case.

Non-coronary diseases are more insidious and more difficult to diagnose, especially in the early stages. This subgroup of diseases includes pericarditis, myocarditis, angina pectoris, neurocirculatory dystonia, etc.

Pericarditis. Very often it is this that causes sharp, acute pain in the chest on the left. The pericardium itself is designed to protect the heart from overstrain and promote natural filling with blood.

Painful conditions arise due to acute inflammatory processes in this organ. A sharp stabbing pain becomes stronger when inhaling, and against this background a person may also experience:

  • labored breathing;
  • sudden change in body temperature;
  • fainting states.

Acute attacks of pain subside somewhat with various bends of the body.

Angina pectoris- another serious disease in which the heart muscle receives insufficient oxygen. This disease is characterized by constant sharp pain against the background of the normal rhythm of the heart muscle. People very often report that their chest is being squeezed like a vice. An occasional flare-up of angina may occur during intense physical activity. When the patient is at rest, the pain subsides.

At myocarditis the heart muscle is affected. There is aching and tightness in the chest, and patients complain of shortness of breath. Against this background, pain in the joints appears, and an increase in body temperature is noted. People generally feel as if their heart is stopping.

Aortic aneurysm It is considered a very serious and often fatal anomaly. In this case, there is an expansion of the walls in a certain area of ​​the vessel. That is why they become so thin and vulnerable that even a light blow or strong emotional stress can provoke their rupture.

This gap causes truly unbearable pain. People often interpret them as aching, boring and pulsating. There is a feeling that there is a fire burning inside. The pain can spread to the back and abdomen. As a result of a ruptured aortic aneurysm, people experience:

  • tachycardia;
  • weakness;
  • fainting conditions;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • dyspnea;
  • cough;
  • pain while swallowing.

The pressure also drops sharply, the person stops responding to questions.

Respiratory diseases

Chest pain on the left can provoke diseases of the respiratory organs, especially if the pleura or bronchi are affected.

The pleura is a membrane that covers the lungs with a large number of nerve endings. When the pleura becomes inflamed, severe pain occurs sharply and is localized in the place where, in fact, the pleura is affected.

Pleurisy. Its main symptom is a strong increase in pain when inhaling. Patients note that it increases if they try to cough or scream. If you stop breathing, the pain goes away. Also, pain disappears if people instinctively tilt their torso to the healthy side. That is why patients suffering from this disease try to constantly be in a position in which the painful sensations recede. They also try to breathe frequently and shallowly. With this disease, the following are often observed:

  • a sharp increase in temperature in the evening;
  • increased sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • bluish skin;
  • swelling of the neck veins.

Spontaneous pneumothorax- This is a condition in which air moves from the lung to the pleural area. The membrane is irritated, and this causes an attack of stabbing and cutting pain. If you try to take a deep breath, this further increases the pain syndrome. Very often the pain can radiate to the shoulder, neck or lower back.

In some cases, the pain is so severe that the person may lose consciousness. It becomes very difficult for people not only to move, but even to breathe. Tachycardia appears. Painful sensations go away throughout the day, and breathing problems can only arise when trying some kind of physical activity.

Pulmonary embolism is a condition where a blood vessel in the lung becomes blocked. If this happened on the left side, then in this condition patients complain of a sudden sharp pain, which intensifies with a deep breath. People in this state begin to breathe shallowly and frequently. Against the background of such conditions, patients may develop a feeling of panic and anxiety, as well as dizziness and weakness, even fainting. Sometimes there are convulsions.

Emphysema may cause stabbing pain in the left chest. This is a disease in which air bubbles begin to move into the chest area. Air begins to enter from the outside due to injuries to the esophagus or respiratory tract. In addition to stabbing pain, people experience a feeling of chest constriction. Against the background of this condition, the following are noted:

  • dyspnea;
  • hoarse and nasal voice;
  • appearance of cough;
  • pain may radiate to other areas.

Neurological ailments

Sharp cutting or, conversely, dull aching pain can be caused by intercostal neuralgia. As the name itself suggests, with this disease the intercostal nerve endings begin to become irritated. Sometimes this condition can be triggered by an uncomfortable posture during sleep or careless movement during some kind of physical activity.

The pain often occurs suddenly, intensifies when inhaling, radiates under the ribs, but sometimes even with shallow, rapid breathing a person is haunted by unpleasant sensations. When trying to make sudden movements, the pain also intensifies. This condition is aggravated by:

  • tingling in the chest;
  • uncontrolled muscle twitching;
  • heavy sweating.

Cardioneurosis. It can be triggered by sudden stress or a series of stressful conditions. With this disease, dull aching pain in the left upper part of the chest is often noted. Sometimes they give way to rather strong but short-lived painful sensations. People with this diagnosis complain of:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • high blood pressure;
  • causeless anxiety and worry.

Diseases and injuries of the spine

Osteochondrosis- one of the most common pathologies of the spine. With this disease, a degenerative process is observed that leads to the destruction of the vertebral discs. Often the root cause of this disease is a sedentary lifestyle - excessive sitting at the computer, driving, etc. Also, the start for the development of the disease can be incorrect posture or excess weight.

As a result, the nerve roots of the vertebrae are irritated and compressed, and blood circulation is impaired. Pain can haunt a person constantly and intensify during movement.

At the beginning of the disease, chest pain does not appear, however, as it develops, people begin to complain of:

  • discomfort during inhalation or exhalation;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • discomfort in the left hypochondrium;
  • feeling of a “stake” in the chest.

These pains or other unpleasant sensations can bother people at night, causing signs of panic, as they sometimes resemble myocardial infarction or angina. However, pain due to osteochondrosis decreases sharply if you do a little warm-up or change your body position.

In other cases, the cause of pain in the left side of the chest is trauma to a person. The danger of this phenomenon lies in the fact that the moment of impact itself can pass almost unnoticed, and only later manifest itself as aching chest pain. You can guess the presence of a hematoma if you touch the site of the bruise with your hand, in which case the discomfort will only intensify. The pain may also become more intense during movement or even while breathing.

Other reasons

In men and women, similar pain can also occur due to various lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Among the common reasons:

  • Gastritis when the gastric mucosa is irritated (see also - symptoms of gastritis).
  • Pancreatic pathologies eg pancreatitis. In this case, nausea appears against the background of aching pain.
  • Problems with the spleen, especially after injury.
  • Stomach ulcer, in which pain spreads to the left side of the chest, aggravated by nausea, vomiting or severe heartburn.

In addition, there are specific, so-called. “female” causes of pain in the left side of the chest. These include:

  • Mastopathy or benign growth of the mammary glands.
  • Premenstrual syndrome, in which excessive breast enlargement is also noted.
  • Iodine deficiency in organism.

How to understand what hurts behind the sternum (video)

Three tests for chest pain. Elena Malysheva and her colleagues will talk about them in detail. How a stress test is performed - ECG at rest and during physical activity.

What to do and who to contact

The first step in case of frequent or constant pain in the left side of the chest is to completely exclude any self-diagnosis options. These activities should be carried out only in a specialized medical institution.

First, you should contact a general practitioner, and after examining and analyzing the patient’s complaints, he can redirect him to other specialists - a cardiologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon.

General diagnostic measures may include:

  • radiography;
  • electrocardiography;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • study of pulmonary vessels;
  • blood and urine tests with further examination for the presence/absence of various inflammatory processes.

Only based on the results of a comprehensive study can correct and adequate treatment be prescribed.

In the future, after treatment, a person should adhere to the recommendations of his attending physician. It is necessary to follow the correct diet, which is prescribed individually. In parallel, psychotherapy sessions can be prescribed if the root cause of the illness was various mental disorders.

For various injuries or physical damage, various physiotherapeutic procedures may be indicated in the future. The complete abandonment of bad habits is unconditional and necessary.

Do not put off visiting a doctor if you often have chest pain. Modern medicine has a wide enough range of diagnostic measures to correctly identify such pain.


Questions of etiology

Pain can be of different types:

  1. 1. People have pain under the chest, cutting, aching, burning or piercing on the left side.
  2. 2. The intensity of symptoms in men and women can vary from mild to severe pain, periodic and constant.
  3. 3. Gives off to different parts of the body. Usually it stabs under the shoulder blade, in the heart area, abdominal cavity, jaw, neck, upper limb or shoulder.
  4. 4. Soreness can change location when inhaling, changing posture, or performing hand movements.

The causes of such symptoms may be diseases:

  1. 1. Digestive tract.
  2. 2. Thoracic spinal column.
  3. 3. Heart, especially angina and heart attack, damage to the membranes and cardiac tissue.
  4. 4. Lesions of a rheumatic nature.
  5. 5. Neurological diseases.
  6. 6. Damage to the ribs.

Why does it hurt in the heart area? Pain in the area of ​​the left sternum is associated with the heart, and this is precisely the reason for contacting cardiologists so that they can explain what this or that symptom means.

Doctors divide heart pain into 2 large groups:

  1. 1. Anginal, which are associated with coronary disease.
  2. 2. Cardialgia caused by inflammatory heart diseases, congenital pathologies, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Ischemic and angina pectoris, severe or mild pain in the chest appears when a person experiences emotional tension, stress, or increased blood pressure or blood flow. They manifest themselves during movement, emotional disorders, leaving a state of rest, and occur in the form of attacks.

The pain differs in nature:

  • burning;
  • pressing;
  • compressive.

Localized in the left shoulder, arm, behind the sternum, lower jaw, accompanied by shortness of breath. If the pain is strong and pressing, radiating to the sternum, then this is a sign of a heart attack. It is urgent to call an ambulance or take the patient to the hospital, since pain cannot be relieved with nitroglycerin drugs.

The cardiological group of heart pain manifests itself in diseases such as:

  1. 1. Rheumatic pathologies.
  2. 2. Myocarditis.
  3. 3. Pericarditis.

They have an aching, stabbing character that lasts for a long time. The pain is localized to the left of the sternum, becoming stronger when coughing or sighing. It can be eliminated for a short time with painkillers, but not with Nitroglycerin.

Other reasons. Factors that provoke pain in the heart area are also caused by other diseases, not just heart ones. It can be classified according to the manifestations and intensity of pain:

  1. 1. When turning the body or bending, moving the arms, breathing, it is very painful - this is a symptom of the development of thoracic radiculitis, costal cartilage.
  2. 2. During movement, severe pain appears that affects the intercostal space, which indicates the activation of the shingles virus in the human body. If mild or intermittent pain is observed when walking, then this is evidence of the onset of neurosis.
  3. 3. Depression or stress provokes pain that radiates to the neck and shoulder.
  4. 4. Shortness of breath occurs due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, when there is pressure on the heart, especially after eating. Particularly noteworthy are pathologies of the small intestine, stomach ulcers, gastritis, dyspepsia, accompanied by nausea and pain, the development of a hiatal hernia, and the formation of cancerous growths that arise in the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. 5. Shortness of breath and pain can be caused by a pinched cardiac nerve, curvature of the spine, or the development of osteochondrosis.
  6. 6. Problems with the spleen, its inflammation or pathologies provoke a heart attack. This includes an abscess, a splenic cyst, its injuries, rupture, twisting of the pedicle, and the development of infectious mononucleosis. The consequence of such processes can be a heart attack or coronary heart disease.
  7. 7. Problems with the bronchi and lungs, among which pneumonia and pleurisy of a left-sided nature stand out. Their signs include dull, weak pain in the side, back, and chest.
  8. 8. Oncological diseases of the mammary glands, or the occurrence of a cyst, abscess, fibroadenoma there.

If your chest hurts from above, then you should find out and eliminate the causes of this symptom. They can be varied and are worth knowing.

In any case, you will not be able to determine the exact causes of pain in the upper chest on your own; this must be done by a doctor, and after a thorough and comprehensive examination. But so that he can make assumptions and move in the right direction, you should help him collect anamnesis, that is, draw up a detailed picture of the condition and analyze the symptoms.

  • First, evaluate the nature of the pain, which can be aching, sharp, dull, stabbing, pulling, cutting.
  • Then try to remember exactly when the symptom began to appear or after what actions or events it occurs, if it is periodic. Thus, pain can develop or intensify after stress, intense physical activity, after eating, after an illness or injury, before menstruation in women.
  • It is worth identifying the accompanying symptoms that accompany the pain. Discomfort, changes in heartbeat, breathing problems, stiffness of movement, increased body temperature, general malaise or weakness, digestive problems, and abnormal discharge from the nipples may occur.

Important: if you describe your condition in detail, then making an accurate diagnosis by a specialist will be much faster and easier.

Problems with the respiratory or cardiovascular system

The chest has a complex structure and contains many vital organs, such as the stomach, heart and lungs. And if one of them fails, it can make itself felt and manifest itself in the form of pain localized in the upper chest.

Let's consider the possible causes of pain in the upper chest:

  • Myocardial infarction. It is believed that with such a serious disease, pain is localized under the breast, but this is not so. Different parts of the heart muscle can be affected, in addition, sometimes the pain spreads to other areas of the body, for example, to the shoulder blades and even shoulders. In case of a heart attack, the main symptom may be accompanied by disturbances in heart rhythm, breathing problems, panic, weakness, and loss of consciousness. Timely medical assistance is urgently needed.
  • Angina pectoris. With this disease, the main symptom is pain localized in the chest and spreading to the neck, shoulder blades, shoulders and even the jaw. They usually occur after stress or physical exertion, are quite acute in nature and fade away after the patient’s condition has stabilized in about twenty minutes.
  • Pericarditis. This is the name for damage to the serous membranes of the heart (parietal or visceral layer of the pericardium). With the disease in question, pain in the chest area (including in its upper quadrants), increased heart rate, cough, malaise, shortness of breath, and weakness periodically appear.
  • Aortic aneurysm. In this condition, the diameter of the aorta increases, and the most dangerous and complex type is considered to be a dissecting aneurysm, in which the inner layer is stratified, which forms a false passage (blood circulates through it, further stretching the wall). Symptoms include pain localized in the chest (their location depends on the location of the deformed section of the artery), difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, cough, and hoarseness. A dangerous complication is aortic rupture, which can be fatal.
  • Rheumatic carditis is a lesion of the heart of a rheumatic nature, in which swelling, severe pain in the chest, shortness of breath, surges in blood pressure, increased heart rate and other symptoms are observed.
  • Some diseases of the pleura or lungs, for example, tracheitis, pleuralgia, pleurisy. If pain in the lungs does not develop very often, then the pleura is literally penetrated by nerve fibers, and therefore intense sensations often occur in this part. In acute tracheitis (the so-called inflammation of the trachea), pain is also likely, but it manifests itself to a greater extent during coughing. Many inflammatory diseases disrupt respiratory functions and are accompanied by respiratory failure.

Disturbances in the functioning of the mammary glands

If the upper part of your chest hurts, then the reasons for the development of such a symptom may lie in a malfunction of the mammary glands. These organs are very sensitive, have a complex structure and contain many nerve fibers, so pain is a common occurrence. They can be triggered by the following conditions or diseases:

  1. Mastopathy. This disease is very common and is characterized by a pathological change in the ratio of breast tissue, as well as their proliferation. Painful sensations can be localized in different parts, but they are often accompanied by the presence of palpable nodules and lumps, discharge from the nipples, a feeling of fullness, discomfort or heaviness, breast engorgement and an increase in its size.
  2. Various neoplasms: both benign and malignant. Tumors can be located in different parts of the breast, including the upper quadrants. If the size of the neoplasm is significant, it can be detected during self-examination. Symptoms such as pain, pathological discharge from the nipples, heaviness, changes in the shape or size of the mammary glands are likely.
  3. Lactostasis can develop only in lactating women and is caused by stagnation of milk. If the accumulation has formed in the upper quadrant of the mammary gland, then the pain will be localized in this area. And such a symptom may be accompanied by hyperemia, general malaise, and increased body temperature.
  4. Mastitis usually also occurs during breastfeeding and is characterized by inflammation of the mammary gland tissue caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into them (they can enter through cracks in the nipples). With this disease, pain is accompanied by redness, purulent or bloody discharge from the nipples, local or general increase in body temperature, and fever.

Other causes of pain

Pain in the upper chest can be associated with other problems. It’s worth starting with disorders of the digestive tract. Since the stomach and esophagus are located precisely in the chest, if there are malfunctions in the functioning of these organs, pain sensations can be localized in the area in question. Gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis or stomach ulcers, spasm or trauma to the esophagus can lead to the development of pain syndrome. In diseases of the digestive tract, belching, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, reflux of gastric juice, and a burning sensation in the chest space are often observed.

There are many nerve fibers and endings in the chest, some of which are located between the ribs and can be irritated. The sudden and acute pain associated with this occurs with intercostal neuralgia and neuritis. They can seem to “shoot” through the chest or the entire upper body, spreading to the shoulders, neck, and arms.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, accompanied by stiffness of movement, can lead to pain. Also, the symptom in question is caused by other conditions and diseases, for example, muscle strain or rupture of their fibers as a result of intense training, or injuries.

If you are worried about pain in the upper chest, then consult a doctor and be sure to find out the causes of the problem. To get rid of an unpleasant or even painful symptom, you need to act on the factors that provoked its occurrence. But only a specialist can prescribe treatment after a complete examination.

Thoracalgia is pain in the chest that occurs when the intercostal nerves are compressed or irritated, or when they are damaged by viruses or any other factors.

Attacks of pain occur due to muscle spasms caused by irritation of the affected nerve. The substrate for thoracalgia can be damage to the spinal ganglia, peripheral nerves, spinal cord membranes, intervertebral discs, muscles, joints, ligaments and fascia.

Sometimes such pain is interpreted as psychogenic.

Thoracalgia - what you need to know

Vertebrogenic variant of the syndrome

Vertebrogenic (discogenic) thoracalgia, mentioned in ICD10, is the most common variant of this pain syndrome. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it occurs with diseases of the spine, for example, with damage to the intervertebral discs.

There are four clinical types of diseases of vertebrogenic origin:

  1. Pain due to functional disorders of the lower cervical spine. In this case, pain in the upper chest, radiating to the shoulder, neck and entire arm.
  2. Pain arising from disorders of the upper thoracic spine. Characterized by diffuse, prolonged chest pain, pain in the interscapular region, and difficulty breathing.
  3. Painful attacks due to lesions of the scapular region. It is characterized by pain of various types: stabbing, cutting, dull, sharp, long-term or short-term. Pain is often localized in the interscapular region, occurs during inhalation and exhalation, and sometimes radiates along the intercostal nerves.
  4. Pain occurs when the anterior chest wall is compressed. In this case, the pain is long-lasting, aching, localized near the sternum and intensifies with movement.

Causes that cause the syndrome

Osteochondrosis, herniated discs, scoliosis most often cause chest pain, other diseases are much less common.

Osteochondrosis leads the list, as it leads to a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs, which in turn leads to a decrease in the height of the intervertebral canals and an increase in the likelihood of impingement.

The pain can be localized to the left or right of the spine, which indicates infringement of specific spinal cord roots. Right-sided localization is more common.

The causes of vertebrogenic thoracalgia are:

  • osteochondrosis, disc protrusion, intervertebral hernia of the cervical or thoracic spine;
  • scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis;
  • spinal injuries;
  • Scheuermann-Mau disease;
  • functional disorders of the facet joints of the thoracic region.

Osteochondrosis is manifested by a dull aching pain, which is characterized by so-called “lumbago”. Intervertebral hernias are a complication of osteochondrosis.

For example, increased blood pressure, in the absence of any heart disease.

Among spinal injuries, the leading role is played by vertebral fractures due to falls from a height, impacts, etc. Scheuermann-Mau disease is characterized by disruption of the formation of vertebrae in childhood and adolescence.

Symptoms of the disease

The disease has simple symptoms. Therefore, this condition can be diagnosed quickly and correctly. It is customary to distinguish the main and accompanying symptoms.

Main symptoms

The leading clinical manifestation is persistent pain in the spine.

There is a violation of posture, deformation of the spine, and sometimes restriction of movements in the corresponding department. There is a shortening of the body, a decrease in height by 10-15 centimeters. The distance between the ribs and pelvic bones decreases.

Pain occurs when palpating the spine, which is associated with a weakening of the osseous-ligamentous apparatus, as well as spasm of the muscular system.

The pain usually has a burning character, spreads along the intercostal spaces, is localized on one side or has a girdling character. Painful sensations intensify when making sudden movements, sneezing, coughing.

The source of pain is usually located along the nerve and is easily palpable. There is a disturbance in the sensitivity of the skin in the area innervated by the affected roots of the spinal cord. With vertebrogenic thoracalgia, so-called muscle defence occurs - tension in the muscles of the back and neck.

Associated symptoms

When performing movements, a crunching of the vertebrae occurs. The patient feels discomfort; it seems to him that goosebumps are crawling in the interscapular area.

The above symptoms may intensify when exposed to cold temperatures or when staying in one position for a long time.

Healing procedures

At this stage, there is no quick and effective treatment that can save the patient from this disease. This is due to the localization of the process.

Under optimal conditions, success in the treatment of vertebrogenic thoracalgia can be expected already in the first month of taking the drugs.

Under other conditions, treatment is delayed. For a good effect, you need to combine drug therapy with physiotherapy, in particular with special massages and therapeutic exercises.

Spinal traction is very rarely used, but recently this method is often disputed. To relieve pain, you can turn to acupuncture.

Drug treatment

Most often, a neurologist prescribes treatment with the following drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs (meloxicam, diclofenac);
  • muscle relaxants (baklosan, mydocalm, sirdalud);
  • neuroprotectors (thioctic acid);
  • B vitamins.

Physiotherapy and massage

To improve the effect, special procedures are included in the treatment regimen. The patient should not refuse this opportunity, since these procedures promote rapid recovery and consolidation of the effect.

It is necessary to carry out the procedures in a complex, ending each session with a massage, which is aimed at working with the subscapularis muscles and the paravertebral area of ​​the thoracic region.

It is not recommended to do therapeutic exercises before completing a course of drug therapy. Massages increase blood circulation to the damaged root, which leads to increased swelling and worsening of the condition.

Therefore, you should undergo a course of treatment and then resort to physical therapy.

Vertebrogenic thoracalgia is a condition that requires attention from the patient. With timely detection and proper, comprehensive treatment, it is possible to deal with this problem without losing quality of life.

If symptoms occur, it is imperative to consult a specialist to make a diagnosis and prescribe individual treatment.

Many people come to see a doctor complaining of back and chest pain. This situation is widespread at any age and can cause understandable anxiety. But without visiting a doctor, it is difficult to guess what is causing this. Moreover, taking any action without consulting a specialist may not only be ineffective, but also dangerous.


Chest pain on the right brings significant discomfort, but for the time being it may not cause serious concern in patients. Another thing is pain in the left half of the chest, which many associate with heart disease. Here people still tend to be cautious. Although pain in the right side is not directly related to cardiac pathology, it can be a manifestation of no less serious diseases. And delay in diagnosing the effectiveness of treatment will not increase the effectiveness of treatment.

The causes of pain in the right half of the chest are quite varied. This symptom is associated with diseases of the spinal column or is not of vertebrogenic origin. In the latter case, they mean diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems. Thus, chest pain on the right appears in the following conditions:

  1. Spinal diseases.
  2. Pathology of the respiratory system.
  3. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder.
  4. Diseases of the esophagus.
  5. Vascular pathology.
  6. Intercostal neuralgia.
  7. Injuries.

Only after a medical examination and additional diagnostic methods will it become clear what caused the pain. And the patient only needs to seek medical help at a specialized institution.

The appearance of pain in the chest and back is caused by vertebrogenic conditions or pathology of internal organs.


Manifestations of a particular disease are revealed in the form of subjective complaints or objective symptoms identified during a clinical examination. The first group of symptoms includes pain. It is typical for each of the listed conditions and is the main complaint of patients, while having its own characteristics:

  • Sharp or dull.
  • Aching, stabbing, spastic, throbbing.
  • Intense or weak.
  • Constant or periodic.
  • Localized to the right of the sternum, in the hypochondrium, pain in the right side or back.
  • Intensifies with deep inspiration, coughing, bending and turning the body.

As a rule, pain in the chest on the right is not the only symptom - most diseases are accompanied by various signs, which sometimes have a predominant position in the clinical picture. And in order to identify them, the doctor needs to detail the complaints and conduct an examination. The patient is required to answer questions and follow the specialist's instructions.

To exclude this or that pathology, it is necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis of conditions with similar symptoms.

Spinal diseases

Vertebrogenic causes of back pain are the most common. These include osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, spondyloarthrosis and other diseases of the axial skeleton. Painful sensations result from radicular disorders and muscle spasms. As a rule, they are localized in the spine, radiating in various directions: the shoulder girdle, arms, the right side of the chest, the heart area, and the upper abdomen. The condition is aggravated by moving the body and taking deep breaths. The back muscles are in a spastic state, and the paravertebral points are painful on palpation.

In addition, the structure of radicular syndrome (radiculopathy) includes neurological disorders associated with impaired impulses along sensory, motor and autonomic fibers. These include:

  • Feeling of tingling, numbness, burning, "crawling."
  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Strengthening or suppression of tendon reflexes.
  • Changes in skin color and moisture.

Similar symptoms appear in those areas that are innervated by the affected root. With more serious disorders, the spinal cord may also be damaged, which will lead to conduction disorders in the form of paresis and paralysis, pelvic disorders (urinary and fecal incontinence, impotence in men).

Diseases of the spinal column occupy an important place in the structure of pain in the back and chest. Therefore, they are thought of first.

Pathology of the respiratory system

If chest pain on the right is accompanied by a cough, then many will suspect problems in the respiratory system. And this is quite reasonable. Similar symptoms often occur with pneumonia, pleurisy, pneumothorax, and lung cancer. Such diseases are mainly accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Dry or wet cough.
  • Difficulty inhaling or exhaling (shortness of breath).
  • Sputum secretion: mucous, purulent, bloody.

Chest pain in the lung area occurs when coughing or taking a deep breath. With pleurisy, they decrease in position on the affected side. If the disease is inflammatory in nature, then the body temperature rises and general weakness and malaise bothers you. In the case of cancer, emaciation, pallor, and lack of appetite are often observed. Clinical examination reveals wheezing, pleural friction noise, weakened breathing, and a change in percussion sound over the pathological area.

Liver and gallbladder diseases

Pathology of the hepatobiliary system is also accompanied by pain in the right half of the chest. With cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia or hepatitis, they arise in the hypochondrium and can radiate to the back (under the scapula), periclavicular area and neck. In addition, the following symptoms will be present:

  • Feeling of bitterness in the mouth.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Nausea.
  • Bloating.
  • Changing the stool.

With inflammation of the liver or gallstones, yellowing of the sclera and skin is characteristic. Hepatitis may be accompanied by a skin rash or joint pain. In this case, the liver enlarges, which becomes painful on palpation.

The chronic course of hepatitis often leads to disruption of all liver functions and will eventually become a source of cirrhotic changes.

Diseases of the esophagus

If there is pain in the chest on the right, you need to think about the pathology of the esophagus, because a similar symptom occurs with esophagitis, achalasia cardia or diaphragmatic hernia. Unpleasant sensations can be localized behind the sternum, in the heart or back, they are often associated with food intake and have a burning character. The following symptoms complement the clinical picture:

  • Difficulty swallowing and passing food (dysphagia).
  • Heartburn.
  • Belching.

Unpleasant sensations also intensify in a horizontal position, when the backflow (regurgitation) of stomach contents into the esophagus occurs.

Vascular pathology

Chest pain on the right can be observed with vascular pathology, which includes pulmonary embolism and aortic aneurysm. These are very serious conditions associated with a high risk of life. General signs of this pathology may be:

  • Intense pain in the chest or heart area, reminiscent of angina or myocardial infarction.
  • Cyanosis of the face or upper body.
  • Swelling of the neck veins.

Thromboembolism is characterized by sudden shortness of breath, cough with bloody sputum, decreased blood pressure, and severe weakness. An aortic aneurysm can lead to accumulation of blood in the heart sac (hemopericardium) and rupture of the valves.

Acute pathology of the chest vessels requires timely detection and emergency care.

Intercostal neuralgia

The simplest cause of chest pain on the right is considered to be intercostal neuralgia. It often appears due to hypothermia, muscle strain or awkward movement. The pain spreads along the ribs and can radiate to the heart, back or other parts of the chest. They intensify when inhaling, sneezing, coughing, laughing, or turning the body. In the area of ​​the affected nerve, an area of ​​increased sensitivity (hyperesthesia) is noted, and palpation is painful.


If the patient has a stabbing sensation in the chest area, then we must not forget about possible injuries. In everyday life or sports, rib bruises or fractures are often encountered. The clinical picture of the injury depends on the type and degree of damage. Local symptoms may include:

  • Swelling.
  • Abrasions, hematoma.
  • Pain with movements in the chest and palpation.

A rib fracture may be accompanied by damage to the pleural layers and lung tissue, which will cause the development of pneumothorax and internal bleeding. Severe bruises also lead to structural and functional disorders in the internal organs.

The type of injury is determined based on an analysis of the mechanism of injury and its clinical picture.


Why pain occurs in the chest on the right can be definitively determined based on the results of an additional examination. It includes some laboratory and instrumental tools prescribed by a doctor based on the suspected disease. The following diagnostic procedures are most often required:

  1. Clinical blood and urine tests.
  2. Blood biochemistry (liver tests, acute phase indicators, d-dimer, coagulogram).
  3. X-ray of the spine and lungs.
  4. Magnetic resonance (computer) tomography.
  5. Angiography.
  6. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, heart and aorta (with Doppler sonography).
  7. Esophagogastroscopy.

If necessary, patients are consulted by related specialists: vertebrologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, traumatologist. Based on a complete examination, a final conclusion about a particular pathology is made. And only after determining the origin of the pain syndrome, treatment begins.

Pain in the left side of the chest can signal a variety of pathologies. Sometimes even experienced doctors do not immediately determine the true causes of discomfort. Often these are heart diseases. But, in addition to such ailments, pain may indicate problems with the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, spine, and central nervous system.

What does discomfort indicate?

Pain in the left side of the chest is most often triggered by severe stress. In this case, there is a possibility that the patient will have a heart attack. Especially if the discomfort occurs unexpectedly and is sudden.

At the same time, there are various causes of pain that do not threaten the patient’s life. But even in this case, the seriousness of such manifestations cannot be ruled out. A mild aching pain in the left side of the chest seems harmless only at first glance.

The severity of the disease can be assessed by accompanying symptoms. Listen carefully to your condition, whether your pain in the left region of the sternum is associated with:

  • pallor;
  • shortness of breath;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • sweating

Most importantly, even with minimal discomfort, consult a doctor. The prescribed examination will allow you to timely identify the disease and save you from further development of the pathology.

Common Causes

If a patient experiences pain in the left side of the chest, then the first diseases that an experienced doctor will check for are pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Ailments that provoke such discomfort include:

  1. Angina pectoris. Due to ischemia (tissue damage caused by hypoxia), pain occurs. Pathology appears after physical activity or stress. The patient needs rest and the use of nitrates.
  2. Myocardial infarction. Part of the heart muscle dies. The patient experiences severe left-sided (sometimes central) chest pain. Discomfort occurs suddenly. The pain may spread to the left arm, shoulder, neck, jaw or abdomen.
  3. Pericarditis. The mucous membrane around the heart becomes inflamed. The discomfort is aggravated in a supine position. The condition is accompanied by a cough. The patient experiences relief in a sitting position or leaning forward. Difficulty breathing, slightly elevated temperature, and fatigue may occur.
  4. Pulmonary embolism. With this pathology, a blockage of the pulmonary artery occurs. The condition resembles a heart attack. Suddenly the pain begins, quite severe. As a result of blockage, the lung tissue dies. With such a diagnosis, the patient has difficulty breathing, a cough containing bloody sputum, sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, paleness with a bluish tint.
  5. Aortic dissection. Blood accumulates in the wall of the aorta. The inner and middle layers begin to separate. There is a rupture. The patient experiences sharp, severe pain. It can be felt in the back, neck, stomach, jaw. The condition is very similar to a heart attack.

Respiratory tract diseases

After excluding pathologies of the cardiac system, a fair question arises: “Why does it hurt in the left side of the chest?” The answer to this may be hidden in pathologies of the respiratory tract.

Some infections can cause frequent acute pain in the left sternum. As a rule, they are accompanied by:

  • cough;
  • shortness of breath;
  • sputum;
  • fever.

If the source of discomfort is non-infectious pathologies, then hyperthermia, as a rule, is not observed.

Among the main reasons are the following:

  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • cancer (pleura, lung);
  • tuberculosis;
  • pleurisy.

Diseases of the peritoneum

Unfortunately, gastrointestinal pathologies cannot be ruled out. Many peritoneal organs are located in this area. Often such diseases manifest themselves as pain in the left side of the chest.

Discomfort increases when lying down. Most often we are talking about diseases that affect:

  • stomach;
  • spleen;
  • left kidney;
  • pancreas;
  • left lobe of the liver.

The most common sources of unilateral “left” chest pain are:

  • ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • pathology of the left kidney;
  • ailments of the spleen;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gallstone diseases.

Discomfort under left breast

Determining the source of pain is sometimes quite difficult. There are muscles under the breasts, which can be caused by severe anxiety and stress.

It should not be forgotten that in this area there is:

  • spleen;
  • pancreas;
  • part of the diaphragm.

Constant pain in the left side of the chest can be caused by pathologies of these organs. Certain diseases cause the spleen to become enlarged and sometimes rupture (infectious mononucleosis). In this case, the patient experiences severe discomfort in the left chest.

Stomach diseases (ulcers, gastritis, cancer) can provoke pain. A diaphragmatic hernia also causes discomfort in the above area.

Pain in the upper left chest

Such sensations most often occur with various heart pathologies. In the case of ischemia, the pain in the left upper part of the chest is of a pressing, squeezing nature. As a rule, it lasts 5-15 minutes. Discomfort spreads to the area of ​​the left shoulder and arm. Sometimes it can even reach the little finger.

Excessive physical or mental overstimulation can provoke an attack of angina. The patient will also experience severe discomfort in the left breast. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to myocardial infarction.

Another disease that causes pain in the left side of the chest (above) is cardioneurosis. The discomfort is long-lasting and aching in nature. In this case, the pain is felt specifically in the upper chest area.

Aching discomfort

Such pain most often characterizes hormonal changes. Therefore, we often encounter this type of discomfort:

  • teenagers;
  • women during menopause;
  • individuals diagnosed with thyroid dysfunction.

If we are talking about teenagers, then most often the discomfort goes away on its own, after the end of the period of growing up. Doctors recommend these children:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • healthy eating;
  • some sedatives;
  • moderate physical activity.

Women experiencing heart pain during menopause should be examined by a doctor. Since reduced production of sex hormones can affect the functioning of any internal organs. Only an examination will allow you to exclude severe heart pathologies.

This also applies to patients suffering from thyroid disorders. Any pathologies can seriously affect internal organs. Consultation with an endocrinologist is the only right decision.

Stitching discomfort

The source of such sensations may be a change in the heart or other organs. Stitching pain in the left side of the chest, paroxysmal in nature, constantly intensifying, accompanied by shortness of breath - this is a serious reason to call an ambulance.

This type of pain can be observed with rheumatic heart disease, inflammation of the heart muscle. Painkillers can improve the condition somewhat.

Stitching pain can be caused by many other pathologies:

  • diseases of the digestive organs;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • pneumonia;
  • rib fracture;
  • pleurisy;

Dull sensations

Most often, such discomfort is directly related to pericarditis. A dull pain in the left side of the chest is constant. Sometimes she can be harsh and strong. Pericarditis is an inflammatory process of a special membrane that holds the heart in the required position.

Dull, severe pain localized along the spine, which is accompanied by weakness, may indicate a dissecting aortic aneurysm.

Chronic pathologies of the pancreas can also cause similar sensations on the left side of the sternum.

The appearance of discomfort is also provoked by cancerous tumors of the stomach and lung. Particularly strong sensations arise in the last stages.

Patients who feel a dull pain in the left side of the sternum should immediately refuse any exercise. This is especially true for walking.

In this condition, it is best to lie down. Or, at the very least, sit down comfortably. The patient is given a Nitroglycerin tablet and, without delay, calls an ambulance. It is strictly forbidden to travel to a medical facility on your own. You should not delay visiting a doctor. Because we are talking about the patient's life.

Nagging pain

This discomfort can be caused by several reasons.

If the patient experiences unilateral nagging pain, then most often we are talking about a pathology in the thoracic spine - osteochondrosis. This disease is characterized by changes in the intervertebral discs.

The source may be improper load, impaired metabolism. Osteochondrosis often develops as a result of prolonged stay in one position. For example, this pathology is very common among office workers and drivers.

A nagging pain in the left side of the chest may signal the development of scoliosis. The reason is also hidden in the uneven and incorrect load on the spine.

Pain under the left breast can be a symptom of a fairly extensive list of diseases. Most people mistakenly believe that this is a manifestation of heart failure. In fact, it may cause an entirely different organ in the chest or even the abdomen. Therefore, any doctor, before drawing a conclusion about the disease, conducts a series of analyzes and tests designed to clarify the diagnosis. So why do my chest hurt?

Heart diseases

Following the principle of Occam's razor, the most probable reason is the true one, and you should start studying the issue from the heart. It is closest to the left side of the chest, and all its diseases are accompanied by various types of pain.

Myocardial infarction or ischemic disease

These pathologies are characterized by severe pain reflected in the left shoulder blade or arm. In order to survive an attack of the disease, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Coronary heart disease has the same symptoms, since the flow of blood to the myocardium with this pathology almost completely stops due to the closed lumen in the vessels. This blockage occurs due to a blood clot or cholesterol plaque formed on the wall, such as the aorta.

To relieve an attack, an antispasmodic is used, which relieves spasm from the vessel, forcing it to open; in addition, during an attack, a person is given drugs that slow down the heart rate, this is done in order to reduce the load on the heart muscles.


Prolonged, aching and pressing pain on the left may indicate that a person has myocarditis. These symptoms include weakness, shortness of breath, and arrhythmia. This disease is extremely dangerous, so if one or more of these symptoms appears, you should contact a cardiologist.


If there is a stabbing pain under the left breast, then most likely it is pericarditis. This is a pathology of the sac that covers the heart, in addition, it separates the heart from other organs. This is a kind of protection of the heart from physical influences.

Pericarditis, despite the pain sensations similar to a heart attack, including reflection in the shoulder blade and arm, is still very different in symptoms. The fact is that the nature of the sensations during inflammation of the pericardium changes depending on the position of the body in space or the depth of breathing.

The sharp pain may disappear completely when bending forward and return again when returning to an upright position. Doctors from specialized cardiology clinics will be able to correctly diagnose this disease.

Angina pectoris

With angina, pain under the left breast is the same as with a heart attack. However, this is caused by physical or psychological overload. Such an attack cannot last longer than 10-15 minutes. If this happens, you should call an ambulance.

Mitral valve prolapse

A fatal disease is mitral valve prolapse. The pathology is dangerous because it is usually asymptomatic, and a sharp pain in the left chest occurs shortly before death.

Aortic aneurysm

Aortic aneurysm is one of those diseases that almost always ends in death. The fact is that the aorta is the main vessel in the body, and its rupture, accompanied by severe pain and profuse bleeding into the chest cavity, leads to death. Few were able to help in such a situation.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Pain in the stomach and the organs closest to it can be reflected on the left side of the chest in both women and men. There are several diseases that cause pain.


Many people suffer from heartburn, but not everyone knows that the symptoms of this phenomenon are almost the same as those of cardiac ischemia - aching pain, sometimes turning into an acute phase. The reflex is caused by the fact that, for a number of reasons, a lot of excess acid has accumulated in the stomach, which, rising up the esophagus, causes severe pain to a person. In addition to pain with this disease, a person experiences pressure on the sternum, difficulty swallowing, and an acidic taste.


Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas. The chronic form of the pathology is characterized by prolonged attacks of aching pain in the left hypochondrium.

An acute attack is characterized by severe pain not only on the left side of the body, but also almost all around the torso, under the ribs. This can be reflected under the shoulder blade and under the left collarbone.

During such attacks, the patient may experience severe nausea and vomiting. Sometimes body temperature rises. A person in such a situation can die from painful shock, so you should call an ambulance.


Cholecystitis and gastric ulcer have absolutely similar symptoms - aching pain that subsides or, conversely, becomes stronger. It is localized on the left side of the chest. To differentiate between the two, gastroscopy is performed to provide visual confirmation of a stomach ulcer.

Respiratory system diseases

The human lungs, like other organs, are susceptible to various diseases. Due to the fact that there are no nerve endings in the lungs, lung diseases are not accompanied by pain. However, if the inflammatory process occurring in the lung or bronchi is accompanied by inflammation of the pleura, the membrane of the lung, then the pain becomes quite noticeable. The pleura, unlike the lung, is supplied with an abundance of nerve fibers.

A characteristic difference between pain caused by lung diseases is coughing.

So here's what might be causing the pain.


Caused by air entering the space between the pleura and the lung. In this case, the part of the chest where there is air will hurt.

Pneumothorax occurs only as a result of physical damage to the chest, injury, fall, or a strong blow to the chest. The victim cannot breathe on his own and experiences suffocation and, as a result, dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Only a specialist can help in such a situation; he will be able to remove air from the pleural cavity and restore breathing.

Pulmonary embolism

Most often, this pathology is recorded in middle-aged women; it develops against the background of regular use of contraceptive drugs in combination with smoking. The pathology is characterized by blockage of the main artery of the lung with a thrombus. Additional symptoms are suffocation, pain in the affected lung, which can be on the left, and difficulty breathing.


If it hurts on the left side under the chest, and at the same time a person is tormented by a lung-rending cough, then most likely it is pneumonia. In addition, this disease is accompanied by fever, chills and expectoration of mucus from the lungs.

Nervous system diseases

Pain, like other sensations and signals, is known to be transmitted through nerves. The chest is covered with an abundance of nerves, so the occurrence of pain under the left breast may be a manifestation of a dysfunction of the nervous system.

Parkinson's disease

With Parkinson's disease, not only the left side of the chest can hurt, but also the left ear and left leg. And all this at the same time. Unfortunately, today the pathology cannot be fully treated.

Intercostal neuralgia

Sometimes people are frightened by acute pain in the left side of the chest, but this can be quite harmless intercostal neuralgia. Most often it is caused by hypothermia, stress, or simply an uncomfortable position during sleep. Such attacks usually do not require treatment and go away on their own over time.


Sometimes the answer to the question of why there is pain in the left side under the chest is obvious and simple - a chest injury.

The pain from the blow may come a little later, that is, the person did not notice it due to a stressful situation, for example, a car accident or an unexpected fall. Therefore, sometimes a visual examination of the chest gives a clue - as a rule, a bruise remains at the site of the injury.

First aid

Since chest pain on the left can be caused by a huge number of different diseases, there is no first aid method. It is impossible to provide assistance to a person without a preliminary diagnosis made by a specialist. You cannot be in a stupor; the basic rule of providing assistance to an injured person is to urgently call an ambulance. It was this action that saved many people's lives.


You can also learn about the nature of pain in the left side of the sternum from the following video.

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