Where is boric acid powder used? Using boric acid solution against cockroaches: how to prepare liquid acid? Rules for processing the premises

Due to the fact that boric acid has proven itself to be an excellent remedy for various ailments, modern medicine adds it as an ingredient in small concentrations to ointments, creams and pastes. It is also worth noting that boric acid combines well with various other components - zinc oxide, naphthalan oil, salicylic acid. Boric acid is often added as a preservative to various ointments to extend their shelf life. In addition, boric acid is an excellent fertilizer for your garden.

MirSovetov will tell readers more about how boric acid and its derivatives are used.

Traditional and folk medicine

Traditional medicine has appreciated the properties of boric acid. Today it is used in many cases. Various medications that contain boric acid: solutions, creams, ointments, pastes, powders, most often contain 2-5% of this product. Basically, they are all disinfectant or antipruritic medicines and are prescribed for dermatoses of various etiologies, especially if they are at a progressive stage - this includes exacerbations of diseases such as neurodermatitis, dermatomycosis, eczema.

As for traditional medicine or cosmetology, here specialists also highly value boric acid. For example, it is part of a lotion, which is an excellent product for caring for the surface of the skin with such a phenomenon as excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). Boric lotion copes well with this problem. To prepare it, you need to take in equal proportions vinegar (regular table vinegar), an aqueous solution of boric acid (preferably 4%), cologne (any, at your discretion, to add aroma to this product). After the surface of the skin suffering from hyperhidrosis is lubricated with lotion, it is necessary to powder these areas with any powder, ideally baby powder.

Application options for boric acid

  1. Alcohol solution.
  2. The alcohol solution based on boric acid also includes ethyl alcohol. Depending on the concentration of boric acid, the use of the solution differs:

  • if the concentration is from 0.5% to 5%, then such solutions are used as an antiseptic. This drug is produced in bottles with a capacity of 10 milliliters;
  • if the concentration is from 3% to 5%, then this is an excellent remedy for the treatment of ear diseases, especially (including chronic ones). It is enough to drop three to five drops into the ear three times a day, or moisten the turunda with the solution, and then stick them into the sore ear. This solution also helps with dry skin and cracks on it;
  • if the concentration is 10%, then this drug is prescribed only by specialists. It is available in 25 gram bottles.
  • Water solution.
  • An aqueous solution based on boric acid is used for various purposes.

    • at a boric acid concentration of 1% to 4%, the solution is used to make lotions;
    • at a boric acid concentration of 2%, the solution is used to wash the skin if there is red acne on it;
    • at a boric acid concentration of 2% to 4%, the solution is used for rinsing the mouth and washing the genitals (for infectious diseases of the genitals and urinary tract).
  • Boron-zinc liniment.
  • The composition of boron-zinc liniment includes zinc oxide, boric acid and. This drug is used externally to treat various skin diseases.

    This medicine has remarkable antiseptic properties, and it is also a known drying agent.

    Boron-zinc liniment is sold in glass containers in an amount of twenty-five grams.

  • Naftalan paste.
  • This product consists not only of boric acid, but also of various auxiliary agents: wheat starch, zinc oxide and, of course, naphthalan ointment.

    This drug is used as an antiseptic, and also as an anesthetic in the fight against neuralgia and.

  • Teymurov's pasta.
  • Boric acid is also contained in Teymurov's paste. This drug is able to dry and disinfect the skin, deodorize the area of ​​the skin to which it is applied.

    Teymurov's paste is used for increased sweating of the feet and diaper rash.

    This drug is produced in tubes or jars.

  • Boric ointment.
  • A fairly common drug that is often used in everyday life. This medicine contains, in addition to boric acid, regular petroleum jelly.

    This ointment is used as an antiseptic drug. When using the ointment, you must be very careful not to get it in your eyes.

    Boric ointment is available only in jars.

    Side effects from the use of boric acid

    Like any other medicine, boric acid has possible side effects. You should be especially careful about your health if you have been taking the drug for a very long time, or an overdose has occurred, or you have problems with your kidneys.

    Side effects from taking boric acid are expressed by the manifestation of toxic reactions of the body: vomiting, peeling of the skin, rash, confusion, decreased volume of urine excreted, shock.

    Contraindications for the use of boric acid

    1. Contraindications for the use of boric acid are kidney problems, pregnancy or individual intolerance to the components.
    2. Preparations containing boric acid should not be used by children.
    3. Nursing mothers should not treat their nipples with boric acid.
    4. It is undesirable to treat large areas of the body with preparations that contain boric acid.

    Boric acid in agriculture

    Boric acid is an excellent microfertilizer that is used to feed various crops during their growth. Thanks to the properties of this product, the nutrition of the ovaries improves in plants and the yield increases.

    Boric acid helps to increase the number of ovaries on fruit and berry plants, form new growth points of both stems and roots, increase the sugar content of fruits, and reduce the likelihood of diseases in plants that appear due to a lack of boron. By the way, potatoes are very sensitive to boron deficiency (they grow much worse, small tubers are formed), beets, tomatoes (the stem turns black, the leaves are brittle, brown spots on the fruit), apples and pears (the leaves are wrinkled, brittle, necrosis develops in the fruit).

    Thanks to fertilizing, which contains boric acid, plants become more resistant not only to diseases, but also to adverse weather conditions. Experts note that thanks to boric acid, the yield increases by an average of 20%, or even 25%. Especially, such high rates are found in cucumbers, tomatoes, and cabbage.

    1. The seeds are treated with boric acid before planting - they are soaked for 12-24 hours (0.2 g of boric acid is diluted in a liter of water).
    2. Boric acid is applied directly to the soil before planting seedlings or seeds (2 g per 10 liters of water).
    3. Boric acid is sprayed on the leaves (5 g per 10 liters).
    4. In addition to pure boric acid, ready-made fertilizers such as boron superphosphate are also used: granular or double.

    There are many acids that are used in everyday life. However, not everyone can boast of its versatility: rid the house of cockroaches, make your face beautiful and clean, influence productivity. Such a remedy exists, and its name is boric acid. Where to buy this drug, in what forms it is sold, what recipes for masks are available with it - this is exactly what will be discussed in the article. We will also find out what the price of this product is and whether it has side effects.


    Boric acid is a white powder that looks like crystals. It is poorly soluble in water and has neither taste nor smell.

    In medicine it is known as an excellent antiseptic substance. To treat skin wounds, a powder or aqueous solution of this drug is often used.

    This substance is also used in everyday life to get rid of cockroaches. In gardening - to increase the number of ovaries, stimulate the appearance of new growth points of stems, for excellent taste of fruits.

    Release form

    Boric acid, the price of which will be affordable for a person with any income, is sold in the form of:

    1. Powder.
    2. Alcohol solution.
    3. Ointments.
    4. Linimenta.

    Boric acid: where to buy the product?

    You can purchase it:

    • in hardware stores;
    • in pharmacies;
    • in online stores.


    A solution of boric acid is used for:

    • eczema;
    • diaper rash;
    • pyoderma;
    • colpitis.

    The powder is used for:

    • otitis media

    Ointment and liniment are used for:

    • pediculosis;
    • sweating;
    • neuralgia and myositis.

    Cosmetic properties

    Boric acid powder is often used against acne. The product has the following properties:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • wound healing;
    • disinfectant;
    • whitening;
    • drying;
    • anti-acne.

    The powder helps to heal small cracks and abrasions faster. The substance is also effective against insect bites. The product practically does not irritate the skin, has a mild effect, and is suitable for normal and oily skin. But for sensitive skin it is better not to use it.

    Application for feet

    The product has shown itself well in the fight against fungus, which often affects the nail plate. There are 2 ways to get rid of mycosis using boric acid:

    1. Baths. Pour water at a temperature of 50 degrees into a small container, add boric acid, mix thoroughly. If powder is used, wait until it dissolves. The procedure must be carried out once a day. It takes about 15 minutes to steam your feet. After this, the feet should be dried with a clean towel.
    2. Compress with a substance such as boric acid. Sprinkle the powder onto the affected nail, cover with an adhesive bandage and leave overnight.

    Getting rid of ear pain

    You can cure the affected ear with boric acid and hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to prepare turundas that will be inserted into the diseased organ. The main medicinal component is boric acid. You know where to buy it. Where can you find hydrogen peroxide? You can also find this component in the pharmacy. So, you need to mix both ingredients in a 2:1 ratio. Moisten a cotton ball (gauze) in the resulting solution and insert it into the sore ear.

    How to dilute boric acid with water?

    To prepare an aqueous solution, you need to use 3 g of powder of the described drug and 4 tablespoons of hot water.

    When the medicine has cooled to a temperature of 37 degrees, soak a gauze cloth with it and cover the affected area with it.

    Acne mask

    With this method, the pustules are cauterized and dried, and the skin on the face will no longer become inflamed:

    • Soak a cotton swab in a solution of boric acid.
    • Rub it only on those places where there are pimples. Do not rinse, but leave overnight.
    • Wash your face in the morning.

    Whitening mask

    People who have age spots can get rid of them with the help of a substance such as boric acid. The mask recipe in this case is as follows:

    • Grate fresh cucumber.
    • Mix it with 10 ml of boric acid solution.
    • Apply the resulting mixture to the problem area.
    • Leave for 15 minutes.
    • Rinse with water.

    Peeling mask for face

    To cleanse the skin of the dead layer of the epidermis and tighten the skin, you can use the following recipe:

    • Mix a solution of boric acid (50 ml) with salicylic acid (20 ml).
    • Pour in medical alcohol (50 ml).
    • Mix everything and use a cotton pad to treat the face, except the area around the eyes.
    • 7 minutes after applying this mask, wash your face. This will remove all dead skin areas.
    • Apply nourishing cream.

    Treatment of pityriasis versicolor

    1. Apply diluted boric acid (how to dilute it correctly was described above) daily to the affected area of ​​the skin.
    2. The course of therapy is 10 days.

    Treatment of candidiasis

    Thrush in women can also be overcome with a solution of boric acid:

    1. Dissolve one teaspoon of powder in warm boiled water.
    2. Soak a cotton swab generously in the solution and place it deep into the vagina.

    Such therapeutic manipulations should be carried out up to 6 times a day.

    A woman can notice an improvement after 3 days of active use of the solution. The effect of the substance in this case is as follows: it restores the balance of bacteria and fungi and normalizes the vaginal microflora.

    Poison for cockroaches!

    Boric acid is a poison for unwanted insects that can sometimes live in our apartments. Once in the body of cockroaches, this substance has a lightning-fast effect on the nervous system, causing paralysis of muscles, nerves, and, as a result, death. In order for the poison to kill the insect, it must swallow it.

    Is it risky to use the drug in an apartment?

    Boric acid is a powder that people often resort to. Is this substance dangerous for people and pets? For an adult, no. But for kids and pets - yes. After all, they may accidentally try this substance, and this may ultimately negatively affect their health.

    Signs of intoxication in humans with boric acid may be as follows:

    • Vomiting blood.
    • Lack of appetite.
    • Lethargy, apathy.
    • in a stomach.
    • Diarrhea with blood.
    • Redness of the skin on the buttocks, palms, and soles.

    If you ignore the problem and do nothing, it can lead to such bad consequences as:

    • Impaired kidney function.
    • Nervous system lesions: convulsions, twitching, trembling.
    • Swelling in the genital area.
    • Coma and then death.


    Boric acid, the price of which depends on the form of release of the product, is a common drug. Sold in all pharmacies. The price of this product is meager. So, for powder (10 g) you need to pay from 35 to 50 rubles. For a 3% solution with a volume of 25 ml you need to pay only 20 rubles.

    Side effects

    Long-term use of the drug can lead to such negative manifestations as:

    • Diarrhea.
    • Nausea, vomiting.
    • Rash all over the body.
    • Cramps.
    • Decreased amount of urine.
    • State of shock.

    Limitations in use

    Boric acid powder, ointment or solution must not be used in the following cases:

    • In case of impaired renal function.
    • Children under 12 years old.
    • While breastfeeding the baby.
    • During pregnancy.
    • In case of individual intolerance to the drug.


    From the article you learned that a substance that has found application in everyday life, cosmetology, and agriculture is called boric acid. We also found out where to buy this product, how to use it correctly, and what its price is. We realized that this is a universal substance from which you can make an excellent and also an excellent face mask.

    Boric acid It is used as a weak, non-irritating antiseptic, disinfectant and antifungal agent.

    Boric acid is used externally in the form of aqueous and alcohol solutions for rinsing, washing wounds and mucous membranes, ointments, and is also prescribed as powders for skin diseases.

    Boric acid begins to exhibit an antiseptic effect in solutions of 0.5% concentration, inhibiting the growth and development of bacteria; the effect it has on fungi is much weaker.

    ATC code: D08A D. Antiseptic drugs.

    Application in medicine

    Boric acid is part of complex antiseptic and antifungal drugs (for example), and is also used as part of powders or in the form of a 2% alcohol solution (boric alcohol) for excessive sweating of the hands and feet. Included in complex recipes, for example, and.

    In small concentrations (0.5–1%), boric acid is included in indifferent products (ointments and pastes), sometimes together with (boronic zinc conaphthalan paste), salicylates and zinc oxide.

    Boric acid is included in many perishable preparations (for example, jellies, ointments) as a preservative.

    In cosmetology and folk medicine, boric acid is used as an integral part of skin care lotions for excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) - boric lotion. In order to prepare boric lotion, mix in equal parts a 4% aqueous solution of boric acid, table vinegar and cologne to add scent. Afterwards, it is recommended to powder the skin with baby powder, which can also be mixed with boric acid (1:20).

    Indications for use

    • Boric acid in the form of a 1–4% aqueous solution is used for lotions on weeping lesions for dermatitis, pyoderma and eczema, washing for diaper rash, and conjunctivitis; A 2% aqueous solution of boric acid is used to wash the skin for red acne; in 2–4% aqueous solutions for rinsing the mouth, pharynx and pharynx and for washing the urinary tract.
    • A saturated acid solution (two teaspoons of powder per glass of water) is used to treat pityriasis versicolor, rubbing into the lesions once a day for a week. After the rash disappears, the solution is continued to be rubbed into the former lesions 1–2 times a week for 1–2 months.
    • Alcohol solutions in concentrations of 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 5% are prepared in 70% ethyl alcohol and are used as an antipruritic and antiseptic for wiping healthy areas of skin around foci of pyoderma, weeping eczema, dermatitis and diaper rash (in adults).
    • In the form of a powder for blowing into the ear, as well as in a 3–5% alcohol solution as ear drops (3–5 drops into the sore ear 2–3 times a day) and for wetting turundas in acute and chronic otitis media in the presence of sharply thickened mucosa membranes with signs of inflammation.
    • Ointments containing 2–10% boric acid (5–10% boric ointment, boron-zinc ointment), alcohol solutions and powders serve as antipruritic and disinfectants for dermatoses that are in a progressive stage (exacerbation of psoriasis, neurodermatitis, etc. ), eczema, dermatomycosis. 5% ointment is used for dry and cracked skin.
    • In the early stages of hyperhidrosis or its prevention, foot baths made of boric acid and.
    • As a powder, boric acid powder is used in patients with fungal diseases of the feet, especially intertriginous forms of interdigital mycosis, with excessive sweating of the feet, and diaper rash.

    Precautionary measures

    When using boric ointment, avoid getting it in the eyes. If the ointment gets into the eyes, wipe them with a cotton or gauze swab and then rinse with warm water.


    Boric acid is contraindicated in children (including newborns).

    Individual intolerance. Boric ointment is not used for acute inflammatory diseases of skin areas covered with hair.

    Side effects

    Boric acid almost does not irritate tissues and does not coagulate proteins. When absorbed from a large area of ​​skin, boric acid (for example, as part of powders) can cause intoxication of the body, especially in children.

    Accidental ingestion of large amounts of boric acid causes gastroenteritis and collapse.

    Pregnancy and lactation

    Boric acid solutions are not used to treat the mammary glands of nursing mothers.

    special instructions

    Previously, boric acid was prescribed orally in doses of 0.3–1 g for some infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and as a remedy against fermentation in the stomach, and also as a preservative. Currently, due to the toxicity of boric acid, its use is prohibited.

    Composition and release form


    Recipes for boric acid

    Rp.:Acidi borici10,0
    ; D.S.
    Rp.:Spiritus borici 3%20,0
    Rp.:Ung. Acidi borici 5%25,0
    • Powder in packages of 10 g and 25 g, cans and containers of 40 g.
    • 5% and 10% boric ointment (Unguentum Acidi borici), in packages of 25 g and 30 g. Composition of boric ointment: boric acid - 1 part, petroleum jelly - 9 parts or 19 parts (ointment 1:10 or 1:20, respectively) .
    • Boric alcohol - 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3% and 5% solutions of boric acid in 70% ethyl alcohol, in bottles of 15 ml and 40 ml, in bottles and dropper bottles of 25 ml. Composition of boric alcohol: boric acid - 0.5 g (1 g, 2 g or 3 g), ethyl alcohol 70% - up to 100 ml.

    Shelf life and storage conditions

    The powder is stored under normal conditions, boric ointment is stored in a cool place, protected from light. Available without a prescription.

    Shelf life: boric acid powder - unlimited, alcohol solution - 3 years, boric ointment - 2 years.

    Preparation of boric acid

    Boric acid is usually obtained from, displacing it with strong mineral acids (or).


    Boric acid(Acidum boricum) - H 3 BO 3 - fatty, silky to the touch, colorless shiny scales or fine white crystalline powder with a sour taste, difficult and slowly soluble in cold water (1:25), well - in boiling water (1:3), soluble in ethyl alcohol (1:18) and glycerin (1:4). Specific gravity - 1.48.

    Boric acid turns the burner flame green.

    A drug with a pronounced antiseptic effect called boric acid is available in the form of an alcohol solution or powder for external use. The ability of the acid to coagulate the protein of the pathogenic microbial cell and penetrate the cell membrane allows the product to be widely used for medicinal purposes. For various skin diseases, boric acid is also often used, the instructions for use of which explain the rules of use and properties of the substance.

    Indications for use

    The acid solution is colorless and has the smell of ethyl alcohol.

    The solution is used for the following skin problems:

    • acne and various pimples on the face;
    • oily skin type and high sebum production.

    Benefits of acid for external use

    Boric acid for the face against acne is used in cosmetology and medicine. One of the most common uses of acid in the form of an aqueous or alcohol solution is to combat acne on the face. The drug is used not only in dermatology, but also in ENT practice for acute and chronic otitis media. In dermatology, the ointment has a positive result for dermatitis, eczema, diaper rash, and lice.

    Facial effect

    The product is suitable for deep cleansing of the skin, and the effect after the procedure remains for a long time. If there are dirt and excess oil in the pores, the product will help quickly cleanse the face and remove oily shine. Acid is used on the skin mainly due to its antiseptic and disinfectant effect. There is no addictive effect, which allows you to achieve positive results for a long time. The product is also used for preventive purposes, but you need to apply it with caution to dry and sensitive skin types, as the instructions for boric acid indicate.


    Boric acid has its own contraindications:

    • individual sensitivity to acid;
    • chronic form of renal failure;
    • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • kidney diseases and dysfunction;
    • skin diseases in the inflammation stage;
    • Cannot be used on infants under one year of age.

    During the period of treatment, nursing mothers need to stop breastfeeding.

    How boric acid can harm your skin

    If boric acid is used carelessly, allergic reactions of the body and poisoning are possible if the product is applied to large areas of the body. Acid intolerance manifests itself on the skin in the form of irritation, severe peeling and excessive dryness. In this case, you should immediately stop using the drug.

    You should avoid applying the substance to the mucous membranes, since irritation, itching, swelling and other manifestations of an allergic reaction often occur. The simultaneous use of boric acid with other means for external use may cause a negative reaction in the body.

    Using boric acid against acne

    The benefits of acid are observed in the treatment of various types of skin rashes. To get rid of acne, apply a small amount of the product to a cotton pad and wipe the affected area of ​​the skin. The procedure is performed before bedtime. Pimples are also wiped in the morning, but dryness and flaking may occur with frequent use of the drug. The first noticeable result will appear within a week, but at this stage it is important not to stop treatment. The course continues until all rashes disappear.

    Before removing any pimples, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face of impurities. If your skin is extremely dry, you cannot do without a moisturizer. Teenage pimples and acne disappear with regular use of acid. For prevention, the skin continues to be treated with the drug once or twice a week to prevent rashes from appearing again. Rubbing with boric acid also helps with facial pigmentation.

    Instructions for use

    The product belongs to the group of antiseptic and disinfectant substances.

    The drug contains boric acid.

    The substance is slowly eliminated from the body and can gradually accumulate in internal organs.

    The solution, which is available in bottles with a capacity of 10 to 40 ml, has a concentration of 3%, that is, 100 ml of solution contains 3 g of the substance.

    The powder is available in packages of 2, 10 and 20 grams; small colorless crystals dissolve in alcohol and water.

    Shelf life is no more than three years in a dark and dry place.

    Against acne it is used mainly in the form of a solution.

    Facial treatments

    If you have acne on your face, you need to first cleanse the skin and then apply the solution directly to the rash using a piece of cotton wool or a disk. The product in powder form is diluted with warm water. For this you will need 1 teaspoon. powder and one glass of liquid. Often, at first, the condition of the skin changes for the worse and even more rashes appear on the face. This condition is due to the fact that the substance penetrates deeply and acts on the foci of inflammation, thereby drawing out all existing contaminants.

    Face masks

    For long-lasting results, masks with boric acid are prepared, which are very popular. The result is especially noticeable when fighting teenage acne. If the inflammatory process is located in the deep layers of the skin, it will take longer to eliminate it. For a quick effect and removal of large inflamed formations, as well as pustular processes, it is better to consult a specialist and not self-medicate.

    With cucumber against oily shine

    For good hydration and whitening, add a tablespoon of chopped fresh cucumber to a quarter of a teaspoon of acid. The mixture is slightly heated and applied warm to a clean face for 10-15 minutes. Such a simple and affordable mask will relieve not only rashes, but also excess oil on the face.

    With aloe against rashes

    Aloe pulp and a few drops of boric acid are added to cucumber juice. In addition to intense hydration, the procedure, when used regularly, eliminates all rashes on the face.

    Mask with kefir for blackheads

    You will need 1 tablespoon of crushed oatmeal, up to 4 drops of boric acid, and also a little kefir to make the mixture thick.

    Combining the drug

    For better results, the acid is combined with other useful elements. For example, as part of masks, the substance will not dry out the skin and does not cause irritation, but it also effectively fights any rash.

    What products contain acid?

    Boric acid is an excellent antiseptic, but the concentrated solution is only suitable for external use. Since the substance rarely causes irritation, it is added to various ointments, water- or alcohol-based solutions. Boric ointment is used as an antiseptic and drying agent, but you need to be careful with its use and avoid contact with mucous membranes.

    Acid is also contained in teymur paste, which is suitable for combating diaper rash. The alcohol solution of the chemical includes acid and ethyl alcohol and is widely used to treat ear infections. Boric acid exhibits good antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. The ease of use and availability of the product allow it to be popular today among many modern cosmetic preparations for combating rashes.

    Overdose and its consequences

    If you do not follow the instructions and increase the dose of the drug, side effects often occur. Deterioration of skin condition is especially common in people with dry and sensitive skin. The substance is absorbed very quickly, especially through the delicate skin of children. If a child applies ointment or solution to a large area of ​​his body, the consequences can be very serious. In case of overdose, the following conditions are possible:

    • toxic effect (nausea, weakness, vomiting and diarrhea, dizziness);
    • severe dry skin, irritation.

    Boric acid successfully fights the cause of rashes, penetrating deeply into the skin, and disinfects it, removing harmful microorganisms. A course of treatment will help get rid of acne and any pimples. Although the substance does not provide an immediate effect, daily treatments based on boric acid will gently and thoroughly cleanse the skin. Instructions for use of the drug explain its positive effect on the skin. If you perform the procedure daily, taking into account the indications and contraindications of acid, you can get healthy, beautiful skin and forget about rashes for a long time.

    White or almost white crystalline powder, colorless shiny plates that are greasy to the touch, or white or almost white crystals.

    pharmachologic effect

    Boric acid has antiseptic and fungistatic activity. Coagulates proteins (including enzymes) of the microbial cell, disrupts the permeability of the cell membrane. A 5% aqueous solution inhibits phagocytosis processes, a 2–4% solution inhibits the growth and development of bacteria. Has a slight irritant effect on granulation tissue.


    Absorbed through damaged skin, wound surfaces, mucous membranes in the digestive tract (if accidentally ingested). Penetrates especially well through the skin and mucous membranes of young children. When re-entered into the child's body, renal dysfunction, metabolic acidosis, and arterial hypotension may develop.

    Boric acid can accumulate in organs and tissues of the body. It is excreted slowly (it accumulates when re-entered).

    Indications for use

    Dermatitis, pyoderma, weeping eczema, diaper rash.


    Hypersensitivity to the drug, impaired renal function, pregnancy, lactation, childhood, treatment of the mammary glands before feeding the child.

    Pregnancy and lactation


    Directions for use and doses

    Prescribed for skin diseases (weeping eczema, dermatitis, pyoderma, diaper rash) 3% aqueous solution for lotions. Dissolve the contents of a package weighing 2 g in 65-70 ml of hot boiled water, cool the solution to room temperature and use for lotions. To prepare a solution from an opened package weighing 10g and 20g, measure out half a teaspoon of powder and dissolve in 80-90 ml of hot boiled water, cool the solution to room temperature and use as a lotion.

    An aqueous solution is prepared from the powder immediately before use (extempore). An open but not completely used bag of powder should be kept tightly closed. The duration of the course of treatment is no more than 3-5 days.

    Side effect

    Possible irritation to sensitive skin. Allergic reactions. It is possible (especially with overdose, long-term use, impaired renal function) to develop acute and chronic reactions - nausea, vomiting, headache, confusion, convulsions, diarrhea, skin rash, desquamation of the epithelium. Oliguria may develop. In some cases, states of shock occur.


    An overdose can develop through accidental ingestion or inhalation of microparticles of boric acid powder, which is well absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and through inhalation.

    Acute overdose may be accompanied by vomiting blue-green vomit, diarrhea, drop in blood pressure, bright red skin rash. Other symptoms may include seizures, fever, epithelial desquamation, anuria, muscle twitching, and coma. Possible death.

    Boric acid is highly toxic in accidental overdose in infants and children.

    Treatment: gastric lavage (under endoscopy control, it is necessary to exclude the presence of bleeding), infusion therapy, symptomatic treatment, hemo- and peritoneal dialysis.

    Chronic overdose boric acid in mammals leads to disruption of hematopoiesis, metabolic processes, reproductive function (signs of toxicity include damage to the seminiferous tubules, epithelial atrophy, decreased sperm count and testicular weight), and decreased testosterone levels in the blood. Boric acid exhibits reproductive toxicity properties and leads to impaired fertility and intrauterine development.

    There are reports of neurotoxicity. Effects on brain development (enlargement of the lateral ventricles, decrease in brain mass) were observed in rats at doses higher than those that cause impaired skeletal formation and other developmental defects.

    With prolonged use of the drug over large areas of skin, symptoms of chronic intoxication may occur: tissue swelling, exhaustion, stomatitis, eczema, menstrual irregularities, anemia, alopecia.

    The use of the drug should be stopped immediately, treatment is symptomatic.

    Interaction with other drugs

    When used externally, cases of interaction with other drugs have not been described.

    Precautionary measures

    An aqueous solution is prepared from the powder immediately before use (extempore).

    The solution of boric acid should not be applied to large surfaces of the body, nor should it be used for washing cavities and for acute inflammatory diseases of skin areas covered with hair. Avoid getting the medicine into your eyes.

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