How to take garlic without the smell. How to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth: the most effective methods that won’t let you down

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The taste of food is significantly enhanced by garlic. , gives many dishes a special aroma and taste. In addition, many people use garlic to prevent the flu. Only against the backdrop of all its advantages, garlic also has a disadvantage - the odor from the mouth is significantly worsened because of it. Just don’t give up such a useful product because of this shortcoming.

How to get rid of the smell of garlic from your mouth? There are many ways to combat bad odors from the mouth after garlic. Let's look at the most popular and effective ones.

Vegetables and fruits are not only a source of vitamins

There are special products that can remove bad odors from the mouth.

These primarily include fruits that can darken within the first minutes after cutting them: apples, pears, peaches, cherries.

Vegetables have special properties to absorb bad odors, these include potatoes, spinach and lettuce. Thus, we can conclude that if you eat garlic with potatoes or salad, the smell in your mouth will remain pleasant.


If you are a fan of all kinds of greens, then this can have a positive effect on your bad breath.

Parsley and basil will help perfectly with this. If parsley or basil is not included in the dishes you ate, you can simply chew them after the meal.


Sometimes it is the lack of carbohydrates in the human body that leads to unpleasant aromas. If you eat garlic with a piece of bread, the bad smell from your mouth will disappear.


Green tea is a wonderful remedy in the fight against bad breath.

Polyphenols in this tea can neutralize compounds such as sulfur. In addition, it has long been no secret that green tea is one of the best sources of antioxidants.

A glass of milk will help remove the smell of garlic, as it significantly reduces the concentration of volatile compounds that are responsible for various odors.

All kinds of sour drinks with a pH level of less than 3.6 will also help get rid of bad odors in the mouth. These include juices from cranberries, limes and, of course, lemon.


Almonds, pine nuts and, of course, walnuts are not only an excellent source of protein, but also a good remedy in the fight against bad breath after garlic.

Cardamom seeds

Cardamom belongs to the ginger spice family and has a pleasant aroma. It is not surprising that humanity has long noticed the beneficial qualities of this spice and today it is used not only as an additive to food, but also in the fight against the bad odor after garlic.

Cardamom can not only remove unpleasant odor, but improve it.

Garlic with honey

If you are not a big fan of garlic, but use it to prevent the flu, then you can use the following method. You will need to place a couple of cloves of garlic in a spoon with honey and swallow everything with a small amount of water.

Of course, for many people, garlic is the first seasoning for their favorite dishes. Some people like to eat borscht with it, while others adore satsivi and lobio only because this aromatic herbaceous plant is added to these dishes. Well, who among the gourmets does not like tomato-garlic and creamy-garlic sauces to be served with their dishes? Surely there are no such people. In general, garlic is consumed in any form: raw, fried, boiled, stewed, dried.

In addition, the above seasoning is a storehouse of vitamins and an effective remedy for colds. Its only drawback is that after use, an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth. Moreover, this effect occurs after just two cloves.

Naturally, in this case, the question of how to get rid of the smell of garlic from your mouth becomes of paramount importance. Its relevance is especially heightened in moments when you need to go to a party, a birthday, or your boss urgently calls you to work.

For many, the problem of how to get rid of the smell of garlic from the mouth is truly “acute.” This is explained by the fact that there is a category of people who are unable to communicate with an interlocutor whose mouth smells unpleasant.

Therefore, if such a situation happened when you ate the above “fragrant” seasoning in order, for example, to increase your own immunity, you should know at least 2-3 ways by which the issue of how to get rid of the smell of garlic from your mouth is resolved .

Otherwise, the people around you may simply limit their communication with you.

Why is garlic so fragrant?

If you dug up a head of garlic from the garden, then it itself does not emit an aroma. This happens as soon as you cut the plant or make a small cut. The same effect will occur when you grate the garlic or simply crush it.

Those who are especially concerned about the question of how to get rid of the smell of garlic from the mouth should know that the seasoning in question contains the enzyme alliinase, which, when cut, chemically interacts with another component - alliin, also present in the plant. As a result of this reaction, a new substance is formed - allicin, which emits a sharp, unpleasant aroma. In humans, it appears at the moment when the plant, entering the stomach, releases sulfate gases.

Those who want to learn how to eliminate bad breath should always remember that it is quite difficult to solve this problem 100%, especially in five minutes, but it is still possible to minimize it.

In any case, using the tips described below, you will know for sure that after you have eaten a few cloves of garlic, those around you will not shun you. Let's consider the most common solutions to the problem under consideration.

Activated carbon

Don't know how to eliminate bad breath? Take a couple of activated charcoal tablets and the garlic flavor will be minimal.

Breath fresheners

The easiest way to neutralize an unpleasant odor is to purchase a mouth freshener spray at the pharmacy. Today their range is unusually huge. Air fresheners called “Glister” and “Rox” cope well with the problem. When purchasing this or that product, make sure that it is written on the packaging that the freshener is intended to eliminate garlic odor.

Parsley and dill

The above plants, growing in the beds of all summer residents, will also help in solving the problem at hand.

To do this, a few leaves are enough, which should be chewed thoroughly. Dill and parsley effectively eliminate garlic odor from the mouth, harmful bacteria will be completely destroyed, and your breath will become fresh. The main thing to remember is that you should chew slowly, and after this procedure, try not to drink any liquid for at least half an hour.


Of course, most people try to remove the smell of garlic from their mouth with toothpaste and a brush. Indeed, this is an effective way to solve the problem. By brushing your teeth, you will remove small remnants of garlic from your mouth, and your breath will become fresh.

Mouth rinse

Of course, you don’t always have toothpaste “at hand,” and even less, you can reduce the extent of bad breath if you thoroughly rinse your mouth with water, and it wouldn’t hurt to add a little baking soda to it.


You can minimize the problem of garlic odor by eating a small handful of almonds or walnuts after meals.

As an alternative to these products, we can recommend nutmeg or cardamom grains, which will destroy harmful bacteria and “freeze” putrefactive processes. Strongly brewed tea will also help eliminate the strong aroma of garlic.


If you know in advance that you will eat dishes with “garlic,” then drink a glass of milk about half an hour before meals. As a result, you will be able to “dull” the aroma of garlic in the body.

Fenugreek seeds

Do you want to achieve fresh breath after eating lobio or satsivi? Then prepare a decoction of fenugreek seeds. The recipe is quite simple: one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds should be poured into 0.5 liters of cool water, and then the resulting composition should be placed in a steam bath for 20 minutes.


Don't have the slightest idea how to get rid of the unpleasant garlic odor? Eat a few slices of orange or lemon after your meal. These citrus fruits will not only cope with their immediate task, but will also eliminate dry mouth. Also, an unpleasant odor can be effectively eliminated by drinking a little lime juice.

Garlic is a substance that improves the taste of food. It adds vitamins and mineral compounds, being beneficial for every person.

Repeated use of garlic will reduce the likelihood of cancer and will give an effective result in getting rid of mycosis. However, garlic causes bad breath.

The sulfide substance found in finely chopped product is released through sweating and breathing. However, this problem can be dealt with very easily.

1. Eat more fruits. Particularly good are those that take on a dark shade if you cut them and let them stand in the air for a while. They contain oxidizing enzymes.

Once these compounds are in the body, chemical reactions are launched that neutralize the sulfur dioxide.

In such a situation, it is necessary to eat more apricots, apples, cherries, pears, grapes, peaches, plums, prunes, and eggplants.

2. Eat garlic along with potatoes, spinach and salad.

3. Add basil and parsley to your food. This method is very simple and inexpensive. Parsley contains a sufficient amount of chlorophyll, which refreshes the taste.

You can chew after you eat. Together with parsley, tarragon, cilantro or dill are useful.

4. Eat a small piece of bread. Lack of carbohydrates can affect bad odor. Garlic should be eaten with bread. For your diet, choose foods rich in carbohydrates and you won’t have to hide your mouth from strangers.

5. Brew yourself green tea. It contains polyphenols that neutralize this odor. Green tea has many antioxidants, which helps remove bad odors.

Tea with mint leaves will help you quickly digest remaining food and make your breath fresh. You can brew or chew herbs such as eucalyptus, mint and lemon balm.

6. A glass of milk will reduce the concentration of volatile compounds responsible for the not entirely pleasant smell.

7. Consume unsweetened drinks that have a pH level of no higher than 3.6. Drink lemon, lime, grapefruit and cranberry juice. , celery and orange can simply be eaten.

All kinds of lollipops, fresheners and sprays will help you always feel comfortable and keep your breath fresh. Just make sure that the label says that the product removes garlic odor.

8. You want your saliva production to be stimulated. This is very important in order to overcome the smell. To do this, look for chewing gum that contains natural essential oils. More Chewing gum with mint or cinnamon will help.

9. Chew coffee beans. They do a great job with the garlic smell. First, rub the grains with your hands, then wash your hands. The grains will help remove odor from your hands and skin.

10. Garlic can also be used using capsules. After the smell has formed, brush your teeth with a brush and floss. If you often have this smell, then carry a brush and a tube of paste with you.

Just a brush is not enough; you also need to brush with dental floss. This should be done carefully, preferably every time after a meal.

11. Rinse your mouth with antibacterial products. Just look at the composition to make sure there is no alcohol in it, as it enhances the unpleasant odor.

Many people take capsules and tablets with chlorophyll. It is very popular abroad. You just need to take 3 tablets before the feast.

12. Be sure to use a tongue scraper. After eating, many tiny pieces of food and bacteria remain in its fibers. After a meal, you need to brush both your teeth and tongue.

13. Use an irrigator constantly. This is a thing that is intended for oral hygiene. This device will help clean your gums, teeth and get rid of food debris.

Don't use hygiene products? In this case, the irrigator will clean the space between the teeth and massage the gums with its strong water pressure.

14. Brew fennel seeds, and drink them as a decoction. You can chew these substances or make a tincture to rinse your mouth with. Fennel has a very pleasant aroma and taste.

It also disinfects the oral cavity and normalizes the digestive process. You may see it fried on a saucer in restaurants.

It is also recommended to chew cardamom seeds and cloves. They will leave a pleasant smell, improve gum health, and improve internal condition.

15. Eat sour cheese, drink yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir and yogurt. They help reduce the concentration of hydrogen sulfide.

Often the garlic smell comes out through the pores of the skin and leaves marks on clothes. Only eau de toilette or cologne will help you here.

It also happens that our body is not able to completely absorb all the components. What is not absorbed goes into the blood, and then into the lungs, and only after 72 hours it comes out with an unpleasant odor.

When garlic is not cut, it leaves no smell behind. You can not cut the garlic, but swallow a whole clove so as not to feel discomfort.

The smell of garlic always disappears on its own, it just takes time. It is recommended to drink plenty of liquid during meals. Even a glass of water removes the smell, although not completely.

This happens because the simple liquid thins the blood, resulting in a decrease in the concentration of allyl methyl sulfide gas.

Make yourself a thin paste of baking soda and water, then rinse your mouth. Rub your hands with this paste to avoid deep penetration of the garlic smell.

Hold a stainless spoon in your mouth, after which your breath should become fresh and pleasant. Stainless steel can completely destroy the molecules that cause the strong odor of garlic.

To make the stench of garlic less noticeable, eat it 20 minutes before a meal, and most importantly, before the main meal. Before eating garlic, heat-treat it, because raw garlic gives off a lot of smell.

It happens that the fruits of this plant should be taken as a preventive measure against colds. Then eat it separately from other foods, washed down with hot liquid. One clove requires a glass of liquid.

Chew the product in small portions and wash it down with boiling water. After this, drink half a glass of hot liquid at a time. You can also drink a glass of milk before eating garlic. Then the smell will not appear.

Any unpleasant odor that appears can be removed using walnuts, almonds or pine nuts. Rinse your mouth with mustard.

An excellent neutralizer is. The resulting bitterness makes it unpleasant to use, but it's worth it. When you have nothing else, laurel will help freshen your breath perfectly.

The main culprit is the garlic pith. When you cut the product and remove the core before use, the smell will weaken. This is the most popular type of fight against garlic aroma.

An excellent option is to eat another product that should be eaten immediately after the garlic. These include carrots and potatoes. They remove this odor in the digestive tract too.

The light belching that appears removes unnecessary substances. After eating garlic, be sure to drink something sour and chew lemon zest. Any drink with citric acid and simple liquid eliminates odor by washing away saliva.

To completely kill the odor, mix 5 g of mustard with saliva, rinse your mouth and then spit it out.

We wish you success in the fight against not the most rosy aromas!

Many of us love to treat ourselves to aromatic dishes richly seasoned with garlic.

You have to pay for such gastronomic preferences with bad breath.

Today you will learn what to do about the smell of garlic from your mouth - how to get rid of it.

Garlic smell from the mouth - how to get rid of it: oral hygiene

It’s hard to imagine modern cuisine without aromatic garlic. The plant, containing an abundance of vitamins and microelements, can add zest to the simplest dish. However, garlic contains various sulfur compounds that react chemically with bacteria, which in turn leads to bad breath. Let's consider effective ways to help cope with this problem.

Hygiene products

The most effective and simple way to get rid of bad odor is considered to be the use of available hygiene products:

Toothpaste and brushes;

Dental floss;

Mouth rinse balm.

After thoroughly rinsing your mouth with water, toothpaste and a brush will help remove any pieces of garlic stuck in your teeth. Food residues that create odors can be easily removed with dental floss. It is also recommended to use mouthwash. The product, which has an antimicrobial and disinfectant effect, copes well with foreign odors, and also perfectly refreshes and tones.

Garlic smell from the mouth - how to get rid of it: effective and affordable methods

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables such as potatoes and carrots help restore fresh breath and the ability to communicate unhindered with other people. A few spoons of these odor-absorbing vegetables and you can forget about bad breath.

Mushrooms and citrus fruits also have the ability to “absorb” the smell of garlic. Lemon copes especially well with this task. Chewing its zest a little will give you pleasant breath.

Alcoholic drinks

A shot of vodka is one of the most unusual ways to get rid of the smell of garlic. The fact is that alcohol kills all microbes and, accordingly, the smell after garlic also disappears. If you do decide to use this method, it is very important not to overdo it. After all, then you will have to look for a way to get rid of a more unpleasant smell.

Drink plenty of fluids

It is believed that you can get rid of the smell of garlic by drinking plenty of clean water. Drinking plenty of fluids will not only clear your breath, but will also benefit your entire body. Experts also recommend trying to drink one glass of water. According to them, such a drink is wonderfully refreshing.


Any greens will help you quickly get rid of bad breath:


You just need to take a small bunch of greens and rinse it under water. It should then be eaten, chewed slowly. You can eat greens in any form. If you find it difficult to eat it in its pure form, then you can make your favorite vegetable salad from it or just make tea. These methods help eliminate other bad odors, including those from alcohol.

Chewing gum

Sugar-free chewing gums with xylitol and cinnamon are great for maintaining clean breath. Chewing gum increases the amount of saliva produced, which allows you to quickly “wash away” the unpleasant odor. After chewing it for a few minutes, your breath will become fresh and clean.

Black tea and dairy products

Hot, strong tea will help get rid of bad breath after recently eating a dish with garlic. You can enhance the effect of the drink if you add a small slice of lemon and a mint leaf to it.

Any dairy products drunk before meals will be an excellent protection against unpleasant odors. A glass of milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk or kefir will serve as reliable protection against the stench.

Spices and coffee beans

Aromatic spices such as cloves, cardamom and cinnamon are great at masking the smell of garlic. You need to put a small amount of seasoning on your cheek and suck for a while. Not everyone likes the strong, burning taste of spices, but in order to cope with the smell, you can be patient a little.

Fresh coffee beans are a magical remedy for garlic odor. You only need to chew one grain to freshen your breath.


An excellent alternative to spices are nuts. It is noteworthy that not only walnuts, but also pine nuts and almonds are suitable for combating the smell of garlic. By chewing a few delicious nuts, you will not only delight your body with useful substances, but also get rid of self-doubt.

Activated carbon

This product has the unique ability to absorb harmful substances and remove them from the body. You need to keep the charcoal in your mouth for a while. There will be no trace left of the heavy smell. The only disadvantage of this method is that the tongue, teeth and gums are stained black.

Garlic smell from the mouth - how to get rid of it with rinses

Rinse with vegetable oil

For this method, it is better to use any natural, cold-pressed oil without any additives. Oil pulling has long been used in Indian medicine for healing. It allows you not only to draw out toxins from the body, but also to perfectly clean the oral cavity.

Take one tablespoon of oil and start rinsing your mouth. The product, mixed with saliva, will acquire the consistency of milk and become slightly viscous. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. Then simply spit the oil into the sink and rinse your mouth with warm water.

Mouth rinse with mustard

This pungent food seasoning works great to combat the bad odor of garlic if you rinse your mouth with it. You need to take one teaspoon of mustard and dilute it in a small amount of water. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with the resulting liquid. This procedure is not pleasant, but it solves the problem of unwanted odor perfectly.

Now you know how to deal with the smell of garlic from your mouth, how to get rid of the unpleasant aroma in accessible ways. Choose the most suitable option for yourself and do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating dishes with garlic.

Foods that can get rid of garlic odor quickly

Experts say that you can cope with the problem of garlicky breath if you eat garlic not on its own, but by including it in a variety of salads. After such a meal, you should eat the unpleasant smell with fruits or nuts; grain coffee can also be a good option - you just need to chew it.

It is believed that you can quickly get rid of the obsessive garlic aroma with the help of apricots, grapes, peaches, prunes, pears, plums, apples and cherries. Consuming vegetables such as lettuce, eggplant, root parsley and potatoes can also have a good effect. To eliminate the garlic smell, you can eat a little rosemary or spinach, chew a bay leaf or basil, and chewing dill and parsley also has a good effect.

Regular bread will help neutralize the aroma somewhat. But it is better to use more reliable products. To quickly remove the smell, use cinnamon sticks, walnuts or nutmeg, coffee beans, hazelnuts, almonds or cardamom.

Drinks to eliminate garlic odor

In fact, even ordinary drinks can significantly reduce the unpleasant odor, and in combination with other methods of exposure, completely eliminate it. So, to combat the garlic aroma, you need to drink a glass of milk before taking garlic, and you should also take a few sips of this drink after your meal.

High-quality green tea, rich in antioxidants and phenols, has similar qualities. These components help freshen breath. Also, sour juices such as lime, lemon, grapefruit or cranberry juice will help cope with bad breath.

Traditional medicine experts claim that fenugreek infusion will quickly and effectively remove the smell from the mouth. Readers of Popular Health can prepare it without much difficulty. You just need to take a teaspoon of crushed raw materials, brew it with half a liter of boiling water and keep it in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then strain and cool the finished product. Drink two hundred milliliters of it, rinsing your mouth with each sip.


When dealing with garlic aroma, do not forget about banal hygiene measures. After all, none of the methods described above will give the expected effect if tiny particles of garlic are in the interdental spaces or in the papillae on the tongue.

Therefore, to cope with the problem, you need to clean your teeth using toothpaste. You need to take time to clean your tongue. Next, you need to remove any remaining food between your teeth using dental floss. You should also rinse your mouth with some product that contains antibacterial components. A good option would be solutions of alcoholic tinctures of herbs or propolis tinctures; you can also use regular inexpensive chlorhexidine. If such means are not available, you can rinse your mouth with a simple solution of salt and baking soda.

Other methods to combat garlic breath

To eliminate the unpleasant odor, you can cut off a small piece of lemon peel and chew it thoroughly. This measure will help get rid of the garlic flavor for a while, and can be repeated if necessary.

If you want to destroy the very cause of the odor, try using activated carbon. Take two to six of these tablets and follow them with plenty of water. The sorbent will help prevent the occurrence of garlic odor from the hair and skin, and not just from the mouth.

After thoroughly brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth, you can drink herbal tea. To prepare it, you should combine equal parts of oak bark, nettle herb, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers and birch leaves. Brew a tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave under the lid for a quarter of an hour, then strain and drink like tea.

Traditional medicine experts also recommend fighting bad breath with the help of periwinkle herb. Brew a couple of pinches of dried plant material with a glass of boiling water, leave until cool, then strain and use for rinsing.

After all hygiene procedures have been completed, tea brewed from fresh dill and mint leaves will get rid of bad breath. The resulting decoction should be drunk cooled.

Another wonderful effect is the use of anise seeds. A couple of teaspoons of this raw material should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for twenty minutes to infuse. Strain the finished product and use it to rinse your mouth.

The best effect in the fight against garlic odor can be achieved by a combination of several methods of influence - for example, hygiene procedures and rinsing, or thorough cleaning and consumption of sour juice, etc. As a result, your breath will soon no longer smell like garlic!

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