When to give protein. Controversy about complementary feeding: when can you give your baby an egg? Salmonellosis in eggs: how to avoid getting infected

© Elena Blokhina / Photobank Lori

Is it possible to give eggs to children? Benefits and harms

Eggs are necessary for the proper development of children and their health. They contain all the useful substances necessary for growth and development (of course, because a living organism hatches from there!). The microelements and vitamins they contain strengthen bones, help the functioning of the thyroid gland, and free the body from free radicals.
But on the other hand, children are very often allergic to egg white. Therefore, it is recommended to start complementary feeding with the yolk, and the egg must be hard-boiled (to avoid dangerous salmonellosis) in water or steamed.
Many inexperienced mothers are concerned about the question: When can you give your child an egg and in what quantity? Let's figure it out.

How many eggs can you give your child and when? Add the yolk and white

Yolk can be introduced into a child’s diet with the introduction of the first complementary foods, that is, at 6 months. First, you need to give your child ¼ of the entire yolk from a spoon to try, dissolving it in water or milk. If he does not have allergies or there are no changes in stool, then the amount of yolk can be increased each time, bringing it to a whole piece by the end of the month.
Protein, with great care, is introduced into the child’s diet by 8-9 months. Eggs should be on a child’s menu no more than 2 times a week.

Quail eggs or chicken

Chicken and have similar characteristics. They are equally useful and equally dangerous. Therefore, the timing of their introduction is the same - from 6 months. Neither one nor the other should be given to a child raw or soft-boiled.
But still, quail eggs are considered less allergenic and contain fewer dangerous bacteria - salmonella. Therefore, they are recommended for the first complementary feeding. In addition, thanks to their unusual, small size, children like them more and are more convenient to introduce into their diet.

What can be prepared from eggs for young children?

With the help of eggs, a child’s diet can be significantly diversified. If your baby is familiar with cow's milk, you can prepare it for him at 8 months. You can take special milk for children or adults, but it must be boiled. The omelet is prepared for the baby by steaming or in the oven.

Another wonderful and healthy children's dish is this. It can also be given to a baby to try at 8-9 months. By this time, the child should be familiar with products such as cottage cheese. To it you need to add 1 chicken or 2-3 quail eggs, sugar to taste and bake in or oven for 20 minutes. If the baby rejects cottage cheese in its pure form, then this is a good way to get him to eat this healthy product.

Eggs are an integral component, which a child can start baking from 11-12 months. Kids love soft buns, cheesecakes, cookies and muffins adapted for baby food. In addition, a boiled egg can be added to soups and cereals.

Eggs are a common and very popular product for people. We can no longer imagine how we can do without them. Eggs are eaten boiled and raw; everyone’s favorite is scrambled eggs - this is a fried product; eggs are also included in dough and many salads.

People eat the eggs of many birds, but chicken eggs are the most common. And now quail eggs are attracting more and more attention.

Some people are wary of the large amount of information regarding this product related to cholesterol and salmonellosis. What if this is a harmful product and you should completely abandon it? Many studies have been conducted on this matter, and they have shown that the benefits of eggs are invaluable. They have much more benefit than harm. To dispel all doubts, it is worth taking a closer look at the benefits of this important product.

Chicken eggs

This product is a keeper of more than ten types of microelements and vitamins. All of them are important for the normal development and functioning of the human body. They also contain choline, which plays an important role in the functioning of the brain. Everyone knows how important phosphorus is for the condition of human bones and hair. The phosphorus contained in eggs can satisfy the body's needs for it. It is also involved in the synthesis of the most important element for the body - protein, but the protein contained in the egg is very well absorbed by the body.

All the best properties of this product are widely used in the medical and cosmetic industries. Various creams, masks and shampoos are made from eggs. They are great for helping the skin look younger by moisturizing and smoothing it. It is often questioned that eggs contain a lot of cholesterol. It has been proven that it does not affect cholesterol levels in human blood. Moreover, it destroys “dangerous cholesterol” and burns fat.

Quail eggs

Despite their small size, compared to a chicken egg, quail eggs contain several times more substances beneficial to humans. Their popularity has now increased many times over. This is due to widespread advertising of their beneficial properties and recommendations for use by doctors and nutritionists.

Quail eggs are healthy because:

  1. Contains vitamin D, which is necessary, especially in childhood.
  2. Contains large amounts of phosphorus and iron.
  3. The protein they contain is useful for allergy sufferers; it suppresses these body reactions.
  4. The cholesterol content is low.
  5. Eating them improves metabolism.
  6. Inclusion in the diet helps to get rid of many diseases and will support people who are on a diet for various reasons.

How to give eggs to children correctly

Due to the fact that eggs are a storehouse of many useful substances, parents want to introduce this nutritious product into their children’s diet as early as possible. But does everyone know at what time you can start giving it to children?

There is no need to rush introducing your child to eggs. Until six months of life, the baby does not need additional nutrients at all, because he gets everything he needs from mother’s milk or from infant formula.

When complementary foods are introduced to a baby, the amount of milk and, accordingly, the nutrients obtained from it gradually decreases. Vegetables, fruits and various cereals then come as replacements. It is at this time that you should begin to introduce your child to the egg. This usually happens at 6-7 months of his life. Eggs can cause a severe allergic reaction. If this is observed among family members, it can cause such a reaction in a little person. In this case, it is better to postpone the use of this product for about a year.

In eggs, the white is a strong allergen, so you need to give children the yolk first, and then in small quantities. It is introduced gradually like any complementary food. The first time, a yolk the size of a match head is given and the baby is observed. If there is no redness on the skin, itching or other manifestations of allergies, then everything is in order, the yolk has been absorbed.

The amount of yolk given gradually increases over two weeks, eventually reaching a quarter of the whole yolk. For infants up to one year old, this is a normal amount, as doctors advise. After a year, you can gradually offer the white and give half the yolk.

Understanding perfectly all the benefits of eggs for the child’s body, parents try to introduce them into the diet and maintain the recommended amount of consumption of this product. All mothers want their child to develop normally and grow up healthy.

Eggs contain all the elements necessary for this in their composition. Parents note that since the beginning of the introduction of yolk into complementary foods, children behave actively, their immunity increases, children almost do not get sick and their development is at the proper level.

Of course, in order to feed some children eggs, you have to come up with various tricks. Decorate dishes, make them bright and attractive. But what can you do for your beloved kids?

  • for infants – a quarter of a yolk twice every 7 days;
  • for older children - half a yolk 3 times in 7 days.

Boiling eggs for children should take no more than 10 minutes. And give the yolk not in its pure form, but grind it with puree or milk.

For more information about what it should be, read the link.

The baby's diet should be varied and complete. This is the key to the healthy development of the child. Eggs contain many useful substances. But the main advantage is the absence of an allergic reaction to them. Let's try together to figure out at what age a child can be given eggs.

At what age can you give your child an egg?

6 months is the time when you can give your child an egg. It should be introduced gradually. Don't try to feed the whole egg at once. Observe the baby’s body’s reaction to the innovation. If any of your family members has an egg allergy, then most likely you will observe it in your baby too. In this case, delay introducing eggs into your diet for at least a year. Most often, children are allergic to egg whites. In this case, only the yolk is entered into the menu.

According to the World Health Organization, a baby can be given egg yolk once he reaches 7 months of age. You can give your child egg whites from 7-8 months of age. It is best to mix the yolk and white into porridges, vegetable purees, and lean soups. This will make the dish more nutritious and satisfying.

How to introduce an egg into baby's complementary foods

The new product is introduced at the tip of a teaspoon. At the same time, the baby is constantly under the supervision of his parents. If an allergic reaction is not detected, then the volume of the administered product is increased to ¼ part no more than twice a week. As soon as the baby turns one year old, the amount of product administered will increase to half an egg per day and up to 3 times a week.

Before introducing eggs into your baby's complementary foods, consult your doctor. And also try to follow some rules when introducing eggs:

  • eggs should be boiled only hard-boiled, since a soft-boiled egg will not be absorbed by the baby’s body;
  • Wash the egg thoroughly before cooking.
Eggs should be washed only before eating them. You shouldn't wash your eggs as soon as you buy them. This is due to the fact that the egg is in a protective film, thanks to which bacteria do not penetrate inside the egg. When it is removed, there is a risk of damage to the eggs by bacterial microflora.
  • Do not exceed the permissible limits for a child to eat eggs.

At what age can you give your child an omelet?

At what age can you give your child an omelet? In most cases, this tasty and healthy dish can be given starting from 10 months. However, the omelette should not be fried. It is best cooked in a ladle or small saucepan. The principle of preparing such an omelet is simple:

  • Break the egg into the prepared container.
  • Pour milk into half the shell and then pour it into the egg (this method of measuring the amount of milk in an omelet is considered ideal).
  • Mix everything thoroughly and put on gas.
  • Cook, stirring constantly until fully cooked.

This type of omelet preparation is the most optimal for infants.

At what age can you give quail eggs to children?

Due to the fact that quail eggs are much healthier than chicken eggs, they are also recommended to be introduced into complementary foods from 6 months. They are starting to introduce quail eggs from the yolk to the menu. The number of eggs is the same as chicken eggs - first 1/4 egg 2 times a week, and after a year - half an egg 3 times a week.

When introducing complementary foods to a baby, young parents often have many questions, and while vegetables and cereals are fairly clear products, allergens such as eggs raise doubts. How much yolk should I give my child? When should you start introducing eggs into your diet? Is it possible to have an allergy after using them? And why are they needed in feeding a baby?

The answers to these questions can be found out from a pediatrician, but even he cannot always fully and competently understand all the nuances.

Why give yolk to a child?

The main allergen in an egg is the white, not the yolk. The yellow part contains a lot of useful microelements and substances valuable to the body, such as:

  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin D;
  • biotin;
  • carotene;
  • folic acid;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • amino acids.

All these components are very useful for a growing body: vitamins strengthen the immune system and accelerate the development of the baby, microelements affect the proper growth of teeth and bones, and also “tune” all body systems to function properly. But it should be remembered that the yolk is a rather heavy food. It contains more than 32% fat, while proteins are half as much.

Symptoms of an allergy to yolk

In most children, an egg allergy (if any) lasts until one year of age (up to a maximum of two years), and then goes away. There are very few people who have allergies for life.

You can tell that your baby is allergic to yolk by the following signs:

  1. redness of the skin;
  2. small pimples on the skin;
  3. constipation;
  4. stool disorder;
  5. vomit;
  6. in some cases - an attack of suffocation.

At what age should children be given yolk?

Very often you can hear stories from grandmothers that earlier in the villages an egg was the first complementary food and began to be given at 2-3 months. “Bit by bit, on the tip of a spoon,” say “wise” ladies and mislead young parents.

Remember that any complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than 5-6 months! This is especially true for children who are breastfed. For up to six months, a baby’s mother’s milk is sufficient, so you shouldn’t feed him anything else, much less eggs.

You can introduce yolk into the diet no earlier than 7-8 months, and for children with allergies - no earlier than 8-9 months. This is due not only to the high risk of allergies to the product, but also to the increased fat content in the yolk. It makes digestion difficult and puts serious strain on the liver. Therefore, if the baby has stomach problems, then egg feeding can be delayed for up to a year.

Protein can be introduced during the baby's second year of life.

Which eggs are better - chicken or quail?

Doctors recommend starting the introduction of complementary foods with quail eggs. This is explained by the fact that the content of allergens in them is lower than in chicken. In addition, a small quail yolk contains more useful substances than a chicken yolk, but it has almost no cholesterol.

However, you can also feed your child chicken yolks - provided that there is no allergy to them and the baby feels good after such a breakfast.

How to choose eggs for baby feeding?

When choosing eggs for the little ones, you should be guided by the following rules.

  1. Buy only the freshest eggs.
  2. Choose products from a familiar or well-known manufacturer.
  3. Do not try to save money and purchase goods at a discount or promotion, or in a low-price store.
  4. Leave cracked eggs on the shelf.
  5. If you want to feed your baby eggs from your own chickens, make sure that the birds are not sick.
  6. Before boiling the egg, immerse it in cold water. If it drowns, then you can cook it and offer it to the baby. If it surfaces, throw away such a product without regret - it is not known how long it has already lain on the shelf in the refrigerator.
  7. Before boiling, the egg must be washed well. It is also advisable to wipe it with soda.

How to introduce yolk to a child?

You need to boil an egg for a baby for at least 10-15 minutes. Soft-boiled eggs, much less “in a bag,” are not suitable for a child. The yolk should be well cooked and there should be no raw parts left in it.

When the egg is cooked, carefully separate the yolk from the white. Remember that not a crumb of protein should end up on your baby’s plate, as this may well cause allergies and redness of his skin.

Remember that the next day (if you want to feed the baby the yolk for two days in a row), you need to boil a new egg, and not feed it with yesterday’s egg.

It is also worth considering that the yolk can contribute to constipation, so you need to be very careful with this product.

The yolk is a high-calorie and fatty product. It is quite difficult to absorb and digest by the body. In addition, eggs are considered one of the strongest allergens. This is why you should not give your baby too much yolk. At the beginning of complementary feeding, it is better to limit it to once a week; later, you can increase the days of eating yolk to 2-3 times a week.

For the first time, you can give your child no more than 1/5 teaspoon of yolk crumbs (or 1/3 of quail yolk). If the baby accepts the new product normally and does not develop rashes, redness or other signs of allergies, then soon (after about 7-10 days) the portion can be increased to 1/4 teaspoon. But don't rush. A whole yolk can be given when the baby is about a year old.

The yolk should be given in the morning before the first feeding. This will allow you to observe your child’s reaction to a new product throughout the day. If the baby develops redness, rashes or blisters on the skin (i.e. allergies), then the introduction of egg feeding should be postponed until the baby is one to one and a half years old.

Eggs are a healthy product, rich in microelements and vitamins, so if you want to see your baby healthy and strong, you should definitely include them in his diet. This should be done carefully, not forgetting that there are allergies to eggs.

However, as practice shows, most babies calmly accept a new dish without showing signs of allergies. If your child is very sensitive, then it is better to start complementary feeding with quail eggs - they are not only healthier than chicken eggs, but also do not cause allergic reactions.

Eggs are considered to be very useful products that have a positive effect on the development and growth of children. They contain huge amounts of iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and other nutrients. The vitamins and microelements contained in the chicken product strengthen bones and also improve the functioning of the thyroid gland. Let's look at what age can you give eggs to a child?

The benefits of eggs for children's bodies

Why are they so beneficial for children? It is known that quail and chicken eggs contain many useful and nutritious elements. If we talk about a chicken egg, its benefits are as follows:

  • egg white contains amino acids that strengthen the musculoskeletal system, improve memory, and also promote cell growth and metabolism;
  • Egg yolk is easily absorbed by the child’s body, thereby improving the functioning of the digestive system. The fatty acids present in its composition ensure the normal functioning of the child’s brain, memory and other internal organs;
  • The yolk is also rich in minerals: phosphorus, calcium, iron. Minerals are involved in the construction of the bone skeleton, ensure the growth of teeth, form immunity and improve hematopoiesis.
  • Eggs are considered to be the most valuable dietary products. Their composition is completely balanced, so they are perfect for both introducing complementary foods and feeding older children.
  • The presence of choline improves the functioning of the nervous system.

How to introduce it into complementary foods?

As you know, eggs consist of white and yolk mass. It is the yolk that contains the most important nutritional components. You can give yolk to babies no earlier than 6-7 months. For infants, it is advisable to begin introducing this product into complementary feeding no earlier than 9-10 months.

To begin with, ¼ of the part will be enough, which will be diluted with boiled water. If the baby’s body perceives this product positively, then the dose of yolk can be gradually increased.

Unlike yolk, chicken protein can cause an allergic reaction in children - redness or a rash on the skin. In addition, it puts additional stress on the kidneys. Therefore, protein should be introduced into a child’s diet no earlier than 8 months of age.

As for the frequency of taking the product, offer it no more than two to three times a week. A whole egg can be given to a child as early as one year old.

Harm to eggs and contraindications

So, the time has come to find out what is harmful about eggs? On forums you can often find different opinions about the product in question. Some mothers claim that after eating egg whites, their one-year-old child developed an allergic reaction in the form of a rash. Therefore, this product is contraindicated for up to a year.

Others believe that you can give chicken and quail eggs to a bottle-fed baby from 3 months of age and there will be no harm to the body.

However, pediatricians and nutritionists, before introducing egg yolk into the child’s menu, recommend that all young mothers contact them for advice.


In addition to the protein mass, the yolk of eggs contains a substance such as cholesterol. It has long been believed that the presence of this component is harmful, because it increases the level of lipoproteins in the blood and thereby increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

But, in addition to dietary cholesterol, it contains lecithin, which promotes proper metabolism and normalizes the activity of the nervous system. Currently, scientists have come to a general consensus that the presence of cholesterol in eggs is not dangerous for the child’s body.


In addition, chicken eggs contain a lot of animal proteins that can cause. Quail and ostrich are less allergenic, however, when consumed by children, sometimes an allergic reaction appeared - rashes or diathesis. Therefore, allergists recommend introducing this product into a child’s diet – carefully.

Chicken or quail - which is better?

Which eggs are healthier in a child’s diet, chicken or quail, can be clearly seen in the table.

The appearance of quail eggs (spotted color and small size) is more attractive than chicken eggs, so kids eat them with great pleasure. In addition, quail eggs contain a wide range of useful minerals, vitamins: PP, B12, A, B5, B2 and vital amino acids.

Despite their nutritional value, doctors advise giving children quail eggs in minimal quantities. Usually they are alternated with chicken so that the digestive system gradually gets used to dietary nutrition.

How many eggs can you give your child?

The norms for eating eggs per day (week) depend on the age of the children.

  1. Pediatricians recommend starting your acquaintance with the yolk. The optimal time for introducing complementary feeding to a breastfed child is 6 months of age, for artificial infants - 3 months. Later it is possible, but then the body will not receive the required amount of vitamins and mineral elements: iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium. The hard-boiled egg is separated from the white, and the yolk is softened with a spoon. This product can be given either separately (in grains) or added to a mixture. The norm for a one-year-old baby: no more than 2 times a week, ½ teaspoon of egg yolk.
  2. After 1 year, the baby’s diet can be diversified with protein. During the first time of complementary feeding, the amount of product consumed should not exceed the norm - 2-3 times a week, ¼ of a chicken or quail egg.
  3. Children aged 3 to 6 years are allowed to eat half an egg 3-4 times a week.
  4. At 7 years and older, about 12 eggs per month or 4 per week.

Below is a table of the amount of product consumed for children of different age groups.

Salmonellosis in eggs: how to avoid getting infected?

Why do doctors not recommend giving raw eggs to children? Homemade eggs without preliminary heat treatment are dangerous for children to consume, as there is a high probability of contracting an intestinal infection - salmonellosis. The main source of the infectious disease is poultry.

First, bacteria settle on the shell, then penetrate inside and infect the product. How to avoid infection with salmonellosis?

  • Do not let your child eat eggs raw or soft-boiled;
  • consume only fried or hard-boiled foods (7-10 minutes is enough to destroy harmful bacteria);
  • It is safer to buy a chicken product in stores where it has passed a sanitary inspection or from trusted grandmothers in the markets;
  • Before boiling or eating an egg, do not forget to wash the shell. You can wash off bacteria with any soap.

What dishes can you prepare?

The most favorite dishes made from chicken eggs.

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