My feet are cold at home, what should I do? Feet are constantly cold: reasons for women and men

There is practically no fatty tissue in the foot area, and very little muscle. Therefore, in cold weather, feet freeze due to high heat transfer. Some people have cold feet all the time, even in the heat of summer. Why does this happen, and what to do in this case?

Causes of cold feet

    Vegetative-vascular dystonia. This conditional diagnosis can be given to 80% of people. Disharmony in the functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system leads to disruption of the regulation of vascular tone and internal organs, which often requires treatment with venotonic drugs ().

    Low blood pressure. Freezing extremities are a fairly common problem among hypotensive patients. With low blood pressure, blood flow slows down, so hypotensive patients often freeze.

    Hypothyroidism. When the function of the thyroid gland decreases, all processes in the body slow down. For this reason, hypothyroidism causes chronic fatigue and a feeling of cold.

    Body constitution. Often the feet get cold in thin people with a narrow chest. Asthenics have a small heart, which is why it is not able to provide normal blood supply to the body.

    Iron-deficiency anemia. With this disease, hypoxia is noted. Tissues (including vascular tissues) do not receive enough oxygen, which is why coldness is felt in the extremities (arms and legs).

    Smoking. It is known that nicotine can cause vasospasm.

    Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels. Cholesterol plaques interfere with normal blood flow.

    Back diseases. Feet can freeze due to osteochondrosis, in particular, when nerve endings are pinched, which can lead to a feeling of coldness in the limbs and even numbness.

    Taking certain medications. Beta-blockers cause spasm of peripheral blood vessels, causing a person to feel coldness, primarily in the extremities.

What to do if your feet are cold?

If you notice that even in warm weather your limbs are cold, it is best to consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of this symptom. By eliminating the causative disease, you will forever get rid of the problem of cold feet.

    Train your blood vessels. Contrast procedures are perfect for this: a contrast shower or alternately lowering your feet into cold and hot water. Also useful will be saunas and baths, in which cold water dousing is provided after “hot” procedures.

    Play sports. Force yourself to exercise daily. According to your taste, you can choose running, aerobics, brisk walking, swimming, cycling and other types of physical activity.

    Try to get rid of bad habits. As mentioned above, nicotine causes vasospasm. Excessive consumption of alcohol and coffee also negatively affects the vascular system. It is better to exclude them from your diet altogether.

    Eat right. During the cold season, eat fatty sea fish (mackerel, salmon, pangasius) more often. If you have low hemoglobin, give preference to foods that contain large amounts of iron (meat, cocoa). To maintain normal activity of the thyroid gland, iodine is needed, which is contained in seaweed, , fish and seafood.

    Maintain drinking balance. Drink enough liquid (30 ml per 1 kg of body weight). If you increase the amount of fluid you consume, this will lead to increased blood circulation, which will make you feel warmer.

    Choose the right shoes. You should not wear shoes that fit tightly to your feet. This is especially true for winter shoes. This way, heat exchange with the environment occurs more intensely, which you absolutely do not need. Your foot should feel free in your shoes. If there is little air space in the shoe, the foot will cool down more slowly.

    Toughen up. Spring and summer are the right time to start hardening procedures. Start by taking air baths, gradually moving on to rubbing and dousing with water. This way you will not only improve vascular tone, but also significantly increase the body’s immune defense.

Feet are cold - reasons and how to deal with it. The cardiovascular system in men and women is structured the same, but it functions differently. This is due not only to primary and secondary sexual characteristics, but also to the predominance of different hormones: estrogen - female, androgen - male. The nature of blood flow is also affected by the level of metabolism, the amount of fat and muscle tissue.

It is these factors that lead to women getting cold much more often than men. Most often, it is the feet that suffer from the cold. What to do about this problem can be said for sure after the cause of freezing feet has been established, and there are several of them. However, most often these are still problems with the vascular system.

Constantly freezing feet It worries women more than men, and most often in winter. Why do your feet get cold? Because the legs have the least muscle mass and subcutaneous fatty tissue, which help conserve heat. In addition, women have a different hormonal composition and a different distribution of energy in the body, which is more used to maintain the functions of internal organs. In this case, peripheral vessels and capillaries remain neglected.

Feet are constantly cold: what is the reason?

If cold feet interfere with your life, contact a vascular surgeon. Based on the examinations, he will be able to give you further recommendations. It is even more necessary to start an examination if there are also symptoms such as drowsiness, general fatigue, lethargy, weight gain, swelling, changes in veins.

The combination of symptoms may indicate serious diseases: diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, vegetative-vascular dystonia, deterioration of the thyroid gland, excessive activity of the autonomic nervous system, problems with connective tissue, nervous disorders, anemia.

What to do if your feet are constantly cold?

- change your diet. Increase the amount of foods rich in iron and vitamin C in your diet, which helps improve capillary permeability and vascular elasticity. To do this, eat kiwi, sauerkraut, citrus fruits, and drink rosehip infusion. Eat foods with vitamin P, which prevents the vitamin from oxidizing and improves blood circulation: nuts, pumpkin seeds.

— people whose feet are constantly cold should always dress according to the weather. If the body is well protected from the cold, then the internal organs do not become overcooled, which means they will not have to take heat from the legs. That is, first of all, you need to think about the functionality of clothes and shoes, and not about their beauty.

— in the cold season, you need to wear spacious shoes so that there is an air gap between the shoe and the foot. Tight shoes with narrow toes will prevent blood from moving freely through the blood vessels.

— it is advisable to use warm insoles, preferably woolen ones with thermal insulation. Dry them regularly after wearing.

— in cold weather, do not neglect woolen leggings under trousers and warm socks.

- You can purchase heat-resistant socks, which are offered for tourists involved in winter outdoor activities.

- move more. Even when you just have to stand at a bus stop, walk, stamp your feet, jump.

- do not smoke in the cold, as this reduces peripheral blood circulation.

— don’t go out into the cold hungry, as the lack of calories prevents energy production.

My feet are cold. How to deal with it

The smaller mass of muscle tissue in women, compared to men, does not allow them to produce the required amount of heat. Even with a slight change in air temperature, blood from the skin rushes to the internal organs to maintain reproductive function. First, the toes and hands get cold, then the feet and hands; it is not uncommon for women to feel cold extremities - this is the norm. Men react less sensitively to temperature changes and sometimes don’t even notice them. But constantly freezing feet and hands indicate disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system. Often, such disorders can be eliminated with proper nutrition, light self-massage, physical exercise and yoga. Cold feet can also be caused by diseases: diabetes, hormonal disorders, thyroid gland. Therefore, if you often feel cold, you should consult a doctor.

Low or high blood pressure can also cause cold hands and feet. In a healthy person, blood pressure should be within normal limits at rest and increase during exercise. It is worth noting that women are more likely than men to have low blood pressure, as scientists note: 59% versus 43%. Often in women, low blood pressure causes fainting; the brain does not receive enough oxygen contained in the blood. But lower blood pressure also has its advantages: generally, the absence of heart disease and a longer life expectancy. Hypertension or high blood pressure occurs due to the “obstruction” of blood vessels, the passages are greatly narrowed and the blood puts more pressure on the walls of the vessels.

One of the causes of hypertension is cholesterol. This disease is difficult to treat, but you can prevent its occurrence by changing your lifestyle. It’s worth starting with nutrition: fatty acids contained in fish reduce cholesterol; fruits and vegetables - supply the body with antioxidants that prevent blockage of blood vessels. The combination of coffee and cigarettes is very dangerous for hypertension; caffeine and nicotine strongly constrict blood vessels. But alcohol, on the contrary, dilates blood vessels; a glass of good red wine will not hurt.

Dehydration of the body can also lead to unpleasant changes and affect blood pressure, so you need to drink at least one and a half liters of water a day. In summer - juices, and in winter - green tea. What to do? Cold, stress and overwork are the first things to deal with. Try to dress according to the weather so that you are warm but light. Cold or excessive heat will disrupt the body's thermoregulation. Valerian root, motherwort, mint and lemon balm - decoctions of these herbs will help relieve stress. Give your body time to recover, sleep and rest more, at least 8-9 hours a day. Your daily diet should include foods containing vitamins and minerals that strengthen and support the vascular system.

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - found in lemons, kiwi, rose hips, oranges, black currants. It regulates blood clotting, tissue repair and synthesizes collagen.
  • Vitamin P (bioflavonoids) - found in large quantities in nuts and pumpkin seeds. Taken together with vitamin C, it prevents the oxidation of the latter; together they effectively strengthen the walls of capillaries. Another benefit of vitamin P is the reduction of bruising.
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - bread, eggs, liver, beef and cereals are rich in it. Vitamin PP regulates protein metabolism and nervous activity.
  • Chili peppers or hot red peppers are great for stimulating blood flow.
  • Sprouted wheat grains, seeds, nuts and whole grain bread are rich in vitamin E, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Garlic can be consumed in any form. It lowers cholesterol levels and prevents blood clots.
  • Ginger can normalize blood circulation. Add it to tea, when preparing soups, stews or fish. Don’t forget about physical activity; if your feet often get cold, walk more. Try to spend at least 30 minutes doing yoga or fitness every day.

Feet are constantly cold: folk recipes

1. Warming cream. Mix two of the following possible ingredients: red pepper extract, cocoa butter, camphor, rosemary and sesame. Add My feet are constantly cold: what should I do with baby cream or Vaseline? Apply warming cream to washed and dried feet.

2. Warming tincture. Take 2 tsp. ground red pepper and add a glass of vodka. Leave for 10 days, strain. Lubricate your feet with the tincture before going to bed. However, compositions with red pepper should be used with caution, as it can lead to allergic reactions and irritation.

If your feet are already frozen:
- take a warm bath, increasing the temperature, starting from 20-25 degrees and up to 40-42 degrees.

— apply an alcohol compress to the area of ​​the feet. You can also make an unusual compress by soaking the soles of thin socks in alcohol or vodka and putting them on your feet, heated in hot water, and putting warm woolen socks on top.

- Massage your entire feet and legs, massaging with your hands, a massage roller or a dry brush. When massaging, make movements from bottom to top.

- warm yourself up from the inside by drinking hot milk, a cup of hot tea with honey and lemon, a drink with ginger or cinnamon.

— make a warming herbal tea that will improve blood circulation. Take 1 tsp. sage, chamomile, mint, valerian root, bay leaf, 2 cloves, a piece of ginger, a pinch of coriander, a little ground pepper and pour a liter of boiling water in a thermos. Leave for an hour and drink like tea.

If your feet are cold - three ways to warm up

1. Exercise improves blood circulation. Just 10-15 minutes of fiery dancing to your favorite music will warm you better than any blanket.

2. Rubbing legs and arms. As soon as you feel the cold coming, gently begin to rub the cold areas with a terry towel. Before this, you can take a warm bath.

3. Self-massage using oils is excellent for dilating blood vessels and relieving stress.

Some people are forced to sleep under a warm blanket and in socks both in winter and summer due to constantly freezing feet. It is especially difficult to endure sub-zero temperatures, which cause excruciating pain in the toes.

And even in summer, when the warm rays of the sun warm, a person’s feet get cold. What to do with such a problem? Of course, this state of affairs is cause for concern, since constantly freezing feet may be evidence of the occurrence of certain diseases.


First you need to understand why your feet are cold, whether this phenomenon is constant or happens from time to time. The structure of our body may be to blame, since in this part of the body there is a very small muscle layer that helps retain heat, and there is no subcutaneous fatty tissue. Therefore, during the cold season, feet are especially susceptible to low temperatures.

Often the reason that feet are cold is the desire to follow fashion, namely clothes that are out of season or shoes that are too narrow. In this situation, you just need to dress warmly, change your fashionable but cold shoes to warm boots - and your feet will become warm and comfortable.

But if your feet are cold in any situation, and regardless of how you dress, then perhaps the reasons are due to some problems in the body.

Circulatory disorders

Constantly cold feet can be a sign of poor blood supply. This problem is most common in older people and smokers, who have slow peripheral circulation. In addition, as we age, fat tissue increases and muscle tissue decreases, causing the body's heat production to decrease.

Young people also often complain that their feet are cold. The reasons are a deterioration in the functioning of blood vessels, which may be a sign of vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as other problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

With varicose veins, a local circulatory disorder occurs, which also causes discomfort. People with this problem experience pain when walking that does not go away even at rest.

You can often hear complaints from people who are keen on low-calorie diets that their feet are cold. The reasons are that there is a lack of certain microelements in the body. For example, iron (anemia). This condition requires immediate treatment.

Pernicious anemia

Vitamin B 12 is responsible for the production and proper functioning of red blood cells, the lack of which leads to the development of this disease. At the same time, the person begins to feel tired, headaches, becomes irritable, the skin turns pale, the feet and hands are cold.

In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamin B 12.

Raynaud's syndrome

The feet of people with Raynaud's syndrome are constantly cold. The disease is very rare and has specific symptoms. As a result of vasospastic attacks, blood vessels narrow, which interferes with normal blood circulation. The person experiences coldness in the extremities, followed by numbness or tingling. The arms and legs become pale with a bluish tint. After an attack, the patient feels fine until the next time. The causes of Raynaud's syndrome have not yet been established, so treatment is impossible.

Blood pressure problems

Also, a feeling of chilliness in the legs can be a consequence of high or low blood pressure. At rest, a healthy person has normal blood pressure, which increases with physical activity. Reduced is more common among the fairer sex.

The cause of high blood pressure is vascular obstruction. To prevent this disease, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid bad habits and watch your diet. Lack of fluid also affects blood pressure, so you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

Emotional stress

Often, nervous tension leads to cold feet. A person may feel chills throughout the body. In this case, sedatives of plant origin or herbal remedies will help. To strengthen the nervous system, you need to play sports, walk in the fresh air, attend massage sessions, etc.

Cold feet can also be caused by hormonal imbalances, high blood sugar levels, osteochondrosis, or taking certain medications that cause vasospasm.

To find out why your feet are cold, you need to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations. If no pathologies are found, you can try to improve your condition using the methods described below.

Improving blood circulation

An active lifestyle, walking, cycling, morning exercises, swimming - all this helps improve blood flow.

Replenish your diet with hot liquid meals and drinks, bran, fiber, and iron-containing foods. Taking vitamin complexes will be useful.

An infusion of ginger, which should be drunk hot, perfectly improves blood circulation and helps to warm up. Instead of infusion, you can simply add a little ginger, cloves, cinnamon and lemon to your favorite tea.

Hot spices also help tone blood vessels.

Contrast shower and massage

A warm bath or contrast shower using essential oils improves blood circulation well. A few drops of oil should be mixed with shower gel, then apply the mixture to the body with a washcloth. After such a water procedure, you need to rub yourself thoroughly with a terry towel.

Daily massage of problem areas, preferably using warming ointments, helps improve the condition.

Do not wear too tight shoes and clothes, this interferes with normal heat exchange and blood supply to the body. You can purchase massage insoles for shoes. Walk barefoot more.

Stop smoking, do not abuse alcohol, this negatively affects the vascular systems of the body.

Traditional medicine recipes for warming feet

This method will help you warm up quickly. You need to moisten the bottom of the socks with alcohol or vodka and put them on your feet, steamed in hot water. Warm woolen socks are worn on top.

Salt baths for feet have a good effect. Dissolve 2 tbsp in hot water. l. sea ​​salt and milk, then add rosemary oil (10-15 drops). This bath is beneficial for the skin of the feet and helps to quickly warm up.

Another effective remedy is ground red hot pepper, which should be poured into socks.

For good operation of the vessels, you can use the following product: mustard powder (2 tbsp), coarse sea salt (1 tbsp), a pod of red hot pepper cut in half should be placed in a glass container and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. The product must be infused for a week in a dark place, shaking occasionally. The readiness of the infusion can be judged by the appearance of a red tint.
Lubricate your feet with the prepared product before going to bed, after which you put on cotton socks. The duration of treatment is from two weeks to a month.

During the cold season, many people have cold feet. What to do in this case? Try, before going outside, to lubricate your feet with badger, mink or nutria fat. An extra pair of socks won't hurt.

If your feet are cold, treatment should be comprehensive. Warming procedures will only bring relief for a short time. A balanced diet, walks in the fresh air, physical exercise, and the use of various methods of strengthening blood vessels will help improve your well-being and get rid of discomfort.

Many women complain that their feet are constantly cold. What to do about this problem can be said for sure after the cause of freezing feet has been established, and there are several of them. However, most often these are still problems with the vascular system.

Constantly freezing feet worries women more than men, and most often in winter. Why do your feet get cold? Because the legs have the least muscle mass and subcutaneous fatty tissue, which help conserve heat.

In addition, women have a different hormonal composition and a different distribution of energy in the body, which is more used to maintain the functions of internal organs. In this case, peripheral vessels and capillaries remain neglected.

What to do if your feet are constantly cold?

- change your diet. Increase the amount of foods rich in iron and vitamin C in your diet, which helps improve capillary permeability and vascular elasticity. To do this, eat kiwi, sauerkraut, citrus fruits, and drink rosehip infusion. Eat foods with vitamin P, which prevents the vitamin from oxidizing and improves blood circulation: nuts, pumpkin seeds.

— people whose feet are constantly cold should always dress according to the weather. If the body is well protected from the cold, then the internal organs do not become overcooled, which means they will not have to take heat from the legs. That is, first of all, you need to think about the functionality of clothes and shoes, and not about their beauty.

— in the cold season, you need to wear spacious shoes so that there is an air gap between the shoe and the foot. Tight shoes with narrow toes will prevent blood from moving freely through the blood vessels.

— it is advisable to use warm insoles, preferably woolen ones with thermal insulation. Dry them regularly after wearing.

— in cold weather, do not neglect woolen leggings under trousers and warm socks.

- You can purchase heat-resistant socks, which are offered for tourists involved in winter outdoor activities.

- move more. Even when you just have to stand at a bus stop, walk, stamp your feet, jump.

- do not smoke in the cold, as this reduces peripheral blood circulation.

— don’t go out into the cold hungry, as the lack of calories prevents energy production.

Feet are constantly cold: folk recipes.

1. Warming cream. Mix two of the following possible ingredients: red pepper extract, cocoa butter, camphor, rosemary and sesame. Add add baby cream or Vaseline to them. Apply warming cream to washed and dried feet.

2. Warming tincture. Take 2 tsp. and add a glass of vodka. Leave for 10 days, strain. Lubricate your feet with the tincture before going to bed. However, compositions with red pepper should be used with caution, as it can lead to allergic reactions and irritation.

If your feet are already frozen:
- take a warm bath, increasing the temperature, starting from 20-25 degrees and up to 40-42 degrees.

— apply an alcohol compress to the area of ​​the feet. You can also make an unusual compress by soaking the soles of thin socks in alcohol or vodka and putting them on your feet, heated in hot water, and putting warm woolen socks on top.

- Massage your entire feet and legs, massaging with your hands, a massage roller or a dry brush. When massaging, make movements from bottom to top.

- warm yourself up from the inside by drinking hot milk, a cup of hot tea with honey and lemon, a drink with ginger or cinnamon.

— make a warming herbal tea that will improve blood circulation. Take 1 tsp. sage, chamomile, valerian root, bay leaf, 2 cloves, a piece of ginger, a pinch of coriander, a little ground pepper and pour a liter of boiling water in a thermos. Leave for an hour and drink like tea.

Why do my feet always get cold?

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