My lip was very swollen from herpes. What should I do if my lip is swollen from herpes? What to do if there are no medications

Swollen lips require special attention. This phenomenon almost always means what happens in the body serious failures. Therefore, swelling of the lips is a signal that requires urgent medical examination. For what reasons does swelling of the lip occur, what diseases are responsible for its appearance, how to get rid of it?

Causes of swelling of the upper lip

Edema is the body’s reaction to any irritant and mechanical impact. The symptom may also indicate the development of certain diseases.

The main causes of swelling of the upper lip.

    Allergic reaction. It is characterized by the body's hypersensitivity to a particular irritant (dust, plant pollen, animal hair, medications, food, etc.). The reaction occurs immediately after contact with the allergen or after 3-6 hours. In addition, accompanying symptoms are observed in the form of lacrimation, runny nose, and red eyes.

    Inflammatory process.


    Poor-quality decorative cosmetics, violations of hygiene rules.

    Dental diseases, stomatitis, teething, gumboil. If the cheek is swollen along with the upper lip, then the main cause of the symptom is periodontitis. The disease is a complication of dental injuries, caries and poorly performed dental procedures. As a result, the inflammatory process spreads to the cheek and lip. In this case, severe pain is felt in the area of ​​the affected tooth, swelling of the gums, and an increase in body temperature are observed.

    Infectious or viral disease against the background of high body temperature, the consequences of hypothermia, frostbite, hot weather.

    Facial neuritis. Accompanied by swelling and numbness of the upper lip.

    Surgeries (facial plastic surgery) and injuries (biting the upper lip, damage to the lip with a toothpick, dental floss, piercing, burn).

If swelling of the upper lip is accompanied by pain, then an inflammatory process may develop due to injury, the presence of ulcers, cystic acne, wounds, and abrasions. Painful sensations may be associated with an infectious process. After all, abrasions and open wounds are an excellent environment for germs to enter and multiply. In addition to swelling and pain, the patient there is an increase in body temperature, numbness of the skin, unpleasant odor from the mouth. If treatment is not started in time, the inflammatory process will spread to neighboring tissues and lead to complications.

When the upper lip swells from the inside, periostitis develops - inflammatory process in the periosteum and bone jaw tissues. Complicated by suppuration, abscesses, tissue necrosis. The causes of the disease are improper dental procedures, improper antiseptic treatment, and installation of fillings. Swelling of the lip is accompanied by redness and swelling of the gums.

In children, a symptom may appear due to the development of stomatitis, an allergic reaction, pathological lesions of the teeth and gums, bruises, and malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of swelling of the lower lip

Just as in the case of the upper lip, the following are the causes of swelling of the lower lip.


  1. Development of pathologies.

Pathological factors include infectious and non-infectious diseases. This:

    ARVI, acute respiratory infections, herpes;

    Quincke's edema;

    lichen, fungus;


    lip cancer;


    cheilitis (a rare inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane and red border of the lips);

    malignant tumors.

An allergic reaction occurs to food, medications, and cosmetics. Accompanied by swelling and numbness of the lower lip.

Traumatic factors include:

    constant lip biting;

    burns resulting from exposure to ultraviolet radiation after consuming hot drinks and food;

    blow, scratch, puncture;

    bruise, bite;

    piercing, tattooing, permanent makeup, surgery, anesthesia.

Leads to swelling lower lip vitamin B and C deficiency . Vitamin deficiency occurs due to fasting and adherence to strict one-component diets.

An increase in the area under the lip may indicate the development of aphthous stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), fibroma (benign neoplasm), and angioedema ().

If the swelling affects both the lip and chin, this indicates an abscess of the lower jaw caused by injury to the dental pulp.

Swelling on the inside of the lip indicates blockage of the salivary glands. A symptom appears when you frequently bite your cheeks, lips, or have piercings.

The cause of lip swelling can be fluid retention in the body (usually observed during pregnancy), blood transfusion, liver, kidney, heart and vascular diseases. In this case, the symptom extends not only to the lower lip, but also to the upper lip.

How to quickly relieve swelling?

Swelling caused by a bruise or injury (without cracks, abrasions) is eliminated with the help of applying a cold compress, always wrapped in clean cloth. They hold it for a quarter of an hour. The compress allows you to slow down the flow of blood to the damaged area and quickly relieve swelling and relieve pain.

How to relieve swelling of the lip in the presence of abrasions and wounds? Fresh aloe leaf is used. It is cut in several places and applied to the sore lip for 5-7 minutes. The plant will relieve inflammation, disinfect and remove swelling.

A warm tea bag and tea tree oil will help restore your lip to its original appearance.

All these manipulations are performed immediately after the swelling appears and serve as first aid elements.

Treatment with drugs

Treatment depends on the cause of the symptom.

    Swelling caused by infection of a wound, abrasion, or pimple is first treated with antiseptics - hydrogen peroxide, iodine solution, Chlorhexidine. Then anti-inflammatory ointments are applied to the affected area - tetracycline, erythromycin, oxolinic, as well as Flucinar and Sinalar.

    Swelling that appears as a result of an allergic reaction is treated by taking antihistamines - Zodak, Zyrtec, Cetrin, Suprastin. Antipruritic, antiallergic, and anti-inflammatory ointments are used as local therapy. Suitable for these purposes are Flucinar, Prednisolone, Fluorocort.

    After lip augmentation injections or permanent makeup procedures, it is recommended to apply a cold compress for 2-3 days.

    If the cause is fluid retention in the body, diuretics or diuretics are taken.

    Hematomas and bruises leading to a tumor on the lip will be cured by badyaga. It is mixed with water and applied to the swollen area (or purchase a ready-made gel). Sinyak off, Lyoton, Rescuer, Troxevasin are suitable for the same purposes.

    A burn on the lip, which causes swelling, is treated with Levomekol ointment. It will disinfect the affected area and relieve pain. Solcoseryl and Rescuer are used as burn-relieving ointments. Be sure to regularly treat the burned area with antiseptic drugs.

    Stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity are treated by rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, 1% Clotrimazole solution, Miramistin, weak manganese solution). Also used for therapy are Stomatidin, Lugol, Hexoral sprays. They are also good antiseptics. To combat bacteria, fungi and viruses, the gel Cholisal, Viferon, Lidochlor, Komistad is used. The products eliminate inflammation, relieve pain and fight microbes in the oral cavity.

    If the cause of the swelling is herpes, then antiviral drugs and ointments are prescribed. Usually the swelling is accompanied by itching and tingling. Then redness and small blisters appear, uniting with each other. Occurs due to weakening immune functions. It is not possible to completely overcome the virus and remove its cells from the body. However, there are remedies that will help achieve long-term remission. These are: Acyclovir ointment, Zovirax, Gerpevir. They not only have an antiviral effect, but also quickly relieve itching, burning, inflammation and pain. To quickly regenerate tissue, Bepanthenol and Solcoseryl are prescribed. Activities to strengthen the immune system are also important here.

The ointments are applied to the lip by soaking sterile gauze or bandage with them. This will prevent the product from entering the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract.

If you find a tumor on your lip, it is better to go to the doctor and get examined. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will determine the cause of the symptom and prescribe treatment.


Preventive measures are as follows.

    The first thing to do is take measures to strengthen immunity– eat right, don’t be nervous, play sports, get rid of bad habits, get more rest. This prevents the development of infectious diseases.

    Choose a cosmetologist or dentist with special care, contact only trusted clinics.

    Do not touch the wound on your lip with dirty hands.

    If you are prone to allergies, then purchase decorative cosmetics and other lip products labeled “hypoallergenic” or “for sensitive skin.”

    Avoid hypothermia and overheating.

    Drink enough water.

    The menu includes foods rich in vitamins B6, C, B12.

    After cosmetic procedures, follow all doctor’s recommendations.

    Undergo a medical examination once every six months.

Swelling of the lip occurs for various reasons - allergic, traumatic, pathological. All of them require urgent examination, otherwise serious complications cannot be avoided.

If a person has contracted herpes, there are several ways to relieve swelling. Swelling is a characteristic sign of herpes that appears at the very beginning of the disease. Most often, the disease affects the lips and external genitalia, but sometimes blistering neoplasms appear on other parts of the body. Swelling due to a herpetic infection not only looks unsightly, but also causes discomfort; touching it often causes pain. Swelling can be relieved in different ways.

External medications

You can get rid of swelling using acyclovir-based creams and ointments.

This substance not only removes swelling, but also has other properties:

  • relieves itching and burning, these symptoms are characteristic of any stage of herpes;
  • triggers regeneration processes in skin cells, promotes rapid healing of the source of infection;
  • has an antiviral effect, blocks the activity of herpes.

The most famous drug based on this substance has the same name - Acyclovir. The product is available in the form of ointment and cream, they differ in their base. The ointment has a greasy texture due to lanolin in its composition.

Using the drug you can relieve swelling in a short period of time. If you use the product according to the instructions, apply it to the affected areas of the skin 4-5 times a day, then the swelling may disappear the very next morning.

Zovirax is a drug in ointment or cream format that contains acyclovir. To achieve the fastest effect, apply the product throughout the day with an interval of 3-4 hours. Complete relief from herpes occurs within 6-7 days of regular use of Zovirax, and swelling disappears after 24 hours.

If you notice the very first symptoms of herpes, then Panavir-gel can help avoid swelling altogether. The drug is based on organic raw materials extracted from potato shoots. Apply the gel to the affected areas in a thin layer up to 5 times a day. The main advantage of Panavir is the lack of addiction to the components of its composition.

Bepanten wound healing ointment is used as an additional remedy aimed at relieving the symptoms of herpetic infection. You need to apply the product 1-2 times a day in a thin layer, the swelling goes away after 1-2 days. The drug is approved for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Folk recipes

Grandmother's methods can be used, but you should first consult with a dermatologist or therapist - this is a guarantee that the situation will not worsen.

Swelling on any part of the body can be removed with cold, ice will also do. It is wrapped in a sterile scarf and applied to the affected area for several minutes. This procedure must be carried out throughout the day.

You can increase the benefits of such cryotherapy with the help of herbs.

Before putting the ice into the freezer, add the following components:

  • chamomile;
  • celandine;
  • horsetail;
  • mint.

You can add 2-3 drops of essential oil to ice; it reduces swelling well.

Swelling is relieved with black tea. It is brewed in boiling water, filtered and the leaves are wrapped in gauze. The compress should be left on the swollen area for 3-5 minutes. During the day, the procedure is repeated up to 6-7 times.

You can relieve herpetic swelling and get rid of blistering neoplasms using baking soda. It is diluted with water, bringing it to a creamy consistency.

The resulting slurry is distributed onto the damaged skin and left for 15-20 minutes. The procedure must be repeated up to 3-4 times a day.

The effect of folk recipes can be different, for some the swelling subsides the next morning, while others struggle with it for several days, it all depends on the degree of tissue damage.

Oral medications

Herpes is a viral infection. You can get rid of its symptoms with the help of medications taken orally. Oral medications block the activation of viral cells, due to which the external manifestations of herpes go away.

Most often, dermatologists prescribe drugs based on acyclovir - these are tablets of the same name, Zovirax, Ciclovir and others. The course of treatment depends on the course of the disease, usually it does not exceed 7 days. Symptoms such as swelling, burning and itching disappear after 1-2 days.

Immunomodulators are rarely prescribed as primary treatment and are usually combined with antiviral medications.

The most commonly used drugs are aimed at strengthening the immune system:

  1. Cycloferon, the full course of treatment lasts a month.
  2. Amiksin, course duration varies from 10 days to a month.
  3. Likopid, the course of treatment lasts 6-10 days, after which a break is taken for 3 days.

Immunomodulators relieve swelling by activating natural protective functions. The body begins to fight herpes on its own and after a few days the unpleasant symptoms of the disease begin to subside.

Before you start dealing with swelling, you should consult a dermatologist or therapist. The doctor will confirm the diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment regimen.

The herpes virus is a common viral disease. It is present in the body of every person, but manifests itself in 90% of cases. There are many ways to treat this disease. The most important thing in this case is to take precautions.

The development of herpes on the lip is divided into several stages:

  1. The first signs of a problem are pain, burning, and tingling. Those who have previously suffered from this disease can immediately determine the approach of the disease at the initial stage. People encountering it for the first time may not understand anything, since there are no external manifestations.
  2. Rash. The most dangerous stage in the development of the disease. At this stage, bubbles begin to appear. They contain liquid in which the virus is located. It is very contagious and is transmitted through air, kisses, and personal belongings of the patient.
  3. Ulcers. At this stage, the formation of new bubbles stops. The old ones burst, resulting in small ulcers.
  4. Healing. The wounds that appear begin to heal. They become crusty and dry out. This prevents a person from calmly expressing his emotions, since even a slight smile can cause the crusts on the lips to crack.

Treatment methods

There are only 2 ways to get rid of the symptoms of the disease - the use of medications and the use of traditional medicine. The first method of treatment is more effective, since the medicine has a local effect on the virus.

Treatment of the disease must be carried out after noticing the first symptoms. There are special antiviral tablets, ointments and gels. This will allow you to cure the disease faster. Those who often suffer from colds on the lips should have antiviral ointment in their first aid kit. In addition to antiviral drugs, the course of treatment should include drugs that enhance immunity.

How to get rid of blisters on your lip

Treatment should begin at the initial stage of the disease, but if the moment is missed and the lip is swollen, then modern antiviral agents will help get rid of the swelling and blisters on the lip.

Among the most effective ointments and gels are:

  1. Zovirax. A modern remedy that contains Acyclovir. Apply the cream to the affected area 4-6 times a day. It is best to start using the ointment at the initial stage of the disease.
  2. Acyclovir. A popular remedy for the treatment of viral herpes. Over time, the pathogen becomes resistant to the drug, so its use should be under the supervision of a physician. It should be noted that it is better to use it before redness and swelling appear. In this case, the treatment result will be more effective. Apply the ointment to the affected area every 3 hours until complete healing.
  3. Flucinar. A remedy to eliminate unpleasant symptoms: burning, itching. The ointment is used 2 times a day for 7 days.

No less popular are pills for herpes on the lips:

  1. Voltrex. A popular cure for the herpes virus. Tablets should be used once a day for 5 days.
  2. Famciclovir. It is recommended to use tablets for type 3 herpes. Should be taken 1 tablet 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 10 days.
  3. Acyclovir. The medicine is available in the form of tablets and ointments. Inexpensive antiviral agent. Take the tablets 4 times a day after meals, with plenty of liquid.

To boost immunity you can also use:

  1. Amiksin. Popular drug. Eliminates the resulting infection and increases the production of antibodies to it.
  2. Cycloferon. An excellent immunomodulator with anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to take 450 mg per day half an hour before meals.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional methods can be used to treat the disease. Effective are:

  • garlic – quickly relieves inflammation;
  • essential oils - mix lavender, fir oils and any vegetable cosmetic oil in equal proportions. The mixture is applied to the affected skin 4 times a day until complete healing;
  • salt and soda - eliminates swelling. The ingredients are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mixture should have a mushy consistency. It should be periodically applied to the area of ​​the rash;
  • herbal tincture To prepare the tincture you will need plantain, St. John's wort, birch and black poplar buds, calendula, aloe juice, echinacea, lemongrass, eucalyptus. The ingredients should be mixed well. To prepare the tincture, pour a spoonful of the resulting mixture with boiling water and infuse for 15 minutes;
  • toothpaste. Relieves swelling and dries the skin;
  • tea tree oil. The affected area should be lubricated. Quickly relieves inflammation.
  • grapefruit/lemon peel. An excellent bactericidal agent. You should apply a piece of citrus peel to the swollen area and secure it with an adhesive plaster.

If a person has contracted herpes, there are several ways to relieve swelling. Swelling is a characteristic sign of herpes that appears at the very beginning of the disease. Most often, the disease affects the lips and external genitalia, but sometimes blistering neoplasms appear on other parts of the body. Swelling due to a herpetic infection not only looks unsightly, but also causes discomfort; touching it often causes pain. Swelling can be relieved in different ways.

External medications

You can get rid of swelling using acyclovir-based creams and ointments.

This substance not only removes swelling, but also has other properties:

  • relieves itching and burning, these symptoms are characteristic of any stage of herpes;
  • triggers regeneration processes in skin cells, promotes rapid healing of the source of infection;
  • has an antiviral effect, blocks the activity of herpes.
  • The most famous drug based on this substance has the same name - Acyclovir. The product is available in the form of ointment and cream, they differ in their base. The ointment has a greasy texture due to lanolin in its composition.

    Using the drug you can relieve swelling in a short period of time. If you use the product according to the instructions, apply it to the affected areas of the skin 4-5 times a day, then the swelling may disappear the very next morning.

    Zovirax is a drug in ointment or cream format that contains acyclovir. To achieve the fastest effect, apply the product throughout the day with an interval of 3-4 hours. Complete relief from herpes occurs within 6-7 days of regular use of Zovirax, and swelling disappears after 24 hours.

    If you notice the very first symptoms of herpes, then Panavir-gel can help avoid swelling altogether. The drug is based on organic raw materials extracted from potato shoots. Apply the gel to the affected areas in a thin layer up to 5 times a day. The main advantage of Panavir is the lack of addiction to the components of its composition.

    Bepanten wound healing ointment is used as an additional remedy aimed at relieving the symptoms of herpetic infection. You need to apply the product 1-2 times a day in a thin layer, the swelling goes away after 1-2 days. The drug is approved for use by pregnant and lactating women.

    Folk recipes

    Grandmother's methods can be used, but you should first consult with a dermatologist or therapist - this is a guarantee that the situation will not worsen.

    Swelling on any part of the body can be removed with cold, ice will also do. It is wrapped in a sterile scarf and applied to the affected area for several minutes. This procedure must be carried out throughout the day.

    Swelling of the lip due to herpes, how to treat it?

    According to studies and surveys, almost 90% of the country's residents suffered from herpes, and even those “lucky” ones who did not have this disease certainly heard about its existence. There are 2 types of disease:

  • manifestation of the disease on the skin of the face, swelling of the lips;
  • manifestation of symptoms in the genital organs.
  • The first type is the most common case of the disease, which we will discuss in more detail in this article.

    In the area of ​​the face where a relapse will soon occur, you can feel such precursors of the disease as tingling, itching, pain, tingling. The skin over this area begins to turn red. At this stage, further maturation of the vesicles can be prevented by using acyclovir-based medications. If a person suffers from itchy skin, it is better to take a paracetamol or aspirin tablet.

    The second stage of lip herpes is inflammation, which begins with the appearance of a painful vesicle, which increases in size over time. The vial is filled with liquid, which becomes cloudy over time. At this stage, it is not uncommon for lip swelling to occur due to herpes, which can be relieved with fir oil. This medicine can be applied immediately after inflammation and swelling appear every 2 hours.

    The third stage of herpes lips is the stage of manifestation of the inflamed area. The bubble breaks, and a colorless liquid containing a huge number of viral molecules flows out of it. The fourth stage of the disease is scab formation.

    Swelling with herpes main methods of treatment

    You can stop the development of a relapse of the disease, speed up recovery and relieve swelling of herpes with the help of acyclovir-based ointments and creams containing zinc, hydroxytolene or l-lysine. These medications promote rapid healing of ulcers and blisters and reduce itching.

    It is best to apply antiviral ointments such as Zovirax and acyclovir using cosmetic cotton swabs. When applying the product with your fingers, you can transfer the virus from the surface of your lips to the skin of your palm. It is better to apply these creams and ointments at least 5 times a day for 6-7 days. Valaciclovir tablets may be prescribed as prescribed by the attending physician. By taking 2 tablets of this drug in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening, already a day after the onset of the disease, you can notice faster healing of the affected area and blocking of the beginning symptoms of a cold and further swelling of the lip due to herpes.

    How to relieve swelling in a patient with herpes?

    If a person has herpes, there are various ways to relieve swelling. Nowadays, 90% of the country's population suffers from herpes. But even those people who have never suffered from this disease have definitely heard about it.

    How to relieve swelling with herpes

    Currently, there are 2 types of this disease:

    1. A sign of the disease is swelling, which appears on the lips. This type of disease is the most common.
    2. Symptoms appear on the genitals.

    Let's consider the first type of disease. Shortly before the appearance of swelling on the lips, where the rash should appear, you may feel slight pain, itching, and tingling.

    If you look in the mirror, you can notice redness of the skin in this area. If you do not miss these symptoms, it is possible to prevent the appearance of swelling and rash on the lips.

    For this purpose, medications that include acyclovir are used. For itchy skin, the patient should take 1 tablet of paracetamol or aspirin. Doctors consider this the first stage of this disease, when the patient is not yet a carrier of the virus and cannot infect others.

    At the second stage of the disease, a watery blister appears on the lips, during which the patient experiences pain. This rash appears as a watery blister and gradually increases in size. At this stage, swelling of the lips appears at the site of the rash.

    How to relieve swelling? You can get rid of swelling with fir oil. Lubricate the bubble that appears with this product every 2 hours.

    At the third stage of the disease, the watery blister breaks and the colorless liquid filling it flows out.

    At the fourth stage of the disease, a scab forms at the site of the ruptured vesicle.

    What treatments are there for swelling due to herpes?

    Methods for treating swelling with herpes on the lips.

    The main task in the treatment of this disease is to relieve swelling on the lips.

    This can be done with the help of medicinal ointments and various creams, which include acyclovir, zinc, hydroxytolene, and l-lysine.

    The above-mentioned preparations are applied to the swelling using cosmetic cotton swabs, since when applying ointments with your hands, the virus can get on them, and then it will be transferred to another place and inflammation will occur there.

    These medications are applied to the tumor for herpes 5 times a day for 6-7 days. Your doctor may prescribe medications in tablet form.

    The combined use of these medications significantly improves the patient's condition and speeds up his recovery.

    If swelling and itching appear on the lips, to relieve the condition, you need to wrap a piece of ice in a cloth and apply it to the inflamed area. This procedure will help relieve swelling and reduce itching on the lips, but will not eliminate the use of medications.

    Be sure to replace your toothbrush immediately at the first manifestations of the disease and after recovery.

    As soon as you feel the first symptoms of the disease, change your diet. There is no need to eat fatty and salty foods, as well as drink beer, eat peanuts, chocolate - these foods contribute to the development of this disease.

    And one more piece of advice - don’t kiss when you’re sick, especially avoid doing it with children. Young children are very susceptible to this disease.

    If watery rashes on your lips bother you every month, then you should consult a doctor. With this course of the disease, problems with the lymphatic system are possible.

    People rarely go to the doctor with such a disease. Therefore, traditional medicine has many recipes for relieving swelling due to herpes.

    Garlic. Garlic is a universal remedy that helps get rid of swelling and relieve symptoms. It helps well in the initial stage of the disease - when burning and tingling appears on the lips. To do this, you need to lubricate the swelling with garlic juice. You need to take a juicy clove, cut it and lubricate the inflamed area.

    If the patient has herpes, onions will help relieve swelling. This plant is very similar in its properties to garlic, only its effect is milder. To treat swelling, apply onion pieces to the site of inflammation. Onions are great for reducing swelling.

    The appearance of herpes should be a kind of signal for everyone to strengthen the immune system. Because once it appears, herpes settles in the immune system. And every time it weakens, herpes appears again.

    Swelling due to herpes - how to remove it?

    Swelling of the lip due to herpes Herpes is the most famous and common disease, which we will talk about in this article. The herpes virus ranks second among viral diseases. Almost every person has suffered from this disease. Many people think that treatment is not necessary, it will go away on its own. To avoid exacerbation, treatment must be started on time. Infection can cause cancer. Herpes enters the body through contact with an infected person or by inhaling contaminated air, hides in nerve cells and lurks there until there is a reason to come out.


    Precursors of edema are itching, tingling, tingling, and pain. The virus causes not only swelling and inflammation, but also blisters and ulcers that contribute to swelling. The skin in this area begins to redden and swell. Small bubbles appear, no larger than a pea. The liquid formed inside the bubbles is initially transparent and then becomes cloudy. During the course of the disease, the blisters rupture and erosions form, then become covered with crusts.

    Ointments for treatment

    Flucinar An integrated approach is used to treat the edematous form of herpes. Treatment is prescribed after diagnostic studies. Treat the inflamed area with gel or ointment. For example ''Acyclovir'' or its analogue ''Zovirax''. More effective ointment ''Flucinar''. Antiviral drugs, immunity boosters, and others are also used. They reduce swelling, quickly heal ulcers, reduce itching, and help wounds heal quickly.

    It is better to apply the ointment with cotton swabs so that the herpes does not transfer to another area of ​​the skin. Continue treatment for a week. Along with the medications described above, it is good to take vitamins C, group B. Vitamin E accelerates healing and reduces pain. Zinc with vitamin C reduces the duration of the disease. Damaged cells are restored using the herbs ginseng, echinacea, as well as pantocrine and mumiyo, which have a good effect.

    There are also folk remedies with herbs and oils. Essential oils have a pleasant aroma and have a neutralizing effect. The treatment process will be pleasant and useful. Tea tree oil relieves inflammation and pain. Fir oil is a good antiseptic, disinfects and heals wounds. You can apply it to infected skin to reduce pain. Celandine juice and aloe have a similar effect. Aloe juice is taken orally for a better treatment effect.

    Tea tree oil relieves inflammation and pain. Drink vitamin tea from meadow clover, which strengthens the immune system. Propolis tincture has antimicrobial properties; it is used to cauterize wounds. It is imperative to strengthen your immune system. Take a cool shower, toughen up, walk barefoot on the grass in the summer. When treating with traditional medicine, it is important to use medicines both externally and internally. Then there will be good results and perhaps for a long time. You also need to choose the right diet. Eliminate smoked, spicy, sour and salty foods from your daily meals. Especially crackers and citrus fruits increase the pain. For prevention, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system; the vaccine is used in immunotherapy of patients.

    If the disease occurs more than 4 times a year. then you should get examined. Maintain personal hygiene. Wash your hands after touching the rash. There should be a separate towel and soap for the patient. Treat yourself with care, avoid stress, dress warmly and take vitamins.

    Swelling from herpes

    If your lip is swollen from herpes, you must take action immediately, otherwise the disease will develop and the appearance of the affected area will worsen. Swelling appears first when the virus worsens, then external rashes appear. The edematous form of the virus causes significant discomfort and looks unaesthetic. Intense tissue swelling always accompanies this disease. The frequency of relapses can range from 1-3 times a year to several times a month. The duration of the disease is 1-2 weeks.

    The edematous form of herpes is characterized by sharp and profuse swelling and intense redness of the subcutaneous tissue; vesicles (bubbles) may be absent.

    Swelling due to herpes


    The main reasons that provoke an exacerbation of the disease are:

  • contact with a person with an active phase of the disease;
  • significant hypothermia;
  • severe stress;
  • lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body;
  • overwork and heavy loads;
  • colds or other viral, bacterial diseases.
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    Symptoms and manifestations

    Different forms of the virus have different types of external symptoms, but the most common are:

  • with manifestations on the genitals;
  • with manifestations on the skin of the face, mucous membranes and swelling on the lip.
  • The bubbles merge with each other, affecting more and more tissue.

    Associated symptoms are itching, tingling, burning and pain. Redness and swelling are observed in the affected area of ​​the skin. When the lip is severely swollen, painful blisters soon appear. Such elements filled with liquid can be single or multiple, prone to fusion. They merge, and the tissue around them swells even more. As they develop, the blisters burst and change into ulcers or erosions. Lips with herpes become covered with a hard, dark-colored crust that can crack and bleed.

    How to relieve swelling with herpes?

    If your lip is swollen from herpes and causes discomfort, it is important to take measures to eliminate the negative symptoms. To do this, you can use folk remedies to prevent severe swelling and prevent further spread of herpes. If you do not fight herpes in the early stages, this can lead to a weakening of the body, general malaise, increased body temperature and complications of the condition.

    What folk remedies are there?

  • Garlic. Cut the clove and wipe the desired area. This product works as an antiseptic and actively kills the virus in the first stage.
  • Black tea. High-quality black tea is brewed in boiled water and compresses are applied 6-7 times a day. This will help clean up the leak quickly.
  • Essential oils. Coniferous oils and typical antiseptic oils (tea tree, chamomile, lavender) will be excellent antiviral agents. A couple of drops of essential oil should be mixed with any base oil (grape seeds, almonds, etc.) so that the disease goes away faster.
  • Baking soda. It is diluted to the consistency of thick sour cream and applied 3-4 times a day if the lip is very swollen.
  • Natural antibiotics - juices of aloe, Kalanchoe, celandine. Lubricate areas with rashes. Aloe juice can be taken orally at the same time for enhanced treatment of colds on the lips.
  • Herbal tinctures. Tinctures of calendula, St. John's wort, plantain, and string have a high effect in the treatment of herpes.
  • Propolis tincture. This remedy is very effective in the treatment of many diseases, including herpes and helps relieve swelling. It cauterizes the rash and kills the virus.
  • Medicines

    The drug relieves swelling.

    There are a number of medications based on acyclovir. They have antiviral, wound healing and regenerating effects, and effectively relieve swelling. It comes in the form of an ointment or gel, applied to the affected areas of the skin several times a day (4-5 times). You can choose "Acyclovir", "Zovirax", "Panavir". Pharmacy medications will help remove the symptoms of the virus in a short period of time and avoid further spread.

    What to do for warning?

    The best preventative measures to prevent this disease and its manifestations will be regular measures to strengthen the immune system. These include:

    • Hardening. Dousing with ice water, Russian bath and sauna with herbal teas, walking barefoot on the grass in the summer, contrast shower.
    • Autohemotherapy. A method in which blood is taken from a vein and injected into the buttock according to a special scheme. First, increase the dose and then gradually decrease it.
    • The use of well-known strengthening folk remedies: ginseng, echinacea, licorice root, rose hips, herbal teas.
    • If the lip is swollen, folk recipes or medications should be used in combination and regularly, then a quick and lasting effect is achieved. Thus, treating swelling with herpes will not be a problem at the very beginning of the disease and will help speed up healing. The main thing is to monitor your health and then herpes will not cause inconvenience.

      How to relieve lip swelling due to herpes?

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      The most common illness in people is the herpes simplex virus, which is present in the body of every person and in 90% of cases manifests itself with unpleasant symptoms. Herpes comes in two types, which characterize its location: on the lips or in the genital area. The herpes virus is accompanied by various painful symptoms and the first manifestation of the disease is swelling. Edema in herpes can be treated in various ways, but the main thing is to take precautions when using the chosen drug to treat the virus.

      How does it appear?

      The appearance of herpes on the face or “cold on the lip” can be due to various reasons:

    • contact with an infected person;
    • hypothermia;
    • stress;
    • hypovitaminosis;
    • overwork;
    • colds, other bacterial and viral infections.
    • The herpes virus penetrates the body and “settles” in the nerve cells, and when a person’s immunity weakens, the disease makes itself felt with external symptoms. First of all, the patient can pay attention to the itching at the site of the future appearance of the vesicle. The infected area is similar to a tumor. It hurts a lot and burns. When the affected part of the body is swollen, there may be a sudden headache, malaise and insomnia. The edematous form is tissue swelling that is observed on the skin with loose fatty tissue.

      Before the areas with herpes become swollen, the patient may feel a slight tingling and tingling sensation.

      Before the areas with the herpes virus swell, the patient may feel a slight tingling and tingling sensation in the lip or other affected parts of the body. The virus is characterized not only by swelling and inflammation, but also by the appearance of blisters or ulcers, which cause the lip to swell slightly. The skin initially turns red and later begins to swell.

      Next, bubbles with liquid appear, which later burst and turn into erosions. At the last stage of the disease, the ulcers become covered with crusts. If you do not try to relieve swelling, the risk of infection spreading, high body temperature, sweating and general malaise increases. Therefore, it is important to prevent the formation of a tumor and the further appearance of watery blisters.


      Treatment of the symptoms of the herpes virus must be carried out as quickly as possible, as this will eliminate the discomfort in one or two days and prevent possible complications of the disease. To fight the virus, patients use medications and recipes from alternative medicine. In any case, before use, you should consult a doctor to avoid possible complications in the form of allergic reactions.

      Effectively treats tumors caused by the herpes virus:

    • drug therapy, which includes the use of ointments, compresses, lotions;
    • complex therapy, which is based on the overall strengthening of the human immune system.
    • Medicines for herpes in the form of gels and ointments have antiviral effects and fight painful symptoms in a short time. Medicines in the form of tablets increase immunity and reduce the viral load in the blood circulation.

      In pharmacy chains you can find the following most popular types of medications that can reduce swelling due to the herpes virus:

    • "Acyclovir". When a part of the body affected by the herpes virus is swollen, it is effective to use the drug "Acyclovir", since it is a directly antiherpetic drug with an antiviral effect. Available in the form of tablets and gel. The medicine must be used under the supervision of a doctor, since the herpes virus gradually develops resistance to it. It is recommended to use Acyclovir until the affected area is swollen, then the effect of the drug will be most effective. In tablet form, the medicine is taken every 4 hours, 200 mg, regardless of meals. The gel is applied to the lip once every three hours.
    • "Zovirax". To help the swelling of the affected area with the herpes virus go away, doctors can prescribe Zovirax, which contains the active ingredient acyclovir. Available in the form of an ointment or cream, which is applied to the area with herpes 4-6 times a day. Treatment will be most effective if Zovirax is used at the very beginning of the infection.
    • "Flucinar." A popular medication used by patients whose infected areas of the body are swollen due to the herpes virus. This medicine helps reduce swelling, eliminate itching and inflammation. Available in the form of a gel and ointment in tubes of 15 g. Apply the medication directly to the area with herpes 1-2 times a day for a week.
    • ethnoscience

      When treating symptoms caused by the herpes virus, traditional methods of treatment are used. Alternative medicine recipes include exclusively herbal ingredients, for example:

    • Garlic. The greatest effectiveness of garlic is observed at the initial stage of the disease, it is then that it quickly relieves swelling and alleviates symptoms. You don’t need to make anything out of garlic, you just need to grease the affected area with a cut half of a clove of garlic.
    • Essential oils. Coniferous tree oils have proven themselves in the fight against the herpes virus. To prepare the oil, you need to take 4 drops of fir essential oil and lavender, mix them with any vegetable cosmetic oil, and apply to the inflamed area 3-4 times a day.
    • Herbal tinctures. Medicinal plants that are added to medicinal recipes are of great benefit in the treatment of herpes. To prepare one of them, you will need to take Kalanchoe juice, echinacea, birch leaves and buds, calendula, St. John's wort, plantain, black poplar buds, eucalyptus, aloe, string and lemongrass. The listed components are mixed, take a spoonful of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes in a water bath and filter before use. You can also infuse herbs with alcohol by mixing the ingredients in a ratio of 1:5 and leaving to infuse for two weeks. You should take the alcohol tincture once a day, 30 drops.
    • Facial swelling due to herpes

      Herpes facial swelling

      (Greek herpes - lichen, from herpo - crawling, stretching)

      Herpes- a group of viral diseases characterized by a rash of grouped blisters and manifested as herpes infection and herpes zoster.

      With herpes simplex, the skin of the face in the area of ​​the lips (herpes labialis) and wings of the nose (herpes nasalis) is most often affected. Less commonly, rashes are localized on the forehead, cheeks, ears, lower back, genitals, fingers and other places. 1-2 days before the appearance of the rash or simultaneously with the appearance of the rash, swelling, hyperemia, burning and itching of the skin may be observed.

      The typical form of herpes simplex of the skin is characterized by the formation of grouped papules on edematous-hyperemic skin, turning into vesicles with serous contents. The number of elements varies from single to several dozen. The size of the vesicles is from 1 to 4 mm; in rare cases, when they merge, multi-chamber bubbles are formed. After a few days, the contents of the vesicles become cloudy and when they are opened, erosions form, which within 3-5 days are covered with yellow-brown crusts, under which epithelization occurs. Regional lymphadenitis may be observed 3-5 days from the onset of the disease. In addition to local manifestations, especially in children, with skin herpes there may be signs of general intoxication: general weakness, increased body temperature, headache, etc. After 6-9 days from the onset of the disease, the crusts fall off, and gradually disappearing pigmentation remains in their place. In typical cases, the entire process lasts 1-2 weeks.
      Skin lesions with herpes simplex can occur in atypical forms:

    • Abortive form of herpes characterized by limitation of the inflammatory process by the development of erythema and edema without the formation of vesicles. This form of infection includes cases of the appearance of subjective sensations characteristic of herpes in places where it is usually localized in the form of pain and burning, but without the appearance of a rash.
    • Edema form of herpes differs from typical severe swelling of the subcutaneous tissue and hyperemia of the skin (usually on the scrotum, lips, eyelids), vesicles may be completely absent.
    • Zosteriformis herpes simplex. due to the localization of the rash along the nerve trunks (on the face, torso, limbs), it resembles herpes zoster, but the pain syndrome is less pronounced.
    • Hemorrhagic form of herpes characterized by hemorrhagic vesicular contents instead of serous ones, often followed by the development of ulcerations.
    • Ulcerative-necrotic form of herpes develops with severe immune deficiency. Ulcers form on the skin, extensive ulcerative surfaces with a necrotic bottom and serous-hemorrhagic or purulent discharge, sometimes covered with crusts. The reverse development of the pathological process with the rejection of crusts, epithelization and scarring of ulcers occurs very slowly.
    • Eczema herpetiformis(varioliform pustulosis of Julisuberg-Kaposi) develops in children, less often in adults, suffering from simple eczema or atopic dermatitis, as well as those with immune deficiency. The disease is characterized by an acute onset, fever with an increase in body temperature to 400C, and a pronounced intoxication syndrome. Multiple erythematous-pustular, papulovesicular, and bullous rashes appear on the skin. Subsequently, extensive erosive surfaces form and a secondary bacterial infection occurs. The disease is very severe and can be fatal.
      Herpes. in what cases should you consult a doctor?

      Symptoms of genital herpes include burning or tingling in the genital area and the appearance of painful rashes on them that turn into superficial sores.

    At the first exacerbation of herpes:

  • fever;
  • headache;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • abnormal vaginal discharge.

    If these symptoms appear, consult a gynecologist or venereologist

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  • Swelling with herpes on the lips Other edema in humans
  • Swelling of the lips due to herpes Other edema in humans
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  • Swelling due to herpes Swelling of the nose
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  • Rash and swelling on the face Swelling on the face
  • Swelling of the eye due to herpes Swelling in the eyes
  • How to relieve swelling of the eyes due to herpes Swelling in the eyes

    Take strict control of the amount of salt you eat. Its excess can retain fluid in the body. In addition, it is necessary to exclude other foods from the diet: smoked foods, canned foods, etc. This way, you will reduce the risk of swelling on the face. Replace these foods with those that will help you remove excess fluid: oranges, lemons, carrots, apples, watermelon, etc. Facial swelling often occurs due to a late dinner. Try to eat 3-4 hours before going to bed.

    If facial swelling occurs regularly, try removing excess fluid from the body using diuretics, such as herbal infusions. To do this, you can use the collection of bear ears. Buy it at your nearest pharmacy. Pour 1 tablespoon of herb into a glass of boiling water. Cover the container tightly with a lid. After 40-50 minutes, carefully strain the infusion. Take it 1 tablespoon 3-5 times a day.

    For heart disease, you can remove swelling from the face using an infusion of corn silk. Pour 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture with 1 glass of boiling water. Leave the broth in a closed container for 2-3 hours. After that, strain it. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the finished infusion. You need to take 2-3 tablespoons every hour.

    Cooling masks will also help you relieve swelling from your face. You can purchase them at a specialty store or pharmacy. With their help, you will effectively eliminate puffiness of the eyelids. Apply this mask to the skin around the eyes with light movements. After 3-5 minutes, remove any remaining cosmetic product with warm running water.

    You can remove puffiness from your face by preparing a special mask. To do this, peel and mash 1 boiled potato until smooth. Add 2 teaspoons of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of finely chopped dill to the resulting mass. Mix everything. Apply the mask to the skin around the eyes. After 5-7 minutes, rinse off any remaining product with cool water. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

    The skin around the eyes is especially delicate because it is devoid of fatty subcutaneous tissue. Because of this, the slightest injury can lead to swelling or bruising. But in order for it to “please” the eye as little as possible, it is better to immediately use various methods and means to eliminate it.

    If there is an injury in the area around the eye, immediately apply any cold object to the injured area - a spoon, a metal bowl, a copper coin. The cold prevents swelling around the eye from spreading, especially if there is damage to the blood vessels, which can very quickly manifest as a bruise. You can also use ice for cold. But so that it does not melt very quickly upon contact with the skin, put it in a bag and wrap it in one layer of cotton cloth.

    To eliminate swelling from a blow, make a lotion from raw grated potatoes several times a day. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and copes well with swelling. Moreover, it has a good effect on the skin, giving it youthfulness.

    To prepare the lotion, grate a third of the raw potato, wrap it in 2-3 layers of gauze and apply it to the area of ​​swelling for 5-7 minutes. Next, wipe your skin with warm water and apply a light cream. Alternatively, you can use potatoes cut in half. Apply it with the cut point to the area of ​​swelling or bruising.

    In addition to potato lotions, use bodyagu to eliminate bruises or swelling from an impact. This is the most effective remedy that can restore skin and blood vessels in a short time. The absorbable effect of bodyaga is explained by its ability to increase blood circulation.

    You can easily purchase ready-made bodyagi gel at the pharmacy. It spreads easily and also washes off. A few minutes after application to the skin, bodyaga causes a slight tingling sensation, so do not keep it on the skin for more than 15-20 minutes, then rinse off. It is better to apply more often, but for a short time, than vice versa. Usually, after a body session, bruises or swelling begin to decrease from the second day.

    If the swelling from the blow turns into a bruise, it means that the blood vessels have been damaged. In this case, in addition to local treatment, take an increased dose of vitamin C (200 g). It helps restore and strengthen blood vessels. Moreover, it will be beneficial to the entire body.

    Swelling due to herpes. How to remove?

    Swelling of the lips due to herpes

    Herpes is the most famous and common disease, which we will talk about in this article. The herpes virus ranks second among viral diseases. Almost every person has suffered from this disease. Many people think that treatment is not necessary, it will go away on its own. To avoid exacerbation, treatment must be started on time. Infection can cause cancer. Herpes enters the body through contact with an infected person or by inhaling contaminated air, hides in nerve cells and lurks there until there is a reason to come out.

    With swelling, pain is felt at the site of the rash, visible damage to the mucous membranes with the formation of fluid inside. Most often, the manifestation of herpes occurs during hypothermia, a weakened immune system, overwork, stress, after illness, changes in hormonal rhythms and is accompanied by malaise, headache, and insomnia. The edematous form is characterized by severe swelling of the tissues and occurs on skin with loose fatty tissue. If the disease occurs frequently in one area, the skin may thicken.


    The disease begins acutely, the lymph nodes enlarge, and the level of antibodies in the blood serum increases. In severe cases of infection, temperature, sweating, and general malaise increase. To prevent the appearance of edema and further maturation of blisters, it is necessary to use medications in a timely manner. The swelling may increase in size over time. It is advisable to moisturize the tumor site so that the wound does not crack.

    Ointments for treatment

    An integrated approach is used to treat the edematous form of herpes. Treatment is prescribed after diagnostic studies. Treat the inflamed area with gel or ointment. For example ''Acyclovir'' or its analogue ''Zovirax''. More effective ointment ''Flucinar''. Antiviral drugs, immunity boosters, and others are also used. They reduce swelling, quickly heal ulcers, reduce itching, and help wounds heal quickly.


    Tea tree oil relieves inflammation and pain

    Drink vitamin tea from meadow clover, which strengthens the immune system. Propolis tincture has antimicrobial properties; it is used to cauterize wounds. It is imperative to strengthen your immune system. Take a cool shower, toughen up, walk barefoot on the grass in the summer. When treating with traditional medicine, it is important to use medicines both externally and internally. Then there will be good results and perhaps for a long time. You also need to choose the right diet. Eliminate smoked, spicy, sour and salty foods from your daily meals. Especially crackers and citrus fruits increase the pain. For prevention, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system; the vaccine is used in immunotherapy of patients.

    If the disease occurs more than 4 times a year. then you should get examined. Maintain personal hygiene. Wash your hands after touching the rash. There should be a separate towel and soap for the patient. Treat yourself with care, avoid stress, dress warmly and take vitamins.

  • Many have encountered a viral disease such as herpes. However, not in all cases, this disease may cause swelling of the lip or other areas of the face. Now there are many drugs that help to survive the manifestation of this disease and get rid of not only the characteristic rashes, but also relieve swelling caused by certain processes in herpes. This problem can strike a person at the most inopportune moment, and if your lip is swollen from herpes, it will be extremely useful to know what to do in such a situation.

    Herpes virus, origin and provoking factors

    The herpes virus is transmitted through contact with a sick person, through airborne droplets, and also through household items. Herpes penetrates through the mucous membranes of the mouth, upper respiratory tract and genitals. Through the blood and lymph, the virus penetrates sensitive nerve endings and integrates into the genetic apparatus of cells. After this, it is impossible to remove the virus from the body; it will remain with the person for life.

    If your lip is swollen from herpes, what could trigger another awakening of the infection?

    The following reasons are possible:

    • Hypothermia. Often the problem is noted precisely in winter, in which case swelling of the lip is observed not only due to this disease;
    • Stress causes many ailments and the herpes virus is no exception;
    • Overwork;
    • Herpes can be caused by a weakened immune system;
    • Infections of any origin (viruses, bacteria). Often the reason for a swollen lip from herpes is a common cold;

    Important! A depressed immune system is a provoking factor for the virus to manifest itself and cause the lip to become swollen due to herpes. Insufficient intake of vitamins into the body is the impetus for the exacerbation of many chronic diseases, as well as the acquisition of new ones, the herpes virus being one of them.


    This disease can be recognized in the early stages and its further development can be prevented. However, to do this you need to be attentive to your health and notice all the changes in your body and body.

    The course of the disease is divided into several stages:

    1. Barely noticeable symptoms. Tingling, slight burning and pain, a feeling of tightness. If this is not the first time you have encountered a herpetic rash, then you can easily recognize these signs. In most cases, these symptoms are not given due attention;
    2. It shows the most noticeable part of the disease - the rash. The liquid contained in the bubbles contains a considerable amount of viral substance, this is the most contagious part, so try to avoid contact with healthy people and hygiene products (kissing, sharing towels, etc.);
    3. Ulcers. Bubbles no longer appear, and those that exist begin to burst. Crusts form that severely hamper facial expressions;
    4. Healing. Despite the approaching end of the disease, it is not the easiest period, if you do not avoid showing emotions (facial expressions), then they can begin to crack, this not only causes pain and discomfort, but infection can re-enter there.

    Remember that the affected lip can be easily saved at the first stage so that it does not swell at all. In this case, a tumor, like a rash, will not appear, and you will avoid enormous discomfort and a long recovery period.

    Treating Herpes Virus Symptoms

    The problem that herpes can cause swelling of the lips and cheeks is quite common, so when asked how to relieve such swelling, there is far more than one answer. In addition, many folk remedies have been invented to combat this disease.


    There are several types of such drugs: tablets and ointments. If the lip is swollen due to herpes, the second option is most often used. Since in this case additional consultation with a doctor is rarely required, the instructions contained inside the drug package are sufficient. From it you can learn about all the contraindications, as well as the correct method of use for swollen cheeks or other areas of the face from herpes. However, if the lip is swollen quite extensively, you should consult a doctor and take additional medications orally. External ointments are often used:

    1. Zovirax. Apply directly to the affected area 4-6 times a day. If you apply this ointment when the first symptoms appear, its healing effect will be much stronger. In this case, most likely, the patient’s lip does not even swell;
    2. When the lip is swollen due to herpes, Flucinar is often prescribed. Eliminates not only the swelling itself, but also relieves the patient from itching and inflammation. Use 1-2 times a day (depending on severity) for a week.
    3. Acyclovir. This is a specialized antiviral medication that prevents the multiplication of the disease-causing virus in cells. Available in several forms - ointment and tablets. Application schemes are as follows:
    • Pills. 5 times a day with equal time intervals, 200 mg, food intake does not matter.
    • Ointment. 5 times a day.

    In addition, the following drugs are no less popular if the lip is swollen due to herpes:

    • Gerpevir;
    • Valaciclovir;
    • Fenistil Pentsivir;
    • Penciclovir;
    • Oksolin.


    A lot of remedies have also been invented to relieve lip swelling due to herpes using folk methods:

    1. Garlic. Apply the cut to the problem area, but be careful, it can burn healthy areas. Lubricate them with fatty cream first;
    2. You can make a mixture of soda and salt (1:1), dilute them with water to a mushy state and lubricate the affected area (the blisters will dry out and the swelling will go away);
    3. Aloe helps in this case too. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates tissue healing. Lubricate the affected areas with its juice 2-3 times a day;
    4. Ice wrapped in a scarf will help directly relieve swelling (this is necessary so as not to frostbite sensitive skin).
    5. If you are caught by herpes, your lip is swollen and a rash has already begun to form, you need to use natural antiseptics:
    • Citrus peel (lemon, grapefruit);
    • Essential oils of fir, lemon balm, lavender or tea tree.

    If your lip is swollen from herpes, not only your doctor, but also the pharmacist at the pharmacy can tell you what to do. However, in difficult cases (extensive damage), still seek the help of a professional.

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