Is brown discharge dangerous? Dangerous discharge during pregnancy photo

Brown discharge during pregnancy inevitably causes anxiety in the expectant mother. The reason for this concern is easy to understand, because the brownish color of such discharge is given by inclusions of blood. And every woman knows about the danger of bleeding during pregnancy.

Indeed, brown spotting during pregnancy very often indicates various abnormalities and pathologies during pregnancy. However, this does not mean that brown discharge is always a warning sign. In some cases, they are, if not the norm, then absolutely safe, that’s for sure.

Of course, this does not mean that if a pregnant woman discovers brown spotting on her underwear, she should not worry - a lot depends on the accompanying symptoms, the duration of pregnancy, and so on. In any case, the first thing a woman should do is see a doctor. She still won’t be able to make a diagnosis on her own, and the risk is absolutely not justified.

There are many reasons that cause brown discharge during pregnancy. Some of them directly depend on the duration of pregnancy, the rest are not tied to it in any way. And, of course, it makes sense for a woman to know at least the most common of them and understand the mechanism by which discharge appears.

The first trimester is especially rich in the causes of brown discharge during pregnancy. In addition, it is in the early stages that there is the greatest chance that the discharge is safe.

When is brown discharge normal during pregnancy?

In the early stages: 1-2 weeks after conception, the fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine mucosa. During this process, small blood vessels can be damaged, the blood from which is mixed with natural vaginal discharge.

In this case, there will be light brown, perhaps even beige or pink discharge during pregnancy, the consistency of the discharge will be creamy. In addition, they will be singular in nature. Another distinctive feature of the discharge associated with the implantation period is that it does not cause the woman any additional inconvenience: it has a neutral odor, does not cause itching, and is not accompanied by pain.

Another important point: at the moment of attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, the woman most likely does not yet know about her pregnancy, and often writes off spotting brown discharge as a malfunction in the menstrual cycle. This is about being careful about your body. If you pay attention to an unusual phenomenon in time, you can assume pregnancy at a very early stage, when other signs have not yet appeared.

One of the reasons why spotting may occur during pregnancy is minor disruptions in the hormonal background of the pregnant woman. Such disruptions can trigger discharge around the time when menstruation should theoretically begin. This phenomenon does not pose any danger to the mother or child and does not cause any unpleasant sensations.

In this case, the discharge is also scanty, but can last a couple of days. Moreover, in some cases, this phenomenon may recur within 2-3 months after pregnancy.

Risk of miscarriage

Unfortunately, this is where the norm ends, and complex and dangerous diagnoses begin. In the vast majority of cases, bleeding during pregnancy indicates a threat of miscarriage. Most often, the threat arises in connection with the detachment of the fertilized egg. Damaged vessels remain at the site of detachment.

The cause of detachment of the ovum is usually a lack of progesterone, a female hormone, the main function of which is to prepare the lining of the uterus - the endometrium - for the implantation of the ovum and maintaining pregnancy until the placenta is formed. If there is little progesterone in a woman’s body or it is not produced at all, the endometrium rejects the fertilized egg.

Discharge when there is a threat of miscarriage can be both scanty and moderate. As a rule, they also have mucus inclusions. There are other symptoms: nagging pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, and in some cases, vomiting.

This condition requires immediate medical intervention. Therefore, if the expectant mother discovers brown discharge, she should immediately call an ambulance, and then lie down and try to calm down. Any physical activity, and especially anxiety, can only aggravate the situation.

Fortunately, if you seek help in a timely manner, in most cases the pregnancy can be saved. A woman with symptoms of a threatened miscarriage will most likely be hospitalized and undergo additional tests. In addition, measures will be taken immediately to preserve the pregnancy.

Women with abruption of the ovum are usually prescribed medications containing progesterone, such as utrozhestan, and are also prescribed complete bed rest until symptoms subside.

Ectopic pregnancy

Dark discharge during early pregnancy can also indicate a more unpleasant diagnosis: ectopic pregnancy. As the name implies, we are talking about cases when a fertilized egg is implanted not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube.

The danger of this situation is obvious: as the fetus grows, it can simply rupture the fallopian tube, which will lead to internal bleeding. And this is already a threat to the mother’s life. In addition, after this it will no longer be possible to restore the tube, so an ectopic pregnancy may also lead to a deterioration in reproductive function.

Like most pathologies, ectopic pregnancy causes symptoms other than bleeding. In particular, nagging pain in the abdomen. Usually from the side of the tube where the fertilized egg is attached.

In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, starting treatment on time is no less important than in the case of a threatened miscarriage, although the treatment will be radically different. Unfortunately, in this case there is no question of continuing the pregnancy; it is removed surgically.

Hydatidiform mole

Another extremely unpleasant pathology is called hydatidiform mole. The causes of this complication are not fully understood, but it has been noted that the fetus in this case always has deviations in the chromosome set. As a result, a theory arose that this pathology occurs when an egg is fertilized simultaneously by 2 sperm, or one, but having a double set of chromosomes. As a result, the fetus either has a triple set of chromosomes: 23 from the mother and 46 from the father, or the number of chromosomes turns out to be normal, but they are all paternal.

Since it is the paternal cells that are responsible for the development of the placenta and amniotic sac, they are mainly affected by this pathology. Instead of the formation of a full-fledged placenta, a benign tumor forms on the walls of the uterus: multiple cysts consisting of bubbles with liquid of various sizes.

This pathology can develop in different ways. Sometimes only part of the placental tissue is pathological. In this case, they talk about partial hydatidiform mole. Most often, the fetus in this case dies in the second trimester, but there is a possibility of the birth of a normal child.

A complete hydatidiform mole is characterized by changes in all tissues of the placenta. In this case, the embryo dies in the early stages. Moreover, occasionally the affected tissue penetrates into the muscle tissue of the uterus. In this case, tumor bubbles can enter the bloodstream and metastasize. Usually in the vagina and lungs.

Hydatidiform mole manifests itself as bloody discharge, sometimes containing bubbles. In addition, the woman experiences nausea and sometimes vomiting. Less commonly, women suffer from headaches and high blood pressure. To clarify the diagnosis, an ultrasound and a blood test for hCG are performed.

An ultrasound will show the structure of the placenta, the condition of the fetus, and the absence of a heartbeat. In addition, the level of hCG in patients with hydatidiform mole jumps several times.

If a woman is diagnosed with this pathology, the fetus and pathological tissue are removed, and in some cases the uterus has to be removed. If the drift can be removed, then after that it must be examined. The fact is that some women develop cancer as a result of this pathology.

After removal of the hydatidiform mole, the woman remains under medical supervision for some time. If everything goes well, then in 1-2 years the woman will be able to give birth again. Fortunately, hydatidiform mole is extremely rare, not more than 1 time per thousand pregnant women.

Causes in the second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, there are reasons for spotting. Unfortunately, all of them are deviations from the norm, and therefore threaten the condition of the mother and child. And, of course, they need treatment.

Placental abruption

One of the causes of brown discharge in the second trimester is placental abruption. This phenomenon is dangerous for both mother and child. Firstly, the detached placenta is not able to adequately supply the fetus with oxygen and nutrients. In addition, the mother may experience severe bleeding due to placental abruption.

Most often, this problem is faced by women with high blood pressure and women who smoke. This pathology can be caused by scars on the uterus from abortion or cesarean section, abdominal trauma during pregnancy, or an umbilical cord that is too short.

Detachment is manifested by bleeding of varying degrees of severity: from spotting to heavy bleeding, as well as nagging pain in the uterus and tension in the lower abdomen. Most often, detachment of a small part of the placenta occurs, although in rare cases complete detachment can occur.

Placental abruption cannot be treated, so it is usually a caesarean section. In mild cases, they try to postpone it until 30-36 weeks, when there is a chance to save the child. If the situation requires immediate intervention, an emergency caesarean section is performed.

Placenta previa

The diagnosis of placenta previa is made when the placenta partially or completely covers the os of the uterus. In this case, the expanding fetus puts more and more pressure on the placenta and can damage the vessels located on it, which provokes bleeding. Due to increased pressure, placental abruption may also occur, but in most cases such complications can be avoided.

Naturally, offering the placenta makes vaginal delivery impossible. The only option left is a caesarean section. In addition, this position of the placenta makes it necessary to more carefully monitor the condition of the fetus, since it can compress important vessels, which will provoke oxygen starvation.

Causes in the third trimester

In addition to the fact that in the third trimester, brown discharge may occur for the reasons listed in the previous section, in the last weeks of pregnancy a woman may experience bloody mucous discharge during pregnancy. Most likely, there is nothing to be afraid of in this case.

It is possible that this is just a mucous plug coming off, covering the cervix and protecting the child from infections and other influences from the external environment. Usually the mucus plug comes off a few hours before delivery, although in some cases it happens much earlier.

Causes of brown discharge, regardless of duration

Of course, not all causes of vaginal bleeding are, one way or another, tied to the duration of pregnancy. Some of them can make themselves known at any time. They may be associated with various diseases, structural features of the uterus, and so on.

Cervical erosion

In particular, the cause of spotting brown discharge in pregnant women can be erosion of the cervix. This problem is familiar to many women, both pregnant and giving birth, and those who are yet to do so. However, during pregnancy, the delicate epithelium of the cervix is ​​especially easy to damage. That is why women often first encounter this problem during pregnancy.

Typically, erosion is asymptomatic, but after rough sex or an examination on a genealogy chair, the pregnant woman develops scanty, spotting bleeding. This happens due to the fact that a foreign body disturbs the damaged epithelium.

Cervical erosion in our time is most often treated with cauterization. However, this is not recommended during pregnancy, as the burn can complicate natural childbirth. Therefore, during pregnancy, drug treatment is preferred.

Many women have a question: is it necessary to treat erosion during pregnancy? It is better to cure it, as it increases the risk of developing cancer.

Infections and inflammatory processes

Some infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases and inflammatory processes also cause vaginal bleeding. In this case, the discharge may be accompanied by various symptoms.

This may include discharge during pregnancy with an unpleasant or specific odor, pain, and the like.

It is not at all necessary that a woman became infected during pregnancy. Often, microorganisms that live in the vaginal microflora do not make themselves known until favorable conditions for reproduction arise. During pregnancy, a woman’s immunity decreases, which provokes the development of the disease. In addition, old, poorly treated infections can make themselves felt.

In this case, it makes sense to remind you that at the pregnancy planning stage it is advisable to undergo a full examination and treat all your illnesses. However, if you are reading this article, then most likely it is too late to talk about it.

Any infection during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the mother’s body, but also for her unborn child, so treatment must be started urgently.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to select medications for pregnant women, since some of them, along with the mother’s blood, penetrate the placenta to the fetus. Modern pharmaceuticals have stepped far forward in this regard, creating new drugs that are safer and with more precise dosages.

This makes the work of doctors somewhat easier. Many women worry about this, however, in any case, it is better to be cured than to risk your health and the health of the baby.

Unfortunately, in most cases, brown spotting during pregnancy indicates a variety of pathologies, abnormalities and diseases. Trying to figure out what exactly is happening on your own is not advisable. It is much wiser to meet with your doctor at the first alarming symptoms and find out the exact cause of the discharge.

Even if it turns out that nothing bad is happening to you, no one will blame you for your anxiety. It’s always better to know exactly what’s going on than to be afraid to disturb the doctor once and then have to deal with the consequences of a rash act.

Unfortunately, now many women are looking for answers on thematic forums. This should not be done, since every woman’s body is individual. Therefore, the same external manifestations in different women may indicate different diseases.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by an experienced physician, and only after additional research. Please note that the more accurately you describe your feelings to the gynecologist, the easier it will be for him to make a diagnosis.

Article verification: Ilona Ganshina,
practicing gynecologist

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Most often they indicate a disorder in the genitals. This article will tell you what types of pathologies cause this symptom.

Characteristics of the symptom

The basis of such secretions is the mucous secretion produced by the glands of the genital organs and the fluid of the cervical canal. The brownish tint of mucus comes from blood, which for various reasons gets into the secretion and oxidizes.

Such vaginal fluid in women has different characteristics: abundant and scanty, watery and thick, having a light and dark shade, a homogeneous, cheesy and streaky consistency, accompanied by discomfort in the form of itching, pain in the lower abdomen, the smell of iron, pus, rotten fish.

The consistency depends on the provocateur of this symptom. These include:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Experienced emotional stress.
  3. Endocrinological disorders.
  4. Inflammation.
  5. Infection.
  6. Threat of miscarriage.
  7. Pathologies of the uterus and other female organs.

Sign of normality

Sometimes the appearance of brown discharge with an iron smell is not a violation. The norm includes secretion that is associated with the course of the menstrual cycle and appears a day or two before menstruation, and is indicated for several days after its completion or during the ovulatory period.

An acceptable characteristic is only a slight smell of iron (that’s what blood smells like), as well as the absence of accompanying uncomfortable symptoms.

Otherwise, the described symptom is indicated as a result of pathologies that tend to make themselves felt most clearly before and after menstruation. Find out what they point out in the article at the link.

Hormonal imbalance

Brown discharge with an unpleasant odor quite often appears due to hormone-dependent changes. This secretion can be released during sexual intercourse, before and after menstruation.

Hormonal imbalance can occur for various reasons:

  • endocrinological disruptions;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives and emergency contraception;
  • menopause.

The lack of estrogen and progesterone affects the organs of the reproductive system and their tissues, which secrete a small amount of blood. The biocenosis of the vagina (disturbance of the microflora) also joins in, as a result of which the mucous secretion changes its composition and begins to emit a pungent odor.

Inflammatory processes

Inflammation of the genital organs is a common problem among the fair half of humanity. They develop due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteroides, enterococci, chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas) into the genital tract when favorable conditions exist for their vital activity. Such conditions are created through:

  • microflora disorders;
  • weakened immunity;
  • poor hygiene;
  • improper lifestyle;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Brown discharge with an unpleasant odor due to illness

  1. Endometritis is inflammation of the basal layer of the endometrium. As the process develops, the body temperature rises, the uterus begins to secrete bloody, purulent brown mucus, and pain is felt in the lower abdomen. Symptoms appear regardless of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Adnexitis, also known as salpingoophoritis, is an inflammatory process affecting the appendages (fallopian tubes). The disease is characterized by:
    • menstrual irregularities;
    • heavy menstruation or acyclic brown discharge (often purulent with
    • strong unpleasant odor);
    • increased body temperature;
    • spasms and pain in the lower abdomen, moving to the lower back.
  3. Colpitis is a lesion of the vaginal mucosa, which indicates an infection. Indicated by brown purulent discharge in women, which can be associated with the appearance of a bad odor. Symptoms overlap with vaginal itching, burning, and pain. Symptoms often appear after sexual intercourse.
  4. Bacterial vaginosis is a common female disease, the main symptom of which is off-white, gray, vaginal itching.
  5. The symptom also characterizes many sexually transmitted diseases in an acute form, due to which blood is released into a pathological secretion that has acquired a brown tint and a foul odor.
  6. Endometriosis can become a prerequisite for the appearance of dark and dark spots.
  7. Cervical erosion is mostly asymptomatic, but there are often cases when it is indicated by a few drops of blood, which coagulates and comes out in the form of light brown mucus with an unpleasant odor. Read about it in the article at the link.
  8. Discharge with a brown tint and a putrid odor, accompanied by bursting pain, indicates an ectopic pregnancy or fetal death. This case should be reported to your doctor immediately.
  9. This sign also manifests itself in neoplasms of different etymologies.

Remember, this symptom in most cases indicates a disorder in the woman’s reproductive system. You must definitely tell your gynecologist about it and have the discharge material submitted for analysis to determine the cause and receive proper treatment. Never self-medicate, watch the nature of your sexual secretion and be healthy!

Brown discharge before, after, and instead of menstruation is nothing more than uterine and vaginal secretions containing blood. Why is the discharge before the onset of menstruation instead of red colored dark brown? Statistics show that approximately 80% of women ask this question. Let's try to answer it.

Brown leucorrhoea that does not require treatment

Menstrual discharge contains dead epithelial cells, mucus and bacteria that inhabit the vagina. Normally, this discharge is odorless throughout the entire cycle and does not irritate the genital mucosa.

As soon as the discharge before menstruation turns brown, regardless of when this happened, the question immediately arises about the need for additional examination. Brown discharge is most likely not harmful to your health in the following situations:

  1. When taking hormonal drugs.
    When you start taking medications, you may experience dark brown leucorrhoea before your period. This condition is not a pathology and does not require seeing a doctor if the discharge is short-lived.
  2. At the beginning of menstrual bleeding.
    Before menstruation, small brown discharge is considered normal. A longer secretion of dark-colored leucorrhoea with streaks of blood is a reason to go to the clinic.
  3. At the end of menstrual bleeding.
    When the discharge begins to thicken due to coagulating blood. It is important to control their quantity and color. Copious vaginal and uterine discharge after menstruation, brown in color with yellowish streaks and a pungent odor, is a sign of an infectious process.

Brown discharge is a reason to visit the clinic

Brown discharge before menstruation indicates that there is blood in the secretion, and this can be a symptom of a number of serious disorders.

1. Endocrine disorders

Hormonal changes can be caused both by diseases of the endocrine glands and by natural processes. If the failure is caused by a decline in reproductive function, the doctor will prescribe hormone replacement therapy.

Treatment of ailments caused by diseases of the thyroid gland, dysfunction of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands is more complex and lengthy. All procedures are aimed not only at eliminating brown discharge before and after menstruation, they include hormone therapy and restoration of the body's natural defenses.

2. Infectious and inflammatory processes

First of all, these are sexually transmitted infections: chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. The main signs of the disease are light brown discharge after menstruation, itching and an unpleasant odor.

Such symptoms are also possible with inflammatory diseases. In this case, therapy with antibiotics and restorative drugs is indicated. Depending on the severity of the process, treatment will be outpatient or inpatient.

3. Endometriosis

For a long time, the disease is asymptomatic, and only dark brown leucorrhoea before menstruation and in the middle of the cycle can indicate the disease.

Excessive secretion with clots and pieces of the uterine endometrium is caused by the proliferation of cells of the uterine mucosa. As a result, endometrial particles attach to organs and tissues and begin to function independently, subject to cyclical development. Violation of the integrity of the epithelial cover is the explanation for brown leucorrhoea before menstruation.

4. Endometritis

Prolonged brown discharge after menstruation and yellow-greenish vaginal secretion before menstruation are a sign of an inflammatory process in the uterus. The reason lies in the disruption of the process of growth and rejection of the endometrium during the cycle. Patients often complain of an unpleasant smell of vaginal discharge and nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

5. Myoma

This benign hormone-dependent formation can cause spotting before and after menstruation. Uterine fibroids are diagnosed mainly by ultrasound. According to research, the age at which fibroids can begin to develop usually ranges from 25 to 35 years.

6. Cervical erosion

Probably every woman has encountered erosion. Not surprising, since 50% of women of childbearing age receive this diagnosis. There are true and background erosion.

True erosion is a temporary disruption of the integrity of the cervical epithelium, which usually heals quickly and produces pink or light brown vaginal secretion after menstruation or sexual intercourse.

Background erosion (ectopia) can provoke the onset of a tumor process. It is caused by overgrown uterine epithelium, which, under the influence of the acidic environment of the vagina, degenerates into squamous epithelium. This type of erosion is practically asymptomatic, with the exception of advanced stages, when brown discharge before menstruation and in the middle of the cycle can cause serious discomfort.


Any discharge before, instead of or after menstruation with clots, having a light brown or darker shade indicates the presence of pathologies. Especially if they have an unpleasant odor, cause irritation and last more than 7 days.

Brown discharge before menstruation should be a reason to consult a doctor if:

  • they are regular and long-lasting;
  • this is accompanied by pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • you are bothered by headaches and insomnia;
  • if you periodically suffer from frequent urination.

But don’t panic, because brown discharge before, after or during menstruation is not always a symptom of serious abnormalities and indicates pathology. Only a doctor can dispel your doubts, so it is important that any brown discharge does not remain unattended throughout the entire cycle, both before and after menstruation.

Advice: Monitor your health and undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist. Prevention is the main secret to feeling great.

Many topics of an intimate nature arise in girls and women at different times, and it is not always possible or desirable to immediately go to doctors for a consultation. There are some things you want to figure out on your own first.

There is something to read for both 10-year-old girls and adult women. To save time searching for information, you can ask a specialist a question. An excellent option for girls who are tormented by some problem, but are afraid to ask their mother or consult a gynecologist.

Everything about gynecology, accessible and simple

According to doctors, half of all women over 18 years of age suffer from various gynecological diseases. And the reason for this is the general deterioration in the health of the population, combined with serious physical and psychological stress.

Since the topic of “female” diseases is extremely subtle, few representatives of the fair sex go to the doctor when symptoms appear. Women's modesty and shyness do not allow them to talk about their intimate problems to a stranger, which often leads to serious problems that could be easily avoided. Symptoms that characterize the presence of problems with “women’s” health:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bleeding between periods;
  • pain during urination or sex;
  • purulent or foamy vaginal discharge;
  • burning or itching of the external genitalia.

In addition, gynecology includes obstetrics and pregnancy management. Recently, such a direction as gynecology-endocrinology has developed, revealing the relationship between the hormonal and anatomical-physiological spheres.

Gynecology most often deals with:

  • diseases of the uterus;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • tubal obstruction;
  • female infertility;
  • not by gestation;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • family planning;
  • menopause;
  • medical abortion;
  • installing a spiral;
  • preparation for IVF;
  • diseases of the female excretory system;
  • oncology, etc.

Gynecological diseases are divided into the following groups:

  1. Endocrine (hyperprolactinemia, hyperthyroidism, adrenogenital syndrome, resistant ovarian syndrome and others). This type of disease is associated with disruption of the body’s endocrine system, in particular with the activity of the endocrine glands. Endocrine diseases can negatively affect both a woman’s general well-being and her ability to conceive.
  2. Infectious (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis, candidiasis and others). The causes, as the name suggests, of these diseases are sexually transmitted infections. They lead to serious disturbances of the menstrual cycle and reproductive function, as well as to consequences affecting the “personal” life of a woman.
  3. Benign and malignant neoplasms (uterine fibroids, cervical cancer, ovarian cysts and others). They pose a serious threat to the health and life of women. It is precisely because of the risk of such diseases that regular gynecological examinations are recommended. Then even a malignant tumor will be detected at an early stage.

There are three types of treatment for “female” diseases:

  • Medication. Most often, anti-inflammatory drugs, antiviral and antifungal drugs are used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. To treat endocrine disorders, hormonal therapy is used, which has a complex effect on the body. With its help, it is even possible to effectively cure infertility. One or another vitamin preparation may be prescribed as a restorative agent;
  • Physiotherapeutic. Devices for physiotherapeutic procedures are available in any serious hospital specializing in gynecological diseases. The main advantage of physiotherapy is the ability to avoid surgical intervention. Cryodestruction and chemical destruction are actively used in the treatment of cervical erosion, cervicitis and other diseases. Laser therapy is used for intimate plastic surgery and reconstructive surgeries. Radio wave therapy is used to destroy pathological areas of organs without surgical intervention;
  • Surgical. Most operations are performed using laparoscopy - punctures in the vagina and abdominal cavity, without causing significant damage to the tissues. Surgical intervention is most often required when tumors appear that cannot be cured otherwise.

The best way not to worry about gynecological diseases is effective prevention. Actions that will help protect against diseases of the genitourinary system include:

  • barrier protection;
  • do not abuse diets for weight loss (they can negatively affect hormonal levels);
  • avoid stress if possible;
  • avoid hypothermia of the “lower” part of the body.

Every woman should have vaginal discharge. Depending on their type, they speak about the presence or absence of a pathological process:

  • Mucous. They are normal, they are necessary to moisturize the mucous membrane. Should be odorless and colorless.
  • Purulent. They talk about the development of an infectious or inflammatory process. Such discharge is dangerous to the health of any woman, and especially a pregnant woman.
  • Bloody. Every woman of childbearing age experiences menstruation once a month. They should not be present during pregnancy.

Therefore, a woman should consult a gynecologist to know which discharge is normal and which is pathological. If you arrive at the hospital on time, there is a chance to save the child.

When brown discharge occurs during pregnancy, a woman begins to worry. And for good reason - they can be a symptom of a miscarriage. But there are cases when their occurrence does not pose a danger to the health of the mother and fetus:

  • Mucous discharge mixed with blood, which is very scanty, does not cause any discomfort in a woman and appears in the first 1-2 weeks after unprotected sexual intercourse and is not dangerous. The egg attaches to the mucous membrane of the uterus, injuring them. Because of this, a small amount of blood appears. Their consistency should resemble a paste and their color should be pink to light brown.
  • Due to hormonal changes in the female body, scanty discharge may be observed monthly. They are smooth and do not cause discomfort. As a rule, their date coincides with the expected day of the onset of menstruation.
  • Light brown discharge in late pregnancy (a week or a few hours before the onset of labor) indicates the passage of the mucus plug. In this case, they are harbingers of childbirth.

Also, minor discharge may occur after rough sex. But they are prohibited from practicing in the first few months of gestation and at 8-9 months.

Brown discharge during pregnancy is not always considered harmless. In most cases, this is a sign that indicates a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and hydatidiform mole.

When is there a risk of miscarriage?

Brown discharge during early pregnancy can signal a threat of miscarriage. The disease appears as a result of placental abruption. In turn, this occurs due to a lack of progesterone in the body, which is necessary to prepare the endometrium for the implantation of the fertilized egg. This hormone is also necessary for the normal development of the fetus and a favorable course of pregnancy. If too little of it is produced, the endometrium rejects the fertilized egg and a miscarriage occurs.

The discharge may not be abundant. But in most cases there are many of them. A woman may wake up at night feeling wet with blood. The discharge may be completely bloody or interspersed with mucus. Other symptoms may also occur: severe abdominal pain during pregnancy, nausea and even vomiting.

If a woman has the above symptoms, she needs to be examined by a doctor. As soon as a woman detects any discharge, she should call an ambulance, lie down and not worry ahead of time. If she engages in physical labor or worries excessively, this will only make the situation worse.

At a short stage of pregnancy, the fetus cannot always be saved. But if you call a doctor in time, there is a chance. In the later stages, when there is a threat of miscarriage, the maternity process can be stimulated, and the baby will be born premature.

If brown discharge is observed in the first weeks of pregnancy, this may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy in a woman. In this case, the fertilized egg does not reach the uterine cavity and is attached to the fallopian tube.

Ectopic pregnancy causes serious complications. The fetus gradually enlarges, and the fallopian tube is not as elastic as the uterus. Therefore, it can rupture, causing heavy bleeding. This condition is very dangerous for a woman. Peritonitis may occur due to rupture of the fallopian tubes, and the patient may become infertile.

Therefore, if an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed, an abortion is performed - the fetus cannot be saved.

There are other signs of an ectopic pregnancy. A woman may complain of severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen. It usually occurs on the side where the rupture occurred. If such symptoms occur, a woman should consult a doctor. Otherwise there is a risk of death.

Hydatidiform mole

Scanty brown discharge in early pregnancy may be a sign of hydatidiform mole. This is a pathological process in which the embryo does not develop, and the chorionic villi are transformed into fluid-filled blisters. The causes of hydatidiform mole are not fully understood. But since the embryo does not develop due to abnormalities in the chromosome set, this means that this is due to the process of conception. An egg could be fertilized by two sperm at once, or by one diploid set of chromosomes. Therefore, the fetus receives either a triple set of chromosomes (1 part from the mother and 2 from the father) or a normal one, but all chromosomes are only paternal.

Male cells are necessary for the normal development of the placenta and amniotic sac. But due to the fact that there are too many of them, a benign tumor is formed instead of the placenta. It is represented by numerous cysts that are filled with fluid.

Pathology can develop in different ways. In some cases, only part of the placental tissue is abnormal. There is a chance that the baby will be born, but most often the fetus dies in the middle of the 2nd trimester.

With a complete hydatidiform mole, the entire placenta is affected. The embryo dies in the first trimester. Sometimes the infected tissue penetrates the uterine muscles. If tumor cells enter the bloodstream, metastases may occur. Most often they end up in the vagina or lungs.

If brown discharge appears early in pregnancy with mucus and a bubbly consistency, hydatidiform mole is suspected. Sometimes other symptoms occur - nausea, disturbances in urination and defecation, and vomiting. To clarify the diagnosis, an ultrasound and a blood test for hCG are prescribed.

Frozen pregnancy

Brown discharge during pregnancy can be a symptom of the death of the embryo. Pathology can be caused by various infectious diseases, lack of progesterone in the female body, and frequent stressful situations. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Thick brown discharge during pregnancy. They are scanty, do not have an unpleasant odor, but are constant.
  • Nausea and sometimes even vomiting.
  • Very severe pain in the lower abdomen. They become even more pronounced when the body turns.
  • Weakness, dizziness, headaches.
  • The stomach becomes hard.

The child's development stops and he dies. This pathology is diagnosed during an ultrasound - the fetus has no heartbeat. This condition requires removal of the fetus by surgical curettage.

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