Inguinal herpes. Herpes in an intimate place - symptoms and treatment

One of the common diseases is genital or genital herpes.

The causative agent of the disease is a virus. Infection occurs through sexual contact.

The disease brings discomfort to a person’s daily life, so it is important to know how to treat herpes in intimate areas and what medications are suitable for this.

Herpes in an intimate place

Most often, the disease is diagnosed both in middle age.

Genital herpes is an acute infectious disease that affects intimate parts (perineum, genitals). It is called human type 2. comes from an infected partner during unprotected sexual intercourse. It can also be anal or oral sex.

A person may not even realize that he is a carrier of the infection. The disease manifests itself in the acute phase with rashes on the genitals.

Alcoholics, drug addicts and people who have promiscuous sex are at risk.

Provoking factors are considered:

  • weakened immune system;
  • colds;
  • frequent abortions;
  • untreated sexually transmitted diseases;
  • constant stress.

In addition, genital herpes can occur when the IUD is installed incorrectly in women.

In the absence of timely or genital herpes is dangerous. Since the microflora of intimate areas contributes to the spread of infection, the virus can infect nearby organs and also provoke the development of malignant neoplasms.

In men, advanced genital herpes can cause. and directly to the fetus. In addition, during childbirth it can occur.

Symptoms in women

The main manifestations of herpes in intimate places in women are:

In addition, sometimes women who are infected with the herpes virus may experience vaginal discharge.

Manifestations in men

In men, herpes in the intimate area is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the prostate, urethra, bladder, testes;
  • itching in the penis area;
  • rashes on the head.

It must be remembered that it is impossible to completely recover from genital herpes - if the virus has entered the body, it will remain there forever and, regardless of a person’s sexual activity, relapses will recur.


Herpes in the genital area can indicate the development of many diseases. Therefore, it is very important to undergo testing for hepatitis B, AIDS, syphilis, chlamydia, and other infections.

Video from an expert:

Treatment of groin rashes

Based on the results of the study, a treatment regimen is selected individually. Infection with genital herpes requires the use of ointments, tablets,.

As already indicated, medications for this disease have not yet been developed and conservative therapy is aimed at reducing the manifestations of the disease and achieving long-term remission. Only a doctor can prescribe effective treatment.

The basis of conservative therapy is taking the following in the form of ointments, tablets, creams:

  1. . This drug blocks the production of viral DNA and is absorbed by the digestive system. Stops the appearance of rashes, accelerates the formation of crusts on the skin. This medication also has an analgesic effect. It is not recommended for people suffering from neurological disorders or renal failure. Side effects may include diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness, dizziness, vomiting, and increased drowsiness.
  2. . This medicine stops the virus from reproducing. Side effects may include sleep disturbances, dizziness, nausea with vomiting, and anemia. Not prescribed to people with impaired renal function, neurological disorders, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, or pregnant women.
  3. . This drug helps stop replication by stopping viral DNA synthesis. It is not prescribed to pregnant women either.
  4. Denavir. The product is used only as prescribed by a doctor. It is prohibited for people who are allergic to the components of the medicine and have weakened immune systems.

In addition, the complex prescribes drugs to strengthen the immune system:

  • Imunofan;
  • Ridostin.

The effectiveness of therapy primarily depends on the timeliness of contacting a doctor.

The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the faster you can get rid of its manifestations.

Routes of infection

Only through direct contact with an infected person. You can become infected through regular, anal or oral sex.

In addition, an infected mother can, for example, during childbirth or through household means, using general hygiene products.

The virus enters the body through injuries to the skin or mucous membranes.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • poor nutrition;
  • viral diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • frequent stress or overwork;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol or coffee.

A person becomes contagious several days after infection, even if he has no symptoms of the disease.

Video about genital herpes:


Prevention of genital herpes is aimed at strengthening the immune system and preventing infection.

The main preventive methods are:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits;
  • regular physical activity;
  • good sleep;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • rapid treatment of any disease;
  • control of sexual partners;
  • use of contraceptive methods.

If there are frequent manifestations of herpes, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe effective treatment. Women planning a pregnancy should definitely undergo screening to protect their health and the health of their unborn child.

Herpes in the intimate area is a very unpleasant disease that brings discomfort to a person’s life. When the immune system is functioning properly, the body is able to fight the virus on its own. However, if infection does occur, you should consult a doctor at the first manifestations to receive timely help.

People are embarrassed to talk about this disease, although many suffer from it. This problem is too delicate - herpes, which affects the intimate areas of both women and men.

How do you know if you have herpes, is it difficult to cure, and how dangerous is this disease?

Where does herpes come from? The “culprit” of an unpleasant infection in the intimate area is the so-called HSV – herpes simplex virus.

There are two types of it, both can cause damage to the genitals: both type 1 herpes and type 2 herpes.

Having penetrated the body, HSV settles in the nerve ganglia (neural ganglia). If a person’s immunity is normal, then antibodies block the infection. Then there are no clinical manifestations.

But some unfavorable factors help the virus become more active. Doctors name the following reasons for the appearance of rashes and itching - characteristic manifestations of herpes:

  • avitaminosis;
  • stressful conditions;
  • change of climatic zones;
  • temperature changes (overheating and hypothermia);
  • colds;
  • insufficient personal hygiene.

More than 90% of the world's inhabitants today are carriers of the virus. And many don't even know about it. Once HSV penetrates the body, it settles there forever.

It is not yet possible to completely recover from the disease. From time to time he will manifest himself in relapses.

Male herpes manifests itself more locally than female herpes, affecting a smaller area - the head of the penis and the underside of the foreskin. Sometimes the affected area affects the scrotum and perineum. We wrote more about herpes on the glans penis in men.

Signs of the disease appear gradually:

With relapses of genital herpes, vesicles often appear in those places that have already been affected.

The following video will also complement the main symptoms of genital herpes:

Disease can be primary or recurrent. Infection at the primary stage is characterized by an acute course with pronounced symptoms (in most cases).

Acute herpes lasts from 10 days to one and a half months.

Abundant rashes of vesicles filled with exudate cause discomfort and pain.

Women are sometimes bothered by discharge - it is abundant, but there is no specific smell.

When the latent phase of the disease begins, many patients believe that recovery has occurred. In fact, herpes has become recurrent, which can have 3 forms:

The disease has 3 stages of development:

  1. Damage to the external genitalia occurs.
  2. The process affects the cervix and vagina in women, and the urethra in men.
  3. The disease spreads to the internal organs - appendages, uterus, bladder and prostate gland.

The infection is sometimes disguised as diseases similar to herpes - syphilis, thrush in women, balanoposthitis in men.

The primary stage of herpes lasts several weeks. The virus then migrates to the nervous system, where it remains in a passive state.

In the presence of provoking factors, a relapse occurs. A new outbreak is not as severe and long-lasting as the initial episode of herpes.

There may be several such outbreaks during the year. The form of their occurrence is calmer.


The first step in diagnosing herpes is examination of the genitals, anus, buttocks, thighs, lymph nodes patient.

In women, the gynecologist checks the vaginal walls and cervix. When rashes are detected, their contents are taken for analysis using scrapings. In men, scrapings may be taken from the anus, urethra, and pharynx.

If the symptoms of genital herpes are not clearly expressed, laboratory tests will help confirm the diagnosis:

Treatment of herpes in the intimate area at home

Treatment of herpes at home should begin with stopping sexual contact. It is in the acute stage, when rashes appear, that the disease is transmitted to the partner with almost one hundred percent probability.

The treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor, it may include:

  1. Antiviral therapy.
  2. Use of local medications (creams, ointments, lotions).
  3. Taking medications to strengthen the immune system.
  4. Traditional methods of treatment as a complement to traditional medical procedures.

Modern medicine is not yet able to help completely get rid of herpes, but comprehensive measures will help to resist the virus as much as possible and alleviate the patient’s condition.

The full course of therapy, starting with treatment of the acute stage, may take about 3 months. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, you can ensure that the virus “goes into hibernation” and relapses will be rare.

With the help of traditional medicine recipes, they strengthen the immune system and the body’s ability to resist infection. To do this you can take:

External use of folk remedies helps relieve itching and dry wounds:

  • help reduce discomfort with calendula, tea tree, jojoba, citrus, bergamot, geranium, lavender oils;
  • For herpes, compresses from a decoction of mint, licorice root, arnica flowers, and alcohol tincture of birch buds are used;
  • Lotions made from a mixture of slightly warmed honey and dried celandine, aloe or Kalanchoe juice help heal ulcers and erosions.

It is important to carefully use folk remedies to avoid allergic reactions, given that with herpes, the mucous membranes in the intimate area are especially sensitive.

Preparations (ointments, tablets, creams)

Most experts agree that today the best medicine that can suppress the activity of the herpovirus is Acyclovir.

Analogs of the drug are also actively used for antiviral therapy:

  1. Zovirax.
  2. Fenistil Pentsivir.
  3. Valaciclovir.
  4. Famciclovir.
  5. Lavomax.

Most often, drugs are taken in the form of tablets, sometimes injections of drugs are prescribed.

Medicines against the virus are effective in combination with interferon-based immunostimulants:

  • Cycloferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Amiksin;
  • Immunal.

The course of taking antiviral and immune-strengthening drugs is from 7 to 10 days. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe intramuscular administration of B vitamins.

The vaccine to combat Herpovax viruses is administered once every six months if the patient experiences frequent relapses of the disease.

The choice of ointments and creams for local therapy of herpes in intimate places is quite large. The need for their use and the exact dosage will be determined by the attending physician.

Skin lesions are treated:

Here are the popular means Akriderm and Triderm are not intended for treatment herpes simplex. They have a different spectrum of action.

Regarding the use of Fukortsin(in the form of a solution or ointment), you should definitely consult a doctor. When applied to large areas of skin, the drug may be toxic.

Antibiotics are prescribed to patients with herpes only if the virus has provoked a secondary infection (fungal or bacterial). But in the fight against the herpervirus itself, this group of drugs is ineffective.

A specialist will also talk about the drugs in this video:

Self-medication for herpes in the intimate area is dangerous - only a doctor can prescribe a specific drug, taking into account the picture of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Do not forget that many herpes remedies have side effects and contraindications.

During the acute stage it is important follow certain rules:

How to treat illness during pregnancy

If a woman becomes infected with herpes during pregnancy, this is very dangerous for the unborn child. There are no antibodies in the mother's blood that would protect the fetus from the effects of the virus.

This is fraught with miscarriage; the child’s organs may be damaged and deformities may develop.

In case of primary infection or exacerbation of herpes a month before giving birth, a woman is most often offered a cesarean section to reduce the risk of infection of the baby.

Expectant mothers must be treated for this disease, and only under the supervision of a specialist. The doctor will draw up a treatment plan for each trimester.

For the treatment of herpes in pregnant women, antiviral drugs, immunocorrection are used (use immunoglobulin and Viferon suppositories), and external topical agents, for example, zinc ointment.

Used in the treatment of pregnant women Zovirax, Acyclovir, Panavir, but all drugs are used with caution, assessing the risk of possible negative effects on the mother and unborn child.

Possible consequences

The psychosomatics of herpes is such that the consequences of the disease can negatively affect a person’s mental health. The patient experiences severe mental discomfort; he often experiences depression, nervous breakdowns, alternating with apathy.

Physiologically, herpes is fraught:

  • the formation of bleeding cracks in the mucous membrane of the genitals and anus. In addition to pain, this interferes with normal sex life, causing problems in the family;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen, which occurs due to herpes damage to the peripheral nervous system. Pain may radiate to the perineum and rectum;
  • decreased immunity as a result of constant relapses. Because of this, the body becomes defenseless against other infections;
  • in men – the occurrence of urethritis, prostatitis, cystitis;
  • damage to the nervous system - the development of encephalitis, meningitis;
  • decreased libido, which provokes difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex.

Particularly severe consequences of the disease - herpes of newborns, which occurs if the child becomes infected during the mother’s pregnancy or during childbirth.

A dangerous disease can lead to the death of the baby or the development of complex neurological disorders, liver damage, and heart disease.


The most effective measure to prevent infection with herpes virus is an orderly sex life.. Frequently changing sexual partners greatly increases the risk of infection.

Lifestyle is also important - the percentage of herpes diseases among people of non-traditional sexual orientation, HIV-infected people, and drug addicts is much higher. In a girl of “easy” virtue, infection is also more likely, given the frequent change of partners.

What preventative measures will reduce the risk of infection:

If a herpes infection has already occurred, it is important to avoid relapses to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress and nervous strain, colds, exacerbation of chronic ailments, and sudden changes in climatic conditions.

It is also important to quit smoking and drink alcohol, eat well, and exercise in moderation.

Herpes in the intimate area in women is a dangerous infection that affects the nervous system and is characterized by the formation of specific rashes on the vulva and vagina.

Genital herpes in women can also be characterized by the presence of formations on the cervix. More often, such a course indicates an untimely effect at the stage of the onset of rashes and an advanced form of the disease.

Gynecology and obstetrics place the female perineal herpes virus on a par with other dangerous sexually transmitted diseases: with the wrong approach to treatment, there is a possibility of developing adverse complications and consequences.

Herpes on the female genital organs is most often a consequence of:

  • Intercourse with an infected partner (orally, vaginally or anally - it doesn’t matter - the virus loves mucous membranes);
  • Use of general personal hygiene items.

Genital herpes in women can be asymptomatic or appear several days after unprotected sex: genital herpes in male carriers can also be asymptomatic, and the infection will not immediately make itself felt.

Factors that provoke the activation and development of viral rashes in the groin area are:

  • Microtraumas and damage to the vulva or vaginal area;
  • Decreased immune system performance (chemotherapy, use of hormonal drugs and contraceptives, temperature changes, stress and prolonged depression, disrupted daily routine, exacerbations and relapses of other viral infections or diseases, including acute respiratory viral infections, etc.);
  • A large number of sexual partners and promiscuity. Sex with unstable partners increases the risk of infection and the formation of herpes on the genitals.

Symptoms of herpes on the genitals in women: how does genital herpes manifest?

When the herpes simplex virus (HSV) is activated, exacerbations and relapses of viral rashes in the groin in women occur. The incubation period is about 14 days. During the period, there are no external or internal symptoms of the disease. Subsequently, the following symptoms appear: redness, itching, the formation of grouped blisters, pain and malaise.

The period of occurrence of rashes in an intimate place can be easily described by a sequence of stages:

  • The first is characterized by a sharp deterioration in condition and an increase in body temperature. Symptoms of herpes of any form are reduced to a feeling of discomfort, the occurrence of nagging pain, radiating to the lumbar region. Some patients experienced swelling and loss of sensation in the vulva and internal genital organs;
  • The second stage is characterized by the formation of vesicular clusters filled with clear or turbid liquid: it happens, according to gynecological practice, that several clusters are formed and, as the disease develops, they grow together. Groups of bubbles are located on the labia majora and minora, under the clitoris, and on the pubis. If the form of the disease is advanced, then vaginal herpes of the cervix develops;
  • The final stage is characterized by ulceration of the vesicular accumulations and their covering with a crust. There is a gradual healing of the affected areas and regeneration of the affected areas.

Important! The signs of genital herpes in women are similar to the signs of other sexually transmitted diseases. To make an accurate diagnosis and timely intervention on formations in the groin, it is recommended that when the first symptoms are detected, you consult your doctor for advice: it is not enough to know what genital herpes looks like in women; it is necessary to take treatment measures aimed at suppressing symptoms in the early stages.

Diagnosis of herpes in a woman’s groin and possible complications

To make an accurate diagnosis, a qualified gynecologist will need to conduct a visual examination. Using specialized equipment, the doctor will examine the internal and external genitalia. If visual data is insufficient to make an accurate diagnosis, tests may be required.

The importance of timely diagnosis of the disease is due to the possibility of developing adverse complications and consequences. The following are susceptible to herpes infection:

  • Urethra;
  • Ovarian area;
  • Bladder;
  • Uterus;
  • Vagina and vulva;
  • Anus and rectum.

Failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner can lead to a number of consequences and complications associated with the genitourinary and reproductive systems. Often, if treatment is delayed, the infection spreads to the anus: herpes forms on the butt.

How to treat genital herpes

The basics of treating rashes on the genitals are similar to the basics of treating herpesviruses localized in other parts of the body.

Important! Therapy aimed at suppressing the symptoms of genital herpes is not capable of destroying the virus: it will continue to exist inside the body, waiting for favorable conditions for relapse or exacerbation. In case of recurrent forms, immediately contact a specialist in advance so as not to later have to ask questions about how to cure advanced genital herpes and avoid adverse consequences.

To suppress all symptomatic manifestations, attending physicians prescribe:

  • Immunomodulators and immunostimulants;
  • Antiviral drugs;
  • Antiseptic and aseptic agents.

If the matter has not taken a serious turn and the virus has attacked the vulva, the use of ointments is suitable as an effective measure. Among them, productivity differs: Acyclovir, Zovirax, Zinc ointment.

If a herpesvirus is diagnosed in the vagina, depending on the stage, form and presence of pregnancy in the patient, tablet forms of drugs and subcutaneous injections can be used. The following are recognized as effective and safest: Acyclovir, Famvir, Cycloferon.

Important! When choosing medications for the treatment of genital herpesvirus, pay attention to drugs containing Acyclovir: they are characterized by a minimum of side effects and are ideal for treating the fair sex of any age.

If the genital infection is recurrent and appears several times a year, the attending physician may prescribe a set of measures, including aggressive treatment with both ointments and gels, and tablet forms. According to practice, doctors rarely resort to injections: tests are required and identification of contraindications or individual intolerance is required.

Also, in case of recurrent occurrence, a long course of prophylactic nature can be prescribed.

Herpes occurs in the intimate area due to infection of the body with herpesvirus type 2. The predominant route of transmission is sexual, but occasionally symptoms of herpes in the intimate area appear due to the introduction of the pathogen by the hematogenous route.

What does herpes look like in the intimate area?

Herpes in the intimate area (photo 2) manifests its symptoms almost immediately after infection. At the initial stage, the symptoms of herpes in the intimate area are painful, the skin itches and turns red. When touched, pain and hyperthermia are felt. Then small bubbles appear on the surface of the lesion, which provoke various types of inflammation; they quickly increase in size and fill with liquid. Herpes in the intimate area rarely appears in children - this may be a consequence of infection with the virus in utero.

A herpetic rash is quite painful. Herpes in the intimate area in men can spread to the penis and scrotum. The same characteristic rashes appear there. Herpes in the intimate area of ​​women (photo in the gallery) also threatens complications - they arise on the inner side of the thigh, signs of herpetic lesions can be seen on the labia, in the vaginal area.

Subsequently, herpes in the intimate area matures, and the liquid in the blisters becomes cloudy. After they burst, the active stage of herpes can be considered complete - restoration of the skin begins, which takes about seven to ten days.

Herpes on the pubic area

The disease causes not only pain, but also significant discomfort. Herpes on the pubic area in women(photo 3) and in men it appears against the background of the same prodromal symptoms of redness, itching and burning. Herpes pubis in men affects not only the skin itself, but also the hair follicles. You can often notice an abscess with a hair sticking out of it. The risk of infection of the subcutaneous layers in this case increases.

The appearance of herpes on the pubis is red spots, in the center of which there are blisters with liquid. Herpes on the pubis(photo below) causes inconvenience in that constant friction against clothing leads to early bursting of the contents of the bubbles, weeping zones remain in their place, and when the hair follicles suppurate, the recovery of the skin is significantly delayed. After the integrity of the vesicles is damaged, spots with dried contents and sometimes a slight admixture of blood remain in their place. During the healing process, the crusts come off, revealing a thin, healthy epithelium underneath. On average, the recovery process ends by the end of the first week.

What does herpes look like in the groin

Herpes in the groin in men (photo 4) and women is also a type of genital herpes; the disease is caused by the same second type of herpes virus. The first symptoms it causes are itching and burning in the groin area. At this stage, the characteristic herpetic blisters have not yet appeared, but patients are already worried about incomprehensible pain and discomfort in the genital area.

Symptoms of herpes in the groin in men can be supplemented by enlarged lymph nodes, swelling of the skin, and the appearance of swelling. Usually the skin becomes painful when touched, and there is a feeling of heat and burning in the area affected by the herpes virus. Symptoms of herpes in the groin in women provoke swelling of the mucous membrane and vagina. Due to decreased immunity, it can begin in girls.

After some time, inguinal herpes (photo in gal.) progresses, elevations appear on the skin, they increase every hour and form into herpetic vesicles containing inside them a liquid filled with pathogens of the disease. When the body begins to destroy, the liquid inside the bubbles becomes cloudy, and then they completely burst. When herpes bursts in the groin area in men, it forms weeping zones, which, under the influence of friction against clothing, become very painful, sometimes an infection gets there, and they fester. Inguinal herpes in men heals slowly, but eventually the skin is completely restored.

Treatment of herpes in the intimate area

Conduct treatment of herpes in the intimate area must be done in a timely manner and very carefully. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, when redness and burning in the intimate area have just begun, it is necessary to immediately treat the surface of the skin with antiviral drugs. As external preparations, herpes on the pubis can be treated with ointments Panavir, Herpferon, Acyclovir, Zovirax. Use them several times a day, rubbing small portions into the surface of the intimate area.

In addition to external medications, doctors recommend treating rashes in the intimate area with tablets, which will enhance the effect and lead to faster relief from the pathology. Usually the dosage and name of the drug are determined by the doctor. In severe forms of herpes, it is very important to use both internally and externally. You can treat herpes in the groin with tablets using Valacyclovir 500 mg, Famciclovir-Teva 125 mg, Acyclovir Forte 400 mg. The average course of therapy is five to seven days.

During herpetic therapy, it is important to keep the genitals especially clean. You need to take care of loose underwear; several times a day you can wash the surface of the genitals with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect the surface of the skin and prevent infection.

Photo gallery of herpes in the intimate area

Playlist of videos about herpes (video selection in the upper right corner)

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