Why does an adult have loose stools every day? What to do if an adult has loose stools for a long time

The excretory system in the body plays a vital role; it removes excess fluid, toxic substances, and waste products. It is considered normal when 200 grams of feces are released from the body of a healthy person. When the stool changes and becomes liquid with admixtures of blood, pus and a specific odor, this indicates that serious disturbances have occurred in the gastrointestinal tract or intoxication.

Diarrhea is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • fever, chills;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • fullness in the abdominal cavity;
  • acute spasms (in chronic form).

In acute viral infections, nausea and frequent vomiting are observed. Bacterial and viral infections are accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature and frequent headaches.

Consequences of morning diarrhea

Dehydration can lead to serious consequences if not addressed promptly. You should not take diarrhea in the morning as a normal occurrence. It is not normal. The reason may lie in pathologies that require urgent treatment. A person loses a large amount of fluid, and when dehydrated, severe thirst is felt.

The complexion becomes pale, and some stages of dehydration require immediate medical attention. The heartbeat is disrupted, and the person begins to suffer from lack of air, which indicates a large loss of salt. A lack of nutrients causes headaches, brittleness and hair loss, and the functioning of the immune system is disrupted.

Causes of diarrhea

Morning diarrhea can be acute or chronic; the second type includes diarrhea that does not go away within 1-1.5 months.

In any case, diarrhea is a disorder, temporary or chronic disease. It can occur with cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis, and has a bad effect on both the physical and psychological state. The body shows through diarrhea that there are pathogens or toxic substances inside, so you need to be attentive to yourself and immediately respond to any signals.

Diarrhea in pregnant women

Expectant mothers are attentive to their diet and exclude all foods that can harm the fetus. But even such an exceptional diet cannot always protect against intestinal upset, because there are many reasons that cause it. Pregnancy and gestation are a lot of stress for the body. During this period, immunity decreases and it is difficult to resist all microbes.

Diarrhea in the morning in the early stages can be one of the manifestations of toxicosis. A pregnant woman takes a lot of vitamins; some of these drugs have nausea and bowel problems on the list of side effects. Diarrhea is often caused by hormonal imbalances. The production of prostaglandins (polyunsaturated fatty acids) increases. In the later stages of gestation, preparations for childbirth occur, and the intestines are cleansed the day before. Nature has thought of everything!

When can it be dangerous?

It is very important! If diarrhea in the morning after eating in early pregnancy is accompanied by pain and cramps in the abdomen, you need to call an ambulance. This may be a signal of premature labor. As the fetus grows, the load is placed on the entire body, including the gastrointestinal tract. The uterus grows and compresses organs, pinches ducts - all these changes lead to bowel dysfunction.

When infected with viruses or other infections, diarrhea can be quite severe and be accompanied by cramping pain, fever, nausea with vomiting and dehydration.

This condition requires immediate hospitalization. In any case, diarrhea in the morning every day during pregnancy should not be observed - this is not normal.

Threat to woman and fetus

  • Diarrhea can signal serious pathological changes. Both the process of diarrhea itself and the reasons that caused it are dangerous for the fetus and can provoke its death.
  • Penetration of intestinal infections through the placenta in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to the development of pathologies in the unborn child. In the later stages, this threatens premature birth, intrauterine infection, developmental delay and fetal death.
  • Severe spasms and active peristalsis provoke rapid uterine contractions, which can cause detachment of the fertilized egg and the death of the embryo.
  • The loss of vitamins and nutrients due to dehydration negatively affects the development of the baby - this is growth retardation and the onset of pathological processes.

Seek emergency medical help when diarrhea is accompanied by dizziness, high fever, bloody discharge, or streaks of mucus. Signs of dehydration include:

  • dry mouth;
  • strong thirst;
  • noise in ears;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • dark circles under the eyes.

Diarrhea in the morning every day. How to treat?

The absence of obvious signs indicating the need for emergency medical care allows you to figure out the problem yourself. First of all, you need to restore normal bowel function. These measures include a diet that involves avoiding fried and fatty foods. You need to be careful with milk, often caused by an inability to digest lactose. The diet list of main products now includes:

  • hard-boiled egg;
  • toasted bread;
  • decoction of bird cherry or blueberry;
  • strong black tea;
  • astringent food and drinks and pomegranate infusion).

Gradually, having come out of the “uncomfortable state,” you can gradually return to your usual diet, but do not abuse prohibited foods.

Drug therapy

One of the most effective medicines in the fight against diarrhea is a drug related to sorbents - activated carbon. About 10 tablets are taken per day. Charcoal absorbs all toxins and harmful substances that have not yet been absorbed into the blood and removes them out, preventing irritation.

The main goal of treatment is to restore the intestinal microflora. For these purposes, drugs of the lacto- and bifidogroups are used. It is important to understand that if diarrhea continues in the morning every day, treatment for the chronic form can only be prescribed by a doctor after identifying the true cause of diarrhea.


  • rehydration solutions: “Rehydron”, “Citroglucosolan”, “Codeine phosphate”, “Imodium”.
  • antibacterial agents: antibiotics, sulfonamides, eubiotics.

As a rule, in the absence of severe accompanying circumstances, diarrhea goes away within 2-3 days.

An unpleasant condition - stool disorder - can manifest itself over a long period of time and be the cause of many intestinal diseases in adults and children. Diarrhea can last for several days, even a month. First of all, if you have prolonged diarrhea, you should consult a doctor. What to do if diarrhea prevents you from leaving the house?

Before drinking a first aid kit, find out the reasons that caused the disease. In an adult, prolonged diarrhea can be the result of poisoning, diseases of the small and large intestines, stress, overwork and other reasons. In infants, the condition is sometimes due to physiological causes.

First of all, it is indicated to replenish the loss of fluid and electrolytes, and to maintain certain nutritional standards throughout the treatment.

Drinking regime:

  • The patient needs to drink to prevent dehydration and remove accumulated toxins from the body. It is acceptable to drink clean water or use decoctions and teas. The volume of replenished fluid is at least 2 liters per day. You need to drink as much water as was lost.
  • In case of severe distress with every minute urge, we give the patient a water-salt solution, for example, Regidron.

If nothing helps, diarrhea does not go away on the second or third day, despite following the doctor's instructions, you may not have changed your diet.

Authorized products:

  • We eat light purees, soups, meat, fish (boiled, low-fat).
  • Porridges are cooked in water and have a slimy consistency.
  • Products with high levels of pectin (apples, baked bananas).
  • Strong tea and berry jelly.
  • Potassium-rich foods.

All products are served in crushed, pureed form.

Prohibited products:

  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Canned food;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Seasonings;
  • Dairy products;
  • Large grains so as not to traumatize the intestines;
  • Fast food;
  • Fatty foods.

Drug therapy

In addition to diet, use medications: Smecta, Activated carbon. If loose stools have been going on for three days, medications may not help.

Loperamide-based products

These remedies are used when diarrhea is severe and does not stop for a long time. The drugs are available without a prescription. Prescribed for acute, chronic (if loose stools continue for the third week or more) diarrhea.


  • 1st trimester of pregnancy, children under 6 years of age.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • 2-3 trimester - use in pregnant women if the benefit is higher than the risk.
  • Acute colitis.
  • Persistent diarrhea caused by long-term use of antibacterial drugs.
  • Liver dysfunction.

The drugs are well absorbed by patients, but can be accompanied by side effects:

  • Constipation, flatulence, the patient may have a stomach ache.
  • Fatigue, drowsiness.
  • Rash, itching, fever.

Imodium is available in the form of capsules or tablets. An adult or child over 12 years old should take 2 tablets once a day, i.e. at one time. If intestinal upset continues, take 1 tablet after going to the toilet until the diarrhea completely stops. Child over 6 years old – 1 tablet. means at a time, then 1 after emptying, until stool normalizes.

If intestinal upset continues 12 hours after taking the medicine, you must stop treatment and urgently go to the hospital.

Loperamide - adults initially take 2 capsules, then 1 capsule after going to the toilet, until stool normalizes (maximum dose - 8 capsules). Children over 6 years old – 1 capsule (maximum dose – 3 capsules).

If the stool has formed, we stop treatment.


Sorbents are mandatory. They take medications for poisoning, infectious diseases and as a quick help to stop diarrhea. They are able to collect toxic substances on the surface and remove them from the body.

Activated carbon - there are tablet forms and powder. More often used for poisoning and intoxication of various natures. Take up to 3 tablets 4 times a day, an hour before the main therapy, otherwise the effect of the main drug may be reduced. In acute conditions, it is permissible to stop taking the drug on the fifth day, usually every other day. If the condition is chronic, we extend the dose to fourteen days. Repeated course as prescribed by a specialist.

Side effects develop in the form of constipation, impaired absorption of substances in the intestines, decreased temperature and pressure, black stool, and impaired liver function.

Do not use the medicine in case of hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug, ulcerative defects in the digestive tract, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

Smecta is a white or slightly yellowish powder, approved for use in children. It is used for acute and chronic digestive disorders of various types. It copes well when the baby has a stomach ache, bloating, or heartburn.

If the condition is acute, adults are allowed to consume 6 sachets per day. For babies up to one year old - two sachets per day for the first 3 days, then 1 sachet. Children over one year old, up to 4 sachets per day for 3 days, then 2 sachets. It is advisable to complete the course within a week. The product can be mixed with porridge, baby food, compote. Approved for use by pregnant women. In rare cases, when taking the drug, constipation and a slight rash with itching are observed.

Smecta should not be used if there is a malabsorption of substances or an allergy to the drug.


Bifidumbacterin - available in the form of capsules and suppositories for adults and children. Can be used for:

  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Ulcers of the digestive tract;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Allergies;
  • During intestinal infections;
  • Poisoning;
  • Constant constipation;
  • Taking antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and hormones.

Take half an hour before meals or during breastfeeding.

For patients before surgery, three to five days before surgery and two weeks after.

For chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 3 times a day, for a course of two weeks.

There is a possibility of allergic reactions to the drug.

It is forbidden to use in children under 3 years of age (suppositories), in case of allergic reactions to the composition of the drug.


If the cause of prolonged diarrhea is poisoning with poor-quality products, it is recommended to conduct a short course of cleansing enemas to quickly get rid of the symptoms of dyspepsia and wash out toxic substances from the body (until they are absorbed).

The procedures are performed on an adult even in cases of severe diarrhea. As a rinsing solution, use warm, slightly salted water or Regidron water-salt solution. You need to repeat the manipulations until the rinsing waters become clean. Sometimes enemas with enveloping drugs are prescribed, which speed up the process many times over; accordingly, diarrhea goes away much faster.

Nowadays, it is quite common that after eating some not very high-quality products, an adult may experience loose stools, just like water. If such a situation occurs, you need to clearly know what to do to get rid of its symptoms.

Table of contents:

What is diarrhea?

In most cases, diarrhea occurs as a symptomatic manifestation of a disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the patient’s body temperature rises sharply, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting begin.

Diarrhea is an act of defecation, which is characterized by a liquid consistency and can be repeated more than twice a day. Diarrhea can be considered the first definitive sign of indigestion. However, before taking any measures to treat such an unpleasant condition of the body, it is necessary to find out the exact cause of the appearance of loose stools. Bowel movements can be so copious and frequent that general weakness and dehydration of the body sets in almost immediately. In such cases, it is imperative to seek qualified medical help, where adequate treatment will be prescribed, depending on the general condition of the patient.

Features of digestion of food bolus

For a bolus of food to be completely digested, it takes at least 48 hours after eating. It is during this period that almost all the water is absorbed into the walls of the colon. If the integrity of the mucous membrane is even slightly compromised, then the process of water absorption slows down. Thus, more of it begins to be excreted along with feces. The process of defecation occurs several times more often than usual, and the stool is liquid. Diarrhea can occur due to an inflammatory process, an allergic reaction, or as a result of severe food poisoning.

There are many reasons that contribute to the formation of watery stools. If the disease is infectious, the patient’s temperature rises sharply. All this is accompanied by antispasmodic pain in the abdominal area and severe vomiting. In case of disruption of the pancreas or failure to digest certain high-calorie foods, the patient may complain of severe pain under the ribs on the left.

The main causes of loose stools in adults

Typically, human feces consist of almost 75% plain water.
Everything else can be defined as a certain mixture of mucus, enzymes, fiber, some bacteria, epithelial cells of the intestine itself and all the remains of food consumed.

Watery diarrhea most often occurs due to damage to the mucous membrane of the large intestine or due to its contamination by pathogenic bacteria. This can happen if the quality of the foods consumed is not ideal for digestion processes in the gastrointestinal tract. The cause may also be a specific allergic reaction to a product or to some potent medications and certain chemical substances. People who suffer from mental disorders or are in a constant state of stress also often encounter problems such as diarrhea.

The most common causes of diarrhea

There are several main reasons for the appearance of loose stools in an adult. Among them:

  • disruption of fluid absorption processes;
  • intolerance to certain allergenic foods;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • eating fried or too fatty foods;
  • intolerance to fermented milk products.

Diarrhea and severe flatulence

Flatulence is the strong formation of gases in the intestines. However, this condition is not always a symptom of the disease. Gases are formed during the complete processing of food by special bacteria located in the large intestine. Gas can also be considered a byproduct of digestion. In any case, it must leave the body. This condition does not require any specific treatment.

It’s a different matter when absorption processes through the intestinal walls themselves are disrupted. In this case, food debris is processed by saprophytic bacteria. This is why loose stools appear in an adult. Sometimes watery stool may well be combined with quite strong flatulence. But it is not the excessive formation of gases that needs to be treated, but the original reason why the process of normal absorption of products through the walls of the large intestine is disrupted.

Watery diarrhea can be eliminated as soon as the underlying cause of the disease is eliminated. If diarrhea is combined with severe and constant abdominal pain, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. It is also necessary to drink plenty of water to avoid severe dehydration.

Main types of diarrhea in adults

Diarrhea, which occurs with various intestinal diseases, can be divided into the following types:

  • diarrhea with colitis;
  • for colon tumors;
  • infectious diarrhea, which can be caused by bacteria, helminths, fungi or protozoa;
  • neurogenic character;
  • characterized by a congenital disorder in the normal composition of digestive enzymes;
  • medicinal, allergic and toxic.

There are also diarrhea that appears in diseases of any other systems and organs:

  • endocrine – for disorders of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • pancreatogenic – for diseases of the pancreas;
  • metabolic;
  • gastrogenic;
  • hepatogenic – for liver diseases;
  • diarrhea that develops as a result of certain systemic diseases. An example is scleroderma.

Features of diarrhea in various diseases

Diarrhea in an adult can have a completely different character. Loose, watery stools primarily appear during acute or worsened chronic intestinal infections. At the same time, the body temperature rapidly rises, and signs of dehydration appear.

With such nonspecific diseases of the intestinal tract as colitis and enteritis, as well as after gastrectomy, patients constantly experience watery stools. In this state, you can prevent dehydration simply with plain water. It is water that can replenish all the protective functions of the intestinal and stomach mucosa. The temperature in this state rises only by insignificant values, and may even remain within normal limits.

If an adult has black, loose stools, this may indicate internal bleeding. Treatment for this condition is mandatory. After all, bleeding from any internal organ can lead not only to disruption of its activity, but even to the death of a person.

Liquid, light-colored stool may indicate damage to only the initial part of the intestine. At the same time, the stool is quite abundant, similar in viscosity to clay. If the stool is light-colored, then we can talk about damage to the hind intestine. In this case, the diarrhea is frequent, watery and foamy. This condition is quite difficult for the body. Body temperature rises significantly. Other symptoms of intoxication are present. Treatment of the disease must be immediate.

Treatment of diarrhea with medications

Treatment of diarrhea with any medications should first be discussed with your doctor. Self-medication is strictly not recommended, since you can only veil obvious symptoms, but not cure the cause of loose stools.

Two types of drugs are used for treatment:

  1. Antispasmodics that help relieve pain and weaken the smooth muscles of the intestines.
  2. Absorbents that thicken stool. They also collect all intoxicating substances and promote their removal from the body.

Diarrhea in an adult can also be treated with various probiotics. They are natural bacteria found in the intestines.

Principles of drug therapy

Any drug for diarrhea is used only if this condition does not go away within a few hours. Such drugs should be used once or until the symptoms of intoxication disappear.

For diarrhea, strict bed rest and antispasmodics are most often recommended. Symptomatically, Imodium and constant heavy drinking are usually prescribed. In more severe cases, hospitalization and drip injection of large amounts of fluid into the body are necessary.

Folk remedies

Before taking any measures to treat diarrhea, you need to establish for sure that it is diarrhea and not just an upset stomach. With diarrhea, loose stools appear in an adult, possibly mixed with blood. In this case, bowel movements occur more often than three times a day.

To avoid dehydration, you should drink a lot of water. Water is the sorbent that allows you to wash out all intoxicating agents from the intestines. In this state, it is worth limiting the consumption of fatty and spicy foods, alcohol, and fresh fruits. It is also recommended to exclude all fermented milk products from the diet.

You can stop diarrhea with simple medicinal herbs. This is the treatment of the disease with folk remedies. Everything you need can be easily found in any garden. Preparing decoctions and tinctures is also not difficult at all. Most often, in such cases, a decoction of oak bark is used. It serves as a fairly good antimicrobial agent. Alternatively, you can mix red wine with cherries, which are infused in a warm place and filtered well through a regular sieve. For an adult, it is usually recommended to drink one glass of this tincture 3 times a day until the symptoms of intoxication completely disappear. For medicinal purposes, you can also use a decoction of cranberry leaves and berries.

Special diet for the treatment of diarrhea in adults

Each person decides independently which method to treat diarrhea. Many people prefer drug therapy, some are treated with medicinal herbs. However, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the body if you simply review your usual diet. For this purpose, special preventive and therapeutic diets have been developed.

Diet can be considered the most correct method for the prevention and treatment of severe diarrhea. When following a diet, you should exclude fried, salty, spicy foods, as well as nuts, any legumes and various dairy products from your diet. The basis of the daily diet for diarrhea should be soft and boiled foods that do not have a serious effect on the body. During this period, it is necessary to remember that the best remedy for dehydration is water. You should drink at least 2 liters per day. In order to stop diarrhea, you need to eat rice porridge, bananas, oatmeal, and boiled vegetables. It is advisable to drink sour fruit compote or still mineral water.

In any case, if you experience frequent loose stools, you should not self-medicate. This can only make the situation worse. It is best to consult a doctor and take only the treatment prescribed to you.

Diarrhea is a very unpleasant symptom that gives a person a lot of discomfort. When this condition is observed for more than two weeks, it may indicate various serious pathologies. Diarrhea that does not go away for a long time is dangerous due to its severe complications. Therefore, it should be treated immediately.

There are also some symptoms that accompany prolonged diarrhea, for which you should definitely visit a specialist.

Diarrhea accompanies various diseases. Pathological conditions that provoke prolonged diarrhea include diseases of the digestive tract:

  1. Enteritis
  2. Dysbacteriosis
  3. Enterocolitis
  4. Pancreatitis
  5. Colitis
  6. Lactose intolerance
  7. Pancreatic fibrosis
  8. Irritable bowel syndrome
  9. Oncological formations
  10. Enzyme deficiency

Diarrhea can develop as a result of internal bleeding in the digestive system: with open ulcers of the duodenum or stomach, with damage to the small and large intestines.

Another factor in the occurrence of loose stools is chemical, food or drug poisoning.

Sometimes this condition appears when a person has experienced a stressful situation, namely after anxiety, fear, or psycho-emotional stress.

Other diseases also affect the development of diarrhea: autoimmune diseases. In addition, poor digestion and abuse of alcohol-containing drinks contribute to the occurrence of diarrhea. It is also possible to develop this condition after surgery in the gastrointestinal tract.To determine the main cause of prolonged diarrhea, it is important to consult a doctor in time. He will prescribe the necessary research methods and use their results to determine the disease that causes prolonged diarrhea.

Danger signs and possible consequences

Diarrhea is usually accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms: pain and cramping in the abdomen, bloating and rumbling in the intestines. Sometimes the temperature may rise.

There are also more dangerous signs for which it is important to consult a specialist in time:

  • Permanent weight loss.
  • Stools containing blood and mucus.
  • Discharge with pus.
  • Pain in the anal area.
  • Stool containing undigested food particles.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Severe abdominal cramps.
  • Change in color of stool.

The dangerous consequences of prolonged diarrhea include, first of all, dehydration. In this case, water loss occurs, the water-salt balance is disrupted, useful substances are removed during emptying, and blood circulation worsens.

Dehydration can be indicated by intervals between urinations lasting more than eight hours, as well as dark urine and a small amount of urine. Signs of dehydration also include dry mouth, depression, irritability, dizziness, lack of tears, loss of coordination, hypotension, sagging and dry skin, increased heart rate, general weakness, loss of performance, and convulsions.The state of dehydration is dangerous because it can lead to coma and also cause death.

Drug treatment

Therapy for prolonged diarrhea should be comprehensive. Therefore, the patient is prescribed not only drugs that help eliminate this symptom, but also those drugs that directly affect the main cause of its occurrence.

If diarrhea is caused by infectious diseases, then the patient needs to take medications that belong to the group of enzymes. Therefore, the use of the following medications is indicated:

  • Mezim-forte
  • Creon
  • Bifidumbacterin

For intestinal irritation and increased motility, it is recommended to take Loperamide or Imodium. For infections, medications in this group are not prescribed.

When the cause of prolonged diarrhea is poisoning, it is important to urgently perform gastric lavage.

To do this, the patient should drink a lot of water to which potassium permanganate has been added (the rinsing liquid in this case should be a light pinkish tint). It is recommended to drink the solution in larger quantities at a time.If the cause of diarrhea lies in the use of antibacterial drugs, then in this case specialists usually prescribe Linex.

Other effective medications often prescribed for diarrhea include:

  • Smecta and its analogues (Polysorb MP, Kaopectat, Neointestopan, Enterosgel).
  • Enterol (Eubicor, Linex, Baktisubtil, Hilak Forte).
  • Among intestinal antiseptic drugs, Nifuroxazide, Intetrix and Rifaximin have proven themselves well.
  • Acute pain and spasms can be eliminated with the help of medications such as Papaverine or No-shpa.
  • To restore the water-salt balance in the body, take Gastrolit or Regidron. They are diluted with one liter of water. Consume in small portions, but very often, every 5-15 minutes.

Alternative medicine

When using traditional medicines in the treatment of diarrhea, it is important to remember that they are only auxiliary, so it is important to talk with a specialist about the possibility of their use.

Effective and safe remedies used to treat diarrhea in traditional therapy include:

  1. Mint decoction. Several leaves of the plant are poured with boiling water, boiled a little and infused for sixty minutes. It is recommended to drink after meals three times a day.
  2. Chamomile decoction. Medicinal raw materials in the amount of a tablespoon are poured with a cup of water and placed on the stove. Boil over low heat for fifteen minutes, leave for half an hour and drink before eating.
  3. Blueberry tea. It is prepared in the same way as chamomile decoction. You can drink it like regular tea throughout the day.
  4. St. John's wort infusion. For preparation, the same principles are followed as for the last two remedies listed above.
  5. You can also use a starch solution for diarrhea. To do this, dilute two tablespoons of the product in a cup of warm water, mix and drink throughout the day.

Diet for loose stools

Rice porridge with water - “first aid” for diarrhea

In addition to medications and alternative remedies, it is important for a patient suffering from prolonged diarrhea to follow a special diet. This will help alleviate the patient’s condition and quickly eliminate unwanted symptoms.

Therefore, it is important to know that during the period of diarrhea the following foods are not allowed:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Spices
  • Spices
  • Coffee
  • Black bread
  • Large amounts of salt
  • Semi-finished products
  • Milk
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Fatty dishes
  • Legumes
  • Fried food
  • Vegetable or fruit juices
  • Flour or confectionery products
  • Canned food
  • Marinades
  • Smoked meats
  • Mushrooms
  • White bread crackers
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Porridge cooked in water
  • Lean fish and meat
  • Low-fat soups
  • Baked apples
  • Vegetable broths
  • Boiled eggs or steam omelet

With such a diet, it is important that dishes are steamed, baked or cooked. Fried foods are prohibited in case of prolonged diarrhea.

More information about diarrhea can be found in the video:

There are rules of prevention that experts advise to follow to avoid the development of diseases, the symptom of which is prolonged loose stools. Such preventive measures include:

  1. Be sure to wash your hands before eating food.
  2. It is important to carefully process fruits, berries and vegetables intended for fresh consumption. They need to be washed well.
  3. You need to make sure that the ingredients for preparing dishes are not stitched.
  4. Observe hygiene rules after using the toilet.
  5. It is important to use a refrigerator to store food.
  6. Products should be properly cooked, especially meat and fish.
  7. Undergo a medical examination annually to ensure timely identification of pathologies and their treatment.
  8. Exotic and unfamiliar food should be treated with caution.

If you adhere to these preventive measures, the risk of developing diseases that are accompanied by prolonged diarrhea is minimized.

Name: Diarrhea (diarrhea)

Diarrhea (diarrhea)- frequent or one-time bowel movements with the release of liquid feces (traditionally more than 200-300 g per day).

Diarrhea may be based on an increase in the active secretion of sodium and water by the intestines, an increase in osmotic pressure in the intestinal cavity (decreased absorption of water and electrolytes), disturbances in intestinal motility, and an increase in the exudation of water and electrolytes into the intestinal lumen. Excessive secretion in the small intestine develops when it is contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms (for example, Vibrio cholera, enteropathogenic viruses), with tumors that secrete peptide hormones, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (due to increased gastrin production). Excessive secretion in the colon is possible if the absorption of long-chain fatty acids and bile acids in the small intestine is impaired (for example, with dysbacteriosis). Hyperosmolar diarrhea develops with malabsorption (for example, celiac disease), lack of pancreatic enzymes (with chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer) and bile salts (with obstructive jaundice), under the influence of osmotic laxatives (magnesium sulfate, lactulose).

Disturbances in intestinal motility are possible with irritable bowel syndrome, under the influence of certain laxatives (senna extract, bisacodyl, castor oil). An increase in the exudation of water and electrolytes accompanies the exudation of protein into the intestinal lumen through the damaged mucous membrane - with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, intestinal tuberculosis, intestinal infections (dysentery, salmonellosis), with malignant tumors and ischemic intestinal diseases.

Symptoms, course of diarrhea (diarrhea)

The frequency of stool varies, and stools are watery or mushy. With hypersecretory diarrhea, the stool is profuse, watery; with hyperosmolar diarrhea, polyfecalia prevails (an increase in the number of bowel movements due to undigested residues); with motor diarrhea, small, frequent loose stools are observed; with hyperexudative diarrhea, the stool is liquid, sometimes mixed with pus and blood. The nature of bowel movements depends on the disease.

Thus, the presence of fresh or altered blood in the stool indicates a pathology of the colon, the appearance of pus and mucus indicates an inflammatory process. In particular, with dysentery, the feces first have a dense consistency, then become liquid, scanty, mucus and blood are found in it; with amebiasis - contains glassy mucus and blood, sometimes the blood permeates the mucus and the stool takes on the appearance of raspberry jelly.

In diseases of the pancreas, “fatty” feces are noted (after flushing the stool, drops of fat remain on the toilet).

There are acute diarrhea (lasting less than 2-3 weeks) and chronic (lasting more than 3 weeks). The causes of acute diarrhea are most often infectious (dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.) and other inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease), taking medications (laxatives, antibiotics, antacids containing magnesium salts, etc.).

Acute infectious diarrhea is characterized by signs of intoxication, fever, anorexia, and sometimes vomiting. The cause of diarrhea that continues after acute gastroenteritis can be a persistent infection (giardiasis, yerseniosis), acquired lactase deficiency, irritable bowel syndrome, or a previously unrecognized disease (for example, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis).

Chronic diarrhea may be a manifestation of functional disorders or organic bowel disease, including irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal tumors, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, malabsorption syndrome, etc. Pain in the hypogastrium may accompany diarrhea in diseases of the colon (diverticulosis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome , intestinal tumors), in the upper half of the abdomen - with pancreatitis, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Ulcerative colitis and dysbiosis often manifest as diarrhea without pain. The fetid odor of feces, the presence of undigested residues in them, the feeling of rumbling, transfusion, bloating are nonspecific signs that occur in many diseases.

Mild and short-term diarrhea has little effect on the general condition of the sick; severe and chronic diarrhea leads to dehydration, loss of electrolytes (potassium, sodium, magnesium), exhaustion, hypovitaminosis, and pronounced changes in organs. To determine the cause of diarrhea, coprological and bacteriological studies are carried out.

Treatment of diarrhea (diarrhea)

Treatment is focused primarily on eliminating the cause of diarrhea. For example, in case of pancreatic insufficiency, enzymatic products are indicated - Creon, Festal, Mezim Forte, etc. A mechanically and chemically gentle diet is indicated with the exclusion of products that enhance motor-evacuation and secretory function. In order to restore eubiosis, antibacterial agents are used, preference is given to products that do not disturb the balance of the microbial flora in the intestines - intetrix, nifuroxazide (ersefuril), etc. Bacterial products are used - bifidumbacterin, bificol, lactobacterin, bacti-subtil, linex, enterol, flonivin BS, etc., also hilak forte. Calcium carbonate, bismuth products, and tanalbin are used as symptomatic remedies; decoctions of oak bark, St. John's wort, serpentine rhizomes, cinquefoil or burnet, bird cherry fruits, blueberry infusion, alder fruits, chamomile flowers, belladonna tincture, etc. Adsorbent, astringent, enveloping agents are used (smecta, tanna-comp, etc.). To slow down intestinal peristalsis, antispasmodics (no-shpa, papaverine, bcus-copan) are used. Loperamide (Imodium) has an antidiarrheal effect, reducing intestinal tone and motility due to its effect on opiate receptors. The drug is used for acute gastroenteritis, motor disorders, prescribed in a dose of 4 mg orally after the first loose stool, then 2 mg after each bowel movement. When dehydration develops, infusion therapy is performed or rehydration solutions (citroglucosolan, rehydron, gastrolit) are prescribed for oral administration.

Articles from the forum on the topic “ Diarrhea (diarrhea)»

Diarrhea? Tell me, I’ve had diarrhea for the third week in a row, the pills don’t help, I run after eating, possible reasons ((?

Look at the category))

kefir, nerine, vetom (!!!) - your friends))

Don’t eat, or go to the doctor, maybe he can advise you on something.

If you drink tea or drugs for weight loss, you have to be patient - that’s how they work!

Third week??? What's wrong? Let's run to the doctor. The emerging dysbacteriosis is a serious problem. Frustration doesn't just happen. You've already been dehydrated for the third week...!

Diarrhea can be caused by:

1. intestinal infections: dysentery, salmonellosis, viral diseases, etc.;
2. dysbacteriosis;
3. poor diet (for example, too much rough plant food);
4. allergies to certain foods;
5. lack of vitamins K, F, B2 (riboflavin) and niacin;
6. chronic diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, colitis, enteritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, etc.);
7. acute poisoning (for example, mercury or arsenic);
8. metabolic disorders;
9. neuroses, excitement, fear;
10. In addition, the so-called traveler's diarrhea is isolated.

In any case, you need to go on a diet: eat little and often, give up fatty foods, coffee and milk. It is recommended to eat bananas, boiled rice, applesauce, crackers. At the first signs of intoxication, activated charcoal will not hurt. By the way, more than half of cases of diarrhea go away after using an old folk recipe: a glass of vodka with salt (the more salt, the better!).

What should I drink or eat if I have diarrhea?

Vodka with salt.


Help for diarrhea
Although an upset stomach may be an inconvenience, diarrhea caused by an infection will go away on its own without the need for antibiotics. Common medications such as Immodium may help relieve stomach upset but will not speed recovery. Follow these tips to stay hydrated and relieve major symptoms:

Drink at least 8 to 16 glasses of water or other liquid, including weak tea, broths, and mineral water.
Gradually add semi-solid food to your diet until complete recovery. Try eating crackers, toast, eggs, rice or chicken.
Avoid high-fat dairy products and highly spiced foods.
Avoid caffeine and nicotine.
Medical care for diarrhea
See your doctor if diarrhea continues for more than a week, if you suffer from dehydration (excessive thirst, dry mouth, difficulty urinating, severe weakness, dizziness). Medical intervention is also necessary if you have severe pain in the abdomen or anus, bloody stools, fever, or signs of dehydration despite drinking plenty of water.

Brew pomegranate peels or horse sorrel.

You can take IMODIUM

pharmachologic effect
Antidiarrheal drug. Loperamide binds to opioid receptors in the intestinal wall. As a result, the release of acetylcholine and prostaglandins is inhibited, which leads to a decrease in propulsive peristalsis and an increase in the transit time of contents through the intestines. Loperamide increases the tone of the anal sphincter, thereby reducing incontinence and urge.


– acute and chronic diarrhea;
– for the purpose of regulating stool in patients with ileostomy.

Polysorb has pronounced sorption and detoxification properties. In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug binds and removes from the body endogenous and exogenous toxic substances of various natures, including pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens, food allergens, drugs and poisons, heavy metal salts, radionuclides, alcohol. Polysorb MP absorbs some metabolic products of the body, including excess bilirubin, urea, cholesterol and lipid complexes, as well as metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis.

Polysorb MP - has antioxidant properties, i.e. slows down the aging process, blocks the aggressive action of free radicals. The most effective is a freshly prepared aqueous suspension of the drug.

Polysorb MP is the most modern and effective sorbent, manufactured without the use of any “chemistry”. It is non-toxic, does not injure the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, and is easily excreted from the body. It has excellent absorbing properties: one gram of Polysorb forms at least 300 sq. meters of active-absorbing surface, with a surface area of ​​the intestinal mucosa of no more than 200 square meters. meters. The drug has no contraindications for use.

Polysorb MP is a sorbent that can be used to cure dysentery and other intestinal infections and food poisoning within 1-3 days.

Polysorb MP is highly effective for allergies, especially those of food and drug origin.

or maybe smecta

The monopolist campaign feeds all children in schools and kindergartens with imported ready-made meals.
I forgot the name. I'll look.

The disease is caused by E. coli strain O157:H7, which has proven to be extremely resistant to antibiotics. Most cases of gastroenteritis caused by it are registered in the north of the country. And in total there are about 600. Among these patients, 140 patients are in serious condition. Gastroenteritis is accompanied by bloody diarrhea, damage to the kidneys and blood.

The Institute of Hygiene of the University of Münster in Berlin is analyzing the situation and studying the dangerous bacteria. It is assumed that E. coli could be found on vegetables, or in milk or meat products, reports the EFE agency.

because the cucumbers were not washed.

Grab some food from the wrong company

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