Why does herpes appear before menstruation and how to treat it? Menstrual herpes - a danger, how to treat it, is it possible to get rid of it? Why does herpes appear during menstruation?

2009-12-29 16:03:26

Dinara asks:

Doctor, hello. Please help, I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve had genital herpes for 10-12 years now. Manifestations of the active form (rashes) were 2-3 times a year, and sometimes even once. Over the last year, the rashes began to appear within a month or two. The latest tests were 3.57, with the norm being 0.3. The manifestations are severe - I feel like I’m breaking down at a temperature of 38 C. And the temperature is normal. whole day, then rashes appear on the genitals. I start drinking Valtrex 2 times a day in the first 24 hours. Then after 5 days everything goes away. Everything would be fine, but what worries me is that every month we plan a pregnancy, and they incriminate me (indications there is a risk of insimination, because my husband has oligotetrozoospermia and agglutination). Doctors say that after the last rash you need to treat genital herpes for 3 months so that the titer reaches at least 1, and then you can do this procedure, they are afraid of the deformity of the child. I have already been treated with cycloferon I’ve been following the regimen for half a year, nothing helps. And now I’m writing to you when my genital herpes is in the acute stage, and the planned incision is scheduled for January 13-14. (I have a history of antibodies to TG, I drink Eutyrox at a dose of 100-75, I don’t know Does this have anything to do with my general condition. But I decided to write because my immunity in general is very low due to blood donation). Doctor, my only hope is in you, help, explain to me at least something, what should I do? What medications should I take and when can I do insimination in my case? Thank you.


Good afternoon, Dinara! As for herpes, first (before insemination) it is necessary to correctly prove the presence of an acute form of herpes infection and, upon receipt of evidence, carry out preventive treatment with high-titer human immunoglobulin. You should not focus on antibody titers (IgM, IgG) to HSV ½; their determination only helps to confirm the fact of carriage of the virus (IgG) and suspect an active infection or reactivation of a chronic infection (IgM). A correct examination for HSV activity involves a PCR blood test for HSV DNA ½. If at the time of the examination you have signs of genital herpes (symptoms of virus activation), that is, characteristic rashes, you must additionally conduct a PCR test of the contents of the vesicle for HSV DNA. Herpes simplex viruses require treatment only if their replicative forms are detected (detection of viral DNA in the blood and the contents of the vesicle using PCR). If you perform insemination against the background of untreated acute or reactivated chronic genital herpes, the risk of infection of the fetus will be about 30%. If HSV ½ DNA is not detected during the examination, then the virus is dormant, you can safely get pregnant. In addition, do not forget to regularly determine the activity of herpes viruses (using the PCR method) 5-7 times during pregnancy. Be healthy!

2016-05-23 20:18:37

Larisa asks:

Hello. Please tell me what to do. “Now, at 8-9 weeks of pregnancy, genital herpes appeared. It has not been there for the last 6 months. Before this, it appeared every month for three years in a row. I took tests on May 10th, and on May 20th herpes appeared. Doctors advised me to terminate the pregnancy.
IgG antibodies toxoplasma gondii 189, 6. IgG antibodies to the rubella virus. 96.1
IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus (cmv)10.1
lgM antibodies to rubella virus (rub). 0.2.test results on the tenth of May...before the relapse
antibodies lgM Toxoplasma gondii (TOXO). 0.6
lgM antibodies to cytomegalovirus (cmv) 0.8
IgG antibodies to herpes virus 1\2(hsv 1\2 . 0.1
IgG antibodies to chlamydia trachomatiks 9.2
antibodies lgM k chlamydia trachomatiks 0.1

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Larisa! The manifestation of genital herpes is not an indication for termination of pregnancy. Use a local remedy (acyclovir ointment) and monitor the development of the fetus over time.

2014-10-05 05:44:45

Natalya asks:

Hello. I’m 37. I have an 18-year-old son from my first marriage. I have genital herpes, it began to manifest itself 4 years ago, before that it didn’t bother me, but now it began to appear every month after my period. Second marriage, my husband also has herpes, but less often We have been planning children for three years, and each pregnancy falters at a short period of time, the last one at 7.5 weeks. Question: Does herpes affect the fading of pregnancy. How can you increase your immunity and if possible a course of treatment, please at least with acyclovir. We have already spent so much money, you can’t believe it, on tests and treatments

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Natalya, good afternoon! Genital herpes is a virus. And it is the main cause of missed pregnancies, miscarriages, congenital anomalies, intrauterine infection of the fetus, miscarriage, death of a child after childbirth from infection..... Therefore, treatment is necessary because the same virus can cause cancer in a woman... Unfortunately , treatment should begin with an infectious disease specialist and immunologist. The treatment is long-term. You should achieve stable remission. And during remission - get pregnant. Acyclovir alone is not enough, because it is genital herpes, so you need antiviral suppositories: Viferon, Genferon, Betadine. It is necessary to take proteflazide for up to 6 months. Understand correctly - you need an examination and analysis of all your wanderings, taking medications.... An exacerbation of herpes once a month means that there is no remission. We need treatment and examination, at least a simple one, what is available at the Women's Clinic. Absentee treatment without examination in this case can be harmful, you need to be examined.

2013-09-29 05:20:24

Elena asks:

Good day! Please tell me the decoding of the immunogram result. I took it due to the fact that genital herpes suddenly appeared in March 2013 (at that time I had not had sexual intercourse for about 5 months). After the initial appearance, it began to appear every month 3-5 days before the start of the critical days. She started treatment in July 2013. She took the immunogram on September 19, 2013. There have never been any pregnancies or abortions, no gynecological/infectious diseases in gynecologists, age 26 years. The only thing was that at the age of 17-18 they found cytomegalovirus, I was treated, tests at that time and now showed that it was not there. She has a history of chronic tonsillitis; she was treated with a tonsillor device at the age of 17-18 years. After the discovery of genital herpes, chronic tonsillitis began to manifest itself every time I froze, got caught in the rain, or was near a sick person. There was also a head injury (brain contusion, fractures of the temporal and parietal bones on the left) at the age of 22. But I believe a head injury cannot in any way be connected with the appearance of genital herpes. Immunogram results:
Total number of leukocytes - 4.3 (norm absolute cells/µl) 4.0-8.0
Relative number of lymphocytes - relative. 42, absolute-1.8, (relative norm 18-38)
T-lymphocytes (CD-3) -rel. 74, absolute 1332 (the norm is 56-80, the absolute norm is 720-1730)
T-helper cells (CD-4) ratio 25, absolute 450 (normal ratio 34-44, absolute 200-1150)
Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CD-8) ratio 14, absolute 252 (normal ratio 17-25, absolute 100-1060)
B-lymphocytes (CD-20) ratio 17, absolute 306 (normal ratio 5-15, absolute 100-900)
NK-natural killer cells (CD-56, CD-16) ratio-3, absolute 540 (normal ratio 10-15, absolute 100-450)
IRI (immunoregulatory index) refers to 1.7 (the norm is relative to 0.65 - 2.3)
CEC 1.6 (norm 0-75 units of optical density)
Phagocytic number 69 (normal 40-80%)
Peroxidase activity of neutrophils 1.32 (normal 1.4 - 5.5)
Peroxidase activity of monocytes 1.71 (normal 1.3 - 5.6)
Further signed in pen - “Decrease in the relative number of T-helpers, cytotoxic lymphocytes.”
Immunogl. A 2.49 (adult norm 0.7 - 4.0)
Immunogl. M 1.03 (adult norm 0.4 - 2.3)
Immunogl. G 11.56 (adult norm 7.0 - 16.0)
Also another analysis
NEU% 48 (normal range 50.0-70.0) is printed with the letter "L"
LYM% 42.1 (normal range 20.0 - 40.0) is printed with the letter "H"
MCH 31.3 (normal range 27.0 - 31.0) is marked with the printed letter "H"
ESR 3 (norm 2-15).

Thanks in advance for your answer!!!

Answers Oleinik Oleg Evgenievich:

Good afternoon
First of all, there is a burdened general somatic status, which always affects the state of the immune system. And as a result, you have frequent relapses of herpes. There are changes in the immunogram, but they are minor. I recommend paying attention to the treatment of major chronic diseases of the ENT, genitourinary and digestive systems. I recommend an in-person consultation. If possible, please make an appointment with me.
Be healthy!

2013-06-16 07:47:44

Tatiana asks:

Good afternoon According to the results of the Epstein Barr virus analysis, my indicators were normal, but the virologist prescribed treatment because I had complaints, namely: in the winter, genital herpes constantly appeared, each time with more acute pain and in several places at once. Treatment is as follows: 14 days Tinrostim powder, 10 days Viferon rectal suppositories, then alternate rect. Polyoxidonium and Viferon suppositories, in total the entire treatment takes about a month. After which the doctor said that I needed to take a smear test for the herpes simplex virus the next day. Tell me, is it advisable to take a test immediately after finishing treatment?

Answers Consultant at the medical laboratory "Sinevo Ukraine":

Good afternoon, Tatyana.
EBV is not related to HSV1/2. If you have clinical manifestations of herpes, then you are a lifelong carrier of HSV1/2 and IgG antibodies to them will be detected in you for life, and when activated, the DNA of the virus itself will be detected in the blood and smear using the PCR method.
All control tests after treatment are done a month later to obtain reliable results. However, in your case, I see no reason for this analysis, because you are still a carrier of HSV1/2, and HSV activation has been clinically confirmed.
Genital herpes is quite difficult to treat, because... The main question is about immunity, including local immunity. There are a lot of approaches, including proper nutrition, regimen, hardening, and taking immunomodulators.
Take care of your health!

2013-04-30 18:07:21

Daria asks:

Good afternoon. I am writing in despair, a year and a half ago, rashes appeared at the entrance to the vagina, burning and itching. At the appointment, the doctor determined by eye that it was genital herpes. A course of treatment was prescribed: Valtrex, interferon. I drank it, immediately after treatment the rash returned. And so every month, and the place where the rash does not heal completely. I constantly feel that there is damaged skin there; as soon as I scratch it, clear irritation appears again in the form of a lump. There are no bubbles. I donated blood on my own for herpes, they determined elevated titers, while the norm was 1.1, my reading was 1.8. I went to the doctor, took a PCR test, the result was negative. The doctor takes a bacterial culture and E. coli is sown. Pimafucin tablets and Triderm ointment are prescribed, after the ointment the entire vagina becomes even more irritated, like an allergic reaction. And the constant irritation does not go away, it subsides, but the skin in the same place also seems to be constantly scratched, with cracks. Out of desperation, I smeared everything I could, celestoderm, I once had neurodermatitis, burned it with propolis, acyclovir, nystatin ointment. I took a course of Valtrex, nothing helps, irritation and cracks are constant and every 2 weeks this swelling and chronic burning appears in the vagina. I went to the dermatologist, she said that she sees absolutely nothing. It already seems to me that I will soon develop paranoia. I feel like the skin there is CONSTANTLY damaged, even if it looks intact. There are no infections, I was planning a pregnancy, all the tests are clear, my sugar is normal, what should I do, tell me, now I’m 33 weeks pregnant, I’m terrified that the doctors didn’t notice herpes and it could somehow affect the child, and how to live with constant burning and irritation. Help.

Answers Solodarenko Alexandra Gennadievna:

Hello, Daria! During pregnancy, the most dangerous thing is the first contact with an infection. If you have already had herpes, then you have immunity to them, which protects you and your baby in utero. if fresh herpetic rashes appear a month before childbirth, this is an indication for a cesarean section. for diagnosis, you can donate blood for the presence of IgM and IgG to HSV 1/2 and determine avidity, which will help judge the activity and duration of the process, plus determination of herpes in the cervical canal. To guarantee the absence of infection, you can check the newborn’s blood immediately after birth for presence of antibodies to herpes. I want to reassure you that the symptoms that you describe may simply be a consequence of hormonal and immunological changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy, but first it is necessary to exclude all possible causes. Stay healthy!

2013-04-22 15:24:40

Olga asks:

Please tell me what's wrong with me. For half a year I have had genital itching, mostly at night. I took tests (smears and for infections). There are no infections, smears for half a year are different. At first they were excellent, but after treatment with suppositories (to increase lactobacilli), leukocytes and general microbial condition increased greatly, accompanied by discharge (outwardly similar to thrush). All this time the itching does not stop. sometimes less, sometimes more.+ In addition, cracks constantly appear between the labia and between the entrance to the vagina and the anus. pass within a day. Several years ago I took a PCR test (DNA for genital herpes) - it was confirmed. But other than itching and cracking, there are no other symptoms. Nothing bothered me for a year, and as soon as I started exercising regularly (maybe it coincided), cracks appeared every month 3-5 times, all with terrible itching. I tried taking Valtrex for a month, but after drinking a pack (42 pieces) there was no effect. There is itching and cracks too.
We haven’t been able to get pregnant for a year now (the doctor is putting it off, saying we need to make sure there are no cracks). But you can wait like this all your life. I spent a lot of money on treatment, not to mention the amount of medicine and suppositories I took.
The first pregnancy was 5 years old, we are planning a child.
How dangerous is it to get pregnant against such a background? What other tests should I take? And what could this even be?
Could it be that the itching with cracks does not disappear when taking Valtrex?
There is HPV type 18, but the gynecologist says that it does not require any treatment yet.

Answers Kolotilkina Tatyana Olegovna:

Hello, Olya. I advise you to make a tank. culture of vaginal discharge, determine glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood and sugar in daily urine.

2013-04-01 10:50:53

Elena asks:

Good afternoon Please answer this disturbing question! I am terrified of HIV, but in my youth I had unwanted sexual intercourse. 4.5 years ago after this, a few days later there was a terrible flu-like condition and a rash on the genitals. For a long time I couldn’t understand what it was, a rash appeared almost every month, then wounds... A year later, I finally went to solve the problem with a gynecologist, and I already guessed that it was genital herpes. And because There were relapses almost every month, and panic about HIV began. I took tests - herpes was confirmed, HIV was negative. She underwent treatment, but could not achieve stable remission... After another year and another year and a half, she retook the HIV test - negative. In September 2012, we took tests with a young man - everything was clear for him. I was diagnosed with hepatitis C, syphilis and HIV - negative. I am currently seeing a hepatologist and am undergoing a course of experimental antiviral therapy. In the UBC, there is a low level of leukocytes (3.1-3.6), a state of weakness is very common and almost always a temperature of 37-37.2, intestinal upset, the wounds do not chew for a long time (more than a week, or even two), aching joints... Tell me, can I calm down? about HIV, if within 4 years 4 tests were done and all were negative?

The disease with herpetic infections is widespread in women, as an infectious disease of the genitourinary system. This pathology is viral in nature and is most often transmitted sexually. If the cause of the rash is HSV type 2, herpes often appears before, during or after menstruation.

Menstrual (genital) herpes is a viral, infectious lesion of the lips and vaginal mucosa. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of blisters, ulcers and erosions, swelling, burning, and hyperemia. This disease is dangerous, as it is prone to relapses and can lead to complications such as: decreased immunity, damage to the entire nervous system, proliferation of bacterial infections of the genitals, and development of uterine cancer.

The genital type of the virus is transmitted sexually through any form of sexual contact. During menstruation, herpes easily penetrates the epithelium of the mucous membranes and damaged skin.

Primary infection occurs in childhood by airborne droplets. By the age of six, half of children carry the virus. The reasons are low living standards, high population density, and poor genital hygiene.

Herpes and menstruation, in the presence of the virus for a long time, accompany each other. This is explained by the fact that during the menstrual period, as a result of small hormonal changes, the immune system, which is already not in the best condition, is weakened. This causes a sudden rash on the vaginal mucosa. Moreover, these rashes can appear in different ways. Herpes after or before menstruation does not mean that the degree of the disease is different and refers to different forms.

The woman’s immune system reacts by producing specific antibodies to the penetration of HSV. If the immune reaction is normal, then there are no clinical manifestations. But if there are a number of unfavorable factors that reduce immune reactivity, then HSV is activated, and before menstruation, herpes appears in the form of rashes on the skin or mucous membranes. If relapses of the disease mainly occur due to chronic stress, hypothermia, lack of vitamins, climate change and overheating, then it is likely that herpes will appear on the lips before menstruation.

At the first signs of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor. Remember that self-medication does not always help and may lead to an even more neglected state of your body.

The herpes virus is a fairly common infection. It often manifests itself as a rash in the lip area, but there are several other types of pathology. There is also a genital type. When it develops, the mucous membranes in the intimate area are affected. Women may also develop menstrual herpes.

During critical days, the activity of protective functions decreases. This is due to hormonal changes occurring in the body. As a result, favorable conditions are created for the activation of the virus.

Herpes appears before menstruation under the influence of the following factors:

  • exposure to stress;
  • hypothermia or severe overheating;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • neglect of personal hygiene rules;
  • wearing underwear made from synthetic materials.

As a result of activation of the virus, a rash appears inside the vagina and on the external genitalia of women.

Symptoms of menstrual herpes

Herpes on the labia often appears during the regulative period. In this case, the following clinical manifestations are observed:

  • burning, itching in the labia area;
  • pain or discomfort during urination;
  • the appearance of bubbles filled with liquid in the intimate area.

In addition, due to activation of the virus, it can occur.

The monthly cycle may be disrupted. At the same time, the regulations become longer.

Periods with herpes

The virus is able to affect nerve endings, resulting in an exacerbation of pain. Bleeding becomes profuse and is much more difficult for a woman to tolerate due to the deterioration of her general condition. This is due to the fact that all efforts are spent fighting the infection.

In addition, against the background of virus activation, hormonal changes often occur in the body. Intense production of prostaglandins contributes to increased pain. Regulations may appear earlier or later than expected. Herpes blisters cause discomfort, which is aggravated by contact of the rash with blood.


In the absence of proper therapy or incorrectly selected treatment tactics, a herpes infection can lead to serious complications. As a result of viral activity, the immune system is suppressed, and frequent relapses of the disease are observed. In this case, hormonal fluctuations occur, the cycle is disrupted, and regulations come late. Fragility of blood vessels is noted due to a lack of vitamin C.

Dark vaginal discharge and heavy bleeding appear. Significant blood loss leads to the development of anemia.

The mucous membranes of the genitals swell. The infection gradually spreads to other organs. When the urethra is damaged, cystitis and urethritis develop. A bacterial infection is also possible. Chronic pathology sometimes causes cell mutation and the development of cancer.


Due to the fact that as a result of activation of the herpes virus, serious complications can develop, including cervical cancer, it cannot be ignored. To suppress the activity of infection, the following means are used:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Valaciclovir;
  • Famvir.

In case of concomitant infections, therapy is carried out comprehensively. The following drugs are used:

  • Interferon alpha-2b. The medication has antiviral, immunomodulatory and antibacterial properties;
  • Taurine. Has antioxidant, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Benzocaine. Relieves pain syndrome;
  • Spray Epigen Intim. The product has a local effect and has immunomodulatory and antiviral effects.

The following ointments are used to combat rashes:

  • Bonafton;
  • Gossypol;
  • Megasyn;
  • Alpizarin.

Additionally, medications containing vitamins B and C are prescribed. In the fight against heavy periods, medications Etamzilat, Tranexam or Vikasol are used.

Menstrual herpes can cause a lot of problems for a woman. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only properly selected therapy will help reduce the risk of relapse to a minimum.

During menstruation, a woman’s immune system weakens: this is why hidden diseases can often manifest themselves during this period.

One of these ailments is. Many people consider unpleasant rashes on the lips to be a consequence of colds, but the rash can be infectious, and its occurrence before the next start of menstruation is often caused by a decrease in immunity during menstrual periods.

These so-called “menstrual” ulcers can form not only in the nasal passages, but also in the nasal passages. They not only have a bad effect on a woman’s general well-being, but also cause some discomfort.

More about rashes

Many people wonder why they appear on the lips on the eve of menstruation. The fact is that by the beginning of the menstrual cycle, certain changes occur in the body: hormones are rearranged, the endometrium begins to actively grow. Against this background, immunological functions sharply decrease, which leads to the development of herpes on the lips.

The risk of contracting the virus increases during menstruation in autumn, winter and spring. Unstable weather conditions and a lack of vitamins in the body during the cold season provoke the appearance of herpes blisters even after mild hypothermia.

The occurrence of premenstrual herpes is very common. However, a few days before menstruation is not always perceived as activation of the virus against the background of hormonal changes and remains without proper treatment by the female sex.

A rash on the lips during menstruation () is considered. Its symptoms are as follows:

  • the skin is itchy and has a slight burning sensation;
  • transparent bubbles form;
  • general fatigue is felt;

The disease can progress in different ways. There are three degrees of severity of the disease:

  1. Mild - the rash occurs 2-3 times a year.
  2. Average – rashes appear 4-6 times a year.
  3. Severe – the disease bothers you every month.

The course of the disease is also different. With a monotonous course, the diseases are quite frequent. During menstruation, the virus worsens and is very difficult to treat. The arrhythmic course of the disease is characterized by alternating days of remission and relapse. The subsiding course of the disease is characterized by an increase in days of improvement, and the period of exacerbations noticeably decreases.

The virus in the body often does not show activity on normal days. He waits for the moment when the body's protective functions weaken. In women, this occurs before and during menstruation. These days, the body spends its energy on regenerating the endometrium and forming a new layer of epithelium. During this process, hormonal imbalances occur in the female body. They awaken the dormant herpetic virus.

Mood swings during the premenstrual period also contribute to the appearance of rashes. In the case when a woman cannot control her emotional state, they will form regularly.

Root causes of rash formation

The manifestation of herpes in different menstrual cycles has its own characteristics. The causes of the rash are closely related to each other, so it is impossible to single out one factor that provokes herpes. However, the etiology of the disease during all periods of critical days has much in common. The disease can be provoked by:

  • adverse weather conditions;
  • hypothermia;
  • lack of vitamins and beneficial microelements;
  • insufficient amount of oxygen in the body;
  • decreased immunity;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of hygiene.

The infection can develop 5-7 days before the start of menstruation, but herpes worsens during bleeding. This is due to the fact that in a humid environment the infection multiplies faster. After “women’s week,” herpetic bacteria do not show activity. At this time, the symptoms disappear or remain in a passive state.

Getting rid of an insidious disease

Menstrual rashes can be diagnosed only after examination by a doctor and research results. Therapeutic therapy is prescribed according to the individual characteristics of the body and the symptoms of the disease.

It is completely impossible to get rid of the herpes virus, but it is possible to stop the development of the sore.

The menstrual period is very favorable for the spread of herpes. The virus itself begins to become active approximately 10-12 days before the start of menstruation. But during menstruation, when the amount of discharge increases, the process of reproduction of herpes infection accelerates.

Unfortunately, menstrual herpes on the lips can appear monthly. Its activity increases greatly during menstruation, when the immune system weakens. It develops against the background of a stressful state of the body during menstrual periods, hormonal imbalances and the variability of a woman’s mood.

The opinion that herpetic rash on the lips is harmless is erroneous. Such a disease can drag on with itself. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of its presence, you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe, establish a diagnosis and select the correct complex therapy.

Manifestations of herpetic infection are not alien to the female sex. The main reasons for the activation of the virus in a woman’s body are weakening of the immune system due to the upcoming menstruation, and sexual transmission. Infectious lesions of the lips and genitourinary system by the virus are also called “menstrual herpes”. The causative agents of the pathology are viral strains HSV 1 or HSV 2. Symptoms of their activation are burning, redness, swelling, itching in areas of future rashes (usually on the lips and in the genital area). Subsequently, painful blisters with liquid substrate appear.

Getting sick with a virus during menstruation negatively affects the overall process of recovery and well-being.

Herpes and the female cycle

The active phase of the disease manifests itself in the form of vesicles filled with fluid. If they are on the lips, they subsequently burst with the formation of crusts. If rashes are found on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, crusts do not form. Before the rash appears, the affected areas are swollen, itchy and painful.

If measures are not taken in time, the following will develop into blisters:

  • oral cavity;
  • nose and mucous membrane;
  • buttocks.

There is a risk of development with organ damage and disruption of women's health, the appearance of delays or bleeding.

A herpes rash before or after menstruation may appear from a negative impact on a woman’s immunity.

Herpes before menstruation is caused by a decrease in immunity, which is caused by hormonal correction. During the period of preparation for the special cycle of the month, the body devotes all its efforts to creating a new epithelium to restore the female organs after the release of an unfertilized egg. On the other hand, there is an active regulation of the amount of hormones (with a decrease in the level of some and an increase in others). Most women already have some sexual dysfunction that they either do not know about or are already actively treating. In this regard, the dormant virus is activated and begins to infect the lips or genitals.

Provoking factors for rashes before/during/after Women's Day can be:

  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • sexual contact with a carrier;
  • lack of oxygen due to lack of walks in the fresh air.

Rash on lips

Premenstrual syndrome manifests itself:

  • drowsiness;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • excessive irritability.

Against the background of fluctuations in hormonal levels, every month a woman becomes susceptible to all kinds of irritants. And stress, as is known, weakens the body’s protective functions, which leads to the activation of herpes HSV 1, which is dormant in the body in most representatives of the fairer sex. As a result, herpetic blisters appear in the area of ​​the lip border, as a reaction of the female body to a complex of causes and irritating factors. If the rules of basic hygiene are not observed, the virus in the active phase of bursting bubbles can be transferred by hands to the genitals and other parts of the body.

Genital rash

Premenstrual rashes in the labia area are provoked by the HSV 2 strain, which is mostly transmitted through sexual contact. The infection manifests itself gradually in several stages:

  1. the perineal area stings, itches, swells;
  2. redness appears, then blisters appear;
  3. the vesicles burst and ulcers form without the formation of crusts.

Additionally, the following symptoms may occur:

  • general deterioration of condition;
  • temperature;
  • soreness in the perineum.

The danger of herpes before the start of the cycle is spread to the vagina and uterus. There may be a delay or, conversely, heavy bleeding. This happens against the background of disruption of the local microflora, weak immunity, and hormonal fluctuations.

The process can be aggravated by:

  • lack of proper hygiene;
  • tight synthetic underwear;
  • poor nutrition due to a woman’s specific preferences (craving for sweet or salty foods).

During the cycle

The most fertile period for the development and spread of herpes infection is menstruation itself. Activation of the virus can occur before the start of women's days (12 days before the start of menstruation), and during the cycle (against the background of heavy discharge) the reproduction processes intensify. Despite maintaining personal hygiene, it is impossible to avoid contact of affected areas with secretions. As a result, a favorable environment is created for the life of the virus.

As the virus becomes more active, a woman may feel:

During critical days, the herpes virus multiplies more strongly.
  • severe pain in the perineum and lower abdomen due to decreased production of the analgesic hormone progesterone;
  • itching, burning when linen and discharge come into contact with diseased areas.

Important: tampons can provoke the spread of the virus into the vagina and uterus, which is why it is strictly forbidden to use them on menstruation days.

Herpes on the lips may become more active every month. Against the backdrop of the stress that the body experiences due to hormonal changes and mood swings of the woman herself, painful vesicles may also appear on the lips.

After menstruation

Less commonly, herpes may appear on the lips or genitals after menstruation. The reasons for its activation are the same as before/during critical days. An additional provocateur for the appearance of a herpetic rash on the labia can be sanitary pads, namely:

  • failure to replace them in a timely manner;
  • low quality.


Due to the high risk of relapse with the next menstruation and the development of complications such as delay, bleeding, cystitis, urethritis, pathology of the rectum, the therapeutic regimen, types and doses of medications should be prescribed by a doctor.

Medicines for the treatment of menstrual herpes of the lips and genitals:

  • tablets, ointments "Acyclovir", "Famciclovir", "Valacyclovir" - specific against herpes;
  • Valtrex tablets are specific against genital herpes;
  • Allokin-Alpha injections - increase interferon levels;
  • "Genferon" suppositories - an immunomodulator with an analgesic effect for insertion into the vagina;
  • Epigen spray - fights the virus, heals, relieves pain, relieves swelling;
  • ointments “Gossypol”, “Bonafton”, “Alpizarin”, “Megasin” - antiherpetic for the skin and mucous membranes.

Additional therapy:

  • vitamins A, C, E - during the active phase;
  • vitamins B1 and B6, calcium gluconate - in the phase of subsiding symptoms;
  • "Immunomax", "Tazepam", tincture of Eleutherococcus.

In case of frequent relapses, the level of female hormones should be checked; if there is a deficiency, their artificial replenishment will be required.

Auxiliary means:

  • decoctions and infusions of nettle, knotweed, mint - to maintain the strength of capillaries;
  • fortified food;
  • loose underwear made from natural fabrics, hypoallergenic pads.
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