The corners of the mouth are red, what should I do? Seizures in the corners of the mouth: causes, types and treatment

Irritation on the face is an unpleasant symptom that almost every person has encountered. If a rash and redness appear in the mouth area, and a person feels discomfort, then it is doubly offensive. Since this is not only an aesthetic defect noticeable to others, but also a great inconvenience. After all, the face is the first thing the interlocutor pays attention to, so the applied ointments and creams will not go unnoticed.

Irritation in the child’s mouth is the cause of constant anxiety and tearfulness. Therefore, many parents are tormented by questions. Where does irritation come from and how to get rid of it for a long time? Cheilitis is often the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon. In common parlance this disease is called zaeda. In some cases, redness and itching around the mouth are due to allergies. Another common cause is viral infections. An example of a viral infection that appears around the mouth is herpes.

Common reasons

All of the above reasons can cause irritation in the corners of the lips and on the face. But how to distinguish one disease from another? Let's look at each disease in more detail and try to understand what means need to be used to combat these diseases. Let's start with the most common one - cheilitis.


Zaeda or cheilitis are inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa that occur as a result of exposure to harmful microorganisms or yeast fungi. There are certain favorable conditions for the occurrence of cheilitis. Most often this is:

diabetes mellitus; lack of B vitamins in the body; malocclusion.

Fungal cheilitis often appears after long-term treatment with antibiotics. This type of jam is externally distinguished by a whitish coating. The “sore” itself is bright red and covered with a small crust. Bacterial cheilitis is a small blister that bursts with any movement of the mouth. These types of cheilitis have one thing in common - constant discomfort when eating food, as well as during conversation. In children, cheilitis of bacterial origin often occurs. This is due to the fact that children often bite their nails and put dirty toys into their mouths.


Infections of the oral mucosa of viral origin are called herpes. This disease is characterized by irritation and redness of the skin followed by the appearance of small blisters. Herpes, which occurs on the lips and around the mouth, is itchy and sometimes painful. In addition to all the aesthetic and physical inconveniences, there is one more unpleasant property of herpes - it is contagious. The risk of infection applies to both adults and children.

Herpes - no treatment. Once it enters the human body, it lives inside until death. There are certain factors that create a favorable atmosphere for the manifestation of herpes. These factors include:

severe hypothermia; overheating of the body; decreased functioning of the immune system.

That is why during severe frosts or heat, herpes blisters on the corners of the lips appear much more often. Prolonged depression and lack of vitamins can also affect the occurrence of herpes on the mucous membrane of the lips. In women, herpes often appears during menstruation, since it is at this time that the body is vulnerable to such diseases. There are currently only 3% of people in the world who are immune to this virus. The rest of the people are divided into two categories. The former periodically suffer from its manifestations. In the second, this virus is present in the body, but does not make itself felt until favorable conditions appear.


Rejection of foreign bodies by the immune system is a common cause of irritation around the lips. Most often this is a so-called “cold” allergy. During this type of allergy, small wounds form around the lips of a child or adult. As they heal, they become covered with a thin crust. In this case, severe itching and pain are felt.

Redness and swelling in the mouth can be signs of a food allergy. For this type of allergy, distribution in the oral mucosa is the most favorable place. Citrus fruits are considered the most allergenic foods. No less allergenic are honey, chicken eggs, all types of nuts, mushrooms, tomatoes and eggplants. In addition, while vacationing abroad, in order to avoid allergic reactions, you should refrain from unfamiliar exotic fruits and berries.

Treatment options

There is an appropriate treatment for each type of mouth irritation. However, all these diseases have one thing in common – drug treatment. For infections of bacterial origin, drug treatment involves the use of antibiotics together with Fucarcin. For cheilitis, fungal in nature, drug therapy involves the use of sulfur-salicylic and nystatin ointments. This treatment is applicable for both adult patients and children.

Also, for any form of seizures and rashes around the lips, doctors recommend that patients take a course of B vitamins. The total duration of treatment, in order to avoid relapse, should be 8-10 days. In some cases, when cheilitis of the oral mucosa has a dangerous oncological form, surgical intervention is possible, as well as the use of physiotherapy.

Treatment of herpes that occurs close to the mouth is carried out with the help of antiviral agents. Such products are mainly produced in the form of tablets and ointments. Among antiviral tablets, Lavomax is the most effective. This drug effectively and quickly relieves itching and flaking of the skin around the mouth. This remedy also perfectly heals ulcers that form close to the mouth. Contraindications for taking Lavomax are pregnancy and lactation. This drug should also not be used for a child.

The most effective ointments in the fight against herpes are Acyclovir and Fenistil Pencivir. They localize the virus and stop its active phase. Thanks to this, ulcers around the mouth heal much faster. Peeling of the skin, redness and itching also disappear under the influence of ointments. It is better not to use these drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. These products are considered safe for a child, but you should still consult a dermatologist before use.

Treating allergies is truly pointless. Allergies cannot be cured, you can only temporarily reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. Currently, there are a huge number of antihistamines. Such products effectively combat allergic peeling in the corners of the mouth. Among tablets and injections, Tavegil and Suprastin have been leading in terms of effectiveness and speed of impact for many years. They quickly stop the release of histamine. As a result of their influence, inflammation of the mucous membrane is reduced, swelling in the mouth is eliminated, and wounds in the corners of the lips heal.

Antihistamine ointments will also help stop allergic irritation. The most effective of them are Elokom and Radevit. These drugs eliminate peeling and itching of the skin in the corners of the lips. True, such ointments are not safe for a child. They should also not be used while expecting a baby or during the lactation period. It is impossible to stop an allergic reaction in the oral mucosa using these remedies, since ointments can only be used externally.
If a child has allergic irritation in the corners of the lips, the best remedy to get rid of this scourge is Bepanten ointment. Panthenol cream will also help effectively overcome an allergic rash on the face close to the mouth. Such remedies prevent inflammation of the mucous membrane and the appearance of wounds in the corners of the lips. These ointments can also be used for minor cuts and burns. Bepanten and Panthenol are the safest creams and are approved for children from birth.

Whatever the nature of the irritation around the lips, bacterial, viral or fungal, it should be treated by a qualified dermatologist. Incorrect and independent treatment is fraught with serious consequences that threaten the health and sometimes the life of the patient.

Why do people experience redness at the corners of their mouth and how to deal with it? This article talks about the causes that cause redness in the corners of the mouth, and also provides recommendations for combating them.

Problems such as redness and peeling in the corners of the mouth are very common in both children and adults. Most likely, this is an ordinary jam. It would seem like a crack, so what?

But not everyone knows the reasons for the occurrence of such a disease. And the reasons may be different. Its occurrence does not depend on time indicators, it depends directly on metabolic disorders in the body. That is, the mechanism was working and somewhere it malfunctioned. It is very possible that jamming occurs due to improper functioning of the stomach or intestines.

Therefore, when such cracks or ulcers appear, you need to think about whether everything is in order with the internal environment of the body. But scientists believe that such a disease is nothing more than an infection that entered the body thanks to microbes. This redness in the corners of the mouth cannot be confused with anything else. Perhaps only with herpes, but in the end it will become clear that this is far from a viral disease.

A very unpleasant moment is the anti-comfort that begins to grow as the crack grows. Painful sensations, peeling and redness, itching - these are all the side effects of this disease. As soon as the corners of the mouth begin to redden, it is necessary to use medications that are purchased in pharmacies.

Along with drug treatment, you can try eating carrots. Some doctors say that such cracks appear due to a lack of vitamin A in the body. To increase this vitamin, you need to eat carrots, where the content is very high. Moreover, it is better to eat boiled vegetables. The absorption of beta carotene is much better and the effect will be higher.

But it is not possible to heal by chewing one carrot. Very often, redness of the corners of the lips appears due to the body’s weak immune system. To increase immunity, it is necessary to take a vitamin complex year-round and engage in hardening. Among the causes of occurrence, you also need to add allergens to food and dental problems.

It also happens: a person bites an apple, and by opening his mouth wide, he acquires a microcrack, which will certainly catch an infection and degenerate into a bite, or redness at the corners of the lips. When going to dental offices, the same incidents happen. If you are completely confident in your absolute health, and binge eating continues to unbearably spoil your life and comfort, you need to take a closer look at the products that are used for food. Egg and meat whites, fermented milk products, liver tenderloins are high in vitamin complex, which will help you forget about cracks.

If there is redness in the corners of the lips, which occurs very often, you may need to consult a professional and cleanse the blood. The plasmapheresis procedure is very popular today. The essence is this: doctors draw blood into thermal bags, then separate the plasma with toxins from the blood, purify the blood from the plasma, and pour it back into the person.

Having done this procedure 6 times, cracks are guaranteed to stop appearing and all allergic reactions will go away. By the way, the procedure is not very expensive in terms of price. Deficiency substances such as iron and zinc can also cause cracks. Therefore, you need to eat more apples, where the content of these substances is highest in fruits.

A huge number of recipes and tips for eliminating this redness can be found on the Internet, but it is better to ask old and wise people. As they say, grandma’s recipes are the most effective. Ordinary earwax can be effective in treatment. Yes, it is not aesthetically pleasing, but it is cheap and practical. You can wipe it with alcohol every four hours.

Alcohol dries the skin, and the crack will heal faster. It is better, of course, to use a complex of medications consisting of tablets and ointment. This comprehensive care will ensure a very quick recovery. A distinctive feature of such a disease is that it will not cure itself. Something must be used.

Without help, such a crack will grow, become painful, become covered with a crust, which will fall off over time, and reappear as a crack due to any mechanical damage. Such recovery usually lasts almost a month. Therefore, it is better to immediately resort to medicinal methods. Doctors say that flaxseed oil, olive oil, and tea tree oil can help.

Bees wax is also ideal. If there are aloe flowers or agave in the interior of the apartment, that’s even better. Cut the leaf in half (a small part of it) and apply it to the wound 4-5 times a day. The result will be surprising. If you desperately need to go on a visit or to a birthday party, then you can get rid of such redness by covering it with foundation, after treating the wound with alcohol.

Arriving home from guests, you need to immediately rinse with water and treat again. Sometimes such a crack begins to bleed. In such cases, using peroxide, the wound is treated and then wiped with alcohol. In children, such cracks and redness in the corners of the mouth are very common. It's all due to dirty hands and children's toothpastes. In adults, a common cause is the use of dentures. Cracks appear due to minor injuries to the corners of the mouth with a prosthesis.

Bacteria enter, and the jam begins. Some people recommend using regular tea bags for faster recovery. By applying them to the affected area three times a day for a week, you can quickly get rid of a painful and itchy injury. Seizures may have an allergic nature. For example, from citrus fruits.

After a few hours, cracks appear. You need to remove them with the help of essential oil, apply gently with your finger directly to the wounds. Pharmacies sell a large number of medications that will undoubtedly help. The most important condition for the rapid treatment and destruction of such injuries is the regeneration process.

If the body is strong and healthy, it will be possible to overcome such an illness in a short time. Regeneration is called complete recovery. Something as pleasant as a kiss can also cause cracks. It must be said that seizures are transmitted with great pleasure by touch. If you constantly touch this wound with your hands, and then touch your face in different places, then such a wound is guaranteed, but in the form of ulcers, to appear in another place.

In some cases, redness of the skin in the corners of the mouth can develop into herpes. Although some suffer from herpes in the corners of the mouth and throughout the face. Herpes gives such manifestations. If the redness in the corners of the mouth is caused by the herpes virus, then in this case everything is more complicated. Herpes settles in the blood for a long time, and it is almost impossible to get it out of there.

It’s not possible on your own, but with the help of medications, albeit very expensive ones, you can get rid of herpes. The treatment is very long, lasting almost six months, but effective. In the end, the appearance of such diseases stimulates a person to immediately take vitamin complexes, which has a very good effect on the body. With such diseases, you should not eat salty, sour foods. The salt eats away at the crack, and the redness increases and it hurts even more.

You can do the following: buy vitamin ampoules separately at the pharmacy and mix them in one container at home. Moisten cotton wool with this solution and apply to the affected areas four times a day. After three days, the seizure will gradually go away. Substances contained in vegetables and fruits provide the body with such reserves of vitamins that it will last for a whole year. If you carry out preventive methods in a timely manner, then not a single disease will take hold of the body.

Women know about the healing properties of hygienic lipstick. It is so filled with vitamins that such redness and cracks disappear in a matter of days. So, to summarize, we can say the following: a disease such as eating occurs from a lack of vitamins, due to allergies and dirty hands. Such a jam results in redness and peeling of the corners of the lips, accompanied by burning, redness, itching and pain. Sometimes it even twitches.

It is best to contact a medical specialist who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe remedies to remove the problem. All of the above methods work from traditional medicine.

But it should be remembered that with proper preventive measures, not a single disease will affect the body. And you shouldn’t assume that the redness in the corners of your mouth will go away on its own.

Good day, dear readers!

In today’s article, we will look at a disease that almost every person has experienced at least once in their life - jams in the corners of the mouth, as well as their causes, symptoms, types, treatment, medications, folk remedies and other issues related to jams. So…

What are jams?

Zaeda(lat. angulus infectiosus) is a pathological process, disease or symptom characterized by a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the lips or skin, mainly in the corners of the mouth. To put it simply, cracks along the edges of the lips, which then turn into wounds, often do not heal for a long period of time and are jammed.

The term “zaeda” is colloquial, but if we talk about the scientific designation of the pathology being considered today, then the jam is called - angular cheilitis, angulitis, angular stomatitis, angular stomatitis, .

Seizures on the lips can be either an independent, primary disease or a symptom of others. It all depends on the specific situation, the cause of angulitis.

The main reason for seizures- which, with a weakened immune system and the slightest violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the lips or skin, gets under their upper tissues and begins to actively multiply, provoking the development of an inflammatory process and a wound in a given place. The most common causative agents of seizures are streptococci and candida fungus.

It is worth noting that streptococcal, staphylococcal and other types of infections are almost always present on the surface of the skin of any person, but only reduced immunity can allow them to “play out”, one of the main functions of which is to protect the body from various dangers - infections, etc.

Damage to the lips or skin is most often caused by, especially a deficiency of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) in the body, the constant presence of saliva in the corners of the mouth, the presence of diabetes, physical injury, etc.

There is no danger of jamming, however, these wounds can cause pain in some cases, in particular when opening the mouth, and aesthetic discomfort.

As we have already said indirectly, for cracks to appear on the lips, a combination of several unfavorable factors is necessary:

1. Presence of infection on the surface of the lips and skin;
2. Violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the lips or skin near the lips;
3. Reduced reactivity of the immune system.

When the infection gets under the upper layer of the mucous membrane of the lips or skin, it settles in that place and begins to actively multiply, provoking the development of the inflammatory process. In this case, a small wound (ulcer), vesicles or nodules (papules), often containing a clear or cloudy liquid, form in this place. Over time, the surface of the wound becomes covered with a hard crust, somewhat tightening the surface of the lips or skin. When a person opens his mouth slightly - when eating, laughing, talking, due to the lack of elasticity of the wound, it cracks, liquid containing the infection flows out, which dries out again and strengthens the surface of the crust with a new ball. Blood may also leak out along with the fluid. Thus, with each rupture of the crust and leakage of the contents, the wound constantly increases in size.

Jams - statistics

Most often, seizures form during the cold season - from late autumn to mid-spring, when the body is most susceptible to hypothermia, hypovitaminosis, and attack from various types of infection, i.e. during the period of activity of acute respiratory diseases (ARI).

Seizures - ICD

ICD-10: K13.0;
ICD-9: 528.5.

Jams - reasons

What causes seizures? Once again, for the development of angulitis, a complex of several factors is necessary:

1. Infection. Most often, inflammation is caused by:

  • – (especially epidermal streptococcus) and;
  • – herpes virus;
  • fungi - fungus of the genus Candida (Candida).

2. Damage to the mucous membrane of the lips or skin near the lips, which can provoke:

  • physical injury - when scratching the corners of the mouth, squeezing out pimples, a cut when shaving;
  • constant contact of the corners of the mouth with saliva, for example, due to increased salivation;
  • face, lips;
  • dry skin;
  • uneven bite;
  • wearing dentures or braces.

3. Decreased reactivity of the immune system, which can cause:

  • overheating of the body (hyperthermia);
  • long-term use of antibacterial drugs, steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoids, cytostatics, immunosuppressants and others;
  • the presence of various chronic or other diseases - and others;
  • , especially vitamins B, C, E.

Common causes of seizures can be:

  • non-compliance;
  • the use of shared utensils, which is especially true for workers in large teams;
  • use of low-quality oral care products - dental floss, toothpaste;
  • presence of bad habits – smoking.

It is very important to identify the causative agent of the seizure, because Further treatment depends on this.

Symptoms of seizures

Symptoms of angulitis include:

  • Swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the lip or skin in the corner of the mouth;
  • Feeling of itching, slight pain and discomfort in the area of ​​the inflammatory process, especially when talking, laughing, eating;
  • Covering the jam with a crust, which, depending on the pathogen, can be colored yellowish-reddish, reddish or whitish;
  • The appearance of cracks, which over time can become deeper and, with insufficient therapeutic measures, will turn into deep and extensive wounds.

Types of angulite

The classification of seizures is as follows:

By etiology:

Primary form– the pathological process develops as an independent disease caused by infection. May be:

  • Streptococcal infection– the cause is streptococcal infection (bacteria). Characterized by the formation of a crust with a yellowish-reddish tint;
  • Candidiasis– the cause is a fungal infection – fungi of the genus Candida (Candida). A distinctive feature of candidomycotic infection is a grayish-whitish coating at the site of inflammation, while the crust is usually absent. Often becomes chronic with periodic relapses.
  • Viral seizure– the cause may be the herpes virus and other types of viral infection.

Secondary form- seizure is a symptom of another disease or pathological process, often during an exacerbation of another disease, for example - hypovitaminosis B2, .

With the flow:

Acute form;
Chronic form.

Diagnosis of jams

Diagnosis of seizures includes the following examination methods:

  • Examination of scraping of the jam to determine the type of infection that caused the jam;

Additional examination methods:

  • Wasserman reaction (RW), or EDS (rapid diagnosis of syphilis) - to exclude syphilis;
  • Histology.

In case of a mild form of angulitis, it is not necessary to consult a doctor, however, it is better not to continue treating the angulitis at home (the remedies are described later in the article) if the healing process does not occur even after several days of treatment. Otherwise, it is better to consult a doctor.

Traditional treatment for seizures includes the following points of therapy:

1. Anti-infective therapy;
2. Therapy aimed at accelerating healing;
3. Elimination of physical causes of jamming.

Important! Before using medications, be sure to consult your doctor!

1. Neutralization of infection

How to treat jams in the corners of the mouth? First of all, the choice of medication for inflammation in the corners of the mouth depends on the cause of the disease. However, due to the fact that angulitis forms on the surface of the lips or skin, ointments are mainly used for their local treatment. Ointments for seizures are the main treatment.

Streptococcal seizures it is necessary to treat with antibacterial ointments, since streptococci are classified as bacterial infections. Among the antibiotics against streptococcal infections are: Ingalipt, Metrogyl denta, Miramistin, Cetylpyridine, Tetracycline ointment.

Fungal jams need to be treated with drugs aimed at destroying the fungal infection. Antifungal drugs include: Hexoral, Clotrimazole, Miramistin, Natamycin, Nystatin ointment, Levorin ointment, and for prolonged healing - Fluconazole.

Viral seizures, for example, with the herpes virus, it is necessary to treat with antiviral drugs or antiseptics, among which are: “Acyclovir”, “Gerpevir”.

Among combination drugs against infectious seizures can be distinguished: “Metrogil denta”, “Miramistin”, “Stomatidin”, “Fukortsin”.

After treating the wound, the skin around it should be treated with an antiseptic: Chlorhexidine.
In case of a severe inflammatory process, along with anti-infective drugs, the wound is treated with glucocorticosteroids: Hyoxyzon, Triderm, Trimistin.

Important! The use of the above drugs should be no less than the period specified in the instructions for the drugs, with the exception of the occurrence of allergic reactions to a particular substance.

2. Therapy aimed at accelerating healing of the corners of the mouth

After treating the jam with an antibacterial, antifungal or antiviral drug, it is advisable to treat it with an emollient that will prevent the crust from drying out, which is why cracks most often develop. In addition, some products accelerate tissue regeneration.

After treating the inflamed area with an anti-infective drug, the following products can be applied immediately: “Bepanten”, “D-panthenol”.

As we have already noted, a weakened immune system can allow the appearance and development of seizures. To strengthen the immune system, the use of immunomodulators and vitamin complexes (Aevit, Vitrum, Duovit, Multi-tabs) is prescribed.

(especially , ), .

Lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is one of the common causes of angulitis, so pay attention to taking additional foods. Nuts (peanuts, almonds, etc.), greens, cabbage, milk, liver, meat, cereals are enriched with this vitamin.

3. Elimination of physical causes of seizures

If angular cheilitis was formed due to incorrectly installed dentures, fillings, or a crooked bite, these causes must be eliminated so that relapses of the disease do not occur.

If the cause of angulitis is the presence of another disease, its treatment is carried out at the same time.

Also, pay attention to preventive measures, which we will talk about a little later.

Important! Before using folk remedies for treating seizures, be sure to consult your doctor!

Tea tree. 2 times a day, apply a cotton swab soaked in tea tree oil, which has not only antiseptic and softening, but also wound healing properties, to the inflamed corners of the mouth.

Fish fat. 1 tbsp. Mix a spoon with 10 drops of fish oil. Make a compress with this product in the morning, for 15 minutes and at night.

Some argue that sores that appear in the corners of the lips are the result of an overly wide smile, and people who have such a problem are happy and cheerful. Alas, this defect has nothing to do with the character and mental state of a person and is explained by other reasons.

Clinical manifestations

Sores in the corners of the lips, photos of which you can see below, are small cracks that cause discomfort while eating or smiling. At first it appears which later turns into a crack and even erosion. If not treated in a timely manner, bleeding wounds and ulcers may appear.


Such an unpleasant problem as sores in the corners of the lips has different causes. These may be some human habits, vitamin deficiencies, dental problems, diseases associated with metabolic disorders, allergies to medications, cosmetics, or infection on the oral mucosa.

In winter, this problem appears more often than in the warm season. Low temperatures, dry air and wind dry out the skin of the lips, causing cracks and erosions in the corners of the mouth.

Sores that appear in the corners of the lips due to a deficiency of nutrients are a common problem for pregnant women and children, as well as people who have suffered a serious illness. In addition, this unpleasant phenomenon often accompanies diseases such as gastritis, enteritis, etc., in which the processes of nutrient absorption are disrupted. As a result of such diseases, the body does not receive enough vitamins necessary to maintain skin condition.

The habit of constantly licking your lips also provokes the occurrence of Saliva contains many bacteria that get into the wounds and interfere with their healing. Most often, the causative agents of the disease are streptococci or fungi, but mixed infections also occur. Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida most often provoke sores in the corners of the lips in the elderly. This is the most important symptom that suggests the presence of candidiasis, even before examining the person’s oral cavity.

How does the disease progress?

If you have sores in the corners of your lips, the causes of their occurrence can be determined by certain signs.

When a varnish-red crack without a crust appears in the corner of the mouth, it means that the cause of the disease is Candida fungi. Damage to the mucous membrane and skin can only be noticed if the mouth is open. Often the disease becomes chronic and manifests itself due to vitamin deficiency or decreased immunity.

If a bubble first appeared, after which it disappeared, a wound with a dense purulent-bloody crust formed, it means that streptococci or staphylococci became the causative agents of the disease.

A sore in the corner of the lips is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. It is painful for a person to talk; pain and burning are felt in the area of ​​the crack that appears. In addition, sour, spicy and salty foods only increase the pain. In some cases, the pain is so strong that the person cannot open his mouth.


To clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended to take an oral smear. Such a study will allow us to accurately determine the causative agent of the disease. In addition, to find out the cause of sores in the corners of the lips, doctors recommend taking a general blood test, as well as determining the blood sugar level. It is advisable to consult a therapist, endocrinologist, hematologist.

If the cause of the sore is mechanical damage or consultation with an orthopedic dentist is necessary.

How to treat?

Treatment should begin immediately after the first signs appear to prevent it from becoming chronic. The choice of drugs depends on the causative agent of the disease.

If strepto- or staphylococci cause sores in the corners of the lips, treatment consists of using antibiotic ointments. This can be methyluracil or levomikolev ointment.

For fungal infections, drugs such as Nystatin, Levorin, Fluconazole, and Ketoconazole are used. These agents have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve pain, heal and soften the wound. Apply the ointment with a cotton swab three times a day, half an hour before meals and an hour before bedtime.

During treatment, it is advisable to quit smoking, avoid eating spicy and salty foods, and alcoholic beverages. If the disease is caused by a fungus, you should avoid sweets. After the acute stage of the disease has passed, it is recommended to use oil solutions of vitamins A and E, and sea buckthorn oil.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine has a good effect in treating this disease. You can try to get rid of the problem with oils (olive, rosehip or tea tree oil), applying them in the form of lotions for 5-10 minutes several times a day.

Herbal lotions give good results. Herbs such as sage, chamomile, celandine, and calendula are suitable for this purpose. There is an easier way: brew a bag of green tea and apply it to the affected area.

The juice of celandine, aloe or Kalanchoe helps well. The leaf torn from the plant must be washed and the juice squeezed out of it. Moisten a piece of cotton wool with this juice and apply to the wounds.

An excellent bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent is propolis, from which you can make an ointment to treat sores. To do this, take 100 g of butter and 10 g of propolis, heat it in a water bath and make lotions throughout the day.

Another unusual way that helps get rid of the disease. You need to use a cotton swab to get a little earwax and apply it to the wound.


The sores that appear in the corners of the lips cause a lot of concern. That this phenomenon is very unpleasant is known to everyone who has encountered it. Therefore, it is better to prevent the problem than to treat it.

When the first signs of illness appear, take emergency measures. As a preventative measure, you should use thermal water. At night, it is useful to lubricate your lips with wax or honey.

Pay attention to the condition of your teeth. Treat carious teeth, remove tartar, check the condition of dentures and crowns. Try to quit smoking or at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. And don't forget about proper nutrition.

A sore in the corner of the lips spoils your appearance and mood. Don't wait for the problem to go away on its own. Start treatment immediately, and then your lips will be beautiful and healthy.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Zaeda is an inflammation of the skin and mucous membrane in the corners of the mouth, which occurs very often at any age, in almost everyone. In addition to the skin, the mucous membrane of the mouth can also be affected when jammed.

Of course, jam is not a medical term, but a folk one, but it has become so integrated into the medical terminology of Russian-speaking doctors that the real names of this pathology can rarely be heard.

Medical names for zayeda:

  • Angulite;
  • Angular cheilitis(cheilitis - inflammation of the lips);
  • Angular stomatitis;
  • Slit-like impetigo (streptococcal infection).
And angulitis received the name “jam” because it was previously believed that the corners of the mouth became inflamed when a person ate something wrong or overate (“jaze” - because of food).

So, a jam is usually a skin defect, which is accompanied by discomfort, an annoying flaw in the mirror, and does not pose any danger to human life and health. But angulitis can also be a symptom and manifestation of other diseases, for example, stomatitis, lack of vitamins or reduced immunity. Therefore, in any case, you should pay attention to the condition of your lips.

  • If a hole appears, you need to run a metal knife through it. Metal itself has no effect on bacteria or fungi, and if the knife was previously used in the kitchen, then other microbes live on it, which will only aggravate the inflammatory process.
  • Hair is another exotic method for getting rid of jams. It’s good if you have your own hair, but if not, then you’ll have to resort to the help of a friend. Hair additionally injures the thin skin in the corners of the mouth, and it is always dirty and will only add additional infection.
  • Earwax is the best remedy for earwax. Yes, earwax has an antiseptic effect, as it contains special immunoglobulins. But they only work in the ear, and earwax is absolutely useless on the lips. In addition to discomfort and stress for the squeamish, earwax can provoke the growth of streptococci and delay the healing process. This fact has been proven in laboratory conditions by adding earwax to bacteria.
  • Cigarette ash is a good antiseptic for jams. Ash is pure carbon, but it will not get rid of bacteria and fungi. But additionally drying out the skin around the lips, increasing the number of cracks and creating an ashtray atmosphere in the mouth is welcome.
  • Honey: a tasty remedy for seizures. Yes, honey is tasty and healthy, but absolutely useless when consumed. In addition, honey contains sugars that fungi love so much; in a sweet environment they grow and reproduce better.
  • Onions and food. Onions are healthy, they contain a huge amount of useful substances, but they are not suitable for eating, since the essential oils of onions promote increased salivation, which dries out the delicate skin of the lips and corners of the mouth.
  • Frequent and long-lasting seizures – it’s time to see a psychologist. Psychosomatics (the impact of a mental state on physical health), of course, takes place in the development of some pathologies, but it cannot be said that depression or fears affect the corners of the lips, bacteria and fungi. Of course, stress can reduce immunity, but in addition to seizures, there will be many more problems.

Features of the skin of the lips and corners of the mouth

The skin of the lips differs in structure from the skin of the face - it is very sensitive and delicate, even more tender than the area around the eyes. All due to the structural features of this zone.

The lips are a muscular organ that is covered with a mucous membrane on the inside and skin on the outside, and between them there is a red border ( vermillion ), covered with epithelium, which is a cross between the skin and the mucous membrane.

The structure of the skin, mucous membrane and red border of the lips radically different, but all these tissues are covered with stratified epithelium:
1. Epithelium of the mucous membrane of the lips – non-keratinizing, and has only 2 layers. The ducts of the labial salivary glands open here. The mucous membrane is vulnerable and sensitive.
2. Cutaneous epidermis make up 6 layers, the top of which is horny (dead) cells, which exfoliate and are constantly renewed (keratinizing epithelium). The lip skin area is delicate and has a thinner epidermis than other areas of the facial skin.
3. Transitional epithelium of the red border has 4 layers, keratinization occurs partially, which makes this area especially vulnerable and delicate. In addition, the red border does not contain sebaceous and sweat glands, the secretion of which moisturizes and protects the skin from negative environmental factors. A similar function for this area is performed by the substance eleidine . There are single sebaceous glands only in the area of ​​the corners of the lips. This is why the lip area requires special care.

In the area of ​​the corners of the lips, not only the upper and lower lips are connected, but also the mucous membrane, the transitional epithelium of the red border and the skin. That's why this zone is called commissure of the lips (from Latin commissura - I connect).

Features of the lip corner area:

  • the corners of the mouth have a special structure; this area contains the vulnerability of the mucous membrane, red border and delicate skin of the lips;
  • the direct connection of the corners of the lips with the oral mucosa contributes to the fact that a jam can be not only a skin defect, but also a manifestation of stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa);
  • the skin around the lips is subject to constant stretching and mechanical irritation during eating, talking, wide opening of the mouth and kissing, the skin in the corners of the mouth especially suffers;
  • food particles accumulate in the corners of the lips, promoting the growth of microorganisms and saliva, which has a drying effect on the skin of the lips.

Reasons for jamming

There are a lot of reasons for seizures. If each of them contributed to the appearance of a jam in 100% of cases, then many people would walk with such a defect all the time. Why do some people get jams, and regularly, while others don’t? The fact is that a jam appears when at least two conditions for its development simultaneously coincide:
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • the presence of microorganisms that can cause inflammation in the corners of the mouth;
  • reduced immunity as a result of various diseases and deficiency conditions.

Dryness, irritation and damage to the skin in the corners of the lips

  • Exposure to cold, wind or sunlight;
  • using hard water, soap, wet wipes or alcohol-containing products to wash and clean the delicate skin of the lips;
  • poor hygiene of the oral cavity, face and hands;
  • eating spicy, sour or very salty foods;
  • love of food and drinks that are too cold or too hot;
  • incorrect bite, uncomfortable braces or crowns;
  • habit of biting and licking lips;
  • love for cracking seeds with shells;
  • the most common cause of seizures in children is dirty hands in the mouth, licking toys; in children under one year of age – prolonged sucking of nipples and pacifiers;
  • the habit of biting nails, pencils, pens, etc. (in both children and adults);
  • use of low-quality lip cosmetics (lipsticks, balms, oils);
  • wide opening of the mouth: frequent yawning, vocal lessons, playing in the theater, going to the dentist, etc.;
  • prolonged moonlight kisses, especially in the cold, and other factors that irritate the skin around the lips.

Infectious pathogen

Zaeda is the result of an inflammatory infectious process, so it cannot be done without pathogenic microorganisms.

Microorganisms that can cause angulitis:

  • many types of streptococci;
  • mushrooms, especially from the genus Candida.
Sources of infection:
  • normal skin microflora;
  • food and drinks;
  • dirty hands, “common use” lipstick, dishes, towels and other household items;
  • rashes on other areas of the skin: streptoderma, fungal dermatitis (mycoses);
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity: caries, stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis, tonsillitis (bacterial or fungal etiology).
Under favorable conditions, the infection enters the upper layers of the epidermis of the corners of the mouth. In response to the protective reaction of the immune system, an inflammatory process occurs, which is manifested by redness, the formation of blisters, crusts, erosions and cracks, as well as discomfort (itching and soreness).

Internal state of the body

  • Digestive system diseases: gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pathologies of the liver and pancreas, disturbance of intestinal microflora, constipation and others;
  • allergic and atopic dermatitis, eczema;
  • increased salivation (including neurological pathologies);
  • imperfection of the immune system in children and the elderly;
  • the reason for frequent eating in pregnant women is hormonal changes, the need to divide useful nutrients into two;
  • diabetes;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • alcohol and drug addiction;
  • HIV/AIDS and other immunodeficiencies;
  • various chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • past acute viral infections: influenza, chicken pox, herpes, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, etc.;
  • lack of vitamins, especially groups B, C, A and E;
  • malnutrition;
  • fever, prolonged low-grade fever (increased body temperature up to 38 o C);
  • anemia and other blood pathologies;
  • taking antibacterial and hormonal drugs (glucocorticosteroids), etc.

Causes of seizures: infection, diabetes, dry lips, vitamin deficiency, allergies, dentist appointment - video

Types of jam

Seizures are divided into types depending on the pathogen that caused the inflammatory process.

Types of jam:

  • Streptococcal infection (slit streptococcal impetigo) - caused by the bacterium streptococcus, is a type of streptoderma.
  • Candida infection (candidiasis angulitis) is a fungal infection of the skin in the corners of the lips.
  • Congestion of mixed etiology – inflammation can be caused by both bacteria and fungi. This usually occurs with chronic eating associated with reduced immunity.
Besides, seizures may differ in their course:
  • Acute seizures – have an acute onset, respond well to treatment and end with complete restoration of the skin in the corners of the lips. Usually appear as a separate skin defect, and not a symptom of other diseases and conditions of the body.
  • Chronic eating – have a sluggish, long-term course, recur regularly, and can persist for months. With this form, deeper cracks form, and the rash can spread beyond the corners of the mouth to the skin of the face, lips, or the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Chronic eating is often a manifestation of reduced immunity; less often it occurs under the influence of a constant irritating factor (for example, the habit of biting nails, malocclusion or smoking).
Also jams can be one-sided And bilateral .

Streptococcal seizures are more common in children and rarely become chronic. Fungal angulitis in most cases is a manifestation of reduced immunity and is chronic. Also, with a fungal infection, other candidal manifestations can often be detected (candidal stomatitis, glossitis, etc.).

Types of seizures: on the corners of the mouth, on the mucous membranes, candidiasis (yeast), syphilitic. Herpes or seizure? Is contagion contagious - video

Symptoms and manifestations of seizures

The main symptom of seizures is the presence of inflammatory changes in the corners of the lips:
  • redness;
  • wounds;
  • crusts or plaque;
  • cracks.
The jam may be accompanied by pain when opening the mouth, itching, burning and a feeling of tightness, especially when eating.

Streptococcal and candida infections differ in their external manifestations.

Streptococcal and candidiasis: how to distinguish?

Manifestation Streptococcal infection Candida infection
Start The appearance of single bubbles or conflicts against the background of dry, reddened skin.It begins with the appearance of bright red (“varnish”) skin defects or erosions.
Nature of the rash Phlyctens are small in size, filled with purulent contents, their walls are flaccid, relaxed, and there is a feeling of an incomplete vesicle. The conflicts quickly open, pus and ichor are released, and in their place weeping erosions or cracks are formed, which can merge with each other. Erosion very quickly (within a couple of hours) becomes covered with yellowish or brown crusts; when they are torn off, the crusts form again.
With a streptococcal infection, one wound usually forms, which can be either small or large.
The erosion has a pale edging, and over time it becomes covered with a white cheesy coating, which is difficult to remove. A little later, deeper erosions appear - cracks.
Unlike streptococcal infection, there are no blisters or yellowish crusts.
With candidiasis, usually not one wound is formed, but many; other areas of the lips, the skin around them and the mucous membrane of the mouth may also be affected.
How is it healing? After 5-7 days, the affected layers of the epidermis are restored under the brown crust. As a result, a pigment spot of a red or brownish color remains, which after a while will completely go away.
Streptococcal infection usually occurs acutely and rarely becomes chronic.
Candidiasis infection without treatment or with reduced immunity usually takes a long time to heal, but with proper therapy, skin restoration occurs in 5-7 days.
The erosion gradually decreases in size, leaving a pale trace underneath.
Fungal infections often become chronic with frequent relapses.
Photo Photo: initial manifestations of streptococcal infection.

Photo: formation of cracks, brown and yellow crusts with streptococcal linear impetigo.

Photo: initial manifestations of candidal angulitis.

Photo: chronic course of candidiasis.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth are a complication of ordinary seizures. This happens when the problem is not properly cared for or when it is initially severe. A fissure is a deep skin defect that manifests itself in the form of weeping wounds. Discharge from a wound contributes to dryness, thickening and loss of elasticity of the skin around the crack. Dried skin does not stretch well when opening the mouth, so it is easily injured, preventing normal healing and forming new cracks and bleeding wounds. Thus, inflammation from the corners of the lips spreads to healthy areas of the skin and lips, to the mucous membranes. And long-term non-healing cracks in the corners of the mouth contribute to the development of chronic inflammation and chronic jamming.

Symptoms of seizures: cracks in the corners of the mouth, itching, peeling, temperature. When does chronic congestion develop - video


An ordinary person who has jams in the corners of his mouth very rarely seeks help from a doctor. As a rule, the alarm is sounded when a seizure does not heal for a long time or constantly recurs. And this is in vain - it is much easier to cure a seizure in the acute period than in the chronic period. It is not always possible to determine the type of seizure by eye and, accordingly, it is difficult to choose the correct self-medication. Another reason to seek medical help from professionals is the need to find out the cause of the seizure, because angulitis, especially candidiasis, often hides various pathologies, including particularly severe ones.

So, with seizures, you need to contact your family doctor (with children, see a pediatrician), or go straight to the dentist.

How is angulitis diagnosed?

The most accurate method for identifying the causative agent of seizures is a swab from the corners of the mouth for microbiological examination and culture. Using this method, you can identify not only the type of infection, but also its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs (antibioticogram).

What else needs to be examined during seizures?

To identify concomitant pathologies that may be causing the seizure, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations. Their list is selected individually, depending on the presence of complaints and medical examination data.

Examination plan:

  • general blood analysis ;
  • general urine analysis ;
  • blood sugar test;
  • biochemical blood test and liver tests;
  • HIV ELISA blood test;
  • RW (Wassermann reaction) - blood test for syphilis;
  • ELISA blood test for herpes viruses;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • consultation with a dentist, ENT specialist, endocrinologist and other specialists (as indicated).
What can I confuse?

Ointments for seizures

Ointments, like antiseptic solutions, are aimed at pathogens of inflammation, but ointment bases promote deeper penetration of the active substance and a longer lasting effect.

When seizures occur, use antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and combination ointments and creams, depending on the pathogen. Antibacterial and antifungal agents are more effective than antiseptics, since they not only prevent the proliferation of microorganisms, but also contribute to their death. Good results can be achieved by combining solutions and ointments.

Ointments for treating seizures

Type of external agents and indications External means Features of application
Ointments with antiseptic action:
non-common and uncomplicated streptococcal and candidal infections
  • Sulfur-salicylic-zinc ointment;
  • Sulfuric ointment;
  • Metrogil;
  • Balsamic liniment (Vishnevsky ointment).
Ointments can be applied to the corners of the lips and surrounding areas of the skin in a thin layer, but a better effect can be achieved with ointment compresses. To do this, the medicine is applied to a sterile napkin and fixed in the corners of the lips with an adhesive plaster overnight.
Antibacterial ointments are ineffective against fungal infections; moreover, they can aggravate the course of candidiasis.

What vitamins are missing when you overeat?

Zaeda can develop with any deficiency, but most often there is a lack of B vitamins, especially B 2 (riboflavin). Therefore, it is very important to include it in sufficient quantities in your diet. You can also lubricate the corners of your lips with vitamin B 2.

Vitamins necessary for the treatment of seizures, and where to get them:

1. Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) found in large quantities in the following products:

  • green vegetables;
  • green peas ;
  • potato;
  • many cereals;
  • yeast;
  • eggs;
  • milk and cottage cheese;
  • some nuts and seeds.
2. Vitamin A (retinol):
  • yellow vegetables and berries (carrots, pumpkin, apricots (dried apricots), paprika, melon and others);
  • most fruits;
  • green vegetables and herbs;
  • legumes;
  • fatty fish;
  • dairy products;
  • egg yolk;
  • fish caviar
3. Vitamin E (tocopherol):
  • all vegetable oils (especially corn, olive and sunflower);
  • nuts and seeds;
  • seafood (fish, shrimp, caviar);
  • eggs;
  • legumes and many cereals.
4. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid):
  • almost all vegetables and fruits;
  • herbs;
  • berries.
5. Vitamin PP, or B 3 (

Cracks in the corners of the mouth (so-called lip jams) are, as a rule, unpleasantly painful and always appear extremely untimely. It is very annoying when you prepare in advance for a celebration or a romantic date and one morning you feel painful tightness, reddish swelling and cracking of the skin in the corners of the mouth .

At first glance, this defect is very insignificant, but it should not be considered so unambiguously, because it indicates that there are disturbances in the body. Therefore, sometimes seizures are a symptom of another disease. This means that sometimes it manifests itself as an independent disorder, and in other cases – as a sign of another pathology.

In this article we will look at the main causes of cracks in the corners of the lips, as well as effective ways to treat the disease at home, including using folk remedies.


Angular stomatitis, in common parlance - sticking in the corners of the mouth, does not depend on age and can appear in men and women, adults and children. True, they are more common among men than among women, since the fair sex “protects” their lips with lipstick.

Clinical manifestation of cracks in the corners of the mouth:

  1. Itchy skin;
  2. Significant redness of the skin;
  3. Small wound in the corners of the mouth;
  4. Pain when opening the mouth;
  5. Pain and discomfort;
  6. The appearance of water under the skin is jammed.

The patient constantly feels itching and burning, it becomes painful to talk, it is impossible to paint his lips, and when eating salty and sour foods, the painful sensations intensify even more. In especially severe cases, some even refuse to eat due to severe pain when opening their mouth. If not treated in a timely manner, not only crusts can form, but also bleeding ulcers.

Causes of cracks in the corners of the mouth

What does it mean? If cracks appear in the corners of the lips, then the reasons lie in damage by microorganisms. Certain bacteria can cause this defect. However, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out why they affected the skin in this particular place. Of the large number of species, only two can provoke such a disease - streptococci or yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

  1. Candidiasis appears in the corners of the lips, in this case the causes of cracks are fungi of the genus Candida. In this case, there is no crust on the crack, only so-called crevice-like erosion appears. If a person's mouth is closed, then the crack is not noticeable. When the oral cavity opens, there is noticeable discomfort and pain. If treatment of cracks in the corners of the mouth is not carried out in a timely manner, the disease becomes chronic and periodically worsens.
  2. With streptococcal infection A bubble appears in the corners of the mouth, which disappears relatively quickly, and in its place a crack with a crust then develops. As a rule, such a crust is periodically torn off (children especially often tear it off). How to treat cracks in the corners of the mouth in this case is determined by the doctor. But if you do not use a special ointment or other remedy, the disease can drag on for a long time.

But the reasons for the appearance of cracks are not limited to this; the following risk factors can also affect the condition of the skin of the lips:

  1. Improper brushing of teeth, advanced caries and other oral problems which can be caused by infections. Failure to comply with basic personal hygiene can also affect the appearance of cracks.
  2. Vitamin deficiency. This is probably one of the main reasons for the appearance of cracks. Most often they appear due to a deficiency of B vitamins, as well as iron and zinc. This reduces immunity, weakens the body, and causes seizures to appear.
  3. Gastrointestinal disorders. Almost always, disruption of the digestive system manifests itself externally, including cracks. They also very often appear in the presence of E. coli, which releases toxins.
  4. Bite features. Cracked corners of a child's lips may indicate that the baby has an incorrect bite. If one jaw protrudes over the other, irritation may occur in the corners of the lips. And this can also cause cracks to appear.
  5. Allergic reactions. An allergy of the body to any cosmetic product or toothpaste can also lead to seizures.
  6. Carbohydrates, alcohol. If you are a lover of sugar, sweets, cakes, buns, or abuse alcohol, it is likely that cracks will appear in the corners of your lips.
  7. Weather: cold, frost, wind, sun, dry air.
  8. Iron deficiency in the body;
  9. Metabolic disease.

From this it follows that, first of all, before starting treatment, you should find out the main reasons for the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips, and only then select suitable medications.


You can see what cracks in the corners of the lips (mouth) look like in adults in detailed photos:

What to do?

To figure out how to treat cracks in the corners of the mouth, the doctor must not only diagnose the symptom, but also determine the cause of its development. Since the causative agent of this pathology can be different, the treatment provided will also be different. Therefore, before prescribing it, an examination is carried out. It includes:

  • oral swab;
  • scraping from the wound surface;
  • consultation with a therapist, dentist, endocrinologist and hematologist;
  • and urine.

Smears and scrapings make it possible to determine the presence of certain microorganisms at the site of erosion or in the oral cavity. Which in turn allows you to choose an effective drug.

How to treat cracks in the corners of the lips?

  1. Avocado, tea tree, flax, sea buckthorn and rosehip oils. A daily light lip massage will help soften rough skin.
  2. Hygienic lipsticks and balms. Apply them to chapped skin daily, morning and evening.
  3. Thermal waters. Water cans are sold at any pharmacy. Regular use of the spray will relieve irritation.
  4. Lotions from decoctions sage, celandine or chamomile.

Below is a list of food products that you need to add to your daily menu if you have a problem such as cracks in the corners of your mouth, the causes of which may be different.

  1. If you are deficient in vitamin B, you should eat nuts, bran, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, avocados, and rice (unpeeled).
  2. If a zinc deficiency is detected in the body, then attention should be paid to sprouted wheat grains, seafood, brewer's yeast, eggs, greens, and pumpkin seeds.
  3. If the cause of the problem is a lack of iron, then iron-containing foods are recommended: rolled oats, potatoes, buckwheat, rye, nuts, parsley, peaches, pomegranates; from meat - beef, pork, liver, kidneys.

Sometimes cracks in the corners of the lips can be the result of fungal diseases or streptococcal infections. In this case, in order not to infect anyone around you, you need to isolate personal items and use special medications. Do not prescribe them yourself; it is better to consult a specialist.

Treatment with folk remedies

In most cases, you can get rid of the jam yourself at home.

  1. A proven treatment is aloe juice. Cut a fresh leaf and squeeze the juice out of it. Apply generously to corners of lips.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil is a very effective remedy. Avocado oil is often used. These oils should be used to treat cracks on the lips, between the lips and in the corners of the lips. – Angular stomatitis should be treated with garlic. Also try treating with plantain extract.
  3. Try making this lip mask regularly: mix 1 tsp in a small cup. freshly squeezed carrot juice and 1 tsp. l. ground fresh cottage cheese. Apply the mixture generously to your lips and keep for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the mask using a cotton pad soaked in olive oil.
  4. Lubricate the cracks with hygienic lipstick, and also use special cosmetics and medicinal products that soften the skin of the lips.
  5. Among the medications you can try: “Aquaftem”, “Iruksol”, “Vishnevsky” and “Levomikol”. Ointments are applied to the corners of the lips three times a day.

If cracks in the corners of the lips appear constantly and itching or burning occurs, you should not self-medicate. In some cases, seizures indicate serious diseases of the body.

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