Nose piercing - how to do it without pain and is it worth getting your nose pierced? Nose piercing - how to choose an earring or ring, how and where to pierce the wing or septum. How to pierce the nose at home.

Jean-Paul Gaultier made nose piercings and piercings not only a manifestation of character, but also a fashionable phenomenon. If before this only informal youth modified their faces and bodies, then, at the suggestion of couturiers, Hollywood or pop stars began to do this. More and more people are inserting jewelry into their nose, lip or eyebrow, not associating themselves with any subcultures, but guided only by a sense of beauty. Moreover, among the clients of piercers there are often people 30+ years old.

Is it worth getting your nose pierced?

The classic nostril piercing has been popular for a long time; septril has become fashionable in the last 3-5 years. In this regard, many people ask whether it is dangerous to pierce their nose in a salon. Piercing done by professionals is safe, and complications rarely arise after it.

Whether it is worth getting your nose pierced is up to you to decide for yourself. If in this way you want to express yourself and your ideas about beauty, then, of course, yes. If thoughts about facial modification arose as a tribute to fashion, then you should abandon this idea. If such decoration of yourself is not congenial to you, you will not feel comfortable with it.

Several options for getting a nose piercing

There are several types of nasal piercing; depending on their complexity, the consequences after the manipulation will vary. The most common and simplest nostril piercing. It allows you to wear different jewelry - rings, labrets.

The following puncture options are available:

  • Septum - a piercing of the nasal septum is made through either the cartilage or the soft tissue next to it.
  • Bridge. Jewelry is inserted into the bridge of the nose. Can be horizontal or vertical.
  • Nose tip piercing. With such a puncture in the nose, the cartilage is not injured. Looks like an Austin Bar - horizontal piercing of the tip of the nose.
  • Septril is a type of septum. The jewelry extends down from the nasal septum.
  • Nosalang is a combination of punctures of both wings of the nose and its septum. One decoration in the form of a barbell is inserted into the holes.

Septum, provided that the piercing is done through cartilage, requires more careful care. The puncture will take quite a long time to heal, about six months.

Septril is a rather complex puncture that requires special skills from the master. Since you first need to pierce the nasal septum, and then slightly stretch it and remove the jewelry through the puncture in the lower front part of the nose.

How is a nose piercing performed?

You can get your nose pierced in a cosmetic or tattoo parlor. An experienced piercer will use a special needle. The gun will not work, as it may not be able to cope with the thick skin of the nose.

Sometimes they use a gun to make a puncture in the wings of the nose.

The day before the procedure, you must stop taking blood thinning and hormonal medications, including COCs. You should also avoid alcohol and strong coffee.

The procedure will vary slightly depending on where the nose is being pierced. But the general rule will be to disinfect the decorations and hands of the master.

  • Then proceed according to the following scheme:
  • Marking the area for piercing.
  • Antiseptic treatment.
  • Puncture and installation of earrings.
  • Disinfection of a puncture.

Sometimes local anesthesia is used. To pierce the wings of the nose, a special needle receiver is inserted into it. After the puncture, it is removed and only then the decoration is installed.

A needle with a catheter is used to puncture the nasal septum. A special clamp is pre-installed. It is also used for piercing using the Bridge or Austin Bar technique or the tip of the nose. On average, any of the manipulations takes a quarter of an hour.

Those who pierce their nose are interested in how to care for the piercing and how long it will take to heal. The recovery process will last from 4 to 11 weeks. During this time, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Treat the puncture site with an antiseptic morning and evening. Chlorhexidine, miramestin, and hydrogen peroxide are suitable.
  • Scroll the decoration during processing.
  • Do not touch the piercing with your hands unless absolutely necessary.
  • Don't sleep face down on the pillow.

While the puncture is healing, do not apply cosmetics to the skin near it. It is better to wipe your face with paper towels, as germs accumulate on regular ones. At the same time, the skin next to the decoration is carefully blotted.

During healing, it is prohibited to swim in pools or open water bodies. It's best to avoid exposure to rain.

If you need to remove the earring, then after a maximum of 24 hours you need to put it back into the puncture. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to healing of the wound and the need to wait for it to completely heal and repeat the manipulation.

How to pierce your nose at home?

It is better to make a puncture in the wing of the nose yourself. This is the simplest type of piercing that does not damage the cartilage. Before piercing your nose at home, decide on the location of the jewelry. It can be marked with a marker. Evaluate the results carefully. Redraw the mark if necessary.

The technique for doing a nose piercing yourself at home is simple. Necessary:

  • Disinfect the needle, hands, nose.
  • Then place a dot with a marker at the puncture site.
  • If available, use a special clamp.
  • Turn your nostril out as far as possible.
  • Pierce it.
  • Remove the needle, leaving the catheter in place.
  • Install the decoration through it.
  • Fasten the earring securely.
  • Treat the piercing site with an antiseptic.

Precautionary measures

Before piercing your nose at home, you should learn about safety precautions. Theoretically, you can make a piercing with a sewing needle or a safety pin, but it is better to do it with a sterile needle. It is important that after you remove it from the package, do not place it on non-sterile surfaces. Place it in alcohol. You also need to put decorations in it.

  • After you put on gloves, do not touch them to the table or other surfaces not treated with antiseptic.
  • Keep spare needles and gloves on hand just in case.
  • Do not get a puncture if you have ARVI or skin inflammation.

How to do this without pain?

Nasal piercing at home is usually done without anesthesia. A non-professional should not give pain-relieving injections to the facial area. If you are not allergic to lidocoine, you can use an aerosol based on it.

What do you need for home piercing?

The most important thing when piercing your nose yourself is to ensure complete sterility of the instruments used, the skin of the face, hands and jewelry. This requires alcohol. You also need to purchase at the pharmacy:

  • Sterile gloves, cotton wool.
  • Antiseptics for aftercare of piercings (miramestin, chlorhexidine).
  • IV system. All she needs is a needle with a catheter. Its diameter should match the diameter of the decoration.

It is better to make a puncture with a special piercing needle, which can be purchased at a salon. It is sharper and the catheter allows you to install earrings of different sizes.

For a more accurate puncture, it is worth purchasing a special piercing clip. It will prevent injury to the nasal cavity and will facilitate the manipulation.

If you learn how to do a nose piercing yourself and decide to try it, just in case, buy antibiotic ointment at the pharmacy. It may be useful in case of infection in the canal.
Types of nose earrings

Before piercing your nose, decide not only on the place of the piercing, but also on the type of jewelry. Suitable for this type of piercing:

  • Rings.
  • A circular is a crescent-shaped decoration, the ends of which will be visible from the piercing. They are usually decorated with balls, cones, and other types of wraps.
  • A rod is a straight rod base with balls or other decorative elements screwed onto it.
  • Banana is a curved rod.
  • The labret looks like an earring of studs. It consists of a small rod at one end of which is a disk, and at the other end a ball or other decorative attachment is screwed on.
  • Nostril is a decoration in the form of a hook, installed in the pierced wings of the nose. It happens with a bend under the right or left nostril.

Answers to questions from a cosmetologist

Before deciding to pierce any part of the body, I would like to know more details about the procedure and possible consequences. And also about in what cases it is worth abandoning the idea of ​​​​modifying your body. We have collected answers from cosmetologists to the most popular questions about nose piercing.
Can anyone get their nose pierced?

Piercings should be avoided if you are prone to bleeding, if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or if you have cancer. Professional salons will refuse piercings to those under 15 years of age. If you are over but under 18, parental permission may be required.

Those who have not decided on the place of the puncture may be interested in the question of who should get a nose piercing. It is believed that with expressive, slightly slanted eyes it is good to wear a bridge. Septum will highlight the beauty of sensual, voluminous lips.

What are the complications?

The consequences of a nose piercing can occur due to an infection that has entered the canal. Symptoms will be:

  • Persistent redness for a long time,
  • Discharge of yellowish fluid from the puncture,
  • Pain and slightly elevated temperature in the piercing area.

Due to insufficient care, granuloma may occur. In this case, it is necessary to apply warm compresses.

Is it better to go to a salon or get a piercing at home?

The clear answer to the question is to go to the salon. Specialists know how to pierce the nose correctly and can perform piercings of any complexity.

In this case, special tools are used: clamps, clamps, needles with catheters. The nose is usually not pierced with a gun, but in the case of wings it can be used.

And most importantly, all the rules for disinfecting the nose and jewelry are followed in the salon; infection through piercing is impossible.

What metal should the earring be made of?

Immediately after the puncture, it is necessary to install jewelry made of titanium or medical steel. They do not cause allergies because they are biologically inert. With them, the healing process and formation of the canal will proceed faster and without complications.
Is it possible to reduce pain without anesthesia?

Many people wonder whether it hurts to pierce their nose on their own or at a salon. The procedure causes discomfort. The pain does not last long and its severity is low, although much will depend on individual sensitivity. At home, without anesthesia, a compress of ice cubes will help reduce pain. It should be applied for 5-7 minutes.

How much does it cost to get your nose pierced at a salon?

Prices do not include the cost of decoration. Their cost starts from 250 rubles.

Nose piercing photo

Nostril piercing is the most popular type of nose piercing. Depending on the decoration, you can create a delicate image and a bold, somewhat brutal one.

In recent years, the septum has become increasingly popular. A nose ring helps create a sensual and unusual look.

Bridge and variations with a piercing of the tip of the nose remain the lot of informal youth. Since such piercings are the most difficult to fit into everyday life.

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I was an informal teenager, I was drawn to piercings. I tore holes in my ears, I wanted a tongue, but I was afraid - it was very painful, and my father threatened me that he would rip out my piercing along with the fact that I would pierce it xD
But my wish just didn’t burn out, I decided to get my nose pierced. I decided to do it myself. I was 15)

I bought a syringe with a thick needle, took an ampoule of novocaine and alcohol from my mother.
The earring I bought was not a curved one, but a stud.
After holding a cotton swab with novocaine on my nose for a minute (which somehow didn’t help), I treated everything with alcohol and started.

I inserted the needle smoothly, quickly and sharply with the nose will not work. At first it didn’t hurt at all, but when I reached the cartilage, unpleasant sensations appeared. It’s not even pain, it’s just somehow unpleasant, and the cartilage also crunches) D For those who want to prick their nose, but are afraid of pain, you can check for yourself what kind of pain it is. Just press on the wing of the nose with your nails from the inside and outside, such is the pain.

When the point of a needle began to appear on the inside of the nose, all that was left was to push the game further so that the hole was not too narrow for the earring.

Well, when I made a hole in it, by the way, there wasn’t a lot of blood at all, only the hole itself was filled.

It was necessary to insert an earring. This was the most difficult stage, because I didn’t have any special tools, I just randomly “poked” this nail into the hole.
I did it a whole hour! I spent an hour in front of the mirror to insert it. But somehow she couldn’t find a way out from the inside. Then I decided that the mucous membrane was already overgrown, so I made a new hole. That is, from the outside it was the same, but inside there was a new hole. And I started trying again, and after about 40 minutes it worked, I was already freaking out and screaming.

When I finally succeeded, I processed everything again and the case was completed.

After the puncture, neither the next day nor afterwards, there was no redness, no suppuration, nothing like that, everything looked as if I had been with it for a long time. I moved it every day, the first week it was a bit painful, but after a month I was able to insert another earring. Although many friends who got pierced in the salon complained of redness and inflammation. But I have nothing.

In no way am I pushing anyone to pierce something for themselves! Although I believe that something more serious can only be pierced in a salon..

I’ve had a pierced nose for a very long time, until I was 18 I successfully hid it from my father, but then I burned myself out))

I constantly lose earrings that I never had. Sometimes they get lost in the soul, sometimes in a dream)

Now I’m lost again, I can’t buy anything that I like)
Even if you don’t wear the earring for several days, it somehow retracts and looks like an ordinary slightly enlarged pore.

Now my weakness for piercings has burned out, of course, but I like my neat nose piercing. And my boyfriend too) I consider him successful)

Nose piercing is the piercing of soft tissue or cartilage, followed by decorating the hole with special types of earrings. People are constantly looking for ways to self-realize and express their character. Just a couple of decades ago, rings and barbells were inserted into the nostril and septum by fans of hard rock and informals, but today it is the prerogative of pretty girls and fashionable guys.

Features of nose piercing and its significance

Every person has unique facial features, but many people want to make them more expressive and attractive. In pursuit of fashion trends, their own uniqueness and originality, people decide to pierce their nose. This method of body modification is far from new; it appeared hundreds of years ago.

The tradition of decorating various parts of the body, according to scientists, originated in Africa, and then it conquered the rest of the world, where it was brought by representatives of the hippie culture. What does a nose piercing mean? African leaders wore jewelry to communicate with dead souls. Indian men and women wore a ring at the tip to demonstrate that they were in the bond of marriage. Over time, the meaning was lost and today earrings are inserted for the sake of beauty and fashion, endowing them with their own meaning.

Nose piercing, despite the apparent accessibility and simplicity of the technology, has a number of contraindications. If you ignore the recommendations, the pierced area may cause pain and discomfort.

When you should not injure your nose or pierce it:

  • heart and cardiovascular diseases;
  • use of hormone-based drugs;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs in the acute stage;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • cold;
  • increased body temperature;
  • for sinusitis, rhinitis.

Be sure to inform the specialist about the presence of contraindications, do not risk your health and beauty.

How to pierce your nose at home

Piercing the skin and cartilage is a minor surgical procedure. Experts do not recommend doing piercings yourself at home. All manipulations must be carried out by a professional with sufficient experience and practice. But if you are not afraid to do extreme things, and the desire to stand out from the crowd is greater than the fear of consequences, then follow the recommendations of professionals and do not violate technology.

How to properly pierce your nose at home? Stock up on the necessary tools and accessories at the pharmacy:

  • alcohol or disinfectant solution;
  • cotton pads;
  • disposable needle equipped with a catheter;
  • sterile latex gloves;
  • clamp

In an online store or beauty salon that provides nose piercing services, you can choose jewelry from a photo.

Before the procedure, disinfect reusable instruments and earrings.

How to pierce your nose at home:

  1. Mark the location of the future hole. The dot is placed with a marker or ballpoint pen.
  2. Treat your hands with antiseptic and wear gloves.
  3. Disinfect your skin.
  4. Insert the clamp from the outside and inside if you will be piercing the wing of the nose. The septum clamp is inserted from both sides, the tip is grasped and pulled back without touching the septum. For the bridge, the grip technology is similar, and the bridge of the nose also does not prick, the cartilage remains intact.
  5. With a quick, confident movement, the needle is inserted into the clamp through the holes. For the septum and bridge from left to right or vice versa (from which side it is better and more convenient to pierce the nose, start with that one). The nostril is pierced from top to bottom.
  6. Without pulling out the needle, insert the tip from the earring clasp into the catheter and carefully insert the jewelry into the hole and secure it.
  7. Treat the puncture site with an antiseptic.

Is it possible to pierce your nose with a special gun? How do professionals do wing and septum piercings? The procedure in the salon is carried out using a needle; in rare cases, the specialist may use an automatic pistol.

Features of puncture on different parts

Each piercing is named according to the placement or type of jewelry.

Types of nose piercing:

  • Bridge. The hole is made at eye level in the bridge of the nose. The flat decoration is inserted into the skin, with retainers in the form of balls and shaped tips visible on both sides.
  • Nostril. The piercing of the nose wing is slightly higher than the classic one.
  • Septril. The earring is inserted vertically into the skin fold at the tip. As a result of inserting jewelry to insufficient depth, rejection and separation of soft tissues may begin.
  • Austin Bar - the needle passes horizontally through the fold at the tip;
  • Nassalang - piercing of both nostrils and septum. A complex technique with a number of nuances and serious consequences if performed incorrectly.

There are other options for piercing the nose with a gun and a needle - combinations of the main types. To make the puncture look beautiful and heal well, trust the work to a professional and ensure sterility is maintained during the process.

What could be the consequences?

The speed of wound healing directly depends on where and how the nose piercing is done and its type. On average, complete restoration of damaged tissue takes up to six months.

As a result of improper formation of the channel and avoidance of nose piercing, negative consequences may develop:

  • Pain. A natural and unpleasant phenomenon. The pain from the septum disrupts the sensitivity of the tip, and from a puncture of the nostril it can stretch half of the face.
  • A bulge over the wound. Sometimes a ball forms around the hole, this is a symptom of inflammation. Simply taking care of your nose piercing will not help; it is better to remove the earring and carefully treat it before serious suppuration occurs.
  • Pus and inflammation. These are the most common consequences of nose piercing. Wounds in this part of the body are difficult to wash, so they often become inflamed and begin to emit an unpleasant odor.
  • Runny nose. Injury to the mucous membrane provokes a response from the body. The flow stops after a few days.
  • Problems with facial expressions. When talking and eating, the nostrils move, which can give off a dull, aching pain.

In photos, girls and guys have a nose piercing that looks sexy, bold and interesting, but in reality it requires care and causes discomfort. In some cases, surgical intervention is required.

Caring for a piercing and choosing jewelry

How to care for your nose piercing so it heals faster:

  • Treat 2 times a day. Spray with antiseptic after coming from outside.
  • Lubricate the ends of the earrings with regenerating ointment and thread them inside the wound.
  • Do not scratch, do not injure.
  • Instill drops with sea salt.

Find out from the specialist how long it takes for a girl's or a guy's nose piercing to heal, and if the inflammation lasts longer than the specified period, consult a specialist or doctor to rule out infection.

What is a nose ring called? Main options:

  • ring, half ring;
  • barbell, banana or clove;
  • snail, hook, spiral.

If you are afraid of getting a puncture, then the ideal option is a clip on the wing, attached to a magnet.

After healing, you can replace the jewelry, but be sure to ask the seller or artist how to change your nose piercing.

For demonstration, they use different methods of body modification and piercing is one of the most popular. If you pierce your nose, ask your piercer whether it is dangerous and how long you will have to endure restrictions and pain. Such measures will help you prepare mentally and physically.

Currently, piercing remains popular among young people. If you look at it, piercing has come to us a long time ago. Piercing of various parts of the body was carried out many thousands of years before our days. In India, women have a pierced nose always indicated that the woman was married. In Russia, the sight of a beautiful face with a pierced nose om immediately prompts a comparison of the owner of such a face with poor Africans.

  • How to pierce your nose at home
  • How to hide a piercing
  • How to pierce your tongue at home
  • How to get your ears pierced without pain


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If a person is decisive enough and is not at all afraid of the possibility nose you can see on your face instead of neat nose ick a purple potato, then he can safely start piercing nose A Houses. The easiest way is to pierce your nostril yourself. For this procedure, it is best to choose a cooler time of year, when there will be much less dust, and increased sweating will not interfere with the healing process. First of all, you need to purchase all the necessary materials. Stock up on sterile surgical gloves and sterile cotton wool. For the upcoming piercing process, you can use a needle from a regular dropper. It is quite sharp and comes with a plastic tube. It is necessary to select the diameter to match the thickness of the pier. In addition, you will need about 100 ml of alcohol. It is better to do without anesthesia. For this purpose, products that are used in dentistry are usually used: in ampoules - lidocaine 5% or in aerosols - lidocaine 10%. But injecting yourself in the face yourself is very dangerous and problematic; in addition, you may develop an allergy to such drugs and subsequently swelling. Therefore, it is better to be patient for a moment. You should also think about further care for the piercing; you should definitely stock up on solutions of miramistin or chlorhexidine. These are the best antiseptics for caring for piercings. Salicylic or boric alcohol and calendula tincture are also suitable.

Now you can move on to the process itself. The selected pier must be placed in a small container with alcohol. Prepare and disinfect the needle. Put on gloves, insert a tampon into the nostril you are going to pierce, apply good pressure, treat it with alcohol, turn out the nostril, and pierce it with a strong and sharp movement. In this case, you should pull out the needle and leave the tube in the hole. Then insert the tube into one end of the pier and pull it out, while the pier should seem to be sucked in and fall into place. Externally, it is necessary to treat the puncture site with alcohol.

It is very important not to touch or move the puncture site for a while. Until the canal has formed and the wound has healed, the jewelry should not be changed. Treat the puncture site twice a day with a special disinfectant solution (Miramistin).

Nose piercing has become the most popular type of piercing today. Most often, the nose is pierced out of a desire to stand out, for the sake of decoration. There are several types of nose piercing - you can pierce the septum, nostrils, bridge of the nose, but the first position in popularity among girls today is the piercing of the wing of the nose, most likely due to the ease of execution. For decoration, a pebble or metal ball, ring, nail or microlabret is inserted into the puncture. The puncture heals quite quickly - from two to four weeks, but only if you carefully care for it.

Of course, the best option is to get the piercing done in a specialized salon. But if you really want to, you can carry out this procedure yourself. The risk is not too great since there are very few blood vessels on the wings of the nose.

1. Prepare in advance everything you need for piercing - alcohol or other antiseptic, cotton wool, gloves, a piercing needle and the jewelry itself.

2. As a needle, it is best to use a system that matches the diameter of the earring.

3. Before starting the procedure, treat gloves, needle, earrings and the puncture site with an antiseptic.

4. Fold the nostril as much as possible so that the clasp subsequently ends up inside, along the wall of the nose.

5. Bring the needle to the inside of the nostril and quickly make a puncture.

6. Insert the jewelry into the catheter, and then carefully pull out the catheter.

7. Rinse the puncture site thoroughly and check that the clasp is screwed on properly.

8. After this, the puncture must be treated with an antiseptic twice a day.

Nose piercing is not difficult even from a medical point of view, but no one is immune from possible complications, even if they pierce their nose in a beauty salon. Each person has anatomical characteristics, and there are contraindications for which it is better not to get a piercing. It is not recommended to do piercing during pregnancy, if you are predisposed to keloid scars, or with any diseases that affect blood clotting, for example, diabetes, hepatitis, leukemia. Piercing is also contraindicated for those who are allergic to metals, although in this case you can choose jewelry made of titanium or high-grade gold. It is not advisable to get a piercing for people suffering from bronchial asthma, congenital kidney and heart diseases, skin diseases and sinusitis.

Piercing is a minimally invasive surgical operation to pierce the skin for the purpose of decorating with earrings. Many people want to have a high-quality, even puncture, but not many are willing to pay for it. The temptation to do a piercing at home is great; there are detailed instructions on the Internet, and the pharmacy sells all the necessary tools for the procedure. If desire is greater than fear, you can take a risk.

Required Tools

More and more piercing fans are deciding to carry out the procedure at home.

Required tools and supplies:

  • The marker is sterile for marking.
  • Surgical disposable gloves.
  • Surgical clamp. Necessary for capturing and fixing a skin fold, helps reduce blood flow and anesthetize the site of a future puncture. The pliers will ensure the hole is straight and at the correct depth.
  • Needle. Experts advise purchasing special needles for piercing. They are laser sharpened, which makes the procedure virtually painless and quick due to the sharpness of the tip. They are made of surgical steel and have a cavity inside for installing jewelry without removing the needle from the wound. If it is not possible to purchase a special kit, a catheter for drops will be suitable.
  • Antiseptic solution: hydrogen peroxide 3%, Chlorhexidine, medical alcohol, Miramistin.
  • The cotton wool is sterile.
  • Ointment for local anesthesia.
  • Decoration.

Each pharmacy sells a full set of these tools, except for laser-sharpened needles.


Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to treat the instruments for disinfection. In salons, they are sterilized in an autoclave; the household option is boiling for 15-20 minutes and soaking in alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. The earring must be disinfected.

How to do a navel piercing at home?

  1. Wash your hands, put on sterile gloves and use an antiseptic.
  2. Clean the navel skin with medical alcohol and wait until it dries. If necessary, treat the cavity inside with cotton swabs.
  3. Make a mark: put two points where the needle enters and exits. The distance between the navel, the second point and the navel is 1 cm. An important condition: the marks must be even vertically and horizontally, check with a mirror.
  4. Apply anesthetic ointment or hold an ice cube for a couple of minutes.
  5. Position the clamps so that the marks are visible in the holes. Pull the skin back a little.
  6. Using your dominant hand, insert the needle into the skin. Entrance is through the middle of the lower clamp, exit is through the middle of the upper one.
  7. Without removing the needle, insert the tip of the jewelry into the hollow part of the catheter or needle. Pull it through the hole. Screw the locking ball tightly.
  8. Wash your hands and treat the wound with an antiseptic.

Injecting the navel is not dangerous; there are no nerve endings or arteries in this place, but if it is caught in a thin fold, there is a high risk of rejection.

Instructions for the nose piercing procedure at home:

  1. Disinfect instruments and jewelry. A 0.9-1 mm needle is ideal for the job, but you can prick the nose with a sewing needle or pin.
  2. Treat the area of ​​the future puncture with alcohol, both inside and out.
  3. Make a note.
  4. Give pain relief if necessary.
  5. Use a clamp to grab an area of ​​skin and pull or lift slightly.
  6. Take a deep breath and insert the needle into the mark.
  7. Do not pull out the tool; insert the decoration into the hollow part and pass it into the channel. Lock it in.

Nose piercings must be done strictly according to the instructions and in places where there are no partitions.

What is the safest way to get a lip piercing?

  1. Prepare sterile instruments. Place in close proximity to the mirror on clean, sterile gauze.
  2. Wash your hands, put on sterile gloves.
  3. Wipe the puncture site with alcohol, inside and out.
  4. Make the markings. Place two points where the needle enters and exits.
  5. Press the marked area with forceps to reduce pain and make the puncture smooth. The lip is pulled back.
  6. Insert the needle from the inside out.
  7. Insert the earring through the catheter or cavity in the instrument and secure it.

For the procedure at home, the upper frenulum - smile and the lower frenulum - anti-smile, Monroe, Madonna and other options are suitable, where blood vessels and nerves are not affected.

Rules for processing and caring for a puncture

Care is an important component of a successful outcome. Follow the recommendations of experts:

  • Treat twice a day and every time dirt is introduced with antiseptic solutions.
  • Do not wet the first few days, do not visit the bathhouse or sauna. open reservoirs until healing.
  • Do not remove the earring until the channel is completely tightened.

Common consequences are inflammation and suppuration. If frequent treatments do not help, consult a doctor.

How piercing is contraindicated for doing at home

There are dangerous piercings that you should not do yourself.

  • Intimate puncture is the most difficult, popular Prince Albert, Christina, can lead to deterioration in the health of the genitourinary system.
  • Piercing your tongue yourself means risking the loss of taste buds and the ability to speak correctly.
  • An incorrectly pierced nipple can cause problems with lactation and a woman will not be able to breastfeed.
  • Eyebrow. There may be rejection due to insufficient depth or a problem with the facial nerve.
  • Ear cartilage. Ear piercing at home can only be done in the lobe; industrial, deys, tragus and other options should be performed by a professional.
  • Neck, collarbone in front, chest. In this area, a planar piercing is performed and a microdermal is installed. It is impossible to carry out the procedure on your own; it requires certain knowledge and tools, otherwise rejection will begin.

It is difficult to do a piercing correctly and choose jewelry for it yourself based on a photo with instructions, so it is better to go to a salon. If it is not possible to perform a puncture for a fee, a fake earring will come to the rescue. Piercing snags at home are attached to glue, a suction cup or a magnet.

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