Types of thrush in women and men. Thrush in women: symptoms, first signs, causes, diagnosis Signs of thrush in women, symptoms and treatment

To date, scientists have discovered almost 150 species of Candida fungus, but only a few of them can cause disease in humans. Candida albicans, candida trpicalis and Candida globrata, which cause various types of thrush, are recognized as dangerous. Which of them is the most life-threatening, and who is at risk – let’s take a closer look.

Types of candidiasis are conditionally classified according to the form of occurrence, frequency of manifestation and localization.

According to the characteristics of the flow

Depending on the persistence of symptoms, the types of thrush are as follows:

  • Candidiasis;
  • Spicy;
  • Chronic.

Candida carrier

This type of thrush is the most “inconspicuous”. A woman may not know that she is a carrier, but the test result shows the presence of a significant amount of fungus in the body. For example, in 30% of pregnant women, thrush is detected only by taking a smear for analysis.


As a rule, acute candidiasis manifests itself within no more than two months. If you start treatment on time, you can avoid complications and relapses.

Acute thrush includes the following stages:

  • adhesion – attachment of a fungus to the surface of the skin or mucous membrane;
  • colonization - rapid reproduction;
  • invasion - penetration of the fungus into the epithelium, pathological changes begin in the lesion.


Acute candidiasis often becomes chronic. As a rule, this occurs due to delayed or incorrect treatment. It can also be a consequence of an untreated infection, infection from a partner, or weakening of the pelvic floor muscles after childbirth. It is extremely difficult to cure this form of thrush; in addition, it is fraught with various complications.

According to the persistence of complaints

Chronic thrush, depending on the frequency of complaints, is divided into persistent and recurrent.


The persistent form is sluggish. Thrush either fades or gets worse.


This form manifests itself in permanent, systematic outbreaks. Symptoms often worsen after stress or before menstruation.

By prevalence

Depending on the depth of penetration of the fungus into the body and the degree of tissue damage, candidiasis can be superficial, systemic, or take the form of sepsis.


Superficial thrush is the easiest and most treatable form. In this case, the fungus affects only the mucous membranes, skin or nails.


The disease penetrates deep into the body and affects the internal organs. Systemic candidiasis is often found in patients with diabetes mellitus, cancer, AIDS, and tuberculosis. In the systemic form, the digestive and respiratory organs are most affected. A fatal outcome cannot be ruled out.

Candidal sepsis

An extremely severe and most often fatal stage. The fungus, along with the blood, enters the internal organs, which leads to their inflammation and failure to function.

By localization

Let's look at 4 main types.

Genitourinary organs

This type of thrush in women is called urogenital. The uterus and vulva are affected, and in nursing mothers, the nipples.

Oral cavity

In this case, candidiasis has several varieties:

  • candidiasis in the corners of the mouth;
  • candidal cheilitis - thrush on the lips;
  • candidal stomatitis – fungal infection of the oral mucosa (more common in infants);
  • candidal glossitis - tongue and pharynx;
  • oropharyngeal candidiasis - the spread of thrush to the entire oral cavity, lips, gums, tonsils and pharynx.

Nails and periungual tissues

In most cases, it is chronic and manifests itself in the following forms:

  • distal – damage to the nail plate at the free edge;
  • lateral – thrush of the lateral surfaces of the nail;
  • proximal – inflammation of the soft tissues around the nail;
  • total - damage to the entire nail plate.

Internal organs (visceral candidiasis)

This is a rare and very serious disease. The fungus penetrates deep under the skin, reaches internal organs and causes inflammation. In especially severe cases, this type of thrush is fraught with peritonitis, bleeding, perforation and the appearance of ulcers.

Candidiasis of internal organs is divided into:

  • candidal endocarditis;
  • candidal meningitis;
  • intestines;
  • esophagus;
  • rectum;
  • pulmonary candidiasis;
  • urinary system;
  • ears and eyes.

According to the nature of fungal growth

Based on the ways in which the fungus is able to penetrate tissue, invasive candidiasis and non-invasive candidiasis are distinguished.

Invasive candidiasis is a form in which the fungus forms threads that grow deep into the tissue. This form most often affects patients after surgery (surgical hospital). This species is also different in that its causative agent is not Candida albicans, but another type of fungus that enters the body from the intestines or from the surface of the skin (of the patient or medical staff).

As a rule, invasive candidiasis occurs in the following variants:

  • candidemia – the presence of fungi in the blood;
  • invasive candidiasis affecting one organ;
  • acute disseminated candidiasis - a combination of candidemia and foci of dissemination (several internal organs are affected);
  • candidal peritonitis.

This type of candidiasis is extremely life-threatening. Most people with invasive candidiasis do not survive.

Non-invasive candidiasis - reproduction and penetration of the fungus occurs without the formation of threads.

Allergic candidiasis

Candidoallergy occurs when the body is particularly sensitive to yeast fungi, which can be an independent pathogen or cooperate with other allergens.

Allergies can be a consequence of candidiasis, aggravate the course of atopic diseases, or accompany visceral candidiasis.

There is a possibility of the appearance of candidomycids - a secondary allergic rash in the form of spots, papules or vesicles. As a rule, the rash appears unexpectedly and is easily treated, but there is a possibility of complications in the form of eczema-like rashes. This indicates that there are chronic diseases or that candidiasis is not treated correctly.

Any of the types of candidiasis considered is life-threatening, since the yeast fungus is very tenacious, and its behavior is sometimes unpredictable. It should be remembered that thrush can appear even in the absence of apparent reasons and cause serious health problems.

Almost every woman has had to deal with a disease that brings not only unpleasant sensations, but also greatly complicates the life of its “owners”. The main causative agent of thrush is considered to be a fungus called Candida albicans.

It is generally believed that thrush is a purely female disease; there is even a misconception that candidiasis occurs if a woman does not take proper care of herself. Although this is just a misconception, yeast infections can also occur with frequent bathing or showering. This disease is also common in men. What types of thrush are there and how are they divided?

There is no clear and practical classification of thrush even today. True, doctors specializing in this type of disease roughly distinguish the following types of thrush:

  • According to symptoms:
  • Carrier of candida. There are no complaints as such, but there is fungus on various surfaces of the skin.
  • Candidiasis is acute. As a rule, with such thrush in women and men, there are sharp cutting pains in the genital area, the discharge is profuse, and the disease lasts no more than 1.5-2 months.
  • Chronic. With this course of the disease, the patient’s complaints are practically absent, the disease lasts more than 2-2.5 months and turns into generalized candidiasis.

Signs of chronic form

  • Based on the presence of symptoms and complaints:
  • Persistent candidiasis is caused by the constant presence of symptoms that appear and then weaken.
  • Recurrent candidiasis - the disease recurs constantly, several times a year, and worsens mainly before menstruation.
  • According to the type of infection spread:
  • Superficial candidiasis - this unpleasant process spreads mainly to the skin (nails, mucous membranes, skin). Due to the fact that it is local in nature, its treatment is almost unnoticeable.
  • Systemic candidiasis – internal organs are affected, making treatment painful, unpleasant and somewhat difficult. Such candidiasis can be found in people with weakened immune systems, patients with AIDS, and diabetes.
  • Candidal sepsis is the most severe and dangerous stage of the disease. The infection enters the bloodstream, and then spreads to all parts of the body, causing tissue necrosis. This disease in children can be fatal.
  • By location on the human body:
  • Candidiasis of the genitourinary system.
  • Thrush of the oral mucosa (stomatitis, candidal cheilitis, glossitis and oropharygeal candidiasis.
  • Damage to skin folds (candidal intertrigo), palms.
  • Visceral candidiasis of internal organs. This type of thrush affects all vital human organs.
  • By severity:
  • Pseudomembranous.
  • Atrophic.
  • Granulomatous.
  • According to fungal growth:
  • Invasive candidiasis, when the fungus grows into the tissue
  • Non-invasive candidiasis, when the fungus does not grow into the tissue
  • Congenital thrush. This type of candidiasis can only occur in children who were infected with it while still inside the mother. A very dangerous process that infects internal organs can be dangerous not only for the child’s health, but also for his life.

Thrush in men

Almost everyone knows about female thrush, but many do not even realize that men can also have it. Of course, in men it is much less common, due to the fact that the fungus Candida albicans simply comes out of the urethra along with urine. The main cause of thrush in men is a weakened immune system or there may be other infections in the body that are sexually transmitted.

The main types of thrush in men include: candidal balanitis and balanoposthitis.

It is worth noting that decreased immunity is not the only cause of thrush in men. True, very rarely, thrush can arise, or rather spread, from neighboring places and organs. One such example is contamination of the penis with hands, the use of dirty linen and bedding, towels and, of course, sexual transmission. Sometimes, based on balanitis or balanoposthitis, doctors can diagnose latent diabetes mellitus. But an interesting fact is that in men whose foreskin is circumcised, candidal balanitis is extremely rare; this is more nonsense than a pattern.

How does thrush manifest in men? And it manifests itself, if this is a mild version of the disease, about a few hours after sexual intercourse, skin irritation, a burning sensation is possible, but it passes very quickly. Doctors believe that this is a reaction to a large number of fungi. If the process is a little advanced, then the redness of the head of the penis may be replaced by bubbles, when they open, a whitish, curd-like discharge will appear, having a shiny, moist surface. These blisters may also appear on the skin of the inguinal folds and scrotum. If the patient has diabetes, then thrush may be accompanied by skin swelling and ulcers. Cracks may appear on the skin of the head of the penis, making it difficult to expose the head, and warty growths may also appear. If such a process is chronic and lasts a long time, then such balanoposthitis is considered a manifestation of a precancerous condition.

There are cases when a man gets thrush from his pregnant wife.

You can notice the manifestation of the disease by the following symptoms:

  • Severe, unpleasant itching and burning of the external genitalia.
  • Sexual intercourse causes pain.
  • Erythremia of the head of the penis, slight swelling and the appearance of white formations are possible.
  • Unpleasant sour smell.

Treatment of candidiasis in men

Like women, men have a large selection of medications for the treatment; the most common are creams and tablets. Along with the use of these dosage forms, men are prescribed baths with special solutions (potassium solution, boric acid, soda and others). These baths must be done once a day, and it is also necessary to toilet the head daily. Creams are much easier to use; they need to be applied twice a day, but the head still remains flushed. It is also recommended during the treatment period to adhere to a diet that excludes foods high in sugar, pickled and spicy foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. Since thrush is sexually transmitted, doctors recommend abstaining from sexual activity and introducing a large amount of vitamins into your daily diet.

Thrush in women

The most correct and rapid treatment directly depends on the correct diagnosis.

The types of thrush in women are as follows:

  • Thrush of the mucous membrane. Damage to mucous membranes.
  • Skin appearance. It mainly affects the skin in various places.
  • Systemic. It can affect not only some internal organs. But the body is completely
  • Allergic. Allergy to components of certain antibiotics

Doctors also divide the types of thrush according to the duration of treatment:

  • Superficial. It is determined by thrush of the skin, genital organs and mucous membranes, treatment is quite quick and easy
  • Internal. You won't see it from the outside; detection requires special research. The treatment is long and difficult.

According to development, it is divided into the following forms:

  • Acute
  • Chronic
  • Carriage

As with men, the treatment process can be either simple or complex and protracted. During treatment, vaginal suppositories, creams, tablets, washing and douching are used. Doctors recommend that if you notice symptoms of thrush, you should stop playing sports, have sexual intercourse, and not use tampons during your menstrual periods. For washing, as a rule, baths with soda and furatsilin are used, and then treated with baby powder, but it is strictly not recommended to use soap.

Women are more likely to get thrush

Candidiasis or thrush is an infectious disease that mainly affects women. Currently, this problem is quite acute, especially when it comes to pregnant and lactating women. It is very important to start treatment as soon as possible if signs of pathological disorders occur in the body. This helps prevent the spread of fungus and eliminates the likelihood of complications. There are different types of thrush. It is on this indicator that the clinical picture of the disease depends, and in accordance with it, treatment tactics are developed.

Chronic illness can cause thrush

The cause of thrush in women is the fungus Candida Albicans. This microorganism is opportunistic, since it is normally found in the body of almost each of us, being a component of the natural microflora. In the normal state of the body's protective functions, the fungus does not exceed the critical level in quantity. This does not affect health or the manifestation of the disease in any way.

When certain conditions develop, rapid growth of fungal colonies occurs. There is a whole list of predisposing factors that influence the reduction of the body’s protective barrier, which leads to an uncontrolled and rather rapid increase in the number of Candida.

Factors predisposing to the development of candidiasis:

  • Viral infections and chronic diseases.
  • Uncontrolled use of antibiotics.
  • Wearing synthetic and tight underwear.
  • Hormonal disorders during pregnancy or for other reasons.
  • Vitamin deficiency and metabolic disorders.
  • Endocrine system dysfunction and diabetes mellitus.
  • Physical and nervous exhaustion.
  • Hypothermia or overheating of the body.
  • Using high pH cleansers.

After eliminating the main cause that provokes thrush, the symptoms of candidiasis usually go away on their own. Please note that it is impossible to independently determine the true cause of the disease. To do this, you need to contact a specialized specialist who will prescribe a comprehensive examination and prescribe the most effective drug therapy.

Classification according to the course of the disease

Thrush is a common companion of pregnant women

Types of thrush in women are distinguished according to the characteristics of their course. There are candidiasis, acute and chronic forms. In the first case, we are talking about an “inconspicuous” course of the disease, when the woman does not even suspect that she is infected and poses a danger to others. When undergoing routine tests, the specialist notes that the number of Candida significantly exceeds generally accepted norms. About 30% of pregnant women face a similar problem.

In the acute course of the disease, a fairly pronounced clinical picture occurs. In the absence of timely therapy, there is a high risk of complications.

In the acute form of the disease, the fungus goes through several forms of development in the human body:

  1. Adhesive. Pathogenic microorganisms attach to the surface of the mucous membrane.
  2. Colonized. The number of yeast-like microflora is rapidly increasing.
  3. Invasive. The fungus penetrates the layers of the epithelium, which leads to the development of pathological changes in the area of ​​the lesion.

In the absence of drug correction, the acute form of thrush gradually turns into chronic. The development of this form of the disease can also occur against the background of an untreated infectious process in the body. A woman can also become infected from a sexual partner if candidiasis is present in men. In this case, the symptoms are not pronounced. During periods of exacerbation, the clinical picture becomes more obvious. In this case, longer-term drug therapy is required. In some cases, treatment takes from 6 months to 1 year.

In order to avoid the possibility of recurrence of the disease after treatment, it is necessary to treat both men and women simultaneously. Otherwise, infection will occur.

The classification of candidiasis is quite varied. Only a doctor can determine which type of fungal disease it is. It is these indicators that determine what treatment will be prescribed.

Chronic thrush types:

  • Persistent. This is a slow process. Symptoms of candidiasis in this case may either fade or intensify with renewed vigor.
  • Recurrent. Accompanied by the appearance of permanent systematic outbreaks. Symptoms tend to become more severe after sexual intercourse and in the period before menstruation.

Differences in penetration

The types of candidiasis also differ depending on the depth of the epithelial structures to which the fungus has penetrated. This directly indicates the degree of soft tissue damage.

Thrush can be of the following types in terms of prevalence:

Depending on the location

Types of thrush are also divided according to the affected area. This criterion is also quite important. Yeast-like microflora can affect various parts of the body:

Symptoms of the disease develop precisely in the area in which the lesion is located. Usually. When conducting an initial visual examination, a specialist can already make a preliminary conclusion based on the type of disease.

By nature of growth

"Threads" of Candida fungus

Depending on the variants of fungal penetration, invasive and non-invasive forms of the disease should be distinguished. In the first case, the formation of so-called threads occurs, which grow quite deeply into the soft tissue. Most often, such processes occur in people who have undergone surgery. In this case, the causative agent of thrush is not Candida Albicans, but another form of fungus. The causative agent of candidiasis penetrates from the patient’s intestines or from the skin of doctors and nurses.

The invasive form of thrush develops in the following cases:

  1. The presence of a pathogen in the bloodstream (candidemia).
  2. If one of the internal organs is damaged (non-invasive form).
  3. In acute disseminated disease, when there is a combination of candidemia with dissemination, which is characterized by infection of several internal structures.
  4. Due to the candidal form of peritonitis.

The invasive form of thrush is dangerous not only to health, but also to life. Most patients with this diagnosis do not survive.

In the non-invasive form, we are talking about the penetration of yeast-like microflora into the body. The main difference is the absence of mycelium threads. This allows you to destroy pathogenic microflora much faster and restore the natural pH level in the body.

Symptoms depending on gender

Candidiasis of internal organs and skin manifests itself equally in both women and men. In young children or older people, symptoms are usually more pronounced.

Among the main signs of candidiasis, the inflammatory process should be highlighted. When internal organs are damaged, there is a general intoxication of the body, which is characterized by an increase in body temperature, the appearance of weakness, pain in the localized area and nausea. If candidiasis develops on the skin, then the development of weeping areas is observed, which are covered with a characteristic white coating. When trying to remove the film, erosions form underneath it and begin to bleed.

In women, thrush of the genitourinary system is manifested by burning and itching in the vaginal area, cheesy discharge and an unpleasant sour odor. In some cases, the symptoms are expressed by single signs, so recognizing the disease is not easy.

In men, urogenital candidiasis is accompanied by pain during erection and burning sensation when urinating. The foreskin swells and turns red. A white coating appears on the penis and there is an unpleasant sour smell.

What is the danger of candidiasis?

Testing is necessary to rule out other diseases

Thrush in women and men develops against the background of certain factors. When they are eliminated, the symptoms of the disease usually go away on their own. If necessary, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. If you do not start taking therapeutic measures in time, the acute form of candidiasis becomes chronic. In this case, the internal systems are destroyed. In very rare cases, all organs are affected at once. Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible to overcome the disease.

If at least one symptom of the disease appears, a medical examination becomes necessary. A specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis through laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. It happens that thrush occurs in such a way that it can be mistaken for other diseases. There are also a number of diseases that manifest themselves as thrush. That is why you should never self-medicate. An unprofessional approach to therapy can cause the development of serious complications, which are subsequently extremely difficult to treat.

How to treat correctly

Depending on the type of thrush, drug therapy is prescribed. If we are talking about a superficial lesion, then you can get by with drugs such as creams, solutions and ointments, the effectiveness of which is aimed at suppressing the activity of fungal mycelium and restoring the natural microflora of the body. For vaginal thrush, suppositories are widely used.

If internal organs and structures are damaged, systemic antimycotic drugs are prescribed. This treatment principle is necessary in advanced stages of the disease or when local therapy does not give the expected result.

Antihistamines and vitamins are prescribed as additional medications. This is necessary to strengthen the body’s protective functions and relieve unpleasant symptoms. With the help of prebiotics, the natural microflora is restored.

Thrush has many types, each of which is accompanied by certain symptoms. If primary signs of the disease appear, you should not self-medicate. It is imperative to consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe effective drug treatment.

Thrush or vaginal candidiasis is known firsthand to every second woman, regardless of whether she is sexually active or not. An unpleasant disease is the result of the activity of a yeast fungus called Candida. It is because of it that thrush appears in women, the causes and treatment of which you will learn from the article.

What is it?

In the normal microflora of a woman’s healthy vagina, one way or another, the Candida fungus is present in small quantities; if its quantity begins to grow rapidly, that same thrush appears (). The vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed, which leads to itching, burning, heavy discharge and other symptoms of the disease, which, by the way, is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease.

The danger of thrush lies in the disturbed microflora of the vagina, which becomes an excellent place for the emergence of other infections, inflammations and diseases. If a woman is pregnant, then there is a high risk of infection of the fetus. That is why treatment of vaginal candidiasis should be appropriate and timely.


There is also the so-called conjugal candidiasis, which is sexually transmitted, but this form of infection is not common. About candidiasis in men.


The symptoms of thrush in women are pronounced, it is impossible not to notice them. First of all, they are manifested by severe itching, burning and copious discharge of a cheesy nature. The discharge is white and has an unpleasant sour smell; it is quite thick and can be flakes.

Unbearable itching can often be accompanied by redness of the external genitalia, clitoris, and vagina. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms may be accompanied by painful sensations, and pain during sexual intercourse and urination is also possible. Itching and burning intensify in the evening, especially in a warm place, for example, in a bath or bed. Typically, symptoms and signs of vaginal candidiasis appear in women about 1 week before the start of menstruation.

Note! There are cases when thrush does not manifest itself for the time being, which does not eliminate the possibility of consequences and does not indicate the absence of possible concomitant diseases.


Inflammatory processes of the female genital organs are divided into three types:

  • Vaginitis. With vaginitis, inflammation occurs directly in the vagina.
  • Vulvitis. It is an inflammation of the external genitalia.
  • Vulvovaginitis. It combines inflammation of the vagina and inflammation of the external genitalia and is the most common.

If candidal inflammation is acute, then the symptoms of vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis will be more pronounced, which will manifest itself as excessive discharge with an unpleasant odor, frequent urination, and severe itching. In the acute form, women may also experience an increase in body temperature and bleeding.

How and what to treat correctly

Thrush is treated mainly with tablets and suppositories; ointments and creams are also used. The drugs are divided into two groups. The first includes topical medications. With their help, gentle therapy is carried out and used for uncomplicated forms of thrush. If the disease is severe, it can be used in complex therapy with antimycotic agents.

The second group includes general action tablets that affect the entire body as a whole. Drugs of this group are used for complicated forms of candidiasis and for relapses.

Only a doctor can prescribe the drug; self-medication is dangerous!

Treatment of thrush in women begins with eliminating the causes of its occurrence and eliminating provoking factors. This is followed by treatment with antifungal drugs, restoration of the microflora of the vagina and intestines. For mild and uncomplicated forms of candidiasis, the following topical drugs are used:

  • Clotrimazole (Candizol, Kanesten, Candibene, Yenamazole 100, Antifungol).
  • Miconazole (Gino-daktarin, Ginezon, Klion-D 100).
  • Isoconazole (Gyno-travogen).
  • Feticonazole (Lomexin).

Treatment of chronic thrush includes general restorative therapy, antibiotics, and can be treated with the following drugs:

  • Fluconazole and its analogues: Diflucan, Flucostat.
  • Itraconazole (analogues of Canditral, Irunin, Rumikoz, Itrazol, Orunit).
  • Pimafucin (prescribed for the treatment and prevention of intestinal candidiasis).
  • Ketocanazole (analogues of Fungavis, Oronazole, Nizoral).

In the initial stages, treatment usually goes like this:

  • Clotrimazole suppositories (200 mg). The course lasts 14 days, 1 candle is consumed for each day.
  • Fluconazole tablets (150 mg). Tablets are taken on the first, fourth and seventh days of treatment. Or
  • Honey. Honey is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10, and the resulting product is lubricated on the affected mucous membrane.
  • Sea salt. To get rid of thrush, it is useful to take baths with natural sea salt. It is important that the salt is not colored or flavored.
  • Chamomile and calendula. To prepare the medicine, take a tablespoon of medicinal chamomile and 2 tablespoons of calendula. The herbs are poured with a liter of just boiled water, left for 30 minutes, filtered, and then used for douching.
  • Lemon. To get rid of thrush, take one slice of lemon, mash it and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours and filter. Lemon infusion is used for douching and washing, conducting a treatment course of at least 10 days.
  • Tea tree oil. Take two drops of tea tree oil and mix it with a teaspoon of calendula oil. A tampon is moistened in the mixture and placed in the vagina for about fifteen minutes.
  • Anti-inflammatory decoction. To prepare the medicine, nettle roots, oak bark, string and lavender are mixed in equal proportions. Next, take a spoonful of this mixture and pour 150 milliliters of boiling water. The broth is infused for 2 hours, filtered, after which another 150 milliliters of boiling water is added. Used for washing.

Candidiasis is a common contagious disease. The cause of its appearance is the Candida fungus, which lives in every body. It does not manifest itself for a long time, but under favorable conditions it multiplies, affecting the mucous membranes.

Reduced protective functions and weakened immunity cause various types of thrush in women, requiring an integrated approach to treatment. Antifungal therapy varies according to the symptoms and manifestations of candidiasis.

The form of infection depends on the depth of penetration of the pathogen into the body, the presence and degree of tissue damage.

Superficial candidiasis

The fungus affects the mucous membranes, skin, periungual sockets and the top layer of the plate. Infection of the genital organs most often develops under the influence of gynecological diseases: vaginosis, vulvitis, urethritis. In some cases, bacterial vaginitis can cause hemorrhoids, fissures, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

With the superficial type, patients experience:

  • in the genital area, worse in the evening, at night, before and after menstruation;
  • discharge that looks like white flakes or cheesy lumps;
  • The labia minora and the area around the vagina may have a dark red tint with small blisters;
  • whitish or yellowish coating on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • yeast diaper rash in large folds of skin: buttocks, under the breasts, anus, axillary area;
  • blisters between fingers and toes, damage to nails and the area around them.

After removing plaque from the surface of the genitals, hyperemic and eroded areas remain on the skin. A disease of this form can be treated quickly and quite simply.

The superficial appearance of thrush is not considered a serious pathology, but if left untreated it can become chronic..

Systemic thrush

According to medical statistics, gynecologists most often diagnose systemic (visceral) types of thrush in women. The photo clearly demonstrates a cheesy coating accompanied by pathology.

The systemic course is characterized by damage to internal organs with disruption of their usual function. A common cause of this type is long-term use, which upsets the balance of microorganisms in the body. This leads to the suppression of beneficial bacteria. Absorbed into the blood, the infection spreads throughout the body, affecting the liver, lungs, bladder, and intestines. Patients with tuberculosis, AIDS and oncology often suffer.

The clinical picture of the disease is as follows:

  • blistering rashes on the skin with yellowish or white contents inside;
  • when the gastrointestinal flora is affected, the swallowing function is impaired, bad breath appears, and swelling occurs. And with complications, bleeding and peritonitis occur;
  • when the pathogen is localized in the lungs and bronchi, cough, shortness of breath, and symptoms of indolent pneumonia or bronchitis appear;
  • infection of the genitourinary system is accompanied by pain in the lower back and abdomen, and when urinating, pain is felt in the ureter.

Diagnosis is made by a white yeast coating on the mucous membranes and the patient’s complaints. In the absence or insufficient number of indicators, the doctor prescribes a puncture of the cerebrospinal fluid for bacteriological examination.

The visceral type is a complex type of candidiasis. Does not provide a clear clinical picture, which complicates diagnosis and can cause a person’s death.

Candidal sepsis

The most complex and dangerous type of thrush. Once in the bloodstream and lymphatic system, the fungus penetrates the tissues of internal organs, disrupting their activity. Purulent granulomas on the skin provoke widespread inflammation, accompanied by fever and abscess.

The generalized form occurs in people with weakened immunity after severe surgical interventions, with exhaustion of the body, with complex dermatological tissue lesions, as well as after intrauterine infection.

The patient’s condition during candidal sepsis is quite severe:

  • at the initial stage, blood pressure increases, blood pressure is low, increased sweating is observed, granulosa rashes appear, and signs of erosion appear on the mucous membranes;
  • further course is accompanied by muscle pain, respiratory system disorder, weight loss, and loss of vision. Some patients develop a symptom of purulent meningitis;
  • the chronic stage is characterized by a change in the consciousness of the victim, there is no active activity, abscesses and hemorrhages form in the internal organs.

The prognosis of sepsis in 96% of cases is unfavorable. But with the development of medicine and the emergence of new ones, the chances of saving lives increase.

Protracted and serious condition of the patient in most cases ends in death.


Depending on the location and degree of development, there are acute and chronic candidiasis. You can suspect the disease by external signs yourself. But only a qualified medical professional after examination can diagnose that a woman has thrush. A view from the inside can only be obtained with a thorough medical examination in a chair and with the help of an ultrasound machine.

Acute candidiasis

The classic course of the disease with vivid symptoms, duration ranges from 1 week to two months, and methods of getting rid of it do not require effort or time. Usually the full course takes from 3 to 14 days.

The reasons for the development are different: hormonal imbalances, weakening of the immune system, taking strong antibiotics, inflammation of the urinary system,.

You can identify acute candidiasis yourself:

  • abundant white curds with a sour smell;
  • in the genital area there is severe itching and burning, which intensifies when walking and at night;
  • swelling and redness of the labia;
  • pain and stinging during urination.

The acute type occurs in several stages: colonization of the mucous membranes by the fungus, suppression of beneficial lactobacilli in the vagina and its penetration into the superficial tissues. The lack of timely treatment leads to the infection affecting the pelvic cavity, leading to inflammatory processes and adhesions. When eliminating infection, it is recommended to adhere to the correct daily routine. Alcohol and spicy foods are not allowed.

Neglect of one's health often causes infertility in young women.

Chronic thrush

It develops in the process of untimely treatment of the initial stage and with a serious weakening of the immune system. Gynecologists diagnose a chronic course if the symptoms appear at least 4 times during the year with periodic lulls. With this type of disease, symptoms may develop again several days or months after the full therapeutic course.

The chronic type of candidiasis can be determined by the following signs:

  • the infection does not extend beyond the genitals;
  • swelling is mild;
  • the membranes of the genitals have a brown tint (sometimes dark brown);
  • white discharge is insignificant or absent at all;
  • mild burning sensation that intensifies at night;

When making a diagnosis, doctors prescribe a detailed blood test, since the pathogen is often not detected in a regular smear. Treatment of the protracted stage is long, sometimes reaching several months.

It must be remembered that symptoms can return at any time. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully monitor, avoid casual intimate relationships and consult a specialist in a timely manner..

Whatever the types of thrush in women, the symptoms of each form are similar. Medical professionals strongly discourage getting rid of the disease on your own.

In order to correctly prescribe a clinical treatment method, it is necessary to identify what type of fungus is present in the body. In some situations, a comprehensive one is required.

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