The frenulum on the head became inflamed. Inflammation of the foreskin in men: prevention and treatment

The frenulum is a small fold of skin that is located under the head of the penis. It connects the foreskin (prepuce) to the glans. Men don't pay much attention to this membrane until it starts causing problems. But inflammation of the frenulum is a fairly common phenomenon in the modern world.

Although the reasons are quite prosaic:

  • poor hygiene (as a result of which smegma accumulates in the preputial sac - an unpleasant mixture of sweat, urine, particles of epithelium and secretion of the sebaceous glands);
  • foreign bodies getting under the foreskin;
  • mechanical damage to tissues;
  • venereal diseases;
  • congenital anomalies of the organ structure (short frenulum).

Inflammation of the frenulum of the foreskin can also be caused by certain medications or simple allergies. Therefore, if you notice redness of the head of the genital organ, feel itching and burning, immediately contact a urologist. Only he will be able to determine the source of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

Solution to the problem of short frenulum

A short frenulum can lead to inflammation, since when it is pulled, it is injured, causing quite severe pain. Usually this deficiency appears at the beginning of sexual activity. Until this moment, this physical feature does not bother the young men. This problem is solved with the help of a surgical operation called frenuloplasty. It is performed under local anesthesia and takes no more than 1 hour. The rehabilitation period usually lasts 1-2 weeks.

Of course, you can turn to other methods and try, for example, stretching the frenulum with the help of “miracle” ointments and rubbing. But too often, such remedies lead to even greater problems, and inflammation only worsens. Some men believe that the discomfort caused by a fold that is too short is not a reason to see a doctor. But it is worth remembering that micro-roster can lead to bleeding. In addition, scar tissue forms at the site of injury. Through this, the frenulum is shortened even more, and the painful sensations intensify. So why endure if the problem can be solved in a few minutes? After all, timely plastic surgery eliminates possible discomfort for life.

Inflammations that occur due to poor hygiene

Another reason that leads to inflammation of the foreskin and frenulum is failure to comply with banal rules of personal hygiene. Dirt can lead to a disease called balanoposthitis. It can also develop as a complication of an infectious (most often sexually transmitted) or other disease. Externally, balanoposthitis is manifested by redness and swelling of the foreskin and inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the groin.

When urinating, a person feels a strong burning and itching, complains that not only the penis, but also the entire pelvis hurts. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist. The fact is that the matter will not be limited to just inflammation of the frenulum of the foreskin. Advanced disease leads to gangrene and tissue perforation.

In such cases, only removing part of the flesh can save the entire organ. At the initial stage, balanoposthitis can be cured in a few weeks with the help of antiseptic baths. In particularly severe cases, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. But self-treatment of the disease is unacceptable!

Diagnostics must be accompanied by laboratory tests.

The specialist must rule out syphilis and diabetes mellitus, which can also cause such problems. Remember that balanoposthitis can lead to an even more serious disease - phimosis.

Narrowing of the foreskin

Phimosis is a narrowing of the opening of the foreskin, as a result of which exposure of the head of the penis becomes difficult. There may be several reasons for this anomaly:

  • Trauma to the organ, as a result of which scar tissue forms, and the foreskin and frenulum lose their elasticity.
  • Inflammation of tissues of various origins, which lead to scarring.
  • Congenital (genetic) feature.
  • Previously it was believed that with such a disease it would be more reasonable to remove the foreskin. But now, for phimosis, surgical methods are rarely resorted to. At the moment, the narrowing can be cured using both medicinal (corticosteroid ointments) and mechanical (manual stretching of the foreskin) methods. But any treatment should only take place under the supervision of a specialist! Phimosis may not cause a man much discomfort and may only appear during an erection.

    In such cases, insufficient expansion of the foreskin does not prevent sexual intercourse. But this structural feature contributes to the accumulation of smegma, as a result of which inflammatory diseases can develop. Therefore, in the chronic course of the disease, it is more reasonable to remove part of the flesh. This operation is called circumcision.

    Diagnosis of inflammatory diseases

    When making an accurate diagnosis, the results of laboratory tests are of great importance. Therefore, if the doctor has prescribed tests for you, take them all. Otherwise, you can develop a truly dangerous disease by treating only its symptoms. If the frenulum is inflamed, the following studies must be performed:

    • blood test for sugar levels;
    • blood test for the absence of pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases;
    • smear from the glans penis for bacteriological culture.

    Sometimes an additional analysis of fluid from the urethra and foreskin sac is also taken in order to exclude a urological infection. In addition, a skin biopsy may be prescribed. Typically, this analysis is resorted to when the therapy prescribed by the doctor does not bring positive results. Some specialists conduct this study for preventive purposes.

    Under no circumstances should you be afraid to take tests or neglect any of them by your own choice. Remember that without a complete clinical picture, the doctor will not be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

    Prevention of inflammatory diseases

    Inflammatory diseases can be caused by sexually transmitted and fungal infections. They are usually transmitted from partner to partner through unprotected sex. But itching and discomfort in the genitals may also indicate non-infectious diseases. It is possible that the cause of inflammation was an allergic reaction to medications, eczema, psoriasis or diabetes. You should also consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

    • burning in the pelvis, penis and perineum;
    • dryness and flaking of the head;
    • the appearance of a pungent odor;
    • formation of redness, induration and ulcers.

    Following the rules of personal hygiene will help avoid unpleasant consequences. Many peoples believe it is better to remove part of the foreskin from boys so that Smegma does not accumulate under it. Modern living conditions make it possible to do without such radical measures. you can just take a shower every day, thoroughly wash your penis.

    Doctors do not recommend treating the foreskin with regular soap or shower gel. It is wiser to choose a gentle product specifically designed for the intimate area. To prevent inflammation of the frenulum, you should wear loose underwear that does not compress the genitals. The seams of your trousers should never cut into your crotch, even when you are sitting. You shouldn't wear skinny jeans either.

    People with diabetes should definitely monitor their blood sugar levels every day. And sexual intercourse, especially with a casual partner, should be protected. Remember that any inflammation brings with it not only unpleasant sensations, such as itching. The appearance of cracks and ulcers leads to loss of sensitivity of the head. And the formation of scar tissue can become a significant obstacle to sex. But if inflammation has already occurred, then you should not self-medicate or hope that everything will disappear by itself.

    Only timely treatment can protect your health. Moreover, with the modern development of pharmacology, it usually does not take much time. And the disease disappears without a trace.

    Sometimes men have to deal with very unpleasant injuries like frenulum rupture. This injury causes severe pain and is accompanied by bleeding. Moreover, men themselves are puzzled by the question of what will happen if the frenulum on the head breaks.

    Torn frenulum

    The frenulum is a thin longitudinal fold of skin that connects the foreskin to the head of the penis. Normally, in men, such a fold has a quite acceptable length in order to expose the head of the penis during frictional movements without any discomfort or tension. If the frenulum is somewhat shorter than normal, then it causes all sorts of difficulties for patients, is often injured and causes problems in bed.

    If this happens often, then men develop psychological complexes, because they are no longer capable of normal sexual relations.

    If minor tears have become a common occurrence, then scars begin to form at the site of the damage, as a result the head of the penis loses the ability to be exposed, which deprives the patient of the usual orgasmic sensations.

    It may rupture under the influence of certain factors, then the man will feel severe discomfort. Typically, such problems occur during sexual intercourse if the sex is harsh, rough, and intense. In such situations, the skin fold may tear partially or completely. But there is no need to be seriously scared, because this problem is quite common and has a simple solution.

    The photo shows the frenulum of the glans penis

    Why does this happen

    It is almost impossible to predict the likelihood of rupture in advance, because a short frenulum looks quite natural in appearance. Therefore, it is impossible to identify such pathologies in children. In teenagers, the problem becomes more noticeable, and then appropriate measures can be taken.

    Most often, the frenulum can break for the following reasons:

    • Sharp and rough frictional movements during sexual intercourse or with insufficient hydration of the female vagina, or when trying to break the hymen.
    • Congenital pathology in the form of a short frenulum. To avoid possible complications in the future, it is better to treat this pathology in adolescence.
    • If the female genital organs are not sufficiently moisturized. This is possible in the presence of various kinds of pathologies, as well as insufficient arousal of the woman before PA.
    • Also, the frenulum can rupture due to excessive masturbation.

    According to statistics, about 25% of cases of injuries during sex occur due to this kind of damage. If there is dryness in the vagina or a man prefers rough sex, then it is better to use products from the lubricants category.

    What to do if the frenulum on the head is torn

    If a man is faced with a similar problem, then certain measures need to be taken. With such injuries, severe bleeding is observed, which does not always stop immediately, and therefore you need to understand how to treat.

    Such a rupture is also not dangerous due to particularly large blood losses, so you need to calm down and get to action:

    1. You need to press the frenulum to the head or pinch the frenulum with your fingers to stop the bleeding. Keep the damaged fold in this state for about 10 minutes.
    2. When the bleeding stops, you need to treat the wound with Chlorhexidine, peroxide and other antibacterial and antiseptic drugs.
    3. There is no need to do the dressing at home, because it is fraught with constriction of the penis and can cause hemorrhage.
    4. If you are concerned about intense pain, you can apply a cold compress, which will help relieve swelling, stop bleeding and reduce pain symptoms.
    5. Now you can contact a specialist who will determine the extent of the damage and select the optimal and effective therapy.

    Regarding how long it takes for the frenulum to heal, the process is quite fast. But, you should not put off visiting a specialist, otherwise the skin at the wound site will begin to scar, reducing the elasticity of the fold, which in the future can lead to re-rupture. Moreover, the scar is fraught with problems during sexual intercourse, because it significantly reduces orgasmic sensations and provokes the development of complexes of a psychological nature.

    Reason to see a doctor

    The penis is designed in such a way that there are a lot of capillaries and nerve endings in the frenulum. In addition, under the frenulum there is an artery through which the penis receives blood. That is why, when a rupture occurs, heavy bleeding and intense pain occur.

    If the rupture occurred at night, you can go to the emergency room for surgery. Microsurgical plastic surgery is usually used for treatment. Why is it necessary to see a doctor?

    If the frenulum heals on its own, then in the future, due to the scar during sexual intercourse, a man may encounter unpleasant sensations and even pain, because the head will not be able to free itself from under the foreskin.

    After healing, the frenulum will shorten, which, when excited, will cause severe curvature of the organ, causing an unaesthetic appearance and complexes in a man. In addition, repeated ruptures against the background of an already occurring injury will occur repeatedly, which will also not lead to anything good. Therefore, frenuloplasty is necessary to solve the problem.

    Surgical intervention

    Today, repair of frenulum rupture is carried out using several surgical techniques:

    • Frenulotomy. This procedure involves surgical manipulations aimed at increasing the length of the frenulum. This intervention is recommended for adolescents who notice their deviation in a timely manner. The intervention takes place without any complications and eliminates the occurrence of problems with the frenulum in the future, when the young man begins to be sexually active.
    • V-Y-plasty. This technique helps reduce the risk of traumatic damage to the frenulum in adult patients. But this procedure has one significant disadvantage - it increases the likelihood of developing complications in the form of narrowing of the foreskin.
    • . Such an intervention reduces the risk of developing phimosis and other unpleasant side reactions. In addition, circumcision prevents the development of many infectious lesions that develop when smegma accumulates in the folds of flesh.

    There is no need to be afraid of plastic surgery, because it will protect the patient from further problems with the frenulum. The surgeon will make an incision along the penis, which releases the tension on the frenulum and allows it to be sutured without any obstruction. Then the doctor sews up the incision, after which no scars remain, because the seam will be located in the direction of the frenulum itself. The flesh is retracted to the base of the penis so that the head is completely exposed during the healing process.

    The sutures heal quite quickly, the elasticity and length of the frenulum increases. There is no need to stay in the hospital after the operation, so the man is allowed to go home a few hours later. Rehabilitation involves local manganese baths for rapid healing and prevention of infection, as well as maintaining sexual rest for 20 days, after which the man will be able to again experience all the joys of sexual life without the risk of re-rupture and discomfort.

    Consequences and care

    If the patient neglects the recommendations regarding contacting a urologist, then a large scar forms at the site of the injury. Connective tissue reduces the elasticity of the frenulum and increases its fragility, which will certainly lead to re-rupture. As a result, the patient will experience psychological problems, decreased libido, and even erectile dysfunction of a psychological nature. The patient will be afraid of recurrence of the injury, which will negatively affect the process of sexual intercourse.

    Self-treatment can also provoke various kinds of complications such as wound infection, the formation of cracks and additional damage.

    During sexual intercourse without qualified treatment, a man may experience painful sensations, and orgasm will no longer be as bright and desirable, if at all. Therefore, there is no need for initiative and embarrassment; the doctor will solve your problem much more effectively and without complications, and forever.

    • If a short frenulum is detected in a teenager, agree to surgery. This will help avoid problems in the future and protect the guy from psychological trauma and failures in sex.
    • If a man already knows that he has a shortened frenulum, then when getting close he should avoid any sudden movements. It is advisable to choose the most optimal position for yourself, in which injury will be excluded.
    • If your partner has a dry vagina, then pay more attention to foreplay, and also use all kinds of lubricants. Sufficient humidity will help reduce the degree of friction against the vaginal walls and prevent possible injury to the organ. Similar actions are recommended for masturbation.

    A frenulum rupture is accompanied by many unpleasant consequences, so to prevent them it is recommended to treat the problem in a qualified manner. Today's microsurgical technologies will quickly and safely eliminate injury without any consequences in the future.
    In the video about the causes and treatment of rupture of the frenulum of the penis:

    Inflammation of the foreskin in men is a fairly common disease. No man is immune from this infectious disease. Failure to comply with basic rules of personal and intimate hygiene is often the cause of this complex disease.

    Inflammation of the foreskin is not a separate disease. This is a consequence of various infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. The topic is quite delicate, however, diseases of the foreskin require mandatory and often long-term treatment.

    If treatment is ignored, the disease quickly affects the urethra, testicles, scrotum, prostate gland, and after a short period of time, the bladder and kidneys. These are organs that are close to each other, so any infection quickly spreads into them from the outer surface of the genital organs. Inflammation of the head does not spare men of any age, even boys and teenagers.

    There are several signs that are characteristic of this disease:

    • swelling of the tissues of the penis;
    • inflammation of the frenulum;
    • inflammation of the glans penis;
    • painful sensations;
    • edema;
    • itching, burning;
    • pain when urinating, during sexual intercourse;
    • the appearance of white plaque;
    • swelling of the foreskin;
    • purulent discharge from the urethra.

    The first signs - the appearance of discomfort, even slight swelling of the foreskin - should be a cause for concern. Untimely treatment or ignoring such a symptom quickly affects not only the genitourinary system. The consequences of this disease can be infection of the lymphatic system, prostate disease and even gangrene of the penis.

    The course of the disease is rapid, and the sooner the patient seeks timely professional help, the simpler the treatment, and the more favorable the outcome. Under no circumstances should you carry out self-treatment. The disease is serious and requires professional treatment. But before the doctor prescribes treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease.

    Types of inflammation

    There are several types of inflammation of the glans penis, depending on what caused the disease:

    1. A simple form of inflammation. This type of disease is characterized by slight redness of the penis and slight swelling of the foreskin. This form of the disease may be accompanied by the appearance of erosion with minor purulent discharge. This stage is accompanied by a slight burning or itching.
    2. Erosive inflammation: characteristic swelling of the foreskin is observed, dead epithelium may appear on the head of the penis. A little later, bleeding erosions appear with a characteristic rim of maceration.
    3. Gangrenous edema. On the surface of the flesh, on the head of the penis, irritation is visible, bleeding, non-healing ulcers appear in quite a large number.

    Causes of the disease

    This inflammation has a microbial, infectious etiology. Most often it can occur due to basic violations of hygiene requirements. In this case, the following bacteria can cause the disease:

    • staphylococcus;
    • streptococcus;
    • yeast mushrooms.

    Changing sexual partners and promiscuous sex life are no less characteristic of the causes of such a disease. Unprotected sexual intercourse can cause infection. Minor microcracks on the surface, invisible damage to the head of the penis can lead to an inflammatory process with the characteristic symptoms already described above. Often men of those nations whose traditions include circumcision are susceptible to this disease.

    But not only infection can cause the disease. There are a number of common diseases that can weaken the immune system, and inflammation is a consequence of such a disease. Such diseases include:

    • flu;
    • diabetes;
    • allergy;
    • anemia.

    We cannot exclude the peculiarities of the physiological structure of the head of the penis. In some men, the foreskin is too narrow, which makes hygienic care difficult and promotes the accumulation of bacteria, causing irritation. Tight underwear can also cause this unpleasant disease.

    Sexually transmitted pathogens

    Unprotected sex predisposes to the appearance of inflammatory processes, and the lubrication of low-quality condoms can cause disease. The most common pathogens in this case are:

    • Trichomonas;
    • chlamydia;
    • candida;
    • genital herpes;
    • papilloma virus;
    • gardnerella;
    • gonorrhea;
    • Treponema.

    During clinical examinations of patients, it was revealed that the last two pathogens from this list are less common than all the others.

    Infectious agents

    Some types of infections have already been listed, but there are a number of other diseases that can provoke inflammatory processes in the upper flesh. These are the following diseases:

    • Bekhterev's disease;
    • skin infectious diseases;
    • psoriasis;
    • lichen planus;
    • pemphigus.

    Moreover, if the circulatory and lymphatic systems are underdeveloped, or there are genetic abnormalities, then this factor predisposes to the appearance of edema.


    Only the initial (simple) stage of the disease is quickly treatable, which can be completed within five to seven days. All other forms require longer treatment, after which preventive measures will be recommended.

    If any of these symptoms appear, the patient should immediately seek professional help. The disease develops rapidly, which complicates and delays the recovery process. The urologist will conduct a thorough diagnosis in order to find out the cause of the disease. To do this, a confidential conversation is held with the patient, after which a scraping is taken from the urethra and the head of the penis.

    Bacteriological seeding of the biomaterial in a nutrient medium is done in order to determine the nature of the disease. Drug treatment is prescribed only by the attending physician. Self-medication will lead to negative consequences. Even if this is not the first time, using the same drugs can lead to a negative reaction in the body.


    If the disease was diagnosed in a timely manner and is not in an advanced state, then treatment may be limited to antiseptic treatment. Sometimes hydrogen peroxide and a solution of furatsilin, which are used to treat sore, inflamed areas, are enough for this.

    Erosive inflammation involves the use of gels and ointments with antibacterial anti-inflammatory effects. Urologists, dermatologists, and venereologists recommend using all kinds of herbal decoctions or infusions both for prevention and during treatment. Traditional medicine can be used only for prevention or as an adjuvant along with drug therapy.

    If the disease was caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus, then inflammation of the foreskin is treated for about ten days. If the cause is sexually transmitted diseases, treatment may take about a month. Erosive and gangrenous inflammation require treatment with antibiotics.

    The attending physician draws up a treatment regimen that takes place in several stages:

    1. Baths containing potassium permanganate, furatsilin or soda. Such procedures last at least twenty minutes and are carried out twice a day.
    2. Use of antibiotics and antibacterial agents (ointments, gels).
    3. Oral intake of immunomodulators and multivitamins.
    4. Enzymatic agents.

    The following may be prescribed as therapeutic agents:

    • Metronidazole;
    • Levomikol;
    • Lotrimin;
    • Mucelex.

    These agents have a wide range of antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. All of them are freely available in any pharmacy, but it is recommended to use them only after a medical prescription. Even some traditional medicine must be agreed upon with the attending physician. If you do not listen to the recommendations, you can bring the condition to surgical intervention, when it will be necessary to perform circumcision.

    Traditional medicine

    Inflammation of the frenulum or other types of inflammation respond well to treatment using herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. This:

    • chamomile;
    • St. John's wort;
    • yarrow;
    • calendula;
    • coltsfoot;
    • Oak bark;
    • plantain.

    Decoctions of these herbs or mixtures are used for daily baths. Aloe leaves have good anti-inflammatory properties. A plant that is at least three years old is used. To do this, the leaves are cut off and washed under running water. You need to remove the thorns and skin from one side of the leaf and apply it to the affected areas in the form of applications. Equally important during and after treatment is the implementation of preventive measures.


    After suffering inflammation of the frenulum and other inflammatory processes, preventive measures are no less important. First of all, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. This applies not only to nutrition, but also to sexual relations. It is much easier to prevent inflammation than to treat it. Here are a few simple rules that will help every man maintain his sexual health:

    1. Include a simple set of physical exercises in your daily routine. This will increase blood flow to the pelvis and strengthen the immune system.
    2. Strictly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. Do not use detergents containing alkali for this purpose.
    3. Do not change sexual partners.
    4. Diversify your diet with foods rich in vitamins.
    5. Control blood sugar levels.

    These are general preventive measures. More detailed recommendations can be obtained from your doctor.

    Each person is individual by nature, having his own unique characteristics in external data. However, there are such anomalies from birth or resulting from any injuries that you simply do not want or cannot accept. As a result, an inferiority complex may arise. This applies not only to those parts of the body that are visible to everyone, but also to the genitals, including.

    In society, a stereotype mistakenly prevails that with regard to the genital organs, only a woman “has everything complicated, while a man has a simple lever,” the erogenization of which occurs as a consequence of sexual arousal. But, if you study human anatomy, it is in the section on the structure of the genital organs that it turns out that everything is not so simple. And men can also often encounter certain problems regarding the genital organ. One of which is the problem of defects (anomalies) bridles foreskin (frenulum preputii), which occurs in 20 - 30% of the stronger sex.

    A short frenulum of the penis is usually a congenital anomaly (the most common cause) in which the vertical fold of the foreskin connecting it to the head of the penis is short. This frenulum prevents complete exposure of the head of the penis. For this reason, the foreskin accumulates in the sac. smegma- secretion of the glands of the foreskin. Shortening of the frenulum of the foreskin can develop in adolescence, when there is a discrepancy between the growth rate of the cavernous bodies of the penis and the skin, or shortening of the frenulum can also be acquired as a result of certain diseases or injuries that lead to inflammation of the foreskin. Thus, inflammation can cause the skin fold tissue to undergo slight sclerosis (and/or scarring) and shorten.

    The frenulum of the penis is a fold of skin located between the head of the penis and the foreskin. The frenulum of the penis, or frenulum of the foreskin, is an elastic longitudinal fold of skin on the lower surface of the penis, formed as a result of the fusion of the foreskin on the left and right of the penis. It is the frenulum that connects the foreskin of the penis and its head. Its main function is to return the foreskin to the head of the penis after exposure. Normally, the frenulum of the penis, due to its elasticity, copes with “its task” without deviations - by nature it is capable of undergoing significant stretching. But it happens that the frenulum of the foreskin is somewhat “shortened”, in which case they speak of a short frenulum of the penis.

    If there are no congenital anomalies, then the length of the frenulum is quite sufficient for the foreskin to move quite easily and freely (completely exposing the head of the penis), without causing any discomfort or pain. Otherwise, the short frenulum is strongly stretched during erection, causing a condition of incomplete phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin - often the short frenulum is combined with phimosis and/or with a webbed penis - an anomaly in which the skin of the scrotum does not come away from the skin of the penis at its root, but from the middle of the hanging part of the penis or even from the area adjacent to the head). Moreover, if you pull the penis up, a triangular fold of skin appears, preventing erection and painful sensations in the distal part of the penis - preventing the head from fully opening, thereby covering the most sensitive part of the head of the penis ( whisk[crown]).

    As a result, quite often there is:

      pain during erection, masturbation and sexual intercourse;

      inability to complete sexual intercourse due to pain or decreased sensitivity of the glans penis (see above - incomplete phimosis);

      [during intense sexual intercourse] inflammation of the foreskin with the development of phimosis and/or rupture of the frenulum (the more intense the sex, the more the frenulum is stretched and the more pain the young man experiences, in the end, the frenulum cannot withstand the load and breaks, resulting in bleeding - despite its small size, the frenulum is very well supplied with blood, so it can be difficult to stop the bleeding; it is at such a tragic moment that many young men go to the doctor);

      premature ejaculation - the problem of a short frenulum is not limited to pain during sexual intercourse and bleeding during its rupture; at first everything goes well: after the wound heals, the pain stops, the young man rejoices in his recovery; but suddenly it turns out that he begins to ejaculate very early, sometimes literally after two or three frictions; naturally, the young man is not able to satisfy the girl, problems inevitably arise in their relationship; and the whole point is that at the site of the rupture a rough scar is formed, in which there are many cutaneous nerves and in it a zone of palological (occurring in the body under the influence of a pathogenic factor, causing disruptions in the normal course of life processes) impulses is formed, causing early ejaculation.

    !!! A short frenulum of the penis interferes with normal sexual intercourse, since during an erection (due to a short frenulum) the penis bends down, so the erection is painful, and if sexual intercourse does occur, then cracks or tears may form on the frenulum, which is accompanied by quite strong bleeding.

    Unfortunately, it is impossible to identify a short frenulum in early childhood. Shortening of the frenulum is diagnosed already in adolescence (therefore, boys need to be examined as they enter adolescence), when problems usually arise associated with the teenager’s dissatisfaction with the appearance of his penis or when problems arise (unsuccessful attempts at sexual intercourse) after the first the closeness of a young man with his first sexual partner (it is unfortunate that this often happens after a rupture or tear of the frenulum of the penis).

    Conclusion. A short frenulum of the penis is a congenital or acquired defect in which, even with a fairly wide outer ring of the preputial sac (a skin fold of the foreskin that forms the space between its inner layer and the head of the penis), the head can remain closed all the time. A short frenulum prevents the retraction of the foreskin, promotes the accumulation of smegma in the preputial sac, and upon the onset of puberty interferes with erection. The main complaints are curvature of the head, painful erections. During violent sexual intercourse, the frenulum may rupture, accompanied by bleeding.

    Treatment(tips for solving the problem of short frenulum of the penis). The problem of a short frenulum of the penis can be solved surgically. It is preferable to perform the operation without waiting for problems with sexual partners or frenulum rupture, and if this happens, then to prevent the formation of a rough scar. Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis is a completely painless procedure and is often performed under local anesthesia in adults, and in children under general anesthesia, as a rule. Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis is performed - frenuloplasty, which leaves no traces.

    Method of frenulotomy:

      The preparatory stage before frenulotomy consists of undergoing a special examination several days or weeks before the operation: examination by a urologist, [if necessary] special examination for the presence of concomitant diseases - these include: blood tests for its coagulability (coagulogram), for hepatitis B and C, HIV and syphilis.

      Carrying out frenulotomy (plasty of the frenulum of the penis). A standard frenuloplasty operation lasts no more than 20 minutes. Although frenulotomy is not a complex operation, it is nevertheless advisable to give preference to an experienced specialist to perform it in order to avoid the formation of a rough and painful scar. Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis is a surgical dissection of the frenulum of the foreskin. It is performed under local anesthesia, or (if indicated) under general anesthesia. As a result of frenulotomy, the short frenulum of the penis is lengthened by cutting it in the middle in the transverse direction and sewing it in longitudinally. Also, with the help of this operation, you can eliminate the curvature of the head of the penis due to the tension of the frenulum and eliminate pain during erection and sexual intercourse.

      Recovery after frenulotomy. Typically, the patient can be discharged home on the day of surgery with a wet dressing applied to the wound, which can be removed after about half a day, or the next day. The wound heals quite quickly, scars are not visible. However, at first there may be a feeling of discomfort, and sometimes pain. In this case, analgesics are prescribed. To prevent infection after surgery, a special antibiotic cream is applied to the surgical site. The day after the operation, you must visit a doctor, and you should abstain from sexual activity for two to three weeks. After a week, the discomfort stops. 8 - 10 days after the operation, it is necessary to remove the sutures (after the operation, sutures can be applied with a self-absorbing thread, in this case there is no need to remove them). There are no special restrictions after the sutures are removed. You can begin sexual activity within one and a half to two weeks after the operation.

      In cases where the issue of the need to perform circumcision - circumcision of the foreskin of the penis (with concomitant incomplete phimosis) is being decided, it is necessary to first do a frenulotomy - this may be enough to restore free mobility of the foreskin, and circumcision will be unnecessary. With concomitant webbed penis, treatment is also surgical. Plastic surgery with appropriate movement of skin flaps is recommended.

    Observations show, that it is best to undergo plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis in a timely manner, otherwise complications can lead to psychological consequences. Constant pain during sexual intercourse disrupts it, leaving partners unsatisfied, and repeated pain causes a man to fear the sexual act itself and the impossibility of satisfying the woman. All these fears lead to the fact that a man constantly experiences stress, has complexes, and may develop sexual neurosis - a chronic violation of potency.

    The prepuce, or foreskin, protects the head of the penis from damage and unnecessary touching. Closing and opening of the glans can be impaired due to disease of the frenulum - a too short fold of skin that is located on the border between the head of the penis and the foreskin.

    Reasons for the development of pathology

    In the vast majority of cases, a short frenulum is a consequence of a developmental anomaly and is combined with phimosis - a narrowing of the foreskin with the impossibility of exposing the head of the penis. According to statistics, up to 5% of uncircumcised men suffer from insufficient extensibility of the folds of skin on the penis. This anomaly is accompanied by a number of painful and unpleasant symptoms:

    With normal development, the frenulum is of sufficient length and can stretch significantly, providing comfortable and painless movement of the foreskin. A fold of skin that is too short causes a lot of trouble and can cause serious complications.

    Possible triggers

    Other possible causes of pathology are:

    Most often, the pathology is diagnosed when a man begins to have an active sexual life. That's when the real problems begin. Especially if the disease is not detected and treated in time.

    Causes of pathology in children

    It is not possible to identify a pathological condition in a small child. The main symptoms appear only during puberty. Indirect indications of the presence of an anomaly are:

    It is possible to detect the presence of a pathological condition of the frenulum of the penis in a boy only by indirect signs, since the child prefers to endure discomfort. However, if you regularly cry while urinating, a thorough examination of the penis is necessary. Possible signs of pathology are:

    • redness or swelling in the foreskin area;
    • the presence of phimosis - the inability to expose the head;
    • the appearance of bloody discharge during water procedures;
    • accumulation of smegma (preputial lubricant), causing pain and burning.

    All these symptoms indicate the possible presence of pathology in the genitals. The presence of alarming signs requires mandatory medical consultation. And in case of diagnosis of pathology - timely treatment.

    Causes of pathology in adolescents

    At the age of 13-18 years, rapid development of the genital organs occurs and the reproductive system is formed. This period is characterized by the possible occurrence of hormonal imbalances, as well as disruption of the normal functionality of certain systems and organs.

    It is during puberty that there is a high probability of a discrepancy between the growth rate of skin tissue and the rapidly developing cavernous bodies in the penis.

    As a result of the rapid onset of puberty, the frenulum of the penis becomes short in comparison with the size of the organ itself and is unable to painlessly perform its functions - to help the foreskin cover the glans.

    If a teenager in this state begins to have sex (masturbation), there is a high probability that the skin fold will rupture or cracks will appear on it. Mini-damages of this kind must be treated with an antiseptic and consult a doctor.

    Otherwise, not only mechanical damage, but also psycho-emotional discomfort may occur.

    In the long term, this can lead to a decrease in confidence in one's sexual capabilities. And even cause impotence. During adolescence, not only puberty occurs, but also psychological foundations are formed. Therefore, the young person is especially vulnerable.

    Methods of treating the pathological condition

    Although a short frenulum is not an independent disease, such an anomaly requires qualified help and drug treatment. As a method of correcting the situation, traditional medicine offers exclusively surgical intervention.

    It is emphasized that the earlier the pathology is identified, the less traumatic the treatment will be: the volume of surgical intervention in childhood is minimal, and the psyche adapts much better than in a mature man.

    For adult men, the main sign by which an anomaly can be suspected is pain and discomfort of the penis during an erection.

    In addition to a visual examination, the specialist conducts laboratory and hardware tests, after which he individually selects the most optimal type of surgical operation.

    Frenulotomy or frenuloplasty

    Dissection of the frenulum or frenulotomy is the most effective type of surgical intervention used in medical practice. Although it lasts no more than 20 minutes. and is carried out under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis (for adolescents - with general anesthesia), requires full preparation for surgical intervention:

    • blood and urine tests;
    • passing tests for allergies to painkillers;
    • additional blood tests (Rh factor, group, clotting rate).

    How is frenulotomy performed?

    On the day of the operation, you need to come to the clinic in advance (about an hour) in loose outer clothing. The patient is asked to assume a supine position on the operating table. After that:

    This is what the operation looks like using a regular scalpel. However, advances in technology have made it possible to expand the variability of frenuloplasty offerings. Clinics offer frenuloplasty using the following tools:

    At the end of the medical procedures, the patient goes home, having first listened to the doctor’s recommendations. The hygienic bandage should be removed after 12-24 hours. A longer period (days) is preferable, but you should not leave the bandage on the wound too long.

    Rehabilitation period

    After this, it is necessary to carry out regular hygiene of the operated area and ensure that you do not develop new injuries or cracks in the skin of the penis:

    • exclude increased physical activity;
    • refuse sexual intercourse and masturbation;
    • temporarily stop visiting baths and saunas.

    The rehabilitation period lasts up to 3 weeks. This type of intervention has another important advantage - the cosmetic effect in this case is maximum. There are practically no scars or seams left.

    When is VUplasty used?

    The method is rarely used because it leaves noticeable scars on the penis that cannot be hidden by the foreskin. The surgeon makes a V-shaped incision in the frenulum, then sutures the edges in such a way as to increase the length of the fold.

    In addition to cosmetic discomfort, this type of intervention can provoke phimosis, since after the operation there is a narrowing of the foreskin.

    However, VU-plasty is performed in cases where other types of intervention are contraindicated.

    The cutting technique is similar to frenulotomy. The preparatory period, duration of the operation, anesthesia, and postoperative care are the same. The differences are as follows:

    • Problem solving mechanism. In this case, not only the frenulum is cut, but the entire fold of the foreskin is removed - the doctor leaves a small area of ​​skin around the circumference (0.5-1 cm) so that there is no strong tension during an erection.
    • Duration of rehabilitation. With circumcision, the recovery period is longer (up to 8 weeks), since a large area is injured.

    The doctor recommends trimming the foreskin in cases where signs of phimosis are present. During one surgical procedure, a specialist can solve two problems at once: trim part of the skin fold, while simultaneously lengthening the frenulum. And forever rid a man of self-doubt.

    Contraindications to surgical treatment

    During preparation for surgery, a number of studies are required. However, the doctor may not be aware of any pathology in the patient. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications:

    The last contraindication is relative. It may be removed from the list after preliminary treatment.

    Non-surgical methods

    Traditional medicine categorically denies the effectiveness of such techniques. However, if there are contraindications to surgical treatment, it is worth trying home methods for stretching the skin fold. There are several of them:

    Like any unconventional methods, such treatment will only work if used for a long time - more than 3 months minimum. The effectiveness will also depend on the individual characteristics of the organism. Such as age, physiology, regularity and correctness of execution.

    What to do if the frenulum of the foreskin is torn?

    As a result of careless movements or sudden entry into the vagina, injuries or tears in the skin fold are possible. If there is pain near the frenulum or there is a rupture, do not panic. The actions should be as follows:

    • First of all, stop the bleeding. To do this, it is enough to press the gap with your fingers for at least 15 minutes. At the same time, try to fix only the damaged area, without completely pinching the vessels of the penis.
    • The second step is treatment with an antiseptic. Hydrogen peroxide is most suitable, since alcohol can burn delicate skin.
    • Seek advice from a specialist who will assess the extent of the damage and give recommendations on further actions.

    In most cases, if the frenulum is torn, the doctor will refer you for surgery. Anyone who has torn it once may be injured in the future. And with consequences of varying complexity.

    Why have surgery?

    Some men live happily with a short frenulum all their lives because they do not experience discomfort. However, the appearance of pain, especially at an early age, is an alarming signal.

    Indeed, in the future, discomfort during sex can become a trigger mechanism for the development of impotence. If the anomaly is acquired (due to balanoposthitis or other inflammatory diseases), then surgical treatment is the only way to avoid further injuries.

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